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I love this aa, its look goofy
It really shows how bad the dmg model on helo's is if you can hit a helo with 2 missiles and it still keeps flying.
Love that vehicle
Fajny film widać że inspiracja malzim (nie hejt)
If you know it can shoot at 2 targets at once, why dont u shoot the su 25 and the kh29TE at the same time
How does that work ? I can only Shoot one Target
@rudolvonstroheim6877 u swap target after u lock one
It's hard to do it in a short time unless you're familiar with anti-air
@@rudolvonstroheim6877it’s something to do with the autolead function
are you accepting friend requests?
It seems like the auto-lead guidance of the missiles doesn't work in HQ-17 👀
Pntsir still the goat
it should be 13.0 compared to other top tier AA's XD
@@potato_sniffer 14.0
yay china