You need to keep in mind that you basically empty the gun in no time at all. If your aim isn't good you'll miss all the bullets as you'll only have VERY little time to adjust your aim. This gun is definitely not a noob weapon!
Complains that no gun added is better than the Automático... DICE adds something that’s beats the Automático in CQB... Complains that it’s better than the Automático... Sometimes I don’t understand Levelcap
Blackbriar95 You guys are overreacting. The Automatico is overused not op its good in CQ and it excells at it. Look one thing i do want it to be nerfed on is the range. They should make the damage falloff more apparent so that it starts pooping at medium to long range. However the machine pistole seems fine to me cause u get one kill and need to go into this lengthy animation plus you need to be in close combat cause the guns damage falloff is pretty great at longer ranges. The gun is cool imo. You know Bf1 isn't the only game with these problems Bf4 has high rate of fire guns that are crazy easy to get a kill with like the AEK every sweaty tryhard uses that shit in bf4. The famas use to be crazy in bf4 until the AEK overshadowed it. HA! You guys remember the MTAR-21 carbine? Now that is the bf4 Automatico right there.
"Guys, we're getting a lot of stick for the Automatico. What shall we do?" "Remove it?" "Nah, took ages to build that shit. Any other suggestions?" "Add another one?" "You, sir, are promoted."
Hello well, apparently working around with damage and penetration is too hard... whom are we kidding, SMGs were giving out almost the same damage per round as MGs from release. This game was, is and will remain crap, sorry.
I was struggling to get a single boat kill, was trying, as Level suggested, on Cape Helles. But one round of operations on Fao Fortress was more than enough for me. I destroyed about 8 boats, a couple of tanks and even a plane when I changed to scout with K bullets
i havent been killed by 1 yet, but i have made quite a few kills with it. its very hard to lose a firefight with this gun if u hang around a choke point. needless to say i dread to see this gun in TDM, it will ruin lobbies.
deadlyshadow210 that being said, it's not comparable, AT ALL. In Bf1 there is nothing else that comes even close to beating this gun in CQB. If your aim is half decent you're going to drop people on CQB because your only competition in terms of people using other guns is the Automatico and shotguns. In Bf4 someone running the FAMAS has a lot more competition, e.g. mP7, P90, JS2, CZ-3A1, SR2, MPX, AEK, even the high RPM LMGs if their decent like the APK, MG4 and more
Rook Mine Boi In every BF game, people always bitched about some weapons. In BF3 it was the M16A4 and AEK, in BF4 the F2 and AEK, never played Hardline but I bet you there were some „OP Noob weapons“ too... oh and don‘t forget shotguns. Everybody using shotguns is instantly a noob and sucks at the gamw
Shot guns are still a thing in this game. Plus, there's strategy to use this weapon (queue the ringing of pitchforks). You can't go hard-charging into a group of enemies with this weapon, you'll get 1 kill, maybe 2, then take a nice dirt nap. Kinda like the FAMAS from Bf4? High RoF but long reload. If you're not smart, you'll probably get killed pretty often
Devils advocate here, they are working with a verrrrrrrrry short list of machine pistols and they have already implemented the ONLY 2 SMGs that existed at the time. I like the Mauser carbine and I think they need to think outside the machine gun for the assault. Get creative and maybe even give the assault some special versions of pistols that take primary slots but can compete with SMGs in closeish range.
Gabriel Hastings Agreed, I think it‘s a shame that the tanker and pilot got those interesting carbine-like weapons, instead of giving it to the assault and maybe even the scout. Would give those classes more versatility, and all those cool guns would actually get used. Cause let‘s be honest, how often do you play as a tanker or pilot
Some other SMGs/machine pistols from WWI: -Beretta OVP -Thompson Persuader -Thompson Annihilator -Chauchat-Ribeyrolles 1917 -Chauchat-Ribeyrolles 1918 -Doppelpistole -Full-auto Artillery Luger -That one American SMG with the rotating turret magazine -Full-auto M1911 Don't forget that the Assault has shotguns too. "There weren't a lot of SMGs in WWI" isn't an excuse when many of them aren't in the game yet. However, the real life M1912/P16 "only" fired at 800 to 1,000 rounds per minute, not 1,200 like in BF1. Also, the real Hellriegel only used a 20-round stick magazine and a 160-round drum, but the drum was not portable because it wasn't attached to the gun. DICE could definitely go back and rebalance some of this.
MisterBiter your logic: "oh a gun in the game is unbalanced? well we don't care. sit down and quit whining and accept anything we shove down your throat."
game still lacks content.... BF4 just had a lot more. I like both games and both games have their quirks that I don't like. BF1 has some things better than BF4, and BF4 has things better than BF1.
I wish the sidearm version of the steyr-Hahn was an all class sidearm instead of being support only. I’d love to run both variants of this gun as primary (machinenpistole) and sidearm (repetierpistole)
Eh, I don't think this weapon is that bad for the skill curve. Levelcap still treats this game like its bf4, where aim and recoil control were king. In bf1, aim and recoil control don't mean shit if you don't set up firefights to your weapon's advantage. Positioning is everything in this game, and it actually takes a great deal of skill to play smart (though I would agree that it's very easy to be mediocre at this game. Low skill floor, high skill ceiling, which is how it should be.) Sure, this gun can turn your opponents into toothpaste pretty quickly, but if you actually want to do well with it you have to 1) have good aim. Miss with this thing, and the small mag will get you killed. 2) position well. If you play smart, you can top the scoreboard with this thing. If you play dumb, you'll still do okay if you can aim, but the reload will severely limit you. If you don't position well, a better player who does will always beat you unless you surprise them in cqb. This gun follows the same design philosophy as the 8 .35 and selbstlader 1906 (and maybe the BAR too). All of these guns are straight up overpowered, but you have to have great aim and great gamesense to actually do well with them because of their low ammo capacities. Imo this is a fun and interesting way to balance the game, and mastering the "skill cannons" listed above is incredibly difficult and rewarding. Tldr; Bf1 is as "casual" as you make it. Mastering mediocre guns is very easy, but mastering the skill cannons (8 .35, selbst 1906, and this gun) is actually very difficult and very worthwhile.
Constantine Kouldukis finally some light in the dark, a weapon isn’t op If is hard to use, and have limited range. Also, he’s mag dumping, not best tactic . “Shotguns require more skill” stupid kid
Wow so skillful. Run assault and tapfire your zero recoil 700 rpm AR clones in bf4. Much hardcore. Theres actual class vbaance in bf1. This gun is only viable in cqc
Gayle Galloway ever since I let my cousin play bf4 and bf1 and he insists on always using a shotgun, he is only 10 and hardly ever plays but somehow he actually gets around 12 kills in a round, he obviously gets like 30 deaths which is hilarious to watch but still. He just aims in the general direction then shoots, he has horrible aim so he sucks at tracking targets. The beauty of a shotgun is you only need to have your mouse in the general direction of the target when you fire so in a panicked screech he whacks the mouse at the target then clicks when he thinks the crosshair is over the target and somehow gets the kill. Now I don’t use shotguns because I legit think they are only in the game for 10 year olds.
Vincent Van Gogh Automatic 12G extended is my baby. Two shots to kill someone, and never any nasty messages. Every kill is justifiable, so nobody complains about dying to it.
@@ninja1inblack105 man, as a 10 y/o bf1 player, shotguns suck, only 2 shotguns are good. Model 1900 and sjögren.i normally play scout. Literally i love scout cuz it makes me aim
Nah, CZ-3A1 doesn't have a painful reload. FAMAS is 25 round mag, (1 in the chamber) You can maybe get 2 maybe 3 people if they stack up, you can roughly get 2 before reload. CZ has the 30 round (1 in the chamber) with a very fast secondary reload. Also CZ can take down 4+ if the situation calls for it. FAMAS is basicaly like the Machinepistol in the video above because you have to pop in fire off the almost all or all rounds to get the kill (Usually you don't want to dump the mag because the long full reload, that's contradictory to the Machinepistol :P)
I'm talking about it merely in the damage profile. The famas can do a whole lot more damage at a much greater range, moreso resembling an slr than an smg
Oh it makes him mad? I'm gonna use it more. If he's annoyed he plays worse. At the end of the day it's who aims better combined with whose gun has the advantage at a given range. Use what you want, don't apologize.
Yep, well said. I have the same attitude about the Hellreigel. I understand its appeal to lesser skilled players who would otherwise not get many kills, but it doesn't effect what i do or how I approach combat with my own choice of weapons.
All he does is complain sometimes I think. This gun is nothing special. The video makes it so much better than it actually is. Its painful reload speed will get you killed unless you're very good at hiding, its recoil is one of (if not thee) worst in the pain and and its range doesn't expand past several metres. If you're coming up against an Automatico or a MP Trench, you're going to die 9 times out of 10. It's literally only good for certain maps where you're right in the enemy's face (Fort de Vaux).
Scott Bryant I didn't think about using it on that map. Mainly because I don't play on it because it's a cluster fuck. I bet it is amazing on fort vaux though.
I don't see the problem with the Automatico. I mean yeah it has 25 rounds and it's fast firing but you have to be close to somebody to get the kill. An SMG everybody should be worried about is the Hellriegel. I mean it has almost no recoil, it can challenge supports, medics, and even assaults with automaticos. The Hellriegel already has a fast DPS and it's TTK extends pretty far. I can counter snipe with it and I've been counter sniped by it. It's not hard to use because you can just lock a big sightline down just with one assault using the Hellriegel. Even if it's not OP in the Dev's POV it is really overused. The Hellriegel was never deployed into battle in the war and even if it would've been deployed, it would've been to fight against the allies when they would push further into Austro-Hungarian territory. I get that it's an experimental weapon but I just think if it's experimental it would have drawbacks. I mean the 1903 Experimental can't actually snipe anything and it's TTK is slow, the MP 18 Experimental is pretty bad compared to other SMG's, the 1895 Trench can't one shot, and things like the SMG 08/18 also has a slow TTK. The Hellriegel just excels at too many things for the assault class. The Assault Class is made to get close to enemy armor and personnel but the Hellriegel acts like a BAR with more Ammo and less recoil. I wish DICE would listen to the real problems of the game. If you're crying about the Automatico TTK why aren't you crying about the M97 TTK or the Model 10 Hunter.
This actually was a weapon used by the Austro-Hungarian Army, and was used extensively in World War 1, however, the "Repetierpistole" variant used in the game (actually capable of up to 1000 rounds per minute) was used far less, with a little under one thousand manufactured. The gun back in the day would have had tremendous recoil at this fire rate, so maybe increasing recoil would be a good nerf. Anyway, the more you know.
Fun fact: you can make many semi auto pistols fire like this by adjusting the springs in the trigger mechanism. Did it by mistake once, scared the shit out of everyone at the range.
Yes, I did. Spesifically on a Walter GSP when I was adjusting the trigger travel distance and pull weight according to the regulations in a competition I participated in. The result was that the recoil was sufficient to operate the trigger. Much like using a bump stick.
How dare they add a CQB weapon to give the assault class the edge in what is suppose to be one of their primary roles. Who the fuck does Dice think they are?!
I never understood the hate for automaticos. I hate using them, personally, but if you ALWAYS maintain cover that can protect at least 40 percent of your body and advance slowly, you will catch most automatico users off guard and at too far of a distance for their bullets to be accurate. If you are a hard charge player, then you might want to consider weilding a slug gun, as they are devasting up close and far away. I sniped somebody with a slug from 85 m away. No joke. In summary, keep your distance from assault players in general, and automaticos shouldn't be difficult to beat. Also, use your spotting button, as you will then know what class the enemy is playing. If your spotted enemy is assault or support, consider long range combat and flanking. If the enemy is scout or medic, you are better iff using cover and weaving to quickly close the gap on them so they can't use their rifles (as) effectively. Hope this helps : )
Oh my god if people have a hard time controlling this with a controller then they shouldn't play fps games xD. Console aiming and recoil control are EASY as fuck. Well...unless you grew up with cod or something...then I just feel bad for them xD.
on all primary's in BF1 this one has the worst recoil, and yes that's FPS Games 101 controlling recoil on PC with a good mouse is far easier than with a controller ..... , either you're a skilled player or an idiot ..... from the way you responding about COD players and the majority of BF1 console players i'll go with the second response .....
Kaoukabi Jaouad Nope, I guess I'm just skilled then lmao and just because it's technicallg easier on mouse, doesn't mean that controller is hard. It's easy as fuck if you aren't an idiot. Bursting and moving the right analog stick down helps...and is easy. This gun has pratically no recoil lol. You're just another idiot who thinks controller aiming is this super complicated and tough job when it isn't. It's overexagerated as fuck and people need to stop blaming the controller for their lack of skill and GIT GUD. Also first time I used this gun and got like 90-16 on my first operations for this dlc.
As someone with two service stars on this gun, the idea that this gun is skillless is utterly stupid and wrong. The RoF is so high that if you don't aim properly all 16 rounds will be gone and miss your target before you can correct your aim; the muzzle velocity is low, spread high and damage poor so it takes a lot of ability to kill at distances over about 25m; and the long reload requires strategic forethought of when to withdraw and where to move to engage without running the magazine dry and getting killed. But I suppose it's better than your precious Automatico at killing people when you're within arm's length, and therefore is "skillless."
At present I've been using it with my standard Assault sidearm, the M1903 Hammerless, but something about that gun doesn't really sit right alongside the M1912/P.16 for me. So I might have to try the No. 3, indeed - I've struggled with the low muzzle velocity of the No. 3 in the past, but I expect with some practice it'll be a punchy backup gun, yeah.
T6 It's great. I've been able to take down 2 targets with one full mag unlike LevelCap who doesn't understand that you can spend 8 rounds on a target and reload one stripper clip at a time. The pure volume of fire means you'll beat pretty much anyone up close and actually have a pretty good chance of beating shotgun users (as long as they're not at an equal skill level at least. Killing baddies using shotguns with this gun actually feels rewarding). It's more difficult to use and it takes a very specific playstyle.
Youri van Steeg It's fairly easy to go 1/1 with this gun, but it definitely takes skill to be truly effective with it. Going 1/1 vs going 4/1+ is what gives this gun a low skill floor but a high skill ceiling. Think for a second before speaking again.
I have 6 stars with it nd its a long as u stay on the move u can run thru the enemy team...funny he mentions u cant kill more then 2 people per mag but i kid u not i have probably the most multikills out of all my weapons with this thing...enemies bunch up nd the m1912 jus mows them down
The Steyr-Hahn M1912 is a fun little pistol in real life. I've also heard that the Maschinenpistole variant was the first true machine pistol ever manufactured.
I got The Tyrolean for this bad boy last night, can't wait to unlock it and use it. I've picked it up off enemies and used it and man it's basically a shotgun
Buck Me In The Ash But it's not broken? It's specific built too dominate close quarters against a SINGLE player. Even still, shotguns can fuck you up in a heartbeat and EVERY gun will make quick work of you beyond 25 ft. It's not even the best turning tides assault gun, let alone broken...
Buck Me In The Ash You people are never satisfied. Broken shit should be complained about. Complaining about something because you suck at the game is something else.
Buck Me In The Ash How is a gun that can't be beaten in long range gunfights fair? Same thing kid. You can't expect all guns to be good at everything. Automatico is great at close quarters but shit at long range. Goes the other way for other guns.
If you press/toggle shoot as you're loading the first clip then it'll stop the second clip or single round reload. So you don't have to empty the gun all the time but you'll be left with 9-13 rounds depending on how many were left.
This gun cannot be compared to the smart pistol from titanfall, they are 2 completely different guns and are balanced differently (smart pistol was massively changed in the second game where it is a boost instead of a sidearm making it one of the few guns in the game with limited ammo, meaning you can get at most 8 kills per spawn as you have 2 12 bullet mags and it's a 3 shot kill)
What I've noticed is that it is usless on fullauto for targets past 30m. If you switch it to semiauto it acts alot like the M1917 trench carbine and can down targets at longer ranges.
They nerfed this too hard. They lowered the fire rate and also upped the side to side recoil which they should have done one or the other instead of both
You can actually get a faster reload when you switch between your secondary and primary when you insert the final magazine...when you do that, you don’t have to go through the whole reload process
actually I think playing this gun skillfully is really fun. You've always gotta think about your next move, where you're going to reload - weaving in and out of cover. It presents a kind of challenge that most other guns don't. I like it
They should make it so that you can choose between two configurations of this gun; either more ammo but slower rate of fire or less ammo but same or slightly less rate of fire. They should probably add more recoil as well
Abanomex Abanero god you’re bad at maths. This gun has 16 rounds and needs 5 bullets to kill someone- you need 95% accuracy to kill 3 people in one mag 😂
LuX___h4zza this weapon has the lowest recoil on first shot, this means that as long as you burst it, you will always give acurate shots, if you aim at head area even easier
honestly whenever i kill someone with this weapon and i dont empty the mag, i just load in one stripper clip and press mouse 1 to cancel reload and then check for any other enemies because one stripper clip is enough to kill someone. And if the coast is clear then i single load the rest of the rounds and carry on. Works well for me
People who say this is the G18 of WW1 need to remember about the frommer stop auto from the tanker/plane class, I think that one would fit more in the "G18 of WW1" case.
Do it on Gallipoli Op on Cape Helles. If you're defending you can shoot the PT boats and landing craft after they've landed on the shore. Takes like 10 mins.
yeah when I notice certain people using it (including myself) yes it sounds OP if you are able to land shots. But I still see more automatico spray and prays vs 1912 spray miss and ez kill for me
Its a lot easier to aim and handle recoil with a mouse PC and Console play very differently and bare in mind most reviews from Levelcap are from the pc players point of view
Why do so many people insist that the automatico is the most used weapon in the game? The statistics (as provided by battlefield tracker) clearly show that the hellriegel Factory alone has had a consistently higher usage time and kills than all three of the automatico variants combined for almost a full year
This should've been the Elite Infiltrators gun instead of the sawn off. Its perfect for that role where your usually flanking one player at a time behind enemy lines with that class, even better if it was silenced.
Why do so many people complain about these guns? It's so fun, something different. I also would say it does take some skill. You need to know where and how to use it. Can't use it everywhere and you'll only really get one kill and a long reload. So that is very skill based. Give you a different way of playing. Which is what I like about Battlefield.
I don't want to open up a PC vs console debate here but this gun is a freaking nightmare to use on console compared to PC in my opinion. The recoil is so much more controllable with a mouse than a PS4 controller.
Hasn't discussed the Semi-Automatic mode which the Automatico doesn't have. Also he isn't burst firing, when I use it I can get a max of 3 kills with one mag, as 4 bullets up close an kill a single enemy, meaning with 16 rounds you can kill a max 4 targets.
Because of the low bullet capacity and the long reload time, it does take skilled movement to really dominate with the maschinenpistol. Its more balanced if you play on consoles. The recoil, like with the automatico, is more difficult to manage on console. I don't think it's a bad addition to the game.
The gun has a first shot recoil multiplier of 1, so i dsiagree that you shouldnt burst with it. 8 round bursts allows you to down two enemies at a time and gives you a fast partial reload since you can feed in one stripper clip. Sure you can run around mag dumping and get 1 easy kill in cqb. But with practice you can do more with the gun
'Skillless weapon' THIS is the person who calls pretty much every gun "Not my favorite' even though its a more skillful automatico. Seriously, you have to be careful with a gun like this hit a two-three person scenario you might not get that third person due to how fast it burns through ammo.
What would you guys rank these weapons? Like top 4 i wanna know what's the best between these 4 Automatico M1918 SMG 08/18 Frommer stop Maschinenpistole M1912
So everyone is aware, you can reload cancel this weapon and have the full 4 second reload take 1.5 seconds, as long as your not loading single bullets but full mags instead. Partial reloads are also viable as you can kill someone with just 8 bullets. The complaining about the reload time doesn't make sense when you can simply do a half reload for 1.5 seconds or reload rush which fast steps the reload animation making it a full reload in 1.5 seconds. Watch Doom's video on this, he goes into great detail about how to reload cancel, the best ways to use this and how to reload rush even. This basically makes the argument of the super long reload time irrelevant when it reloads at the same speed if not faster than the automatico.
I find the automatico hard to use since the top magazine blocking most of the screen makes it difficult to see enemy players, then the mp18 is a bb gun, this is why my assault is still level 0 while I was able to get scout to level 3, since bf1 feels like a snipers game
I think this gun could be balanced better if the recoil were dramatically increased but consistent and the hip spread were widened dramatically. I’m not opposed to the idea of an extremely potent weapon balanced by limited multikill potential (Model 8 .35 for example) so long as the weapon is not too easy to use.
The G18 lives on in BF1
DarkshadowXD63 when u on the block, u pull out the glock
@@ytngillz2091 When people pull up like casanova pull out the machininepistole
You need to keep in mind that you basically empty the gun in no time at all. If your aim isn't good you'll miss all the bullets as you'll only have VERY little time to adjust your aim. This gun is definitely not a noob weapon!
Complains that no gun added is better than the Automático...
DICE adds something that’s beats the Automático in CQB...
Complains that it’s better than the Automático...
Sometimes I don’t understand Levelcap
They are both op
Blackbriar95 You guys are overreacting. The Automatico is overused not op its good in CQ and it excells at it. Look one thing i do want it to be nerfed on is the range. They should make the damage falloff more apparent so that it starts pooping at medium to long range. However the machine pistole seems fine to me cause u get one kill and need to go into this lengthy animation plus you need to be in close combat cause the guns damage falloff is pretty great at longer ranges. The gun is cool imo. You know Bf1 isn't the only game with these problems Bf4 has high rate of fire guns that are crazy easy to get a kill with like the AEK every sweaty tryhard uses that shit in bf4. The famas use to be crazy in bf4 until the AEK overshadowed it. HA! You guys remember the MTAR-21 carbine? Now that is the bf4 Automatico right there.
he complained about dice giving support a way to deal with aircraft without risking getting blown off the vulnerable aa cannon, what did you expect
"Guys, we're getting a lot of stick for the Automatico. What shall we do?"
"Remove it?"
"Nah, took ages to build that shit. Any other suggestions?"
"Add another one?"
"You, sir, are promoted."
where's the sense in removing a weapon from an already limited base game?
Good one that made me smile
Hello best comment loolll
well, apparently working around with damage and penetration is too hard... whom are we kidding, SMGs were giving out almost the same damage per round as MGs from release. This game was, is and will remain crap, sorry.
I can guarantee when I finally unlock this gun, it will get nerfed.
tiger23800 yup
I was struggling to get a single boat kill, was trying, as Level suggested, on Cape Helles. But one round of operations on Fao Fortress was more than enough for me. I destroyed about 8 boats, a couple of tanks and even a plane when I changed to scout with K bullets
tiger23800 same
Tarcisio Padula yea I find Fao Fortress better to complete because the other team always drives pretty close to the beaches
i havent been killed by 1 yet, but i have made quite a few kills with it. its very hard to lose a firefight with this gun if u hang around a choke point. needless to say i dread to see this gun in TDM, it will ruin lobbies.
Here's how I see it:
Bf4's AEK= Bf1's Automatico and Bf4's Famas= Bf1's Maschinenpistole M1912
Rook Mine Boi that’s actually a pretty fair comparison
Yeah, except FAMAS can be won in CQB, unlike this thing
deadlyshadow210 that being said, it's not comparable, AT ALL.
In Bf1 there is nothing else that comes even close to beating this gun in CQB. If your aim is half decent you're going to drop people on CQB because your only competition in terms of people using other guns is the Automatico and shotguns.
In Bf4 someone running the FAMAS has a lot more competition, e.g. mP7, P90, JS2, CZ-3A1, SR2, MPX, AEK, even the high RPM LMGs if their decent like the APK, MG4 and more
Rook Mine Boi In every BF game, people always bitched about some weapons. In BF3 it was the M16A4 and AEK, in BF4 the F2 and AEK, never played Hardline but I bet you there were some „OP Noob weapons“ too... oh and don‘t forget shotguns. Everybody using shotguns is instantly a noob and sucks at the gamw
Shot guns are still a thing in this game. Plus, there's strategy to use this weapon (queue the ringing of pitchforks). You can't go hard-charging into a group of enemies with this weapon, you'll get 1 kill, maybe 2, then take a nice dirt nap. Kinda like the FAMAS from Bf4? High RoF but long reload. If you're not smart, you'll probably get killed pretty often
Devils advocate here, they are working with a verrrrrrrrry short list of machine pistols and they have already implemented the ONLY 2 SMGs that existed at the time. I like the Mauser carbine and I think they need to think outside the machine gun for the assault. Get creative and maybe even give the assault some special versions of pistols that take primary slots but can compete with SMGs in closeish range.
Gabriel Hastings So you mean like the M1917? They are already doing that
Mister K exactly! I really like it in game and think they could do a couple more instead of trying to balance guns that are so hard to balance.
You know what would add some weapon variety for Assault? All kit iron sights bolt action rifles.
Gabriel Hastings Agreed, I think it‘s a shame that the tanker and pilot got those interesting carbine-like weapons, instead of giving it to the assault and maybe even the scout. Would give those classes more versatility, and all those cool guns would actually get used.
Cause let‘s be honest, how often do you play as a tanker or pilot
Some other SMGs/machine pistols from WWI:
-Beretta OVP
-Thompson Persuader
-Thompson Annihilator
-Chauchat-Ribeyrolles 1917
-Chauchat-Ribeyrolles 1918
-Full-auto Artillery Luger
-That one American SMG with the rotating turret magazine
-Full-auto M1911
Don't forget that the Assault has shotguns too. "There weren't a lot of SMGs in WWI" isn't an excuse when many of them aren't in the game yet. However, the real life M1912/P16 "only" fired at 800 to 1,000 rounds per minute, not 1,200 like in BF1. Also, the real Hellriegel only used a 20-round stick magazine and a 160-round drum, but the drum was not portable because it wasn't attached to the gun. DICE could definitely go back and rebalance some of this.
AAhhh.. I miss the "old" Bf1. Back then everyone was whining why there's no content and not enough weapons. Now people whine about having weapons.
MisterBiter your logic: "oh a gun in the game is unbalanced? well we don't care. sit down and quit whining and accept anything we shove down your throat."
Gamers will complain about how the sky is blue lol
tills g ok thats extremely exaggerated. what is the harm in pointing out an unbalanced thing in a game?
game still lacks content.... BF4 just had a lot more. I like both games and both games have their quirks that I don't like. BF1 has some things better than BF4, and BF4 has things better than BF1.
Nobody is whining about having weapons, the problem is unbalanced weapons
classic WW1 weapon :)
TTrevolverheldTT yeah I remember my grandfather telling me about how he ran around the trenches in WW1 wrecking German scrubs with this weapon
Well this was used by Austria-Hungary. They even had a double barrel version.
TroopperFoFo OH LORD
Mario Perez the double barrel version is coming with the apocalypse dlc hahaha
I wish the sidearm version of the steyr-Hahn was an all class sidearm instead of being support only.
I’d love to run both variants of this gun as primary (machinenpistole) and sidearm (repetierpistole)
jdc527 Gaming I wish all sidearms were all kit, you'd maybe get some rise to the top, but overall I don't think it would hurt the balance.
Eh, I don't think this weapon is that bad for the skill curve. Levelcap still treats this game like its bf4, where aim and recoil control were king. In bf1, aim and recoil control don't mean shit if you don't set up firefights to your weapon's advantage. Positioning is everything in this game, and it actually takes a great deal of skill to play smart (though I would agree that it's very easy to be mediocre at this game. Low skill floor, high skill ceiling, which is how it should be.)
Sure, this gun can turn your opponents into toothpaste pretty quickly, but if you actually want to do well with it you have to 1) have good aim. Miss with this thing, and the small mag will get you killed. 2) position well. If you play smart, you can top the scoreboard with this thing. If you play dumb, you'll still do okay if you can aim, but the reload will severely limit you. If you don't position well, a better player who does will always beat you unless you surprise them in cqb.
This gun follows the same design philosophy as the 8 .35 and selbstlader 1906 (and maybe the BAR too). All of these guns are straight up overpowered, but you have to have great aim and great gamesense to actually do well with them because of their low ammo capacities.
Imo this is a fun and interesting way to balance the game, and mastering the "skill cannons" listed above is incredibly difficult and rewarding.
Bf1 is as "casual" as you make it. Mastering mediocre guns is very easy, but mastering the skill cannons (8 .35, selbst 1906, and this gun) is actually very difficult and very worthwhile.
Constantine Kouldukis finally some light in the dark, a weapon isn’t op If is hard to use, and have limited range. Also, he’s mag dumping, not best tactic . “Shotguns require more skill” stupid kid
Constantine Kouldukis finally someone that understands!
Wow so skillful. Run assault and tapfire your zero recoil 700 rpm AR clones in bf4. Much hardcore. Theres actual class vbaance in bf1. This gun is only viable in cqc
*1200 RPM*
PandaWithA Tophat *adds rapid fire attachment increase rpm to 2000*
CT Spoder cheater
now 900
So this is the only weapon that LevelCap actually likes because it’s just like an Automatico
Wow Levelcap, "shotgun" and "skill" in one sentence? Jeez...
Meanwhile jackass complained for 2 years how shotguns are low skill
Gayle Galloway ever since I let my cousin play bf4 and bf1 and he insists on always using a shotgun, he is only 10 and hardly ever plays but somehow he actually gets around 12 kills in a round, he obviously gets like 30 deaths which is hilarious to watch but still.
He just aims in the general direction then shoots, he has horrible aim so he sucks at tracking targets. The beauty of a shotgun is you only need to have your mouse in the general direction of the target when you fire so in a panicked screech he whacks the mouse at the target then clicks when he thinks the crosshair is over the target and somehow gets the kill.
Now I don’t use shotguns because I legit think they are only in the game for 10 year olds.
Vincent Van Gogh Automatic 12G extended is my baby. Two shots to kill someone, and never any nasty messages. Every kill is justifiable, so nobody complains about dying to it.
@@gaylegalloway7102 jackass? you dumb@ss
@@ninja1inblack105 man, as a 10 y/o bf1 player, shotguns suck, only 2 shotguns are good. Model 1900 and sjögren.i normally play scout. Literally i love scout cuz it makes me aim
Well you forgot to mention the plebriegel on that unbalance list
Shotgun is more of a skill weapon. HA HA HA HA HA HA! Good one LevelCap. Oh you're actually serious?
NakedSpaceMan yes. You can laugh even harder!
ahhh the G18 from BF4 ... just in BF1
or since its a main hand weapon ... the FAMAS of BF1?
It's the cz-3a1. The 8.35 marksman/factory is basically the famas/aek
Nah, CZ-3A1 doesn't have a painful reload. FAMAS is 25 round mag, (1 in the chamber) You can maybe get 2 maybe 3 people if they stack up, you can roughly get 2 before reload.
CZ has the 30 round (1 in the chamber) with a very fast secondary reload. Also CZ can take down 4+ if the situation calls for it.
FAMAS is basicaly like the Machinepistol in the video above because you have to pop in fire off the almost all or all rounds to get the kill (Usually you don't want to dump the mag because the long full reload, that's contradictory to the Machinepistol :P)
I'm talking about it merely in the damage profile. The famas can do a whole lot more damage at a much greater range, moreso resembling an slr than an smg
I think the Hellreigal is more of a problem than the automatico.
Oh it makes him mad? I'm gonna use it more. If he's annoyed he plays worse. At the end of the day it's who aims better combined with whose gun has the advantage at a given range. Use what you want, don't apologize.
Yep, well said. I have the same attitude about the Hellreigel. I understand its appeal to lesser skilled players who would otherwise not get many kills, but it doesn't effect what i do or how I approach combat with my own choice of weapons.
All's fair
All he does is complain sometimes I think. This gun is nothing special. The video makes it so much better than it actually is. Its painful reload speed will get you killed unless you're very good at hiding, its recoil is one of (if not thee) worst in the pain and and its range doesn't expand past several metres. If you're coming up against an Automatico or a MP Trench, you're going to die 9 times out of 10.
It's literally only good for certain maps where you're right in the enemy's face (Fort de Vaux).
This gun is amazing on Fort Vaux
Scott Bryant I didn't think about using it on that map. Mainly because I don't play on it because it's a cluster fuck. I bet it is amazing on fort vaux though.
domination on suez is insane this gun too
I think the best using of this gun will be at enclosed maps
I don't see the problem with the Automatico. I mean yeah it has 25 rounds and it's fast firing but you have to be close to somebody to get the kill. An SMG everybody should be worried about is the Hellriegel. I mean it has almost no recoil, it can challenge supports, medics, and even assaults with automaticos. The Hellriegel already has a fast DPS and it's TTK extends pretty far. I can counter snipe with it and I've been counter sniped by it. It's not hard to use because you can just lock a big sightline down just with one assault using the Hellriegel. Even if it's not OP in the Dev's POV it is really overused. The Hellriegel was never deployed into battle in the war and even if it would've been deployed, it would've been to fight against the allies when they would push further into Austro-Hungarian territory. I get that it's an experimental weapon but I just think if it's experimental it would have drawbacks. I mean the 1903 Experimental can't actually snipe anything and it's TTK is slow, the MP 18 Experimental is pretty bad compared to other SMG's, the 1895 Trench can't one shot, and things like the SMG 08/18 also has a slow TTK. The Hellriegel just excels at too many things for the assault class. The Assault Class is made to get close to enemy armor and personnel but the Hellriegel acts like a BAR with more Ammo and less recoil. I wish DICE would listen to the real problems of the game. If you're crying about the Automatico TTK why aren't you crying about the M97 TTK or the Model 10 Hunter.
This actually was a weapon used by the Austro-Hungarian Army, and was used extensively in World War 1, however, the "Repetierpistole" variant used in the game (actually capable of up to 1000 rounds per minute) was used far less, with a little under one thousand manufactured. The gun back in the day would have had tremendous recoil at this fire rate, so maybe increasing recoil would be a good nerf. Anyway, the more you know.
I actually really like this, machine pistols make me moist
Fun fact: you can make many semi auto pistols fire like this by adjusting the springs in the trigger mechanism. Did it by mistake once, scared the shit out of everyone at the range.
ukspizzaman sure you did
Yes, I did. Spesifically on a Walter GSP when I was adjusting the trigger travel distance and pull weight according to the regulations in a competition I participated in. The result was that the recoil was sufficient to operate the trigger. Much like using a bump stick.
That’s probably illegal, you might want to buy your dog some ballistic armor.
"Pick a strong, comfortable side arm for you..."
Spam Stopper would be nice...he!
The literal pocket FAMAS.
There goes Level whining away
Strange.. on my game it says that it only has 900rpm...
precision? shotgun users? ha. give me a break
Crest Signus the voice of a guy who's never played battlefield
The Mead Man couldnt be more wrong
Ima pull out that glock on u levelcap, watch out
Canadian Shan what the fuck
John Spade sorry, I was high as fuck when I posted that shit lol
weed xD
On the next level cap complaining video, I will rant about the Carcano.
Damn lvlcap is such a whiner these days.
ognaysayer the Carcano is ok but I can see Level destroying it
For me its a troll gun, its honestly terrible at anything other than close range but fun as hell at the same time
Try single shot at medium distance. It works bro...but use the whole clip, that's the key.
How dare they add a CQB weapon to give the assault class the edge in what is suppose to be one of their primary roles. Who the fuck does Dice think they are?!
and to add more salt to the automaticos wounds, the MP12/P.16 was actually used in so much larger numbers during the war.
"Shotguns are more of a skill weapon" fucking hilarious.
I really don't understand why they added another automatico
Mrcheesy10 simply just for fun
agelosik not fun for anyone that isn't holding it
I never understood the hate for automaticos. I hate using them, personally, but if you ALWAYS maintain cover that can protect at least 40 percent of your body and advance slowly, you will catch most automatico users off guard and at too far of a distance for their bullets to be accurate.
If you are a hard charge player, then you might want to consider weilding a slug gun, as they are devasting up close and far away. I sniped somebody with a slug from 85 m away. No joke.
In summary, keep your distance from assault players in general, and automaticos shouldn't be difficult to beat.
Also, use your spotting button, as you will then know what class the enemy is playing. If your spotted enemy is assault or support, consider long range combat and flanking. If the enemy is scout or medic, you are better iff using cover and weaving to quickly close the gap on them so they can't use their rifles (as) effectively.
Hope this helps : )
Mrcheesy10 Automatico is isn't even op. You just want something to complain about.
I hate and get killed by the hellriegel a lot more than automaticos
I saw some dude with 34 service stars for this thing already the other day, get a life dude.
Fedcab god damn
XD holy shit
Well, I find everyday guys with 100 stars on hellriegel or model10
But this gun has been out for like a week, that seems crazy
Fedcab Pretty sure they are the same guys that use hellriegel xD
Skillless for PC yes for console don't think so the recoil is pretty crazy ......good luck controlling it with a controller ....
Oh my god if people have a hard time controlling this with a controller then they shouldn't play fps games xD. Console aiming and recoil control are EASY as fuck. Well...unless you grew up with cod or something...then I just feel bad for them xD.
on all primary's in BF1 this one has the worst recoil, and yes that's FPS Games 101 controlling recoil on PC with a good mouse is far easier than with a controller ..... , either you're a skilled player or an idiot ..... from the way you responding about COD players and the majority of BF1 console players i'll go with the second response .....
Kaoukabi Jaouad Nope, I guess I'm just skilled then lmao and just because it's technicallg easier on mouse, doesn't mean that controller is hard. It's easy as fuck if you aren't an idiot. Bursting and moving the right analog stick down helps...and is easy. This gun has pratically no recoil lol. You're just another idiot who thinks controller aiming is this super complicated and tough job when it isn't. It's overexagerated as fuck and people need to stop blaming the controller for their lack of skill and GIT GUD. Also first time I used this gun and got like 90-16 on my first operations for this dlc.
90-16 on console, git gud and grammar mistake even though you edited your comment. *insert sarcastic wow*
90-16 congrats. i guess you're skilled and an idiot at the same time ;)
Every time DICE adds a new gun to the game they should put in the description of it "Sorry Levelcap. It's not the M16A3"
LevelCap: it allows unskilled players to beat skilled ones at the click of a button
Also LevelCap: grossest multi kill at 9:34
As someone with two service stars on this gun, the idea that this gun is skillless is utterly stupid and wrong. The RoF is so high that if you don't aim properly all 16 rounds will be gone and miss your target before you can correct your aim; the muzzle velocity is low, spread high and damage poor so it takes a lot of ability to kill at distances over about 25m; and the long reload requires strategic forethought of when to withdraw and where to move to engage without running the magazine dry and getting killed.
But I suppose it's better than your precious Automatico at killing people when you're within arm's length, and therefore is "skillless."
At present I've been using it with my standard Assault sidearm, the M1903 Hammerless, but something about that gun doesn't really sit right alongside the M1912/P.16 for me. So I might have to try the No. 3, indeed - I've struggled with the low muzzle velocity of the No. 3 in the past, but I expect with some practice it'll be a punchy backup gun, yeah.
T6 It's great. I've been able to take down 2 targets with one full mag unlike LevelCap who doesn't understand that you can spend 8 rounds on a target and reload one stripper clip at a time. The pure volume of fire means you'll beat pretty much anyone up close and actually have a pretty good chance of beating shotgun users (as long as they're not at an equal skill level at least. Killing baddies using shotguns with this gun actually feels rewarding). It's more difficult to use and it takes a very specific playstyle.
Youri van Steeg It's fairly easy to go 1/1 with this gun, but it definitely takes skill to be truly effective with it. Going 1/1 vs going 4/1+ is what gives this gun a low skill floor but a high skill ceiling. Think for a second before speaking again.
I have 6 stars with it nd its a long as u stay on the move u can run thru the enemy team...funny he mentions u cant kill more then 2 people per mag but i kid u not i have probably the most multikills out of all my weapons with this thing...enemies bunch up nd the m1912 jus mows them down
*Tries to tap fire at long range- 5 shot burst.
Thank God Dice added this.
The Steyr-Hahn M1912 is a fun little pistol in real life. I've also heard that the Maschinenpistole variant was the first true machine pistol ever manufactured.
I disagree so hard. People often times don't kill me because they suck at aiming with this.
I think that’s very subjective... maybe this gun requires more skill than shotgun??
Khan Sarbani It definitely does. Very situational weapon, very dangerous to use. You can burn the mag so fast, so. Don't miss. Lol
I got The Tyrolean for this bad boy last night, can't wait to unlock it and use it. I've picked it up off enemies and used it and man it's basically a shotgun
The first few minuets of Angryjoe's review perfectly captures my view on BF1, this guns reminded me of that.
Balance balance balance, DICE adds a gun to counter Automatico users and still you guys complain? Jeez
Fever FireFox Leave it to this community to complain. That's all they do.
Buck Me In The Ash But it's not broken? It's specific built too dominate close quarters against a SINGLE player. Even still, shotguns can fuck you up in a heartbeat and EVERY gun will make quick work of you beyond 25 ft. It's not even the best turning tides assault gun, let alone broken...
Buck Me In The Ash You people are never satisfied. Broken shit should be complained about. Complaining about something because you suck at the game is something else.
Admiral Roberto How is a gun that cant be won in cqb fair? Even if it only works against 1 player, its still ridiculous.
Buck Me In The Ash How is a gun that can't be beaten in long range gunfights fair? Same thing kid. You can't expect all guns to be good at everything. Automatico is great at close quarters but shit at long range. Goes the other way for other guns.
If you press/toggle shoot as you're loading the first clip then it'll stop the second clip or single round reload. So you don't have to empty the gun all the time but you'll be left with 9-13 rounds depending on how many were left.
This gun cannot be compared to the smart pistol from titanfall, they are 2 completely different guns and are balanced differently (smart pistol was massively changed in the second game where it is a boost instead of a sidearm making it one of the few guns in the game with limited ammo, meaning you can get at most 8 kills per spawn as you have 2 12 bullet mags and it's a 3 shot kill)
This pistol is insanely overpowered, but damn, it is fun as hell to use.
John Spade *Has 16 rounds, long ass tactical reload, a lot of recoil and fast ammunition depletion* are you sure its OP?
John Spade It is minus the insanely long reload time that you could take a bong rip during. Trust me I have.
nah it's balanced
What I've noticed is that it is usless on fullauto for targets past 30m. If you switch it to semiauto it acts alot like the M1917 trench carbine and can down targets at longer ranges.
They nerfed this too hard. They lowered the fire rate and also upped the side to side recoil which they should have done one or the other instead of both
I love using this gun on Tsaritsyn conquest. Just hover around B and don't get too far off from the building
You can actually get a faster reload when you switch between your secondary and primary when you insert the final magazine...when you do that, you don’t have to go through the whole reload process
Levelcap, you make everything op
It’s a classic WW1 weapon and yet it looks like a futuristic mixture between the M9 and the M1911
actually I think playing this gun skillfully is really fun. You've always gotta think about your next move, where you're going to reload - weaving in and out of cover. It presents a kind of challenge that most other guns don't. I like it
They should make it so that you can choose between two configurations of this gun; either more ammo but slower rate of fire or less ammo but same or slightly less rate of fire. They should probably add more recoil as well
1:05 the edit tripped me out
"You know, everyone hates the Automatico, so let's add it again with incrased rate of fire and lock it behind a paywall."
I'm not a long time viewer of his, has he ever changed his tampon or is the whining about everything par for the course? Genuinely interested.
you are actually wasting more than half the mag when you are shooting, fire in quick successive bursts, you will be able to kill 2-3 guys every mag.
Abanomex Abanero god you’re bad at maths. This gun has 16 rounds and needs 5 bullets to kill someone- you need 95% accuracy to kill 3 people in one mag 😂
LuX___h4zza theres something called aim
The girl thats just Hanging around. It’s literally not possible to kill 3 people with a mag, and I already know my aim is better than yours so stfu
The girl thats just Hanging around. There is something called recoil and bullet spread
LuX___h4zza this weapon has the lowest recoil on first shot, this means that as long as you burst it, you will always give acurate shots, if you aim at head area even easier
honestly whenever i kill someone with this weapon and i dont empty the mag, i just load in one stripper clip and press mouse 1 to cancel reload and then check for any other enemies because one stripper clip is enough to kill someone. And if the coast is clear then i single load the rest of the rounds and carry on. Works well for me
Why did they have to nerf this gun!?
I mean it was such a fucking pain in the ass to unlock it, and now it’s useless?
People who say this is the G18 of WW1 need to remember about the frommer stop auto from the tanker/plane class, I think that one would fit more in the "G18 of WW1" case.
Incoming Star Citizen video...
Do it on Gallipoli Op on Cape Helles. If you're defending you can shoot the PT boats and landing craft after they've landed on the shore. Takes like 10 mins.
How is it a skillless weapon? Very few players can even hit enough shots to kill a full health target so that means it requires skill
yeah when I notice certain people using it (including myself) yes it sounds OP if you are able to land shots. But I still see more automatico spray and prays vs 1912 spray miss and ez kill for me
I agree. I can't speak for the pc version, but on console this is true
Its a lot easier to aim and handle recoil with a mouse PC and Console play very differently and bare in mind most reviews from Levelcap are from the pc players point of view
Just Weird i think that you have to have more skill when using a Automatico then using a Hellriegel. Hellriegel is way too OP and too easy to use.
And the reload time sucks, you have to be positioned well to dominate with this thing. It requires more skill than the automatico for sure
Why do so many people insist that the automatico is the most used weapon in the game? The statistics (as provided by battlefield tracker) clearly show that the hellriegel Factory alone has had a consistently higher usage time and kills than all three of the automatico variants combined for almost a full year
This should've been the Elite Infiltrators gun instead of the sawn off. Its perfect for that role where your usually flanking one player at a time behind enemy lines with that class, even better if it was silenced.
Why do so many people complain about these guns? It's so fun, something different.
I also would say it does take some skill. You need to know where and how to use it. Can't use it everywhere and you'll only really get one kill and a long reload. So that is very skill based.
Give you a different way of playing. Which is what I like about Battlefield.
Nerf the hellriegel on console! Sick of dudes with 100 star's with her!
This gun is great on domination maps. It's super fun to use and the reload is pretty exhilarating.
So if your not a fan of this weapons design philosophy, how do you feel about the FAMAS or G18 from battlefields of old?
Kind of looks like a deagle
I don't want to open up a PC vs console debate here but this gun is a freaking nightmare to use on console compared to PC in my opinion. The recoil is so much more controllable with a mouse than a PS4 controller.
Finally! Something positive on YT today!
According to the weapon stats in the companion app, the fire rate is 900rpm, not 1200. So same as the Automatico.
Back when BF went for half way realism, LevelCAp gives no crap
It's been 10 months since turning tides was released and I still haven't played a match on zeebrugge yet
Hasn't discussed the Semi-Automatic mode which the Automatico doesn't have. Also he isn't burst firing, when I use it I can get a max of 3 kills with one mag, as 4 bullets up close an kill a single enemy, meaning with 16 rounds you can kill a max 4 targets.
Because of the low bullet capacity and the long reload time, it does take skilled movement to really dominate with the maschinenpistol. Its more balanced if you play on consoles. The recoil, like with the automatico, is more difficult to manage on console. I don't think it's a bad addition to the game.
I'll be using this gun all the time in the trenches when the Apocalypse DLC comes out.
The gun has a first shot recoil multiplier of 1, so i dsiagree that you shouldnt burst with it. 8 round bursts allows you to down two enemies at a time and gives you a fast partial reload since you can feed in one stripper clip. Sure you can run around mag dumping and get 1 easy kill in cqb. But with practice you can do more with the gun
"Hey guys, everyone hates the automatico in our game. What should we do about it?"
I haven't used it, but it myth be a bit more balenced if it had more hip fire dispersion, so one would need to aim more often.
It's the best weapon in the game coz it has a skin called "Major Fuchs"
'Skillless weapon' THIS is the person who calls pretty much every gun "Not my favorite' even though its a more skillful automatico. Seriously, you have to be careful with a gun like this hit a two-three person scenario you might not get that third person due to how fast it burns through ammo.
What would you guys rank these weapons? Like top 4 i wanna know what's the best between these 4
Automatico M1918
SMG 08/18
Frommer stop
Maschinenpistole M1912
Be thankful they could have point this as a assault side arm and then you'd run into a guy with two automaticos
My go to Assault weapon & it’s experimental variation.
So everyone is aware, you can reload cancel this weapon and have the full 4 second reload take 1.5 seconds, as long as your not loading single bullets but full mags instead. Partial reloads are also viable as you can kill someone with just 8 bullets. The complaining about the reload time doesn't make sense when you can simply do a half reload for 1.5 seconds or reload rush which fast steps the reload animation making it a full reload in 1.5 seconds. Watch Doom's video on this, he goes into great detail about how to reload cancel, the best ways to use this and how to reload rush even. This basically makes the argument of the super long reload time irrelevant when it reloads at the same speed if not faster than the automatico.
Lol. Not sure why you complain about the automatico. Nothing is as broke as the hellriegel.
I find the automatico hard to use since the top magazine blocking most of the screen makes it difficult to see enemy players, then the mp18 is a bb gun, this is why my assault is still level 0 while I was able to get scout to level 3, since bf1 feels like a snipers game
I think this gun could be balanced better if the recoil were dramatically increased but consistent and the hip spread were widened dramatically. I’m not opposed to the idea of an extremely potent weapon balanced by limited multikill potential (Model 8 .35 for example) so long as the weapon is not too easy to use.
Looks like Levelcap has new gunfu material.
I like the weapon and for medium range players I usually switch to single fire to kill them. It takes like 5 shot to put them down
What happened to the anti air cannon?