Castelo de Paderne - Paderne Castle Albufeira FPV 4k

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • Castelo de Paderne
    Conta a lenda que numa manhã de primavera, estavam as mouras a tomar o seu banho na ribeira que corre no sopé do monte do castelo, quando umas crianças que brincavam próximo das margens vieram a correr e disseram-lhes:
    -“ Veja minha mãe, que engraçado!”
    - “O quê, filho?”
    - “As mouras a correr para o castelo.”
    A mulher saiu a correr do banho, cobriu o corpo nu com o albornoz do marido e correu para ver o que se passava com as companheiras.
    Compreendeu de imediato a desgraça que iria acontecer-lhes.
    Os cristãos tinham encontrado uma estratégia para se aproximar do castelo. Arrancaram mato lá longe do castelo, e cobertos por este, estavam a avançar em direcção ao castelo para o conquistar.
    A moura, imediatamente avisou todas as companheiras, que correram nuas para entrar pela boca do subterrâneo que comunicava com a interior do castelo. Aí se esconderam.
    Da mesma forma, os mouros que trabalhavam nos seus campos recolheram ao castelo foram e foram em seguida reforçar as fileiras de mouros contra os cristãos.
    Foi rude e mortífero o combate.
    Depois de algum tempo, os sarracenos foram expulsos do castelo, ficando os cristãos em com a posse do castelo.
    Conta a lenda que no subterrâneo do castelo ficaram essas mouras e esses mouros encantados, que até aos dias de hoje defendem os seus tesouros até que o seu povo os venha desencantar.
    Nunca saem dali a não ser à meia noite ou ao meio dia. Algumas pessoas dos arredores já os viram a sair das entranhas do castelo por essas horas.
    OLIVEIRA, Francisco, As Mouras Encantadas e os Encantamentos do Algarve em JF Paderne
    ENGLISH Legend has it that on a spring morning, the Moors were taking their bath in the stream that runs at the foot of the castle hill, when some children who were playing near the banks came running and said to them:
    - “See my mom, how funny!”
    - “What son?”
    - “The Moors running to the castle.”
    The woman ran out of the bath, covered her naked body with her husband’s hump and ran to see what was going on with her companions.
    He understood immediately the disgrace that was going to happen to them.
    The Christians had found a strategy for approaching the castle. They took out weeds far from the castle, and covered by it, they were advancing towards the castle to conquer it.
    The Moorish immediately warned all of her companions, who ran naked to enter the mouth of the underground that communicated with the interior of the castle. There they hid.
    In the same way, the Moors who worked in their fields collected the castle and went and then reinforced the ranks of Moors against the Christians.
    The combat was rude and deadly.
    After some time, the Saracens were expelled from the castle, with the Christians remaining in possession of the castle.
    Legend has it that in the underground of the castle were these Moors and those enchanted Moors, who until today defend their treasures until their people come to disenchant them.
    They never leave until midnight or noon. Some people in the vicinity have seen them leave the castle’s bowels during those hours.
    OLIVEIRA, Francisco, The Enchanted Mouras and the Enchantments of the Algarve in JF Paderne