*Some things you can do to vibe at night:* -Drink some sweet milk-tea with whatever you like in it - Snuggle with your cute pet, or a soft fuzzy blanket -Draw, or paint, or colour -Write a story, or a fanfiction -Call your friend, and talk about life and things -Get lost in your favourite book -Watch heartwarming movies -Listen to lofi, soft jazz, and chillhop -Cry *I love you, everyone~ Stay strong for me, okay?*
I dont wanna drink tea im allergic to milk and i drink water enough already. I dont have a fuzzy blanket and the cat keeps making my face all full of her hair. i am shit at drawing and dont want to make my self esteem lower by wasting time in that. I am very unoriginal and i dont have the motivation to write fanfics or stories. I dont have sincere friends I dont know any other movies like that than my neighbour totoro and i have watched that already. I guess i can listen to music and it really does help me relax but i am always making myself think i am busy to keep the crushing thoughts away. What else is there to help me?
Imagine : It’s Monday morning but you don’t have to get up. You rest your head on the pillow on your window sill . You look out at all of the roof tops and it starts to rain. Your black cat jumps up to watch and you sit in silence. As it gets more misty you throw the patchwork quilt of of you and shuffle to the fridge and pour yourself some milk , than you hear the pitter patter on the roof grow louder and you go back to your still open window. You Put on your favorite record and read the wind and the willows until dark. You look through the window that had been giving you fresh air all day and you hear the crickets start to sing. You reach out the window and grab a ripe plum of of the plum tree that’s growing outside and watch the stars until you fall asleep. This is my dream day lol Edit: my goodness 😅 I didn’t expect people to like this comment this much! Thanks everyone for the kind words ❤️❤️
Depressed and stressed on a Monday evening. Home alone in the dark, worried for someone I know, and after about 10 minutes of crying, it's good to have some music to chill to, to breathe to. Music can't solve my problems but somehow it relaxes me.
I should be getting ready for school, but here I am, listening to lofi, vibing in my bed while I watch the sun slowly rise from the east in the baby blue sky...🌃 (Have a lovely blessed day🥰)
when did we change? from throwing paper planes and driving wooden trains to this and when did we grow from angels in the snow lots of things we didn't know, to this can you put your finger on the way when we never agin did play, our childhood wasted away to this and when did we get taller, our dreams get smaller, so now the thing left in life, is this
Ragnarok well I do you don’t need others compliments to compromise for your self love I have struggled with this to and sometimes you need to find what you are talented at and then people wouldn’t care what you looked like because you are beautiful on the inside don’t stop believing in yourself don’t stop pushing and definitely don’t stop thinking YOU are beautiful because at the end of the day no one can live your life like you can. I hope this helped 😊😊😊
As I’m watching the stars I wonder if you are looking at the same stars and thinking of me I wonder if I call out “I love you” into the vast night sky, If you will hear my words echoing against the rooftops and into your heart I wonder if you will call back with love sent from your innermost heart and soul I wonder I will always wonder Wether my words are just empty echoes Or meaningful melodies to you I hope you enjoyed my little poem! 💖
For me it depends on when i wake up. If you wake up at 6.00 or before; mornings are very peaceful (for me atleast). My ideal wake up time would be 4:00. But I can only survive on minimum 5 hours a night.
It’s Monday morning And I’ve forgotten about that soccer game. I’ve forgotten all the good times, what it was like before. It’s Monday morning And I don’t like soccer anymore. I’ve lost interest in the things that I used to love. It’s Monday morning And I don’t want to get up. I want to sleep forever, Never having to deal with another thing again. It’s Monday morning And I’m home alone. Crying? Fasting? Cutting? No. Just staring up at the ceiling and wondering. *”why?”* It’s Monday morning And mom’s home. “How did you sleep?” I smile and tell her “well.” But I didn’t sleep at all last night. It’s Monday morning And Dad’s home. “Go do the dishes.” I don’t regurgitate an attitude. I wash the dishes with a glare at mom for not saying anything. It’s Monday evening And it’s time to close my eyes. But I don’t sleep. I just close my eyes, and hope to open them next week to a better Monday Morning.
Did anyone else notice at 17:00, "The trouble with being active and always doing things is that I think it's quite possible, to do all sorts of things and at the same time-- be completely dead inside." I mean, that's a mood but I didn't need this exsastential crisis on a monday
*Dear Diary, Monday Morning* Monday morning, drinking my coffee. What could go wrong, I love this beautiful city. It's so beautiful.. Stores say the city was built by stars.. Anyways this city is beautiful, and so are you. ♡ *Your writer,* Malli
I wish I had a life, similar to the one shown in the picture. I can't sleep well, so I can't get up early. My bedroom faces west, so I can't see the sun rise. I don't have a pet whom I can pet, feed and take care of. I can't drink coffee, or tea, or milk. But I'm happy with my current life. It is amazing, especially after a long sleep. If I can't see the sun rise, I definitely can see the sunset. Which is beautiful. I have my brother. I love him, and I take care of him ( he is 2 ) I can drink Cola, and that is the best feeling in the world. Find optimism in your life. Don't complain how life is unfair to you. YOU DEFINE YOUR LIFE. Make the best out of it. Thanks for reading the whole comment =).
All I need to remember is when i am feeling down go to this type of music and read the comments. I don’t know why but when I read them I fell like I am connected to everyone who writes/ reads the comments P.s if ur reading this you are loved and have an fabulous life☺️
_Imagine it's Monday morning. It's a regular Monday like any other; You have to go to school or you have homeschool work you have to do. You wake up early, eat breakfast, brush your teeth, get dressed, and get ready for the day. As you always think, it's gonna be stressful. Well, it might be. But don't let that stop you from having a great day. If something happens, know that everyone around you is here for you. And even if you think the exact opposite, the noise in your mind is wrong. It's gonna hurt and/or suck for awhile but that's a part of growing up. You have to live with the pain and accept it. It's extremely hard but, you _*_will_*_ get through it. Stay strong. Always be strong._
people: hey you, keep studying instead of scrolling in the comments. but meanwhile i'm actually chilling because school has been cancelled because of the coronavirus outbreak good luck out there people
its monday already, 12:51 am, almost 1 am. and its so peaceful. 12-5 am are my favourite hours because i can just look at my ceiling and get lost in my thoughts and nobody could interrupt me. i cant sleep. ive been worrying excessively lately snd sometimes i find myself stressing out out for no reason. i dont know. i just need a hug from someone and find me some more loyal friends/mutuals who wont leave me, and could put up with all my venting and extraness. im doing a bit better now, i think? ive gained a pound! but lost it these past 2 days and trying to exercise to get myself motivated but i dunno. im kinda scared of growing up. and ahHhhh. im babbling, im sorry. its just i have nobody to talk to at this hour. good n-morning actually.
Trash can I talk to myself during that time. Different problems but still. I find it therapeutic. It’s almost like I know everything I need to hear. Anyways hope you’ll do better.
Im going to through the same thing. Like EXSACT same. I worry more than anything and I don’t have any loyal friends, I sometimes just need a hug but theres no one to give me one. So I lay awake starring at the celing.
Well I am a stranger on the internet, and this isn’t a materialistic hug, but going through some bumps and rough patches along the road of growing up is something that is definitely tolerable as long as you stay true to you and all of the things that make you happy regardless of what anybody thinks. Of course there are probably some type of grow up wizards somewhere out there that know more than me about it because I have barely grown up myself but here have a hug on the house 🤗
Same stuff happens to me,get depressed for no reason and start texting things to myself.my mind gets jumbled up of bad things that I feel or that has happened but music helps give my mind rhythm and organizes it
I love how there’s like- The dark side on youtube, But then there’s the happy lofi side. I love iT here, no one’s mad or anything. There’s only love here♥️🌸
*~Time Stamps~* 0:00 - ikigai 2:29 - Ukiyo 4:45 - island 7:01 - Overload 9:10 - Stormy weather 11:20 - Joy 14:28 - Rain.In.January 17:00 - Day Dreaming 19:43 - Further 22:41 - Always in reverse 26:17 - Streets that blossom empty echoes and serenades 30:44 - Banana Boy 32:38 - La distanza diminuisce ma noi non ci incontreremo mai piú 34:53 - First luv 36:40 - we’re not here 39:51 - Midnight 42:42 - Sunset Smokin 44:54 - Alone 47:56 - A little diamond in the dirt 50:37 - Husk *Hope you enjoy and sorry if any mistakes are there*
In case anyone’s wondering, the Japanese you can hear in the background on the first track is an announcement from a bullet train somewhere west of Tokyo.
*Music is my friend* A simple note of melody Keeps me alive A long piece of symphony Listened to every night The rhythm of your song The tone of your harmony Played all night long Its perfect really Wish I could be better What worse could it be saying in forever Maybe I'm stuck alone, just my own I guess its okay to listen to your song Your the only one who comprehends The lyrics you sang, the message it sent Or maybe just the beat so I can't pretend All that I know music is my friend
Imagine this: You wake up early on Mondy morning, for once you don't need to go anywhere. Your room is white with a black, white, and orange aesthetic. Your calico cat jumps onto the bed, softly purring. You sit up and pet your cat before lifting it up and carrying it to the kitchen. It's still a little dark outside and you finally notice the pitter-patter of the rain on the roof. You pour your cat some food and make yourself coffee/tea (I like tea more :P). You walk to your couches and turn on your small lamp before walking the bookcase and taking out the book you are currently reading. You sit down, your cat coming over soon enough and sitting on your lap, in a way that you can still move the pages without disturbing it. Time seems to slow down 'Early Mornings turn into something perfect' you think as you enter your reality, changing every thought you had into positivity. ^Personal Dream^
I can always count on lofi to calm me down. Today, was a pretty frustrating day... It feels like a warm bath, when it's not warm and there is no bath. It feels like a dream but, it's something more. It's like a memory long gone yet, still savored in moments of need. This is what home is starting to feel like, a familiar place only in our minds that has distanced itself from us and we've forgotten how it's like to be there. Even while am listening, am missing this music and thinking of when I'll be listening to this again...
Hey you! Yeah you reading this 😉 I have something for you to read... '"Whether it rains or the sun shines You are an amazing, unique human that cannot be defined From the day your mother gave Birth You are cared about and meant to be on this Earth" Have a lovely day / afternoon / evening 😊
_This is the side of youtube where you can really chill out and dont have to read hate comments... Thank u so much FearDog! For this LoFi remixes and giving us aesthetic vibes! I can really feel that and it feels good.. I hope yall can or could enjoy this music even if there was ad's like: "I mAdE a WeBsItE wItH wIx" Remember to stay healthy, happy, calm and confident. Treat other people like you want to get treated. You are also beautiful in every way, dont forget even if you are sad sometimes! You, yes you the person who is reading this right now in this moment.. You are beautiful, remember my words when you are depressed! I love you sis, keep going and you will reach your goals! It doesn't matter if you cant sometimes get out of your bed in morning, or if you get an F in school,or if you had a bad day bc of fight with friends or family.. Some people may dont like you, but i guess they are jelous bc you are so beauty and calm. Sorry for the long text and reading this, i hope you enjoyed it, have fun in school or work, enjoy your meal, or have a good sleep! No matter when you are watching. S t a y H a p p y S i s🌈☄️_
“If you’re just living mechanically you have to change that life” This is what i’m trying to do rn. Change my life in a positive way by doing things and being with people that make me happy :, ) I hope everyone else who feels this way does smt to change it too. Gl everyone with your daily life.. ily♥️♥️
Hate is the one in need of a good friend the most. Hate just had a bad childhood while raised in a rough neighborhood. Hate is the person we all could have been and so she needs our sympathy all the more. Hate is our daughters, our brothers, our mothers and our fathers.
The sounds are so relaxing and reassuring that everything is gonna be okay. There's something so great about it and all the comments are so chill. You don't see that often on the internet.
As the music began to play, i began to feel relaxed too. I know it's not related to video or smth but I sometimes wonder if why we live so fast. I mean why we try to be fast on everything we do? We do it fastly and we don't feel satisfied afterwards. Sometimes we don't give time to ourselves to try again, or doing it better with slow steps. My curiosity is not about living fastly only. I wonder if why we always feel like we need a shelter when it rains? And after we say that we want to get soaked in rain without caring about stares of other people. I think about why we're always timid on inside. (Of course it's because we're not allowed to be ourselves) and that makes me sad. We do things to be happy, but all we get is money and tiredness. Does it worth? ;_; *back to deep thoughts*
I still wonder about the same thing too! Everyone is so busy and living so fast. Always trying to work their very best to gain attention, to be promoted in work, to win certain award, to be first to do this or to do that. If everyone achieve everything, what will happen to us then? I think the only moment where people slow down is when we get old, like really old. I think that's the only moment we get to enjoy life, before it ends :/ But really, who make all these rules; to work to earn the money, then use the money for food, medical, knowledge, etc. *deep thoughts* indeed.
So calming... Thank you for compiling this-- what a lovely and chill mix... the image to go along with it is so aesthetically pleasing, and accompanies the music beautifully. It creates a sleepy mood, yet the brightness of the sunlight is warming and lively... absolutely perfect! This is the first video I've listened to of yours-- I'll definitely check your channel out!! :)
*ᴍᴏɴᴅᴀʏ, **12:30** ᴀᴍ, 11.4.19* “till death do us part” isn’t that what they all say? while you sit here, your pieces astray the shine in her eye when’s he’s happy the sad look she shows after she says she’s it’s all fine “it’s a school day” go to bed” is what my parents say but what i hear is don’t fall asleep if you want to stay home, on this lovely cool day “till death do us part” isn’t that what they all say? while you sit here, your pieces astray yet fate met us here under this small little tree this feeling of love that’s what we fear immensely i should be at school as you should be too yet we’re both here because we feel like tools our pasts fade away as we sit here and talk yet at the end of the day, you’ll go home she’ll be in bed he’ll be writing and i’ll be dreaming of being dead *ᴍᴏɴᴅᴀʏ, **12:30** ᴀᴍ, 11.4.19* ⋆ ᴀʟᴍᴏsᴛ ᴛᴡᴏ ʏᴇᴀʀs ᴀɢᴏ ᴛʜɪs ᴠɪᴅᴇᴏ ᴡᴀs ᴘᴏsᴛᴇᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ'ᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ʟɪsᴛᴇɴɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ɪᴛ ғᴏʀ sᴏ ʟᴏɴɢ. ʙᴜᴛ ɴᴏᴡ ɪ'ᴠᴇ ғɪɴᴀʟʟʏ ʜᴀᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴜʀᴀɢᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ᴛʜɪs. ɢᴏᴏᴅʙʏᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ɢᴏᴏᴅɴɪɢʜᴛ, ʟᴏᴠᴇs ⋆
This kind of music matches with rainy cold days with a cup of tea on your hand, or when you're at a coffee store listening to this kinds of music looking out the window starring people walking during a snow storm❤️lovelyyyy!
The lofi community really feels like a collection lost souls searching for a new home. We all ended up here. Make some dreams and chase them. You are destined for greatness. We were born human and thus we are capable of anything we put our minds to. Stay strong. Stay brave. Stay kind. And most importantly, stay safe. I believe in you, fellow wanderer. Keep up the good work. 💝🎶
Used to do All Nighter-- But today i woke up early. Existence of this Early Morning lofi motivated me to wake up early :)) Wish me luck! Edit1:already a week passed Feeling good and will continue
Somehow it makes me thinking about the lunch time for office workers. People are rushing out of their cubics. Long lines of waiting at the cafeteria. It’s the only time to stretch a little from the busy schedule. Take a little chill time in a fast paced lifestyle.
I imagine opening this chill coffee shop that’s all cozy, and the customers sipping their drinks calmly while staring out the window. And this music plays in the background.
Recently there was a day i was studying as usual, just with my table lamp with yellow light turned on and listening to classical music similar to the songs of that playlist. I was wondering when the next rain would comes, cuz i love rain. And aproximally one hour after that, started to rain. Hear the sound of the raindrops on the street mixed with my study music was such a wonderful thing. These simple moments alone and just with nature and my own goals are the most reason why i just love being alive. Hope you all are good! Have a good day everyone ^^
1 million plays on a mix that contains one of my beats. happy day.=) .Thanks ya'll that listens and supports! Much love to all the other producers in this mix and ofcourse Feardog for putting it together. Stay safe, peace! :)
you, yes you reading this life is rough but here you are reading this, I’m so proud of you, be patient things will get better and you’ll get what you desire. I promise, I love you and I want you to keep pushing even if times get rough. your life is more valuable than you know, everything will be okay. have a good night/day🥰
5;15 AM on monday, 10.12.18 Listening to this while studying before school and decorating my bullet journal ;)) Can't I have a better monday morning? EDIT: I decided that ''18'' is better looking that ''2018'' hahah
ine mallow Happy late Christmas if you celebrate it anyways I really hope you have a nice day I might not know you but I why can’t I just spread happiness
"The trouble while/ with alway being active and doing things, is that I think it's possible to do all sorts of things and at the same time to be completely dead inside. I mean you're doing all these things but are you doing them because really you feel an impulse to do them or are you doing them mechanically as we were saying before? Cause i really do believe that if your living mechanically then you have to change your life." what a beautiful quote
Imagine this: You wake up early on an overcast, Monday morning, blissfully waking to the thought that you have nothing to do all day. You laze around for a while beneath your clean, puffy comforter before getting up and making yourself aromatic tea. Pulling out your favorite book, you settle on the couch, tucking your toes beneath your favorite blanket and huddling into your big hoodie as it starts to snow.
You have no idea how relaxed this makes me feel. I've had a horrible week, but as I play this from my phone while I'm getting ready for bed every night, everything seems to be good for a little bit
I fell asleep listening to this and I was on call with my crush haha, he said "you are so adorable." I said I was gonna head off to bed and he was like "come onnn :((" and he said "fine darling, I love you" and I said I love you too and hung up and fell asleep haha. update!! : we dated but he broke up with me, he was having problems at home and mental problems. he would also hangout with his “girl bestfriend” and be closer with her than me and make me rlly jealous. he blocked me on everything i just think this is for the better. :)
I hate being a kid, all you get to do is go to school sleep go to school sleep. I wish I was older and could move to Paris. In a nice apartment. My job could be a artist, and I could paint the beautiful veiw from my apartment window. That is my wish.
I hate being an adult. The stress and burden on our shoulders are much more massive than as a kid. I was like you too, I hated going to school, go back home and repeat the day after. But now that I am experiencing an adult life, I sure do wished that I could be a kid again. Dealing with life is tougher than dealing with school as a kid... Well, I wish you a good luck and may you succeed in everything! :)
Reach for the stars. You’ll get there.. It’ll be a bumpy ride, but I believe in you. Things may change, but.. That Paris Apartment is Waiting for you! 💫
Same, but I don't really want to relax. I want something difficult in my life. I want to get over the difficulties of being an adult, then feel accomplished. I understand that everythign will be stressing, but once I get there, once I stay strong, I will eventually accomplish something. *Not just a well done certificate for being good at math.*
Being a kid is hard, being an adult is hard. Everything is hard in life. But how are you going to get to where you want taking the easy path? Maybe try seeing the positive if what you have right now and see where your future is headed
Its monday morning, its cold and dark. I miss you more than ever, why'd I give you my heart? Turn up the music, Focus on it. Sleep no longer is what it means, now that you're always in my dreams. The silence leaves me needing you, lover. I'm left with nothing to do, lover. I wonder if your words are for her too. I'm stuck with nothing to do. So I guess I'll turn it up, pour this gin into a cup. Let the tears pour from my eyes... No wonder it stings when I cry.
This was one of the first lofi playlists I ever discovered and listened to over and over again. These songs have seen me through some really tough times. Glad this video popped in my recommended again. It's like seeing an old friend.
I like to wake up at 5 am and drink coffee and write my thoughts by the light of a single warm lamp while listening to this mix. It's a comforting and positive way to start the day.
I remember like it was yesterday playing in a park with my friends now I’m 14 and soon picking my GCSE’S I’ve never been so stressed. I could literally screw up my life if I get the choices wrong everyone’s putting so much pressure on me. And it doesn’t help when I have this boy on my mind everyday. My childhood is over I’m all most a grownup and it sucks! Boy drama, school and fake friends.. omg I can’t take it anymore it’s almost valentines and I’m single too. The only thing I look forward to these days now is listening to these songs they honestly turn my mood around so thank you so much! It’s been so great listening to this ❤️😊 you’ve made me happy when no one ever could!
Know that life is a journey and that it will ultimately get better. A year on and I'm guessing your perspective on these problems has slightly changed. I bombed my GCSE's, picked the wrong subjects, dropped out of sixth form and then three other colleges, partied too hard, decided to travel and returned to education in my late 20's to complete a degree. Life is about making decisions and making mistakes, and happiness comes from being comfortable with the fact that, no matter how many times you fail, you're fundamentally okay and that there are people in your life who will love you regardless. Also, hard times allow you to build strength. The strength you gain from difficult experiences will allow you be there more completely for the people you love, especially if you have had similar experiences yourself. Life will never give you that which it thinks you cannot handle. Allow the hardships to shape you into the strong and successful person you're destined to be and never let anybody else determine your self worth. This applies to anybody who might see this comment and relate. Take care everyone and look after yourselves!
It's Monday morning, no school, just sitting in the car with my mum..driving back to my apartment after a long weekend at home with my noisy grandparents..have my headphones on, so I could get away with anything and going back to my peaceful little world again.. Looking at the blue sky, with maybe 1 or 2 planes. Relaxing car ride, enjoying myself with a warm cup of tea in my hands..reading all the peaceful comments..thinking to myself.."wish the rest of my Mondays could be like this one" Wish everyone have a great Monday like I do today x) Spreading love to all of you
I remember listening to this playlist to motivate me to wake up really early when I was in a really dark place so I could enjoy my mornings before school, 3 years later and I'm back :))
it’s not Monday morning, but yet a Tuesday evening. eyes are tired from long hours at school heart hurts from the pain of heartache head hurts from the stress of tests Feet swollen from walking around Tired of crying. Tired of everything Just wanting to lay down in bed and forget about everything, all the pain, all the sadness, all the heartache looking up at the ceiling and wondering what it would be like to be happy stressed, hurt, broken, etc. no matter how you feel. no matter how much the pain hurts you are loved. you matter. breathe. listen to ur heart. hear that? That’s called purpose. You have a purpose on this Earth. i love y’all. you got this.
Its 2:30 am on a Tuesday morning, well its close enough. I woke up randomly and decided to stay up a bit. Nice mix, i think ill listen to it for a while before going back to sleep
🎼 Feardog's Spotify playlists: spoti.fi/2mM0pLC
Congrats! You finally got the video back
Thanks fuck it's deblocked. Not gonna lie I died on the inside a bit when I saw it wasn't available
So glad it’s back
Hey the tracklist is wrong, could you fix that? I want to find some of these songs, but I can't.
hey you, yes you, scroll up and start studyin, dont read comments god damn it ><
what am i doing? i gotta study aswell D:
Dammit, you got me there. Go study now too then!
You got me too, I'll go study, don't worry uwu
Damn you got me. Alright I'll stop and continue...
not studying but mk.
Well now I’m attacked....I mean, of course you’re right but still.....
i know it ain't monday but i'm bumping this anyway
I love your music 😍
*sigh* there's always one.
I'm not liking this comment just so it can stay at 420 👌
Sam Manning Agreed XD
shit boi wassup
Me: *falling asleep to this on a road trip*
Ad: i MaDe A wEbSiTe WiTh WiX aNd YoU cAn ToO!
dark sunshine omg 😂😔💀
Lol I had the same ad
@@choerryblossoms1062 hehehe hi army
adblock helps
*Some things you can do to vibe at night:*
-Drink some sweet milk-tea with whatever you like in it
- Snuggle with your cute pet, or a soft fuzzy blanket
-Draw, or paint, or colour
-Write a story, or a fanfiction
-Call your friend, and talk about life and things
-Get lost in your favourite book
-Watch heartwarming movies
-Listen to lofi, soft jazz, and chillhop
*I love you, everyone~ Stay strong for me, okay?*
I dont wanna drink tea im allergic to milk and i drink water enough already.
I dont have a fuzzy blanket and the cat keeps making my face all full of her hair.
i am shit at drawing and dont want to make my self esteem lower by wasting time in that.
I am very unoriginal and i dont have the motivation to write fanfics or stories.
I dont have sincere friends
I dont know any other movies like that than my neighbour totoro and i have watched that already.
I guess i can listen to music and it really does help me relax but i am always making myself think i am busy to keep the crushing thoughts away.
What else is there to help me?
Btw i dont think i am deppressed. i am just very sad often.
poison and wine You are so sweet, btw do you Know some good movies that i could watch tonight please?
molemole just eat more ;D
”okay verona if you say so”
Imagine :
It’s Monday morning but you don’t have to get up. You rest your head on the pillow on your window sill . You look out at all of the roof tops and it starts to rain. Your black cat jumps up to watch and you sit in silence. As it gets more misty you throw the patchwork quilt of of you and shuffle to the fridge and pour yourself some milk , than you hear the pitter patter on the roof grow louder and you go back to your still open window. You Put on your favorite record and read the wind and the willows until dark. You look through the window that had been giving you fresh air all day and you hear the crickets start to sing. You reach out the window and grab a ripe plum of of the plum tree that’s growing outside and watch the stars until you fall asleep.
This is my dream day lol
Edit: my goodness 😅 I didn’t expect people to like this comment this much! Thanks everyone for the kind words ❤️❤️
Also I hate milk.
@@willo4719 how dare you
[HERO] Warbo078 LP to bad :b
Wow i would love this
@@willo4719 same why not have tea or soy milk
this makes me want to wake up in an asthetic as room and just have a warm cup of coffee while looking outside the windows in a 2 story apartment...
Welcome to my world
not into coffee but I'll do it with hot chocolate :)
Depressed and stressed on a Monday evening. Home alone in the dark, worried for someone I know, and after about 10 minutes of crying, it's good to have some music to chill to, to breathe to. Music can't solve my problems but somehow it relaxes me.
I hope you ok
Awe hope you are alright, hang in there xo
xtearox thanks It's nice of you to help the guy out
Alone on a Monday evening as well, just like every other day
I should be getting ready for school, but here I am, listening to lofi, vibing in my bed while I watch the sun slowly rise from the east in the baby blue sky...🌃
(Have a lovely blessed day🥰)
Do you remember how school went, the day you wrote this comment? How was it?
@@psychopompous3207I'm also wondering haha :))
@@strbbry Well met, Internet stranger. I sonder frequently.
I hate school sometimes I get stressed out so easy. I only have those few moments in the morning and at night to just breathe and relax
Raquel Perez keep going my friend, all will be okay !
yeah... true.
but still,you must go through it for your own future.
dont worry...It will be fine, you'll go through all of it nicely.
Raquel Perez same except I feel anxious sometimes in the mornings and nights too
I sealed with that to you just need to continue and look at the bright sides
Ughhh same here especially at the end of the trimester, the teachers just cram everything into one or two weeks and it’s so stressful 😫
when did we change?
from throwing paper planes
and driving wooden trains
to this
and when did we grow
from angels in the snow
lots of things we didn't know,
to this
can you put your finger on the way
when we never agin did play,
our childhood wasted away
to this
and when did we get taller,
our dreams get smaller,
so now the thing left in life,
is this
Oh my god
fuck, right in the feels.
fuckoff what’s wrong with you lmao
this is so good
Try rapping this in the first song its nice
*Hey someone out there. I just wanted to say -- You're beautiful, you're perfect!*
*Goodbye my friend and have a nice Day / Evening / Night*
Defintely : Loli thx I’ve been having a lot of stress lately:D
Thank you :'3
Defintely : Loli thank you ❤️ you too😊😌🥰❤️❤️❤️
No one else thinks I’m beautiful
Ragnarok well I do you don’t need others compliments to compromise for your self love I have struggled with this to and sometimes you need to find what you are talented at and then people wouldn’t care what you looked like because you are beautiful on the inside don’t stop believing in yourself don’t stop pushing and definitely don’t stop thinking YOU are beautiful because at the end of the day no one can live your life like you can.
I hope this helped 😊😊😊
As I’m watching the stars
I wonder if you are looking at the same stars and thinking of me
I wonder if I call out “I love you” into the vast night sky,
If you will hear my words echoing against the rooftops and into your heart
I wonder if you will call back with love sent from your innermost heart and soul
I wonder
I will always wonder
Wether my words are just empty echoes
Or meaningful melodies to you
I hope you enjoyed my little poem! 💖
Yeah it is beautiful
Bob ross would be proud
i loved it❤︎
Wonderful just wonderful
I love it. It’s very pretty
Tomorrow morning is a Monday morning. I wish my mornings felt the way these songs sound, peaceful and happy.
For me its saturday and its a peacefull morning
All is in the perception of the person! Have a good day.
For me it depends on when i wake up. If you wake up at 6.00 or before; mornings are very peaceful (for me atleast). My ideal wake up time would be 4:00. But I can only survive on minimum 5 hours a night.
My monday mornings sound more like this "KERRIE GET OUT OF BED NOW." "No mahhhmmm" *she drags me* "YO SLEEPY CHILD IS TIRED" *screams internally*
Its 23pm sunday and listening to this gives me tje best vibes and nostalgie!!
love this part of youtube
wpsldk same
same and the comment section
Yes dude , me too
*Yeah me too*
wpsldk same
It’s Monday morning
And I’ve forgotten about that soccer game. I’ve forgotten all the good times, what it was like before.
It’s Monday morning
And I don’t like soccer anymore. I’ve lost interest in the things that I used to love.
It’s Monday morning
And I don’t want to get up. I want to sleep forever, Never having to deal with another thing again.
It’s Monday morning
And I’m home alone. Crying? Fasting? Cutting? No. Just staring up at the ceiling and wondering.
It’s Monday morning
And mom’s home. “How did you sleep?” I smile and tell her “well.” But I didn’t sleep at all last night.
It’s Monday morning
And Dad’s home. “Go do the dishes.” I don’t regurgitate an attitude. I wash the dishes with a glare at mom for not saying anything.
It’s Monday evening
And it’s time to close my eyes. But I don’t sleep. I just close my eyes, and hope to open them next week to a better Monday Morning.
Wow, I love this, so powerful. I hope things get better for you💕
I respect you doing dishes homie
Someone mad about having to do he dishes 😂
(In all actuallyity, if you're going through a tough time time, please get help! You can get through it!)
Oh my goodness this made me wanna burst into tears
~☆ Need a hug stranger?
Man, I wish I could give you one. . .
[Internet hug]
There you go! ^-^ ~☆
aww tysm you're so sweet 🥺💕
lol ur the best
Another one please
Listening to this on a Tuesday morning, cause I don't play by the rules.
I bet you have warrants
Set Sail Its Wednesday here loool
Set Sail 2am friday OH WELL
Did anyone else notice at 17:00, "The trouble with being active and always doing things is that I think it's quite possible, to do all sorts of things and at the same time-- be completely dead inside."
I mean, that's a mood but I didn't need this exsastential crisis on a monday
It's from My dinner with Andre (1981)
yeah. That's way too relatable x)
*Dear Diary, Monday Morning*
Monday morning, drinking my coffee.
What could go wrong, I love this beautiful city.
It's so beautiful.. Stores say the city was built by stars..
Anyways this city is beautiful, and so are you. ♡
*Your writer,*
While I was reading this my cat farted
@@vanillabeans5122 You really had to point that out?
@b r i It was important!
@@vanillabeans5122 Lmao
vanillabeans ah yes, very important info i needed! thank you, now i will go write a story about it lmao
I wish I had a life, similar to the one shown in the picture.
I can't sleep well, so I can't get up early.
My bedroom faces west, so I can't see the sun rise.
I don't have a pet whom I can pet, feed and take care of.
I can't drink coffee, or tea, or milk.
But I'm happy with my current life.
It is amazing, especially after a long sleep.
If I can't see the sun rise, I definitely can see the sunset. Which is beautiful.
I have my brother. I love him, and I take care of him ( he is 2 )
I can drink Cola, and that is the best feeling in the world.
Find optimism in your life. Don't complain how life is unfair to you. YOU DEFINE YOUR LIFE.
Make the best out of it.
Thanks for reading the whole comment =).
F'in sweet 💖
My house faces North so I cant see any of them 💔
i can see the sunrise but the trees are covering it, it's still beautiful though
So I think if you were instead of that picture, that was a beautiful one I liked to be instead. 💜
All I need to remember is when i am feeling down go to this type of music and read the comments. I don’t know why but when I read them I fell like I am connected to everyone who writes/ reads the comments
P.s if ur reading this you are loved and have an fabulous life☺️
Zoe Cowart I hope you’re doing great! This comment made me smile, thanks ^-^
Pretty sure I’m not loved but thank a lot 🤍🤍🤍
Zoe Cowart I do as well! I hope you have a nice day as well ^-^
Thankyou I agree uwu hope you're having a good day 😊
_Imagine it's Monday morning. It's a regular Monday like any other; You have to go to school or you have homeschool work you have to do. You wake up early, eat breakfast, brush your teeth, get dressed, and get ready for the day. As you always think, it's gonna be stressful. Well, it might be. But don't let that stop you from having a great day. If something happens, know that everyone around you is here for you. And even if you think the exact opposite, the noise in your mind is wrong. It's gonna hurt and/or suck for awhile but that's a part of growing up. You have to live with the pain and accept it. It's extremely hard but, you _*_will_*_ get through it. Stay strong. Always be strong._
This background art is so beautiful ❤️
Л им сб ьп вы а
Yep, I'm enjoying looking at the cushion/pillow things...
Yea, they usually are for these videos
anatoli80211 привет, русский челик 😂👍🏻
people: hey you, keep studying instead of scrolling in the comments.
but meanwhile i'm actually chilling because school has been cancelled because of the coronavirus outbreak
good luck out there people
Thanks, I'm home-schooled so no break for me ;)
Lol same, and my home schooled friends are all rubbing it in our faces now
bruhv same
Relatable homeschool peeps
its monday already, 12:51 am, almost 1 am. and its so peaceful. 12-5 am are my favourite hours because i can just look at my ceiling and get lost in my thoughts and nobody could interrupt me. i cant sleep. ive been worrying excessively lately snd sometimes i find myself stressing out out for no reason. i dont know. i just need a hug from someone and find me some more loyal friends/mutuals who wont leave me, and could put up with all my venting and extraness. im doing a bit better now, i think? ive gained a pound! but lost it these past 2 days and trying to exercise to get myself motivated but i dunno. im kinda scared of growing up. and ahHhhh. im babbling, im sorry. its just i have nobody to talk to at this hour. good n-morning actually.
Trash can I talk to myself during that time. Different problems but still. I find it therapeutic. It’s almost like I know everything I need to hear. Anyways hope you’ll do better.
Im going to through the same thing. Like EXSACT same. I worry more than anything and I don’t have any loyal friends, I sometimes just need a hug but theres no one to give me one. So I lay awake starring at the celing.
Well I am a stranger on the internet, and this isn’t a materialistic hug, but going through some bumps and rough patches along the road of growing up is something that is definitely tolerable as long as you stay true to you and all of the things that make you happy regardless of what anybody thinks. Of course there are probably some type of grow up wizards somewhere out there that know more than me about it because I have barely grown up myself but here have a hug on the house 🤗
Same stuff happens to me,get depressed for no reason and start texting things to myself.my mind gets jumbled up of bad things that I feel or that has happened but music helps give my mind rhythm and organizes it
Hopefully people that go through that wont have to someday
I have listened to this every Monday morning for the last year. It's my most long lasting tradition. I love it and it makes my week so much better.
That's amazing!
@@hayastan111 п
Good for you.. 💕
The train in the background near my house makes it perfect
Same lol
Same? Hello??
As soon as I read this a train passed my house. What a coincidence
Aquí puro auto camionero de frutas
I love how there’s like-
The dark side on youtube,
But then there’s the happy lofi side.
I love iT here, no one’s mad or anything.
There’s only love here♥️🌸
So going to use this when i open a cafe 😋
Ai-ma fox I hope you succeed in opening one! It sounds like a great cafe and something well worth going to.
I can imagine it raining on a Monday morning, staring through the window with hot chocolate in my hand... @@georgevause4201
Lol I'm playing this in a caffee where I work, makes things soo much easyer.. hope u well with ur caffee ;)
absolutely relate. i wanna open a cafe near a beach, so my visitors could experience the most aesthetic moment of their life in my cafe.
I have the same plan too! I'm 15 and I always dreamed to have my own cafe and use this kind of musics and have a aesthetic theme in it too.
*~Time Stamps~*
0:00 - ikigai
2:29 - Ukiyo
4:45 - island
7:01 - Overload
9:10 - Stormy weather
11:20 - Joy
14:28 - Rain.In.January
17:00 - Day Dreaming
19:43 - Further
22:41 - Always in reverse
26:17 - Streets that blossom empty echoes and serenades
30:44 - Banana Boy
32:38 - La distanza diminuisce ma noi non ci incontreremo mai piú
34:53 - First luv
36:40 - we’re not here
39:51 - Midnight
42:42 - Sunset Smokin
44:54 - Alone
47:56 - A little diamond in the dirt
50:37 - Husk
*Hope you enjoy and sorry if any mistakes are there*
Please reply to this comment so I get a notif
@@PhasZeni ight life treating you good?
@@KleeTheToppie thank you, yes
@@PhasZeni ur welcome
What's your guys' favorite song in here? If you don't really have one, how's your day going?
you know its good when piano keys start off the mix🙏😏
You know it bro
[G]insen. Yes Lofi tradition
[G]insen. Only if u like chill music...
Young Shooter yeah man :) but I’m young tho :/
Hareness that young blood tnt gamer
Me: chilling doing school
Grammarly: LeTs SuPpOsE YoU ArE WrItInG a ReAlLy ImPoRtAnt EmAiL
Me: Throws my headphones at my phone
I feel this comment
that or the food subscription one lmao
Me with adblock on: B)
Content creators: ;(
Jazz is for such a lonely people. I think. It’s such a good vibes. Even if it remains me about my depression, still, really good vibes.
In case anyone’s wondering, the Japanese you can hear in the background on the first track is an announcement from a bullet train somewhere west of Tokyo.
*Music is my friend*
A simple note of melody
Keeps me alive
A long piece of symphony
Listened to every night
The rhythm of your song
The tone of your harmony
Played all night long
Its perfect really
Wish I could be better
What worse could it be saying in forever
Maybe I'm stuck alone, just my own
I guess its okay to listen to your song
Your the only one who comprehends
The lyrics you sang, the message it sent
Or maybe just the beat so I can't pretend
All that I know music is my friend
Wow this comment sections poetry skills tho.... 🤩
y e s
70th like ;3
Do you mind if I use this for my online profile?
Imagine this:
You wake up early on Mondy morning, for once you don't need to go anywhere. Your room is white with a black, white, and orange aesthetic. Your calico cat jumps onto the bed, softly purring. You sit up and pet your cat before lifting it up and carrying it to the kitchen. It's still a little dark outside and you finally notice the pitter-patter of the rain on the roof. You pour your cat some food and make yourself coffee/tea (I like tea more :P). You walk to your couches and turn on your small lamp before walking the bookcase and taking out the book you are currently reading. You sit down, your cat coming over soon enough and sitting on your lap, in a way that you can still move the pages without disturbing it. Time seems to slow down 'Early Mornings turn into something perfect' you think as you enter your reality, changing every thought you had into positivity.
^Personal Dream^
APlague oouuu nicee
no i am going to sleep in
And then you take the cat pie out of the oven and throw it in the pool.
@Than Doan OH HELL NAW
@@vanillabeans5122 BITCHHHHH 😂😂😂😂
This is the best community on UA-cam so much love and support 💛
Your username doe-
I agree but i'm rolling on the floor laughing after reading your username, no offense i'm just really immature lmao
I can always count on lofi to calm me down. Today, was a pretty frustrating day... It feels like a warm bath, when it's not warm and there is no bath. It feels like a dream but, it's something more. It's like a memory long gone yet, still savored in moments of need. This is what home is starting to feel like, a familiar place only in our minds that has distanced itself from us and we've forgotten how it's like to be there. Even while am listening, am missing this music and thinking of when I'll be listening to this again...
Are you a poet
Hey you! Yeah you reading this 😉 I have something for you to read...
'"Whether it rains or the sun shines
You are an amazing, unique human that cannot be defined
From the day your mother gave Birth
You are cared about and meant to be on this Earth"
Have a lovely day / afternoon / evening 😊
lightlamp Thank you. You're a wonderful human being ♡
lightlamp thank you so much for saying that. I really needed that..
lightlamp perfect motivation for everyone! Thank yoy
oh yeah..thanks :3 hope you too
That's so sweet,
But my thoughts are so deep in blackness..
_This is the side of youtube where you can really chill out and dont have to read hate comments... Thank u so much FearDog! For this LoFi remixes and giving us aesthetic vibes! I can really feel that and it feels good.. I hope yall can or could enjoy this music even if there was ad's like: "I mAdE a WeBsItE wItH wIx" Remember to stay healthy, happy, calm and confident. Treat other people like you want to get treated. You are also beautiful in every way, dont forget even if you are sad sometimes! You, yes you the person who is reading this right now in this moment.. You are beautiful, remember my words when you are depressed! I love you sis, keep going and you will reach your goals! It doesn't matter if you cant sometimes get out of your bed in morning, or if you get an F in school,or if you had a bad day bc of fight with friends or family.. Some people may dont like you, but i guess they are jelous bc you are so beauty and calm. Sorry for the long text and reading this, i hope you enjoyed it, have fun in school or work, enjoy your meal, or have a good sleep! No matter when you are watching. S t a y H a p p y S i s🌈☄️_
Thank you so much 🙏😊 Remember your own words if ever you need them too, because they're beautiful and fire =) 🔥
@@trinchilla22 Thanks! 💕
Jar jar binks -2019
It’s monday morning and i’m just sitting here watching the sky change its colour. So beautiful with this mix.
everyone's depressed here but...
*have you ever had to wear a size 13 in men's nikes before*
i- you-
i aM jUngShOoK lmao this comment is needed in this comment section
Size 13 wide my friend is this a flex a horible fact that i could be related to big foot who knows
@BerryLoverSans yey ▼ω▼
“If you’re just living mechanically you have to change that life” This is what i’m trying to do rn. Change my life in a positive way by doing things and being with people that make me happy :, ) I hope everyone else who feels this way does smt to change it too. Gl everyone with your daily life.. ily♥️♥️
I love how the lofi community is like
Hate? who's she? we only know wholesome.
Hate WOULD be a woman too.
Hate is the one in need of a good friend the most. Hate just had a bad childhood while raised in a rough neighborhood. Hate is the person we all could have been and so she needs our sympathy all the more. Hate is our daughters, our brothers, our mothers and our fathers.
The sounds are so relaxing and reassuring that everything is gonna be okay. There's something so great about it and all the comments are so chill. You don't see that often on the internet.
As the music began to play, i began to feel relaxed too.
I know it's not related to video or smth but I sometimes wonder if why we live so fast.
I mean why we try to be fast on everything we do?
We do it fastly and we don't feel satisfied afterwards.
Sometimes we don't give time to ourselves to try again, or doing it better with slow steps.
My curiosity is not about living fastly only.
I wonder if why we always feel like we need a shelter when it rains?
And after we say that we want to get soaked in rain without caring about stares of other people.
I think about why we're always timid on inside. (Of course it's because we're not allowed to be ourselves) and that makes me sad.
We do things to be happy, but all we get is money and tiredness.
Does it worth? ;_;
*back to deep thoughts*
I still wonder about the same thing too! Everyone is so busy and living so fast. Always trying to work their very best to gain attention, to be promoted in work, to win certain award, to be first to do this or to do that. If everyone achieve everything, what will happen to us then? I think the only moment where people slow down is when we get old, like really old. I think that's the only moment we get to enjoy life, before it ends :/ But really, who make all these rules; to work to earn the money, then use the money for food, medical, knowledge, etc. *deep thoughts* indeed.
Hopefully you all dig this one
Feardog Thank you!
So calming... Thank you for compiling this-- what a lovely and chill mix... the image to go along with it is so aesthetically pleasing, and accompanies the music beautifully. It creates a sleepy mood, yet the brightness of the sunlight is warming and lively... absolutely perfect! This is the first video I've listened to of yours-- I'll definitely check your channel out!! :)
Feardog 14:28 is not charlie toØ human - Rain.In.January. That song is My Foolish Heart by Bill Evans.
Feardog o
Feardog ,my God you wrote so many! lf there would be I, I already a long ago would leave off to write! ?!!!!!
*ᴍᴏɴᴅᴀʏ, **12:30** ᴀᴍ, 11.4.19*
“till death do us part”
isn’t that what they all say?
while you sit here,
your pieces astray
the shine in her eye
when’s he’s happy
the sad look she shows
after she says she’s it’s all fine
“it’s a school day”
go to bed”
is what my parents say
but what i hear
is don’t fall asleep
if you want to stay home,
on this lovely cool day
“till death do us part”
isn’t that what they all say?
while you sit here,
your pieces astray
yet fate met us here
under this small little tree
this feeling of love
that’s what we fear immensely
i should be at school
as you should be too
yet we’re both here
because we feel like tools
our pasts fade away
as we sit here and talk
yet at the end of the day,
you’ll go home
she’ll be in bed
he’ll be writing
and i’ll be dreaming of being dead
*ᴍᴏɴᴅᴀʏ, **12:30** ᴀᴍ, 11.4.19*
⋆ ᴀʟᴍᴏsᴛ ᴛᴡᴏ ʏᴇᴀʀs ᴀɢᴏ ᴛʜɪs ᴠɪᴅᴇᴏ ᴡᴀs ᴘᴏsᴛᴇᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ'ᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ʟɪsᴛᴇɴɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ɪᴛ ғᴏʀ sᴏ ʟᴏɴɢ. ʙᴜᴛ ɴᴏᴡ ɪ'ᴠᴇ ғɪɴᴀʟʟʏ ʜᴀᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴜʀᴀɢᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ᴛʜɪs. ɢᴏᴏᴅʙʏᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ɢᴏᴏᴅɴɪɢʜᴛ, ʟᴏᴠᴇs ⋆
Hey sometimes what u said is valid. Just like this poem.
Antonio Ribeiro thanks man 🥺
Ryu Hamtaro thank you 🥺❤️
This kind of music matches with rainy cold days with a cup of tea on your hand, or when you're at a coffee store listening to this kinds of music looking out the window starring people walking during a snow storm❤️lovelyyyy!
The lofi community really feels like a collection lost souls searching for a new home. We all ended up here. Make some dreams and chase them. You are destined for greatness. We were born human and thus we are capable of anything we put our minds to. Stay strong. Stay brave. Stay kind. And most importantly, stay safe. I believe in you, fellow wanderer. Keep up the good work. 💝🎶
listening to this gives u a flash back of all the good and bad things that happened this year now that this year is almost over
lmao, a year later.
Used to do All Nighter--
But today i woke up early.
Existence of this Early Morning lofi motivated me to wake up early :))
Wish me luck!
Edit1:already a week passed
Feeling good and will continue
Somehow it makes me thinking about the lunch time for office workers. People are rushing out of their cubics. Long lines of waiting at the cafeteria. It’s the only time to stretch a little from the busy schedule. Take a little chill time in a fast paced lifestyle.
I imagine opening this chill coffee shop that’s all cozy, and the customers sipping their drinks calmly while staring out the window. And this music plays in the background.
🌸I will vist that place everyday if I have to🌸☕☕🌸
I’m super anxious and depressed and this is so calming thx :)
Recently there was a day i was studying as usual, just with my table lamp with yellow light turned on and listening to classical music similar to the songs of that playlist. I was wondering when the next rain would comes, cuz i love rain. And aproximally one hour after that, started to rain. Hear the sound of the raindrops on the street mixed with my study music was such a wonderful thing. These simple moments alone and just with nature and my own goals are the most reason why i just love being alive. Hope you all are good! Have a good day everyone ^^
The best feeling in the world is drink some coffee in the morning listening this piece of art.
A Dead Boy 孤独 just doing it at the moment ^^
So you have a perfect sense of taste :3
h o l l o w e r すべて sameee
1 million plays on a mix that contains one of my beats. happy day.=) .Thanks ya'll that listens and supports! Much love to all the other producers in this mix and ofcourse Feardog for putting it together. Stay safe, peace! :)
The one at 42mins? That beats fire 🔥
fun fact: there's ALWAYS a comment on EVERY lofi video about how great the lofi community is
you, yes you reading this
life is rough but here you are reading this, I’m so proud of you, be patient things will get better and you’ll get what you desire. I promise, I love you and I want you to keep pushing even if times get rough. your life is more valuable than you know, everything will be okay. have a good night/day🥰
5;15 AM on monday, 10.12.18
Listening to this while studying before school and decorating my bullet journal ;)) Can't I have a better monday morning?
EDIT: I decided that ''18'' is better looking that ''2018'' hahah
ine mallow Happy late Christmas if you celebrate it anyways I really hope you have a nice day I might not know you but I why can’t I just spread happiness
@@mintybar Of course, everyone can spread happiness =) Hope everyone has a pleasant day. 😊
20 now
"The trouble while/ with alway being active and doing things, is that I think it's possible to do all sorts of things and at the same time to be completely dead inside. I mean you're doing all these things but are you doing them because really you feel an impulse to do them or are you doing them mechanically as we were saying before? Cause i really do believe that if your living mechanically then you have to change your life." what a beautiful quote
It indeed is ^^
At first I thought it was spike, but then it didn't sound like him. Anyone know where is from
This makes me wanna cuddle up with someone and just sleep... forever.
this makes you wanna die ?
Not in a bad way but Id be happy to die in my sleep if i was listening to this.
I know that feeling
That's a bit creepy... oO
Imagine this:
You wake up early on an overcast, Monday morning, blissfully waking to the thought that you have nothing to do all day. You laze around for a while beneath your clean, puffy comforter before getting up and making yourself aromatic tea. Pulling out your favorite book, you settle on the couch, tucking your toes beneath your favorite blanket and huddling into your big hoodie as it starts to snow.
You have no idea how relaxed this makes me feel. I've had a horrible week, but as I play this from my phone while I'm getting ready for bed every night, everything seems to be good for a little bit
Y'know, I just found your channel and i dont regret it. You and bootleg boy are seriously life savers. Thank you.
Ambition is good too
I fell asleep listening to this and I was on call with my crush haha, he said "you are so adorable."
I said I was gonna head off to bed and he was like "come onnn :((" and he said "fine darling, I love you" and I said I love you too and hung up and fell asleep haha.
update!! : we dated but he broke up with me, he was having problems at home and mental problems. he would also hangout with his “girl bestfriend” and be closer with her than me and make me rlly jealous. he blocked me on everything i just think this is for the better. :)
That's so cute ❤️
i just UwUed so hard
*UwU intensifies*
uwus intensifing
Ur lucky ur crush likes u T^T
I wish all these songs were on Spotify! 😢 The creators deserve so much love! ❤❤
I hate being a kid, all you get to do is go to school sleep go to school sleep. I wish I was older and could move to Paris. In a nice apartment. My job could be a artist, and I could paint the beautiful veiw from my apartment window. That is my wish.
I hate being an adult. The stress and burden on our shoulders are much more massive than as a kid. I was like you too, I hated going to school, go back home and repeat the day after. But now that I am experiencing an adult life, I sure do wished that I could be a kid again. Dealing with life is tougher than dealing with school as a kid... Well, I wish you a good luck and may you succeed in everything! :)
Yeah if life was that simple. Your going to receive a pretty sharp wake up call I’m afraid !
Reach for the stars.
You’ll get there..
It’ll be a bumpy ride, but I believe in you.
Things may change, but..
That Paris Apartment is Waiting for you! 💫
Same, but I don't really want to relax. I want something difficult in my life. I want to get over the difficulties of being an adult, then feel accomplished. I understand that everythign will be stressing, but once I get there, once I stay strong, I will eventually accomplish something.
*Not just a well done certificate for being good at math.*
Being a kid is hard, being an adult is hard. Everything is hard in life. But how are you going to get to where you want taking the easy path? Maybe try seeing the positive if what you have right now and see where your future is headed
Okay I listened 2 dis n got into such deep thought I didn’t notice da music stop & that it had been 55 mins. Top notch ish right here
I’m going to listen to this every Monday morning
same its so relaxing
still at it?
I'm happy to be part of this community, and feel so welcomed. I hope y'all have a good day and staying safe from this deadly virus. Good vibes guys
I'm Japanese student.I can be relax When I listen to this.thank you for uproad!!l am studying English hard as listening this.
R T and your English is already kind of good
not hating, just correcting
oh by the way i love japan
Omg really? I half Japanese and I'm trying to study it, it's hard, but I hope to be good one day
Ima try not to be pissed at the fact that you're pointing out grammar mistakes to someone who's learning English lol
@@nojaybay im brazilian ;-;
Its monday morning, its cold and dark.
I miss you more than ever, why'd I give you my heart?
Turn up the music,
Focus on it.
Sleep no longer is what it means,
now that you're always in my dreams.
The silence leaves me needing you, lover.
I'm left with nothing to do, lover.
I wonder if your words are for her too.
I'm stuck with nothing to do.
So I guess I'll turn it up,
pour this gin into a cup.
Let the tears pour from my eyes...
No wonder it stings when I cry.
Marie Rodriguez gee.. I'm there too
•-• damn
Deep (´-`).。oO
Damn son
This is the perfect song for a calm night
This was one of the first lofi playlists I ever discovered and listened to over and over again. These songs have seen me through some really tough times. Glad this video popped in my recommended again. It's like seeing an old friend.
Saved for the morning. Will not miss it!
ThatChilledPolar. 😏😏😏😏😏
I listen to this everyday on Monday. Guess what it’s Monday and I’m playing this in my ear buds walking around the morons at my school. 👏🏽
WebGirl didn’t think anyone’s else life was like this
I'm listening this on happy Monday, early morning guys, good morning :)
I like to wake up at 5 am and drink coffee and write my thoughts by the light of a single warm lamp while listening to this mix. It's a comforting and positive way to start the day.
seems comfy
When you're actually listening to this on a monday morning...
Monday morning here.
Emily Aliem Yes
I remember like it was yesterday playing in a park with my friends now I’m 14 and soon picking my GCSE’S I’ve never been so stressed. I could literally screw up my life if I get the choices wrong everyone’s putting so much pressure on me. And it doesn’t help when I have this boy on my mind everyday. My childhood is over I’m all most a grownup and it sucks! Boy drama, school and fake friends.. omg I can’t take it anymore it’s almost valentines and I’m single too. The only thing I look forward to these days now is listening to these songs they honestly turn my mood around so thank you so much! It’s been so great listening to this ❤️😊 you’ve made me happy when no one ever could!
Me too! I'm so worried..
Whoosh same I’m so stressed out I don’t know what to do
K same except not there’s no one on my mind it’s just school and fake friends
Know that life is a journey and that it will ultimately get better. A year on and I'm guessing your perspective on these problems has slightly changed. I bombed my GCSE's, picked the wrong subjects, dropped out of sixth form and then three other colleges, partied too hard, decided to travel and returned to education in my late 20's to complete a degree. Life is about making decisions and making mistakes, and happiness comes from being comfortable with the fact that, no matter how many times you fail, you're fundamentally okay and that there are people in your life who will love you regardless. Also, hard times allow you to build strength. The strength you gain from difficult experiences will allow you be there more completely for the people you love, especially if you have had similar experiences yourself. Life will never give you that which it thinks you cannot handle. Allow the hardships to shape you into the strong and successful person you're destined to be and never let anybody else determine your self worth. This applies to anybody who might see this comment and relate. Take care everyone and look after yourselves!
It's Monday morning, no school, just sitting in the car with my mum..driving back to my apartment after a long weekend at home with my noisy grandparents..have my headphones on, so I could get away with anything and going back to my peaceful little world again..
Looking at the blue sky, with maybe 1 or 2 planes. Relaxing car ride, enjoying myself with a warm cup of tea in my hands..reading all the peaceful comments..thinking to myself.."wish the rest of my Mondays could be like this one"
Wish everyone have a great Monday like I do today x)
Spreading love to all of you
That sounds so nice, i dont have a way to watch youtube offline so i cant do this. Oof.
I remember listening to this playlist to motivate me to wake up really early when I was in a really dark place so I could enjoy my mornings before school, 3 years later and I'm back :))
Term Paper due tomorrow... perfect timing! Thanks
The only way I can focus on a piece of work without sidetracking :)))
it’s not Monday morning, but yet a Tuesday evening.
eyes are tired from long hours at school
heart hurts from the pain of heartache
head hurts from the stress of tests
Feet swollen from walking around
Tired of crying. Tired of everything
Just wanting to lay down in bed and forget about everything, all the pain, all the sadness, all the heartache
looking up at the ceiling and wondering what it would be like to be happy
stressed, hurt, broken, etc.
no matter how you feel. no matter how much the pain hurts
you are loved. you matter. breathe. listen to ur heart. hear that? That’s called purpose. You have a purpose on this Earth. i love y’all. you got this.
Is it just me who feels like this was what it was like waking up every morning during summer as a kid? God... I miss those days....
Time to grab a book, it's raining sooo:3
OMG. Wish it could snow here:(
I wish i had weather
Rain, rain, go away... Sometimes the rain makes things too painful. Other times it seems the sun (or stars) peeks through the clouds just for you.
I love rainy weekends, just spend the whole day studying or reading my favourite text books :)
Me too, the best thing you can do:33 Wish I had some friend that wouldn't hate rainy days:((
If school wasn’t a think this would be 💞☀️
Stress be gone... 🌬
"Hello, I'm Bob Ross. Ready to have some fun?"
Its 2:30 am on a Tuesday morning, well its close enough. I woke up randomly and decided to stay up a bit. Nice mix, i think ill listen to it for a while before going back to sleep
it hurts listening to this because it makes me miss my friends so much.
dont worry, ur friends are still wth u... just a little far away. relax and have a good night. also same
I know my parents said
"Don't talk with strangers"
But you all are the sweetest strangers I've ever met✨
Honestly this might be my favorite lofi, its 🔥🔥🔥
when i feel sleepy but still gotta do my work early in the morning. I choose this 🌊
thank u once again for including me, my man! It's beautifull mix!
First day of school and I woke up at 5, thanks for this 😊
“I hate Mondays.”
Slyfy The neverending Loop of Lasagna Cat.
I eat john, it's what I do
Happy Tuesday everybody!!
Noah Song ‘‘tis Monday again here my friend.
“Hey, i's me, Trump, and I love lasagna!”