No One Aghs is a very good item on Jugg but all other items are better on him. That's why you hit the jackpot wjen you get an Alch in your team and makes your ult go on for days.
No One I would give it to Timber too, but those extra slashes do more damage than another chakram if Jugg can hit them and maybe that's what they thought.
maybe. the only reason i thought of is more survivability on jugg as timber is ald tanky by himself. anyway w33's the ti runnerup so he prolly knows what he was doing.
@12:14 when w33 came out of his manta, did he appear to have teleported from where he popped manta? the animation doesn't look normal as if he got forced staff when he was disappeared for an instance into the manta xd
Confused Travolta the only reason DC was doing shit for a while was because of bulba, which he's now spreading his cancer to liquid. though I think liquid are playing without him for now
As a DC fan i think they started to immediatly improve as soon as the new CIS players joined. Chemistry is very important in a team so when Misery and w33 were on the team, now they just needed to Scrim and shit with moo and saksa and reso. and it was GE GE.
w33 be like: you got an aghanim, you got an aghanim, everyone got aghanim!!
Meellodi Jean still couldn't understand why he gift the first aghs to jugg and not timber. maybe jugg needs the stats but im not sure
No One Aghs is a very good item on Jugg but all other items are better on him. That's why you hit the jackpot wjen you get an Alch in your team and makes your ult go on for days.
ScuderiaFan not questioning the item on jugg. just wondering why jugg first and not timber. aghs on timber has more utility and damage.
No One I would give it to Timber too, but those extra slashes do more damage than another chakram if Jugg can hit them and maybe that's what they thought.
maybe. the only reason i thought of is more survivability on jugg as timber is ald tanky by himself. anyway w33's the ti runnerup so he prolly knows what he was doing.
the caster didnt noticed that jugger was ratting dire's ancient at the end, instead he said the creeps LUL
Big Black Coke didnt ya know that jugg's on the same power level with megas? Kappa
What does the scouter say about his power level?
Admiral Ackbar over 9k mmr?
BUT THE CREEPS!!!!111 meanwhile juggernaut with super duper golden set is spining next to the ancient
Pay 2 Win game. Juggernaut's cosmetic makes him look like a creep 😂
good to hear Synderen casting!
and he should stick to it rather than playing
8:40 pudge hooked juggernaut while omnislash :D
11:32 nice burrowstrike :D
Lol .. That Ditya Ra move on Reso when they are playing against Navi on Manila Major ..
when your inner alliance kicks in
moon chakrams idk if he's trying to hit riki..
Jake Noora
awesome caster, lots of clever lines
@12:14 when w33 came out of his manta, did he appear to have teleported from where he popped manta? the animation doesn't look normal as if he got forced staff when he was disappeared for an instance into the manta xd
wildmind replay error apparently, I watch in game and alc has a proper force staff animation, though he pop his manta mid force staff animation
DC tactics: 1. pick op hero's
2. timber
3. alchemist
4. juggernaut
5. pudge
7. ez game
what a game
omnislash on heroes under lotus orb's effect makes it looks like a clash in dragon ball tho
i dont understand at the war 7:00 why sandking buyback and not casting the epicenter lol instead he just stun and back and then died again.
6:30 godlike streak= killing spree apparently
I'm pretty sure Ursa's godlike streak goes to moon is what he meant.
Fuck. What a game.
wher is Wings?
DC is doing a comeback?
Confused Travolta the only reason DC was doing shit for a while was because of bulba, which he's now spreading his cancer to liquid. though I think liquid are playing without him for now
SupaL33tKillar liquid dropped bulba a while ago, and bulba hasn't been on DC for like a year. He wasn't even with dc during the manila major
pavan2492 that good news. and it takes a while to recuperate from a traumatic experience. nobody gets better instantly after such shit experience
SupaL33tKillar very true. Although for liquid the first tournament they dropped bulba they instantly won so maybe the cure is 9k replacements
As a DC fan i think they started to immediatly improve as soon as the new CIS players joined. Chemistry is very important in a team so when Misery and w33 were on the team, now they just needed to Scrim and shit with moo and saksa and reso. and it was GE GE.
10:38 mynuts
Разор не заслуживал победы!
LFY noob no TP back at the end...
sand king is so fukcing broken
Drow is so fuckin broken; PA is so fuckin broken; Morph is so fuckin broken; OD is so fuckin broken; etc ...
Lunatic Living that's the fun of dota every hero is strong in the right setup
ZacargoGaming thats my point
Lunatic Living no but sand king is actually fucking broken
Carl B yeah just realized, everyonepicks him
5:14 timber , lul?
John Paco Vásquez
That Rubick is bad at team fights
holy dc ti6
Lol dude hold your horses, they barely won against a tier 2 team.
Fawkzzz they barely won a match, not the series
There's no na'vi, secret even lulquid in this major :)
Pajar Yoga what's your point?
Does someone told an joke about pugna and razor? Kappa
Resolution RAT DOTO
LFYs gonna comeback yeah
Xia mian ba dan shen gou, chen ya shi wo de
cao ni ma
cao ni ma
ni de zhong wen zhen hao
xiao8 shud play offlane and give the supp role to yao. no wonder why they lost.
IDK if Yao plays support but Xiao8 and Yao are good friends and so he wants to play with him even though Yao isn't a top tier offlane since TI2.
go navi
How is that stupid? Reso saw the creeps and TP in to rat the throne... that was a brilliant play.
well, in a tournament. NOT doing that is stupid..
haha bye logic
LFY? More like Leafy lul Kappa
One Eye Bandit couldn't even do a meme correctly. it's LFY not LLP stupid fuck
Victor Ramos Leon not b4 me
Pharos what
Victor Ramos Leon nothin
typical chinese doto. 322er
what a game