I’ve been thinking about getting a spotting scope for long distance 300-1000yds. Is this magnification sufficient? And what’s the difference between a straight and curved scope? Can a camera phone be attached to this model like I see some other people do?
I have found I like a straight eyepiece better it is more inline and strains my neck less. The angled scope is more helpful if you're glassing out of a vehicle or up hill often, at least from my perspective.
I’ve been thinking about getting a spotting scope for long distance 300-1000yds. Is this magnification sufficient? And what’s the difference between a straight and curved scope? Can a camera phone be attached to this model like I see some other people do?
I have found I like a straight eyepiece better it is more inline and strains my neck less. The angled scope is more helpful if you're glassing out of a vehicle or up hill often, at least from my perspective.
Why does this look like it was designed by Dr. Seuss...
needs a mil reticle.
That second camera angle serves no purpose and is just an old fad
is this..... are vortex seriously not offering a FFP option with Mil Reticle in 2024 or am I seeing this wrong?