Right cuz the DAMADE that the BYEDONE admin is doing right now to hurt TRUMPS ability to get things done. Like BYE DONE is auctioning off the border wall portions to the lowest bidders. ALL us conservatives should BUY them for $5 a portion n give it to the TRUMP admin.
I never understand a "word" from Kamala's mouth. She's in her own world with her lost-in-translation thoughts & sounds like she is drunk 24/7. Shockingly, anyone considered voting for her.
I think the funeral home celebrating the life of a loved one passing instead of silent sadness is a good idea. I've always thought the Gypsie's had the best tradition when it comes to a funeral because they do an open casket, live music, tons of food & booze & they dance and celebrate "next to" the dead loved ones' casket. They celebrate the life & memories of their loved ones instead of sitting in sadness and quiet, waiting for the funeral to end. I think they have the right idea; that's what I would want for my funeral, & this funeral home is trying something new, nothing wrong with that.
She is not the only one I have heard that theory from. There were a few videos from highly credible sources who literally said the same thing (That they are sniffing for something, perhaps radioactive)
The future is bright with all you young people Karmala says, BUT don't forget she said that all young people were STUPID in one of her word salads ??? can't have it both ways Kackerling Karmala with one is it ??
You might be exaggerating a bit I think maybe after the service a few folks might shoulder up add a little bar for a drink or to reminiscing about the deceased
MACKIE and KAT need a spin off that is actually funny... they have amazing chemistry and he is soooooo funny... if he is not head writer he needs to be, or become full time on-air talent
An exchange traded fund, Unusual Whales Democratic ETF which follows investments made by congressional Democrats has outperformed the S&P 5oo since it's inception.
Thanks for Watching
Please Like video & Subcribe channel ! Thanks all
Jan 20th can't get here fast enough.
Right cuz the DAMADE that the BYEDONE admin is doing right now to hurt
TRUMPS ability to get things done. Like BYE DONE is auctioning off the
border wall portions to the lowest bidders. ALL us conservatives should BUY
them for $5 a portion n give it to the TRUMP admin.
You guys are great guests and panel folks. But it really is greg that brings the fire.
Hartis talks exactly like my drunk sister. I shit you not. Even the laughing.
That right there must be a NIGHTMARE for ya huh???
I never understand a "word" from Kamala's mouth. She's in her own world with her lost-in-translation thoughts & sounds like she is drunk 24/7. Shockingly, anyone considered voting for her.
It’s the Venn diagrams that she loves so much. She’s lost in the Venn universe. 😂
I cringe every time I hear her and to think people actually look up to her let alone vote for her as president.
Nice of the aliens to put faa warning lights on their UFOs
Good copy and paste.😮
OOOOHHHHH ! "MRS. DEEP !" She is nauseating, and it is the first time I thank GOD that JOE BIDEN DID NOT DIE IN OFFICE ! ! !
Kamala looked like SNL, but it was supposed to be serious (one reason she lost)
She always sounds like a SNL skit
Just what I was thinking
Yeah... The yogurt joke was an SNL ripoff. That's ok though. Liberal SNL sucks these days anyway.
worse at that
SO GLAD to see Shannon Bream on Gutfeld! She is SO Attractive...& smart! 😍
I'm turning off the media until January 21st.
🤔 hmm good idea
Kamala Harris 😳. We dodged a freakin’ bullet.
We dodged an entire firing squad.
The ghost of hers showed up drunk lol
Stop cutting out the last part of Gutfeld
Great to see you hosting. You are a pleasure to listen to. Congratulations again on your little one coming soon.
Why do so many facelifts make people get " joker mouth"🤮🤮🤮
One of the sad things about Kamala seems to be she doesn’t learn from her failures
❤ the way you caught that bill that's exactly what we need
Imagine, having to sit through that Harris speech😳😳😳😳
i would be drunk as a skunk n passed out from her speech lol. Heck i don't even
drink at all n she would drive me to drink lol
I don't trust Kamala for 1.5 billion reasons
Plus 20 million !
@ivelissediaz9583 True!
It's not a lot of people, it's everyone is calling her an idiot 🥱☕🧐
Kamala doesn't drink anymore,she just doesn't drink any less
Wow... she's drunk again. Kalalala's handlers have just given up.
They quit working since she can’t pay their salaries.
Right on ,love it and trying to remove the big grin off my face.
Too much funny!😂👍
omg Jamie Lee Curtis looking more like James Lee Carvel.
As I sit and watch this Kamala Harris sound bite I find that January 20th could be tomorrow, and it still couldn't come soon enough .
I think the funeral home celebrating the life of a loved one passing instead of silent sadness is a good idea. I've always thought the Gypsie's had the best tradition when it comes to a funeral because they do an open casket, live music, tons of food & booze & they dance and celebrate "next to" the dead loved ones' casket. They celebrate the life & memories of their loved ones instead of sitting in sadness and quiet, waiting for the funeral to end. I think they have the right idea; that's what I would want for my funeral, & this funeral home is trying something new, nothing wrong with that.
Just as long as the Funeral Homes don't play Another one Bites the Dust
We need Gutfeld back or nobody is going to see this show anymore!
Christmas vacation 🎄
I suppose you know Gregá on Paternity leave. His wife had a baby girl.
I'd still watch. He's an amazing host but he deserves to take a break to spend time with his new little family. Geez Louise
Apparently he'll be back in January. Somehow the old fart got a woman pregnant
How did ANYONE VOTE FOR HARRIS, she’s crazy!!!
Let's not forget about the bad Bill they tried to pass
I'm glad our current president is leaving office in 34 days. I hope he gets help and his family takes good care of him. He has so much to answer for.
Is it just me or is KAT trying really hard to laugh at that one kids jokes .. thats very sweet
Just think MILLIONS Voted for That... Insanity.
What is she drinking?
Lost big,
blew 1.5 billion on the try,
and still giggling?
Kat and the SNORTING 'know it all' Tyrus are no comparison to you Greg.
He got a new baby girl and he help his wife caring for them like he should be
Hah, Kat: "What the f*** is so funny?" -- the question I ask myself whenever Komma speaks.
She is not the only one I have heard that theory from. There were a few videos from highly credible sources who literally said the same thing (That they are sniffing for something, perhaps radioactive)
The future is bright with all you young people Karmala says, BUT don't forget she said that all young people were STUPID in one of her word salads ??? can't have it both ways Kackerling Karmala with one is it ??
You might be exaggerating a bit I think maybe after the service a few folks might shoulder up add a little bar for a drink or to reminiscing about the deceased
Conspiracies and theories without "Bitch please", for 500
Miss Greg
Why not an English actress? Anyone except Jamie Leigh Curtis!!!!!
Kamala isn't drunk. Classic " Wake & Bake ".
Lord, it gets worse than word salad.
That's that Rastafarian side of her@@michaelplunkett8059
Joe drinks Pedialyte, Kamala drinks Miller Lite.
MACKIE and KAT need a spin off that is actually funny... they have amazing chemistry and he is soooooo funny... if he is not head writer he needs to be, or become full time on-air talent
C'mon man. She's just acting like her hero Nancy. 😂
Did the writers also take a vacation??
Kammilo how bout you and doug just go away😊
Kamala is such a philosopher… NOT
She's gonna be a good nanny cuz the kids will relate with her so well
I don't know, but it sounds like The VIEW is paying their audience a Helluva lot more.😂
Ugh She needs to just sit down and rest .....
Bottoms up Harris 🎉
Kamala @ 12:47 after an orange juice ..... and a 5th of Don Julio 1942.
Wow,whats flying,toasted
Is this the same age group that she said was STUPID?
She did that? What what did she do, fart?
11:25 "That's not a drone, it's a SPACE STATION!"
Worst Gutfeld I ever watched! Disappointed
I'm glad she's on the way out. Listening to her is mega annoying. How anyone could put up with it for more than few seconds is beyond me.
She’s definitely mixing alcohol with Xanax😂😂😂😂😂
The clowns that live in the woods are launching the drones.
Thank you Greg Gutfield for bringing Kat Timpf to our lives! And congratulations!
Clearly drunk and on some legal drugs. Unbelievable
I'm blocking this channel because the headline in the thumbnail is never a subject in the video . . .
Then it sounds like you know exactly what it's NOT about. What's the problem? Bunch of whiny jerks on these comments tonight
I thought KAMA-LIE ,was done ,damn if she did stagger back in ,🍷🍾🥴🍻🍺
Is Greg lost?
Shannon Bream is Gorgeous 🤩
She's attractive facially. But she has very unattractive hands. And weird looking thumbs
I am so full of Christmas cookies😢I can't stop😂🎉⛄🎅🎄
She was bowling alley bar closing drunk😂
Gutfeld Show is best
God she and Tyrus have zero comic timing … bring back Greg or just make Tom S. permanent guest host …
Exactly what I have been thinking these last few weeks!!
Why do the jokes sound corny when it's Kat hosting, oh yes and the whole show too
Her and Tyrus have zero sense of comic timing -- Greg and Tom S. are naturals...
You should question 9/11 on your next show, unless you have changed your mind on our government in the last 12 hrs.
Not again how many times has she ended her career and 2/3 of those kids lie also 😅
Thanks Gurme, for the Fox vids.
Harris is Drunk yet again, what a Surprise ;)
An exchange traded fund, Unusual Whales Democratic ETF which follows investments made by congressional Democrats
has outperformed the S&P 5oo since it's inception.
go home and have your baby...you running the show is pretty silly....
Had some good laughs tonight..👍
I agree with tyrus. Serving alcohol would promote drinking and driving. Many lawsuits in my opinion.
Biden an old coot
Did Greg retire? Haven’t seen him for what it seems months
Greg has been bartending at Kamala Harris election loss parties. We are not sure where he is now.
yeah! no Gutfield.. what gives
Where on earth is Greg. I miss him, he makes this show great.
💯 president trump all the way !
Drones? It's a big nothing. Go on with life. Merry Christmas!
This is boring, canned and lame. When is Gutfeld back?
Joe Machi and Kat Timpf is not funny. We need Greg back.
This is the real world not the Hollywood one it's time to get back to the real world
I think she found some of hunters stash.
Kats laugh is great
Wow! She is so drunk! And I have never seen her roll up her sleeves. And why hasn't anyone told her that shoulder pads and polyester are so 80s
Wonder how much those students was paid to be there
from food shorts to league of legends to fox news re uploads ? bot ? or just a content stealer
Under a month to…count the days!
Kamala has been unburdened of any credibility at all.
Ya Kamala is drunk there.
Jarvis the worst !