It's interesting that some of the European brands such as Visconti, Aurora, Pineider, Montegrappa, Delta etc. didn't make it to your list! Thank you for sharing your thoughts on your favourites! I will sure try out some of your picks!
well because they are quite expensive and I don't have them..... haha but actually I think so of them are quite good, but comparatively less likable or so when putting against these ten pens lol; for instance I do like the Montegrappa Parola Slim, the Pineider Avatar UR, etc....
@ indeed they are expensive. I also have a very pleasant experience with the Pineider Avatar. The nib writes very smoothly and the pen is very pretty, although I don’t know if it will stand the test of time… I wonder if the European brands will be as durable as their Japanese counterparts in the long run.
aye; but I suppose so 'larger' or 'better brands, like Montegrappa, Leonardo, Pineider, etc. would stand the test of time..... we will have to wait for few decades before time will give the answer!
聽完你嘅分享同分析,我都買咗支Pelikan M120N,竟然仲可以喺香港買到☺️☺️
慶幸我都有8 同10, 的確係唔錯。
It's interesting that some of the European brands such as Visconti, Aurora, Pineider, Montegrappa, Delta etc. didn't make it to your list! Thank you for sharing your thoughts on your favourites! I will sure try out some of your picks!
well because they are quite expensive and I don't have them..... haha but actually I think so of them are quite good, but comparatively less likable or so when putting against these ten pens lol; for instance I do like the Montegrappa Parola Slim, the Pineider Avatar UR, etc....
@ indeed they are expensive. I also have a very pleasant experience with the Pineider Avatar. The nib writes very smoothly and the pen is very pretty, although I don’t know if it will stand the test of time… I wonder if the European brands will be as durable as their Japanese counterparts in the long run.
aye; but I suppose so 'larger' or 'better brands, like Montegrappa, Leonardo, Pineider, etc. would stand the test of time..... we will have to wait for few decades before time will give the answer!
Sheaffer古董好多好嘢,我有imperial VIII, imperial Sovereign , 全鋼Targa同復刻crest。希望今年入到一枝PFM 同Flat top😂
@ 有冇地址?
潘師傅店面寫12:00 - 18:00營業,不過多數我都係平日晏晝四點半至五點半左右去,要睇彩數嗰日有無開檔!
唔該請問你有冇Parker 180
非常抱歉...筆者係無Parker 180的!不過曾經借用過別人的180。雖然筆尖很特別,但其實寫下去感覺就和用現今走珠筆或者針頭筆的感覺差不多;甚至令人覺得根本不是在用一枝墨水筆寫字。筆尖感覺非常硬朗的。