So what do you think of the Emax take on the BabyTooth category? New Props of interest? And your experience with the AIO? Emax Ali Express (Coupon "EMAX8888" 10% Off) Banggood MakerFire RaceDayQuads PyroDrone
I don't know about Ali express but emax does not honor warranties through like eBay even if there sold as new and they look new, so I would suggest getting it from your closest local hobby outlet sorry to say that but kind of pisses me off I got like 10 tiny oxen I got one that's definitely was originally put together wrong and they say you know "I hope you understand"
@@airdevil21 I think what happens on the original the battery leads are so short coming off the board if they don't put the wire into the groove and get solder on both sides of the board pads after you pull on it so many times it must get weak and pull off and that's the person that 1st put it together and I don't care if somebody resolved it that's my own gripe with Emax They knew, 21st century mindset
Looks great, gonna pick up a one for sure. It feels like we who love to fly micros have a lot to thank Kabab for, showing the manufacturers that it is possible to build and fly great on 1S and 3" and that there is a market for it. And having Emax deliver one is great, feels so safe with quality and being able to get spare parts easily. Need ELRS for sure... Thanks for the content man!
I'll stick with my 2s crux3 in this form factor. I have turtled it multiple times on concrete and tried to in very brief bursts in the grass on multiple occasions, but it usually doesn't work in the grass. That was on the second fc though. The first one died fast but racedayquads sent a replacement fc. I love my larger quads, but fly this one the most since I can fly it in the yard. Haven't needed screws for the props either.
Hey Nick I definitely had the same experience you had. On my tinyhawk 3 (same board as nanohawk x) the motor was broken. I as a beginner kept on arming the quad and eventually it made a sound (like the startup sound) and it stopped spinning the props. Seems like there is some failsafe on that board. Did the same with the tinyhawk 2 and the esc blew out straight away. Now using the Flywoo 1002 15500kv on 2s on that board and it still doesn’t blow out the esc’s whatsoever.
Yep, my nanohawk came with the spi not working and unable to boot to dfu, but other than that, the aio has been a great board, that's stood up to a tonne of abuse and having to carry a tiny tank, after the vtx antenna got shredded. Also love that the built in vtx is just a daughterboard, so it's fairly simple to replace it. Glad they upped the vtx power for this one. Great job as always!
Like most things, I'd probably end up building my own version of this. However, the props sound interesting. I really like the emax props in 2, 2.5 and 3" sizes so far. They seem to try and keep the mass of the props closer to the hub center where possible. This should help with balance and the torque needed to spin them up and down rapidly.
@Nick Burns FYI What's critical about those little USB chargers is the Current rating on the port you're plugged into, as with USB standards for that type its 5V everywhere. So yes more power from say a phone charge adapter but thats due to the high current capability ;) Also Power = Voltage * Current
Main issue with this canopy is the Jello and inability to change the camera angle. Also, is the FC same as the one in the nanohawk? If so, didn't know it could handle 1202.5 motors.
This quad inspired me to buy the original nanohawk and do the 40mm prop upgrade. The original nanohawk has a lot of the same parts as this and is $75 on banggood. Seems like the best really cheap quad you can get right now. I couldnt find anything else with its performance for under $100. Love the quietness of this quad. Even at full throttle it barely makes any noise. I would also be interested in a 2s version. Great job Emax!
I have a spare ELRS transmitter the international stack antenna thing. Thinking about getting one of these and adding ELRS. Would be perfect then. Any tips? Would it be worth it?
I basically built this quad when the Nanohawk came out :-). Took the fc and put it on a baby tooth frame with fpvcycle motors. Epic. I do wish however that Emax and other manufacturers would not let all the you tubers drop their videos , when you can't find the quad in any shops yet!!!!
I believe emax ships product to the resellers and then tells us the release date based on when resellers will have their shipments. I did find shops with it currently available.
thanks for review, could you please do a favor, hook up quad to power supply and turn down voltage till 5v regulator craps out? I'd like to know how fc would work using a li-ion. hoping it works down to 2.5v. thanks
@Nick Burns Would you recommend this or the Crux3? I am an experienced quad pilot in Acro mode with 2" 3s racers (My own heavily modified King Kong FlyEgg's mostly) but also with 5" freestyle quads. I love these 3" micro racer/freestyle quads and need one to fly around the yard just to have fun with. I am torn between the Nanohawk X and the Crux3. The Crux3 is what I'm leaning towards just to have that 2s power but the Nanohawk X looks to be a great little flyer even on 1s. I love fast and sharp flying. Which one would you recommend and why? Love the videos! Subbed!
Awesome video, and I'm super glad emax made one of these. They definitely have the most robust boards in the micro market right now. I would love it if they came out with a 2s variant. I would also be happy to buy the board completely naked with no vtx or receiver and just build it myself. Cheers!
I agree with you on the 2S bord. It would hold a 360 or other micro cams. Love all the hard work, you put into all your videos! The Best in this class.
Thanks, i find for me thai it always a bit expensive.. Q: your own build, like starlord are their not better than this Nanohawk ? Q: one more, sorry i m in french and don't undertstand all well, so what about your lipo hv, you charge them at HV or only as "normal" lipo ? thanks again
Starlord is in this category, I would venture to say the starlord has more of that super micro feel to its flight were this feels larger and therefore less agile. I charge 1s batteries to HV, but not multi cell batteries (2s, 3s etc).
Yes. Honestly at this point I forget the name of the frsky firmware and which came first but if it’s the older radio firmware it still has d8 mode and will work with frsky AIO Rx. We might have to change the Rx protocol in betaflight to frsky_d but that’s it
I own a few Emax products, every one of them are built well and fly even better. The nanohawk x is no exception. Its amazing how juicy it is on 1s, The pid tune is spot on, and believe it or not, it survived a pond crash that had it sitting 3ft under for 10 min. The lights never stopped blinking. I unplugged it while it was submerged (this is key) and then nuked it with some Mapp sensor electrical cleaner. The came took a day to defog inside, but its back ripping!
Enjoyed the flying in this one! I'd be really interested in this as a competitor to the Crux3 but it's hard to buy 1s-only stuff at this point with Sharkbyte becoming more common. Glad to see Emax making this though.
Those second hooks for rubber bands, could use one there, under the battery instead of a sticky battery mat, that should secure the battery from sliding, and use a rubber band on the outside hooks to hold battery. Looks like a nice quad. Flys great. Thanks Nick!
How sensitive are these drones to the wind? I think it is just a bit bigger than what I usually fly with and then it is certainly a factor to take into account.
Its pretty windy where I live. These are far less sensitive than say a whoop or even a big whoop at about the same weight. With that if the wind gets much over 15mph we might not be able to fly close proximity effectively, and over 20mph we might not want to fly it at all. This video the wind is 11mph, but we have some protection being in the neighborhood with the houses, fences and trees keeping some of the wind from us.
Say yes to emax puts out quads with awesome tunes out of the box. My go to 1s is the 550 race line tattu. Mainly due to how many cycles the battery will take without losing capacity. Seems like my other 1s batteries after 20-25 charges the flight time would drop way off.
This for me is far better. The HX115 LR is more of a cruising or exploratory flyer. The Nanohawk x can do that as well as fly much more aggressively...and better without having to change props and the PID tune.
@@NickBurnsFPV Thanks! I prefer the top mounted battery type frames. Maybe the motor/prop setup on the Nanohawk could be used for the HX115 (assuming Emax sells those motors/props separately).
im getting my first quad in the next couple of days at age 32 lol i brought the tinyhawk 3 rtf kit, its always very wet at home here so one of the first things i will be doing is conformal coating all the electronics to stop the water from the grass and stuff wreclomg it, im trying to choose between this and the freestyle 2 for my second quad and ill be doing that to what ever one i get, probably the freestyle 2 so i can use my 1s batteries ill be getting for the th3 kit, i hsve been practicing on the sim and getting the hang of it now so im already thinking ill want something with a bit more power for flying around my dads property his on 5 acres, the little rig is just for inside the shed
In the moment I don't have a link to them. They are the old eachine props, we likely have to go through banggood or aliexpress. I suppose some shops might still have them listed. I appreciate the affiliate thought, I don't suggest waiting on me. I do have affiliate links in the bottom of the video descriptions of the videos. If you find them and there is an affiliate I have for the shop. We can click the link from my vid then add to cart. No stress get them props, the originals don't last long.
Looks like that thing flies really smooth and you can barely hear it , I think it's definitely time to order some 1s batteries and build me one , it's amazing how much 1s quads has improved in just 1 year , as always love and appreciate the videos 👍👍
Wasn't I just saying a video or two ago that I was looking for a good 1s toothpick? And its emax!! Love me some Emax, just bind and go!! Dang, I just gave Emax 300 for the HD babyhawk....sigh, gonna need some overtime now. Thanks for review Nick. Btw, hows the intro video going?
Great video and very informative as usual. Picked one up for myself! What would be an alternative compatible propeller if I cannot locate stock emax spares in the US? I could not find specifics in the manual other than part number. Thanks for all you do!
Basically NO breakup in goggle feed compared to your flight with the Tinyhawk III. How is that possible??? Any more micros recommended with no breakup feeds? Trying not to go to Dji setups just for clear goggle feeds. Thanks!
Thanks for replying! I do understand that but you are flying in the same back yard with both TH III and NHx, same 200mw, same channel R:8, the only difference I see is with the Nanohawk being BNF you used something other than a whip antenna on your goggles like the TH3 goggles that come with whip antennas on it's goggles. Thought goggle antenna style had to match the quad. Any idea what goggles and antennas you used on your goggles when you flew this BNF Nanohawk X? Thanks!
@@dustin3983 They do need to match in the case of a single antenna and where the antenna is circularly polarized. Two left hand or right hand, but not mixed left with right. With linear antenna we can use pretty much any antenna, I haven't tested linear on quad with linear on goggles, I use two right cp antenna on my rapidfire, one vertical one horizontal. Not all vtx are equal. I have flown some at 200mw that aren't as good as 100mw or even 25mw. mw power isn't a guarantee we will have better reception.
So I lucked out this week and won a Nanohawk X from Emax on a FB giveaway. One thing I'm struggling with a little bit is the battery placement. It seems the way they've routed the pigtail means when you plug in the battery, the pigtail sticks out to one side awkwardly. I wish they would have put the rubber band hooks the other direction so I could toilet tank the battery. I suppose I could take it apart and rotate the FC & canopy 90 degrees, but I want to get a few flights in before I start tinkering.
@@NickBurnsFPV Something along the lines of a 2 or 3 inch toothpick. Smaller would be better but if performance is compromised, I'd go with the bigger one. 1s or 2s only please.
I tend to have a bias for smaller quads. The x will likely have longer flight times as the larger prop is more efficient. The nano 20 will feel more comfortable in small spaces or smaller gaps. I prefer the nano 20, to me it feels more agile and quicker to respond.
Hey Nick, I purchased one of these and the video quality was very poor straight out the box, when flying I completely lose all video signals within an extremely short range. Same flying conditions as always and only happens on this quad Anyway, it looks like the element part of the VTX antenna is missing (the bit that sticks out of the top of the antenna). I can't even get a response from e-max which is extremely disappointing. Any idea where I could buy a replacement VTX antenna and what type I would need to order?
I am surprised emax has responded, how long has it been? I would look at the ort micro vee antenna or another dipole antenna. We should stay light with the antenna as a few grams can make a large difference for the performance.
@@NickBurnsFPV Hey Nick, thanks for taking the time to get back to me. Yes, I was surprised also. All up it's been well over a month. Took about a week before someone got back to me and said they would forward it to their engineers who would get back to me in 5-10 days. Approx 8-10 days later an engineer contacted me and requested a copy of the video, which I sent immediately. That's was about 2-3 weeks ago. I sent another reminder about a week ago (stating I wasn't impressed with the lack of service) and have heard nothing, so I have now given up on them and will no longer purchase e-max products. Anyway, I need to get this one sorted. What I am not sure of is do I need a particular type or length etc. The ort looks like a U.Fl, mine is directly soldered. Can I just cut the plug off and solder it directly onto the board? If I get a dipole does it have certain specs or be of a certain length, are all antennas capable of up to 200mw?
@@shanejohnstone4245 If the anteanna is a vtx antenna it is cut to the proper length. unfortunately with the single wire antenna there is often no ground which the outer wire mesh of a traditional antenna is for. The length we need is 12.9mm, I believe. Search for "vtx antenna wire length".
yes, we need fpv goggles. There are many on the market. Maybe something like the eachine ev800d, the skyzone cobra x, skyzone 04X, orfatshark HDO2. Any of those and others will work. Those are some of the most popular.
@@christopherdaughtry9887 I think the most popular and least expensive is to buy a radio, connect it to a computer and try out an fpv simulator. This helps gain experience and when you feel ready jumping into real life flight will have less risk.
@@NickBurnsFPV well money isn't a problem... I have 4 of best DJI Drones, just haven't played with any head sets.. and I really don't like simulators.. hands on is better for me... thanks anyway...
If it were $120 with electronics costing what they do it would be an absolute must buy. At its actual price it's still a great little ripper in today's values
Nice power loop Nick! Excited to see more of those soon! Great review too. I was just on my way to building a 1s freestyle quad with a elrs board! They went out of stock fast though on rdq
I have a hawk5 pro and babyhawk n never touched the tune,so those props seem similiar n design to some i have by you kno who lol,youd love my front yard / slash nieghbors,32 trees, been interested in 1s 3 in. I like this one
You sold me on another one, I just ordered it. I think this will be perfect for my small backyard and it's quiet. I got the moblite 7 and can fly it pretty well in my small space and hoping the Nanohawk X will be a little better outdoor flyer. Is it possible to bypass the built in receiver and use a crossfire nano receiver?
We should be able to add an external rx. The board manual shows an sbus pad as well as rx1 and tx1. I am not sure if the vtx uses uart1 or not. If it does using the rx1 and tx1 pads for crossfire or elrs rx could disable the use of vtx smart audio.
When crossfire would be installed and it does disable smartaudio. In your experience could I use lua script though crossfire to change vtx band channel power? I purchased this for order but really hoping to install crossfire for better range 🙏
@@fpvdetailz712 I don't know for sure it would impact sa, but that is a concern. I have not found one way or another the impact of using the rx and tx pads, maybe its tied to the on board rx and thus works normally. SA is on uart2, and the rx and tx are labeled 1, so it could be all clear to use as the rx. I am not sure on the use of lua. I have not don't that before on a AIO
Are those old school E010 props on the Nanohawk. I have a set of those that I reamed out to fit that quad but have not tried them yet. How are they? The 3 inch looks good, great quad for training someone in outdoor freestyle.
@@ProjectMockingbird Thanks Jim, I have been using 4 bladed gemfans, but I have some of these drilled out already. Will have to check them out. Shall I assume you have a PMB tune for this now as well?
Emax certainly doesn't move fast. I don't have any insider information as to why, I have only been told their products take 8months to a year to move through the cycle.
For me I enjoy 2s more than 1s unless its a whoop, then it is very close. I do think of the 1s 3inchers I have flown this is as close to the crux3 performance as I have experienced. I believe the other draw of 1s is the noise level is lower. With props spinning slower than on a 2s the noise is less. Another consideration might be the batteries, 1s batteries are generally cheaper and don't require a more expensive charger. Overall in the weight category I prefer the TKS Rocket Race, 2inch props on 2s battery. To me its more agile and a much better performer, than even the like of a crux 3.
I’m sure it’s another very good product from Emax, but all I really want to know, is how does it compare to Bob’s Baby tooth?? Even close? Every time I see the formula copied, I am seriously interested.
I haven't flown Bob's original babytooth recently, I gave it away. I have given away most of my 1s 3inch quads, so my comparison would be less recent as Bob's formula tends to evolve over time. It might not be fair, but if I had to chose between the babytooth and a 2s version I would chose the 2s version. I do have and fly my 3s Kabob toothpick. I do prefer 2s on a smaller prop, I haven't found a mix that gives me the response on 1s or 2s 3inch prop, to me 2inch 2s is better.
@@NickBurnsFPV Just bought Tinyhawk 3 RTF. Can't use the goggles, far sighted. Made a diopter from some old reading glasses no luck. Any ideas?? Thanks.
@@mortonbeard2240 I have heard various people taking glasses or magnifying lenses from a headset and gluing them in the headset to get them into focus.
@@NickBurnsFPV just saw this , much cheaper than nano hawk x, with elrs and better camera I think. Will wait for your review and opinion before buying.
Stop with throwing footballs to get quads down. One tennis ball, one hole cut though, one roll of twine looped through the tennis ball,toss it, yank the branch. P.S. use nylon twine. Bonus points ..... you can carry it in a back pack.
Hey Nick I practice a lot now in the Sim to get better in slaloms and corkscrews. I’m still having problems.. any ideas you can think of to help me? I’ve tried rates and camera angle but still can’t get it yet..
@@NickBurnsFPV it’s still hard for me to objects in view which is throwing my timing off.. I made the center of the sticks less twitchy thinking it might help.. maybe even more stick time but it’s just not clicking the way I feel it should.. I have about 30 hours on the sim
@@NickBurnsFPV not a lot like 10 hours or so.. this is my first time flying anything.. I do a lot of Rc bashing/racing. I like your flying style and maneuverability so thought to reach out for tips
@@dmarriodavis9588 The reason I ask is its an important reference in flight expectations. If it the issue with tight turning we might need to increase our yaw rate to help us compensate. Yaw is passive and while we often thing of rates as being even across axis, we are all different and might need a bit more rate on one axis due to dexterity or hand finger size.
Nice review, looks like a nice little flyer. I'm still new to FPV and I was thinking about getting this as my first toothpick. Does anyone know if it is compatible with the Flysky FS-I6X controller?
@@NickBurnsFPV thanks a lot for the reply, my most concern is this one is just 1s but Tinyhawk freestyle is 2s ,, plus it seems there are lots of noise in the video compare to tinyhawk 2 ( same issue in every reviews )
Thanks for this detailed review! I agree that adding a ELRS receiver (with smd antenna) and a 200-400mW built-in VTX would make this board an absolute winner! How does this quad compare to Baby Tooth in your opinion ?
I gave away my babytooth some time ago. This flies very well, I wouldn't say its better as better depends on what aspect we are comparing. For me this is more fun, it could be the prop as the response is something I prefer over my experience with the babytooth and others I built like it.
@@NickBurnsFPV interesting! I will definitely try these props (BTW: is their pitch listed anywhere?) ! The 'radical' PIDs on the Emax may also have something to do with it (I have seen their super-high values in AndyRC's video and am going to apply and test them on my BT) . It may also be the frame - being 2mm it should be much less flexible than a typical 1.5mm on a BT 1s (a 2mm frame is another thing test on my 1s BT, but currently I have no more 2mm frames left after I built my second 2s BT, but I have several frames by Quad 66 in transit - the War Pigs, so may use a 120mm, 2mm War Pig frame instead).
As usual dude. Great vid! Just got the 2 I ordered in the mail from Pyrodrone. Have to decide on my next week off which radio to bind it to. Kinda wish you could solder in a TBS Crossfire or Tracer receiver in there. D8 fail-safes too often. RX must outrun VTX! God's speed.
I have been flying these 1s builds alot. Not a fan of the runcam nano3. The frame i would rotate to toilet tank the battery. Bobs nee 13 mm 1s motors are 🔥. The 1202 is a more efficient motors with plenty of power imo. Good video 👍
Yes, I liked the runcam nano 3 back with the original lens, so much so I bought a hand full, but the lens company went out of business with the pandemic. Unfortunately the current lens just isn't as good. :( What camera do you use in your 1s builds? Foxeer Pico or the Bee Eye, maybe something else?
@@NickBurnsFPV fpvcycle ant lite is one of the best for features, quality and price. Downside is mounting. The canapy i use is made for it and 3d printed. Im flying the warpig 120 frame.
I added elrs ep1 seems a waste though as the vtx feels pretty suckie so far compared to same 200mw's in a Whoop with elrs aio 5in1 board. Not sure if the vtx just sucks or the dipole maybe too could be sh_t. Needs an rchp micro. Even around my 2acres video drops out on me in places that I can fly the elrs aio board also on 200mw with a dipole. Ready to just slap the elrs aio in there and call it a day.... three components fall down to 1 and the vtx works better lol!
@@NickBurnsFPV that's a fair question I will have to double check but do believe same channels. Ya know, once an elrs aio is in there ought to be room on top for a 1w Mach5 lol.... weight can't be too awfully increased and the range would be insane. Yesterday I flew 19minutes (cruisin) on a Sony 18650 and it recovered to 3.6v after the flight!! Imagine it could go 25-30mins if run down to 2.7-2.8v. Crazy part... it doesn't fly bad AT ALL with the 18650. Plenty of punch for rolls flips etc. I was dumb founded! Not sure if it could fly but wondered that it might just be able to carry another 18650 in parallel imagine 40minutes flight!? Actually o prolly the lack of efficiency would kill it and that 40 mins would never happen. Still was impressed (and bored) of 20min flight time.
Ordered myself a roll of that tape and it was the fuzzy type that ended up showing up. It works, but it's not as aesthetically pleasing as the correct stuff which I have I believe on my LK fly egg 130
Seriously take that dumb shell off the nanohawk, rotate the board, use a beebrain canopy and 40mm azi props on it. Ull like it better than the nanohawk X. It screams and is oh so agile. Please do it, i did it when i first got mine and its a must have quad. Top 3 of any ive ever flown. And hands down its my fav 1s quad even over my 2 babytooths. Just do it!! Ull thank me, trust me.
Hi Nick! Great video, I love this board! I put this board on Bob’s TP3 months ago and haven’t killed it yet. I can’t seem to unlock the power on the vtx-only 25mw on the Nano Hawk board. Really hoping for a little better range, especially since it could take a crossfire with the extra uart.
I presume when your unlocking your holding the vtx button down and plugging in power, either battery or usb? Keep the button down for a few 'counts' after plugging in.
@@NickBurnsFPV yeah, I think it’s only 25mw on the original Nano Hawk board, I hope I’m wrong but I’ve tried a few times now and in betaflight it is still only showing 25 or off for vtx power
Looks like another great offering from Emax! I bet those props would work really well on the 533 tiny trainer if you still have one around. It would be interesting to see how they preform at higher speeds. Being lighter they may flatten out and not have top end performance, but testing is half the fun. The power loop experiments were fun to watch!
Well I can't test with a tiny trainer but I could certainly test on something like my 3s Kabob toothpick, I do think they would flatten out as they do feel more flexible. But as you said testing is fun to find out. Now I need to go buy more props as mine are pretty beat up :)
So what do you think of the Emax take on the BabyTooth category? New Props of interest? And your experience with the AIO?
Ali Express (Coupon "EMAX8888" 10% Off)
I don't know about Ali express but emax does not honor warranties through like eBay even if there sold as new and they look new, so I would suggest getting it from your closest local hobby outlet sorry to say that but kind of pisses me off I got like 10 tiny oxen I got one that's definitely was originally put together wrong and they say you know "I hope you understand"
I fly the freestyle aio it's quite tough.
@@airdevil21 I think what happens on the original the battery leads are so short coming off the board if they don't put the wire into the groove and get solder on both sides of the board pads after you pull on it so many times it must get weak and pull off and that's the person that 1st put it together and I don't care if somebody resolved it that's my own gripe with Emax
They knew, 21st century mindset
1⃣ Does it has an current sensor ?
2⃣ Can it be bound in D16 mode (or only D8)
3⃣ Can Elrs (CRSF 💩) be added to it ? (solder pads)
@@Cre8ionz. on the org the adc current sensor works but calibration sux hence their osd setup just has volts
Looks great, gonna pick up a one for sure. It feels like we who love to fly micros have a lot to thank Kabab for, showing the manufacturers that it is possible to build and fly great on 1S and 3" and that there is a market for it. And having Emax deliver one is great, feels so safe with quality and being able to get spare parts easily.
Need ELRS for sure...
Thanks for the content man!
Bro i was thinking about Kabab as i was flying it. Nailed it
bro, what vtx antenna are you using for this video?
I have two connected to the rapidfire module, 1 truerc, 1 axii
It will be very interesting if you two can collaborate 😁
I'll stick with my 2s crux3 in this form factor. I have turtled it multiple times on concrete and tried to in very brief bursts in the grass on multiple occasions, but it usually doesn't work in the grass. That was on the second fc though. The first one died fast but racedayquads sent a replacement fc. I love my larger quads, but fly this one the most since I can fly it in the yard. Haven't needed screws for the props either.
Your flying is getting pretty fancy! Must be the IGOW influence!👍
Very informative video! I also wish the battery connector went out in the back and not out on the right side for balance purposes.
Hey Nick I definitely had the same experience you had. On my tinyhawk 3 (same board as nanohawk x) the motor was broken. I as a beginner kept on arming the quad and eventually it made a sound (like the startup sound) and it stopped spinning the props. Seems like there is some failsafe on that board. Did the same with the tinyhawk 2 and the esc blew out straight away. Now using the Flywoo 1002 15500kv on 2s on that board and it still doesn’t blow out the esc’s whatsoever.
Yep, my nanohawk came with the spi not working and unable to boot to dfu, but other than that, the aio has been a great board, that's stood up to a tonne of abuse and having to carry a tiny tank, after the vtx antenna got shredded. Also love that the built in vtx is just a daughterboard, so it's fairly simple to replace it. Glad they upped the vtx power for this one. Great job as always!
The pads for the motor wires can lift on the original nanohawk
Like most things, I'd probably end up building my own version of this. However, the props sound interesting. I really like the emax props in 2, 2.5 and 3" sizes so far. They seem to try and keep the mass of the props closer to the hub center where possible. This should help with balance and the torque needed to spin them up and down rapidly.
@Nick Burns FYI What's critical about those little USB chargers is the Current rating on the port you're plugged into, as with USB standards for that type its 5V everywhere. So yes more power from say a phone charge adapter but thats due to the high current capability ;) Also Power = Voltage * Current
Main issue with this canopy is the Jello and inability to change the camera angle. Also, is the FC same as the one in the nanohawk? If so, didn't know it could handle 1202.5 motors.
yes same as original nanohawk
This quad inspired me to buy the original nanohawk and do the 40mm prop upgrade. The original nanohawk has a lot of the same parts as this and is $75 on banggood. Seems like the best really cheap quad you can get right now. I couldnt find anything else with its performance for under $100. Love the quietness of this quad. Even at full throttle it barely makes any noise. I would also be interested in a 2s version. Great job Emax!
I have a spare ELRS transmitter the international stack antenna thing. Thinking about getting one of these and adding ELRS. Would be perfect then. Any tips? Would it be worth it?
Hey Nick Burns! May i ask, what motor shaft size are they? 2mm fit press props? Please and thank you!
1.5mm motor shafts. The props need screws.
I basically built this quad when the Nanohawk came out :-). Took the fc and put it on a baby tooth frame with fpvcycle motors. Epic. I do wish however that Emax and other manufacturers would not let all the you tubers drop their videos , when you can't find the quad in any shops yet!!!!
I believe emax ships product to the resellers and then tells us the release date based on when resellers will have their shipments. I did find shops with it currently available.
@@NickBurnsFPVCouldn’t find it in any UK stores earlier, it’s only just popped up in the emax store :-)
I order a day or so after the release. It arrived today. Omg emax knocked it out of thr park. This os a GOOD ONE!
I like that they are using standard aio and motor bolt patterns not that 3x8.6 in the past. I like that thing
yes, I hope they continue to follow the standards.
thanks for review, could you please do a favor, hook up quad to power supply and turn down voltage till 5v regulator craps out? I'd like to know how fc would work using a li-ion. hoping it works down to 2.5v. thanks
I should be able to to that. I believe I have a power supply around. Or I just kill a battery in a hover :)
@@NickBurnsFPV the cheap little ToolkitRC chargers, and newer ISDT chargers will do that!
@Nick Burns
Would you recommend this or the Crux3? I am an experienced quad pilot in Acro mode with 2" 3s racers (My own heavily modified King Kong FlyEgg's mostly) but also with 5" freestyle quads. I love these 3" micro racer/freestyle quads and need one to fly around the yard just to have fun with. I am torn between the Nanohawk X and the Crux3. The Crux3 is what I'm leaning towards just to have that 2s power but the Nanohawk X looks to be a great little flyer even on 1s. I love fast and sharp flying. Which one would you recommend and why?
Love the videos! Subbed!
Awesome video, and I'm super glad emax made one of these. They definitely have the most robust boards in the micro market right now. I would love it if they came out with a 2s variant. I would also be happy to buy the board completely naked with no vtx or receiver and just build it myself.
I can agree. I turtle mode so much with my nanohawk when there’s grass in the motors. I PUT IT THRU HELL ON A DAILY BASIS!!
Add ExpressLRS to this, and it's a win. Nice review as always! Edit: saw you said that towards the end of the video lol.
I agree with you on the 2S bord. It would hold a 360 or other micro cams. Love all the hard work, you put into all your videos! The Best in this class.
Thank you. I am hopeful emax will follow its previous iterations with the tinyhawk S hardware
Thanks, i find for me thai it always a bit expensive..
Q: your own build, like starlord are their not better than this Nanohawk ?
Q: one more, sorry i m in french and don't undertstand all well, so what about your lipo hv, you charge them at HV or only as "normal" lipo ? thanks again
Starlord is in this category, I would venture to say the starlord has more of that super micro feel to its flight were this feels larger and therefore less agile. I charge 1s batteries to HV, but not multi cell batteries (2s, 3s etc).
Does the frky BNF rx work with the old ACCST protocol? That whole change is a nightmare for me.
Yes. Honestly at this point I forget the name of the frsky firmware and which came first but if it’s the older radio firmware it still has d8 mode and will work with frsky AIO Rx. We might have to change the Rx protocol in betaflight to frsky_d but that’s it
are you flying this with the Tx16s and the Orqa goggles which are on your blue table behind the video?
No, I am using the jumper t-lite and yes the orqa goggles.
I own a few Emax products, every one of them are built well and fly even better. The nanohawk x is no exception. Its amazing how juicy it is on 1s, The pid tune is spot on, and believe it or not, it survived a pond crash that had it sitting 3ft under for 10 min. The lights never stopped blinking. I unplugged it while it was submerged (this is key) and then nuked it with some Mapp sensor electrical cleaner. The came took a day to defog inside, but its back ripping!
Enjoyed the flying in this one! I'd be really interested in this as a competitor to the Crux3 but it's hard to buy 1s-only stuff at this point with Sharkbyte becoming more common. Glad to see Emax making this though.
Those second hooks for rubber bands, could use one there, under the battery instead of a sticky battery mat, that should secure the battery from sliding, and use a rubber band on the outside hooks to hold battery.
Looks like a nice quad. Flys great. Thanks Nick!
ah yes a good option.
How sensitive are these drones to the wind? I think it is just a bit bigger than what I usually fly with and then it is certainly a factor to take into account.
Its pretty windy where I live. These are far less sensitive than say a whoop or even a big whoop at about the same weight. With that if the wind gets much over 15mph we might not be able to fly close proximity effectively, and over 20mph we might not want to fly it at all. This video the wind is 11mph, but we have some protection being in the neighborhood with the houses, fences and trees keeping some of the wind from us.
Say yes to emax puts out quads with awesome tunes out of the box.
My go to 1s is the 550 race line tattu. Mainly due to how many cycles the battery will take without losing capacity. Seems like my other 1s batteries after 20-25 charges the flight time would drop way off.
Wait... they dont sell it directly in usa in amazon?
Maybe not yet. As Amazon prices are more they might wait to stick Amazon after fpv shops and selling direct
Would you prefer this or the HX115 LR from BetaFPV? They seem to have similar specs.
This for me is far better. The HX115 LR is more of a cruising or exploratory flyer. The Nanohawk x can do that as well as fly much more aggressively...and better without having to change props and the PID tune.
@@NickBurnsFPV Thanks! I prefer the top mounted battery type frames. Maybe the motor/prop setup on the Nanohawk could be used for the HX115 (assuming Emax sells those motors/props separately).
@@MrMmDonuts sure, 1202.5 is a better pairing for a 3inch prop than the 1102 on the hx115 lr
Is there a way to install LED to the quad?
if the led supports 5v. No option for a programmable led
im getting my first quad in the next couple of days at age 32 lol i brought the tinyhawk 3 rtf kit, its always very wet at home here so one of the first things i will be doing is conformal coating all the electronics to stop the water from the grass and stuff wreclomg it, im trying to choose between this and the freestyle 2 for my second quad and ill be doing that to what ever one i get, probably the freestyle 2 so i can use my 1s batteries ill be getting for the th3 kit, i hsve been practicing on the sim and getting the hang of it now so im already thinking ill want something with a bit more power for flying around my dads property his on 5 acres, the little rig is just for inside the shed
for the larger property I think the tinyhawk 3 is a better choice.
Nick, do you have an affiliate link for the blue propellers you use for the original nanohawk? the original ones keep bending. thanks!
In the moment I don't have a link to them. They are the old eachine props, we likely have to go through banggood or aliexpress. I suppose some shops might still have them listed. I appreciate the affiliate thought, I don't suggest waiting on me. I do have affiliate links in the bottom of the video descriptions of the videos. If you find them and there is an affiliate I have for the shop. We can click the link from my vid then add to cart. No stress get them props, the originals don't last long.
Looks like that thing flies really smooth and you can barely hear it , I think it's definitely time to order some 1s batteries and build me one , it's amazing how much 1s quads has improved in just 1 year , as always love and appreciate the videos 👍👍
Wasn't I just saying a video or two ago that I was looking for a good 1s toothpick? And its emax!! Love me some Emax, just bind and go!! Dang, I just gave Emax 300 for the HD babyhawk....sigh, gonna need some overtime now. Thanks for review Nick. Btw, hows the intro video going?
Well, I haven't worked on an intro video. I am not sure what I might do, still need to get the channel sculpture in a clear box and a light. :)
Great video and very informative as usual. Picked one up for myself! What would be an alternative compatible propeller if I cannot locate stock emax spares in the US? I could not find specifics in the manual other than part number. Thanks for all you do!
The gemfan 3016 would be the next one to get.
If this is the same board as the tinyhawk2 freestyle, does that mean you could just switch the motors for 1103 7000kv and plug in a 2s battery?
It’s a different board, standard whoop board. Tinyhawk line had the elongated board
Basically NO breakup in goggle feed compared to your flight with the Tinyhawk III. How is that possible??? Any more micros recommended with no breakup feeds? Trying not to go to Dji setups just for clear goggle feeds. Thanks!
Breakup is highly dependent on environmental factors and the receiver catching the signal. Cell phone towers, wifi etc are all bad for reception
Thanks for replying! I do understand that but you are flying in the same back yard with both TH III and NHx, same 200mw, same channel R:8, the only difference I see is with the Nanohawk being BNF you used something other than a whip antenna on your goggles like the TH3 goggles that come with whip antennas on it's goggles. Thought goggle antenna style had to match the quad. Any idea what goggles and antennas you used on your goggles when you flew this BNF Nanohawk X? Thanks!
@@dustin3983 They do need to match in the case of a single antenna and where the antenna is circularly polarized. Two left hand or right hand, but not mixed left with right. With linear antenna we can use pretty much any antenna, I haven't tested linear on quad with linear on goggles, I use two right cp antenna on my rapidfire, one vertical one horizontal. Not all vtx are equal. I have flown some at 200mw that aren't as good as 100mw or even 25mw. mw power isn't a guarantee we will have better reception.
how do you think nanohawk x compares to the babytooth for freestyle?
I think the prop response is better on the nanohawk x, it is very likely the props.
@@NickBurnsFPV so would you take the Nanohawk x over the babytooth?
@@sillydog357 I would.
So I lucked out this week and won a Nanohawk X from Emax on a FB giveaway. One thing I'm struggling with a little bit is the battery placement. It seems the way they've routed the pigtail means when you plug in the battery, the pigtail sticks out to one side awkwardly. I wish they would have put the rubber band hooks the other direction so I could toilet tank the battery. I suppose I could take it apart and rotate the FC & canopy 90 degrees, but I want to get a few flights in before I start tinkering.
Nice win! Yea the pigtail is a bit long
it’s the best board ever I can go allll day on why you’re right
I decided to buy it. Looks like a fun 1s.
I saw Nurk fly this with an Insta360 Go 2. In your opinion, what's the best flying microdrone with a Go 2 (or similarly sized camera)?
Hmm I would need additional parameters. Prop protection, battery, prop size etc
@@NickBurnsFPV Something along the lines of a 2 or 3 inch toothpick. Smaller would be better but if performance is compromised, I'd go with the bigger one. 1s or 2s only please.
@@MrPhilbautista 2s is going to carry better, but there isn't much in the market other than the crux3.
Yay, another normal quad (not a cinewhoop)! Nice flying!
another e-hawk...
this one seems innovative... might actually pick one up because its a quiet 1s flyer
Build your own..
Great review! Tons of great information. I might just have to get one. I also like Nick’s idea for a 2S with an external receiver (or Sharkbyte).
I am torn between the Flywoo Firefly nano 20 and this emax nanohawk X. Both 1s, both lots of fun I think. Which, in your opinion is the better flyer?
I tend to have a bias for smaller quads. The x will likely have longer flight times as the larger prop is more efficient. The nano 20 will feel more comfortable in small spaces or smaller gaps. I prefer the nano 20, to me it feels more agile and quicker to respond.
Hey Nick, I purchased one of these and the video quality was very poor straight out the box, when flying I completely lose all video signals within an extremely short range. Same flying conditions as always and only happens on this quad Anyway, it looks like the element part of the VTX antenna is missing (the bit that sticks out of the top of the antenna). I can't even get a response from e-max which is extremely disappointing. Any idea where I could buy a replacement VTX antenna and what type I would need to order?
I am surprised emax has responded, how long has it been? I would look at the ort micro vee antenna or another dipole antenna. We should stay light with the antenna as a few grams can make a large difference for the performance.
@@NickBurnsFPV Hey Nick, thanks for taking the time to get back to me. Yes, I was surprised also. All up it's been well over a month. Took about a week before someone got back to me and said they would forward it to their engineers who would get back to me in 5-10 days. Approx 8-10 days later an engineer contacted me and requested a copy of the video, which I sent immediately. That's was about 2-3 weeks ago. I sent another reminder about a week ago (stating I wasn't impressed with the lack of service) and have heard nothing, so I have now given up on them and will no longer purchase e-max products. Anyway, I need to get this one sorted. What I am not sure of is do I need a particular type or length etc. The ort looks like a U.Fl, mine is directly soldered. Can I just cut the plug off and solder it directly onto the board? If I get a dipole does it have certain specs or be of a certain length, are all antennas capable of up to 200mw?
@@shanejohnstone4245 If the anteanna is a vtx antenna it is cut to the proper length. unfortunately with the single wire antenna there is often no ground which the outer wire mesh of a traditional antenna is for. The length we need is 12.9mm, I believe. Search for "vtx antenna wire length".
Will this board work on standard whoop frame? I know emax likes to make things proprietary.
for the layout yes, if we go usb port down we have the flip the board orientation in betaflight but thats no biggie
This will cause the motors to have to be remapped right?
With some modding.. will work. Otherwise the mounting holes on fc are bigger.
@@ZukiManDan yes, we would need to remap if we change board orientation.
Awesome video! So if I get one of these im going to need to get a head set to? I'm new at this...
yes, we need fpv goggles. There are many on the market. Maybe something like the eachine ev800d, the skyzone cobra x, skyzone 04X, orfatshark HDO2. Any of those and others will work. Those are some of the most popular.
Thanks for replying.. I don't know where to start with all this, but I've learned a lot watching your videos... awesome 👌 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
@@christopherdaughtry9887 I think the most popular and least expensive is to buy a radio, connect it to a computer and try out an fpv simulator. This helps gain experience and when you feel ready jumping into real life flight will have less risk.
@@NickBurnsFPV well money isn't a problem... I have 4 of best DJI Drones, just haven't played with any head sets.. and I really don't like simulators.. hands on is better for me... thanks anyway...
That fly's quite well for a 1s!
If it were $120 with electronics costing what they do it would be an absolute must buy. At its actual price it's still a great little ripper in today's values
non si trovano in vendita le eliche, come mai?
I like the new format. Love seeing more freestyle tricks also. Nice review! Probably going to order one.
Nice power loop Nick! Excited to see more of those soon! Great review too. I was just on my way to building a 1s freestyle quad with a elrs board! They went out of stock fast though on rdq
loving the freestyle !!! I instantly liked because of the freestyle
So if im understanding you , props to the props on this one
I have a hawk5 pro and babyhawk n never touched the tune,so those props seem similiar n design to some i have by you kno who lol,youd love my front yard / slash nieghbors,32 trees, been interested in 1s 3 in. I like this one
You sold me on another one, I just ordered it. I think this will be perfect for my small backyard and it's quiet. I got the moblite 7 and can fly it pretty well in my small space and hoping the Nanohawk X will be a little better outdoor flyer. Is it possible to bypass the built in receiver and use a crossfire nano receiver?
We should be able to add an external rx. The board manual shows an sbus pad as well as rx1 and tx1. I am not sure if the vtx uses uart1 or not. If it does using the rx1 and tx1 pads for crossfire or elrs rx could disable the use of vtx smart audio.
When crossfire would be installed and it does disable smartaudio. In your experience could I use lua script though crossfire to change vtx band channel power? I purchased this for order but really hoping to install crossfire for better range 🙏
@@fpvdetailz712 I don't know for sure it would impact sa, but that is a concern. I have not found one way or another the impact of using the rx and tx pads, maybe its tied to the on board rx and thus works normally. SA is on uart2, and the rx and tx are labeled 1, so it could be all clear to use as the rx. I am not sure on the use of lua. I have not don't that before on a AIO
Are those old school E010 props on the Nanohawk. I have a set of those that I reamed out to fit that quad but have not tried them yet. How are they? The 3 inch looks good, great quad for training someone in outdoor freestyle.
yes, they are what I recommend for the nanohawk as they don't destroy themselves like the stock ones do. Just need to drill them out for 1mm
@@ProjectMockingbird Thanks Jim, I have been using 4 bladed gemfans, but I have some of these drilled out already. Will have to check them out. Shall I assume you have a PMB tune for this now as well?
Yep, PJC gave me that tip and I fly so much in the house I needed to do something to keep the props on an flyable. As always he was right :)
@@trajanfpv yes, I just did a new Nanohawk tune in betaflight for the one with plugs, and will be updating my Emuflight one now that 040 was released.
@@ProjectMockingbird 😎, hit me up when you got that done. Would be happy to try that out. You do good work as always.
It is the most robust 1s board I've run this year for sure.
Do you know if you can wire up crossfire to this board? 🤔
hi Nick , i am in the market for 1 of this or the CRUX 3 ..decisions 🤔🤔
Crux3 is great. 2s more Power. Nick says he wishes this in 2S haha
Great review Nick. Surprised it took Emax this long to release a 1s 3inch micro toothpick. My personal favorite type of backyard acro flyer.
Emax certainly doesn't move fast. I don't have any insider information as to why, I have only been told their products take 8months to a year to move through the cycle.
Hey Nick I built the Starlord heavy love this little quad been passing on my DJI stuff to fly this thanks for the great info.
Did you go 1s or 2s?
How the nanohawk should've came originally! Neat quad.
I presume you me the nanohawk x should have been first?
@@NickBurnsFPV haha yeah
So many comments on crux3 comparison. Please Nick say something on that. Or does your wish for 2s version say everything?
For me I enjoy 2s more than 1s unless its a whoop, then it is very close. I do think of the 1s 3inchers I have flown this is as close to the crux3 performance as I have experienced. I believe the other draw of 1s is the noise level is lower. With props spinning slower than on a 2s the noise is less. Another consideration might be the batteries, 1s batteries are generally cheaper and don't require a more expensive charger. Overall in the weight category I prefer the TKS Rocket Race, 2inch props on 2s battery. To me its more agile and a much better performer, than even the like of a crux 3.
@@NickBurnsFPV great comment Nick.
Excellent effort Nick! Will buy one for my son in law!
That's a very nice gift. Do you get to fly together often?
Nick, I’m curious as to what rates you’re flying on this? Thanks in advance.
I use P and R 1.2 and .75, Y 1.3 and .80 for rates on all the quads I fly.
@@NickBurnsFPV No expo Nick ? Thanks 😉
@@maeldrz no I don't use expo, I feel it makes me sloppy, but some feel the other way around.
@@NickBurnsFPV Thanks Nick 🙂 ! I have 0.60 haha. Nice flying
Which prop do you like best for this one? :)
I didn't test different props o this. But due to the motor size staying with a biblade prop is pretty much only option.
how does it compare to crux3?
This is less powerful and more quiet. I think that is pretty expected though. This does have a better tune
I’m sure it’s another very good product from Emax, but all I really want to know, is how does it compare to Bob’s Baby tooth?? Even close? Every time I see the formula copied, I am seriously interested.
I haven't flown Bob's original babytooth recently, I gave it away. I have given away most of my 1s 3inch quads, so my comparison would be less recent as Bob's formula tends to evolve over time. It might not be fair, but if I had to chose between the babytooth and a 2s version I would chose the 2s version. I do have and fly my 3s Kabob toothpick. I do prefer 2s on a smaller prop, I haven't found a mix that gives me the response on 1s or 2s 3inch prop, to me 2inch 2s is better.
Are your goggles prescription?
No. My prescription is pretty weak and for viewing at a distance. When I am at my computer and not on camera I don't wear my glasses. :)
@@NickBurnsFPV Just bought Tinyhawk 3 RTF. Can't use the goggles, far sighted. Made a diopter from some old reading glasses no luck. Any ideas?? Thanks.
@@mortonbeard2240 I have heard various people taking glasses or magnifying lenses from a headset and gluing them in the headset to get them into focus.
Great review. Do you recommend this or the babytooth?
I don't believe a babytooth can be built at this price, but if it can they are both very comparable.
@@NickBurnsFPV just saw this , much cheaper than nano hawk x, with elrs and better camera I think. Will wait for your review and opinion before buying.
@@mrityunjay1234 The footage in that linked video is from the go2/peanut external camera.
@@NickBurnsFPV yes, I was talking about caddx ant vs the runcam nano 3 on emax
@@mrityunjay1234 yes ant has better image, nano 3 has a wider fov.
Stop with throwing footballs to get quads down. One tennis ball, one hole cut though, one roll of twine looped through the tennis ball,toss it, yank the branch. P.S. use nylon twine. Bonus points ..... you can carry it in a back pack.
lol, but its fun and I am pretty good at it :)
Ugh so much cool new stuff coming out every week. $$$$
Hey Nick I practice a lot now in the Sim to get better in slaloms and corkscrews. I’m still having problems.. any ideas you can think of to help me? I’ve tried rates and camera angle but still can’t get it yet..
what sort of problems are the slaloms and corkscrews giving you?
@@NickBurnsFPV it’s still hard for me to objects in view which is throwing my timing off.. I made the center of the sticks less twitchy thinking it might help.. maybe even more stick time but it’s just not clicking the way I feel it should.. I have about 30 hours on the sim
@@dmarriodavis9588 Other than the sim time have you had some additional flight time?
@@NickBurnsFPV not a lot like 10 hours or so.. this is my first time flying anything.. I do a lot of Rc bashing/racing. I like your flying style and maneuverability so thought to reach out for tips
@@dmarriodavis9588 The reason I ask is its an important reference in flight expectations. If it the issue with tight turning we might need to increase our yaw rate to help us compensate. Yaw is passive and while we often thing of rates as being even across axis, we are all different and might need a bit more rate on one axis due to dexterity or hand finger size.
Nice review, looks like a nice little flyer. I'm still new to FPV and I was thinking about getting this as my first toothpick. Does anyone know if it is compatible with the Flysky FS-I6X controller?
Unfortunately Emax products don't come with flysky protocol receiver. We would have to add a flysky receiver to the quad.
@@NickBurnsFPV Thanks for you reply Nick, that's what I guessed. Maybe it's time to upgrade my controller to one that supports more protocols.
@@wongowonga At this time it might be a good thing to think about, very very few to no micros comes with flysky :(
@@NickBurnsFPV OK, that's my 40th B'day sorted then. Thanks again Nick, your comment just saved me several hours of research :)
Pretty impressive little quad, Nick! 😃
Fantastic flying and review!!!
Stay safe there with your family! 🖖😊
great review, is it better than tinyhawk freestyle 2 ? thanks
I think it is, but its battery bottom mount. Some prefer top over bottom battery mount.
@@NickBurnsFPV thanks a lot for the reply, my most concern is this one is just 1s but Tinyhawk freestyle is 2s ,, plus it seems there are lots of noise in the video compare to tinyhawk 2 ( same issue in every reviews )
Nice review, looks a lot like the tks version i made with the last nanohawk they released!
Thanks for this detailed review! I agree that adding a ELRS receiver (with smd antenna) and a 200-400mW built-in VTX would make this board an absolute winner!
How does this quad compare to Baby Tooth in your opinion ?
I gave away my babytooth some time ago. This flies very well, I wouldn't say its better as better depends on what aspect we are comparing. For me this is more fun, it could be the prop as the response is something I prefer over my experience with the babytooth and others I built like it.
@@NickBurnsFPV interesting! I will definitely try these props (BTW: is their pitch listed anywhere?) ! The 'radical' PIDs on the Emax may also have something to do with it (I have seen their super-high values in AndyRC's video and am going to apply and test them on my BT) . It may also be the frame - being 2mm it should be much less flexible than a typical 1.5mm on a BT 1s (a 2mm frame is another thing test on my 1s BT, but currently I have no more 2mm frames left after I built my second 2s BT, but I have several frames by Quad 66 in transit - the War Pigs, so may use a 120mm, 2mm War Pig frame instead).
@@onemanmob6756 I haven't seen a listing for the props or the pitch of the props.
As usual dude. Great vid! Just got the 2 I ordered in the mail from Pyrodrone. Have to decide on my next week off which radio to bind it to. Kinda wish you could solder in a TBS Crossfire or Tracer receiver in there. D8 fail-safes too often. RX must outrun VTX! God's speed.
I am pretty sure we can add a Rx of our own. I am not looking at the board in the moment but I do believe it has a free Rx and tx pad
I’ll take one with tracer nick. Lol
I have been flying these 1s builds alot. Not a fan of the runcam nano3. The frame i would rotate to toilet tank the battery. Bobs nee 13 mm 1s motors are 🔥. The 1202 is a more efficient motors with plenty of power imo. Good video 👍
Yes, I liked the runcam nano 3 back with the original lens, so much so I bought a hand full, but the lens company went out of business with the pandemic. Unfortunately the current lens just isn't as good. :( What camera do you use in your 1s builds? Foxeer Pico or the Bee Eye, maybe something else?
@@NickBurnsFPV fpvcycle ant lite is one of the best for features, quality and price. Downside is mounting. The canapy i use is made for it and 3d printed. Im flying the warpig 120 frame.
@@aythixfpv I do like the ant lite. I do wish the FOV was a bit more. Get that extra sense of speed :)
I added elrs ep1 seems a waste though as the vtx feels pretty suckie so far compared to same 200mw's in a Whoop with elrs aio 5in1 board. Not sure if the vtx just sucks or the dipole maybe too could be sh_t. Needs an rchp micro. Even around my 2acres video drops out on me in places that I can fly the elrs aio board also on 200mw with a dipole. Ready to just slap the elrs aio in there and call it a day.... three components fall down to 1 and the vtx works better lol!
Any channel differences between the quads. Meaning both on the same frequency?
@@NickBurnsFPV that's a fair question I will have to double check but do believe same channels. Ya know, once an elrs aio is in there ought to be room on top for a 1w Mach5 lol.... weight can't be too awfully increased and the range would be insane. Yesterday I flew 19minutes (cruisin) on a Sony 18650 and it recovered to 3.6v after the flight!! Imagine it could go 25-30mins if run down to 2.7-2.8v. Crazy part... it doesn't fly bad AT ALL with the 18650. Plenty of punch for rolls flips etc. I was dumb founded! Not sure if it could fly but wondered that it might just be able to carry another 18650 in parallel imagine 40minutes flight!? Actually o
prolly the lack of efficiency would kill it and that 40 mins would never happen. Still was impressed (and bored) of 20min flight time.
Awesome freestyle. Nice to see something different every now and then lol
Ordered myself a roll of that tape and it was the fuzzy type that ended up showing up. It works, but it's not as aesthetically pleasing as the correct stuff which I have I believe on my LK fly egg 130
Yep I have a old of that in the back of my storage. I suspect I would use it in desperation or for a broom handle :)
Being a fan for fpv seen 3 videos already I don't have any Quad but suerly save up and buy one one day.
It’s an addition that’s for sure!
Seriously take that dumb shell off the nanohawk, rotate the board, use a beebrain canopy and 40mm azi props on it. Ull like it better than the nanohawk X. It screams and is oh so agile. Please do it, i did it when i first got mine and its a must have quad. Top 3 of any ive ever flown. And hands down its my fav 1s quad even over my 2 babytooths. Just do it!! Ull thank me, trust me.
Hi Nick! Great video, I love this board! I put this board on Bob’s TP3 months ago and haven’t killed it yet. I can’t seem to unlock the power on the vtx-only 25mw on the Nano Hawk board. Really hoping for a little better range, especially since it could take a crossfire with the extra uart.
I presume when your unlocking your holding the vtx button down and plugging in power, either battery or usb? Keep the button down for a few 'counts' after plugging in.
@@NickBurnsFPV yeah, I think it’s only 25mw on the original Nano Hawk board, I hope I’m wrong but I’ve tried a few times now and in betaflight it is still only showing 25 or off for vtx power
@@joelpearson8623 oh, I forgot the vtx did change
@@NickBurnsFPV thanks for looking into it for me. it’s still a great little board.
I'm noticing the new moves, I like it!
As always, best micro quad review!
The nanohawk now has motor plugs as well :)
Ah and will there be a mockingbird tune for the emax nanohawk x?
@@NickBurnsFPV at some point I might get one…but if they send me one, I’ll do it for sure! :)
@@ProjectMockingbird I will reach out to Cornell. Maybe if you ask? Little push and pull from us :)
Thanks for the info. Looks like an awesome little drone!
Looks like another great offering from Emax! I bet those props would work really well on the 533 tiny trainer if you still have one around. It would be interesting to see how they preform at higher speeds. Being lighter they may flatten out and not have top end performance, but testing is half the fun.
The power loop experiments were fun to watch!
Well I can't test with a tiny trainer but I could certainly test on something like my 3s Kabob toothpick, I do think they would flatten out as they do feel more flexible. But as you said testing is fun to find out. Now I need to go buy more props as mine are pretty beat up :)