Ignoring the moon and feeling like a fraud 🫣 Tarot and witchy things I'm not good at

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024


  • @EmilysTarotandMagick
    @EmilysTarotandMagick 7 днів тому +4

    Your practice is 100 percent legit - personal to u and you are awesome! Thank you for your honesty and authenticity ✨ Xx

  • @Emily_Linka
    @Emily_Linka 8 днів тому +17

    The idea that witchcraft can only be authentic through rituals and big physical action comes from early 1900s high Magick occultists and Wiccans. Witchcraft being something low key and practical and spur of the moment is, in many ways, more “authentic” to the type of craft that has existed amongst the village cunning folks. I’ve found leaning into a more animist, folk craft has been so healing for me. I love Roger J Horne’s books especially. Also, the idea that witchcraft can only be big rituals etc is pure ableism (not calling you ableist - saying that it’s rooted in ableism in general).

    • @SaplingTarot
      @SaplingTarot 8 днів тому +6

      Yessss! I was thinking exactly this, I’m always here for the “low” magic.

    • @Emily_Linka
      @Emily_Linka 8 днів тому +7

      @@SaplingTarot100%! I’m mostly bedbound and have severe ME so like… everything else is off limits anyway. And finally letting myself disconnect from the Wiccan “ideal” that I absorbed in my teens towards a more free flowing, folky form of the craft has been a delight. Cant light a candle irl? Light one in your mind! Cant afford the right herb? A picture will do or whatever is in the kitchen. I’ve been getting into books of old spoken and written charms recently and realising how much of the old ways of magic was just spoken has been amazing

    • @activistwitch
      @activistwitch 8 днів тому +3

      Honestly, high / ceremonial magic requires so much energy I'm not surprised it was elitist 😓

  • @terriw6116
    @terriw6116 7 днів тому +1

    This was one of the best tarot videos I've ever watched on UA-cam. I resonated so much with your list - the impostor syndrome, feeling like my practice isn't good enough if I'm not doing all the lunar rituals, feeling like my readings will be less potent if I don't write down every thing, the genuine panic when I realize how much I still have to learn...
    It's been enough time that I recognize that as my "capitalist" brain, for lack of a better word. The belief that everything must be maximized, and we have to squeeze out every last drop of value from something, otherwise it becomes a waste. When in reality that's not true at all. My tarot practice is deeply sacred in my life, even when I don't write anything down. In fact, my focus on doing everything one way takes me away from the spiritual connection I'm trying to build.
    GREAT video. Thanks so much for sharing.

  • @LennanSmith
    @LennanSmith 2 дні тому +1

    This is SOOO legit! Your topics were so spot on, and so many of us have these thoughts at one time or another.
    You are beautiful. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this tag. It's been great to participate and see others' responses. ❤

  • @thrivingselfcarerenee
    @thrivingselfcarerenee 3 дні тому +1

    I too am TERRIBLE at time sensitive things. For me, I deal with chronic health issues. So everything depends on what my symptoms are doing on any given day. And honestly, Full Moons tend to make me feel AWFUL. So I've basically given up trying to keep up with time sensitive things. It just never works for me.
    I also primarily focus on the Solstices and Equinoxes. I agree that those make sense to me because they actually happen. My husband is in the military and we've moved around. Seasons have been different everywhere we've lived. So I try to just observe what's happening locally during each "season."
    I too "observe" as in the literal observation, awareness of. Same for me with the Moon Cycles. I'm aware of them and kinda focus more on waxing and waning and New/Full vs all the intricacies of the cycle. Sometimes all I do is go outside and look up at the Moon while I let my dog out to potty.
    Fantasy me wants to do ritual. Reality me feels fake or weird doing rituals or trying to do them. It just doesn't work for me. At most I'll set up a crystal grid and some Reiki for my intentions/needs, maybe with some Tarot/Oracle cards. At most I'll cleanse with my singing bowl, but not often.
    I stopped keeping notes a while ago! I realized i never look back at it AND it took so much of my already limited physical energy. I just quit and havent really missed it at all. I don't journal any cards readings either. At most, I'll take a pic of a meaningful reading just in case i want to remember it. Haven't looked back at those either. 🤣
    With the issue of continuous learning, at some point, you have a reasonable base of knowledge to work with and can consider yourself "graduated" to a certain level (like professional) but there's always still more to learn. Like a doctor. They go to medical school and graduate as an MD and can practice medicine on patients. But they don't leave school knowing everything. They still always have more to learn. But that doesn't mean they aren't a doctor, licensed to practice medicine professionally. They have a base of knowledge to start with, a level of training, and continue from there in their professional capacity.
    So you are absolutely NOT alone in these things at all! 💖💖💖

  • @simply_han
    @simply_han 5 днів тому +1

    It's really great to see so many people talking about their practices and what's working or not working for them. I truly appreciate your openness in sharing your experiences. It's so inspiring and it really makes me want to share more about my own struggles. I believe it's important to share all stages of our abilities, as it can make us all feel less alone.

  • @activistwitch
    @activistwitch 8 днів тому +3

    I'm still learning about things that clearly are my autistic brain and I didn't know. I've always bene the same: either I know everything or I don't know enough clearly to do that!!!!

  • @Moo-jay
    @Moo-jay 7 днів тому +1

    Oh my, I resonated so strongly with the lack of intuition thing!! I have a science degree, possible neurodiverse leanings, and a deep love of logic, order and systems. I also feel that the analytical part of my brain leaps into action during readings before my teeny little intuition.
    I’ve found it difficult in general reconciling my scientific side and my tarot/more mystical side and always feel like I’m betraying one or the other a bit. It’s comforting to know that other people experience similar things and yes, we probably just need to get out of our overthinking heads a bit 😆

  • @Talanee314
    @Talanee314 8 днів тому +4

    I watch your site to see the different decks. This one caught my attention. I don’t normally make comments but I felt inclined to say this, “if you keep thinking you’re not good at something, it will stay that way. You’re crafting as your making this video. Be well. 😊

  • @TarotTherapeia
    @TarotTherapeia 7 днів тому +1

    Intuition is when the brain makes pattern matches, its like instinct, subconscious even, it is inherently human. I had a hard time with imposter syndrome around intuition and the psychic tarot reader narrative. There’s so much popular culture that tells us how such things as intuition and being a witch are meant to look.

  • @meshinda
    @meshinda 8 днів тому +3

    I related to this video so much! I am a solstice/equinox person too and I have never been drawn to ritual in the way that others are. And I definitely have a hard time with timed and cyclical work. I really want my practice to feel natural and everyday. I've been told that with time it will feel that way, but it's never happened to me. The in the moment actions are how I feel I have thrived in my practice. I also wanted to say that your videos about tarot study/planning really inspired me and I started a planner/journal for my This Might Hurt deck. I am 2 weeks in and it is going well, so thank you!

  • @SaplingTarot
    @SaplingTarot 8 днів тому +3

    I loved this so much, it felt like all of the thoughts that I had of things I’d missed in my video but made beautiful and well put 💕✨

  • @emmamoon444
    @emmamoon444 8 днів тому +7

    I think the ways in which you are crafty are, in fact, your witchcraft - your collaging for instance, and the painting you completed in this video. The things you do that you pour your energy into are your practice, regardless of whether or not they seem like traditional witchcraft.

  • @JudyReadsCards
    @JudyReadsCards 7 днів тому +1

    Have you been reading my diary? Seriously - your approach to "witchcraft" and moon phases and wheel of the year stuff is identical to mine. I am a witch because I relate to the physical, the non-physical, the mundane, the spiritual, as a witch would. I don't have to _do_ anything. 😎

  • @bw24summit
    @bw24summit 3 дні тому +1

    It's Do what THOU wilt
    Not Do what THEY wilt.

  • @monikahthehuman2365
    @monikahthehuman2365 8 днів тому +1

    13:14 that whole thought is so relatable with so many things. I know so much about dream interpretation and love helping people with it but i feel like i have just a mountain of books and lived experience but what do i know?!?

  • @TheNamelessSoulSovereign
    @TheNamelessSoulSovereign 8 днів тому +2

    As a fellow card reader and also someone who enjoys getting readings from others, let me just say, I have very often gotten a lot out of even BAD readings that I paid for. Because I chose to carve sacred space to connect with the messages of the Divine. Just that fact alone is worth something.
    Anyway, loved the vulnerability. I think I'm gonna do this tag too.
    Blessed Be