Top 10 CELPIP Tips, Tricks, Templates & Shortcuts! DETAILED Version Covering All Modules!

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024


  • @tothenicslevel
    @tothenicslevel Рік тому +4

    Hi! Thank you so much for the videos that you have been uploading! Took my CELPIP last Sunday and got the result today with flying colors! Keep helping others! 😊

  • @mariajosephineblanquisco8373
    @mariajosephineblanquisco8373 Рік тому +1

    Thank you

  • @hzadeducation-coachingcent986
    @hzadeducation-coachingcent986  10 місяців тому

    Transcript continued: re proven to give people 9 10 11 time after time again now the second part is for reading this is the second tip when you read anything in cell paper it's mostly multiple choice questions read the questions first I always tell that to people if you read the passage then you look at the questions you will once again have to read the passage so don't waste time read the questions first and then when you go to the passage you will be looking specifically for those keywords that content those phrases or their paraphrasing this will save you tons of time and it will make you get the accurate answers remember CELPIP reading time is very limited and recently A lot of people have been failing in CELPIP reading I'm going to be making a video about CELPIP reading separately this week so please subscribe if you haven't already to get access to that video now the third thing is again my third point is about reading as well again a very challenging module especially in the last few months in Reading Parts one and four you have a second part after the multiple choice questions where you get a paragraph and in that paragraph there is a response to the actual article that was written so in part one it's a response letter to the original letter and in part four it is a comment made by someone who read the initial article that was in section one of part four so in both of these cases they're basically response letters all right here you do not have to look at the questions first what you can do here is first of all give it lesser time than the first section of Parts one and four because the first section of Parts one and four require you to read the whole passage and find out details there you really have to understand everything but in the second part at this time you have understood the whole passage you have understood the first section you know what the letter or the article is about that's why most students are able to do this second section of Parts one and four in about twenty percent of the time and why again this works so easily is because you have understood the article the initial article so far so what you can do is make educated reasonable choices I don't even say guesses because it's you're not guessing you are answering these last few questions based on your knowledge and understanding of the tone of the first section so for example in the letter in part one if Bob was super friendly and inviting Charlie over for a dinner then in the response letter what do you think Charlie would say Charlie would probably say sure I would love to go so if there's an a tone like this that you're looking for among the multiple choice questions you will be able to figure out what tone or what content to pick and what answer to choose so you don't need to really go back up and down to answer these questions in the second part you can read the tone and make reasonable suggestions don't want to say guesses because you can understand them but if you get confused you can always go up in the first section and read it and quickly come down let's go to listening now in listening the most important strategy is note-taking this is not like IELTS or other exams where you have questions in front of you while the audio is being played here the questions come after the audio has been played during the audio you have a piece of paper and a pen or pencil and you are taking notes using your notes later you you're going to answer the questions that come so if you have enough notes you're going to get all answers correct simple as that if I give you a transcript of what was said and I put it in front of you you will know the answer to everything right so if you write as much as possible you can get the correct answers so here you need to improve your writing speed you also need to write very clearly doesn't mean that you need to have a good writing most likely you need to have a bad writing because you're writing fast but you need to write clear points what was said and if it was something with an expression such as it was set positively put a smiley face next to it if it was said negatively put a negative face next to it this is more important when you go to part six because that's where there are different viewpoints and there are people who agree and disagree on certain content so there you can use this because some questions will ask you was Kathy positive about this or how did Sarah disagree with this person even if they don't ask you who was happy or sad they're gonna ask you interpretative questions so you need to know what the feeling in the mood was when you were answering those questions another thing is the way you take notes can be made much faster here's an example so this is a quick example right here about note-taking here the actual transcript was very long okay this is part four of your listening and what the transcript said was there's a tree there was a bird sitting on top of a tree and this is me drawing the transcript okay I'll tell you why I did this a bird is sitting on top of a tree and it was all of a s

    • @hzadeducation-coachingcent986
      @hzadeducation-coachingcent986  10 місяців тому

      udden it fell down in a pool this is a pool all right pardon my bad drawing but there's a pool and there's a guy you can see is astonished so I make made astonishing face instead of writing that he is astonished or surprised and he saw the bird and the bird then went out and said something the bird actually talked and that is why this guy is again astonished because of the bird dropping then the verse starts to talk now when this happened this guy I took the bird home takes it home and after a few days of having the bird in the house this guy realized that the bird came from research it was actually a research project and that's that so you can see I said so many things if I started to write all those things I wouldn't be able to do that I have to use a combination here of pictures and words to describe or summarize everything that is being said in the transcript this is how you can do notes much faster and remember I still haven't written everything and no one can the listening is fast so I remember from cues that when it says takes it home the next part is after a few days he discovered himself that it came from research so that is given it's something that I would remember it's something I can even guess from reading these notes and that's good enough so you need to keep it the note taking in three things memory words and pictures and that will ensure you capture every content of the transcript now when it comes to part 5 listing and this is our fifth tip you need to make sure you look at the video as well this is a listening test but you also have to visually see people because in this part a major problem and a place where a lot of people make mistakes is they don't see who is saying what now if the question says what did the guy with the with the blue here say or what did the ballot guys say what did the girl with the glasses say or how did the guy on the right argue with the girl on the left so if you don't know who was on the right and left how the person looked like their sweater their shirt you will not get the answers so make sure you look and see who is saying what visual interpretation is also important as well as their expressions are they positive negative again neutral there could be questions based on how this this person felt so it's not completely listening when it comes to part 5 listing it's listening and looking and observing as well now when it comes to writing it's very important to have the right structure there are three points that people lose very quickly for structure coherence cohesion and paragraphing three points in total for all of this and sometimes even more depending on how badly is screw it up so if you want to see the written version of this go to the templates video that is in the description as I mentioned earlier for writing but I'm going to tell you briefly how this works if you're doing part one letter or email you want to make five paragraphs the first paragraph in formal in the formal letters mentions the purpose of your writing and there's three body paragraphs and then your conclusion which is the ending greeting which is something like looking forward to talking with you or something more natural or unique which you will find in my templates Again the video for that is in the description so that is formal letter intro conclusion and three body paragraphs in the middle for the informal you have again intro and conclusion three paragraphs in the middle here the only difference is in the intro and conclusion you're just greeting the other person hey how's it going how are the kids that goes at the start at the end it's something like uh I hope I see you guys soon can't wait to meet up talk to you soon stuff like that okay and then there's three paragraphs in the middle for both letters or both emails what are the three paragraphs in the middle they simply cover the three bullet points that are in the question simple as that so for each bullet point you have one paragraph that easily separates every task separately that will never confuse you or the examiner it's going to be very clear that one bullet belongs to one paragraph and that's it five paragraphs not more in part one in part two you have four paragraphs again the template description now here you want to start your intro with giving your opinion and choosing one side don't choose two sides always choose one side in the conclusion you're going to rephrase your opinion in body One You're Gonna Give two points one to two but I really prefer to that's where people score most marks two points why you support your option body two you give two points why you oppose the other option that's it okay that's how you make the four paragraphs that's the structure for task one and task two let's talk about speaking a major mistake here is you the candidate thinking the more you talk the more points you make the more marks you will get which is absolutely incorrect a rule to follow is two to four points Max per question in all eight parts of selfless speaking don't do more than four points if you're doing too many points you are giving small sentences in a minute or a minute and a half small sentences w

    • @hzadeducation-coachingcent986
      @hzadeducation-coachingcent986  10 місяців тому

      ith not enough description and if you don't have enough description it's not gonna be complex it's not gonna have a range and it's gonna feel rushed it's also going to keep you out of breath so make sure you your sentences are long you have a combination of complex and simple sentences we'll get to that in a sec and make sure you have quality points every point you mention is explained well it's descriptive and detailed instead of you giving multiple points like 10 points in a minute and not explaining any one of them so quality versus quantity is a major confusion in cell but make sure you have more quality versus quantity now let's talk about our next point which is complex sentences so here is where the previous point is going to make a lot more sense complex sentences are sentences which have two parts in them for example if I start a sentence with although I'm going to say although I am really sick today next thing I'm going to say is I will still go to work so there's two points here now if I just said I'm sick today next sentence I'll still go to work or but I'll still go to work I am separating the sentences this will not give me more marks but if I say although I'm sick I'm still gonna go to work this becomes a complex sentence because I'm mixing two things into one there are a few words you can use at the start of sentences to make your sentences complex in writing and in speaking so the first one would be something like although there's due to considering concerning because of while and there are more but you should use at least three to four of them in your speaking and three to four of them in your writing overall in task one and two because the more complex sentences you use the more marks you will get remember though caution here don't use all sentences as complex make sure you have a mixture of complex and simple sentences for both writing and speaking the next thing is speaking pauses now we talked a lot about what to do while speaking what about what to do in between your sentences that's where a lot of mistakes have happening because here is where people put um people say you know like so people put fillers here or sometimes they have a long pause or a long um okay or they repeat the previous point so lots of messy things happen in between your sentences the two best things you can do are pause okay and use connectors so if you are in between sentences you can pause for one to two seconds there's nothing wrong with that in fact it shows confidence it shows control if you don't pause it shows nervousness so pausing will help you control the flow also if you don't want to pause or you want to keep a mixture which is good keeping a mixture of things is important use connectors connectors could be things like moreover also accordingly likewise and if it's contradiction it's however nonetheless nevertheless if it's conclusion it's therefore hands and thus there you go use good connectors for a good range and vocabulary marks let's talk about tip number 10 which is how you can score on nine the problem is when you see samples online with speaking that have really easy speaking with people saying um you know and making lots of grammar mistakes and the mark there is a CELPIP nine for that student that just frustrates me that really frustrates me because in real life that does not happen in real life same thing with writing the samples you see online not all of them but most of them that easily tell you if you write like this you speak like this you're gonna get a nine forget about it let me tell you if you make more than two mistakes grammar mistakes you're not gonna get a nine in writing or speaking there are a lot of other factors that come into it but that's what I've seen you can understand that getting a nine is hard because native speakers are not able to get an eye okay I always tell people it's almost like you need a PhD level of English a degree in literature to score a nine or more you have to be excellent you have to be very different than every other speaker or writer it needs to be a very very extraordinary level of English so if you want to see the real mock tests how the real exam looks like check out our course in the description that will have five mock tests that reflect the real exam we also provide free feedback so we'll tell you what you're going to score in real life in writing and speaking and what we say is usually exactly what students score in the real exam but even if you don't take the course if you do take the course do not take nine plus lightly that is something where you make no mistakes you talk even better than a native speaker because native speakers make mistakes too so your level should be better than that and your writing should be excellent writing especially would need a lot of complex vocabulary phrases speaking it it's more on expression but also vocab but remember it's not the day-to-day English you speak it's not a normal English test and even if you make zero mistakes you might still not score a nine because you will need complex sentences vocabulary and all those fancy things so it's a very hard thing to do and I want to just make sure you understand that because people think it's in English exam they book it in two days and they realize that they have to book it now three or four more times because every time they take it lightly if you have failed four or five six times which a lot of you have you know that nine is not an easy scored again to guarantee a nine you can also check out our course in the description we make sure you will get that score if you don't provide a money back guarantee we also offer tutoring and we also tell people take a tutor get coaching make sure you're ready for the exam give it time and that will ensure you don't waste money and time on reevaluation and rebooking the exam because it's very very expensive panel here is dedicated to help of students and all content that is going to be upcoming is going to be full of self-packed content a lot of free content coming up so please subscribe if you want to get access to that please like and share it with your friends too because a lot of people are struggling with it if you and your friends follow these tips it's a guaranteed path to success all the best

    • @DaljitKajal
      @DaljitKajal 19 днів тому


  • @mavisobi4067
    @mavisobi4067 4 місяці тому

    Scored a 4 in reading
    4 in listening
    8 in writing
    10 in speaking

    • @hzadeducation-coachingcent986
      @hzadeducation-coachingcent986  4 місяці тому

      Oh wow! Your level is clearly not 4 if you have good writing and speaking scores. Can you email us at We will conduct an assessment for you to see what's happening in those two modules.