Black Crusade - Servitude Imperpetuis

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • Dragged from the cells, chains clinking
    Criminal condemned, to a fate unthinking
    Tech-priests gather, in shadowed halls
    Mind-wipe awaits, sanity falls
    Eyes wide, fear unspoken
    Neural pathways severed, identity broken
    Screams within, unheard cries
    In the darkness, the human dies
    Servitude Imperpituis, a fate so grim
    Mindless slave, programmed on a whim
    Trapped in steel, no escape, no dream
    I have no mouth, but I must scream
    Cybernetic limbs, fused to flesh
    A twisted form, a life enmeshed
    Programmed to serve, a single task
    In the silence, the questions ask
    Fragments of memory, lost and found
    In the void, where thoughts abound
    Incoherent babble, a mind in pain
    Struggling for awareness, but all in vain
    Servitude Imperpituis, a fate so grim
    Mindless slave, programmed on a whim
    Trapped in steel, no escape, no dream
    I have no mouth, but I must scream
    Darkness eternal, silence profound
    In the depths of mind, echoes resound
    Lost within the machine, a ghost
    A human soul, a forgotten host
    Mechanical eyes, see the world
    Through a veil of steel, thoughts unfurled
    Moments of clarity, glimpses of past
    Fleeting memories, never to last
    In the nightmare, existence bound
    A servitor’s life, in torment drowned
    Silent cries, unheard pleas
    A life of pain, brought to its knees
    Servitude Imperpituis, a fate so grim
    Mindless slave, programmed on a whim
    Trapped in steel, no escape, no dream
    I have no mouth, but I must scream
    Eternal servitude, a life condemned
    In the cold embrace, of the Mechanicum’s end
    No freedom, no peace, only despair
    A mindless servitor, forever ensnared


  • @jk6786
    @jk6786 Місяць тому +1
