Bam Margera's radio interview about Ryan Dunn's death

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @TheStonedTribe
    @TheStonedTribe 11 років тому +26

    Ryan Dunn lived life to the fullest, not to many people can say that. R.I.P. bud.

  • @Kinespojken
    @Kinespojken 10 років тому +65

    I'm getting frustrated hearing they keep talking over Bam. He just lost his best friend, let the man talk, what's the problem?!

    • @ericberstler5010
      @ericberstler5010 4 роки тому +3

      Welcome to wmmr they don’t let anyone get a word in without hearing themselves

    • @Kinespojken
      @Kinespojken 4 роки тому

      @@ericberstler5010 Is it still like that?

  • @mayathebeeisme
    @mayathebeeisme 10 років тому +8

    My mom passed away from Ovarian cancer when I was 27 and now I'm 29. I still have some interesting "spiritual" happenings that still go on. It's crazy...I can resonate with Bam and the interviewers' experiences. Keep the love alive tubers!

  • @Jonnybooster
    @Jonnybooster 13 років тому +9

    a week before his accident.
    My best friend Ryan also died at 3:00 AM.
    I am still trying to recover over this.

  • @Xena11376
    @Xena11376 8 років тому +11

    Even though it has been 5 years, I know poor BAM is still struggling, as most people would if they are even lucky enough to have someone you can truly call a best friend let alone one as close as the two of them were. I know BAM is struggling, but I hope he finds the strength to carry on bc I know that is what Ryan would want more than anything. You have so many people who are behind you BAM. Your fans are loyal and ride or die for you. Keep Ryan's memory alive sweetheart. You are the one who knew him the best and I pray you find comfort in the many many happy memories you have. Thank you for introducing Ryan to us. Just remember your fans are behind you 100%. Sending love and Prayers and Support from RVA-Jenn

  • @everydaylife2843
    @everydaylife2843 6 років тому +9

    RIP Dunn you are still very missed and we all miss you and Bam stay strong we are there for you and the rest of the gang

  • @MetalBail
    @MetalBail 13 років тому +7

    Ryan Dunn and Bam Margera litterally made me who I am, Much Love to them both, utter respect and will never ever forget! Ryan is always with you Bam!

  • @XRob21
    @XRob21 11 років тому +23

    RIP Dunn Jackass will never be the same without you :[

    • @JesseGMan7
      @JesseGMan7 6 місяців тому

      You were right. That last movie sucked, and Bams a shell of himself.

  • @loweb181
    @loweb181 13 років тому +3

    Thanks for posting...
    It's good to know Bam doing better. This is crazy how sad I feel for these guys I don't even know but at the same you know them pretty well through their movies. I wish I could have met Ryan....RIP my Random Hero

  • @sweetleafills
    @sweetleafills 13 років тому +20

    People make mistakes. Ryan Dunn made a huge one. That doesn't make him a horrible person. He was a beautiful human being. Bam just lost his brother and best friend and some of you people have the audacity to say the things you are, you DISGUST me. Absolutely disgust me. YOU are the horrible people.
    Bam stay strong. You are wonderful human being aswell, and fuck the people who say your reaction was just a ploy to get more attention. R.I.P. Ryan. You'll always have a place in your fans' hearts.

    • @brandoncox5044
      @brandoncox5044 5 років тому

      Right on brother

    • @NJDronesincorporated
      @NJDronesincorporated 2 роки тому

      People are just @ssholes, especially on the internet. They say things they don’t have the balls to say to their face. That’s why I don’t like anyone until I get to know them and find out if they’re a decent human being or not.

    • @AlexPletcherPhoto
      @AlexPletcherPhoto 2 роки тому

      He waa actually ritualistically sacrificed but people arent ready for that convo

    • @dboy2462
      @dboy2462 2 роки тому

      ​@@AlexPletcherPhoto 🤦‍♂️

    • @dboy2462
      @dboy2462 2 роки тому +1

      ​@@AlexPletcherPhoto 🤦‍♂️

  • @keithurbanscrazymonk
    @keithurbanscrazymonk 13 років тому +4

    When I first heard about Ryan's death my first concerns was Bam. I lost my friend 3 years ago and I know exactly what he is going through. RIP Dunn!

  • @RhondaPaschal
    @RhondaPaschal 12 років тому +6

    Bam knew Ryan since he was 12 years old, it has to be gut wrenching!

  • @BigBowy1
    @BigBowy1 13 років тому +2

    Thanks For The Upload
    This Is Really Sad

  • @topspeed8287
    @topspeed8287 4 роки тому +1

    even till this day i still have tears for ryan dunn he was a guy that lit up the room no matter where he went ..

  • @danelogan1532
    @danelogan1532 6 років тому +4

    WMMR! New Jersey played all the time. my fave station back then

  • @xoinproduct
    @xoinproduct 13 років тому +1

    ive met ryan dunn once, i live in pennsylvania, about 40mins away from west chester, i saw the crash site on the 21th. its a horrible scene, and very sad. the whole state of pa is mourning his lose, infact everyone is=/ he was a great person and hero to many. you will always be loved Ryan Dunn, you lived hard and died young.

  • @Moviewhiz1
    @Moviewhiz1 13 років тому +1

    Thanks for uploading this. Unbelievably depressing.

  • @edvedfan4life
    @edvedfan4life 13 років тому +1

    I have every episode of Viva La Bam and I have probably seen each one at least 15 times....and I'd like to thank Bam for allowing us the opportunity to get to know Ryan through VLB. My heart breaks for Ryan's family, Bam and their friends. It's still very hard to believe.

  • @thekangster5446
    @thekangster5446 6 років тому +3

    I know exactly how he feels loosing someone so close. I lost my bf more like sister yrs ago . You never get over it you just become numb after a while . I feel for everyone who looses someone close to them

  • @hotmess221
    @hotmess221 12 років тому +5

    I remember the day it happened to. I remember waking up and my friend comes running in my room saying look on TMZ now!! So I did and saw the caption on a photo, "Ryan Dunn dead after fiery crash." I personally don't know him but part of my heart died that day along with him and I don't know if i will ever get it back. RIP Ryan Dunn 1977-2011 we love you 

  • @kortninikkole
    @kortninikkole 13 років тому +5

    Man, it's hard listening to this....

  • @TheWeasleyBrothers
    @TheWeasleyBrothers 13 років тому +1

    A tribute on July 19th, my birthday, that would be pretty cool.
    We miss you, Ryan. I'm so glad that Bam is doing better. I feel for you. It was your best friend, and he was the first person you lost personally. I will be watching the G4 runs.
    Thanks for posting.

  • @ElenorStitz
    @ElenorStitz 13 років тому +6

    That's got to be awful for Zach's wife. Hearing the crash. Seeing the site daily. It's awful for everyone. But wow, that's crazy.

  • @bbillyk
    @bbillyk 13 років тому +8

    Great to see Bam's gotten himself together. Broke my heart seeing him at the crash site. CKY Forever.

  • @jessicacollins4042
    @jessicacollins4042 5 років тому +1

    Apparently this was recorded in the middle of July 2011. Last time Ryan Dunn was on bam radio was the 13th June 2011, Ryan passed away on the 20th June 2011 :( so sad. May they rest in peace. Bless the Dunns and the Margeras.

    • @Azoria4
      @Azoria4 3 роки тому

      It says in the bio it was 28th June

  • @peronkop
    @peronkop 13 років тому +9

    RIP Zach

  • @NJDronesincorporated
    @NJDronesincorporated 2 роки тому +3

    13:32 the idiot was Heroin Novak 😂 He was a nut when he was still on drugs, but a totally different dude now since he got clean. Glad to hear he’s helping other addicts with their recovery now.

  • @NJDronesincorporated
    @NJDronesincorporated 2 роки тому +1

    Rip random hero. Still missed to this day

  • @Hanika93
    @Hanika93 13 років тому

    Feeling for Bam x and R.I.P Ryan we all love you x Will miss you but won't be forgotten x

  • @michaelgriffith4110
    @michaelgriffith4110 Рік тому

    And he is still dealing with this. It really took a part of him and was never the same. This was to me the end of bam margera that i knew of growing up

  • @DespisedIconTakeOver
    @DespisedIconTakeOver 12 років тому +1

    I go to Dunns grave often and its still so surreal. From a die hard to Mr
    Pluggs I miss your infuence on this world and in my life. Forever Ryan Dunn. Props to bam for staying strong.

  • @47productions
    @47productions 13 років тому +1

    Would be a better interview if the hosts weren't cutting Bam off so often, but it's still worth listening to.

  • @backlineninja
    @backlineninja 12 років тому +3

    Random Hero R.I.P Ryan Dunn.

  • @Skoogaloochi
    @Skoogaloochi 13 років тому +1

    thanks for this, i was wondering how he managed after death and services! It's nice to have an update

  • @iwatchyouson
    @iwatchyouson 13 років тому +2

    r.i.p. dunn, we love you. we love you aswell bam, keep strong.

  • @LongDrive-ze9jw
    @LongDrive-ze9jw 4 роки тому

    It's tough losing someone that close.

  • @cmclsrnsee
    @cmclsrnsee 13 років тому

    its such a relief to see that bam is doing better it was really hard to see him in the crash site altough only half of my pain went away cuz i still miss dunn ALOT.thanks for posting... :`)
    PS-its kinda unbelivable how can i feel this bad for somebody that didnt knew me.i wish i met him...

  • @ashluh
    @ashluh 13 років тому +3

    Let me say to those that say otherwise... I have on good word that Ryan WAS a great guy, along with his passenger Zac. People make mistakes. Sometimes they end tragically. Sadly, this story did. But let's be positive and do our best to remember those lost as we remember them. Charismatic, hilarious, HUMAN BEINGS!

  • @jackdorward
    @jackdorward 13 років тому +3

    I Miss Dunn :'(

  • @DaniboyBR2
    @DaniboyBR2 12 років тому

    It wasn't last forever, it was cool to watch them have fun and shoot it all, its sad indeed, cause he was a person we all kinda knew, even through tv, cheers from Brazil.

  • @Callmethraxx444
    @Callmethraxx444 Рік тому +2

    First time listening to this. Lets see how this goes :/

  • @betogarcia409
    @betogarcia409 12 років тому

    R.I.P we all love you Ryan Dunn

  • @CommanderDaz
    @CommanderDaz 13 років тому +2

    glad that bams doing better now . rest in peace Ryan

  • @orangebluemango
    @orangebluemango 13 років тому +3

    the text from brad pritt kinda blew my mind

    • @ChinnyRusso
      @ChinnyRusso 2 роки тому

      10 years late but Pitt actually made 2 appearances on jackass the TV show

  • @cmcproductions26
    @cmcproductions26 6 років тому +2

    It says in the description that this was recorded on June 28th 2011. Dunn passed away on June 20th 2011. But I heard the interviewer say, "People have been talking about Ryan these past few weeks". So was this not recorded a week after he passed? I'm confused.

    • @billybrothers2492
      @billybrothers2492 6 років тому +1

      This interview was conducted in the middle of july 2011.

    • @AlmostCZ
      @AlmostCZ 5 років тому

      @AndreTreeCantSeeMe it was recorded on 28th June 2011

  • @oldsoulone7557
    @oldsoulone7557 4 роки тому +2

    I know its waaayyy late to reply now, but as somone who got left behind by a death, there isnt anything anyone can say. So dont feel bad if somone doesnt know what the right words are.
    Being there is all anyone can do. The ones grieving are on their own path. They've just gotta ride that path, cos nothing's gonna help initially.
    As a suggestion, if anyone wants to help somone grieving though, the best thing somone can do, is support the person, listen to them, reminisce on good times if appropriate, and keep an eye on the one grieving. Make sure the one grieving is handling the path their on their on the right way. Somtimes we'll smile an put on a front, but, thats a front....

  • @7063keisha
    @7063keisha 13 років тому

    So glad that Bam is doin much better :) , him at the crash site was just devastating

  • @jontevf
    @jontevf 13 років тому

    Dunn, we will miss you forever.

  • @WeirdGabyShit
    @WeirdGabyShit 11 років тому +3

    Tomorrow will be 2 years :'c

    • @brandoncox5044
      @brandoncox5044 5 років тому

      Rip Ryan Dunn

    • @bradpity
      @bradpity 3 роки тому

      been 10 now man its weird

    • @Azoria4
      @Azoria4 3 роки тому

      @@bradpity still feels like yesteday

  • @KornmanUNstoppable
    @KornmanUNstoppable 13 років тому

    @JDesole and unlike the media outlets The Preston and Steve show actually brought up Zac and then Bam talked about him a bit

  • @jackassgd
    @jackassgd 13 років тому

    glad you are doing better bam!! hang in there!!

  • @lilspliffster88
    @lilspliffster88 6 років тому +1

    Trust me bam it never feels real till u go the the wake that’s when it hit me...when I saw my bf in a casket too hard to think about that

  • @whimmyt
    @whimmyt 11 років тому +6

    Random ass hero!!!!!!

  • @Hiosho
    @Hiosho 7 років тому +1

    is this the story were Bam tells about someone hearing the Crash from Dunn?

  • @LolEYEHasFun
    @LolEYEHasFun 12 років тому +4

    but an experienced drinker can be totally cool at .08

  • @HBKshowstopper635
    @HBKshowstopper635 13 років тому

    thank god bam is dealing with it well now. i was kinda worried about him for a few days

  • @braderzzzz1
    @braderzzzz1 13 років тому +2

    i'm not trying to be harsh at all but what about zach, he died as well that day, no doubt i really appreciate bam and what he has lost and i admired ryan dunn for all of his accomplishments but zach was in that car and yet all the attention is on ryan dunn :/

  • @SWAGGAboy181
    @SWAGGAboy181 13 років тому

    still crying!!:(

  • @MrCraigary123
    @MrCraigary123 13 років тому +1

    Bam is awesome Ryan was awesome

  • @Slaughtermayne
    @Slaughtermayne 13 років тому +1

    Lol, "Go get me a pack of smokes and a gatorade" lmao

    • @danspielmann3741
      @danspielmann3741 3 роки тому

      Whoa I read your comment as the audio played on the video

  • @freshstart349
    @freshstart349 12 років тому

    everybody is saying that ryan dunn is jesse lagreca. have u seen the dallas occupy vid

  • @Technoboy1000
    @Technoboy1000 13 років тому

    What was their last projects name what they did with Bam, Dunn and Knoxville.

  • @turtlesfml
    @turtlesfml 12 років тому

    Hard to believe its been a year and a half

  • @schecterplayer123
    @schecterplayer123 13 років тому

    @braderzzzz1 i completely agree with you. everything ive posted about this, i've said R.I.P. for both of them. everyone should show respect to ryan and zach.

  • @jone3411
    @jone3411 11 років тому +2

    RIP bro miss you

  • @thomasjuniorsmith
    @thomasjuniorsmith 13 років тому

    @TheSalisburySteak fan, i live in detroit, & what are you 12?

  • @MrSnake9419
    @MrSnake9419 13 років тому +1

    You're all saying its Ryan Dunn's fault for Zac's death but its not like Ryan dunn tied him up and put him in the car with him, he had his own decision and he made it to be a passenger of a drunk driver he was just as bad iraqi war veteran or not

  • @ClassyCedes
    @ClassyCedes 13 років тому

    Rip Ryan Dunn! U r very missed

  • @KatiesArabVision
    @KatiesArabVision 13 років тому +1

    The fact that bam sees an owl that won't go away, owls are a symbol of death. Weird.

  • @lilshitty100
    @lilshitty100 12 років тому +1

    dunn was awesome rip

  • @ddrum121
    @ddrum121 13 років тому +1

    I know people are saying that Ryan was a bad person and stuff, but really he was a nice person and when anyone dies like this, I mean anyone, you have you have to give all u got to make it feel right. And Ryan is my favorite jackass star and made me laugh. Bye the way haters, someone died and you making fun of that means your going to hell

  • @wallywest2038
    @wallywest2038 11 років тому +1


  • @jeremeymiller3406
    @jeremeymiller3406 2 роки тому

    The greatest sadness of this tragedy is that it was so preventable and unnecessary as sad as it is Zachary hart well was the real victim here he handed over complete trust of his life in Ryan and he made some pretty poor decisions to drive like that is one thing but if you have other people in the car it’s senseless and irresponsible it’s sad to think he didn’t learn his lesson after the near fatal wreck bam was talking about but he went on to have around 13 run ins with the law for driving honestly should t even if had his license at that point he had so much left to give both of them did RIP boys.

  • @biff6523
    @biff6523 13 років тому

    I feel so sorry for him

  • @ericcam5556
    @ericcam5556 10 років тому +3

    Bam never answers the questions that they ask him he just rambles on about something that may be similar to the subject. He always does that in every interview even on howard stern. He is so scatter brained

    • @WillShadbolt
      @WillShadbolt 10 років тому +4

      He's ADD as hell, it happens alot, also he likes telling stories.

    • @Xxmeca421xX
      @Xxmeca421xX 9 років тому +1

      eric cam Politicians do the same thing.

    • @christopherbronson7204
      @christopherbronson7204 7 років тому

      Mr Smith For a business reason he can't. If you listen to radio bam he does the same thing

  • @jump23kid
    @jump23kid 13 років тому

    @TheMosquitooo randon hero was the name given to him by bam in cky

  • @Keepkeeplook
    @Keepkeeplook 13 років тому

    @braderzzzz1 Zach Galifianakis? :O

  • @CKYtookover
    @CKYtookover 12 років тому

    Miss ya Dunn

  • @emokiller159
    @emokiller159 13 років тому

    @JDesole Hope to see it.

  • @HellsHighwayTrooper
    @HellsHighwayTrooper 12 років тому

    who were dunns parents?

  • @925BulletproofAce
    @925BulletproofAce 3 місяці тому

    I enjoyed watching Dunn just as much as anyone, felt sad when I heard he had committed such a terrible mistake that took his life and the life of his friend. That being said, there’s no way Dunn could have played a role the same way Galifianakis did in the hangover movies. Galifianakis is an artist. the man has serious acting talent independent of the comedy genre. Just because Dunn and Galifianakis looked a bit a like (not really in actuality), doesn’t mean anything. Dunn was hilarious but he wasn’t a real actor, same with Knoxville. Knoxville is funny and talented in his own way, but I think everyone will agree that his acting is his weakest link in terms of being an entertainer. Still, RIP Dunn, just had to say Bam was 100% wrong there

  • @CrissMc22
    @CrissMc22 13 років тому

    @TheMosquitooo LOL Have you ever seen CKY4?

  • @Nirvanabro95
    @Nirvanabro95 13 років тому

    Thank god' he sounds better compared to the crash site' it would of been horrible to hear the crash and not knowing its your husband! :S R.I.P Ryan & Zach -3

  • @ATCRyderX
    @ATCRyderX 13 років тому +2

    :Sigh: =\
    Poor Guy lost his Best Friend.
    RIP Random Hero aKa Ryan Dunn.

  • @Elecktricd00m
    @Elecktricd00m 13 років тому

    For anybody who want to down on Dunn...picture your best friend.

  • @twonner32
    @twonner32 11 років тому +1

    The djs are annoying...very awkward...just let Bam talk!

  • @CaughtinamoshRecords
    @CaughtinamoshRecords 13 років тому +1

    @ComedianKid48 thats exactly what i thought

  • @meganveronica5155
    @meganveronica5155 5 років тому +2

    If you’re gunna talk over someone, don’t sound like stuttering John.

  • @x666waystol0vex
    @x666waystol0vex 13 років тому


  • @DanvahkiinYT
    @DanvahkiinYT 13 років тому

    @Technoboy1000 I think it was Mustache Riders or something...

    @aCRACKERN 13 років тому

    I sure hope that those 5 dislike is a missclick! :S

  • @TheFr8soulja
    @TheFr8soulja 12 років тому +1

    A lot of rotten comments on here- well that just sums you as a person- its sad. Easy to seek attention at your little computer when your life is nothing. Rip Ryan Dunn.

  • @fetlix
    @fetlix 13 років тому

    poor bam

    @iLLUMiNATiONRECORDz 13 років тому

    @braderzzzz1 Ive been drunk in a car before..with a drunk friend driving, and i told him to slow the fuck down or let me the fuck out... im pretty sure they were both drunk and having a kick ass time, and there was no objection to them driving wild. Zach could have said "fuck this shit bro let me out"... im sure ryan didnt ignore him in any way.. they both made a mistake and paid.. and its a terrible deal for jackass and the world.. both will be missed forever.

  • @christopherpoucher483
    @christopherpoucher483 2 роки тому

    2 stroke oil in the fuel wont hurt anything but the the catalytic converter...

  • @HellsHighwayTrooper
    @HellsHighwayTrooper 12 років тому

    hes brave doing this interview about 8 days after he died???

  • @christrigger94
    @christrigger94 13 років тому

    waiiiit i thought Brancon Novak was his best friend???

  • @schecterplayer123
    @schecterplayer123 13 років тому

    @YakuzaJoe88 about a couple thousand a month on the lambos, 500 a month on the mercedes-benz, a couple hundred on the hummer and thats the cars. Novak is in jail for warrants and using his old cellmates urine to pass a drug test (he got arrested for that after the police heard him say it on Radio Bam), he owns a bar and gets income from that, he gets more income from element and other sponsors.

  • @HarryTaylor91
    @HarryTaylor91 13 років тому

    Why did Novak go to jail?

  • @7Beltane
    @7Beltane 13 років тому

    i feel sorry for bam :/ very unfortunate.