As a Muslim, that's a brilliant way of tackling issues. That's amazing. The only reason it got backlash is triggered people who are complaining are actually non-muslim. I guarantee it.
'Trump supporters' basically equals you are the very thing you accuse others of a simpleton idiot that thinks only Trump supporters have an issue with a religion that has been waging war against the known world for 1,400 years. You are completely clueless about this topic which is why you sheepishly follow the main stream media with their ;poor Muslim' narrative. Only idiot here is you pal.
She didn't stand up for them she tells the cashier that her neighbors have enough fertilizer to make the grocery store a hole in the ground... How was that standing up for them? God you're a moron!
I was planning to point out the same thing. lol. Muslim is not a race. Just as Christian is not a race and Hindu is not a race and Jainism is not a race and Buddhist is not a race...honestly...why does everyone say it's "racist" to be wary of Muslims?
+TheDon123 My point was that the term "racist" is inaccurate. It's not "racist". Racism means you dislike someone because of their physical traits over which they have no control, i.e. their skin color or race. Islam (and Muslim) refers to a religion. Therefore, it's not "racist". Calling me an idiot for actually knowing the meaning of words...seems you aren't that bright.
+TheDon123 When the police/fed do their jobs...very little chance of dying in a school shooting. It's easy enough to prevent school shootings by actually following up on the leads (Parkland could have been prevented, but the police decided not to do anything about it, despite the kid saying he was going to shoot up the school) Also, schools that have armed security pretty much never have school shootings or the shootings are stopped with limited or no casualties. It's only the ones saying "gun free zone" that have a school shooting problem. +Super Mario It's an effort to shut down criticism of Islam. When you conflate criticism of an ideology and religion with the people, it becomes easy to force people to stop talking.
Okay but... who's actually upset? I doubt the muslim community is. As a muslim, i think this kind of episode is necessary & I laughed. It shows haw NUTTY some people can be in their prejudices and biases. Like how a black person taking luggage out of a house doesn't mean their robbing that house...
The episode was brilliant. And it DID get people talking about the issue. Roseanne really is a genius and it’s unfortunate that she will always known for the shit she says in the media, as opposed to all the work she did shining a light on things with her television show. SHE is the reason “Roseanne” was/is so great and iconic because she fought the network so hard to get episodes made. She may be a Trump supporter, but she cares about everyone and wants everyone to come together.
What makes you think being a Trump supporter would mean you don't care about others? I think you should realize supporting Trump actually means you really do care about others. It's the leftists that claim tolerance while being intolerant! With Trump you get what you see. The trick is like this episode you have to get all the content. Not just what the main stream media shows you! If you watch all of what Trump says you might find you agree with him!
u know who don't you? I do pay a lot of attention to what Trump says, and unfortunately he doesn’t speak to everyone. The country took a huge step backwards and its openly being bigoted and spreading racist propaganda. But, Roseanne on the other hand isnsomekne to admire and look up to. She voted for Trump and wants him to succeed (as anyone should want their president to succeed) , but she doesn’t agree with everything he says or does.
Mr. Precedent I don't need to defend my comment! Especially to a leftard that cannot see what is clear to any rational person. It's not the conservative that display hatred and contemptuous behavior! It's people like you!!!!! Take a good look in the mirror and see your HATE!!!!!!
Cody Meyers the only time the country took a step backwards is when they elected Obama as President! He put race relations back 50 years. It used to be blacks wanted integration now they want separation! How blind are you? You say you pay attention to what Trump says but I don't think you do! I think you listen to what the mainstream media is saying and eat it up like it's the whole truth!
It doesn’t seem like they’re portraying Muslims in a bad way... they basically showed that they’re just like any other neighbor. And that Roseanne’s bias and assumptions were what was the conflict and that she starts to learn that they’re just like everyone else. I didn’t see the episode but why is this so controversial? Seems like it’s just what she said on Twitter - a real issue. Don’t see why this is negative
I'm muslim and from the middle east too, a lot of us watched the episode and it was AMAZING !! its fine if we little bit poke fun without hitting under the belt, loosing up America.
Yeah, but realistically, would it really be approriate to discuss what's on the travel ban instead of being treated like a normal human being? There are a few things that could've went wrong when Roseanne went to their house.
Guys, Roseanne stands up for them and helps them in the end. It shows us how we should always be kind and not have bias against people, because sometimes not everything has to be violent or hateful.
She doesn't stand up for them... She tells the cashier that our neighbors have enough fertilizer to make the grocery store a hole in the ground... How in the hell is that standing up for them? This episode was pathetic and sad.
D S Is that really what you took from watching the episode? Did you miss the entire conversation before she tells the cashier that? Everyone knows the damn point she was making, but leave it to people like you to twist it and make it something it wasn’t. So dumb.
mike carson it's not just Trump supporters that are racist and that's what I took from your comment. Oh and I didn't vote for Trump or Hilary lol there were more than just 2 candidates. People seem to forget that. Love how people just generalize groups of people be it black,white,mexican, muslim (which is a religion), cops etc.. You only really ever see the bad of some groups including Trump supporters because that is what gets people to watch. I'm done 😀 have a good day.
There’s an office episode where Michael gets super scared when a middle eastern man starts walking toward the office and he overreacts. Don’t remember the same backlash for that.
Early office episodes are all pretty controversial, remember when Michael called Oscar faggy lmao. It was a different time, you could say more shit back then, miss it tbh things were a lot funnier
I don't get how people see this as negative. Roseanne is being prejudiced against her Muslim neighbors assuming they're terrorists, finds out they're actually nice people, and then later stands up for them telling a cashier the Muslim woman is, "twice the person you’ll ever be." As the show goes on we'll likely see them grow and be friends. It shows Muslims in a positive light and has Roseanne learning the error of her ways.
yeah of course, when it's about muslims it's "too sensitive" and people let everything slide. but with jews it's antisemetic and racist and despicable. and with african americans it's the same thing. but no! if you call out discrimination or prejudice against muslims, you're suddenly "sensitive". of coarse.
It's called ACTING, people. And in the finest tradition of Archie Bunker. And, most importantly, it's shining a light on what's actually going on in the USA.
This may be going on in some backwards places but not in enlightened places. This is like a scene from 1952. Most of us are so far beyond this it's insulting. That's the real pro some wih America today- a huge amount of our populace- about 40% are truly stupid people who can't compute or keep up. You are slowing us all way down. We have to constantly wait for you to catch up and you're way behind. This bong hit is for you trumpets. Retards. The lot of you
Joanne you are just plain mental. Lookninnthenmirrornandnthenngonlooknaround. See how everyone is doing better, looks better, speaks better, dresses better, dates better, eats better, is just better than you. It's because your brain is thick. You are so far from reality it's crazy.
Vee K. And that's exactly what we think of you, and guess what- we know you don't care and we certainly don't give a shit what you think about is...Truth is, you guys are the ones who are bigots, you blindly hate all Trump supporters no matter what... Just cause I voted for him, doesn't mean I agree with everything that comes out of his mouth....Still want him over the compulsive liar, user of the American ppl, killer Hillary, ANY DAY OF THE WEEK
But the left doesn't care about your opinion. They only care about turning you into a professional victim. The left always needs a demographic to protect against contrived injustices.
Francis Godinho well that verses don’t exist you lying fool and by the way I’m an Arab from Muslim background and I’m telling u this stop with ur stupidity and misleading infos and educate ur self
Salma Almeahlky, sound Somali or Sudanese East African. You are not an Arab. I have lived in Arabia. So try to call me lying fool. I have studied the whole Quran by heart Surah 1-114. 6000 verse. In the Wahabi Quran Surah 9. Veres 5. Mohammad tells it is every Muslim duty to fight for Allah. Go and plan, hide, ambush Jews, Christians, infidels, besiege them, then kill them.' Lo Allah is all forgiving, all knowing, all merciful and all Great.' I challenge you to read Suran 9. Verse 5 from your Quran and write word for word. I have 13 Quran books. I write the truth what the book says. Not made by me. I have school books from Islamic countries saying Jews are children of Monkeys. I have the Hadith saying of Mohammad. I have the Sharia book. So don't say I am misleading. You know nothing. Write what the book says. Then, I will write all other verses of hate.
A. Aziz because you have a sense of humor unlike all theses ppl getting offended over a stupid joke...if they made jokes about puertorrican I would be laughing too. Ppl need to lighten up
Roseanne has always faced Stay calm and be happy people, love one another, and quit reading negative into the snarky wit of this funny tv show.
Yeah the only reason it’s on the news is because the media likes it but in reality it’s just distraction from what’s happening here right now in the country. Now I’m not saying there’s not prejudice against Arabs but sometimes the media portrays it in ways that will cause scandal and cause extremists from both sides to go against each other which is why our country is fucked because the media controls the left and right to clash against each other while they steal our fucking taxpayer money on stupid bs we don’t need like unnecessary wars and propaganda.
This is what art is. If it makes you uncomfortable, it's doing its job because it's presenting real life that people in this politically correct society want to hide away.
I enjoyed this episode. I thought they did a good job. There's a lot of stereotyping of all kinds of people in this country. My name is Rebecca and I get tired of the Becky stereotype that people keep saying. It's just stupid how offended everybody is about everything. It's just a show.
The problem with this episode is that Rosanne stops being prejudice to her neighbors after they did a favor for her. No one should have to do something in order to be treated equally.
I love the satire any time my husband and I meet someone who does not like muslims or is really ignorant we like to mess with them and see how far we can push envelope based on what we think their idea of us is...... here are a few of our favorites: 1.) We have a goat named Habibi 2.) We have 6 kids (we are in our early 20's so this is obviously crazy) 3.) We pray for people who eat pork 4.) We slaughter our own halal meat Eventually they catch on that we are messing with them and hopefully reflect on how crazy their biases are.....maybe they just hate us more
I applaud Roseanne. I've been a fan since the beginning 80's 90's. She tackles issues that are so true and real. Most people are afraid of Muslims and so forth they don't understand them. All I know is if I had a neighbor move in like that next door like those people in would have concerns just like Roseanne did on the show. I'm just being honest. I honestly can't stand to see women walking around w those scarfs on their heads here in America. Why do they choose to wear that here while their husbands can be walking around w shorts?? My mom was shopping the other day and saw a Muslim women dressed all in black completely covered w her eyes only showing. She got so scared. Don't these people know that they do not mix well w Western culture and it scares people to be dressed that way. As I do appauld Roseanne for this episode I do understand that their are biases and there are good people out there of all faiths including Muslim, however there are many that do not mix here and it's jus scary to blend in with them.
Give me a break people. Roseanne is awesome and very funny !it's a comedy folks with an awesome wake up message. get a clue. Her show is no different thanks Archie in the 6o's and early 70's rest my case. you go Roseanne and keep up the great content. there was a moral to the show.
2:04-2:08 Real issues, plus I don't know if people know this or not but Muslim is not a race, it's a religion. Americans have an issue about something they can't even tell the difference between.
Now she’s sending racist tweets! Wow! Like clockwork that racist train is never late. She’s showing her true colors. Can’t say I’m surprised...🤦🏾♀️ Shame on you Roseanne!
Lisa Perry Let's set the record straight here. It was one tweet made about a woman of color that had derogatory racial implications.When Roseanne was called out on it, she apologized in a tweet to the public at large. She also apologized via tweet to Valerie Jarrett to whom the original remark was directed toward. She's since followed with tweets reinstating her regret for the things she originally tweeted She has shown contrition for making the remark. What has transpired in the past few days to her can be easily described as a "lynch mob." She didn't deserve to loose her show, and the constant condemnation offered by just too many people. This clip shows that she's a rather complicated personality. and also has a tendency to thoughtless commentary at times. The piling on has been ridiculous
archraskal this was not the first tweet she made comparing black people to apes. She only apologized cause of the backlash. She’s stupid for continuing to compare black people to monkeys. That troupe is a known racist stereotype that’s been used for hundreds of years. So no she can keep her racist apology because it’s how she sees people which is fine but she’s not exempt from the consequences. ABC has a right to not associate their brand with her. It’s 2018 and of people her age don’t know by now then again they’re just stupid. I wld call her ignorant but that’s implying she doesn’t know any better which she does. Her tweet was unprovoked and she just thought calling someone out of their name was ok.
archraskal Have you done any research on the rest of her racist tweets? I’m sure you haven’t...before you jump to defend a bigot, whom the other actors on the show have already voiced their disappointment with her constant racism ,it would behove you to get your facts straight before you start running your mouth! Search what Sarah Gilbert, Tom Arnold, Michael Fishman, Emma Kenney have to say. Then search for the response that the Disney chairperson and ceo have to say. So the next time you want to get something straight with ME you better come correct! It is better to have people THINK you are stupid than to SPEAK and remove all doubts! So shhhh🤫 Get some sleep and in the morning get back on UA-cam and research the TRUTH! Don’t ever respond to any messages on UA-cam unless you have your facts! Or this is what will happen. You look like a fool! PS...Roseanne doesn’t give a shit about you but keep idolizing and defending and worshipping these celebrities. I’m sure if you ever need help Roseanne will be right there to help you out! Good night sweetie! 😘😘😘
NOT TO MENTION THE MIDDLE EASTERN ACTORS ARE FINE WITH IT OBVIOUSLY OR THEY WOULDN'T HAVE TAKEN THE PART. Maybe I find it unacceptable that those complaining believe these consenting adults need saving. 🤢
i had been giving this show a chance because i thought it was being used in the same way all in the family was. but after that racist tweet she screwed herself.
This is exactly the reason why growing up my family never told anyone we were Arab or Muslim whenever we moved into a new neighborhood. If they had to ask, we just told them we were Italian.
I watched last night's episode and if people ACTUALLY WATCHED it..She totally Defends the Neighbor when they are at the Grocery store, when that IGNORANT Girl at the Register, was Mean and Rude to her... So CHILL OUT, it was a Very Funny episode!!!
I didn't watch the episode because I've never been a fan of Roseanne. But let's see if I can guess what the episode is about. Roseanne has new neighbors. She freaks out when she finds out they're Muslim because she's a Trump supporter so she automatically assumed they're terrorists. Probably calls the cops on them or something. Then the neighbors either say or do something nice for her. She finds out they're not there to blow up the neighborhood and turn out to be nice people after all. Am I close? :)
I am ex-muslim (now atheist) and let me tell you something, people are very similar everywhere, they want good collage, good job, financial success, to have a family, to see their children married...etc etc its all the same things. But in today's world it has become politically tolerable, even trendy , to hate Muslims. Humanity is immature, always in need to hate some new group.
Anita B. Oh no! snowflake.... you're melting! Calm down. The show is amazing. If you watch the whole show, you'll understand how ridiculous your statement is.
I should have known Roseanne's sitcom was really just a vehicle used to make calls for violence.... Watch the freaking episode before you do a report next time, your ignorance is showing....
To the contrary, these days people are afraid to call the police on Muslim neighbors such as the couple who massacred the employees at the San Bernadino social service agency.
Oh, go you! What a sensitive multiculturalist you are! I hope you're surrounded by people who appreciate you for your compassion and hand you cookies every time you demonstrate your wonderful-ness by barking about something that offended you.
Bobby's Mad World Bud, sounds like you're the one who needs a cookie and if you're a good boy, perhaps you'll get a side of chocolate milk. Give me a break pal!!! It's my opinion. Now be a nice little boy and go ask your momma for that cookie. Have a nice day you jerk!
HA ha ha ha ! Okay, so it's all good. You can't stand her, we allow you to your opinion. But if I am sickened by Trump, am I allowed to my opinion as well ? We can still be okay and live next door like the Muslim family, right ?
I used to love Roseanne, i watched it several times, but I dont like this anti muslim episode at all. I am a muslim, living in a non muslim neighbourhood for many years and I have very good relationship with my neighbours. This type of show will increase hatred only.
There are many who cannot understand the difference between a show that shows the wrongness of prejudice (like this show and All in the Family backs in the 70's) versus outright prejudice remarks.
People are right to be scared of Muslims..... you never know which are the bad they are so good at pretending to be normal... I will never let my guard down around them no matter how nice and normal they seem
For those of us that understand, it is a comedy show folks. I personally didn`t find it funny so much as scary , only because alot of people are ignorant of other cultures and do treat them different. But she comes around at the end. I hope people that need it learned something from it but I think it may take more than a comedy show for them to learn. They did try to teach something here so I give them credit for trying.
Roseanne is extremely intelligent and she knows exactly what she is doing. She is performing as an actress to indicate the racist stereotypes which is a reflection of racist America. Racist people don't want their racism to be shown and she is doing it in a profound comedic way.
I expected this report to say something like "roseannes episode was actually racist despite trying to deal woth racism" A television show bringing up important issues like this is NOT new. American Dad did an IDENTICAL episode years ago!!!! Stan smith locked his muslim neighbors in his backyard with electric fences.... Where was the backlash then?
The problem is we know Rosanne is prejudice. When the show is named after her, it doesn't really matter what the shows message is when we know the titular character doesn't actually believe it.
She faces backslash for how EVERYONE treats Muslims. Are you kidding me. If anything she is showing how ignorantly we all treat other races. I commend Roseanne... And Btw, I'm black, Mexican and Gay.
Don't pretend there is no prejudice in the country. I don't know how this was offensive, it had a character clearly being ridiculous, and proved her wrong by the end.
I'm Muslim and I love Roseanne and I dont see the issue they in fact showed how the media effects people's perception on Muslims. They did a good job and I'm still a fan.
Im muslim and my family found the episode hilarious. Its better to be thrashed verbally than physicaly, thats the reason my family came to america where freedom of speach is acceptable. No one should kill one another because of different opinions
People don’t realize what it’s like to be a Muslim, in these trying times. My son even faced horrible comments from the school bus driver saying, “Once Trump is President he will deport all Muslims”. The media has brainwashed so many. I’m also a Yemeni.
Halley love trust me he will be fine he will move past it and become awesome racism is fucking stupid and people who are radical racist are dumb! Your son is strong and make sure he does well in school because when he’s a genius everyone will have to look up to him for help :)
People are so overly sensitive these days. They expect every television show to be so politically correct and liberal, which has never been the way Roseanne Barr operated. The original show pushed boundaries as well, so this should be expected. I get so irritated seeing headlines about how there's a backlash against someone because they spoke their mind in a non-politically correct way. Sad world we live in these days.
I think the episode really showed why people are so ignorant to others and how we all are the same, also I liked how it showed Muslims dealing with the hate they encounter every day. Not all are bad just like every other race and religion
This is ridiculous. They did the Muslim angle to show how Americans are prejudice about it and it always teaches a lesson at the end! I cannot believe people are offended about this. It was for a GOOD PURPOSE TO TEACH A LESSON about something extremely real in this islamophobia society.
I'm not a Roseanne fan, but what I think she did was put the issue in our face to make us see ourselves in a mirror. That makes people uncomfortable. But if you don't like it, change yourself. Archie was at a different time and different place, no he wasn't. I believe we have gone back to that time in America. Roseanne, hats off. Make us look at ourselves in shame and realize we all need to change. This does happen in real life.
As a Muslim, that's a brilliant way of tackling issues. That's amazing. The only reason it got backlash is triggered people who are complaining are actually non-muslim. I guarantee it.
Salaam alaikom from an American Christian-ish atheist. Thanks for sharing your voice.
Keith 'Qzo' Iman It's not brilliant- it's been done a thousand times. It's called cliche.
THE Funky NinjaMaster of Peace Yeah, but it's usually tackled without displaying their negative side as a joke.
If only u could see the future before u comment
I'm fairly certain that it's ABC themselves manufacturing the "backlash."
It's not a "backlash"; it's a FRONTlash. Uninformed people jumped to conclusions and complained before they even saw the episode.
Yep. Pretty much weeds out the idiots whose opinions should immediately be tossed in the cyber trash bin.
'Trump supporters' basically equals you are the very thing you accuse others of a simpleton idiot that thinks only Trump supporters have an issue with a religion that has been waging war against the known world for 1,400 years. You are completely clueless about this topic which is why you sheepishly follow the main stream media with their ;poor Muslim' narrative. Only idiot here is you pal.
mike carson "Everyone rightfully concluded that she wouldn't highlight that herself, being a Trump supporter."
And yet she did exactly that.
You cite ignorance and still refer to a religion as a race. Guess that makes you a 'Trump supporter' according to your own Gumpian rules.
K Lauer frontlash 🤣
wow they didnt even watch it in the end roseanne stands up for them
terry mcginnis amen. Great episode of having respect and tolerance
She didn't stand up for them she tells the cashier that her neighbors have enough fertilizer to make the grocery store a hole in the ground... How was that standing up for them? God you're a moron!
not even the whole scene she also called the cashier ignorant for her comments
terry mcginnis best scene ever. Loved Roseanne sticking with for that lady.
D S it looks like she tried to scare her into respecting her and not to judge but your ignorant for only focusing on that part of the scene only smh
@0:20 *Muslim is not a race*
Hey, it's GMA. They don't know what they're doing. Everything is about race to them.
I was planning to point out the same thing. lol. Muslim is not a race. Just as Christian is not a race and Hindu is not a race and Jainism is not a race and Buddhist is not a race...honestly...why does everyone say it's "racist" to be wary of Muslims?
Wayne Marion can we determine which white boy can slaughter us in high schools though?
+TheDon123 My point was that the term "racist" is inaccurate. It's not "racist". Racism means you dislike someone because of their physical traits over which they have no control, i.e. their skin color or race. Islam (and Muslim) refers to a religion. Therefore, it's not "racist". Calling me an idiot for actually knowing the meaning of words...seems you aren't that bright.
+TheDon123 When the police/fed do their jobs...very little chance of dying in a school shooting. It's easy enough to prevent school shootings by actually following up on the leads (Parkland could have been prevented, but the police decided not to do anything about it, despite the kid saying he was going to shoot up the school)
Also, schools that have armed security pretty much never have school shootings or the shootings are stopped with limited or no casualties. It's only the ones saying "gun free zone" that have a school shooting problem.
+Super Mario It's an effort to shut down criticism of Islam. When you conflate criticism of an ideology and religion with the people, it becomes easy to force people to stop talking.
Okay but... who's actually upset? I doubt the muslim community is.
As a muslim, i think this kind of episode is necessary & I laughed.
It shows haw NUTTY some people can be in their prejudices and biases.
Like how a black person taking luggage out of a house doesn't mean their robbing that house...
because there is an alarming amount of people whose profession is to be offended on behalf of others
warlocks4life generalising people just cos theyre white is a bit racist
... & now she's cancelled 😂
Funny because people actually do that
Right??? I’m Muslim too at first I thought it was offensive but after watching it, I ended up really liking it, it was really funny.
The episode was brilliant. And it DID get people talking about the issue. Roseanne really is a genius and it’s unfortunate that she will always known for the shit she says in the media, as opposed to all the work she did shining a light on things with her television show. SHE is the reason “Roseanne” was/is so great and iconic because she fought the network so hard to get episodes made. She may be a Trump supporter, but she cares about everyone and wants everyone to come together.
Thank you, I thought I was the only one. Have a great day
What makes you think being a Trump supporter would mean you don't care about others? I think you should realize supporting Trump actually means you really do care about others. It's the leftists that claim tolerance while being intolerant! With Trump you get what you see. The trick is like this episode you have to get all the content. Not just what the main stream media shows you! If you watch all of what Trump says you might find you agree with him!
u know who don't you? I do pay a lot of attention to what Trump says, and unfortunately he doesn’t speak to everyone. The country took a huge step backwards and its openly being bigoted and spreading racist propaganda.
But, Roseanne on the other hand isnsomekne to admire and look up to. She voted for Trump and wants him to succeed (as anyone should want their president to succeed) , but she doesn’t agree with everything he says or does.
Mr. Precedent I don't need to defend my comment! Especially to a leftard that cannot see what is clear to any rational person. It's not the conservative that display hatred and contemptuous behavior! It's people like you!!!!! Take a good look in the mirror and see your HATE!!!!!!
Cody Meyers the only time the country took a step backwards is when they elected Obama as President! He put race relations back 50 years. It used to be blacks wanted integration now they want separation! How blind are you? You say you pay attention to what Trump says but I don't think you do! I think you listen to what the mainstream media is saying and eat it up like it's the whole truth!
It doesn’t seem like they’re portraying Muslims in a bad way... they basically showed that they’re just like any other neighbor. And that Roseanne’s bias and assumptions were what was the conflict and that she starts to learn that they’re just like everyone else.
I didn’t see the episode but why is this so controversial? Seems like it’s just what she said on Twitter - a real issue. Don’t see why this is negative
Tom McKee It was exactly that.
it's me Joolz Yep. You nailed it.
It's not about muslims. It's about whether Rosanne is a shitty person.
Roseanne is a shitty person confirmed. Called it.
I'm muslim and from the middle east too, a lot of us watched the episode and it was AMAZING !!
its fine if we little bit poke fun without hitting under the belt, loosing up America.
Salam alaikum from an American Christian-ish atheist. Peace and love to you.
Yeah, but realistically, would it really be approriate to discuss what's on the travel ban instead of being treated like a normal human being? There are a few things that could've went wrong when Roseanne went to their house.
No Name i dont mean to be a grammer/spelling nazi, but its "loosen" not "loosing".
sanic you need to get a life.
sanic this is the second comment I see you in , damn you got nothing to do huh.
Guys, Roseanne stands up for them and helps them in the end. It shows us how we should always be kind and not have bias against people, because sometimes not everything has to be violent or hateful.
Muhammad Usman amen. I love that lesson that the episode artfully teaches.
She doesn't stand up for them... She tells the cashier that our neighbors have enough fertilizer to make the grocery store a hole in the ground... How in the hell is that standing up for them? This episode was pathetic and sad.
D S Is that really what you took from watching the episode? Did you miss the entire conversation before she tells the cashier that? Everyone knows the damn point she was making, but leave it to people like you to twist it and make it something it wasn’t. So dumb.
mike carson so she as a Trump supporter playing a Trump supporter isn't portraying a "real Trump" supporter? WTH lol
mike carson it's not just Trump supporters that are racist and that's what I took from your comment. Oh and I didn't vote for Trump or Hilary lol there were more than just 2 candidates. People seem to forget that. Love how people just generalize groups of people be it black,white,mexican, muslim (which is a religion), cops etc.. You only really ever see the bad of some groups including Trump supporters because that is what gets people to watch. I'm done 😀 have a good day.
There’s an office episode where Michael gets super scared when a middle eastern man starts walking toward the office and he overreacts.
Don’t remember the same backlash for that.
because every white suburban liberal loves the office
That came out years ago. Had it come out today I guarantee it would be an issue
Yeah, before the age of Trump.
Early office episodes are all pretty controversial, remember when Michael called Oscar faggy lmao. It was a different time, you could say more shit back then, miss it tbh things were a lot funnier
I don't get how people see this as negative. Roseanne is being prejudiced against her Muslim neighbors assuming they're terrorists, finds out they're actually nice people, and then later stands up for them telling a cashier the Muslim woman is, "twice the person you’ll ever be." As the show goes on we'll likely see them grow and be friends.
It shows Muslims in a positive light and has Roseanne learning the error of her ways.
Chris Mackall racist tweet muslim cancel lol
this comment didnt age well
Her message is good at the end. So why the backlash?
They didn't see the whole episode.
Su Ching Lim Because libtards and sjws have nothing better to do. Sad, I know. But true. 🤷🏾♀️
people love to jump to conclusions on twitter
Get Over it!!! this Country is too Damn Sensitive everything is OFFENSIVE to someone
yeah of course, when it's about muslims it's "too sensitive" and people let everything slide. but with jews it's antisemetic and racist and despicable. and with african americans it's the same thing. but no! if you call out discrimination or prejudice against muslims, you're suddenly "sensitive". of coarse.
@@h7672 True, Very true
@@h7672 *course* ,not coarse. 🤣
Well that’s all gone down the drain now! Funny how Roseanne can be praised for helping to fight against prejudice and now she’s branded a racist.
It's called ACTING, people. And in the finest tradition of Archie Bunker. And, most importantly, it's shining a light on what's actually going on in the USA.
This may be going on in some backwards places but not in enlightened places. This is like a scene from 1952. Most of us are so far beyond this it's insulting. That's the real pro some wih America today- a huge amount of our populace- about 40% are truly stupid people who can't compute or keep up. You are slowing us all way down. We have to constantly wait for you to catch up and you're way behind. This bong hit is for you trumpets. Retards. The lot of you
Joanne you are just plain mental. Lookninnthenmirrornandnthenngonlooknaround. See how everyone is doing better, looks better, speaks better, dresses better, dates better, eats better, is just better than you. It's because your brain is thick. You are so far from reality it's crazy.
Carroll O'Conner HATED Archie. Roseanne is Archie. But I get it
Tootsla 125 - Wrong on an important point. Roseanne IS a right wing Trump supporter. Caroll O'Connor (aka Archie Bunker) was a liberal Democrat.
Vee K. And that's exactly what we think of you, and guess what- we know you don't care and we certainly don't give a shit what you think about is...Truth is, you guys are the ones who are bigots, you blindly hate all Trump supporters no matter what... Just cause I voted for him, doesn't mean I agree with everything that comes out of his mouth....Still want him over the compulsive liar, user of the American ppl, killer Hillary, ANY DAY OF THE WEEK
The people that are offended by this aren’t even Muslims.
because that doesn't ever happen in real life, nooo
evancortez2 umm??? Okay??
😂😂😂😂😂 sarcastic. Love it. Yea ppl act like it never happend
Really? I live in a all Muslim area of Dearborn Michigan. Look it up..Yes..we help everyone.
evancortez2....maybe it never happens with you.
Oh really?? you need to look at this site.
2:14 The way [Roseanne] handles it moving forward will say a lot.
And less than a month later... 🤦🏿♀️🤦♂️🤦🏽♀️🤦🏼♂️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏾♂️
I am old enough to remember All In The Family, I believe it helped show the ignorance of stereotyping people
OMG PPL ARE SO SENSITIVE LIKE....I'm Muslim it was fine.
But the left doesn't care about your opinion. They only care about turning you into a professional victim. The left always needs a demographic to protect against contrived injustices.
sanic thank you for the beautiful words
burcu oh...okay then drag herrr😂
itwhoitis me How many times were you stoned today? Also, make me a sammich. I be a man and I gots to have food.
sanic you're stupid and ignorant as you can't spell.
Happily cancelled
Really? I thought otherwise...but her comment is offensive anyway.
Francis Godinho well that verses don’t exist you lying fool and by the way I’m an Arab from Muslim background and I’m telling u this stop with ur stupidity and misleading infos and educate ur self
Salma Almeahlky, sound Somali or Sudanese East African. You are not an Arab. I have lived in Arabia. So try to call me lying fool. I have studied the whole Quran by heart Surah 1-114. 6000 verse. In the Wahabi Quran Surah 9. Veres 5. Mohammad tells it is every Muslim duty to fight for Allah. Go and plan, hide, ambush Jews, Christians, infidels, besiege them, then kill them.' Lo Allah is all forgiving, all knowing, all merciful and all Great.' I challenge you to read Suran 9. Verse 5 from your Quran and write word for word. I have 13 Quran books. I write the truth what the book says. Not made by me. I have school books from Islamic countries saying Jews are children of Monkeys. I have the Hadith saying of Mohammad. I have the Sharia book. So don't say I am misleading. You know nothing. Write what the book says. Then, I will write all other verses of hate.
I will even give the book printer name and you can get it from Saudi Ryhad or from the booksellers. Think before you reply.
Muslims can fool some people, but you cannot fool all the people who have been there in Arabia, in Gulf, in Kuwait, in Iran, in Iraq and, in Egypt.
revisiting this video on May 30, 2018 has an entirely different feel
I'm a Muslim and not offended by this episode of Roseanne's show.
Thank you Roseanne!
A. Aziz because you have a sense of humor unlike all theses ppl getting offended over a stupid joke...if they made jokes about puertorrican I would be laughing too. Ppl need to lighten up
asshole ...
Phobia, phobia, PHOBIA
Great job in raising awareness, America needs this
This doesn’t hold up well 2 weeks later.
Yiorgos Stergiannis
Lol yeah this did not age well
Roseanne has always faced Stay calm and be happy people, love one another, and quit reading negative into the snarky wit of this funny tv show.
Thank the good lord I thought I was the only one. Thanks buddy
Yeah the only reason it’s on the news is because the media likes it but in reality it’s just distraction from what’s happening here right now in the country. Now I’m not saying there’s not prejudice against Arabs but sometimes the media portrays it in ways that will cause scandal and cause extremists from both sides to go against each other which is why our country is fucked because the media controls the left and right to clash against each other while they steal our fucking taxpayer money on stupid bs we don’t need like unnecessary wars and propaganda.
Muslims didn't even complain about it tho. I'm a Muslim and i ain't offended and I'm pretty sure most who have seen it aren't.
You were saying
People tried making light of this. Then Roseanne tweeted something worse and now these same people are quiet 😂😂😂😂
This is what art is. If it makes you uncomfortable, it's doing its job because it's presenting real life that people in this politically correct society want to hide away.
I enjoyed this episode. I thought they did a good job. There's a lot of stereotyping of all kinds of people in this country. My name is Rebecca and I get tired of the Becky stereotype that people keep saying. It's just stupid how offended everybody is about everything. It's just a show.
The problem with this episode is that Rosanne stops being prejudice to her neighbors after they did a favor for her. No one should have to do something in order to be treated equally.
ROSEANNE CANCELED!!!!!!👍👍👍👍👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
MsTrish627 why
Alyan Olia cause she's a racist
MsTrish627 Go watch a show about phony people you phony liberal.
RU4REAL Trump is that you?😂😂😂😂😂😂
Jason Cake You know liberals wanna take away the second and first amendment.
I love the satire any time my husband and I meet someone who does not like muslims or is really ignorant we like to mess with them and see how far we can push envelope based on what we think their idea of us is...... here are a few of our favorites:
1.) We have a goat named Habibi
2.) We have 6 kids (we are in our early 20's so this is obviously crazy)
3.) We pray for people who eat pork
4.) We slaughter our own halal meat
Eventually they catch on that we are messing with them and hopefully reflect on how crazy their biases are.....maybe they just hate us more
"we have more reason to be afraid of you" really colonizers?!
Need more of this type of awareness
I applaud Roseanne. I've been a fan since the beginning 80's 90's. She tackles issues that are so true and real. Most people are afraid of Muslims and so forth they don't understand them. All I know is if I had a neighbor move in like that next door like those people in would have concerns just like Roseanne did on the show. I'm just being honest. I honestly can't stand to see women walking around w those scarfs on their heads here in America. Why do they choose to wear that here while their husbands can be walking around w shorts?? My mom was shopping the other day and saw a Muslim women dressed all in black completely covered w her eyes only showing. She got so scared. Don't these people know that they do not mix well w Western culture and it scares people to be dressed that way. As I do appauld Roseanne for this episode I do understand that their are biases and there are good people out there of all faiths including Muslim, however there are many that do not mix here and it's jus scary to blend in with them.
maybe you should get to know the person under that headscarf youll just find a human like yourself trying to get by in life with there own faith
+Ningen trust the english to be prejudice no surprise there then
So you can make fun of Christianity but you cant make fun of Islam?? Sounds fair
This was a pretty good episode. Loved the ending bit
It's not provacative,'s what many people feel- She portrays what people go through-
They can afford fertilizer and cable TV but not groceries!!! Wtf!
2269hag Well, they said they over ordered the fertilizer. Until Amazon refunds their money, they might be strapped for cash.
My parents are from Pakistan I was born in Boston MA we're Muslim why is this such a issue it actually helps open people's eyes to racism
Not really it just kind of allows people to think its okay to think like this, not all but some.
Give me a break people. Roseanne is awesome and very funny !it's a comedy folks with an awesome wake up message. get a clue. Her show is no different thanks Archie in the 6o's and early 70's rest my case. you go Roseanne and keep up the great content. there was a moral to the show.
2:04-2:08 Real issues, plus I don't know if people know this or not but Muslim is not a race, it's a religion. Americans have an issue about something they can't even tell the difference between.
It's a tv show. Calm down
It's a after thought now. No more show
Danny Hull haha I completely forgot lol.
People have nothing better to do with their time than complain about something....
Now she’s sending racist tweets! Wow! Like clockwork that racist train is never late. She’s showing her true colors. Can’t say I’m surprised...🤦🏾♀️
Shame on you Roseanne!
Lisa Perry fucking pu###!
Lisa Perry
Let's set the record straight here. It was one tweet made about a woman of color that had derogatory racial implications.When Roseanne
was called out on it, she apologized in a tweet to the public at large. She also apologized via tweet to Valerie Jarrett to whom the original remark
was directed toward. She's since followed with tweets reinstating her regret for the things she originally tweeted She has shown contrition for
making the remark. What has transpired in the past few days to her can be easily described as a "lynch mob." She didn't deserve to loose her
show, and the constant condemnation offered by just too many people. This clip shows that she's a rather complicated personality. and also
has a tendency to thoughtless commentary at times. The piling on has been ridiculous
archraskal this was not the first tweet she made comparing black people to apes. She only apologized cause of the backlash. She’s stupid for continuing to compare black people to monkeys. That troupe is a known racist stereotype that’s been used for hundreds of years. So no she can keep her racist apology because it’s how she sees people which is fine but she’s not exempt from the consequences. ABC has a right to not associate their brand with her. It’s 2018 and of people her age don’t know by now then again they’re just stupid. I wld call her ignorant but that’s implying she doesn’t know any better which she does. Her tweet was unprovoked and she just thought calling someone out of their name was ok.
archraskal Have you done any research on the rest of her racist tweets? I’m sure you haven’t...before you jump to defend a bigot, whom the other actors on the show have already voiced their disappointment with her constant racism ,it would behove you to get your facts straight before you start running your mouth!
Search what Sarah Gilbert, Tom Arnold, Michael Fishman, Emma Kenney have to say. Then search for the response that the Disney chairperson and ceo have to say.
So the next time you want to get something straight with ME you better come correct!
It is better to have people THINK you are stupid than to SPEAK and remove all doubts! So shhhh🤫
Get some sleep and in the morning get back on UA-cam and research the TRUTH! Don’t ever respond to any messages on UA-cam unless you have your facts! Or this is what will happen. You look like a fool!
PS...Roseanne doesn’t give a shit about you but keep idolizing and defending and worshipping these celebrities. I’m sure if you ever need help Roseanne will be right there to help you out!
Good night sweetie! 😘😘😘
Jason Cake you are a class act! Your response is to call me a derogatory name??? 🤣😂🤣 and point!
Have a blessed day! 😌
NOT TO MENTION THE MIDDLE EASTERN ACTORS ARE FINE WITH IT OBVIOUSLY OR THEY WOULDN'T HAVE TAKEN THE PART. Maybe I find it unacceptable that those complaining believe these consenting adults need saving. 🤢
All this and I'm laughing at the Amazon joke
Lmao. If you think Roseanne is groundbreaking for doing this, you haven’t been watching tv lately.
i had been giving this show a chance because i thought it was being used in the same way all in the family was. but after that racist tweet she screwed herself.
Sorry, I missed the part about getting backlash. When did that happen?
im asian muslim. roseanne is real. take it or leave it.. thanks roseanne
azrilia1 She's a real dumbass. Enjoy season 2!
azrilia1 lies lies liES
a lot of fake Muslims endorsing this Zionist sow, she hates our guts, she s been doing so for years on Twitter and during her many trips to "Israel".
This is exactly the reason why growing up my family never told anyone we were Arab or Muslim whenever we moved into a new neighborhood. If they had to ask, we just told them we were Italian.
Did they all think you must be in the Mafia?
Did they even watch the whole damn episode?
I’m Muslim and I completely understand the episode. It was actually a great episode, and well appreciated. This is ridiculous
I watched last night's episode and if people ACTUALLY WATCHED it..She totally Defends the Neighbor when they are at the Grocery store, when that IGNORANT Girl at the Register, was Mean and Rude to her... So CHILL OUT, it was a Very Funny episode!!!
0:52 *raises eyebrow then laughs *
I didn't watch the episode because I've never been a fan of Roseanne. But let's see if I can guess what the episode is about.
Roseanne has new neighbors. She freaks out when she finds out they're Muslim because she's a Trump supporter so she automatically assumed they're terrorists. Probably calls the cops on them or something. Then the neighbors either say or do something nice for her. She finds out they're not there to blow up the neighborhood and turn out to be nice people after all.
Am I close? :)
I am ex-muslim (now atheist) and let me tell you something, people are very similar everywhere, they want good collage, good job, financial success, to have a family, to see their children married...etc etc its all the same things. But in today's world it has become politically tolerable, even trendy , to hate Muslims. Humanity is immature, always in need to hate some new group.
It’s s tv show get over it
All in the Family wasn't about Archie Bunker being right, it was about him being ignorant. This is the same thing
This ugliness has gotten out of hand.
Anita B. Oh no! snowflake.... you're melting! Calm down. The show is amazing. If you watch the whole show, you'll understand how ridiculous your statement is.
I think she meant the ugliness toward Roseanne...
Tobby Isiba You shut the fuck up and enjoy season 2.😃
Well you don't have to worry about it anymore they got that dumb bitch outta here bye Roseanne 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀✌
THE Funky NinjaMaster of Peace ...go figure, her show was cancelled. How u like those apples 🙄
This episode is a tough one. I thought it had a wonderful message at the end but it did take forever to get there.
I should have known Roseanne's sitcom was really just a vehicle used to make calls for violence....
Watch the freaking episode before you do a report next time, your ignorance is showing....
I'm very sad this show was cancelled. It was finding common ground which is exactly what this country needs.
Prejudice, the most human of human reaction . I try to be a person of action , not reaction . I have learned to hate everyone equilly .
To the contrary, these days people are afraid to call the police on Muslim neighbors such as the couple who massacred the employees at the San Bernadino social service agency.
I can't stand that woman!!!
Oh, go you! What a sensitive multiculturalist you are! I hope you're surrounded by people who appreciate you for your compassion and hand you cookies every time you demonstrate your wonderful-ness by barking about something that offended you.
Bobby's Mad World
Bud, sounds like you're the one who needs a cookie and if you're a good boy, perhaps you'll get a side of chocolate milk.
Give me a break pal!!! It's my opinion. Now be a nice little boy and go ask your momma for that cookie. Have a nice day you jerk!
Okay, okay. Sorry.
HA ha ha ha ! Okay, so it's all good. You can't stand her, we allow you to your opinion. But if I am sickened by Trump, am I allowed to my opinion as well ? We can still be okay and live next door like the Muslim family, right ?
Notice one commented We Allow You...Who the fck is we?..Ambrielle you have the right to post your opinion..Period ..And I agree with you.
I used to love Roseanne, i watched it several times, but I dont like this anti muslim episode at all. I am a muslim, living in a non muslim neighbourhood for many years and I have very good relationship with my neighbours. This type of show will increase hatred only.
There are many who cannot understand the difference between a show that shows the wrongness of prejudice (like this show and All in the Family backs in the 70's) versus outright prejudice remarks.
Replace muslims with roseanne hating jews/lesbians anyone except possibly gingers and see the world wont be so accepting of this humour
People are right to be scared of Muslims..... you never know which are the bad they are so good at pretending to be normal... I will never let my guard down around them no matter how nice and normal they seem
whoa horsey whoa I feel the same way about the police, and I'm white.
Guys, this was just a big advertisement for Rosseanne. No backlash, frontlash, or controversy. Just an ad you (and I) willingly clicked on!
I see no one notices huh....but...
That guy back there is in the studio 😋
addressing the subject is the way to grow together and be less afraid
Good for her. Discussion is always good. Rosanne has said some shitty things. But credit where credit is due. Good for her 👍🏼
For those of us that understand, it is a comedy show folks. I personally didn`t find it funny so much as scary , only because alot of people are ignorant of other cultures and do treat them different. But she comes around at the end. I hope people that need it learned something from it but I think it may take more than a comedy show for them to learn. They did try to teach something here so I give them credit for trying.
As if the media here in America hasn't done worst when it comes to portraying Muslims. Rosanne always have a point and a message on her shows.
Roseanne is extremely intelligent and she knows exactly what she is doing. She is performing as an actress to indicate the racist stereotypes which is a reflection of racist America. Racist people don't want their racism to be shown and she is doing it in a profound comedic way.
I expected this report to say something like "roseannes episode was actually racist despite trying to deal woth racism"
A television show bringing up important issues like this is NOT new. American Dad did an IDENTICAL episode years ago!!!! Stan smith locked his muslim neighbors in his backyard with electric fences....
Where was the backlash then?
I can actually identify it. I grew up a Muslim.
The baseball bat thing was genius.
Twitter does not represent an entire country,please stop using them as your source of information.
The problem is we know Rosanne is prejudice. When the show is named after her, it doesn't really matter what the shows message is when we know the titular character doesn't actually believe it.
Journalism has gone completely down the crapper. It’s embarrassing
You know im glad family guy and South Park never got cancelled.
She IS the new Archie Bunker in a world where people don't understand it.
No. Just no.😒
When she deals with cops murdering unarmed blacks and getting away with it, let me know.
She faces backslash for how EVERYONE treats Muslims. Are you kidding me. If anything she is showing how ignorantly we all treat other races. I commend Roseanne... And Btw, I'm black, Mexican and Gay.
I'm going from being a middle of the road guy, to more 3 quarters to the right... Jesus people cmon, why is everyone so fucking sensitive now
Eddie Scorsese couldn't agree more. This PC shit is getting out of hand.
The backlash was a textbook example of "Overreactions 101," per the comment section.
Don't pretend there is no prejudice in the country. I don't know how this was offensive, it had a character clearly being ridiculous, and proved her wrong by the end.
How Roseanne was treated is unbelievable she is talking about relevant topics that need to be discussed
I'm Muslim and I love Roseanne and I dont see the issue they in fact showed how the media effects people's perception on Muslims. They did a good job and I'm still a fan.
It's the same people who think APU is offensive
Im muslim and my family found the episode hilarious. Its better to be thrashed verbally than physicaly, thats the reason my family came to america where freedom of speach is acceptable. No one should kill one another because of different opinions
People don’t realize what it’s like to be a Muslim, in these trying times. My son even faced horrible comments from the school bus driver saying, “Once Trump is President he will deport all Muslims”. The media has brainwashed so many. I’m also a Yemeni.
Halley love trust me he will be fine he will move past it and become awesome racism is fucking stupid and people who are radical racist are dumb! Your son is strong and make sure he does well in school because when he’s a genius everyone will have to look up to him for help :)
People are so overly sensitive these days. They expect every television show to be so politically correct and liberal, which has never been the way Roseanne Barr operated. The original show pushed boundaries as well, so this should be expected. I get so irritated seeing headlines about how there's a backlash against someone because they spoke their mind in a non-politically correct way. Sad world we live in these days.
This aged well.
I think the episode really showed why people are so ignorant to others and how we all are the same, also I liked how it showed Muslims dealing with the hate they encounter every day. Not all are bad just like every other race and religion
Their neighbors house looks like Howard’s house from Big Bang theory
This is ridiculous. They did the Muslim angle to show how Americans are prejudice about it and it always teaches a lesson at the end! I cannot believe people are offended about this. It was for a GOOD PURPOSE TO TEACH A LESSON about something extremely real in this islamophobia society.
I'm not a Roseanne fan, but what I think she did was put the issue in our face to make us see ourselves in a mirror. That makes people uncomfortable. But if you don't like it, change yourself. Archie was at a different time and different place, no he wasn't. I believe we have gone back to that time in America. Roseanne, hats off. Make us look at ourselves in shame and realize we all need to change. This does happen in real life.