It's called "projection by confession" - i.e., how could they be guilty if they charge YOU with a crime? This way it looks like the 2 sides are somehow 'equal' and their badge tips the scales. Also, when they charge you, you're handicapped in attacking them, because you HAVE to defend yourself from their [spurious] charges. A way to fix this is the English rule, even [especially] in criminal charges: Loser pays court costs of winner. Think about it. No more stacking charges, among other things.
Hey Ian, let's say hypothetically that someone makes a false statement about you committing a crime. Let's say it's because of discrimination about white dudes that wear backwards hats. Would your first response be to throw punches at someone grabbing you? And let's say it all happened too fast and you threw an instinctive first punch. Would you still try to fight even after having 30 seconds to realize that two cops are trying to detain you?
@@jimsty7550 if you're referring to the guy being disabled, let me disagree with you. For the sake of the argument, I'll agree he's deaf but not physically handicapped. Why? Because he was speed walking and as soon as the cop grabbed his arm, he went into a fighting stance and threw at least 1 punch that we can see clearly. Then proceeded to successfully hold off two grown male adults (who are probably somewhat trained) until he got tased. People are acting like those cops beat up a deaf, blind, and wheelchair-bound guy off the street.
@@strangerous1313 Judges don't have to rubber stamp. I know the Judge has a checklist with boxes and looking at what happened WITHOUT context would allow the Judge to push the case forward. HOWEVER, context is so clear here the Judge could have done that exceptional thing and pointed out how egregiously abusive the Prosecutor and Police are being with their powers.
@DoubleDe I swore that oath, and I'll abide by it until the day I stop breathing.... But the constitution, and the oath that's sworn to protect it, is only as steadfast as the caliber of individual who raise their hand and feel that obligation to protect its sanctity to their very core/soul.... Those " so-called officers" are absolutely not, and will never be, the caliber of individual, we should entrust to uphold and protect the Constitution of the United States!...
@@strangerous1313What are you going on about!? The video shows cops aggressively attacking someone, going hands on before the guy even knew what was going on.
Thank God. However, the police officers, prosecutor and the judge involved must be subject to intense investigation and be rooted out of the criminal justice system. It's obvious they committed a grave miscarriage of justice. Previous decisions of this judge should also be reviewed independently.
One of the best neurosurgeons in the world told me a few weeks ago I have a permanent bruise on my spinal cord at C3/C4 in my neck. That's really the worst place. He said one good hit and it's lights out permanently or paralyzed. I look just like everyone else you see every day. Just like the cops couldn't see this man was deaf. Cops need to stop with the 0-100 jump to violence just because they want to abuse people. I'm terrified of an encounter like this happening to me.
@@bubbagames6196 the whole judiciary system should be abolished immediately and reformed, the corruption inside is stoppable if they reformed and removed the cancel culture from our government..
@@marioreynolds2470 It's why charges weren't brought against the murderers of Ahmaud Arbery until one of them was stupid enough to release the video. They knew the cops and the judge (I think). I'd have to look up the details again but they definitely knew someone who had the power to keep them from being prosecuted. Corrupt system.
You're not paying attention. This hearing is to determine if there is enough evidence to try the man for the assault pn the store clerk, and that alone....NOT whether the officers did something wrong. That is an entirely different case. And yes, they will be in big trouble.
@strangerous1313 How many times are you going to copy and paste the same post. You remind me of the individual who says, "Don't believe your lying eyes or ears. Can you guess who does this ?
@@strangerous1313 You did not pay attention. The person who claimed assault, Derek, did not work for the store. Derek was being trespassed by the cops. The store clerk called to have Derek removed. Derek deflected and pointed out Mr. McAlpin as a person who assaulted him. The Circle K store clerk had nothing to do with what happened to Mr. McAlpin. This serious of events was set in motion by three liars with poor reasoning skills, Derek, Kyle Sue, and Ben Harris. This case is an obvious ploy to mitigate the unprofessional and frankly criminal behavior of Kyle Sue and Ben Harris. Harris ran at McAlpin and started punching. It's obvious from the video that McAlpin put his hands up to protect himself. McAlpin did not run at Harris. McAlpin put his hands up and tried to get away from Harris several times. Harris's claim that he saw McAlpin raise his hands as if to punch is a garbage lie. Why run toward someone who you think is going to punch you? He didn't fear for his safety. These policemen are stupid and committed liars. The judge in this case is also stupid. At this point Phoenix, AZ is stupid for allowing this to happen in their city.
Dude imagine being deaf and then can’t hear this coming and out of nowhere someone jumps you. That’s horrifying and hurts to see even after knowing history they have no empathy.
@@Matty272 not what happened at all. The criminal attacked the cop instantly. That's what the video shows. Stop believing stupid narratives and trust your own damned eyes.
@@strangerous1313 So please explain the assault on the officer? and don't come with that he bit him rubbish. That's hear say (he got caught out asked to perform the bite action) the officers r tyrants and the judge is corrupt and u agree with that ruling you're just as bad as them. The video is clear and plain to see. Came flying out like a bat outta hell and assumed he was noncompliant but in fact is dead so assaulted him that PD got history FOH
@@strangerous1313because everything that occurred was after the illegal detainment and assault on the victim- all that gets thrown out. This judge is a tyrant and not following the law.
If you wear a blue outfit and have a shiny piece of metal on your chest, you don’t go to prison for committing crimes. You get promoted, a pension and union protection.
Exactly. They were called for an actual criminal, they politely and professionally approach him, he then points at a random black guy that they weren’t called for and they go full military mode on him and forget all about the perp they were called for. No wag can anyone claim this wasn’t racially motivated.
You're not paying attention. This hearing is to determine if there is enough evidence to try the man for assault, and that alone. NOT whether the officers did anything wrong. That is an entirely different case.
@strangerous1313 your copy paste is ridiculous at this point. They had nothing to arrest the man in the first place and if the judge had a gd heart he would drop the charges against the deaf man who was jumped by two thugs. It really is that easy. Judges do it ALL THE TIME
The fact that the first cop said he would have done things differently if Tyron told him he was deaf but didn’t even give him time to do anything is so criminal.
And certainly a straight up lie. He jumped out of his vehicle in full attack mode from behind and to the left. No chance for their victim to have a clue what was coming.
These officers are trying to use a Jedi Mind trick 😒, it's obvious what took place. Out Right Corruption, Spin, Lies ... The judicial system is so political and corrupt that they don't even try to hide it 😳. Just goes to show you and the world what a black man's worth, and yet say we are all equal...Yeah Right...Racism on full display...God Help Us!!🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
They started hitting this guy as first point of contact. This felt like some slavery type stuff. That black boy over yonder looked at me.. And go to beat the black man down. No specific black man. First one down yonder they see.. it’s a hate crime!!
This started getting horrible in 2016 up until now..WHITE PEOPLE show you are good and would not WANT NOR ALLOW your brother, child or father beatened or attacked at leisure like this for NOTHING NOR FOR A SERIOUS REASON !! Lord Jesus please do not people hurt people like this Disabled or Non- Disabled please.🙏🏼🙏🏾🙏🙏🏿 Would they enjoy their baby hurting EXACTLY like this. Where is the police camera? OH he is a Body Language Expert ? Does he have a Masters Degree in this or just expert training ?
@strangerous1313 what crime is the hearing for? They can't charge him for resisting when there was no crime. They can't charge him for assault, as he didn't commit assault, your fellow officers committed all the crimes, duh.
D'ont worry , i'm absolutely sure that they were not expecting what's coming for them. The backlash is going to be huge on this one. A true injustice and corruption case.
@@pascalfilion3518Keeping my fingers crossed. It's a shame the public has to do the work for justice these days. Thank God for cameras, who knows what these fools used to get away with before them.
@TruthHurts2u If someone attacks you like this cop did your natural reaction is to defend your self. Police know this so this is how they put charges on people.
I think it will reach a point where every black, homeless or disabled person will have to wear a body camera just like the cops, because when you have a system of lying ass cops, a blind DA and clearly bias ass judge against you from the jump street, one needs to lawyer and camera up.
@@paulbrown9017They had cameras... When you get a corrupt liberal judge on the side of the law... Remember this is what you're trying to vote for in the White House..
@Jonathan_Brown145 That's right, even if it involves a cop. The deaf man couldn't hear the cop barking orders. So, the cop felt he was being disrespected. So, he became angry and charged at the deaf man. You can see this cop charging at him. If you had no clue what was going on and you see someone coming at you, you are going to defend yourself.
That judge, Nicholas Saccone. He has a 6 year term by appointment. Prop 137 in AZ, on the ballot RIGHT NOW, would make that a lifetime appointment. If anyone reading this can vote in AZ, VOTE NO ON PROP 137.
Do gang members remove there tattoos? Aren’t gang members Proud of there barrio or hood ? That’s what he is doing representing the gang of Phoenix just like the Banditos , the executioners , The 3000 all Police gangs on paper not just word LAPD Pigs
The victim is still facing charges while the badged street thugs who attacked him are still not charged. Absolutely disgusting! That whole department needs to be disbanded with every one of the thugs fired.
The fact that their still in uniform working the streets is disgusting. I'm sure at most, they'll just re-locate to another department. There's truly no accountability for police officers.
👨⚖️ Well… There WAS probable cause. More than enough. Respectfully, you and many other people just don’t understand the process and what probable causes for. Probable cause we decided by the judge does not decide whether they agree that the guy should’ve been charged, did they agree with the cops, or even if they agree that the jury will find him guilty. It’s none of those. It’s extremely low bar that just says there’s enough evidence that a reasonable person could believe that technically a law may have been broken. And my guess is someone that still wants to argue with say there’s no way it’s possible, but again that’s false. It’s completely reasonable to believe that this guy continue to fight back after he saw the police uniform, so that is more than enough probable cause. I system has the jury decide most cases to decide whether they want to just let him go we’re still fighting with the cops are there, or maybe just one of those things you can’t expect the human mind to necessarily consciously mentally process that they are cops even though they saw the cop uniform. It is very aggravating when people don’t understand the system yet they believe they do. On one hand I understand that, but on the other hand is still extremely aggravating. I try not to have an opinion about something I’m not knowledgeable on.c
Please, the guy clearly faught with the cops and resisted them. If he would have just STOPPED, like a normal person would, Nothing would have happened. He shouldn't get special treatment that the rest of us wouldn't get.
Probably a former prosecutor, they normally are, and instead being on the side of caution and innocent until guilty or siding with the people and the constitution the traitors always side with the pigs, because they are the new lords and rulers who can not be prosecuted for violating the law.
@@learnmore6192 not bias a racist useless human.I hope the federal oversight cost every taxpayer in phoenix everything they own ,they voted for these vile humans.
The judge proceeding with charging that man is just disgusting; period!!! He needs glasses and or removed from the bench. He probably charged him just to try to justify the officers actions for the upcoming lawsuits!!!
He's deaf He hasn't done anything wrong and a car swerves in front of him so he moves out of the way. They will literally ruin an innocent man's life over nothing. Disgusting
As humans we have a flight or fight instinct when we feel threatened....if you are just walking along and in less than a couple of seconds you have someone you don't know (Police included especially if you are a black man in America) just run up on you and try to grab you the automatic response is what you saw in the video. Your brain doesn't have time to process what is going on before you are attacked!....funny when police claim that they only have a split second to decide to shoot an unarmed black man because they thought he had a gun & feared for their lives the system buys it and lets them slide...but the unarmed, untrained citizen who in this case is deaf and disabled doesn't get the same benefit of the doubt.....On top of all of this is the failure to do proper investigating...the store said a white guy was who they were trespassing, they walk up and talk to the white guy that they were supposed to be trespassing he lies, points to a black man walking minding his own dang business and the cops race off to go "bag" them another black man! Was the white guy ever arrested and charged with filing a false report, lying to the police, obstructing justice and endangering the wellbeing of not only the cops but more importantly the innocent black man? Nope....sounds about white! Amerikkka, hell of a country! The store, It's CEO & it's employees who called about the white guy & any witnesses should all be calling into the country attorney's office to have those charges dismissed immediately! But for those tRump supporters and back the blue people who wonder why black people and minorities don't like the police or the justice system here is a plain example! Those officers don't need to have a gun or a badge! The officers should be charged with willful injury and assault for what they did to that man based off of a lie and lack of a proper investigation! The Judge needs to be removed from the bench! There is no reason that this case should be moving forward other than to cover the police department and The City Of Phoenix butts because a big lawsuit is coming!
Hes deaf, he cant hear anything. Go watch the full video. Cops jump out he doesn't know what the heck is going on. Try putting your hands behind your back while getting tased. You cant move because youre being tased.
WTF!!!! Must be living in a police state. Watching this from England, UK, these out of control tyrants should be charged with aggravated assault (or even attempted murder) for this level of abuse of the uniform, badge and oath to protect and serve
You're not paying attention. This hearing is to determine if there is enough evidence to try the man for the assault pn the store clerk, and that alone....NOT whether the officers did something wrong. That is an entirely different case. And yes, they will be in big trouble.
@@strangerous1313 sorry but I think you missed the part where they showed who was being removed from the store. He wasn't a clerk . He was a trespasser. That's why the police were called there in the first place. If you watch the video to 7:55 you will be right where they start to explain this part of the story. Tyron McAlpin was falsely accused by Derek for some unknown reason of assaulting Derek. However, rather than confirming his story with Circle K employees Officer Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum decided to take the word of the man they were there to remove for whatever he was doing wrong. They then left Derek at The Circle K while they took off after Tyron McAlpin and viciously assaulted him. If either one of them had used their god-given senses, or paid any attention at any sensitivity training they may have had.... They would have realised that this man was disabled just by saying the way he walked. Using their eyes again they would have seen the absolute terror on his face and realised there was something very wrong. When he raised his hands they were not in fists. He didn't swing at anyone. He may have been trying to point to his ears to tell them that he was deaf. But he was never given that opportunity. He was also not given the opportunity of flashing lights which would have alerted him to the fact that they wanted him to stop. That is the reason, the entire reason flashing red and blue lights are used with Sirens. Regardless of anything Tyron McAlpin did nothing. Derek lied. I don't know whether it was so that he could get away, or whether it was because he's just a troublemaker. If you watch the story properly and listen to everything you will see that there was never a reason for Tyron McAlpin to be stopped by those officers.
@@strangerous1313 the judge could have just dropped the case but he chose to move forward with it. it is blatant corruption. hes trying to ruin the life of an objectively innocent man and protect those vicious monsters so the man wont have the oppurtunity to sue them until after the trial
Sad thing is NOTHING will happen. The brown, black and Asian man has been, is and will always be a $$lave to the wh1t3 man. The fact that 5% of the world population (wh1t3 man) controls 95% percent of the world's population is just pathetic. Every c010red man should be embarrassed of their open and obvious emasculation. I bet you a million $$ that other b1ack folks are laughing at this poor guy going "yooooooo ma n111ka got domed son...that cray cray". They can't even support their own. Why the FCCCKK would anyone else give a $h1t about how these two P0$s got away with clear a$$ult!!
The cop was enjoying punching the guy. You can tell because he kept saying put your arms behind your back (deaf man didn't comply), punch, punch, punch, put your arms behind your back, punch, punch, punch,... This goes on for a while. This is hard to watch. These people are sick.
@@ScraphouseTV Keep that same energy when the billionaires suing this police department that's already getting shut down by the feds for an insane amount of violence win this lawsuit 🤡
👨⚖️ Well… There WAS probable cause. More than enough. Respectfully, you and many other people just don’t understand the process and what probable causes for. Probable cause we decided by the judge does not decide whether they agree that the guy should’ve been charged, did they agree with the cops, or even if they agree that the jury will find him guilty. It’s none of those. It’s extremely low bar that just says there’s enough evidence that a reasonable person could believe that technically a law may have been broken. And my guess is someone that still wants to argue with say there’s no way it’s possible, but again that’s false. It’s completely reasonable to believe that this guy continue to fight back after he saw the police uniform, so that is more than enough probable cause. I system has the jury decide most cases to decide whether they want to just let him go we’re still fighting with the cops are there, or maybe just one of those things you can’t expect the human mind to necessarily consciously mentally process that they are cops even though they saw the cop uniform. It is very aggravating when people don’t understand the system yet they believe they do. On one hand I understand that, but on the other hand is still extremely aggravating. I try not to have an opinion about something I’m not knowledgeable on.i
-Only a corrupt blue line gang member judge would allow a witness to wear a baseball cap while addressing the court -The system kept Tyrone in jail for 24 days because he couldn’t raise bail. A non-profit stepped in to help. -Arizona is a stand your ground state so Tyrone had every right to bite the cop who was using an illegal chock hold, but instead Tyrone was charged with felony battery.
@@don2deliver That’s the thing, he didn’t bite the officer, he likely scrapped his hand against Tyrone’s teeth or against the asphalt & pinned it on him to make the arrest seem warranted
@maeburekaiser Yes, exactly! Felony charges have to be resolved first. If the internal investigation says the cops broke his constitutional rights and assaulted him then the charges will be dropped. Then they will have to set a court date for the new charges against the cops and the victim will have to wait for all that before he can file his lawsuit for damages done against him. You are looking at, at least a year before all this is settled.
@@reddnucklesOK, these cops and that judge need to be held accountable for their moronic actions. These cops are lying their asses off to justify their corrupt behavior. God forbid we hold cops to the higher standard of the oaths they took.
I just don't understand. They never even asked him anything at all. They pulled up and got to beating the man. Cameras in use does nothing to stop the hate. It's time that everyone Peacefully come together march on to the courthouse steps.
WTF!!?? What is wrong with this judge??!!! OMG!! Even IF the guy did fight them, He was fighting to defend himself from an attack!! This is outrageous!! Those two officers need to be fired and arrested!!
You're not paying attention. This hearing is to determine if there is enough evidence to try the man for assault, and that alone. NOT whether the officers did anything wrong. That is an entirely different case.
@strangerous1313 your copy paste is ridiculous at this point. They had nothing to arrest the man in the first place and if the judge had a gd heart he would drop the charges against the deaf man who was jumped by two thugs. It really is that easy. Judges do it ALL THE TIME
Ill play a bit of a devil but *both* of them dont deserve to be fired from what I have seen. Only the guy who got out and immediately started fighting him who is named Ben does. Sue seems to have just come in and saw his partner was in hectic fight and assisted him which you cant fault him too much for. If Sue is smart he will just go with that rather than subscribe to the messy story Ben is putting out and it kinda sounds like he is off his testimony.
Assaulting mentally challenged deaf people and charging them is an all-time low. Corruption of standards and procedures promotes public distrust of law enforcement.
@@BosisofSweden thank you I about to say the same thing. its a shame people think having a physical disability means your mentally challenged somehow. I was going to say please go vote blue nov 5, but it seems you're from Sweden(?). welcome to NATO as well.
@@TManLD Thanks mate! If you ever come to sweden - find me and I'll guide you around! Had I been from the states I would have voted progressive. I am a hard core socialist (in the true sense of the word in Sweden). In American English I would say progressive-ish.
@@strangerous1313 Except, he didn't assault the clerk, there is no evidence that he did anything like that. It was the white guy that had trouble in the store, the clerks verified that it was not the deaf man.
@@strangerous1313, I am blocking you and reporting you. I believe you have some skin in the game by repeatly trying to get others' attention from what actually happened. Trust me others are wondering why you continue to insert yourself in this matter
That "judge" definitely needs to be investigated. This is absolutely beyond wild to me. Did he not see two thugs jumping out of a truck, beating up and tasing a man literally over hearsay??? Absolutely unjustified. FIRE this"Judge" and his two minions, NOW!
@hoodhero3266 the dang judge is probably the reason why they've been able to get away with this crap for so long. That's why ABC launched that investigation on them a few months ago and found all kinds of stuff.
This judge should be removed for Moving forward on charges. He clearly wants to ruin this deaf man's life over two very aggressive and unhinged police officers. If I were the judge, both officers would have charges
@@MyGUNZ123 Whatever he SAW, they weren't there for him.He was walking minding his business. Not bothering anything or anybody. Why would he think they were there for him. Which they weren't‼️
Are you kidding me. This judge should be suspended. The victim was assaulted by these police officers. But he’s the one charged. What’s wrong with this picture?? The victim was tased 4 times because he couldn’t comply to something he couldn’t hear because of his disability. He was punched, strangled, and elbowed.. Are you kidding me right now.
@04:25 “If the defendant had put his hands down and said I can’t hear or I need to write or something like that, what would you have done?” “I would have had him sit down, have made motions with my hands to have him sit down.” It sure was good that the guy had such an immense opportunity to let them know he couldn’t hear and needed to write in order to be able to communicate! /s
@@jimmyrichards5595 That's the problem. If you flinch or put up your arms to preserve your life, cops take this as resisting them. Slam your face on the floor and flinch from the pain? STOP RESISTING!
He can't be bothered to remove his hat in a courtroom? Is he allowed to wear an earpiece while on the stand as well? What kind of judge even allows this?
No, they will not be feeling any pain. The judge gets "Absolute Immunity" from his decisions, and the officers won't be held accountable in Arizona. If they do, I'd be absolutely shocked.
Do you even know what qualified immunity is? Because I bet you $1 million you don’t. The qualified immunity doctrine is over 600 pages in length and I am almost certain you would not be able to articulate what it actually is.
@@Giambis It was created by the courts, it's not a doctrine. It was just made up because judges thought govt employees should be immune from being sued.
@@Giambis He doesnt know. Qualified immunity ONLY covers you if you were acting lawfully and within policy. If you commit a crime, violate policy, or violate someones rights, you are NOT covered. If you were then the officers involved in George Floyd's death wouldnt be in prison etc.
The clip speaks for it self the two thugs jumped out of their vehicle and immediately attacked the guy. They assaulted and battered an innocent man and the judge is real piece of crap. This clip shows that the justice system is corrupt from top to bottom.
Also ignore for a moment that he's disabled. It's getting the press because of that. If he wasn't was this good police work anyway? No. They just leapt out and rushed some guy crossing a car park, just walking along. On the word of some white guy. They just attacked a random black man in the street. Didn't approach him to question him. Didn't detain him briefly for investigation. They just rushed him, hit him and tased him.
@@davidswanson5669 That's exactly what the story is. Wht suspect accuses blk man and they jump into high gear, to go attack an innocent man. The end. It's Jim Crow all over again.
I was thinking the same thing. I understand that the officer may still be on the clock, but there's certain courtroom decorum that's just understood and wearing a hat, regardless if you're an officer or a civilian, goes against that. And the fact that the judge allowed him to wear it should blatantly tell us how biased he is for the boys in blue, especially this goofy looking mustache dweeb.
What happened to the lady that told the officers that he was deft, and they kept, telling him to put his hands behind, why she wasn't in court ,and the store employe
The District Attorney should be ashamed of pursuing these charges against Tyrone. The District Attorney should be pursuing charges against these officers.
Derek was the one the gas station wanted trespassed, so his credibility at the time should have been heavily scrutinized. Did they even end up tresspassing him because it seems they left him behind?
That person acting as a judge, is just as incompetent as those so-called police officers. What a disgrace to the legal system, the legal community, and law profession as a whole.
Its not incompetence it's corruption. Incompetence is when one doesn't know their job and make therefore make mistakes. Corruption is when you intentionally do the wrong thing due to a variety of factors like monetary gain, or like in this case, racism.
There are people in this very comment section claiming that this guy attacked the cop, Never feel bad about holding the taxpayers responsible either. ..
I was a kid when police started internal affairs. That was supposed to solve these problems. I can't imagine being deaf and suddenly all this violence hits you.
He broke his hand *beating* him, not arresting him. Absolutely disgusting. Phoenix pd out in the streets, earning the hate they deserve. You attacked a disabled man who couldn't hear you.
This hurt my heart. He probably had no idea why he was being tased as he couldn’t HEAR them shouting demands at him. Heartless cops like these should NOT have a badge, handcuffs, taser, or GUN. Unreal…
These officers went into this entire scenario with inherent bias and malice and CREATED this situation. Now an innocent man has to literally defend himself from PROSECUTION because of it. America HAS to be better than this.
Absolutely ✅️✅️✅️
@@djmikesea absolutely agree…no way that judge believes this man is guilty of anything..He is ruling in favor of his buddies🤮 Those “cops” are thugs
@@djmikesea dox him
Yeah let’s be like California, great ideas
Isn't it wild how the cops will assault you, *but YOU'RE the one who gets charged with a crime???*
It's called "projection by confession" - i.e., how could they be guilty if they charge YOU with a crime? This way it looks like the 2 sides are somehow 'equal' and their badge tips the scales. Also, when they charge you, you're handicapped in attacking them, because you HAVE to defend yourself from their [spurious] charges.
A way to fix this is the English rule, even [especially] in criminal charges: Loser pays court costs of winner. Think about it. No more stacking charges, among other things.
I've noticed the same thing! It's beyond inhumane. 😡
Hey Ian, let's say hypothetically that someone makes a false statement about you committing a crime. Let's say it's because of discrimination about white dudes that wear backwards hats. Would your first response be to throw punches at someone grabbing you? And let's say it all happened too fast and you threw an instinctive first punch. Would you still try to fight even after having 30 seconds to realize that two cops are trying to detain you?
@@chezfpv9139 in your scenarios, is Ian deaf and physically handicapped, too?
@@jimsty7550 if you're referring to the guy being disabled, let me disagree with you. For the sake of the argument, I'll agree he's deaf but not physically handicapped. Why? Because he was speed walking and as soon as the cop grabbed his arm, he went into a fighting stance and threw at least 1 punch that we can see clearly. Then proceeded to successfully hold off two grown male adults (who are probably somewhat trained) until he got tased. People are acting like those cops beat up a deaf, blind, and wheelchair-bound guy off the street.
Didn’t commit a crime, got jumped and attacked and is facing chargers. How is this constitutional?
@@strangerous1313 they still sent him to court. They could have dropped the charges without going to court.
@@strangerous1313 Judges don't have to rubber stamp. I know the Judge has a checklist with boxes and looking at what happened WITHOUT context would allow the Judge to push the case forward. HOWEVER, context is so clear here the Judge could have done that exceptional thing and pointed out how egregiously abusive the Prosecutor and Police are being with their powers.
@@strangerous1313 the guy committed no crime and the cops had no probable cause so anything that happened should’ve been dropped
@DoubleDe I swore that oath, and I'll abide by it until the day I stop breathing.... But the constitution, and the oath that's sworn to protect it, is only as steadfast as the caliber of individual who raise their hand and feel that obligation to protect its sanctity to their very core/soul....
Those " so-called officers" are absolutely not, and will never be, the caliber of individual, we should entrust to uphold and protect the Constitution of the United States!...
@@strangerous1313What are you going on about!? The video shows cops aggressively attacking someone, going hands on before the guy even knew what was going on.
As of today Charges were dismissed! Now Tyron needs to SUE!
@@EstherFavorr Did the judge face any repercussions for his initial ruling?
Thank God. However, the police officers, prosecutor and the judge involved must be subject to intense investigation and be rooted out of the criminal justice system. It's obvious they committed a grave miscarriage of justice. Previous decisions of this judge should also be reviewed independently.
@@marthajackson1388 Nope! Not at all! Sadly!!
@@Msoja8 they didn’t do anything. The police weren’t charged neither was the judge! They felt like they were in the right! Which is CRAZY!
exacity and he should file lawsuit and sue police dept for discrimation
It shouldn’t be resisting arrest when someone jumps out of a truck and starts beating you, its called self defense
One of the best neurosurgeons in the world told me a few weeks ago I have a permanent bruise on my spinal cord at C3/C4 in my neck. That's really the worst place. He said one good hit and it's lights out permanently or paralyzed. I look just like everyone else you see every day. Just like the cops couldn't see this man was deaf. Cops need to stop with the 0-100 jump to violence just because they want to abuse people. I'm terrified of an encounter like this happening to me.
Watch out, we got a Sherlock Holmes over here
Even when it's a police 'truck' and the guy jumping out is wearing a police uniform? Don't be dumb.
@@strangerous1313 Get a clue, that makes it even worse. He never even tried to speak or communicate to him, just jumped out and went into attack mode
The judge should be disbarred.
Like bruh!
@@bubbagames6196 the whole judiciary system should be abolished immediately and reformed, the corruption inside is stoppable if they reformed and removed the cancel culture from our government..
Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if the judge and the cops are friends
@@marioreynolds2470 It's why charges weren't brought against the murderers of Ahmaud Arbery until one of them was stupid enough to release the video. They knew the cops and the judge (I think). I'd have to look up the details again but they definitely knew someone who had the power to keep them from being prosecuted. Corrupt system.
he should be arrested as co-conspirator and charged with 18USC241 and spend the rest of his pathetic life in prison,
It's sickening to me that a judge is letting an obvious CYA charge go through!!
You're not paying attention. This hearing is to determine if there is enough evidence to try the man for the assault pn the store clerk, and that alone....NOT whether the officers did something wrong. That is an entirely different case. And yes, they will be in big trouble.
@strangerous1313 How many times are you going to copy and paste the same post. You remind me of the individual who says, "Don't believe your lying eyes or ears. Can you guess who does this ?
@@strangerous1313 You did not pay attention. The person who claimed assault, Derek, did not work for the store. Derek was being trespassed by the cops. The store clerk called to have Derek removed. Derek deflected and pointed out Mr. McAlpin as a person who assaulted him. The Circle K store clerk had nothing to do with what happened to Mr. McAlpin. This serious of events was set in motion by three liars with poor reasoning skills, Derek, Kyle Sue, and Ben Harris.
This case is an obvious ploy to mitigate the unprofessional and frankly criminal behavior of Kyle Sue and Ben Harris. Harris ran at McAlpin and started punching. It's obvious from the video that McAlpin put his hands up to protect himself. McAlpin did not run at Harris. McAlpin put his hands up and tried to get away from Harris several times. Harris's claim that he saw McAlpin raise his hands as if to punch is a garbage lie. Why run toward someone who you think is going to punch you? He didn't fear for his safety. These policemen are stupid and committed liars. The judge in this case is also stupid. At this point Phoenix, AZ is stupid for allowing this to happen in their city.
@pedrodaniellopesferreira2916please tell me your joking
@@strangerous1313he wasn’t the assault clerk guy though
Dude imagine being deaf and then can’t hear this coming and out of nowhere someone jumps you. That’s horrifying and hurts to see even after knowing history they have no empathy.
That cop jumped out of his car and immediately brutally attacked an innocent, disabled man. Those cops belong in prison!!!!!!!!!
@happyinparis watch the video with out racehustling lenses! The criminal immediately attacked the cop. Immediately!
@@scottmccrea1873The cop attacked him first. Immediately.
@@Matty272 not what happened at all. The criminal attacked the cop instantly. That's what the video shows.
Stop believing stupid narratives and trust your own damned eyes.
@@scottmccrea1873who is the one running towards him like a maniac?
The judge should be disbarred immediately and permanently
Fired, disbarred, removed from office - whatever
Ima go look for these cops and ask me if they can fight
@@strangerous1313 So please explain the assault on the officer? and don't come with that he bit him rubbish. That's hear say (he got caught out asked to perform the bite action) the officers r tyrants and the judge is corrupt and u agree with that ruling you're just as bad as them. The video is clear and plain to see. Came flying out like a bat outta hell and assumed he was noncompliant but in fact is dead so assaulted him that PD got history FOH
@@strangerous1313because everything that occurred was after the illegal detainment and assault on the victim- all that gets thrown out. This judge is a tyrant and not following the law.
@@darthtechnologies553 Thank you!!
and the prosecutor...they are obviously both racists
I can't tell a difference between criminals and cops in this country
@@eugene9723 the criminals wear a uniform and badge
Blue gang
If you wear a blue outfit and have a shiny piece of metal on your chest, you don’t go to prison for committing crimes.
You get promoted, a pension and union protection.
I can tell....... the criminals are wearing badges
The real criminals wear badges and have side arms, they also get away with any crime they commit!! It’s time everyone knows this, never trust a cop!!
3:08 believe the white guy and didn’t ask anyone inside. If this isn’t racial profiling, what is? Those two white cops literally racist.
Exactly. They were called for an actual criminal, they politely and professionally approach him, he then points at a random black guy that they weren’t called for and they go full military mode on him and forget all about the perp they were called for. No wag can anyone claim this wasn’t racially motivated.
Malicious Prosecution should be a crime , not a technical violation.
Its a total CYA move to try to double down.
@@jimdandy8996 True sadly.
@@trashman4444 it saves them from lawsuits and that's BS.
You have to prove it that’s the problem
That officer just flat out attacked that poor man. That officer is a danger to the community. This is absolutely disgusting.
A jury will do the right thing and free him. However, the cops, the prosecutor, and the judge will come under fed investigation.
You're not paying attention. This hearing is to determine if there is enough evidence to try the man for assault, and that alone. NOT whether the officers did anything wrong. That is an entirely different case.
@strangerous1313 your copy paste is ridiculous at this point. They had nothing to arrest the man in the first place and if the judge had a gd heart he would drop the charges against the deaf man who was jumped by two thugs. It really is that easy. Judges do it ALL THE TIME
The fact that the first cop said he would have done things differently if Tyron told him he was deaf but didn’t even give him time to do anything is so criminal.
And certainly a straight up lie. He jumped out of his vehicle in full attack mode from behind and to the left. No chance for their victim to have a clue what was coming.
exactly when did Tyrone have a chance to do anything but defend himself ???
These officers are trying to use a Jedi Mind trick 😒, it's obvious what took place. Out Right Corruption, Spin, Lies ... The judicial system is so political and corrupt that they don't even try to hide it 😳. Just goes to show you and the world what a black man's worth, and yet say we are all equal...Yeah Right...Racism on full display...God Help Us!!🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
They started hitting this guy as first point of contact. This felt like some slavery type stuff. That black boy over yonder looked at me.. And go to beat the black man down. No specific black man. First one down yonder they see.. it’s a hate crime!!
This started getting horrible in 2016 up until now..WHITE PEOPLE show you are good and would not WANT NOR ALLOW your brother, child or father beatened or attacked at leisure like this for NOTHING NOR FOR A SERIOUS REASON !! Lord Jesus please do not people hurt people like this Disabled or Non- Disabled please.🙏🏼🙏🏾🙏🙏🏿 Would they enjoy their baby hurting EXACTLY like this. Where is the police camera? OH he is a Body Language Expert ? Does he have a Masters Degree in this or just expert training ?
Someone needs to start publishing the full names and addresses of these judges.
@@michaelallen1154 Stone Cold Truth, or at least the judges email and phone number
The innocent deaf disabled man with cerebral palsy made us very scared. It was life or death.
Good eye 👍
Did a pretty good job defending himself out the gate one on one.
The man was in flight or fight mode and who wouldn't. Look at the track record.
Innocent BLACK disabled man. Let's not lose sight of that fact
@@jackburton2680It's always about race with you people
Arrest the cops and remove that judge
@@strangerous1313 lol arrest the cops and remove the judge
Watch the video again the whole thing is extreme
@strangerous1313 what crime is the hearing for? They can't charge him for resisting when there was no crime. They can't charge him for assault, as he didn't commit assault, your fellow officers committed all the crimes, duh.
Agreed 👍💯👍💯👍
Don’t forget the prosecutor should be fired if this video didn’t go viral this case would have been injustice as usual
@@abrahamsuarez4249 arrest the judge and cops
This "judge" is the most wicked being I have ever seen.... Truely a protector of evil....
D'ont worry , i'm absolutely sure that they were not expecting what's coming for them. The backlash is going to be huge on this one. A true injustice and corruption case.
@@pascalfilion3518Keeping my fingers crossed. It's a shame the public has to do the work for justice these days. Thank God for cameras, who knows what these fools used to get away with before them.
@@randizimo His name is Nick Saccone.
@@pascalfilion3518 no it won't, this happens all the time and they always get away with it, especially phoenix pd
That so-called "judge" should spend at least twenty years in prison along with those two monster "cops".
Not only will i sue the city im suing the department and suing those Officers going for their pensions
He wasn't resisting arrest he was resisting an assault.
Yes, he can't be guilty of resisting arrest when they never communicated that he was under arrest.
If someone attacks you like this cop did your natural reaction is to defend your self.
Police know this so this is how they put charges on people.
they gave him no chance...........they were on him in seconds............
Officer is testifying in court with sunglasses on his hat and a possible non issued ball cap on in the court room
Disability discrimination is common-most in America. 🇺🇸
Then get off UA-cam and do something about it that matters
@@colt4505 let me just book my flight from ny to az
@@iamkevin1621 I don't think I like your attitude. Stop making excuses.
@@colt4505😂😂 clown
@@colt4505 🔫
He was not under arrest they just attacked him.
I think it will reach a point where every black, homeless or disabled person will have to wear a body camera just like the cops, because when you have a system of lying ass cops, a blind DA and clearly bias ass judge against you from the jump street, one needs to lawyer and camera up.
@@paulbrown9017They had cameras... When you get a corrupt liberal judge on the side of the law... Remember this is what you're trying to vote for in the White House..
Literally, they gave him NO CHANCE to react they attacked him right away.
He's also deaf.
This is disgusting to watch. This is not tolerable anywhere in a civilized society. Police should be there to protect citizens and not to abuse them.
That judge is a disgrace and should be investigated
Bet if the man was illegal they would leave him alone and this would be national coverage
This is why I vote NO to retaining every single judge.
This won’t go well for the judge.
The guy was innocent. He had a right to fight back and defend himself against false arrest.
@Jonathan_Brown145 That's right, even if it involves a cop. The deaf man couldn't hear the cop barking orders. So, the cop felt he was being disrespected. So, he became angry and charged at the deaf man. You can see this cop charging at him. If you had no clue what was going on and you see someone coming at you, you are going to defend yourself.
The judge needs to be investigated
a racist for other explanation.....................
That judge, Nicholas Saccone. He has a 6 year term by appointment.
Prop 137 in AZ, on the ballot RIGHT NOW, would make that a lifetime appointment.
If anyone reading this can vote in AZ, VOTE NO ON PROP 137.
Nicholas Saccone is the judge you could probably find his house easily do a protest there
Fired & disbarred.
The fact one cop didn't remove his cap shows exactly what he thinks of the justice system
Even traffic court I've been made to remove my hat just walking into the court room by the bailiff
I'm definitely not supporting these white POS . The "Justice " system is a joke. I don't respect it either.
As we know the judge is in on protecting the true criminals.
Do gang members remove there tattoos? Aren’t gang members Proud of there barrio or hood ? That’s what he is doing representing the gang of Phoenix just like the Banditos , the executioners , The 3000 all Police gangs on paper not just word LAPD Pigs
then yall be offended when ppl don’t wanna be near y’all or scared of yall we can’t even trust yall
The victim is still facing charges while the badged street thugs who attacked him are still not charged. Absolutely disgusting! That whole department needs to be disbanded with every one of the thugs fired.
The fact that their still in uniform working the streets is disgusting. I'm sure at most, they'll just re-locate to another department. There's truly no accountability for police officers.
@@parker1458 Part of the charges against them should be the removing of their police certification !!!!
Not only the police department, also the prosecutors office .....
Disbanding PHX PD just leaves you with MCSO. Not much difference.
The law enforcement officers are essentially above the law and do not face any consequences or accountability. That's how the system is designed.
The punching and tasering should put these two criminals in prison.
Agreed 👍💯👍💯👍
They are assaulting him for "not complying with orders" *that he literally cannot hear!!!* This is gaslighting at its finest!!!
Is punching a person in the back an official training??
@@patrickfuchs3859 deaf or not, the guy knew exactly what the police wanted from him. Hands behind your back and get cuffed up. That's it
You must be one of those blm
it's not just the cops that's the problem. That judge saw that video of the cops jumping him and didn't throw out the case,the judge should be fired.
Since judges are voted in, vote him out!!! What a POS🤬
The whole system is corrupt, and it's everywhere across the United States. These people are a disgrace!
💯 Percent Agree
👨⚖️ Well… There WAS probable cause. More than enough. Respectfully, you and many other people just don’t understand the process and what probable causes for. Probable cause we decided by the judge does not decide whether they agree that the guy should’ve been charged, did they agree with the cops, or even if they agree that the jury will find him guilty. It’s none of those. It’s extremely low bar that just says there’s enough evidence that a reasonable person could believe that technically a law may have been broken. And my guess is someone that still wants to argue with say there’s no way it’s possible, but again that’s false. It’s completely reasonable to believe that this guy continue to fight back after he saw the police uniform, so that is more than enough probable cause. I system has the jury decide most cases to decide whether they want to just let him go we’re still fighting with the cops are there, or maybe just one of those things you can’t expect the human mind to necessarily consciously mentally process that they are cops even though they saw the cop uniform. It is very aggravating when people don’t understand the system yet they believe they do. On one hand I understand that, but on the other hand is still extremely aggravating. I try not to have an opinion about something I’m not knowledgeable on.c
Please, the guy clearly faught with the cops and resisted them. If he would have just STOPPED, like a normal person would, Nothing would have happened. He shouldn't get special treatment that the rest of us wouldn't get.
He never threw a punch or looked like he was aggresive in anyway! They seriously beat him for no reason. Animals!
That judge is obviously an evil evil person!
Probably a former prosecutor, they normally are, and instead being on the side of caution and innocent until guilty or siding with the people and the constitution the traitors always side with the pigs, because they are the new lords and rulers who can not be prosecuted for violating the law.
The banality of evil in the bureaucratic administrative perpetual war nanny state.
The evil is just an “emergent property”.
Don't know his history but he is clearly bias.
@@learnmore6192 not bias a racist useless human.I hope the federal oversight cost every taxpayer in phoenix everything they own ,they voted for these vile humans.
He's an ex prosecutor and worked in the attorney generals office
Basically evil that's correct
The judge proceeding with charging that man is just disgusting; period!!! He needs glasses and or removed from the bench. He probably charged him just to try to justify the officers actions for the upcoming lawsuits!!!
that cop gave the victim less than a second to comply before going hands on. that judge is as corrupt as they come.
He's deaf He hasn't done anything wrong and a car swerves in front of him so he moves out of the way. They will literally ruin an innocent man's life over nothing. Disgusting
As humans we have a flight or fight instinct when we feel threatened....if you are just walking along and in less than a couple of seconds you have someone you don't know (Police included especially if you are a black man in America) just run up on you and try to grab you the automatic response is what you saw in the video. Your brain doesn't have time to process what is going on before you are attacked!....funny when police claim that they only have a split second to decide to shoot an unarmed black man because they thought he had a gun & feared for their lives the system buys it and lets them slide...but the unarmed, untrained citizen who in this case is deaf and disabled doesn't get the same benefit of the doubt.....On top of all of this is the failure to do proper investigating...the store said a white guy was who they were trespassing, they walk up and talk to the white guy that they were supposed to be trespassing he lies, points to a black man walking minding his own dang business and the cops race off to go "bag" them another black man! Was the white guy ever arrested and charged with filing a false report, lying to the police, obstructing justice and endangering the wellbeing of not only the cops but more importantly the innocent black man? Nope....sounds about white! Amerikkka, hell of a country! The store, It's CEO & it's employees who called about the white guy & any witnesses should all be calling into the country attorney's office to have those charges dismissed immediately! But for those tRump supporters and back the blue people who wonder why black people and minorities don't like the police or the justice system here is a plain example! Those officers don't need to have a gun or a badge! The officers should be charged with willful injury and assault for what they did to that man based off of a lie and lack of a proper investigation! The Judge needs to be removed from the bench! There is no reason that this case should be moving forward other than to cover the police department and The City Of Phoenix butts because a big lawsuit is coming!
If he had no arms, They would still say they felt like they were going to be attacked.
you know it !!!
That judge is dirty. He needs to be removed from the bench.
99% of judges act in lockstep with police
He’s resisting an unlawful arrest let’s arrest the judge the same way and see if he’s okay with it
This is Arizona we're talking about. The State has been synonymous with corrupt cops and judges for a century.
he has got to be a judge on the other explanation..........
They work with police on a daily basis. They know their family would be in danger if they didn't agree with police.
The time it took you to read this comment is more time than the victim was given to comprehend and comply with the officer's order.
I tried ti like this one thousand times!!
Hes deaf, he cant hear anything. Go watch the full video. Cops jump out he doesn't know what the heck is going on. Try putting your hands behind your back while getting tased. You cant move because youre being tased.
Of course a whiet guy with a name like Ian , who looks like a female to male transsexual would say this . Although it’s goes against logic and facts
@@ianbattles7290 what..
the victim is deaf. even someone that CAN hear wouldn't have time either....
This is absolutely disgusting that they are able to do this to that poor man. Just trying to cover their ass by ruining an innocent man's life.
BINGO...And THIS one deserves a massive nationwide protest.
In police lingo it's called a "CYA" charge (cover your a$$)!!!
it's called protect and serve :(
And the judge seems to be helping them
WTF!!!! Must be living in a police state. Watching this from England, UK, these out of control tyrants should be charged with aggravated assault (or even attempted murder) for this level of abuse of the uniform, badge and oath to protect and serve
None of those punches were necessary
This is absolutely pathetic. Sorry excuse for a Judge and DA
You're not paying attention. This hearing is to determine if there is enough evidence to try the man for the assault pn the store clerk, and that alone....NOT whether the officers did something wrong. That is an entirely different case. And yes, they will be in big trouble.
Find the Judges and DA address
@@strangerous1313 sorry but I think you missed the part where they showed who was being removed from the store. He wasn't a clerk . He was a trespasser. That's why the police were called there in the first place. If you watch the video to 7:55 you will be right where they start to explain this part of the story. Tyron McAlpin was falsely accused by Derek for some unknown reason of assaulting Derek.
However, rather than confirming his story with Circle K employees Officer Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum decided to take the word of the man they were there to remove for whatever he was doing wrong. They then left Derek at The Circle K while they took off after Tyron McAlpin and viciously assaulted him. If either one of them had used their god-given senses, or paid any attention at any sensitivity training they may have had.... They would have realised that this man was disabled just by saying the way he walked. Using their eyes again they would have seen the absolute terror on his face and realised there was something very wrong. When he raised his hands they were not in fists. He didn't swing at anyone. He may have been trying to point to his ears to tell them that he was deaf. But he was never given that opportunity. He was also not given the opportunity of flashing lights which would have alerted him to the fact that they wanted him to stop. That is the reason, the entire reason flashing red and blue lights are used with Sirens.
Regardless of anything Tyron McAlpin did nothing. Derek lied. I don't know whether it was so that he could get away, or whether it was because he's just a troublemaker. If you watch the story properly and listen to everything you will see that there was never a reason for Tyron McAlpin to be stopped by those officers.
Tax funded sovereign citizen s, organized crime syndicate organization
@@strangerous1313 the judge could have just dropped the case but he chose to move forward with it. it is blatant corruption. hes trying to ruin the life of an objectively innocent man and protect those vicious monsters so the man wont have the oppurtunity to sue them until after the trial
How is that cop allowed to wear a hat in court?
Need to hold his shades man !
With the dale earnhardt shades parked up there too🙄
Lol. I thought the same thing but realized it’s because they’re on the same team.
You can wear a hat under arms or carrying a weapon
I thought the same thing! Gang colors.
This story is so horrific. Deaf man charges should be dropped.
The judge should be disbarred!!!
And dismembered @@MarkFitchett-it9gc
Sad thing is NOTHING will happen. The brown, black and Asian man has been, is and will always be a $$lave to the wh1t3 man. The fact that 5% of the world population (wh1t3 man) controls 95% percent of the world's population is just pathetic. Every c010red man should be embarrassed of their open and obvious emasculation.
I bet you a million $$ that other b1ack folks are laughing at this poor guy going "yooooooo ma n111ka got domed son...that cray cray". They can't even support their own. Why the FCCCKK would anyone else give a $h1t about how these two P0$s got away with clear a$$ult!!
It obvious the police are doing anything to cover up their actions, and they need to be prosecuted
They were. Another court after this successfully appealed.
The cop was enjoying punching the guy. You can tell because he kept saying put your arms behind your back (deaf man didn't comply), punch, punch, punch, put your arms behind your back, punch, punch, punch,... This goes on for a while. This is hard to watch. These people are sick.
*Assaults disabled black man*
*gets on the stand with sunglasses and hat on head*
Welcome to Phoenix. Where a civilized society goes to die.
Yeah, there is no way the hat and glasses would be allowed in my county! Crazy!
There is a reason the DOJ has been looking into corruption in Phoenix.
Blue line privileges
What a clown 🤡 Phoenix finest alright.
Straight up ambushed the man then blamed him for their injuries.
He attempted to grab the guy and the guy immediately started fighting him, play stupid games win stupid prizes
@@ScraphouseTV Keep that same energy when the billionaires suing this police department that's already getting shut down by the feds for an insane amount of violence win this lawsuit 🤡
@@ScraphouseTV Look again.
@@ScraphouseTVvideo.based upon your comment some might think that your parents were playing stupid games & you are the prize that they won
@@ScraphouseTV I agree with Chelly on that. Guess inbreeding really does take a toll on the next generation.
The judge prosecutors and pigs need to be charged!
@@strangerous1313 We know what's going on. The judge determined there was enough evidence to charge the deaf man. Do you agree?
@strangerous1313 Once again, why do you continue to defend the crooks
Not just charges. They should all be in prison
👨⚖️ Well… There WAS probable cause. More than enough. Respectfully, you and many other people just don’t understand the process and what probable causes for. Probable cause we decided by the judge does not decide whether they agree that the guy should’ve been charged, did they agree with the cops, or even if they agree that the jury will find him guilty. It’s none of those. It’s extremely low bar that just says there’s enough evidence that a reasonable person could believe that technically a law may have been broken. And my guess is someone that still wants to argue with say there’s no way it’s possible, but again that’s false. It’s completely reasonable to believe that this guy continue to fight back after he saw the police uniform, so that is more than enough probable cause. I system has the jury decide most cases to decide whether they want to just let him go we’re still fighting with the cops are there, or maybe just one of those things you can’t expect the human mind to necessarily consciously mentally process that they are cops even though they saw the cop uniform. It is very aggravating when people don’t understand the system yet they believe they do. On one hand I understand that, but on the other hand is still extremely aggravating. I try not to have an opinion about something I’m not knowledgeable on.i
Was the judge even listening?!?!
Thank you ABC Arizona for showing this.
-Only a corrupt blue line gang member judge would allow a witness to wear a baseball cap while addressing the court
-The system kept Tyrone in jail for 24 days because he couldn’t raise bail. A non-profit stepped in to help.
-Arizona is a stand your ground state so Tyrone had every right to bite the cop who was using an illegal chock hold, but instead Tyrone was charged with felony battery.
How can you bite someone when you are in a chokehold?
@@don2deliver exactly. He didn't bite them on purpose if at all, he cut himself punching Tyrone in the face on his teeth
Dude.... Haven't you seen that documentary called alien?
That "victim" obviously has a double jaw
Educate yourself
This is America
Only certain flesh tones are allowed to stand their ground
That’s the thing, he didn’t bite the officer, he likely scrapped his hand against Tyrone’s teeth or against the asphalt & pinned it on him to make the arrest seem warranted
Looks like the City of Phoenix is heading towards a justifiable $Million+ payout to this victim of police incompetence and brutality.
That's why they are pressing charges. It's wrong.
@maeburekaiser Yes, exactly! Felony charges have to be resolved first. If the internal investigation says the cops broke his constitutional rights and assaulted him then the charges will be dropped. Then they will have to set a court date for the new charges against the cops and the victim will have to wait for all that before he can file his lawsuit for damages done against him. You are looking at, at least a year before all this is settled.
I hope so! And these cops need to be arrested for brutality.
@@reddnucklesOK, these cops and that judge need to be held accountable for their moronic actions. These cops are lying their asses off to justify their corrupt behavior. God forbid we hold cops to the higher standard of the oaths they took.
Well, if he can afford a lawyer after they bleed him with legal fees.
I just don't understand. They never even asked him anything at all. They pulled up and got to beating the man. Cameras in use does nothing to stop the hate. It's time that everyone Peacefully come together march on to the courthouse steps.
WTF!!?? What is wrong with this judge??!!! OMG!! Even IF the guy did fight them, He was fighting to defend himself from an attack!! This is outrageous!! Those two officers need to be fired and arrested!!
You're not paying attention. This hearing is to determine if there is enough evidence to try the man for assault, and that alone. NOT whether the officers did anything wrong. That is an entirely different case.
@strangerous1313 your copy paste is ridiculous at this point. They had nothing to arrest the man in the first place and if the judge had a gd heart he would drop the charges against the deaf man who was jumped by two thugs. It really is that easy. Judges do it ALL THE TIME
Ill play a bit of a devil but *both* of them dont deserve to be fired from what I have seen. Only the guy who got out and immediately started fighting him who is named Ben does.
Sue seems to have just come in and saw his partner was in hectic fight and assisted him which you cant fault him too much for. If Sue is smart he will just go with that rather than subscribe to the messy story Ben is putting out and it kinda sounds like he is off his testimony.
@@strangerous1313 and it cant be assault if you are protecting yourself from injury or death.
Judge dnt like blk folks
Assaulting mentally challenged deaf people and charging them is an all-time low. Corruption of standards and procedures promotes public distrust of law enforcement.
CP is not a mental challenge.
@@BosisofSweden thank you I about to say the same thing. its a shame people think having a physical disability means your mentally challenged somehow.
I was going to say please go vote blue nov 5, but it seems you're from Sweden(?). welcome to NATO as well.
@@TManLD Thanks mate! If you ever come to sweden - find me and I'll guide you around! Had I been from the states I would have voted progressive. I am a hard core socialist (in the true sense of the word in Sweden). In American English I would say progressive-ish.
That's what evil do.
That's what they pass off as a judge?
@@strangerous1313 Except, he didn't assault the clerk, there is no evidence that he did anything like that. It was the white guy that had trouble in the store, the clerks verified that it was not the deaf man.
@@strangerous1313, I am blocking you and reporting you. I believe you have some skin in the game by repeatly trying to get others' attention from what actually happened. Trust me others are wondering why you continue to insert yourself in this matter
Just your average American leader at its finest
You can find these types at every level.
The nerve of that judge!
Do judges in America usually let someone testifying with sunglasses and hat on their head?
Hell no. Most judges won't even let you on the stand without taking it off. It's disrespectful.
No! So the world knew what time it was.
When his girlfriend tells them he’s deaf and disabled they radio in that he’s intoxicated. Sick bastards.
Called her a hoe at one point and didnt let her interpret for him because she was videotaping.
The truth is the least important thing in this courtroom.
In another video a large female officer tells others not to bother with the girlfriend and calls her a ho.
That's one sick puppy who lies like that.
That lie should bring 3 years all by it's self.
20 years for both cops.
America? A free country? Pfffft
They also failed to list in their report any of his disabilities.
That "judge" definitely needs to be investigated. This is absolutely beyond wild to me. Did he not see two thugs jumping out of a truck, beating up and tasing a man literally over hearsay??? Absolutely unjustified. FIRE this"Judge" and his two minions, NOW!
The justice system has to save face and charge him so when the lawsuit happens it looks like the man was guilty and he won’t win.
@hoodhero3266 the dang judge is probably the reason why they've been able to get away with this crap for so long. That's why ABC launched that investigation on them a few months ago and found all kinds of stuff.
They weren’t called for a black man
We saw a scumbag attack a cop without provocation. That's what we saw. What is wrong with you?
@scottmccrea1873 If that's what you saw then you're blind to the crimes of this world and that sad. But you're ENTITLED to your opinion.
Hands behind your back while being tased is crazy work
This judge should be removed for
Moving forward on charges. He clearly wants to ruin this deaf man's life over two very aggressive and unhinged police officers. If I were the judge, both officers would have charges
Send these two to prison.
Them and the judge
That's aright😮😮😮😮😮😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢❤Dirty Cops y'all WRONG FOT THIS
These cops should be in prison along with the judge. Big time corruption in Arizona.
@@cat-o-matic Because the white guy, the gas station called on said so
@@MyGUNZ123 Whatever he SAW, they weren't there for him.He was walking minding his business. Not bothering anything or anybody. Why would he think they were there for him. Which they weren't‼️
Always has been.
as someone who has a family member with CP, im apalled.
Are you kidding me. This judge should be suspended. The victim was assaulted by these police officers. But he’s the one charged. What’s wrong with this picture?? The victim was tased 4 times because he couldn’t comply to something he couldn’t hear because of his disability. He was punched, strangled, and elbowed.. Are you kidding me right now.
That’s life in amerikkka for black men unfortunately.
Even if he wasn’t deaf he jumped out of the truck and immediately ran at him swinging. He had no chance to do anything but get beaten by the officer
That's what I was thinking I'm starting to think what if the police officers know that white dude that made a false claim and let him go
@04:25 “If the defendant had put his hands down and said I can’t hear or I need to write or something like that, what would you have done?”
“I would have had him sit down, have made motions with my hands to have him sit down.”
It sure was good that the guy had such an immense opportunity to let them know he couldn’t hear and needed to write in order to be able to communicate! /s
And he never committed a crime yet got attacked instantly.
@@DoubleDe Yep. It was the very definition of being bum rushed/ambushed. He barely had any time to put up his arms/hands in self-defense!
@@jimmyrichards5595 That's the problem. If you flinch or put up your arms to preserve your life, cops take this as resisting them. Slam your face on the floor and flinch from the pain? STOP RESISTING!
A judge lets a cop wear a hat and sunglasses in his court room and testify? I know where this is going.
I didn't even catch the hat though. 😕 that is crazy
They could’ve stopped his heart with those repeated taser hits
He can't be bothered to remove his hat in a courtroom? Is he allowed to wear an earpiece while on the stand as well? What kind of judge even allows this?
Disrespectful attitude, to be sure
I wonder if this would be grounds to get a new hearing with a new judge arguing favoritism?
Weak leadership!!
The fit was in.
This one is doing the rounds in world news. The officers and the judge are all going to be feeling the pain.
But still not as much pain their victim
@@tokotoko3592 the guy that made false accusations should be charged without his lie all this never would have happened
Cops learned nothing from the George riots, they won't learn anything nationally either from this no matter what happens
No, they will not be feeling any pain. The judge gets "Absolute Immunity" from his decisions, and the officers won't be held accountable in Arizona. If they do, I'd be absolutely shocked.
We need to get rid of qualified immunity
And we need to end judicial immunity
Do you even know what qualified immunity is? Because I bet you $1 million you don’t. The qualified immunity doctrine is over 600 pages in length and I am almost certain you would not be able to articulate what it actually is.
@@Giambis I know what it is. I also know how it protects very bad cops who lie and injure innocent people
@@Giambis It was created by the courts, it's not a doctrine. It was just made up because judges thought govt employees should be immune from being sued.
@@Giambis He doesnt know. Qualified immunity ONLY covers you if you were acting lawfully and within policy. If you commit a crime, violate policy, or violate someones rights, you are NOT covered. If you were then the officers involved in George Floyd's death wouldnt be in prison etc.
So there are people out there donating to a gofundme for this officers after watching this video? Blimey!
Don't just investigate the cops, investigate that judge too. How on earth was that a probable cause arrest?
@@jakefairley6993 Zechariah 11:5; Job 9:24
The DA is a clown also. He has the discretion to drop the charges.
The clip speaks for it self the two thugs jumped out of their vehicle and immediately attacked the guy. They assaulted and battered an innocent man and the judge is real piece of crap. This clip shows that the justice system is corrupt from top to bottom.
Also ignore for a moment that he's disabled. It's getting the press because of that. If he wasn't was this good police work anyway? No. They just leapt out and rushed some guy crossing a car park, just walking along.
On the word of some white guy. They just attacked a random black man in the street. Didn't approach him to question him. Didn't detain him briefly for investigation. They just rushed him, hit him and tased him.
The world should be outraged .
Every witness: It was the white guy.
The white guy: It was the black guy.
Phoenix PD: It must have been the black guy.
What, your comment doesn't make sense! Your humor/satire is off
That not what the story is, but I appreciate the satire.
@@davidswanson5669but that is exactly what the story was. What are you talking about
That's exactly what the story is. Wht suspect accuses blk man and they jump into high gear, to go attack an innocent man. The end.
It's Jim Crow all over again.
You’re right the story of this video is the public torture of a disabled man, the context though is perfectly explained in this comment.
And internal investigations and qualified immunity need to be banned.
You can tell the judge was going to be biased when he didn't ask the officer to remove his hat in the court room
I was thinking the same thing. I understand that the officer may still be on the clock, but there's certain courtroom decorum that's just understood and wearing a hat, regardless if you're an officer or a civilian, goes against that. And the fact that the judge allowed him to wear it should blatantly tell us how biased he is for the boys in blue, especially this goofy looking mustache dweeb.
What happened to the lady that told the officers that he was deft, and they kept, telling him to put his hands behind, why she wasn't in court ,and the store employe
The District Attorney should be ashamed of pursuing these charges against Tyrone. The District Attorney should be pursuing charges against these officers.
Derek was the one the gas station wanted trespassed, so his credibility at the time should have been heavily scrutinized. Did they even end up tresspassing him because it seems they left him behind?
He ran off
Seems like race was a heavy influence in the Officers decision. Literally took Derek at his word and did zero investigation on his claims.
...So once again, they let the Actual criminal go...Just so they can follow Right behind them!
The American just-us system, is a diabolical shame.
He faced zero consequences while the innocent guy has a case against him.
@Nobddy I don't think they ever trespassed him though. They left before informing him he was trespassed
Those two cops are guilty of brutal unjust violence. They need serious jail time😢
Omg! How are we letting this go on?
We investigated ourselves for attacking an innocent, deaf, and disabled black man, and found no officers at fault.
That’s ridiculous
Standard procedure. 😢
Tyrone looked terrified because he was being attacked.
Wouldn't you (or anyone else) be terrified if two thugs were attacking you just for fun.
@@billysmith8261 absolutely!
It is criminal what they did to that poor man.
For those of you that dont know. A felony can ruin your life! Cops dont care because they will still have their job, life, family, house, etc.
Everyone knows this lol, they're trying to scare him! Shame on them all!
Cause their families are bad people
That’s why they support Trump, corrupt as he is
So you run at someone, and are suprised when they raised their hands to fend you off??? All a load of crap
@@gbanj11 🎯🎯🎯🎯‼️‼️‼️
That person acting as a judge, is just as incompetent as those so-called police officers. What a disgrace to the legal system, the legal community, and law profession as a whole.
This is corruption in full public view.
@@isshylewis9244 It's not incompetence, my friend. It's inhumanity.
Its not incompetence it's corruption. Incompetence is when one doesn't know their job and make therefore make mistakes. Corruption is when you intentionally do the wrong thing due to a variety of factors like monetary gain, or like in this case, racism.
Thats corruption and bias
It makes me sick to see so many people knowingly lie.
There are people in this very comment section claiming that this guy attacked the cop, Never feel bad about holding the taxpayers responsible either. ..
All cops lie
How can you resist arrest when you did not hear any notice that you’re being arrested. Make it make sense!
And Phoenix PD still wants to police themselves? HA
I was a kid when police started internal affairs. That was supposed to solve these problems.
I can't imagine being deaf and suddenly all this violence hits you.
That judge needs investigating
Into his recent murder ?
He broke his hand *beating* him, not arresting him. Absolutely disgusting. Phoenix pd out in the streets, earning the hate they deserve. You attacked a disabled man who couldn't hear you.
And accused the man of biting him to add leverage to the assault on a LEO charge.
I couldnt finish watching this.
You folks in Phoenix pay taxes for this law enforcement and judicial system??? Really???
How would you avoid paying taxes, if you didn't want to? You're being ridiculous.
Shop in a different county and see the tax revenue for the county go down.
@@bojohannesen4352you really have no idea what democracy means eh?
@@TRDiscordian Stay on topic.
@@bojohannesen4352 haven't left the topic, you just have very weak comprehension skills apparently.
This is sickening. So hateful and prideful to the point you’d rather look ignorant than to take accountability for your actions.
This hurt my heart. He probably had no idea why he was being tased as he couldn’t HEAR them shouting demands at him. Heartless cops like these should NOT have a badge, handcuffs, taser, or GUN. Unreal…
Because you have a caring soul and beautiful ❤.
These officers went into this entire scenario with inherent bias and malice and CREATED this situation. Now an innocent man has to literally defend himself from PROSECUTION because of it. America HAS to be better than this.