Epic Deals - Fender American Deluxe Strat Plus Blow Out!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @danielgorman8725
    @danielgorman8725 8 років тому +4

    Pete´s melodic knowledge and phrasing is exquisite!

  • @bigteno4597
    @bigteno4597 8 років тому +2

    I am so addicted to this channel and really love to watch you guys playing. Surprising how much I learn. Good job as always.

  • @picklesnips3378
    @picklesnips3378 8 років тому +6

    To me Pete is the best out of all of them for tone and originality! The other guys do it very well! Love bea but Petes playing just hits me in the feels

  • @CarstenPeterOlsen
    @CarstenPeterOlsen 8 років тому +2

    Wow!.. what a deal... And that HSS three tone burst the Captain was playing in the beginning is SO freaking beautiful. :)

  • @karolmazowieckipl
    @karolmazowieckipl 8 років тому +8

    Pete's playing around 14.30 was do good 😍

    • @danoflaherty1214
      @danoflaherty1214 8 років тому


    • @lgc41004
      @lgc41004 8 років тому

      +Karol Mazowiecki Can some one tab that plz, it sounds so fucking good

    • @youkissedmymom
      @youkissedmymom 7 років тому

      Just watch + copy bro

  • @joshf8097
    @joshf8097 8 років тому +1

    I get such a great feeling listening to him play

  • @dejongeblondegod
    @dejongeblondegod 8 років тому +8

    Pete, your playing is just as epic as the deal 😉

  • @HarryMuffUk
    @HarryMuffUk 8 років тому +2

    Finally, the two best bluesers at Andertons jamming together.

  • @MarkJohnsonJams
    @MarkJohnsonJams 8 років тому +9

    Danish Pete's playing is magical. Captain Lee's playing is great too. Can you two do more vids together please?

  • @kannonprice7079
    @kannonprice7079 8 років тому +2

    I WOULD BUT THAT BOOK TOO!!! I'm sure a lot of people would be interested in that. "All the Good Chords" by Pete. Or even more realistically, a video of Pete just playing all the damn good chords.

  • @lgc41004
    @lgc41004 8 років тому +1

    I could listen to these guys play all day

  • @miguelabreumacedo
    @miguelabreumacedo 8 років тому +3

    Can't believe Lee didn't give a good sniff to the "backdoor" like last time x)

  • @FatihPekbas
    @FatihPekbas 8 років тому +4

    Great video. You should have an epic deal on Petes playing skills. I'd buy more than a truck load. Such a tasty player.

  • @Senira322
    @Senira322 8 років тому +4

    pete should seriously make some short guitar tutorials on improvising! he's just sooo amazing!

  • @nickhalewijn5668
    @nickhalewijn5668 8 років тому

    John Mayer's Fender signature pickups were called Big Dippers, because of the mid-scoop. 11:50

  • @gazfunk
    @gazfunk 8 років тому +4

    Pete is an exceptional player. Effortless.

  • @PepinoMichoacan
    @PepinoMichoacan 8 років тому +11

    Oh yes Pete please write that chord book !

    • @budandbean1
      @budandbean1 8 років тому +1

      ...or maybe just write down those tasty chords from today, wha-dya-say-err Pete... Please....

  • @manueletter7003
    @manueletter7003 8 років тому

    This really is an epic deal! Fantastic playing as well. Best commercial I've ever seen, probably.

  • @richfiryn
    @richfiryn 8 років тому +2

    That Sunburst Strat is Sweet !

  • @AidanMillward
    @AidanMillward 8 років тому

    Mayer's pickups were called the Big Dippers. I've got some BD clones in my Strat and they're phenomenal. Everything about Mayer's gear is to be honest.

  • @RafaelFernandesdosSantos
    @RafaelFernandesdosSantos 8 років тому +2

    Great video! Am I the only one that think they should provide the amazing loops that are created on the show ? I would love to jam over some of them.

  • @bignorm7242
    @bignorm7242 8 років тому

    The Strat Captain is holding in the title pic is the one I was referring to. It looks heavily reliced on the top of the body like mine is. Darn lighting :) Thanks for the reply! Keep inspiring us Captain! I love your style of blues! It's exactly what I'm striving for. Lots of love from Arizona U.S.A.!

  • @Aint1S
    @Aint1S 8 років тому +1

    loved it!
    Wish you had that BASSBREAKER 45 with the Marshall and allow to listen to the different nuisances in the demo. No one has compared the two amps as far as I know.
    I'd like to see that video or just demo two of the same guitar again. Using those two amps...

  • @milomole1263
    @milomole1263 7 років тому

    At 6:49 Lee's face describes exactly how I feel every time I see Pete play

  • @ericaltpeter9047
    @ericaltpeter9047 8 років тому +8

    I would totally buy "all the good chords" if Danish Pete wrote it!

  • @huwyt
    @huwyt 8 років тому

    That lick at the end - is that from Eric Gales' jam with Greg Koch at NAMM?

  • @Wren6991
    @Wren6991 8 років тому

    Holy shit the PCB in the back is absolutely the best idea ever. Not just as a guitarist but also as an electrical engineer. Such a simple idea, and so damn cheap to produce! I'm gonna do that to my Ibanez.

  • @belo1971
    @belo1971 8 років тому +2

    One of my favorite UA-cam guitar players !!! Love your work men :) even if I am French and do not understand all your jokes....no matter, your videos are awesome and you are killer guitar players , really !!! Great pleasure to watch every time !!! Thanks a lot....

    • @JackBealeGuitar
      @JackBealeGuitar 8 років тому

      don't worry no one understands their jokes.

  • @ituneyou1213
    @ituneyou1213 2 роки тому

    I just bought yesterday the honeyburst 2006 deluxe stratocaster and it's gorgeous and in mint condition for a 16 year old guitar

  • @jimmyjimjam
    @jimmyjimjam 8 років тому +5

    Pete's playing is a strange thing really - on one hand, he's not doing anything that particularly stands out in terms of technique or creativity, but when watching him improvise over a backing track, he has that air of authority with his playing. Like he knows he's good, and you know it too.. so you can completely relax and take in the music.
    With Lee, I felt like he was unsure of himself, and lacked confidence in what he was doing, and that made me feel a bit anxious while listening. It sounded great though - love his vibrato/bends.

    • @CaptAnderton
      @CaptAnderton 8 років тому +5

      +jimmyjimjam You have almost perfectly summed up what was going on in that video!!

    • @MinJerusalen
      @MinJerusalen 8 років тому +2

      +CaptAnderton you are a great blues rock player, be more confident ;)

  • @alzaguensey
    @alzaguensey 8 років тому +2

    I really want one of these... Head vs heart argument is raging over here!

  • @CJGamesEver
    @CJGamesEver 8 років тому +3

    Pete please learn me how to play like You 'cause you are so amazing!

  • @baldybonce29
    @baldybonce29 8 років тому

    amazing sound and technique guys,always makes me wanna rush home and plug in!!!

  • @annabelo8721
    @annabelo8721 8 років тому

    Playing from 14.30. Pete! wow! Sweat soul in your fingers my brother!!!!!!!

  • @Guitarwizza1
    @Guitarwizza1 6 років тому

    WHOA! 😮 I didn’t know they made more cards! I have the ice blue metallic single coil one. Where can I purchase the extra ones?

  • @joshf8097
    @joshf8097 8 років тому +1

    I'm a metal guy but man Pete is really amazing man. Really!

  • @aberkuta
    @aberkuta 8 років тому +1

    Capt'n- you said right. Pete could make a plank sound good, although you started to warm up with some mojo tones of your own toward the end of the vid. We can attribute that to being camera shy. Ha!
    So Pete- a suggestion title for your chord book:
    "Danish Pete's Magical Mojo Tone Book of Chords, that will make you famous or excommunicated " ( with illustrations)
    I'd buy it!
    So has anyone "repatriated" a Fender and shipped back to US?

    • @CaptAnderton
      @CaptAnderton 8 років тому

      +Andrew Berkuta Weirdly we do ship the odd American guitar back to the US - obviously our price has to be really low, but sometimes it happens!

  • @CarlosCandidoMusic
    @CarlosCandidoMusic 8 років тому

    Epic jams! Damn son! The Captain living up to his name, yeah.

  • @Zetamen7
    @Zetamen7 8 років тому +1

    I swear that every time I watch Pete playing I just think to myself "Well , time to give up"

  • @DayTreaper
    @DayTreaper 8 років тому +3

    I would kill for one of those...

  • @FransvandenBergeMuziekschuur
    @FransvandenBergeMuziekschuur 8 років тому +1

    Wonderful co host. Well done!

  • @mstringer90
    @mstringer90 8 років тому +1

    such a cool idea, very nice guitars!

  • @tommaxwell5602
    @tommaxwell5602 8 років тому +1

    I know it's not sexy, but can you do a feature on amp cabs? Differences, good ones, bad ones, price points, considerations etc? Love the show x

  • @Senira322
    @Senira322 8 років тому +1

    I love your videos! I believe i've watched every single one! also just ordered tone city pedals and they arrived just today (i know that's unrelated but just wanted to say thanks!) you guys are awesome!

    • @CaptAnderton
      @CaptAnderton 8 років тому +1

      +aravis123 Cheers man - hope you like the pedals!

    • @lmagine6494
      @lmagine6494 8 років тому

      +CaptAnderton I bought the Kaffir Lime and the Angel Wing from you guys! Love them both!!

  • @TheJomightymaniac
    @TheJomightymaniac 8 років тому +3

    If I had the money, I would be straight down there to buy one xD

  • @whosleptwiththesexmaschine1775
    @whosleptwiththesexmaschine1775 8 років тому +5

    you shouldmake an andertons jams cd!

  • @TylerRolloGuitar
    @TylerRolloGuitar 8 років тому +1

    I oh so wish I can be as good at improv as these guys

  • @eugenemcloughlin2880
    @eugenemcloughlin2880 8 років тому +1

    i like the idea of a humbucker in a fender think it seals the deal for me especially since im torn between a les paul or a fender

  • @Southgatemusic
    @Southgatemusic 8 років тому +1

    I'm not sold on this personality card thing. I can't really explain why. I'd love a strat, but I'm just put off it for some reason.
    Some people would probably love being able to get loads of different stuff out of their guitar, and that's cool. But to me, I just like a guitar to be what it is, and leave you to work with it. I'm sure loads of people will really benefit from it, and maybe I would. But I think I'd rather a standard strat.

  • @smy0003
    @smy0003 8 років тому

    So are we going to get to see Pete's backdoor or is that in another video?

  • @michaelbrohl1625
    @michaelbrohl1625 8 років тому

    I know this is way off topic but how about doing one of your famous blindfold tests with PRS SE vs S2 vs Custom ? Your blindfold videos are fantastic and informative.

  • @scottwillott1
    @scottwillott1 8 років тому +2

    Danish Pete kicks butt!

  • @PhiI93
    @PhiI93 8 років тому +3

    Pete is such a tasteful player. I don't think you can really 'learn' how to play like that. I think you just have to be musical and in touch with sounds.

  • @Strabbs12345
    @Strabbs12345 8 років тому +2

    Sound amazing

  • @Strabbs12345
    @Strabbs12345 8 років тому +1

    I bought one! I love it! My number 1 now

  • @sasmitha8446
    @sasmitha8446 8 років тому +1

    My question is.... Can it do the Eric Clapton Mid Boost?

  • @dvanolya
    @dvanolya 8 років тому +2

    The Captain playing with Pete is a pleasant change from Chappers... much more melodic vs. Chappers' constant high gain, speed riffing that gets old after a while.
    Lee, bring on Pete more often, please.

  • @sully1892
    @sully1892 8 років тому +1

    Damn, that tone is incredible...the playing was amazing, especially Pete! Anyone know what kind of genre of music you'd call the stuff they were playing around 14.30? I know it's hard to define but I could listen to that jam all day, really want to find more music like this.

    • @sasmitha8446
      @sasmitha8446 8 років тому

      Pretty much pop, I guess.

    • @sasmitha8446
      @sasmitha8446 8 років тому

      And a little jazz, and a little blues. Man, he plays everything.

    • @sully1892
      @sully1892 8 років тому

      Thanks, but I'm pretty sure that's not pop... No pop song has ever expressed that much emotion or skill if you know what I mean

  • @trevcornwall8160
    @trevcornwall8160 8 років тому +1

    Hey guys! Great combination! You were lovin those tones!!! Great entertainment! :-D

  • @angusyoung9594
    @angusyoung9594 8 років тому +2

    I want to play like Pete!

  • @801guitar3
    @801guitar3 6 років тому +1

    What happens if no personality card is installed?

  • @ZmanSilver
    @ZmanSilver 8 років тому

    John Mayer's style pickups were called "Big Dippers".

  • @chilihobbes6244
    @chilihobbes6244 8 років тому +1

    If it takes 10,000 hours practice to get good, how many million hours to get to Pete?

  • @jackhookings8907
    @jackhookings8907 7 років тому

    I would buy that book too.

  • @grilla6874
    @grilla6874 8 років тому +1

    15:34 damn pete..

  • @shfnderrock
    @shfnderrock 8 років тому +2

    Peter Perfect!! 👌

  • @bignorm7242
    @bignorm7242 8 років тому

    What guitar is the Captain holding in the title pic for the video?! It's a reliced Strat but he never showed it on the video. Reason I ask is because I have mine reliced exactly the same way for the last 5 years. Please more info.

    • @andertons
      @andertons  8 років тому

      +Big Norm the title pic for this video is taken from the video, so the Capt is just holding one of the guitars we demo. Are you talking about a different pic??

    • @DavidCoversxt
      @DavidCoversxt 8 років тому +1

      +Andertons Music Co Can you do a video on the Rory Gallagher strat?

  • @Wagoo
    @Wagoo 8 років тому

    Lee my purchase decision HINGES on whether the personality card hole still has the trippy smell to it, could you sniff some and verify???

    • @CaptAnderton
      @CaptAnderton 8 років тому +1

      +Wagoo I can confirm that the trippy smell seems to have worn off - kind of shame!?!

  • @hteosamnet
    @hteosamnet 8 років тому +1

    where is bea ? where is acoustic paradiso ? great video...

    • @andertons
      @andertons  8 років тому +1

      +hteosamnet New one coming Monday. Thank you for watching.

    • @CaptAnderton
      @CaptAnderton 8 років тому +3

      +Wethewax Britains relationship with the rest of Europe has always been a bit "different"! Yes the UK is geographically in Europe, but because of the little bit of water around us we always refer as "going to Europe" as leaving the UK & going to the mainland.

    • @kingstumble
      @kingstumble 8 років тому

      +Wethewax I am English.Vote LEAVE!!!!

    • @kingstumble
      @kingstumble 8 років тому

      +Wethewax If you want 75% of our laws to continue to be made by a bunch of unelected European technocrats fair enough. I don't.

    • @index1001
      @index1001 8 років тому

      +Zavach85 Neither would anyone who lives in Britain mate but you know how it is online these days...

  • @mynameisnicke
    @mynameisnicke 8 років тому

    will you showcase the EJ strat?

  • @Abhyyt
    @Abhyyt 8 років тому +2

    Do you guys have a left handed version of these?

    • @CaptAnderton
      @CaptAnderton 8 років тому

      +Abhishek Dhas Nope - don't think they ever made one - sorry!

  • @chrisact9601
    @chrisact9601 8 років тому

    Do you have any that look like Les Pauls? Preferably in black. :)

  • @joshhawkinsguitar
    @joshhawkinsguitar 8 років тому

    The Mayer pickups were Big Dippers :)

  • @Cacophaton
    @Cacophaton 8 років тому

    Will we get a demo of the Brent Hinds signature ? Looks banging for the bucks, and i've seen them on andertons.co.uk !

  • @demonbarber19861
    @demonbarber19861 8 років тому +1

    I would pay £999 right now to play like Danish Pete!!

  • @tncoltsfan
    @tncoltsfan 7 років тому

    Will this guitar still play if you don't have a personality card in it?

  • @nitemunky76
    @nitemunky76 8 років тому +1

    Fender's Personality Cards - they caught on then...

  • @maxstrandberg6714
    @maxstrandberg6714 8 років тому +1

    the captn playing seems so nervous when he is playing with pete

  • @josuecintron7230
    @josuecintron7230 8 років тому +2

    A tweeker's Dream

  • @stevelangman4686
    @stevelangman4686 8 років тому +1

    Beautiful playing! Please do some UA-cam lessons or a book Pete,.

  • @Banthaking
    @Banthaking 8 років тому

    Does someone know how i can get that jtm sound at home?
    I just love it so much! ^^

  • @Zavarzin
    @Zavarzin 8 років тому

    You forgot to smell the personality card slot! :)

  • @christianhalberstater6881
    @christianhalberstater6881 8 років тому +3

    Where's Bea? I love him, best player out of all that i've seen (the gretsch epic deals was amazing)

    • @andertons
      @andertons  8 років тому +2

      +Christian Halberstater He is in Berlin :)

    • @good_king_guitarman1334
      @good_king_guitarman1334 8 років тому

      +Andertons Music Co I hope he's bringing us back some proper German bratwurst. I love German bratwust!

    • @andertons
      @andertons  8 років тому +2

      +Good_king_guitarman Us too... Yes, who doesn't love a bit of bratwurst...

    • @OOO-s6b4i
      @OOO-s6b4i 8 років тому

      +Andertons Music Co There is a musicians fair in Ibbenbüren the day after tomorrow (up to 300 stalls with people selling / trading their gear, sheet music, equipment) - give him a couple days extra to stop by there and have a good time gear hunting :)

  • @styx85
    @styx85 8 років тому +1

    Can I buy just the personality cards and insert them in my back door?

    • @CaptAnderton
      @CaptAnderton 8 років тому +5

      +styx85 You can, but I'm not sure what personality you will end up with!

    • @styx85
      @styx85 8 років тому +2

      A flamboyant one, surely?

    • @maristoldboys5466
      @maristoldboys5466 5 років тому

      If you want sugar in the tank go ahead. #AnyWayTheWindBlows

  • @PhiI93
    @PhiI93 8 років тому

    I thought it meant Strat plus amp speaker blow out!

  • @AlexMcDougallPhotography
    @AlexMcDougallPhotography 8 років тому

    Can we have American special telecaster please?

  • @BV_Beve
    @BV_Beve 8 років тому

    Captain put me down for a Pete Honore 'personality playing card' as well .... awesome playing - wish you had the time to do more videos on your own channel Pete :) and come'on Captain can you make the hss version £799 plse ;) as I just spent over £200 with you on a voodoo power plus 2 & some Fulltone gold standard cables which arrived yesterday great service as always :)

    • @CaptAnderton
      @CaptAnderton 8 років тому

      +bvninja There is a long queue for Petes card!!

  • @beathermit3876
    @beathermit3876 8 років тому

    +CaptAnderton Shhhhhit, I remember these - the deal is epic indeed
    It's time you and the guys brought out the ChapMikuElite pedal with cards for each of your voices... :)

  • @Koziolrh
    @Koziolrh 8 років тому

    hey peter do you do guitar lessons? I'll pay you for one so you can teach lee a second scale that isn't a blues pentatonic. pick any. ANY. deal? love ya guys cheeryo.

  • @embreesmith7613
    @embreesmith7613 7 років тому

    sound like the Cap's "back door" isz pinchin' with too much identical inventory

  • @mjsharkey
    @mjsharkey 8 років тому

    You guys have to recut Lee yelling "Splitter" into more videos. Would be an awesome callback.

  • @Ellio1862
    @Ellio1862 8 років тому

    Obviously these didn't sell very well when they came out last year which is a shame because it was a clever idea and something totally different.

  • @bailzzzzzz
    @bailzzzzzz 8 років тому

    have any in left handed?

  • @Lael128
    @Lael128 8 років тому

    This is a great deal, but the American Deluxe Strat Plus isn't a step up on the American Deluxe. The American Deluxe has all of the sounds wired in, and all you have to do is press the S1 switch on the volume... Either way, it's cool. But not better.

  • @daviddawson9606
    @daviddawson9606 8 років тому

    Hi Guys when will the Veritas Guitar be in stock? Thanks

    • @CaptAnderton
      @CaptAnderton 8 років тому

      +David Dawson Not sure - still waiting for Veritas to finish building them!! Some time in the summer I hope.

    • @daviddawson9606
      @daviddawson9606 8 років тому

      Is there a way I can Pre-order one or find out what models and specs you are getting in? thanks man

    • @CaptAnderton
      @CaptAnderton 8 років тому

      +David Dawson sure - just call Matt our guitar dept manager - he'll help!

    • @daviddawson9606
      @daviddawson9606 8 років тому

      He have an email? Thanks

    • @daviddawson9606
      @daviddawson9606 8 років тому

      cheers bro

  • @dejongeblondegod
    @dejongeblondegod 8 років тому

    is that the hand wired jtm you're using or the standard re-issue?

    • @CaptAnderton
      @CaptAnderton 8 років тому

      +dejongeblondegod Just the standard one - sounds great doesn't it!

    • @dejongeblondegod
      @dejongeblondegod 8 років тому

      +CaptAnderton It sounds amazing. Never realized it's such a wonderful clean amp because it's so famous for its broken up sound.

    • @CaptAnderton
      @CaptAnderton 8 років тому

      +dejongeblondegod Me neither!

    • @Rhop
      @Rhop 8 років тому

      +dejongeblondegod Well, it makes complete sense, because the JTM45 was Jim Marshall's attempt to clone a Fender Bassman with the parts that were available to him in the UK.

  • @kentishmale1969
    @kentishmale1969 7 років тому

    Pete is top draw as we all know, but the Captain plays some shit hot blues too :)

  • @gabrielgvs0619
    @gabrielgvs0619 8 років тому

    As soon as I saw the "door" it all became clear -no one wanted anything to do with these. I knew something was fishy when the Captain made a cameo.

  • @gfvigouroux
    @gfvigouroux 8 років тому

    tried to buy something from your store... .they said noooo sales for my country... regards.

    • @CaptAnderton
      @CaptAnderton 8 років тому

      +Gustavo Flores Vigouroux What country are you in?

    • @RaduChelariu
      @RaduChelariu 8 років тому

      +CaptAnderton Don't know where Gustavo's from, but I got a no for Romania as well. Lots of love for you, Rob, Pete and Rabea. Not so much love for the customer support crew. :)

    • @gfvigouroux
      @gfvigouroux 8 років тому

      +CaptAnderton Sir, thanks for your fast answer, country is Chile by the way, if you have an email I can give you the complete detail to make the export, for is really easy, regards.

    • @gfvigouroux
      @gfvigouroux 8 років тому

      also we have no tax agreement when it comes to UK. We cannot buy amps on the states or any other place due to the electricity, our voltage runs on 220 Volts, so we have to buy europe.

    • @CaptAnderton
      @CaptAnderton 8 років тому

      +Radu Chelariu OK - we're adding Romania to the list of countries we ship to next week!

  • @aaronroosa6385
    @aaronroosa6385 7 років тому

    I need one...