The oldschool/throwback kick is so satisfying to hear again. Love it that it's making a comeback. Also the melody and the rest of the track is real good! Well done! Love it!
Tof om je op 18-07-2022 samen met Sietse (Da Mouth Of Madness) tegen te komen, voor de A'dam Toren in Amsterdam Noord. Jullie waren toen met het maken van deze productie bezig. 😃👊
@sean smyth Good choice. If you mean the decade since 2010, I would say it's the remix of "Forgotten Moments" from Ophidian. But there are so many...also from Angerfist; Voice of Mayhem, Pearly Gates and so on. But the best Hardcore track of all time is Butterfly VIP imo
@sean smyth I would choose Miss Hysteria & Ophidian - Nothing Waits, Nosferatu - Sanctity of Space/ Strength or some other Ophidian track like Love is digital. :P
Great track, I love the intro too. Oldschool bangers! The vidéoclip is high quality too, great colorimetry and transitions. Just the story with gun is unuseful.
Collab of legends 🤝❤️
your here
You should make a track together with Angerfist ;)
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ you and anger man, we need it, too many years have passed
U just gonna comment on all his vids low budget Motörhead?
Omg ich bin ein Fan von dir
That Oldschool kick in the intro was such fire!!!!!
Precies. en de rest is kut. Enter
Indeed, I was going to leave the same comment :)
Fuck yes
reminds me of jumpstyle
@@Mcrsh7 wtf
The oldschool/throwback kick is so satisfying to hear again. Love it that it's making a comeback. Also the melody and the rest of the track is real good! Well done! Love it!
Wat een heerlijke sensatie van de ''early'' vibes tot de ''nieuwere'' generatie. Puur HARDCORE.
Hitting the gym with this song, curls so easy with this on.
0:40 Acidcore!!🔥🔥
3:30 that part reminds "The Deadfaced Dimension" 🔥🔥🔥 Raise Your Fist✊✊
0:40 what exactly is that? I love that
The King of Hardcore +
The Voice of Hardcore = Fist of Madness! ✊✊
bro has responded on almost every music video i've seen
@@mickeyverhulsdonk5466 If I listen to a track and like it, I write a comment. You think there is something wrong if I write a comment?
Been listening to Angerfist for over a decade and I'm NEVER disappointed. Absolute bangers!
Been listening since I was 11 I’m now 17 I’ve never been disappointed
Stood true to his craft. Man’s been a legend since before angerfist and has owned hardcore the entire time
Same here, I swear he’s never dropped bad music
Des frissons du début jusqu'à la fin ✊🏼🇨🇵
C’est Angerfist qui viens de chasser Norman le pointeur aha 😂
un artiste de génie
L'acid et la core c'est une jolie histoire d'amour aussi
That early-hardcore opening with the acid fire is unreal. Love it, more like this please!
Never ever STOP producing... 2022 and angerfist is STILL holding it down!!! 🔥🙏💪
Cant wait to see angerfist on the thunderdome💥💥
One of the best tracks for sure 🔥
Tof om je op 18-07-2022 samen met Sietse (Da Mouth Of Madness) tegen te komen, voor de A'dam Toren in Amsterdam Noord. Jullie waren toen met het maken van deze productie bezig. 😃👊
Holy shit finally!! Play this song this weekend at glasgow! I be there!!
Man I want more like this first melody and kick
We're heréééé😂🎉 😅😂😅🎉 kiek 'm goan daaan
I heard him play this in Glasgow last saturday! It's really good, reminds me of the acidy stuff that was around in the 90's.
Love this ❤
Es una pasada!!! y ese rollo oldschool me sube la adrenalina y me transporta a buenos tiempos
Anger fist el más duro en el Hard core
Angerfist the absolut god of Hardcore raise your fist for Angerfist
3:33 what is thiss man🛐🔥🔥
Raw hard and heavy for sure. I liked that intro kick. The melody was huge 💙 I like how angerfist puts hiphop vocals randomly into the hardcore track
I've been waiting for Angerfist too make a track like this. Awsomeness Boss! 🔥
FuckN GreaT! my respect back for u.....sounds like the good old times
Man the old school 2008 is Fire
IM REAAAADYYYY👊👊✊✊✊✊♥️♥️♥️
Now this one is the one I've been waiting for
Epic, as expected. Thanks!
A minute silence for people who don't like this music
you gave em a 3 month silence, jeez
who can not love this music, it's the best of music I've heard bro 💣❤️🔥💯
🔥🔥💥💥💥 musica x fetta
best banger ever bro im proud on you both
Omg jadooooor, le clip et le son est juste mega insine
Ciao super Raise your fist un saluto è un abbraccio dall'italia continua così Dj numero 1 dell hardcore ciao Angerfist
WTF mal wieder eine richtig geile Nummer
Angerfist doing it again, smashing the scene! The clip is also mad good!
the king is back!!!... Grande Angerfist!..
Track of the year. If not of decade. The most banger melody of his career imo.
Lol that's a little bit too much
@@wlrlel hahaha true
@sean smyth Good choice. If you mean the decade since 2010, I would say it's the remix of "Forgotten Moments" from Ophidian. But there are so many...also from Angerfist; Voice of Mayhem, Pearly Gates and so on. But the best Hardcore track of all time is Butterfly VIP imo
@sean smyth I would choose Miss Hysteria & Ophidian - Nothing Waits, Nosferatu - Sanctity of Space/ Strength or some other Ophidian track like Love is digital. :P
Angerfist the master back at it again, 😎✊🏻
mannn this clip! you are killing the game!
woahhhhhhhhhhhhh Fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 love it bro more more more
Nice awesome Clip! 🎆
“I’m a MC and ambassador for the scene. I don’t live in sub-genres, I live for Hardcore!” by Da Mouth of Madness .
imagine you walk somewhere in a forest at evening and suddenly you see angerfist with a gun!😂
@@Mandy-Lane Then you are a penguin. 😉😎
Great track, I love the intro too. Oldschool bangers! The vidéoclip is high quality too, great colorimetry and transitions. Just the story with gun is unuseful.
Kept me glued to the screen, amazing video and killer track 🔥🔥
the king of hardcore + raise your fist and vote for Angerfist 💥🔥
Mooning Music ❤
Da belly of madness rocks in this one. Good Mr. Angerfist, I like Song and video 👊🏻
I can't wait!!!
When you thought he made his best track, he comes up with this.
Let's gooooooo
I remember pissin razorblades was my First CD 18 years later the boy still stabbin love you angerfist
You're a legend
💥💥💥💥💥i love hardcore❤️🤟❤️ nos vemos la semana que viene en MADHOUSE💪💪💪💪
I’m so excited to see him again in SoCal after 4 years!!! Ready to see you at Beyond Wonderland!!
Mission: Deliver bombs to our ears
Status: Bombs delivered
Author(s): 👊✊👄
Let’s Go waited for this one
since the moh set
Love that old 303 sound Mister Angerfist keep it distorted . Distorted Freakz 4 life
Nou DIT is de Angerfist die ik graag meer wil zien, Machtige plaat!
Angerfist is our Hardcore God! ✊
more oldschool Kicks 🔥😍
Banger Alert
dude angerfist needs to make a movie
Im so Excited. HC4L 😎
One million subscription soon
Great Track AngerFist always Fire🔥
Angerfist ♡#1Hardcore 🖤👊🏻🔥✌🏻
After 2,3 years Angerfist make good music again
*lets put a rave on that fist🔥*
The Master of Gabber and Hardcore 🔥
angerfist is the fucking king, 7 year since i found him, and my life has been better for it.
Thank you Danny for another masterpiece! 🫶🏻 Raise Your fist For Angerfist!🫶🏻✊
Angerfist 👊👊
Best HardCore DJ right now
Angerfist ist und bleibt der BESTE ♥♥♥
Tune of the year ...... Great 👍👍👍👍 angerfist
Brother, saw you a week ago in Paris ( Coliseum ) and it was straight fire ! And come on WTF is this song ? It's so good, so original
This is🔥🔥🔥🔥
The best DJ Angerfist.
Angerfist fürs Leben🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
This sounds so oldskool it took me back. Great track
The second drop is the best!!!!
head over heels 💓
Nach 1h Stunde Angerfist funkeln meine Neuronen . Danke !
RAISE YOUR FIST🔊🔊🗜️⚙️🚀🔊🔊⚒️🛠️🔊🔊⚔️🔧⛓️🔗🔊🔊🎶🎶🎶
Very nice this song and brutal new video Angerfist
Can’t wait to see The Hardcore King in Lyon !!! 👊🔥
Excellent début, ça retombe ensuite.
F*** yeah ❤️❤️❤️
Im here 👊👊👊
NUUUMBERRRR OOOOONEEEEE!!!!! THE KIIIIINGGG!!!!! 🤜🤜🤜🤜✊✊✊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊✊👊👊💥💥💥💥💥
🦻🦻🔥 🔥 complete gas!
Wow! This one is a banger for sure 🔥🔥
Beast of a track !!
RAISE your fist for ANGER FIST!