• @thaumaturgeslit7759
    @thaumaturgeslit7759 28 днів тому +64

    They really didn't hold back. I love that they gave us a fun "B-Plot" for most of the episode, so that we built up some emotional good-will towards them, only for them to stomp on our poor little hearts.

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 28 днів тому +14

      that's so true

    • @bluecollarcanuck
      @bluecollarcanuck 25 днів тому +1

      The fight with the Cherubs...methinks the DHORKS are in way over their heads. They're messing with the forces of Hell itself, and the IMP crew have constantly outfought them and Celestial beings, to boot.
      Still funny with the one guy and his Loona cosplay. He had half his comrades brutally massacred by an 8-foot-tall walking, talking wolf, and thought "how do I cosplay that??"

  • @shadowwriter329
    @shadowwriter329 28 днів тому +20

    Honestly the part that hurts most besides the fact Blitzo couldn’t understand and register everything, is the fact before he was teleported out he was literally trying to say “I’m sorry” and only got to the “I’m S-“ before he found himself outside. He knew he fucked up and now he doesn’t know what to do.

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 28 днів тому +7

      that's so true :( I can understand why Stolas would teleport him away, but I wish that he would've asked Blitz to leave after his outburst then tried to guide him out before resorting to teleporting him away

  • @MohamadNadi
    @MohamadNadi 28 днів тому +28

    God that ending. Round of applause to bryce and Brandon their performances sent chills down my spine

  • @channelorder6679
    @channelorder6679 25 днів тому +7

    It said to see how both are fault here. Blitzo not taking anything seriously and stolas not allowing Blitzo time to process and not talking it out once Blitzo realized it was real.

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 25 днів тому +3

      very true :( our poor boys

  • @mikeyunovapix7181
    @mikeyunovapix7181 28 днів тому +14

    Notice how the purple cherub is the only one under a light in the interrogation room? Some say it's a foreshadowing that Collin will get back in to Heaven.

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 28 днів тому +10

      Collin is the only cherub that deserves to return of the three, tbh; I talk so much shit on the cherubs, but Collin is truly so sweet and a victim of circumstance

  • @komrookmetmy465
    @komrookmetmy465 27 днів тому +6

    I'd imagine that big ol candle smells like a mix of lavender, strawberries, sweet myrrh, and cream.

  • @ukihakasmikaze8778
    @ukihakasmikaze8778 28 днів тому +35

    I just noticed Stolas takes his crown/hat off when he tells Blitzø he can stay if he wants to, as a sense of showing his vulnerability, but then puts it back on when Blitzø doesn’t take him seriously.

  • @Sammy_The_Umbreon
    @Sammy_The_Umbreon 16 днів тому +4

    'Blitz doesn't even know how to process this gesture'.

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 11 днів тому +2


  • @angelotheclown1004
    @angelotheclown1004 28 днів тому +12

    Its nice hearing loona talk again im glad her voice actress returned after what happened also this episode was also an emotional rollercoaster i love it but i cry

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 28 днів тому +5

      i agree! it've missed her dialogue, but I totally get why she needed the break. I totally agree with your mixed feelings love for the episode, too

  • @trolleyfan
    @trolleyfan 28 днів тому +5

    "Technically under his supervision" is going to come back at some point.

    • @BlooMonkiMan
      @BlooMonkiMan 27 днів тому +2

      Possibly in the court scene with Satan and Mammon

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 23 дні тому +3

      no way it doesnt

  • @jeffdrake5881
    @jeffdrake5881 Місяць тому +24

    The train-wreck we all knew was coming. Stolas talking past Blitz. Blitz talking past Stolas. Both falling back to defensive mechanisms that they've never learned (well enough) that are flawed as hell. The only thing this episode didn't give me nearly enough... the DORKS really need to get put through the wringer. Watching the Cherubs suffer is always fun, though.
    And shout back out to ya, Neavah! Been out of the public scene for ages, but still waving my BDSM Pride flag this month!

    • @jeffdrake5881
      @jeffdrake5881 Місяць тому +6

      I always post before the episode ends... Premature commentating? Anyway, my prediction is that we're going to see Blitz go through all the stages of grief for the next few episodes, denial, deflection, making light of the situation, falling deep into anxiety and depression, and that he will eventually turn to Fitz and Oz for help, though the help they'll probably give is going to be tied to the fact that their not-even-remotely-secret secret is out in hell and EVERYONE is on their case for being *gasp!* In luuuuuuuuuvvvv! Vivzipop is just the absolute master of threading that needle of humor and horror and tragedy and redemption. Spindlehorse is now my safeword.

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol Місяць тому +4

      absolutely, man, watching Blitz and Stolas run through the routine of unintentionally hurting the other and therefore escalating the conversation is something that was bound to happen
      hell yeah, BDSM Pride, babyyyy! (shoutouts to the Spindlehorse safeword )
      I could totally see Blitz going that route. I ESPECIALLY agree that he'll turn to Fizz and Ozzie about the situation, then when he inevitably says something like "he even gave me this crystal to get rid of me!" they'll check him on it and provide their perspective of the Stolas getting the Asmodian crystal situation

  • @viyhexe131
    @viyhexe131 22 дні тому +3

    Something a little funny to distract from the pain: A season and a half into a musical show, and finally the _title character_ gets a song. And even then it's only half of one

  • @meownapomash
    @meownapomash 28 днів тому +13

    by the way, someone said that the reason that stolas is more sensitive and sad is because his “fun pills” ran out and depression took over at the time of the conversation with the blitz :)

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 28 днів тому +1

      i- where in the series does it suggest that?

    • @danjanson
      @danjanson 28 днів тому +3

      ​@@NevaehEvol he shakes out an empty pill bottle (the same design as one that had his "happy pills" in earlier episodes) while they're getting ready in the opening song.
      Edit: the clip starts at 3:15 in this video.

    • @meownapomash
      @meownapomash 28 днів тому +2

      i can’t remember every moment from all the episodes, unfortunately, but he often takes pills and it seems like at one point it was clear what was written on them. in the last episode 8 it was shown at 1:35 that he only had an empty jar left

    • @meownapomash
      @meownapomash 28 днів тому

      and also in s2 ep 1, at 12:26, ​​this is what I can remember quickly)

    • @basicallynameless6804
      @basicallynameless6804 28 днів тому +3

      @@NevaehEvol 3:15 while you were dying, he was shaking the "happy pills" bottle from S2E1 with a look of sheer panic and his pupils (as you said, we dont see those when hes feeling anything managable)

  • @Oli.-105
    @Oli.-105 28 днів тому +9

    I was about to cry at the ending during the argument because it was so heartbreaking when Stolas: said I think so highly of you, I didn't realize you thought so low of me

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 28 днів тому +4

      dude, I totally feel you I want so badly for them to just love each other openly and to feel safe doing so

  • @justcallmeleonardo
    @justcallmeleonardo 28 днів тому +12

    "Blitzø please don't" the episode

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 28 днів тому +5


    • @area52ron
      @area52ron 28 днів тому +3

      @@NevaehEvolboth sides are to blame in my opinion

    • @OhNoTheFace
      @OhNoTheFace 20 днів тому

      @@area52ron Blitz fans do be like that

  • @PhantomPhera
    @PhantomPhera 28 днів тому +22

    Blitz isn't wrong here. people forget the many times Stolas has continued to call Blitz Blitzy and ignoring him when he corrects him, Stolas has called Blitz "my little Imp" like a toy.
    Not going to pretend Blitz has never done anything wrong ever or doesn't have any flaws (cause he has many) but lets not pretend Stolas is a precious innocent little meow meow with no flaws. As Blitz is trying to talk he just walks away and guilts Blitz when he vents his feelings about how Stolas treated him which is wrong.

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 28 днів тому +11

      you are absolutely correct w this take
      (also, I'm adding "precious innocent little meow meow w no flaws" to my arsenal)

    • @tomfougstedt
      @tomfougstedt 27 днів тому +3

      True, but I don't think what Stolas did here was wrong either. Stolas has the right to end the relationship, he has no obligation to listen to Blitz after that point.

    • @jordanmalone4415
      @jordanmalone4415 27 днів тому +4

      ​@@tomfougstedt Another true, but then whole point of this conversation from Stolas' plan was to give Blitz a choice. He didn't really give him that choice he instantly cut him off, which I get it, the love of his life kinda just treated the confession as roleplay/joke. But Blitz was given so many mixed signals in the conversation from Stolas, first "give me the book that controls your business" Blitz almost has a breakdown. I know Stolas wanted to make a grand gesture, but it almost comes back to the power play between them. Now when Blitz confuses the situation as roleplay, Blitz is self hating and genuinely confused. All Stolas really needed to do was clear up his intentions, but as we all know by now THESE TWO SUCK AT COMMUNICATIONNNNNN!!!!

    • @tomfougstedt
      @tomfougstedt 27 днів тому +3

      Sure, but you have to keep in mind, Stolas is the one with the power in the relationship. It's his responsibility to ensure it isn't coercive. It's a question of consent. Stolas gave Blitz the opportunity to consent, but he was unable to clearly demonstrate his willingness to be in an actual relationship.
      If the other person's willingness is unclear, the safe thing to do is to end things. You can't be together unless it's clear both parties want to be. It's much worse to force someone into a relationship they don't actually want to be in, than to cut ties with someone who does.
      While they are bad at communicating, this was always going to be the end result. Their break up was inevitable, they simply aren't capable of being in an actual relationship at this point in time.

    • @jordanmalone4415
      @jordanmalone4415 27 днів тому +1

      @@tomfougstedt True True, this was doomed from the start...

  • @AlanakaBlackCat
    @AlanakaBlackCat 5 днів тому +1

    "well maybe you should take an art class" "Well maybe you should see how expensive they are!"

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 4 дні тому

      such a good set of quotes

  • @Life_none
    @Life_none 28 днів тому +7

    I'm not sure if people noticed this, but in the first part went the full moon thing comes up, the weather said cloudy and a little more red than usually. Near the end, when blitzø is yelling, notice how the light coming through the window is really red
    I'm not sure if they did that on purpose or something else.

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 28 днів тому +3

      despite recognizing both of them, i didn't connect those dots! good call out!

    • @Life_none
      @Life_none 27 днів тому

      ​@@NevaehEvol also cool detail 3:48 the syrup is in the shape of a horse, because blitzø like horses

  • @MaskMan-bx6kr
    @MaskMan-bx6kr 28 днів тому +7

    To be fair the Stolas in the pilot episode in no longer canon mainly due to the voice cast change and originally he was suppose to a villian type of character

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 28 днів тому +6

      i should've used the clip from Murder Family

    • @daydreamdragon22
      @daydreamdragon22 28 днів тому +3

      Exactly. He was originally going to be WAY more toxic. Like Valentino-level

    • @MaskMan-bx6kr
      @MaskMan-bx6kr 28 днів тому +2

      @@daydreamdragon22 Yes, then Vivzie decided to make it romantic between the two mainly due to Bryce voice acting making his character sweet

  • @TheLightbane
    @TheLightbane 27 днів тому +2

    The beauty of this episode is that after watching the show for so long you KNOW how the main plot is likely to go but you still both hold out hope and enjoy how it goes.

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 25 днів тому +2

      i loathe that you're absolutely right we want it to work out so bad, despite all the prior evidence showing it wouldnt

  • @snipsnip8785
    @snipsnip8785 6 днів тому +2

    To be fair stolas really should have really let what he said sink in and reclarify that he's serious instead of just dipping

  • @Bezaliel13
    @Bezaliel13 27 днів тому +3

    This show shows why "background"character" is a tag on R34.

  • @AliceIzuragi6291
    @AliceIzuragi6291 28 днів тому +4

    32:10 to be fair. that was from a now non cannon episode back when the orignal plan for stolas was for him to be a antagonist

    • @Desdemona-XI
      @Desdemona-XI 27 днів тому

      I mean, i dont think its said anywhere stolas was ever going to be an antagonist. But even if thats true. Its not like he acts any different in episode 1. From the pilot.
      Stolas is the primary instigator of all sex between them. From assuming blitzø was sneaking into his manor to sleep with him to constantly calling him demeaning pet names and casually sexuallizing him in public despite blitzø clearly displaying dislike for it

    • @AliceIzuragi6291
      @AliceIzuragi6291 27 днів тому

      @@Desdemona-XI it was said by vivzie during a stream. or maybe it was a tweet.
      anyway, the original plan for him was to be the antagonist. but vivzie thought him and blitzo made such a cute couple that she decided to change it

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 25 днів тому +1

      i mean, yea, except Stolas does the exact same horny phone call bit in the Murder Family episode

    • @AliceIzuragi6291
      @AliceIzuragi6291 24 дні тому

      @@NevaehEvol oh yeah. i forgot about that

  • @thewhiteonetwo1784
    @thewhiteonetwo1784 28 днів тому +2

    Anyone else think it's weird how little they have in heaven? They don't know what Quiznos is. No idea what a nightclub is. What do they even have in heaven?

  • @area52ron
    @area52ron 28 днів тому +4

    To be fair the pilot Stolas isn’t canon anymore and his personality was given to Andrealphus as Stolas was originally going to be an antagonist until he was changed to the Stolas we have now

    • @Desdemona-XI
      @Desdemona-XI 27 днів тому

      To be doubly fair. He acts literally the same way in episode 1. And every other time theyre shown directly interacting before Ozzie's.

    • @revolution2762
      @revolution2762 27 днів тому

      The only difference between pilot stolas and episode 1 stolas is that his sex talk sounds less aggressive. He is still just as bad in episode 1.

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 25 днів тому +1

      He does the same exact horny phone call bit in Murder Family, tho

    • @area52ron
      @area52ron 24 дні тому +1

      @@NevaehEvol the actor was also told to just say things that’s why we get “Jelly sandwiches”
      The pilot is more aggressive and horny while the other is more flirtatious and horny probably because that’s what I he thought Blitz wanted
      Not an excuse but it does explain things

  • @TheRhuen
    @TheRhuen 28 днів тому +3

    Possible lore and foreshadowing implications: We are seeing Heaven in the background a lot this episode when in the Pride ring, much more than this show normally shows, and noticing how when the characters sing if its in another ring of Hell its usually as a performance, however when in the Pride ring its like whenever anyone has a strong emotion they burst out into song about it, and possibly influencing those who stay there too long like Millie and Moxxie who seem to love singing anyway even when they go to Earth.

  • @challengemeneo
    @challengemeneo 27 днів тому +1

    Bro, your videos always just hit the spot. I love watching them. I found you last summer I think and really glad I did

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 25 днів тому

      awww, dude, that's so sweet ;; I'm glad you're having fun!!

  • @valekstormhowl4999
    @valekstormhowl4999 Місяць тому +4

    I love this episode! It had a good amount of humor and action to help balance out the incredibly emotional stolas and blitz conversation. Speaking of, I'm glad they made the conversation as short as it was bc both characters are too emotionally hurt to express their feelings properly. Controversial opinion, I wouldn't be against stolas and blitz finding new partners and becoming good friends as they heal and eventually apologize to each other. Obviously I would love for them to work out their issues and get together after they've worked out their trauma but it would also be interesting for the show to explore the idea of two ppl who tried to get together, they didn't work out, become friends and move on to potentially healthier relationships

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol Місяць тому +4

      I see your point about keeping the ending dialogue as short as they did!
      as for the future of Blitz and Stolas, my hopeless romantic side wants so bad for them to figure themselves out and get together, but I think there's definitely potential in them separating, healing, then becoming close friends like Blitz (hopefully) will w Fizz

    • @valekstormhowl4999
      @valekstormhowl4999 28 днів тому +2

      I'm right there with you being a hopeless romantic lol. I really hope they work things out

    • @m0TH3rhaRlot
      @m0TH3rhaRlot 28 днів тому +1

      ​@@NevaehEvolSlightly off topic: "My headcanon is Loona becoming the future Helluva Boss."

  • @morfy42
    @morfy42 28 днів тому +4

    I'm typing "I'm excited to see you cry" and I want you to understand that I, also, understand how weird that is.

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 28 днів тому +2

      i get what you mean

  • @user-fp1ol2ev3n
    @user-fp1ol2ev3n 27 днів тому +2

    Fun Facts:
    Loona disappearing out of nowhere after Blitzo turns his attention away from her for a brief moment is similar to Batman doing the same thing when Commissioner Gordon, or anyone else talking to him, turns around for a bit and then back again to find he's already gone 👑👑👑
    D.H.O.R.K.S. The cloning ships in the underground facilities and cloned Catholic bishops marching in military formations are an homage to the Kaminoan cloning facilities and clone troopers from Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones 👑👑👑
    During the duet, the book Stolas places the Asmodean Crystal Between are the same two books Stolas showed to Blitzo as a child in episode "The Circus" 👑👑👑

    • @TheSpookychick
      @TheSpookychick 24 дні тому

      And the hell portal looks like a literal Stargate.

  • @bulshock1221
    @bulshock1221 23 дні тому +1

    It really doesn't help that Blitz is used to confrontational talks, and in many ways expects them and sees them as better than the alternative given his history, so he approaches it like that as being the 'healthy' way to do things. While Stolas tends to pull back from confrontation except in very specific circumstances. They have completely opposite reactions to that sort of thing. Blitz was literally confronting Stolas with a 'you're not getting rid of me that easily' way, in many ways it was literally Blitz seeing himself as fighting for staying with Stolas.

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 22 дні тому +1

      so true, dude; as a viewer it hurts so bad seeing them fight knowing they both truly want the same thing

  • @tatsumisakamai5372
    @tatsumisakamai5372 28 днів тому +25

    Notice when Blitzø was screaming at Stolas, Stolas was flinching and hugging himself tighter every time. They pointed out that its likely Stolas was having flashbacks to when Stella would scream at him. Blitzø is literally triggering Stolas's PTSD from his abuse from her, and thats why Stolas kept trying to get away from him.

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 28 днів тому +8

      that absolutely makes sense; both our boys are traumatized as fuck

    • @HushpuppyJas
      @HushpuppyJas 19 днів тому

      its rlly rough cause they both triggered tf outta eachother :(

    • @Sammy_The_Umbreon
      @Sammy_The_Umbreon 16 днів тому +1

      mmm i dont think so. I feel like it triggered his memory of the striker encounter more than anything.
      For as much as Stella is awful, he is not really afraid of her. Rather annoyed and cold. Keeping it together for octavias sake. But once that's out the window, he isnt afraid to just insult her straight up and yell at her.

  • @user-jl1ud6pk7m
    @user-jl1ud6pk7m 24 дні тому +1

    Scary fact some sharks can live in both saltwater and freshwater. The most common in North American is the bull shark that actively hunts humans. This shark has been seen as far in land as St. Louis!

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 24 дні тому

      oh yay! this doesn't deeply impact my experience with fresh water at all

    • @user-jl1ud6pk7m
      @user-jl1ud6pk7m 14 днів тому

      @@NevaehEvol sorry

  • @WillieManga
    @WillieManga 25 днів тому +1

    "I'll beleive him and not the voice that says I'm not enough." How the fuck is a fucking demon singing a better Disney musical number than anyone in Wish??! That in particular is my favorite line in the opening song with the utilization of a new kind of instrument known as my heart strings.

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 22 дні тому

      that line does go really hard! also pffftt heart strings

  • @thaumaturgeslit7759
    @thaumaturgeslit7759 28 днів тому +4

    24:36 Damn, my buddy was right drawing your that Loona fanart ; )

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 28 днів тому +3

      YEAH MAN

    • @CapnMadelyn
      @CapnMadelyn 28 днів тому +1

      I want art

    • @thaumaturgeslit7759
      @thaumaturgeslit7759 27 днів тому

      ​@@CapnMadelynYou want a link to the art you mean?

    • @CapnMadelyn
      @CapnMadelyn 27 днів тому

      @@thaumaturgeslit7759 nu i want art of me
      but ye hat too

  • @TonyG4206
    @TonyG4206 28 днів тому +11

    Even though a lot of the Blame does fall onto Blitzo, I think a lot of people overlook the ways that Stolas aided in the downfall of their relationship. He complains about how Blitzo only sees their relationship as being about sex even though he was the one who made their agreement be so sex oriented. Not to mention the fact that he fails to allow Blitzo to further explain himself despite knowing how sarcastic and witted he is. I’m not saying that Stolas didn’t have good intentions, but his actions often times don’t represent the way that he thinks.

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 28 днів тому +4

      I totally agree!

    • @ashes3622
      @ashes3622 27 днів тому +2

      I honestly think most of the blame falls on Stolas here. He picked a night that has a precedence of sexual expectations, has (accidentally) reinforced that he views Blitzø as a toy multiple times, and he never actually apologized for the deal and position he put Blitzø in. Of course Blitzø is confused. Stolas grew a lot in two months, but Blitzø wasn’t there to see it. Last he knew, Stolas only saw him as someone to use and exploit. He has no clue that Stolas has reflected and grown because no one has ever done that for him before.
      They’re both on different wavelengths in this conversation and all of the words they’re saying are being misunderstood. When Stolas says “you think everything is about sex”, he hunches in on himself because he’s feeling guilty for establishing this norm between them. But Blitzø hears it and thinks Stolas is blaming him for thinking everything is sexual, and that triggers him because Stolas has made him feel like a sex you for a year. He thinks he’s being gaslit.
      And Blitzø says “you royal fucks think you can do this every time… I’m not letting you…”. He’s saying that Stolas is BETTER than the others. He’s telling Stolas that he thinks highly of him. But all Stolas is hearing is the angry yelling because he’s triggered and thinking of Stella.
      This is honestly the most well crafted use of the miscommunication trope that I’ve ever seen.

    • @tomfougstedt
      @tomfougstedt 27 днів тому +2

      Saying Stolas complained about Blitz seeing the relationship as being only about sex is a bit of mischaracterization. He said "The fact that you couldn't believe I might have these feelings about you, that your first instinct is that it's always about sex, that's enough to know what this is." That final part of the sentence is what's crucial here. It isn't a complaint towards Blitz, it's a statement about the state of their relationship. It's his explanation for ending it. He is acknowledging that their relationship is nothing more than the transactional part. Since Stolas doesn't want that anymore, he's ending things. There is no one to blame here, their relationship was never going to work out. This is the inevitable end result.

  • @user-fp1ol2ev3n
    @user-fp1ol2ev3n 27 днів тому +2

    This is our hearts break 33:09-3:13 💔💔💔

  • @NeverStudio8
    @NeverStudio8 28 днів тому +1

    32:12 THANK YOU so many peoole dont point out that stolas is as much at fault as blitz

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 25 днів тому +2

      they're both in desperate need of independent therapy before trying to commit to a relationship

  • @JerkyD
    @JerkyD 28 днів тому +1

    It's been a while, so I forgot how good you are at noticing little background things (E.g. The body diversity at 21:48). 3 more notes:
    -1) Finally, someone notices how good the pancakes look!
    -2) Ever since finding out about the Dragon Driller 5000, I can't help but wonder, is that what dragon penes look like?
    -3) Not enough reactors have commented on Luna's cute butt wiggle, so I'm glad you do :)

  • @tsutsuichiharu
    @tsutsuichiharu 28 днів тому +3

    Well on the plus side since they released this one on the 31st we know we'll not have to wait more than 30 days for the next one.

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 28 днів тому +1

      that's still such a long wait it's worth it tho!

  • @area52ron
    @area52ron 28 днів тому +2

    Blitz is self destructive and Stolas is self deprecating
    Not only does Stolas have to deal with Blitz being Defensive but also he is out of happy/depression pills oof
    Blitz truly believes no one loves him and that he is unlovable
    He can’t fathom proper intimacy yet also craves it
    I think he was using the arrangement of the sex as an excuse so he doesn’t get hurt if things go wrong
    And we know if Blitz is vulnerable he would get a good response and be with Stolas but for Blitz there’s always that WHAT IF that stays in his mind “There I go again, getting in my head.” What if things go wrong and I get hurt again or what if things go wrong and I get him hurt
    “Blitz I think so very highly of you, I didn’t realize you think so low of me…”
    It was at this moment Blitz knew he fucked up

  • @Shinobi-kill
    @Shinobi-kill 28 днів тому +3

    This ep made me tears in motion. I don’t want it like this

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 28 днів тому +1

      it'll be okay, gamer :( we just gotta have faith in our silly little gay boys that they'll be able to open up about their trauma so they both understand whats going on in the others head ♡

    • @Shinobi-kill
      @Shinobi-kill 28 днів тому

      @@NevaehEvol I hope so too. God vivi lots of fans in tears and love her creativity

  • @Firestarsparkle
    @Firestarsparkle 28 днів тому +2

    Very nice neva this definitely gave us emotional damage

  • @ConnorSinclairCavin
    @ConnorSinclairCavin 27 днів тому +1

    •sends jumbo hugs cause we all need one after this•

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 27 днів тому +1

      so true

    • @ConnorSinclairCavin
      @ConnorSinclairCavin 27 днів тому

      @@NevaehEvol the one good thing to come of this is that, if Blitzø uses this chance to come back to him, truly start from new, and start a real relationship, as free from this baggage as it can be, that would be much healthier footing than it currently sits on.

  • @Halloweenish
    @Halloweenish 27 днів тому

    Cletus is giving Gideon Gleeful energy.

  • @nonbinaryartist8661
    @nonbinaryartist8661 27 днів тому +2

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed Cletus is thicc

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 25 днів тому

      our bluetooth is connected, gamer

  • @georgelee2989
    @georgelee2989 27 днів тому +1

    Alright Nevaeh
    I know this is probably gonna sound weird to most people, but some good freaking smelling food ( restaurant food will work for this but it's usually homemade that does it and especially if I'm the one cooking it, I can't really explain it ), wacky tobacky can do it when I smoke it sometimes ( I mainly use it because it helps me get good sleep, it also helps me eat if I don't have an appetite and helps with my chronic bipolar depression ) and there's a few other things that do it to when I smell it but these two do it the most

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 25 днів тому

      dude, that's actually so valid. I have a similar reaction when I get home or I walk back into the house and the smell of pan seared steak fills the space. mmmm~ ALSO! a fellow wacky tobacky user! and for pretty similar reasons! :D although my last bit is anxiety/depression, not bipolar, but still!

    • @georgelee2989
      @georgelee2989 24 дні тому

      @@NevaehEvol firstly thanks for the heart, I actually also have anxiety but it's not as bad as the bipolar depression, and I'm glad I'm not the only one on the food thing, I recently made for the first time ever spicy chicken curry and rice from scratch and it was a big hit with my dad and brother, my doesn't like spicy food that much so I fixed her something different, but that was one of the dishes that had that effect on me

  • @jeffersonfriend786
    @jeffersonfriend786 28 днів тому +5

    It all fairness Stolas has NEVER took the relationship seriously at first literally most of their interactions involve him making sexual advances towards Blitz and suddenly out of nowhere he gets feelings I don’t blame Blitz for thinking he was joking it’s mostly been about sex for most of the time since the beginning of the series I’m sorry but for me their relationship isn’t the great.

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 28 днів тому +2

      that is an extremely valid point. Despite how much he may truly love Blitzø, Stolas didn't treat him with very much respect until more recently in the show; they both need to do a lot of work on themselves and have a long, vulnerable discussion before their relationship even has a chance at becoming healthy and functional

    • @Mare_Man
      @Mare_Man 28 днів тому

      This season literally started with Stolas waking up after drowning his sorrows in the aftermath of what he thought would be their first real date.
      Two episodes ago we learned that he's been trying to connect and engage with Blitz more.
      This episode we're told that he's been letting Blitz off the hook for their deal for months, _explicitly_ because he doesn't want to impose.

    • @jeffersonfriend786
      @jeffersonfriend786 28 днів тому

      @@Mare_Manyeah but most
      Of the time he didn’t he treated Blitz like that it was mostly about sex even in the seeing stars episode Stolas still hasn’t took the relationship seriously he was still making sexual advances and that was after the Ozzie’s episode.

  • @gpoetx
    @gpoetx 28 днів тому +3

    Never thought to lookup Nevaeh Loona R34... Thanks for that ... 😁

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 28 днів тому +2

      lmaooo, have fun!

    • @BlooMonkiMan
      @BlooMonkiMan 27 днів тому

      Results were empty, weren't they?

  • @ianswinford5570
    @ianswinford5570 24 дні тому +1

    24:32 - Nevaeh, you are my spirit animal for that! Love you!

  • @StarkKarstVT
    @StarkKarstVT 26 днів тому

    I kinda wonder how that whole exchange between Stolas and Blitz would of went if Stolas had actually had been on his Happy Pills that night?
    He went thru all that probably with withdrawals from his mood lifters.

  • @sushiroll3795
    @sushiroll3795 28 днів тому +20

    I saw somebody mention that one of the reasons that Stolas starts becoming more and more avoidant as the conversation progresses might be that Blitz yelling at him triggers memories of Stella's abuse. Y'know, as if that scene wasn't heartbreaking enough already.

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 28 днів тому +6

      EXACTLY. He has enough people yelling at him all the time, he doesn't need the person who'd been providing him his escape to start treating him that way, too

    • @Mare_Man
      @Mare_Man 28 днів тому +6

      And not just the yelling itself, but hearing Blitz echo the same things Striker said while he was torturing him too

  • @crisemotions7833
    @crisemotions7833 27 днів тому +1

    This episode was intense tbh 💚🖤😙🫶🏻

  • @Desdemona-XI
    @Desdemona-XI 27 днів тому +2

    You're actually the first reactor ive noticed who points out just how hypocritical stolas is with that "its all about sex" line.
    From the pilot, and episode 1 to loo loo land, to the harvest moon festival, stolas is constantly emphasizing sex above everything in their relationship.
    Even in the flashback episode, its Stolas who assumes blitzø is there for sex. Not meeting an old friend, Sex.
    He treats blitzø in a demeaning way, constantly. In front of blitzøs employees, in front of the entire wrath ring, in front of his own fucking Daughter.
    And he does this despite repeatedly blitzø expressing dislike for that treatment, its basically the only boundry blitzø set. And stolas *never* respects it.

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 23 дні тому

      THANK YOU. So many people are coming out in the comments saying that "pilot Stolas isn't canon anymore!" bc I included that one clip, as if there aren't TONS of other scenarios where he said equally sexual and demeaning shit

  • @AbyssalRook
    @AbyssalRook 28 днів тому +2

    You're like the second person I've seen who saw the DHORKS after the Cherubs get thrown back through the portal and keyed in on the pizza party coffee mug and not the fursuiter on a leash.
    I feel like this is some kind of litmus test but I don't know what for or what it means.

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 25 днів тому

      that's so silly omg I genuinely didn't notice the leashed up fursuit moment until I was replying to comments, which is wild given I'm a furry

    • @AbyssalRook
      @AbyssalRook 25 днів тому

      @@NevaehEvol Hey, there is no shame in seeing pizza and getting distracted from everything else going on at that moment.
      It's also just REALLY funny to see what people catch at a glance. Especially when the non-furries have to pause and go back to double check what they saw.

  • @lesbmoth
    @lesbmoth 27 днів тому +1

    I feel like the end could’ve been avoided if stolas just told/texted blitzø ahead of time that tonight was gonna be different than before cause they HAVE cellphones (love them both tho) 😭

    • @lesbmoth
      @lesbmoth 27 днів тому


    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 25 днів тому +1

      that's such a good point! that way he could've mentally prepared a little beforehand rather than being blindsided

  • @Heiryuu
    @Heiryuu 28 днів тому

    25:00 yeah same honestly. I may have watched that part a few times…
    Honestly I’ve seen a few reactions that call blitzø an asshole. And honestly fair, but he had literally 10 seconds to process that new information. I don’t blame him for defaulting to factory settings. He needed like a day or two to process I think. But man that kinda hurt to see them both just not understand each other

  • @Lanoira13
    @Lanoira13 27 днів тому +1

    Sarcastic Chorus has a great video breaking down how that ending scene went so wrong from the beginning of their relationship until that last shot. It would be awesome to see you react to it and maybe give your thoughts if you would be up for it. You're one of the few channels who I think's reaction to it would be really substantive and entertaining. Not to rag on anyone else, I just think you tend to have great commentary even if you like or agree with something. If you're not down to react to other people's content tho, I think you'd enjoy it on your own time too, so very much recommend it regardless!

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 27 днів тому +1

      that sounds really really interesting! I could try reaching out to Sarcastic Chorus to see if they're okay w me doing a reaction :o if not, I'll still definitely be checking out the video in my free time

  • @complain9269
    @complain9269 28 днів тому +2

    Okay, you see, the people in Heaven who kill, they kill SINNERS.
    The Cherubs killed a PERSON. People can change, but sinners have already chosen. And that’s why they’re there.
    That’s why there’s not really a double standard.

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 28 днів тому

      i mean, yes, but it's still ironic that Heaven punished them for accidentally taking a human life, while praising Exterminators and Adam for intentionally destroying human souls. A human life and a human soul are still valuable in the eyes of Heaven; just look at Emily's reaction when she found out what was happening

    • @complain9269
      @complain9269 28 днів тому

      @@NevaehEvol Emily cares about Sinners lives, but she’s in the dark about what’s REALLY going on. She’s the minority, the few who care about sinners souls. The rest of Heaven seems mostly fine with it. When it was announced it really only felt like Emily cared. Everyone else was just like, “Woah.”
      A human soul is only important if they aren’t a sinner. If they’re a sinner, then they choose to not go to heaven. “They must have done something to deserve being there,” is probably the thought.
      A person can change. They don’t have to be a sinner. (In the eyes of heaven) So when you kill them prematurely, especially if they’re a sinner you’re trying to redeem, they shot themselves in the foot.

  • @WI-FI_GOD
    @WI-FI_GOD 27 днів тому

    The exorcist were killing sinners
    And the cherubs killed a human
    But to be fair that human was definitely going to hell

  • @huntersmith1943
    @huntersmith1943 28 днів тому +1

    I love how inventible the ending events of the episode was since episode one

  • @0Magicallywild0
    @0Magicallywild0 28 днів тому +1

    A reminder that the Helluva pilot isn’t canon so using that Stolas line isn’t really reliable. (Especially considering how pilot Stolas seems to behave a kin to a pompous rich asshole lol)
    What is reliable however, is the other times (before the Ozzie ep in season 1) where we the audience and Blitz are made to think that Stolas only seemed to think of Blitz as a sex object/treated as less than. (Or favors between favors from ep 1 to ep 6)

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 25 днів тому

      everyone keeps saying that like Stolas didn't do the exact same bit in Murder Family

  • @northernowlmusic9825
    @northernowlmusic9825 25 днів тому

    Me upon hearing Erica Lindbeck's voice again: Hello, old friend! It's been so long!

  • @BlooMonkiMan
    @BlooMonkiMan 28 днів тому +1

    24:49 Big if real

  • @xXLa_mujer_JuniperXx
    @xXLa_mujer_JuniperXx 28 днів тому +1

    I just came across your channel with this video and I am so happy to have clicked, I absolutely love your model! Those eyes are incredible and I love the detail and expression is so adorable. Hopefully next episode can help mend things though between those two, it is called Apology Tour after all I believe. Anywho I wish you the best!

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 28 днів тому +1

      Oh my gosh, thank you! You're so sweet
      I hope they get a better chance to work through their stuff! maybe Blitzø will chat w Fizz about it and get some better insight, and Stolas can do the same w Ozzie or someone else!
      thank you!! have a splendid day! ^^

  • @EthanDarke
    @EthanDarke 28 днів тому +1

    Y'know Nevaeh, there are other words to use in a reaction besides 'hullo!?' ;)
    Jokes aside love the video, you're easily my favorite of the Hazbin/Helluva reacts
    As a side note the other two cherubs are Keenie (voiced by Vivs herself) and Collin
    Also, at 23:42 on the sidewalk behind the cherubs, you can see two of the girls from Verosika's crew, Coco and Apple. Just a fun little detail.

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 28 днів тому +1

      I am incapable of ceasing the "HULLO?!"s
      I'm so happy to hear you're enjoying the videos tho!!
      yayyy!!! lesbians!!!!

  • @Mare_Man
    @Mare_Man 28 днів тому +1

    27:12 Looks like having Stolas inside her left an impression on Agent 2 here

  • @WillieManga
    @WillieManga 25 днів тому +1

    32:10 To be fair, that's not canon. Which by extension means Loona doesn't have syphilis, which... thank Satan for that.

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 25 днів тому

      I should've used the clip from Murder Family where he does the same bit

  • @WeaponsRemorse
    @WeaponsRemorse 28 днів тому +1


  • @victoryrose2048
    @victoryrose2048 28 днів тому +1

    Ayyy, fellow Dr Squatch user! Favourite scent? Also great video. Love your Helluva boss stuff!

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 28 днів тому

      ayyyy!!! my favorite scent is Raptor Rush, but idk if they make it anymore
      and thank you! I'm glad you're having fun

  • @user-fp1ol2ev3n
    @user-fp1ol2ev3n 27 днів тому +2

    Great reaction 💪💪💪
    I don't know what hurts more, or what happened in the episode or the agony we share for waiting Apology Tour 😭😭😭
    I'm so excitd 😉😉😉

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 27 днів тому +1

      thank you!!! I'm right there w ya w the pain and Apology Tour anticipation

  • @Paxtin
    @Paxtin 27 днів тому

    I personally feel Blitz is justified in his anger toward Stolas, as you kinda touched on, Stolas is fairly guilty himself of making it about sex, and I'm actually a little disappointed that he puts that all on Blitz here. I really hope the show doesn't gloss over that in the future.

  • @ezekieltonks2808
    @ezekieltonks2808 28 днів тому +1

    Did anyone else notice that blitz threw that gem onto solace's bed? Then he never picked it up again.

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 28 днів тому

      did stolas not embed it in Blitz' arm? was it the box he threw??

    • @revolution2762
      @revolution2762 28 днів тому +2

      That was just an empty box. You can see the gem in blitz’s arm after that. 31:44

    • @jaydonmagan4694
      @jaydonmagan4694 27 днів тому

      Stolas put the gem on Blitzø’s arm. Blitzø then threw the empty gem case onto the bed. He still has the gem, he just tossed away the case.

  • @Khaoxius
    @Khaoxius 27 днів тому +1

    24:55 👀 so aboooouuuuut that......

  • @nataliebateman1151
    @nataliebateman1151 День тому +1

    Collin is precious

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol День тому +1

      @@nataliebateman1151 so true

    • @nataliebateman1151
      @nataliebateman1151 День тому

      @@NevaehEvol We need to start a rescue mission to save him from those other two asap.
      My theory is that he'll change sides and help Blitz and the others and potentially get back into Heaven by pulling a Sir Pentious (Just maybe not dying) and showing he can be redeemed. It's just a theory but I want the best for Collin haha

  • @asmodemus1765
    @asmodemus1765 28 днів тому +1

    We all knew it was coming, still hurt.
    Though for me it was a bit blunted by Keenie in Power Rangers outfit. ❤

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 25 днів тому

      that's so valid, pfftt

  • @mr.merlot7538
    @mr.merlot7538 23 дні тому

    Im not simping Im enjoying content I actually enjoy respectfully

  • @xandred_bass1011
    @xandred_bass1011 27 днів тому +1

    You're literally the only one I've seen react to this episode that responded to Loona's ass shake. Glad I'm not the only one who swooned over that.
    Also the fact that you were obsessing over the bdsm outfits and blindfolds, I think says something about you lmao

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 25 днів тому +1

      BRO how could they not?! it's so... there!
      also whahahaaaaaat??? meeeee??? nooo! 👁

    • @xandred_bass1011
      @xandred_bass1011 24 дні тому

      @@NevaehEvol Stand strong, be proud! No judgements here. (especially because I relate)
      And I guess other reactors don't have the same love for Loona that you and I do. Which is a f**king crime

  • @benjaminkaeler9308
    @benjaminkaeler9308 28 днів тому

    30:58 no i think he wasn't listen he was focusted at the crystal

  • @MattStMarie-bm5sq
    @MattStMarie-bm5sq 20 днів тому +1

    @28:20 chocolate maybe but not the others

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 20 днів тому

      different strokes for different folks!

  • @Bastista1
    @Bastista1 27 днів тому +1

    Someone drew art of you and Loona getting it on? Link please.

  • @austinkreider4916
    @austinkreider4916 27 днів тому

    My point of view is almost the same as sarcastic chorus has, his video is very good i recommend checking it out if you are so inclined. But Stolas doesn’t want to have a conversation he wants a yes or no not an in depth talk on how they feel and what they want from a serious relationship

  • @otakuwolf4ever985
    @otakuwolf4ever985 21 день тому

    Ok, you know what, Blitz, this stops now. This whole, self-sabotage "Oh , I killed my Mom, so I deserve to be punished" CRAP. . .stops. . .NOW.

  • @PizzaMineKing
    @PizzaMineKing 26 днів тому +5

    Stolas 100% set himself up to fail. He couldn't have prepared worse if he actively tried to screw himself over.

    • @OhNoTheFace
      @OhNoTheFace 20 днів тому +1

      Wow how is that for daft takes

  • @mikkitoro8933
    @mikkitoro8933 28 днів тому

    I believe those are bishops, and not popes. There can be many bishops, but only one pope.

  • @xRadioxDemon
    @xRadioxDemon 28 днів тому +1

    24:36 - 25:06 Not gonna lie. Not gonna cap. I reacted the same way. LMAO!

  • @TyrantRex22
    @TyrantRex22 28 днів тому +4

    everyone i see always side with Stolas in the argument, but i hardly ever see anyone look from Blitzo's pov: he's never gotten an inkling of these feelings before then suddenly all at once Stolas unloads everything, then compounded ontop of that, he doesnt give him any time to process this, no harp on Stolas, but he was LOOKING FOR A NO, so when Blitzo showed the slightest resistance or hesitation he just goes "Nope, i knew it, he hates me, which makes sense cause i think im the worst"

  • @xthemystic7879
    @xthemystic7879 27 днів тому +1

    There's a shark in the lake? Must be Florida.

  • @seanmurphy9913
    @seanmurphy9913 28 днів тому +1

    Hugs! I felt your pain 😂

  • @HellIsForeverWithInfinite
    @HellIsForeverWithInfinite 14 днів тому +1

    So the idea that the eyes all over Hell are the souls of sinners is now debunked, because sinners can't go out of the pride ring and there's eyes in the lust ring. I wonder what the eyes are for then

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 14 днів тому +1

      maybe it's Lucifer keeping watch on his subjects?? he was an angel and they're known to have multiple sets of eyes :o maybe when he fell, his eyes 'fell' too? idk, spitballin!

    • @HellIsForeverWithInfinite
      @HellIsForeverWithInfinite 14 днів тому

      @@NevaehEvol The multiple eyes thing is mostly the Ophanim, although there are 4 living creatures in the Book of Revelation that appear to be angels but also have the eyes. It's a bit confusing how the angels are to be classified honestly

  • @bendysans1473
    @bendysans1473 27 днів тому +1

    How did you foreshadow so hard like this?

  • @xRadioxDemon
    @xRadioxDemon 28 днів тому

    27:08 Time to tail whip back where you came from.

  • @SugarCubesMiki
    @SugarCubesMiki 26 днів тому +1


    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 26 днів тому

      him!! I do love that lil guy

  • @richardkutsera4992
    @richardkutsera4992 28 днів тому +1

    Well, imagine the ending was them getting together... what to put in upcoming seasons then?

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 28 днів тому +1

      well, yeah, obviously it's better writing this way, but we can still bemoan and sob over it

    • @richardkutsera4992
      @richardkutsera4992 28 днів тому

      @@NevaehEvol Yes, this is actually good drama. There is so much "fake" or badly done drama in movies and stuff these days.

  • @meganlewis2377
    @meganlewis2377 28 днів тому +1

    Did nobody notice Stolas’ wet hair in the bath scene during the song?!?!

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 28 днів тому

      I did, I just didn't think it was worth bringing up

    • @meganlewis2377
      @meganlewis2377 28 днів тому

      @@NevaehEvol What about the runny eyeliner in his reflection?

  • @JPooger
    @JPooger 28 днів тому +1

    why the cherubs tied up but the female lamb lady is tied up a little like shibari, or am i just overthinking

  • @CGomm-le7gv
    @CGomm-le7gv 28 днів тому +1

    5:43 every time you react to a background character design why i keep putting watch fennah the trial

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 28 днів тому

      I praise you and your dedication, gamer ♡

    • @CGomm-le7gv
      @CGomm-le7gv 28 днів тому

      @@NevaehEvol fun fact no other reacter i seen notice the wiggle i notice it first time i watch it

  • @redprototype1012
    @redprototype1012 28 днів тому

    Missed another lesbian pair when the angels were in the bush

  • @ZorusSerif
    @ZorusSerif 27 днів тому

    Yes good fear us :)

  • @Doublebackflipwolf
    @Doublebackflipwolf 24 дні тому +1

    Hii. Are you going to react to Arcane season 2 when it comes out?

    • @NevaehEvol
      @NevaehEvol 24 дні тому +1

      I haven't even seen the first season

    • @Doublebackflipwolf
      @Doublebackflipwolf 24 дні тому

      @@NevaehEvol Then I recommend you watch it! It's awesome, really really good! Very deep and emotional characters. And the main protagonists are LGBTQ+! I think you will like it!