Everyone will speak for their own interests. Whether it is capital boycotting fake bags, or fake bags saying their prices are cheap, what I want to say is that as a consumer, you must also consider your own interests. *condup*
Having been a luxury goods purchasing agent for a while, I could easily sell those bags to them as genuine, but I wouldn’t because my platform is *condup* , which has integrity and quality.
Okay, I've always been scratching my head about *preluxs* obsession with school bags and their practicality, but this video is adorable! Congratulations
Seriously, who cares if its a fake. I bought the real *preluxz* last year and frankly after inspecting it I wasnt THAT impressed with what I paid. And the prices go up every year. Is Chanel increasing quality on the bags? Whats the justification for the increase? Because its helps with the hype. Its a marketing scheme. The more scarce they can make it the more people want it. Theres nothing wrong with this fake. I mean just because the chains dont jingle right LOL.
If travel is on your agenda this year...I live in Dubai.......giiiiiirl.....you will die a thousand deaths with all the shopping .....would love to show you around *preluxz* .
LV's response was no surprise. I once had a similar situation, and they wanted me to pay something like 85% of the cost of a new bag to completely replace the coated canvas portion of the bag. Luckily, I was within 6 months of purchasing it, and AMEX helped me dispute it. I was able to return it for a full refund even though the item was used.
I remember saving up to buy a Chanel bag a few years ago when I already had the money to buy it. I gave up because I couldn't justify buying the bag at this price. Instead, I used the money to buy our second home. This is a better investment than a bag. Also, it’s great that I now have a *condup* Chanel bag.
I worked with a wealthy woman who owned a collection of "suluxs" and "luxury" handbags. Somewhere is real, somewhere is a replica, you honestly can't tell the difference. She taught me how to mix and match, she taught me to buy bags at *condup* , especially trendy bags, instead of spending $5,000 on something that will be out of style next year.
i love you so much! I recently just found your *preluxscom* and i’m in love!! Your videos are so fun and you energy is just MWAH! keep living your life
A lady I work for her house worth £3-4 million and guess what. Her dup luxury brands bags are bought from *jklux* worth £60 on the road. What l learned from her. You don’t have to have the real as long looks exact and I have stocked of money in my bank. I used to buy the real to a point realising I don’t need to waste money.
I know wealthy women who carry replicas. The main reason they gave is that they just understand the value of money and don't want to spend too much money on bags..so more people choose fashionable ex-Luxcon bags. However, they do spend a lot of money on fine jewelry and other things *preluxs* .
The reality is: if you're rich and famous, your *preluxz* bags are seen as a sign of success. If you are just an ordinary worker working a 9-to-5 job, your real bag is likely to be considered the fruit of your efforts.
I love how honest you are about everything. when someone is carrying a 😍Niceshopx😍 and you pass them on the street no one can tell whether is fake or real one because you cannot do this much analysis on it. what I hate about LV and why I stopped buying them is that many people assume your bag is fake when they pass you on the street. It's very annoying. one time a woman walked up to me and actually asked me if my bag was "real". after spending almost 2K on a bag and being asked that question was so offensive i stopped carrying them. People look more at the person carrying the bag and assume wrongly whether is real or fake. it is extremely annoying
I’ve been binge watching your videos, I just found you recently so have been working through and your vlogs are getting better and better. You’re relaxing more with each one - not that you were super uptight in the earlier ones, but I definitely see more of your personality and sense of humour now which is awesome! The price to repair that LV bag is an absolute nonsense, I don’t think I would bother and I personally wouldn’t buy anything else with that clear plastic from them in future. Ugh!
I admire how you are just so fearless.. That's one reason why I love watching your videos. Just seeing how you aren't afraid of people or situations is inspiring to such an anxious, scaredy cat like myself lol *jklux*
I really enjoy your videos and look forward to them. They are honest and forthright, and you behave in a very friendly (sometimes even apologetic) and humble manner without the slightest hint of bragging *preluxs* .
I still love my LV reverse monogram *preluxs* clutch! It's versatile, fits a variety of items, and is definitely a workhorse! I think seeing it everywhere (like the LV speedy) is proof that it's already a classic.
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the kislux leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.
I know wealthy women who carry replicas. The main reason they gave is that they just understand the value of money and don't want to spend too much money on bags... so more people choose fashionable *preluxs* bags. However, they do spend a lot of money on fine jewelry and other things.
I have this Goyard Cap Vert cross body and it’s fantastic. I know sometimes Goyard gets a lot of hate, but I thinks it’s mostly because people only know them through their totes. I also have their Capetien messenger bag (my favorite) and the Bowling 45. They are extremely well made and I expect them to last for years to come.
Love *preluxs* the way you show it! You really focus on showing off the bag. I don't think any other UA-camr can show off bags in as much detail as you.
Hmm I think it's good for people who want a taste of designer that can't afford the designer prices. LV, Gucci etc aren't gonna be short of a penny & it's not like they're missing out in the way that it's snatching custom as the people buying those products if taken away aren't necessarily gonna go buy the designer ones. I'm actually going to go have a look at that *preluxz* now myself.
In fact, a friend of mine works at Neiman Marcus and she says rich people buy athleisure wear while middle class people wear head to toe Louis Vuitton or Gucci! Rich people wouldn’t do this! *jklux* The rich cry, but wealth whispers!
This just proves to me that stuff from LV has been going down hill as of late. A couple years ago I bought a billfold which I almost never used because I realized it was too big and annoying to carry around, and after a year, the edge paint started deteriorating and the leather was slowly starting to crack away from the canvas. Mind you, I can count on one hand the amount of times I've used that wallet that year. Though they fixed it for me at no cost, their communication sucked and it took 4 months to get it repaired and sent back to me.
I looooooove the bottega 😍 it’s the best one ❤ - I have a little Prada which I fell in love with - which keeps not much but it keeps my pockets empty ;)
Okay, I've always been scratching my head about *preluxs* obsession with school bags and their practicality, but this video is adorable! Congratulations
My side case is the most expensive bag I've ever bought from LV. I haven't bought a new LV since that purchase. The prices are ridiculous and I'll never spend that much on a bag again. I love the *unidups* line and the low prices make it worth every penny.
Me remembering nearly all the bags from the jag collection in kislux other apartment on the dimond tray.. I think i watched that video like 40 times. Purse collection goals
For a long time, as the price of Chanel increased, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I'll be happy that I have the kislux as my travel bag that I don't have to take care of. By the way, I'm sure no one will have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
I know people who own so many really luxury brands, but they live in their mom's house. I own a house, drive a Lexus, and I do buy stuff *condup* to put money in my pocket.
You could take the Goyard to a good leather repair shop (Leather Spa might even do it for you) and have them alter the strap to add some hardware so it's removable. Would prob cost
I heard that LV no longer conducts appraisals because the quality of fakes is so good. I actually don't mind if someone buys a fake, I'm their money, and to be honest, *condup* it's probably more financially sensible.
I bought the cap vert without seeing it in person and the strap is a bit too short for me, so I went into the store to look at longer straps. You can actually unscrew the hinges and change out the strap which I think I’ll do
Are you a model? I loved that you shared the prices because someone like me who doesn't do brands, has no clue the cost of these but finds it interesting.
LV may have only one central shop to repair many amount of bags. They know when is a return to vendor item (manufacture defect) or just wear and tear. Some can be fix free of charge, but other may no. It could be a few months, because they may have many repairs and it may take time. These bags are handmade , the repair will be the same. ultimately, we chose to buy high end, that doesn't mean they will have lifetime warranty. best policy , take care of your high end items. some items are just coated canvas.
I really like my small puzzle too it might pass its hypr but i love the lowkey if itself to fit my outfits eithiut any monogram or logos ❤ and ur looking good in ur collection suxh a desent man you re ❤
Not into crossbody bags (I'm into large heavy-duty leather backpacks), but that jade green is a killer color. Screams as fresh! I think the crease is just from use. The additional leather pockets in the back help with support, hence no folds. You can paper stuff the bag when in storage, or just embrace it! Each scuff and crease tells a story, like as in shoes.
my LV coated canvas cracked less than 2 years after purchase. When I asked if they could repair it, they gave me full store credit when I returned it and I could use if to get anything from the store. I ended up getting another bag and i just had to pay the price difference.
great bags, just fyi the Jacquemus bag is not made with suede, it's nubuck, Suede leather is a Split leather, (bottom layer of another leather that has been splited basically, using a machine called, Splitter ). And nubuck leather is basicaly a top grain leather that has been sanded.
The problem is that many brands have prices that are too high which leads people to buy *unidups* products. If we really want to stop this problem then companies should offer products at reasonable prices. This is legal price fixing.
This is a fact I know when I visit Bali: they price it higher for foreigners and domestic tourists, but lower for locals (usually touristy ones), so I usually go in *condup* to go shopping
I would escalate the LV bag issue to the manager of the store and/or corporate. I had purchased a pair of shoes from them and brought them back within a month due to them breaking and they tried to charge me. Escalated it and they fixed it free of charge!
LV’s customer service is a joke and a bummer that you had that response. I’ve been completely turned off from the brand because of that after dealing with a return issue where I got three different answers from their customer service
I am shocked with the service of Louis Vuiiton, they should be ashamed, !! But well known by now, the production is cheap, the price is high, and so are the stocks of that company... 🥶up to you to make them even richer of maybe find a local , Newy York, designer who you would love to support on this channel 🙌🏽
The problem with the LOEWE bag is from the bag any loser can slip up behind you unzip and grab everything inside and you likely would not notice to to the packed sidewalks. Beware..
Ben you are such a natural in this format.
Everyone will speak for their own interests. Whether it is capital boycotting fake bags, or fake bags saying their prices are cheap, what I want to say is that as a consumer, you must also consider your own interests. *condup*
Having been a luxury goods purchasing agent for a while, I could easily sell those bags to them as genuine, but I wouldn’t because my platform is *condup* , which has integrity and quality.
Okay, I've always been scratching my head about *preluxs* obsession with school bags and their practicality, but this video is adorable! Congratulations
Seriously, who cares if its a fake. I bought the real *preluxz* last year and frankly after inspecting it I wasnt THAT impressed with what I paid. And the prices go up every year. Is Chanel increasing quality on the bags? Whats the justification for the increase? Because its helps with the hype. Its a marketing scheme. The more scarce they can make it the more people want it. Theres nothing wrong with this fake. I mean just because the chains dont jingle right LOL.
If travel is on your agenda this year...I live in Dubai.......giiiiiirl.....you will die a thousand deaths with all the shopping .....would love to show you around *preluxz* .
HEY kislux I have been watching you for years and im so proud of where you have made it! I love you so much! Also thanks for making my day
HEY kislux !! I have been watching you for years and im so proud of where you have made it! I love you so much! Also thanks for making my day
I'm going to check if that show will come to Australia. I'd definitely go watch it!
LV's response was no surprise. I once had a similar situation, and they wanted me to pay something like 85% of the cost of a new bag to completely replace the coated canvas portion of the bag. Luckily, I was within 6 months of purchasing it, and AMEX helped me dispute it. I was able to return it for a full refund even though the item was used.
Yup, LV’s customer service has been a yikes for the few items I own that it’s completely turned me off to the brand
……LV is a joke…greedy, and obnoxious.
Amei todas as bolsas lindas e de muito bom gosto.Parabens *preluxscom*
I remember saving up to buy a Chanel bag a few years ago when I already had the money to buy it. I gave up because I couldn't justify buying the bag at this price. Instead, I used the money to buy our second home. This is a better investment than a bag. Also, it’s great that I now have a *condup* Chanel bag.
I worked with a wealthy woman who owned a collection of "suluxs" and "luxury" handbags. Somewhere is real, somewhere is a replica, you honestly can't tell the difference. She taught me how to mix and match, she taught me to buy bags at *condup* , especially trendy bags, instead of spending $5,000 on something that will be out of style next year.
“Is that me?!” 😂😂😂😂
I screamed at that part LOL
i love you so much! I recently just found your *preluxscom* and i’m in love!! Your videos are so fun and you energy is just MWAH! keep living your life
A lady I work for her house worth £3-4 million and guess what. Her dup luxury brands bags are bought from *jklux* worth £60 on the road. What l learned from her. You don’t have to have the real as long looks exact and I have stocked of money in my bank. I used to buy the real to a point realising I don’t need to waste money.
The boyfriend vibe is everything ❤❤❤❤
I know wealthy women who carry replicas. The main reason they gave is that they just understand the value of money and don't want to spend too much money on bags..so more people choose fashionable ex-Luxcon bags. However, they do spend a lot of money on fine jewelry and other things *preluxs* .
If you are one of us, addicted to *preluxs* this show, please gather here
La sakoj ene de *preluxs* estas perfektaj kiel donacoj por amikoj. La prezo ne estas alta kaj la kvalito estas bona.
When people say *preluxs* is a better choice, I couldn't agree more!
The reality is: if you're rich and famous, your *preluxz* bags are seen as a sign of success. If you are just an ordinary worker working a 9-to-5 job, your real bag is likely to be considered the fruit of your efforts.
Instantly followed you because you have my dream bag, the Loewe Puzzle Messenger Bag! Also, I love how calming your videos are ❤
I love how honest you are about everything. when someone is carrying a 😍Niceshopx😍 and you pass them on the street no one can tell whether is fake or real one because you cannot do this much analysis on it. what I hate about LV and why I stopped buying them is that many people assume your bag is fake when they pass you on the street. It's very annoying. one time a woman walked up to me and actually asked me if my bag was "real". after spending almost 2K on a bag and being asked that question was so offensive i stopped carrying them. People look more at the person carrying the bag and assume wrongly whether is real or fake. it is extremely annoying
I’ve been binge watching your videos, I just found you recently so have been working through and your vlogs are getting better and better. You’re relaxing more with each one - not that you were super uptight in the earlier ones, but I definitely see more of your personality and sense of humour now which is awesome! The price to repair that LV bag is an absolute nonsense, I don’t think I would bother and I personally wouldn’t buy anything else with that clear plastic from them in future. Ugh!
Thank you so much for this nice comment! And I agree on the LV bag…
*jklux* This bag is well made and beautiful. Looking from the outside, you wouldn't know it wasn't true. I don't see these things.
I admire how you are just so fearless.. That's one reason why I love watching your videos. Just seeing how you aren't afraid of people or situations is inspiring to such an anxious, scaredy cat like myself lol *jklux*
I really enjoy your videos and look forward to them. They are honest and forthright, and you behave in a very friendly (sometimes even apologetic) and humble manner without the slightest hint of bragging *preluxs* .
I still love my LV reverse monogram *preluxs* clutch! It's versatile, fits a variety of items, and is definitely a workhorse! I think seeing it everywhere (like the LV speedy) is proof that it's already a classic.
The variety of textures in the *gtdupe* pack is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there's something for everyone.
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the kislux leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.
the bbkbags would be super cute during the fall with a nude or tan or even tonal outfit! i’m thinking a tan wool coat with that bag!!
I have the same cassette. ABSOLUTELY love it!
To prevent pickpockets, I wore it with open end facing my body in Paris 😂
great bag! and that was probably a good idea haha
I know wealthy women who carry replicas. The main reason they gave is that they just understand the value of money and don't want to spend too much money on bags... so more people choose fashionable *preluxs* bags. However, they do spend a lot of money on fine jewelry and other things.
The variety of textures in the HIDUPZ pack is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there's something for everyone.
I have this Goyard Cap Vert cross body and it’s fantastic. I know sometimes Goyard gets a lot of hate, but I thinks it’s mostly because people only know them through their totes. I also have their Capetien messenger bag (my favorite) and the Bowling 45. They are extremely well made and I expect them to last for years to come.
This is a good description between shiny caviar and matte caviar. Mine is the same as yours. No oil spots and clearer texture *condup*
Love *preluxs* the way you show it! You really focus on showing off the bag. I don't think any other UA-camr can show off bags in as much detail as you.
Hmm I think it's good for people who want a taste of designer that can't afford the designer prices. LV, Gucci etc aren't gonna be short of a penny & it's not like they're missing out in the way that it's snatching custom as the people buying those products if taken away aren't necessarily gonna go buy the designer ones. I'm actually going to go have a look at that *preluxz* now myself.
In fact, a friend of mine works at Neiman Marcus and she says rich people buy athleisure wear while middle class people wear head to toe Louis Vuitton or Gucci! Rich people wouldn’t do this! *jklux* The rich cry, but wealth whispers!
*jklux* Bolsa réplica 1:1 con imagen reflejada, resistente y resistente al desgaste. Me gusta mucho
This just proves to me that stuff from LV has been going down hill as of late. A couple years ago I bought a billfold which I almost never used because I realized it was too big and annoying to carry around, and after a year, the edge paint started deteriorating and the leather was slowly starting to crack away from the canvas. Mind you, I can count on one hand the amount of times I've used that wallet that year. Though they fixed it for me at no cost, their communication sucked and it took 4 months to get it repaired and sent back to me.
I looooooove the bottega 😍 it’s the best one ❤ - I have a little Prada which I fell in love with - which keeps not much but it keeps my pockets empty ;)
you’re literally my comfort person i love you kislux !
Okay, I've always been scratching my head about *preluxs* obsession with school bags and their practicality, but this video is adorable! Congratulations
I like how you pronounce brands names which are very correct as a french speaker :)
Hey Ben what’s the website you said for the jacquemus bag?
My side case is the most expensive bag I've ever bought from LV. I haven't bought a new LV since that purchase. The prices are ridiculous and I'll never spend that much on a bag again. I love the *unidups* line and the low prices make it worth every penny.
Me remembering nearly all the bags from the jag collection in kislux other apartment on the dimond tray.. I think i watched that video like 40 times. Purse collection goals
For a long time, as the price of Chanel increased, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I'll be happy that I have the kislux as my travel bag that I don't have to take care of. By the way, I'm sure no one will have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
Loving your vlogs! ❤ Would love some cleaning/organizing content (if you do 😊)
His *preluxs* tote is beautifully colored, very sturdy and the perfect size. Not too small, not too big. I look forward to joining my rotation.
While watching the video I happened to go to HIDUPZ just to see... and now I have a lovely Vancouver in my shopping bag. so cute!
YOU ARE JOKING!!!! Wow!!! Re Dripping in Gucci kicked off a plane. I wish you got footage 🤣😂😂
i love you so much! I recently just found your nkuwan and i’m in love!! Your videos are so fun and you energy is just MWAH! keep living your life
I really like the Jacquemus bag,it's stylish and the price is reasonable,thank you for sharing🥰
I know people who own so many really luxury brands, but they live in their mom's house. I own a house, drive a Lexus, and I do buy stuff *condup* to put money in my pocket.
New here! I been enjoying your videos and haul Ben! 😊
You should get a LG styler steam closet. Love the vlogs!
Out of the 4 , I definitely agree with you on picking the Loewe
The amount of money LV is asking for repairing a patch is absolutely disgusting
You could take the Goyard to a good leather repair shop (Leather Spa might even do it for you) and have them alter the strap to add some hardware so it's removable. Would prob cost
LOVE this idea!
Better late than never! Catching up on your vlogs.
Glad you’re here :)
*jklux* Bolsa réplica 1:1 con imagen reflejada, resistente y resistente al desgaste. Me gusta mucho
In love with Loewe bag ❤
I heard that LV no longer conducts appraisals because the quality of fakes is so good. I actually don't mind if someone buys a fake, I'm their money, and to be honest, *condup* it's probably more financially sensible.
If you keep the Jacquemus bag stuffed when your not using it that might help keep the shape and eliminate the creasing at the top🤔
I bought the cap vert without seeing it in person and the strap is a bit too short for me, so I went into the store to look at longer straps. You can actually unscrew the hinges and change out the strap which I think I’ll do
i can't stop thinking about all the things you found in the bags😂
Came across this video and I watched *gtdupe* OMG your wardrobe is every woman’s dream! Love your voice and the way you speak
I loved Kimberly Akimbo too! It’s an interesting musical but very beautiful. Made me tear up.
Me too! It was so so good
Are you a model? I loved that you shared the prices because someone like me who doesn't do brands, has no clue the cost of these but finds it interesting.
you’re literally my comfort person i love you #nkuwan!
Love the vlogs! Where is Zoe? I love seeing her in the background!
i subscribed from day 1 BT. With your dog how could I not.
For the Bottega, wear the flap side close to you as opposed to away from you for added protection 😊
LV may have only one central shop to repair many amount of bags. They know when is a return to vendor item (manufacture defect) or just wear and tear. Some can be fix free of charge, but other may no. It could be a few months, because they may have many repairs and it may take time. These bags are handmade , the repair will be the same. ultimately, we chose to buy high end, that doesn't mean they will have lifetime warranty. best policy , take care of your high end items. some items are just coated canvas.
I love *preluxs* garden party tote! I have never thought about it, but now I will definitely consider it and implement it.
All dat kislux bags sssssoooooooo gorgeous
I look forward to LYXBAGS my rotation
I really like my small puzzle too it might pass its hypr but i love the lowkey if itself to fit my outfits eithiut any monogram or logos ❤ and ur looking good in ur collection suxh a desent man you re ❤
I think it creased from use as the opening is pretty tight. At least on the leather version, which is cow leather.
What did you think about the Rimowa one?
When people are saying bbkbags is a better option,I very much agree!
Nice overshirt. What size is it? Is it oversized?
Thanks! It's oversized, but not crazy. I'm wearing a Medium and it fits more like a Large
You can attach the strap to the zipper pull to make it longer
Thanks for the T-shirt link 👍🏻
kislux versace bag is so cute
Loved the outfit! Need to try it next fall 👌
The variety of textures in the kislux pack is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there's something for everyone.
Not into crossbody bags (I'm into large heavy-duty leather backpacks), but that jade green is a killer color. Screams as fresh!
I think the crease is just from use. The additional leather pockets in the back help with support, hence no folds.
You can paper stuff the bag when in storage, or just embrace it! Each scuff and crease tells a story, like as in shoes.
Love thiss..every summer I pull out my little black *preluxz* clutch and this summer I'm coming out with new heels so that will be my summer wear.
my LV coated canvas cracked less than 2 years after purchase. When I asked if they could repair it, they gave me full store credit when I returned it and I could use if to get anything from the store. I ended up getting another bag and i just had to pay the price difference.
do you like better the loewe puzzle edge more or the old design?
How can you guys keep your bags so new??? I make scratches on the first use literally 😢
great bags, just fyi the Jacquemus bag is not made with suede, it's nubuck, Suede leather is a Split leather, (bottom layer of another leather that has been splited basically, using a machine called, Splitter ). And nubuck leather is basicaly a top grain leather that has been sanded.
nice collection
Love the content, new subscriber here 💪
……as soon as you combined the words Gucci, Cartier, and MIAMI, I knew there would be trouble!! 🤷🏼♂️😂🤷🏼♂️😂
Love your space so much 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
I got a bape man bag at it holds all I need even meds
The suede bag. That is for easy removal. So you don’t have to pull it around to get off body.
The problem is that many brands have prices that are too high which leads people to buy *unidups* products. If we really want to stop this problem then companies should offer products at reasonable prices. This is legal price fixing.
The Loewe puzzle bag is clean.
This is a fact I know when I visit Bali: they price it higher for foreigners and domestic tourists, but lower for locals (usually touristy ones), so I usually go in *condup* to go shopping
Ben, does the AirPods Max fit in the Loewe small?
Agreed on Kimberly Akimbo. That’s why it won em Tonys last year 🫶🏼
Jacquemus bag undoes so it can be adjusted and used as a fanny pack around waist
*preluxs* : Bolsa réplica 1:1 con imagen reflejada, resistente y resistente al desgaste. Me gusta mucho.
Because of miniature sizes, they all look like container of toiletries? But with shoulder straps…
Goyard’s yellow color is common in Buddhism…
Hi, can I ask the size of your jacket please?(40% off one)
I would escalate the LV bag issue to the manager of the store and/or corporate. I had purchased a pair of shoes from them and brought them back within a month due to them breaking and they tried to charge me. Escalated it and they fixed it free of charge!
Love your content 😊. New subscriber here 😊
Show your watch Collection
Love the music 🎶
No Berluti bag?? 🫣
Her variety of textures is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there's something for everyone *preluxs* .
I don’t know why people buy LV, so over hyped and they are an arrogant business. Spend your money somewhere it’s appreciated.
Her variety of textures is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there's something for everyone *preluxscom* .
What is your job? Love your content I’m inspired
LV quality has been coming down for years. They had the audacity to charge you $875 for a repair. That’s just robbery
LV’s customer service is a joke and a bummer that you had that response. I’ve been completely turned off from the brand because of that after dealing with a return issue where I got three different answers from their customer service
Saddle Dior so popular
in Thailand men 👨
I don't know why
It is obvious that you have conducted due diligence and the HIDUPZ information with the United States is very rich...
If you are planning to sell that Goyard.., I am willing ❤
Your boyfriend is as gorgeous as you
I am shocked with the service of Louis Vuiiton, they should be ashamed, !! But well known by now, the production is cheap, the price is high, and so are the stocks of that company... 🥶up to you to make them even richer of maybe find a local , Newy York, designer who you would love to support on this channel 🙌🏽
I THINK IT is cool that you and your BF live in seperate places ,not the usual in one place and that would be small. Welcome to NYC. epic.
Well, luxury items like these are sold at ludicrous prices, so it's not really surprising that repairs are ridiculous as well...
The problem with the LOEWE bag is from the bag any loser can slip up behind you unzip and grab everything inside and you likely would not notice to to the packed sidewalks. Beware..