Yes good evening, it's fine and at your house then it's Mr. President. I send you your message and I'm so happy but it's who it is that's the problem with me at the moment, I don't have the money anymore but before it's me, I'm at work and they have not yet but in my account. Ah good but that I wanted to take the money from her.
Merci beaucoup j apprends beaucoup avec vos lecons j apprecie beaucoup votre façon d enseigner etje vous vous suis reconnaissante Mr james🙏🥰
Merci pour partager.
Bonjour me james j apprécie vos cours d d'anglais je vs remercie infiniment de votre générosité
Thank's so Much.
Merci et thank you very much 🙏🏻🙏🏽🙏🏿
Bon travail, c'est trés bien.
Je vous remercie. 👍🤓
J ai entendu me semble veut dire I heard non I hear(présent).
Yes good evening, I'm fine and at your place weather forecast Bologna.
Ko ni
Yes good evening, it's fine and at your house then it's Mr. President. I send you your message and I'm so happy but it's who it is that's the problem with me at the moment, I don't have the money anymore but before it's me, I'm at work and they have not yet but in my account. Ah good but that I wanted to take the money from her.