100K already!! Happy Veterans Day!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Luck3257
    @Luck3257 2 роки тому +3

    You and your videos is what got me into TMC . Keep the videos coming and hopefully one day we will meet up out there.

    • @whitecollartrucker
      @whitecollartrucker  2 роки тому +1

      Wow Michael! Thank you so so much! :-) See you on the road! :-)

    • @Brad210UIW
      @Brad210UIW Рік тому

      I’m looking at tmc myself

    • @Luck3257
      @Luck3257 Рік тому

      @@Brad210UIW you should give it a shot. They have been great to me every step of the way. Great pay and benefits man. And I believe he would say the same too.

  • @randyhorton1827
    @randyhorton1827 Рік тому

    Kick ass video. Peace of Mind Bro!

  • @ronnieholman4057
    @ronnieholman4057 2 роки тому +1

    Stay safe out there I will be in touch with you around February when I complete CDL class after the holiday

  • @jboy7339
    @jboy7339 2 роки тому +1

    Strap runs between rub rail and secures under edge of trailer.. It’s called a rub rail for a reason.

  • @goldfadeshomeofneatanddeta8813


  • @jeremyhamilton3435
    @jeremyhamilton3435 2 роки тому

    Hopefully you can be my mentor I start tmc Tuesday

    • @whitecollartrucker
      @whitecollartrucker  2 роки тому +1

      When do you graduate!

    • @jeremyhamilton3435
      @jeremyhamilton3435 2 роки тому

      @@whitecollartrucker I graduated from a truck school in Macon ga but I start orientation with tmc Tuesday in South Carolina

    • @whitecollartrucker
      @whitecollartrucker  2 роки тому +1

      @@jeremyhamilton3435 I will have a trainee until 1/13.
      Do you smoke?
      Do you vape?
      Do you chew tobacco?
      Do you snore?

    • @jeremyhamilton3435
      @jeremyhamilton3435 2 роки тому

      @@whitecollartrucker no I don't neither one and I will be in south Carolina for two weeks and then do I get a mentor or how do it work

    • @whitecollartrucker
      @whitecollartrucker  2 роки тому +1

      @@jeremyhamilton3435 let me know your employee number when you are assigned one and then I will reach out to training to link us up.

  • @ronnieholman4057
    @ronnieholman4057 2 роки тому +1

    And I'm already signed up with TMC they're just waiting for me to finish CDL class

  • @TaylorHaubrich
    @TaylorHaubrich 2 роки тому

    I would go ahead and put another 4" strap going alternate direction on the very back bundle as well. If you have any wenches left. If not use a 2" ratchet strap.

  • @davidallen9538
    @davidallen9538 2 роки тому

    Man hundred thousand dollars. Dude that’s outstanding. Hey Paul I was just how many referrals you’ve had this year. I think you told me your had eight last year.

  • @chasingblessings1904
    @chasingblessings1904 2 роки тому

    Hey it’s all good man 😅 I’ll still wear the hoodie send it brother lol.

  • @donaldgraham1744
    @donaldgraham1744 Рік тому

    I am going Monday to take my test for my CDL and I have a Fed 6th start date as long as I pass. I am looking forward to starting my own career with TMC. Any suggestions

    • @whitecollartrucker
      @whitecollartrucker  Рік тому

      Heck yeah Donald! You got this man!! Going into TMC with a great attitude, willingness to learn, implement what you learn, improve everyday on the backing pad and you’ll be fine. :-)

  • @livinglife8489
    @livinglife8489 Рік тому

    Does TMC have marine division?

    • @whitecollartrucker
      @whitecollartrucker  Рік тому +1

      No. I don’t believe so. We have a boat division.

    • @livinglife8489
      @livinglife8489 Рік тому

      @@whitecollartrucker It’s the same thing. I actually checked on TMC website and they require 1 yr otr for the boat division. Thanks for the quick reply! Keep up the good work! Stay safe!

  • @chasingblessings1904
    @chasingblessings1904 2 роки тому

    Hey I’m on the December run as well maybe we’ll see each other on the road someday.

  • @integrity7003
    @integrity7003 2 роки тому

    HEY THERE WHITE COLLAR TRUCKER! I have a question when you did the orientation for TMC did you have to do all the backup tests and all that stuff again? I just passed my class A and I’m not wanting to have to go through all that stuff again!

    • @whitecollartrucker
      @whitecollartrucker  2 роки тому

      Yes. They teach how to do serpentine/parallel park and a 45 degree back.

    • @integrity7003
      @integrity7003 2 роки тому

      @@whitecollartrucker even if your already certified and have your license? They still make u do it all again

    • @whitecollartrucker
      @whitecollartrucker  2 роки тому +3

      @@integrity7003 Yes. They teach you their way. Trust me it’s worth it. Plus most CDL schools teach 90 degree backs for dry vans. TMC does 45 degree backs for flatbed. It’s not that difficult. Don’t let that deter you from TMC. Plus I would imagine that any company you choose will have you doing backing practice during orientation and training with trainers.

  • @BrianGallardo-h7m
    @BrianGallardo-h7m Рік тому

    Do you still work for tmc

  • @robbinstruckinglandclearin786
    @robbinstruckinglandclearin786 2 роки тому +1

    It’s the marines birthday today thanks to arm forces 👍

  • @cartezwebb9503
    @cartezwebb9503 2 роки тому

    Nice Safety Hat ⛑ Where Can I Get One At‼️

    • @whitecollartrucker
      @whitecollartrucker  2 роки тому

      ACERPAL Full Brim Hard Hat OSHA... www.amazon.com/dp/B07GBF4KPS?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

  • @ronnieholman4057
    @ronnieholman4057 2 роки тому

    Haven't seen videos in a while where are you

  • @heath5566
    @heath5566 2 роки тому

    Do you run in 1 state or region

  • @23ybvc
    @23ybvc 2 роки тому

    Man I want you to train me but you probably won’t be available when I finish orientation

    • @whitecollartrucker
      @whitecollartrucker  2 роки тому +1

      When do you start orientation?

    • @23ybvc
      @23ybvc 2 роки тому

      @@whitecollartrucker I’m in orientation now going into my second week Friday I’ll be done

    • @whitecollartrucker
      @whitecollartrucker  2 роки тому

      @@23ybvc yeah sorry amigo…I just started with a trainee today. :-/
      Hopefully you get a great trainer and all will be good! :-)

  • @chasingblessings1904
    @chasingblessings1904 2 роки тому

    Hey congrats on the 6F’s quite an accomplishment. Do you typically go home every week or every other week?