I Trust GOD that one day I will see ❤ My Good Lady friend Donna Criscuolo who passed on in June 32 2024 because of health reasons she is in Heaven Glory Now Praise God 🙏 Amen and Not 🚫 suffering anymore Praise GOD Amen 🙏 🙏 please pray for Her family and friends Amen in Christ Jesus Name Amen 🙏❤ Thank you 🙏❤
@@beckyharris3757 you can't make excuses for anyone if I were you I would examine myself the vision is from God it's better to be still then to speak .. you think I want John hagee left behind of course not I have been praying for him you should too
Yes, be cautious. Satan can and will use your weaknesses against you to deceive you in dreams. If I fall asleep even just one night without praying over my dreams, I'll have consecutive nightmares all night, it's always what Satan thinks are my biggest fears. I can tell it's from Satan because it's the things that he perceives that bothers me, not what really bothers me. Everyone that has the Holy Spirit within them will be going in the rapture. Once you receive the Holy Spirit, you're sealed. The Holy Spirit is Jesus' promise and guarantee of our eternal salvation. If someone is saved, they're going in the rapture, regardless of how they live their life. Our deeds and works, whether good or bad, will be tested on the Bema seat where we are either rewarded or take a loss, it has nothing to do with salvation though. There must be one moment on earth where the church(everyone that has the Holy Spirit) and the Restrainer(Holy Spirit) will be completely and temporarily removed so that the spirit of the antichrist can fall on whomever the AC will be. If even one person that has the Holy Spirit is left behind, the AC can't be revealed. "Greater is He who is within you than he who is in the world." Greater is the Spirit who is within you than ANY and every spirit in the world.
Rest in Peace to My Friend Linda Bongivoni Marsan Who passed on in December 2 2024 because of health reasons she is put down near her husband David please Pray 🙏 For her Family and friends 🙏 Amen Thank you 🙏❤
Amen! I have been searching for God, through Jesus Christ the Heavenly Father. I have thought for so long that I had found him. But, I was so wrong! I attended revival, and listened to my brother-in-law . I Came home, & studied what verses he shared. (I remember the rulebook of life by writing it down.). Sometimes, I don’t understand, sometimes they share different verses so fast, I just have to write the shared verses down,& go back home to study them. I was overtaken “ with understanding of the fear I was carrying around “. Suddenly I felt God right there with me, on my patio!!!! Praise God!! I was finally able to get it! I understand! My fear would have kept me from getting to the wonderful place, and I would have been left behind!! Thank you Lord, for opening my mind and overcoming my fear of being judged for the wrongs I have done. Thank you God, for opening my heart, eyes and mind, to see the light of his wondrous love. I am washed with his blood and his forgiveness for my sins. What a glorious gift for God talking to me, through my brother-in-law, Brother Wade Mccrory! Thank you Jesus, for your patience in my search for you. Thank you, especially for letting me find you, and see and FEEL the difference. I’m so grateful for his unconditional love. I am so blessed to have gotten in my car, and went!
I love to here you preach Pastor Hager I have listened to you and your Son Preaching. May God. Bless you I love the Look Jesus Christ is Lord of my life
Thank You Brother John for Your wonderful message of Salvation. I look forward to meeting You in Heaven and tell You that Me & Dad would watch You and We were filled with the Holy Spirit. Keep Up proclaiming the message to this lost World. We’re leaving here soon!!!!!
God said! social sins fruits of the flesh! Cooperate with God''plan . He has on his robe and on his thigh a name ; written : King of Kings and Lord of Lords.❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you Lord Jesus! you became a slave for our sake to show the humbleness you have given up your divine privileges and took the humble position.King of Kings Lord of Lords for loving me and the nations Glory to God.
Running the Good Race…. in Yeshua not one thing that was mention about the suffering in body and the list still goes on…. and I am still holding on God is not Man that He should lie. and I know my redeemer lives and I shall be in heaven when Yaweh calls me home. 🕊❤️🔥My Lord and SAVIOR IS THE ONLY ONE YESHUA JESUS 🕊❤️🔥🙌🏼🎶 Thank you pastor for always preaching the TRUTH. 🕊❤️🔥🙌🏼🙏🏼
Thank You Lord Jesus Christ For You Are The Greatest Gift To The Whole World. God Mercy And Grace Is So Good. Jesus Christ Is Love Always Amen. Thank You Lord Jesus Christ For Genesis To Revelation Thank You Lord For Psalm 91--Psalm 92. God I Thank You For The Favor Over My Life. Lord Please Bless Us All Because We Are All Your Children Thank You Jesus For Going To The Cross And For Going Back To Heaven And Preparing A Place For Your Children. Jesus Christ Is Your First Love Because He Love Us First Jeremiah 29:11🙏✝️💟✝️🙏
Bless your heart pastor Hagee, I’m also a minister of the gospel, but the final goal of a Christian is not Heaven, rather, it’s the kingdom of God which is going to be on Earth. The Kingdom of Heaven/the kingdom of God (they are synonymous) means God’s governmental authority and rulership that will be established systematically when the Lord returns to setup His kingdom. Next, “…in my Father’s House are many mansions…” is not talking about Heaven. Heaven is God’s throne, not His House, and Earth is His footstool. God said…what house will you build Me, where is the place of my dwelling? In short, Jesus Christ is the Fathers House. God the Father dwells in God the Son, so, in my Fathers House are many mansions/dwellings places means in Christ there are plenty of room for His people to dwell in. By going to the cross, His death, burial and resurrection He is coming back for His saints to receive them into Himself… “…thou art our dwelling place…” Psalm 90:1. Going to Heaven is not the same as entering the kingdom of heaven/kingdom of God. There’s a Heaven, but man was not created in Heaven or meant to live/dwell in Heaven. Paradise was on Earth when Adam and Eve were created. After the fall paradise was lifted to the spirit realm/Heaven, but paradise will be restored on Earth eventually when the Lord sets up His kingdom… “…the meek shall inherit the Earth (not Heaven)…” much of what’s been taught in churches are man made traditions and taken from cults and false religions. They are NOT SCRIPTURAL. God help us.
First came the church the bible came 400 years after Christ, by the catholic church. This pastors took a book from the church, ignoring everything jesus ordained to his church and made about 30 thousand denominations ,they are calling what jesus ordained in his new covenant, traditions of the church, with this they made a counterfeit church. Because of this protestants pastors millions if not billions of people died in their sins. If God didn't put an end to this times no flesh would be saved. Amber will pay for this as they are taking this false gospel around the world. First by God with nature then by man.
@@mariamartins5796 : Bless your heart Maria, but you are in serious error. The Catholic Church put to death many who tried to translate the Bible into their own language, like...In the year 1215 Pope Innocent III issued a law commanding “that they shall be seized for trial and penalties, WHO ENGAGE IN THE TRANSLATION OF THE SACRED VOLUMES, or who hold secret conventicles, or who assume the office of preaching without the authority of their superiors; against whom process shall be commenced, without any permission of appeal” (J.P. Callender, Illustrations of Popery, 1838, p. 387). The Council of Toulouse (1229) FORBADE THE LAITY TO POSSESS OR READ THE VERNACULAR TRANSLATIONS OF THE BIBLE (Allix, Ecclesiastical History, II, p. 213). In 1483 the infamous Inquisitor General Thomas Torquemada began his reign of terror as head of the Spanish Inquisition; King Ferdinand and his queen “PROHIBITED ALL, UNDER THE SEVEREST PAINS, FROM TRANSLATING THE SACRED SCRIPTURE INTO THE VULGAR TONGUES, OR FROM USING IT WHEN TRANSLATED BY OTHERS” (M’Crie, p. 192). For more than three centuries the Bible in the common tongue was a forbidden book in Spain and multitudes of copies perished in the flames, together with those who cherished them. In England, too, laws were passed by the Catholic authorities against vernacular Bibles. The Constitutions of Thomas Arundel, issued in 1408 by the Archbishop of Canterbury, made this brash demand: “WE THEREFORE DECREE AND ORDAIN THAT NO MAN SHALL, HEREAFTER, BY HIS OWN AUTHORITY, TRANSLATE ANY TEXT OF THE SCRIPTURE INTO ENGLISH, OR ANY OTHER TONGUE. Pope Leo X (1513-1521), who railed against Luther’s efforts to follow the biblical precept of faith alone and Scripture alone, called the fifth Lateran Council (1513-1517), which charged that no books should be printed except those approved by the Roman Catholic Church. “THEREFORE FOREVER THEREAFTER NO ONE SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO PRINT ANY BOOK OR WRITING WITHOUT A PREVIOUS EXAMINATION, TO BE TESTIFIED BY MANUAL SUBSCRIPTION, BY THE PAPAL VICAR AND MASTER OF THE SACRED PALACE IN ROME, and in other cities and dioceses by the Inquisition, and the bishop or an expert appointed by him. FOR NEGLECT OF THIS THE PUNISHMENT WAS EXCOMMUNICATION, THE LOSS OF THE EDITION, WHICH WAS TO BE BURNED, a fine of 100 ducats to the fabric of St. Peters, and suspension from business for a year” (Henry Lea, The Inquisition of the Middle Ages). The list is way too large, but I'm sure you get the picture. The Catholic Church has done horrible things to people who tried translating the Bible, all you have to do is research and see for yourself. Catholicism is 70% paganism, and 30% Christianity. Payers to Mary, repeating prayers via Rosary, praying to Saints, all the idols that suppose to represent divinity, and so much more are all unBiblical. Blessings.
The kingdom of God is going to be on HEARTH when Man obeys what Jesus ordained. Jesus came to fix everything he established a covenant with his blood for the remission of sin, by living in communion with God we become a new creation, he said, the church is going to pass a lot of purification until lives in perfect communion with God. There will be a time the church will be in such perfect communion with God, not even a little sickness will exist. Then the world will follow. We are exactly where we suppose to be. This pastors that took a book from catholic church and made thousands of denominations will answer to God, yes when jesus said if we don't receive our LORD in Eucharisty we will not enter the kingdom of heaven he meant exactly what he said. The body and blood of jesus cuts of from the old creation that was corrupted by satan through Adam and eve. How are we suppose to become this new creation if we don't obey, and twist what jesus said in every possible way. Jesus said if we don't eat the body and drink the blood of the son of man we will not enter the kingdom of heaven, st Paul said if we drink from the cup in an anwordly manner we will condemme our souls, meaning we must prepare first. Virgim Mary says, the body and blood of jesus in Eucharisty for the remission of sin is no negotiable. Millions of people are dying in their sins because of this false teachers. Actually she calls this the century of satan. We will be put down. God will stop it.
Book of Revelation 12:1 A woman dressed with the sun with the moon under her feet and on her head a crown of twelve stars. Also in book of r Revelation a WOMAN will crash the head of the serpent, Jesus pointing to Mary said there is your WOMAN. At the wedding in canna Jesus said to Mary Woman my time as not come. Do you even now why Jesus addressed his Mother as WOMAN. Mary she appears all over the world asking for the ROSARY become is with prayer that we DEFEAT satan ,St Paul said pray without seize,Mary does not need the prayers for herself. And yes catholic church made the bible and many died to protect. And protestant herectics twist everything.
@@mariamartins5796: Hello again Maria, bless your heart; when the Lord said... "...unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you have no life in you..." He didn't mean it "physically." You can take communion everyday if you want to, as long as you are doing it in a worthy and Godly manner, but when the Lord said eating and drinking His body and blood, He was talking about it in a "spiritual" sense for your soul and spirit. Every time you make a righteous and Godly choice, even if it hurts and not pleasant, the Lord feeds you with His body and blood through His Spirit, but we must also present our bodies a living sacrifice, reckon ourselves dead, deny ourselves and take up our cross and follow Jesus daily. This process is called "sowing and reaping" this will eventually produce "inner resurrection," but it depends on our diligence and obedience to the Lord. Thus, Christ body and blood is also called "the hidden manna" in the book of Revelation 2:17. Now, there are two resurrections, the First Resurrection, and the second resurrection. The First Resurrection is "HIGHLY" desirable, it's for the "elites" whom have reaped Christ "internally" 100 fold, they are the "Firstfruits," they are the "Royal Priesthood," they have "overcome" "individually" the challenges and tasks that the Lord has set before them, and so when the Lord returns to Earth to setup His kingdom, only those select few whom have "overcome" every unGodly immoral desires, and have been obedient to the Lord will have a part in the First Resurrection which is at the end of the great tribulation when the Lord returns, as the Lord said... "...many are called, but few are chosen." Chosen for what? Chosen to be rulers, kings, priest,...etc to govern Christ's creation. Everybody else who is not part of the Firstfruits will end up at the second resurrection which is a thousand years after the First Resurrection. Before you are eligible for the First Resurrection in your physical body, you must first have an "inner resurrection" in order to have an "outer" (physical) resurrection. Next, "...the woman will crash the head of the serpent..." means thru her obedience to God by immaculate conception, her offspring "JESUS," will crash the head of the serpent by His death, burial, and resurrection. Next, Rosary is NOT scriptural, the Bible makes it very clear not to repeat memorized prayer... Matthew 6:7. God wants to hear your own prayers from your heart, not something that is memorized. Also, the Bible says that... "...For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man is Christ Jesus, 6 who gave himself as a ransom for all people." I Timothy 2 : 5-6. Notice that the Bible verse didn't say there are two mediators, but only one. So praying to Mary is sinful, and unGodly. Mary, God bless her, is only a human being, she is not deity, or divine. She was a mere human being, born a sinner like you and I (meaning she was born in the original sin because of the Adam and Eve) and she also needed a savior like the rest of mankind. Keep in mind that the Holy Bible has 66 books, not 72 or more. Those additional books are not divinely inspired, but man-made, other than the books of Enoch, Jubilees, and a couple of others that are historical books, and they are good to read for historical facts, but not divinely inspired. Any book in the Bible that teaches the opposite of what I've mentioned above is man-made, and not divine. The Bible is your "blueprint," to Christianity, not man-made doctrine. Blessings.
I listen to his and pastor matts sermons every day.❤
I Trust GOD that one day I will see ❤ My Good Lady friend Donna Criscuolo who passed on in June 32 2024 because of health reasons she is in Heaven Glory Now Praise God 🙏 Amen and Not 🚫 suffering anymore Praise GOD Amen 🙏 🙏 please pray for Her family and friends Amen in Christ Jesus Name Amen 🙏❤ Thank you 🙏❤
I miss my mother but I know she walking the streets of gold with Jesus
I enjoy watching Pastor"s sermons from years ago. 💝🙏🙌
I enjoy Pastor Matthew And Pastor John Hagee messages God bless you all
Why did I have a vision that John hagee was left behind it was from God he was my favorite pastor
I had a vision that John hagee was left behind don't get me wrong John hagee was my favorite pastor It was a vision from God
Beware of those things we think are visions....it may not be what you think it is...
@@beckyharris3757 you can't make excuses for anyone if I were you I would examine myself the vision is from God it's better to be still then to speak .. you think I want John hagee left behind of course not I have been praying for him you should too
Yes, be cautious. Satan can and will use your weaknesses against you to deceive you in dreams. If I fall asleep even just one night without praying over my dreams, I'll have consecutive nightmares all night, it's always what Satan thinks are my biggest fears. I can tell it's from Satan because it's the things that he perceives that bothers me, not what really bothers me.
Everyone that has the Holy Spirit within them will be going in the rapture. Once you receive the Holy Spirit, you're sealed. The Holy Spirit is Jesus' promise and guarantee of our eternal salvation. If someone is saved, they're going in the rapture, regardless of how they live their life.
Our deeds and works, whether good or bad, will be tested on the Bema seat where we are either rewarded or take a loss, it has nothing to do with salvation though.
There must be one moment on earth where the church(everyone that has the Holy Spirit) and the Restrainer(Holy Spirit) will be completely and temporarily removed so that the spirit of the antichrist can fall on whomever the AC will be. If even one person that has the Holy Spirit is left behind, the AC can't be revealed.
"Greater is He who is within you than he who is in the world."
Greater is the Spirit who is within you than ANY and every spirit in the world.
The closer that we get to God, the more spiritual warfare we endure from the heavenly opposition.
@@Mediocre_JT 👎
I give my life to you Jesus Christ fill me with thy Holy Spirit, forgive my sins Lord Jesus
I am available to provide any further assistance in order to solve your problem. Reach out let's pray together reach out to the number above ⬆️
Give thanks Yahweh for your Servant pastor John Charles Hagee.
Rest in Peace to My Friend Linda Bongivoni Marsan Who passed on in December 2 2024 because of health reasons she is put down near her husband David please Pray 🙏 For her Family and friends 🙏 Amen Thank you 🙏❤
Devine love of God defeated all evilness. I have victory always in Jesus Christ in heaven mighty name Amen
Amen and Amen Praise God 🙏 Amen 🙏
Amen! I have been searching for God, through Jesus Christ the Heavenly Father. I have thought for so long that I had found him. But, I was so wrong! I attended revival, and listened to my brother-in-law . I Came home, & studied what verses he shared. (I remember the rulebook of life by writing it down.). Sometimes, I don’t understand, sometimes they share different verses so fast, I just have to write the shared verses down,& go back home to study them. I was overtaken “ with understanding of the fear I was carrying around “. Suddenly I felt God right there with me, on my patio!!!! Praise God!! I was finally able to get it! I understand! My fear would have kept me from getting to the wonderful place, and I would have been left behind!! Thank you Lord, for opening my mind and overcoming my fear of being judged for the wrongs I have done. Thank you God, for opening my heart, eyes and mind, to see the light of his wondrous love. I am washed with his blood and his forgiveness for my sins. What a glorious gift for God talking to me, through my brother-in-law, Brother Wade Mccrory! Thank you Jesus, for your patience in my search for you. Thank you, especially for letting me find you, and see and FEEL the difference. I’m so grateful for his unconditional love. I am so blessed to have gotten in my car, and went!
I pray for my family and I praise God in Heaven together. Blessed be the name of God.🙏
God of heaven is overall always. I have victory always in Jesus Christ in heaven mighty name Amen
God in heaven is overall, praise God in heaven forever, Amen
Thank you Lord Jesus, Gods Kingdom will be everlasting❤
No games. Honor God in heaven holy word I have victory always in Jesus Christ in heaven mighty name Amen
God in heaven is overall the whole world . I have victory always in all of it. In Jesus Christ in heaven mighty name Amen
Yes and amen 🙏 Glory Hallelujah praise Jesus Christ amen 🙏
AMEN HALELUYAH, GLORY TOO GOD, ALELUYAH 🙏 ALELUYAH, thanks you my lord, ALELUYAH AMEN God bless you all, shlom everyone
I am available to provide any further assistance in order to solve your problem. Reach out let's pray together reach out to the number above ⬆️
Divine love of God in heaven is overall and good, I have victory always in Jesus Christ in heaven mighty name Amen
I’m so thankful for Hagee Ministries 😅.
❤I also grateful for this channel AMEN
I love to here you preach Pastor Hager I have listened to you and your Son Preaching. May God. Bless you I love the Look Jesus Christ is Lord of my life
Thank you Lord for waking up your people, i love you Lord AMÉN 🙏❤️
I am available to provide any further assistance in order to solve your problem. Reach out let's pray together reach out to the number above ⬆️
Thank you Lord Jesus
Thank You Brother John for Your wonderful message of Salvation. I look forward to meeting You in Heaven and tell You that Me & Dad would watch You and We were filled with the Holy Spirit. Keep Up proclaiming the message to this lost World. We’re leaving here soon!!!!!
Please pray for me Amen
Amen, thank you my Lord and Saviour where your Kingdom his without end Eternal.🙌💯🙌👉
Those sermons that will air, they should put on sale so that one can keep physically.
Praise God for this refreshing word. I am heaven bound. Glory to Father God, in Jesus' name, through the power of the Holy Spirit, Amen
I will see Him as He is. Hallelujah thank You Jesus Thank You Lord God for Thy is the Kingdom and the Glory Amen.
God in heaven is overall and good, I have victory always in Jesus Christ in heaven mighty name Amen
Praise the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob!
I have victory always in Jesus Christ in heaven Amen
Hallelujah to the lamb of god ❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉
Jesus Christ in heaven defeated all evilness. May the devil and his ways be quiet in Jesus Christ in heaven mighty name Amen
Thank you brother Hagee awesome message ❤❤❤❤❤
God said! social sins fruits of the flesh! Cooperate with God''plan . He has on his robe and on his thigh a name ; written : King of Kings and Lord of Lords.❤❤❤❤❤❤
Looking forward to meeting yall in Heaven
Thank you Jesus for your blessings! Hallelujah
Thank you Lord Jesus! you became a slave for our sake to show the humbleness you have given up your divine privileges and took the humble position.King of Kings Lord of Lords for loving me and the nations Glory to God.
Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah, am always excited when I think of heaven my home
God sees all in heaven. I have victory always in Jesus Christ in heaven mighty name Amen
U really appreciate the sermons u and your son, which u taught him well!!! God IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!
I am available to provide any further assistance in order to solve your problem. Reach out let's pray together reach out to the number above ⬆️
I have been watching adult films all my life John hagee and I am so frustrated with myself and I need help god hashem ❤mark
I am available to provide any further assistance in order to solve your problem. Reach out let's pray together reach out to the number above ⬆️
Running the Good Race…. in Yeshua not one thing that was mention about the suffering in body and the list still goes on…. and I am still holding on God is not Man that He should lie. and I know my redeemer lives and I shall be in heaven when Yaweh calls me home. 🕊❤️🔥My Lord and SAVIOR IS THE ONLY ONE YESHUA JESUS 🕊❤️🔥🙌🏼🎶 Thank you pastor for always preaching the TRUTH. 🕊❤️🔥🙌🏼🙏🏼
I am available to provide any further assistance in order to solve your problem. Reach out let's pray together reach out to the number above ⬆️
God In Heaven is overall and I have victory always in Jesus Christ in heaven mighty name Amen
Thank You Lord Jesus Christ For You Are The Greatest Gift To The Whole World. God Mercy And Grace Is So Good. Jesus Christ Is Love Always Amen. Thank You Lord Jesus Christ
For Genesis To Revelation Thank You
Lord For Psalm 91--Psalm 92. God I
Thank You For The Favor Over My Life. Lord Please Bless Us All Because
We Are All Your Children Thank You Jesus For Going To The Cross And
For Going Back To Heaven And Preparing A Place For Your Children.
Jesus Christ Is Your First Love Because He Love Us First Jeremiah 29:11🙏✝️💟✝️🙏
Please Read Revelation 18 To 22 Out Loud This will give the devil a Great Headache in Christ Jesus Name 🙏 Amen Thank you 🙏❤
Thank you for the blessings Pastor Hagee! The same to you! We love you!❤❤❤
I am available to provide any further assistance in order to solve your problem. Reach out let's pray together reach out to the number above ⬆️
Haleluiah amen
Jesus is Lord
Praise God!!!
0:38 / 0:58 / 2:21 / 3:54 / 6:51 / 8:43 / 13:29 / 14:17 / 19:33 / 20:18 / 21:15 / 21:34 / 22:09 / 25:07
I read thst last night. Amen
Great sermon
God is Handling All Things Perfectly, amen
Is the only way to God
Jesus is the only way to God
God in heaven is overall and good, I have victory always in Jesus Christ in heaven mighty name Amen
@robertbourque9140 honor God in heaven for life. I have victory always in Jesus Christ in heaven mighty name Amen
VERY FEW HAVE BEEN TO HEAVEN OR SEEN IT. ONLY 3 people in the New Testament.
Hallelujah Glory to God thank you Jesus
God in heaven is overall. I have victory always in Jesus Christ in heaven mighty name Amen
Very Great!
Love this
Thank you Heavenly Farther Bless you Lord Jesus Praise you Holy Ghost Hallelujah Amen 🙏. All day long Yahoo 😅
❤❤❤🙏 🙏 🙏
I am available to provide any further assistance in order to solve your problem. Reach out let's pray together reach out to the number above ⬆️
I really miss the John Hagee of the 1980s. Cornerstone has morphed into a circus atmosphere.
What year is this one,
Nah it's year Four. Wise up man.
Bless your heart pastor Hagee, I’m also a minister of the gospel, but the final goal of a Christian is not Heaven, rather, it’s the kingdom of God which is going to be on Earth. The Kingdom of Heaven/the kingdom of God (they are synonymous) means God’s governmental authority and rulership that will be established systematically when the Lord returns to setup His kingdom. Next, “…in my Father’s House are many mansions…” is not talking about Heaven. Heaven is God’s throne, not His House, and Earth is His footstool. God said…what house will you build Me, where is the place of my dwelling? In short, Jesus Christ is the Fathers House. God the Father dwells in God the Son, so, in my Fathers House are many mansions/dwellings places means in Christ there are plenty of room for His people to dwell in. By going to the cross, His death, burial and resurrection He is coming back for His saints to receive them into Himself… “…thou art our dwelling place…” Psalm 90:1. Going to Heaven is not the same as entering the kingdom of heaven/kingdom of God. There’s a Heaven, but man was not created in Heaven or meant to live/dwell in Heaven. Paradise was on Earth when Adam and Eve were created. After the fall paradise was lifted to the spirit realm/Heaven, but paradise will be restored on Earth eventually when the Lord sets up His kingdom… “…the meek shall inherit the Earth (not Heaven)…” much of what’s been taught in churches are man made traditions and taken from cults and false religions. They are NOT SCRIPTURAL. God help us.
First came the church the bible came 400 years after Christ, by the catholic church. This pastors took a book from the church, ignoring everything jesus ordained to his church and made about 30 thousand denominations ,they are calling what jesus ordained in his new covenant, traditions of the church, with this they made a counterfeit church. Because of this protestants pastors millions if not billions of people died in their sins. If God didn't put an end to this times no flesh would be saved. Amber will pay for this as they are taking this false gospel around the world. First by God with nature then by man.
@@mariamartins5796 : Bless your heart Maria, but you are in serious error. The Catholic Church put to death many who tried to translate the Bible into their own language, like...In the year 1215 Pope Innocent III issued a law commanding “that they shall be seized for trial and penalties, WHO ENGAGE IN THE TRANSLATION OF THE SACRED VOLUMES, or who hold secret conventicles, or who assume the office of preaching without the authority of their superiors; against whom process shall be commenced, without any permission of appeal” (J.P. Callender, Illustrations of Popery, 1838, p. 387). The Council of Toulouse (1229) FORBADE THE LAITY TO POSSESS OR READ THE VERNACULAR TRANSLATIONS OF THE BIBLE (Allix, Ecclesiastical History, II, p. 213). In 1483 the infamous Inquisitor General Thomas Torquemada began his reign of terror as head of the Spanish Inquisition; King Ferdinand and his queen “PROHIBITED ALL, UNDER THE SEVEREST PAINS, FROM TRANSLATING THE SACRED SCRIPTURE INTO THE VULGAR TONGUES, OR FROM USING IT WHEN TRANSLATED BY OTHERS” (M’Crie, p. 192). For more than three centuries the Bible in the common tongue was a forbidden book in Spain and multitudes of copies perished in the flames, together with those who cherished them. In England, too, laws were passed by the Catholic authorities against vernacular Bibles. The Constitutions of Thomas Arundel, issued in 1408 by the Archbishop of Canterbury, made this brash demand: “WE THEREFORE DECREE AND ORDAIN THAT NO MAN SHALL, HEREAFTER, BY HIS OWN AUTHORITY, TRANSLATE ANY TEXT OF THE SCRIPTURE INTO ENGLISH, OR ANY OTHER TONGUE. Pope Leo X (1513-1521), who railed against Luther’s efforts to follow the biblical precept of faith alone and Scripture alone, called the fifth Lateran Council (1513-1517), which charged that no books should be printed except those approved by the Roman Catholic Church. “THEREFORE FOREVER THEREAFTER NO ONE SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO PRINT ANY BOOK OR WRITING WITHOUT A PREVIOUS EXAMINATION, TO BE TESTIFIED BY MANUAL SUBSCRIPTION, BY THE PAPAL VICAR AND MASTER OF THE SACRED PALACE IN ROME, and in other cities and dioceses by the Inquisition, and the bishop or an expert appointed by him. FOR NEGLECT OF THIS THE PUNISHMENT WAS EXCOMMUNICATION, THE LOSS OF THE EDITION, WHICH WAS TO BE BURNED, a fine of 100 ducats to the fabric of St. Peters, and suspension from business for a year” (Henry Lea, The Inquisition of the Middle Ages). The list is way too large, but I'm sure you get the picture. The Catholic Church has done horrible things to people who tried translating the Bible, all you have to do is research and see for yourself. Catholicism is 70% paganism, and 30% Christianity. Payers to Mary, repeating prayers via Rosary, praying to Saints, all the idols that suppose to represent divinity, and so much more are all unBiblical. Blessings.
The kingdom of God is going to be on HEARTH when Man obeys what Jesus ordained. Jesus came to fix everything he established a covenant with his blood for the remission of sin, by living in communion with God we become a new creation, he said, the church is going to pass a lot of purification until lives in perfect communion with God. There will be a time the church will be in such perfect communion with God, not even a little sickness will exist. Then the world will follow. We are exactly where we suppose to be. This pastors that took a book from catholic church and made thousands of denominations will answer to God, yes when jesus said if we don't receive our LORD in Eucharisty we will not enter the kingdom of heaven he meant exactly what he said. The body and blood of jesus cuts of from the old creation that was corrupted by satan through Adam and eve. How are we suppose to become this new creation if we don't obey, and twist what jesus said in every possible way. Jesus said if we don't eat the body and drink the blood of the son of man we will not enter the kingdom of heaven, st Paul said if we drink from the cup in an anwordly manner we will condemme our souls, meaning we must prepare first. Virgim Mary says, the body and blood of jesus in Eucharisty for the remission of sin is no negotiable. Millions of people are dying in their sins because of this false teachers. Actually she calls this the century of satan. We will be put down. God will stop it.
Book of Revelation 12:1 A woman dressed with the sun with the moon under her feet and on her head a crown of twelve stars. Also in book of r Revelation a WOMAN will crash the head of the serpent, Jesus pointing to Mary said there is your WOMAN. At the wedding in canna Jesus said to Mary Woman my time as not come. Do you even now why Jesus addressed his Mother as WOMAN. Mary she appears all over the world asking for the ROSARY become is with prayer that we DEFEAT satan ,St Paul said pray without seize,Mary does not need the prayers for herself. And yes catholic church made the bible and many died to protect. And protestant herectics twist everything.
@@mariamartins5796: Hello again Maria, bless your heart; when the Lord said... "...unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you have no life in you..." He didn't mean it "physically." You can take communion everyday if you want to, as long as you are doing it in a worthy and Godly manner, but when the Lord said eating and drinking His body and blood, He was talking about it in a "spiritual" sense for your soul and spirit. Every time you make a righteous and Godly choice, even if it hurts and not pleasant, the Lord feeds you with His body and blood through His Spirit, but we must also present our bodies a living sacrifice, reckon ourselves dead, deny ourselves and take up our cross and follow Jesus daily. This process is called "sowing and reaping" this will eventually produce "inner resurrection," but it depends on our diligence and obedience to the Lord. Thus, Christ body and blood is also called "the hidden manna" in the book of Revelation 2:17. Now, there are two resurrections, the First Resurrection, and the second resurrection. The First Resurrection is "HIGHLY" desirable, it's for the "elites" whom have reaped Christ "internally" 100 fold, they are the "Firstfruits," they are the "Royal Priesthood," they have "overcome" "individually" the challenges and tasks that the Lord has set before them, and so when the Lord returns to Earth to setup His kingdom, only those select few whom have "overcome" every unGodly immoral desires, and have been obedient to the Lord will have a part in the First Resurrection which is at the end of the great tribulation when the Lord returns, as the Lord said... "...many are called, but few are chosen." Chosen for what? Chosen to be rulers, kings, priest,...etc to govern Christ's creation. Everybody else who is not part of the Firstfruits will end up at the second resurrection which is a thousand years after the First Resurrection. Before you are eligible for the First Resurrection in your physical body, you must first have an "inner resurrection" in order to have an "outer" (physical) resurrection. Next, "...the woman will crash the head of the serpent..." means thru her obedience to God by immaculate conception, her offspring "JESUS," will crash the head of the serpent by His death, burial, and resurrection. Next, Rosary is NOT scriptural, the Bible makes it very clear not to repeat memorized prayer... Matthew 6:7. God wants to hear your own prayers from your heart, not something that is memorized. Also, the Bible says that... "...For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man is Christ Jesus, 6 who gave himself as a ransom for all people." I Timothy 2 : 5-6. Notice that the Bible verse didn't say there are two mediators, but only one. So praying to Mary is sinful, and unGodly. Mary, God bless her, is only a human being, she is not deity, or divine. She was a mere human being, born a sinner like you and I (meaning she was born in the original sin because of the Adam and Eve) and she also needed a savior like the rest of mankind. Keep in mind that the Holy Bible has 66 books, not 72 or more. Those additional books are not divinely inspired, but man-made, other than the books of Enoch, Jubilees, and a couple of others that are historical books, and they are good to read for historical facts, but not divinely inspired. Any book in the Bible that teaches the opposite of what I've mentioned above is man-made, and not divine. The Bible is your "blueprint," to Christianity, not man-made doctrine. Blessings.
If this don’t feel right you not good and you with the Devil or he has control over your soul
Preaches a FALSE GOSPEL designed for 'itching ears.'
Then what are you doing listening to him?!
Who is this guy? LOL
He is the minister shabbat goy!
Awesome sermon