New Doodlebug Alaska RR 11-19-24

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @KandRCustomModels
    @KandRCustomModels  Місяць тому +1

    Fun new train! Oh it has smoke just had it turned off

  • @davestrains6816
    @davestrains6816 27 днів тому +1

    Very nice, thanks for sharing. Dave

  • @jogbutchtrain1
    @jogbutchtrain1 28 днів тому +1

    A sweet loco

  • @AndrewNeilFalconer
    @AndrewNeilFalconer Місяць тому +1

    Is this a fun scheme or a real Alaska scheme?

    • @KandRCustomModels
      @KandRCustomModels  Місяць тому +2

      Im sure its a fun scheme alaska doesnt have one currently and that paint was on engines only. The eskimo was only on a truck and never on any freight as you see on all the stuff out there but its a clean unit!

    • @AndrewNeilFalconer
      @AndrewNeilFalconer Місяць тому +1

      @KandRCustomModels then I have to ask the LIONEL people for a Grand Trunk Western doodlebug in the 1970's scheme.