Thanks baby!!! I wouldn't be going through this without you and the love and support I've been getting... Love ya and I'll Be Strong and Stay Strong ;)
Lorence thank you so much for the information. I honestly have looked up Binders online and they run about 35 to 40 bucks because I want the tank top looking one that you can tuck in just haven't had the money to afford one. I also wrapped up for PRIDE weekend and it was unbearable but I made it two whole days lol I just wish I had one but in time ill figure it out lol :)
Thanks baby!!! I wouldn't be going through this without you and the love and support I've been getting... Love ya and I'll Be Strong and Stay Strong ;)
You look amazing baby!! I'm so proud of you!! I love you so so much!! Be strong and stay strong!! =)
Lorence thank you so much for the information. I honestly have looked up Binders online and they run about 35 to 40 bucks because I want the tank top looking one that you can tuck in just haven't had the money to afford one. I also wrapped up for PRIDE weekend and it was unbearable but I made it two whole days lol I just wish I had one but in time ill figure it out lol :)