Our bro is complaining that the room is too small, which is because this room is not a standard room per the size and it's hight I see in video. And Mr. Tezaawaataa also made a comment the before the white man brought roofing sheets nails, that our ancestors use the build house, and I want to also say that, white people were living in caves and by the time the white man could think of building a house to live in, our ancestors were builders and we were living in houses for thousands of years. Everything the white man does today was learnt from us, we should bear in mind that the Europeans visit to Africa in 1471 was not our first interaction with them. They started their in Kemet which known as Egypt by the Greeks, from there to Songaue empire, Mali empire, Ghana empire and Sudan until they started waging wars against us after they learnt from us. They fought with us about 1000 years before they conquered us in Egypt and we started migrating from the northern Africa to South-ward till we settled in our present days settlement and they later came in the 1471 to colonised us again. As until today, they are still studying Egypt which they called Egyptology.
Our bro is complaining that the room is too small, which is because this room is not a standard room per the size and it's hight I see in video. And Mr. Tezaawaataa also made a comment the before the white man brought roofing sheets nails, that our ancestors use the build house, and I want to also say that, white people were living in caves and by the time the white man could think of building a house to live in, our ancestors were builders and we were living in houses for thousands of years. Everything the white man does today was learnt from us, we should bear in mind that the Europeans visit to Africa in 1471 was not our first interaction with them. They started their in Kemet which known as Egypt by the Greeks, from there to Songaue empire, Mali empire, Ghana empire and Sudan until they started waging wars against us after they learnt from us. They fought with us about 1000 years before they conquered us in Egypt and we started migrating from the northern Africa to South-ward till we settled in our present days settlement and they later came in the 1471 to colonised us again. As until today, they are still studying Egypt which they called Egyptology.