Flyfishing in London : London flyfishing : Urban flyfishing

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @davefelce8554
    @davefelce8554 4 години тому +1

    Absolutely top-notch Tim! A superb video that deserves a wide audience. Well done, and thank you 🙏

  • @karlrichards4125
    @karlrichards4125 Годину тому +1

    Wonderfully informative and encouraging video - living only 30mins from central London by train and occasionally working in the city I built up a small roving kit and it’s amazing the wealth of fish I’ve had over the years on fly and coarse fishing. Would encourage others to get out and try too.

  • @geoffhadley1760
    @geoffhadley1760 Годину тому

    Great stuff, Tim!👍 A really good guide and showcase for the diversity of (fly) fishing in London. Excellent!👏👏

  • @mrflyfishing1143
    @mrflyfishing1143 17 годин тому +1

    Good stuff, Tim. This is accurate, useful information for many anglers who would like to discover the town and its outskirts!

  • @oldsmugglerflyfishing
    @oldsmugglerflyfishing 14 годин тому

    It's been a while since your last urban fishing video. It's worth the wait.

  • @laurieharper1526
    @laurieharper1526 5 годин тому

    Very informative video, Tim. I lived in London for 65 years and used to fly fish the Wandle. I've moved away now I'm retired (I'm fortunate to live half a mile from the Test, although fishing it is too rich for my blood - I have found free or reasonably priced stretches of the Itchen). Outside London itself, but within the M25, you mentioned the Darent, but the Chess around Rickmansworth is worth a cast. Tight lines.

  • @cerithomas5465
    @cerithomas5465 20 годин тому

    Great vid Tim. Really informative.

  • @deividas_kimontas
    @deividas_kimontas 16 годин тому

    Urban fishing is the best! 🔥🎣 Great work!!!

  • @ruebdogg1
    @ruebdogg1 19 годин тому

    Love this video! THANKS from Colorado!!

  • @paulbarnett-zz9fv
    @paulbarnett-zz9fv 17 годин тому

    Really good video, so useful. Thank ya

  • @gixer7719
    @gixer7719 Годину тому

    I am 58 , as a 15 year old I lived in Ruislip Gardens , I used to fish the canal in Uxbridge and if you walk the canal north until you get to the first lock keepers cottage , I believe the river colne runs under the canal , there was a weir behind the cottage ,
    I used to catch grayling there regularly , not large , maybe 1/4 to half pound ,
    I wonder what that spot is like now as I’ve moved far from London now and many years have passed
    Great informative video

  • @StevenMurgatroyd
    @StevenMurgatroyd 22 години тому +1

    Excellent Tim!

  • @georgefairweathermoonlight4
    @georgefairweathermoonlight4 21 годину тому +1

    great over view, sounds like theres a lot of water to wet ya whistle, still watching from NZ, keep posting Tim

  • @gordondavies7773
    @gordondavies7773 37 хвилин тому

    I used to fish the Grand Union in Perivale, the pond in Gunnesbury Park and the stretch of the Thames near Kingston power station (thanks to the 65 bus). I used to stare at the Brent in Pitshanger Park, and dream of the day that it would be worth fishing

  • @pauljohnstone5213
    @pauljohnstone5213 16 годин тому

    Good video. Very informative.

  • @robertketley6152
    @robertketley6152 16 годин тому

    Nice work Tim!
    Keston Ponds were "country" fishing for Bromley kids in the 70's. It used to hold some big (almost impossible to catch) carp, along with roach, rudd, tench, and pike.
    Has anyone checked on the old ( late 1800s) ice ponds off Plaistow Lane? No idea if there's legal access, though that wasn't something we even thought of as 10-year-olds...

  • @alexstepanischev7040
    @alexstepanischev7040 22 години тому +1

    Good stuff 👍👍👍
    Keep going on 💪

  • @TJC020
    @TJC020 18 годин тому

    Well presented tim 👏

  • @kaiserinfishy8071
    @kaiserinfishy8071 19 годин тому

    „Occasionally you might get some Karen“ 😂

  • @Bjoern_Spearzen
    @Bjoern_Spearzen 20 годин тому

    Thanks for the guide! Does that mean that you are allowed to fish all streams with saltwater species in them even when it is closed season for coarse fish?

    • @flyfishinglondoner
      @flyfishinglondoner  20 годин тому +1

      Theoretically yes. As long as there are saltwater fish present you can fish for them year round although bass and mullet are mostly about March to November really.

    • @Bjoern_Spearzen
      @Bjoern_Spearzen 20 годин тому

      Cool! If I ever visit London, I‘ll make sure to take my flyrod with me. 😎

  • @rangerwhite5165
    @rangerwhite5165 15 годин тому +2

    It's a shame our water companies are treating our rivers as sewers. It's a disgrace.

  • @kerryjordan7746
    @kerryjordan7746 21 годину тому +1

    Have you fished the Ravensbourne?

    • @flyfishinglondoner
      @flyfishinglondoner  20 годин тому

      Yes I have, it's behind my house. One of the photos, two in fact where behind the Sydenham Sainsbury's before a chemical spill killed the stretch.

  • @DusktillDawnfishingexperience
    @DusktillDawnfishingexperience 5 годин тому

    Cool man 🎉

  • @robertstanger258
    @robertstanger258 5 годин тому +1

    How can I contact you, I work and teach young people disenfranchised from society, I used Automotive engineering to reach out, but I also and a keen fisherman, I think fishing is excellent for your mental health, love to have a chat you would be an excellent ambassador for my young people 😊❤️

  • @karl5633
    @karl5633 22 години тому +1

    Yes! Been too long!!!!