Mono Green vs UG Enchantress, Semi-Final Camel Trophy VI | OS Magic The Gathering

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @TimmytheSorcerer
    @TimmytheSorcerer  6 днів тому +1

    See more matches played at the Camel Trophy in the tournament playlist,

  • @natebullington6217
    @natebullington6217 6 днів тому +5

    Force of Nature seeing some love. Was my favorite creature growing up

  • @TonyWZ1079
    @TonyWZ1079 6 днів тому +5

    Always love to see Mono Green decks in action.

  • @Draregkoeliekalie
    @Draregkoeliekalie 4 дні тому +2

    Ive recently returned to magic and I so regret selling my collection 15 years ago... didnt have anyone to play with, but nowadays so many places to go and play. Seeing all these old school cards take me back to 94/95 when I played this game the nost :)

  • @joshuagannon6566
    @joshuagannon6566 6 днів тому +1

    Instant like on this video. Two absolutely beautiful green decks in the semi-finals of an Old School tournament one of which making it to the finals obviously (No spoilers for the people that check out comments first). So hyped for the finals! And let's give it up to the Ley Druids that made it to the semi-finals! Huzzah!

  • @grovelinggoblin2683
    @grovelinggoblin2683 5 днів тому

    Great match, loved both of these decks!

  • @mix-n-match834
    @mix-n-match834 6 днів тому +3

    It's kinda interesting to see how Enchantress archetype evolved. From people trying (and usually failing) to make it main strategy and win condition of their decks to treating it more like an draw engine build around other strategies.

    • @TimmytheSorcerer
      @TimmytheSorcerer  6 днів тому

      True, if you have the Enchantress and it sticks great, bc you draw cards, if it doesn’t also fine and if she’s killed on sight (what usually happens) it eats removal, also fine 🤷‍♂️

  • @cptfwiffo
    @cptfwiffo 6 днів тому +3

    I gotta say, without manaburn, suchi is just way overpowered. The entire downside of it dying on your opponents turn, then taking 4 mana burn is the equalizer (essentially it's a non-blocker unless you want to take the damage)

  • @asdfasdfas364
    @asdfasdfas364 5 днів тому +1

    These were fun matches to watch!

  • @ibanezleftyclub
    @ibanezleftyclub 6 днів тому +1

    The Maze/Berserk combo is so good I don’t know if I would personally run mono green without it.

    • @TimmytheSorcerer
      @TimmytheSorcerer  6 днів тому +1

      I also like the versions without Berserk, bc it gives you more slots for cheap creatures, but yeah a well timed Berserk feels so good 😊 and changing it into a removal spell with maze is great.

  • @gabrielesquaratti5709
    @gabrielesquaratti5709 6 днів тому +2

    mono g decks are THE BEST.
    of course i play mono g xD

  • @Rorschachqp
    @Rorschachqp 6 днів тому

    Someone stole your playmat. Have video proof.

  • @Rorschachqp
    @Rorschachqp 4 дні тому

    In the mono green, if he doesn't want to play Berserk, that's fine because he's not running any Blood Lust. But I would sneak in a Concordant Crossroads and have a few in the sideboard.

    • @TimmytheSorcerer
      @TimmytheSorcerer  4 дні тому +1

      He's on to the finals, it'll be interesting to see how he does.