You both have a load of crap. Liars all the way! There are only two castles in Toronto - Casa Loma, which is a historic museum famous about ghost sightings, and another one is Fort York, which is a historic site also famous about ghost sightings. Please note Fort York is a popular place for homeless people sleep there. So are you saying the Chinese singer couple was homeless when they were in Toronto?
唔係Richmond 、係温哥華西區二十五街、已經改變為佛敎佛堂、不過外形係普通房屋
泰国咁猛 住一晚都有 ? 又咁中意去 ? 马来西亚也多.... 是啊 仲系住在树顶添 又去?
The house on King Edward and Cambie is now going to be torn down and slated to be redeveloped into a condo building.
那女人 真係危言聳聽 澳洲真的唔係佢所講得咁猛鬼 😡
「你都知外國好大架嘛」 笑左
Sun Yuen Hui d吵架的時候,就知道好聽不
個主持好唔那掂, 2:12 人地講完曾經有兇案妳都比D反應啦~
一句話能打成一大段 你也很怪
Jeanactic 那棍是你的咯!还不怪,你重記得你在哪裏来潻⋯⋯你好叻呀
Con L 又一個無睇清楚,人駁你又駁,你神!所以怪,閣下亦係「天下無棍事 揸棍自扑之」
銀河星星點點 看你說話像80歲老人
Con L 你睇清楚先講啦,我講得冇錯呀!記得事唔奇,奇就奇在,知道嗰時係幾歲,你是記得瑣碎事,但係唔知嗰時我幾歲,你都要問家人先確認係幾歲,所以我講得冇錯喎,以後睇清楚先駁啦!
You both have a load of crap. Liars all the way! There are only two castles in Toronto - Casa Loma, which is a historic museum famous about ghost sightings, and another one is Fort York, which is a historic site also famous about ghost sightings. Please note Fort York is a popular place for homeless people sleep there. So are you saying the Chinese singer couple was homeless when they were in Toronto?
These two women have no shames telling lies!
x 2倍速
It could be an electric car , it has noises .