This was a fantastic interview. Based on fact on both sides. Well done all. After this interview I feel government really should be listening and stop with populist politics.
Something just occured to me, the SA mainstream media in general, make Ernst Roets out to be like a white Al Sharpton, yet Ernst is so calm, collective, and KNOWS the facts. They refer to Afriforum as trouble makers and racists just because Afriforum wants to help their people survive. We owe a lot of gratitude to Afriforum, because they are the brains behind this fight. White South Africans need to stand united even more so than ever. Does Afriforum have a youth league? Like the American Boy Scouts. Where are the big movements? What is happening to white South African youth? Are they still asleep? Are they brainwashed with white guilt and awaiting their next smash and grab? Or is the rugby game distracting everyone?. This is a fight for the future of your children for heaven sake! May God bless Ernst Roets and may he continue to strengthen Afriforum. How can we bring back Commandos? Without law and order and no control over this crime issue, you and your future generations will never survive and you are sitting ducks. I hope Afriforum not only advocates on behalf of stopping this land expropriation but also demands a way to restore law and order. The rate that white South Africans are affected by crime is unheard of in the west. It absolutly disgusts me how bad the crime is in SA, and yes, most violent attacks on white people are from black strangers, so this is all hate crime in my opinion. I would like to see more videos made by Afriforum several times a week in English as much as possible for the world to see. You need to have a much bigger youtube presence. Where are all your young interns? They need to be producing much more media.
Its true.. white people were also dispossessed of their land during apartheid. The white side of my family was forced to move away from us in Kat river.
@@leonk6592 Kat River is close to Fort Beaufort... you can Google it. My Grandma was one of the "Considered whites" that refused to move and reclassified herself as "Coloured" to keep her land... the rest of her family had to move to King Williams Town. Susan Blackbeard wrote a book about my family's struggle there with the land. It's called Kat River Conversations. My Great Grandfather was the military leader for the Khoi people of Kat River. Commandant Christian Groepe.
Generations of poverty because they don't have land. What a silly notion, are they suggesting that every black person who lives in a shack is in fact a "master farmer" who if only had land can change their fortunes? Are they then saying that as soon as the land is expropriated that the unemployment stats would significantly decrease because now they will all be commercial farmers? I don't think so, none of this is done in good faith and it is in their own interest to exaggerate how bad apartheid was so that they can play the victim card. Self reflection and honesty is to much to ask of these people because it would blow their narrative right out of the water. You don't need to own property to be able to do well for yourself, I don't own any property and I do just fine for myself with over 100 affirmative action laws trying to stop me.
@wernher korff Dude, I'm black and I'm against this policy. Not because its unjust for the lack of compensation but also because it's a terrible economic policy. Now apartheid played a role (eviction of 3.5 millions and land grabbing) BUT we shouldn't follow the Zimbabwe route. Two wrongs will not make a right. Since group IQ theory (doesn't explain interracial differences) and obviously doesn't reflect on individuals. let me give more sounding reason. Blacks in SA make majority of population so its normal to see higher poverty rate among them. That in of it self should stop the ANC, not prop-up their advocacy. One big hurdle on acheivmet is some of the old tribal customs like early marriages and expectations of creating a family despite the lack of means.
Those that are against EWC don't understand why it's necessary. I don't want to offend, insult or blame anyone but you must know this is not a revenge or hatred thing. It's about rectifying the dispossessed from colonial policies. In 1902 after the Anglo boer war, the Afrikaaners and the English decided to share the land with the exclusion of black people. That's the primary reason why the whites, 5% of the population, owns 80% of the land today. While majority of the population, your fellow countrymen, live in congested, unbearable conditions in informal settlements like Langrug, Alexandra, Khayelitsha and so many other townships across the country. This is present day 2018. More land is required for these citizens, for not just farming but residential and infrastructure development purposes too. There is a giant economical inequality in this country that you can't deny. Why be selfish with such an abundance of land? I don't vote for a political party, I vote for radical economical transformation of my country.
Apartheid is the root of all evil. It has destroyed everybody who were not white in this country. Altered their course of destiny having a rippling psychological effect on Black children born at that time and still has today. Those memories are still bitter and stories of its cruel oppression is being told as bedtime stories to the children of today by their parents, grandparents and great grandparents. This hatred of white supremacy will never ever go away. It will continue as bedtime stories for generations to come. There has been too much suffering by Blacks under the white rule in this country to be just forgotten. They don't care of the consequences by stripping the Afrikaner of his land. In many ways it is a form of revenge and not about anything else. It's like every German must have some Hitler in him and every Black in this country is a product of Nelson Mandela. Who do you think the international community is sympathizing with. Forget about the economics for a moment. They just want their land back and really don't care what happens after that. It can rot for all they care. Sad but true. Smell the coffee. Time to give in or get out. Either way you lose. So I got my bags packed because you won't do either of the two.
@wernher korff in 1800 black tribes namely the hlubis owned their own land and fed themselves and where competitive then in the 1860 got dispossessed by whites and were forced to sell their labour and earn a wage its this social engineering that created black poverty which is the same one that makes you think that white people is superior.. u not.. a logical person would recognise that a state is not a Goverment its you and me and therefore if its own by the state its owned by us.. black white green orange. but an idiot like yourself is okay with earning a salary and risk your future generations been just as useless and landless like you are because you to arrogant to imagine a future where all can be equal
Facts based on who's history? History is written by the victors and that alone leads those with common sense in the direction of, history is subjective and one sided. Why do Afrikaaners have less history about their homeland but have tons on the land they conquered. Is it because there was no need for propaganda in the land they had no prospects on.
Steve stop talking shit you poo picker. Go back to europe where you have athiests and 6 foot trannys running around. If you dont like africa you know what to do.
Please seek out and desire to have more conversations and interviews like this with media, Very civil and respectful on both sides. This is the kind of South Africa we want to be a part of.
Unfortunately someone has to confront them or they will believe that what they are doing since none oppose it. However, Ernst Roets is a far better person than I am, I would have resorted to physically knocking sense into some heads long ago.
@Icicle I don't know how long, but I know that someone has to try for as long as possible, in order to provide all the possible chances to a peaceful process. The alternative is unfortunately, war.
That was GOOD! Thank you all - all three of you. Ernst Roets is brilliant. I think that the biggest problem in SA is that Black people feel, resentful mostly because they feel they were they were treated like some sort of inferior human under apartheid - that their dignity was was hurt. It must be quite difficult to deal with, but it seems to me that they need to remember that the Black people were quite primitive in many ways compared to and when first exposed to and when they first encountered Western civilization. They are very different from what their forebears were like. Perhaps it would help all round if hey could remember that they have benefited enormously from their relationship with Western Christian Civilization. Thinking t#about such things as benches marked "Whites Only" will naturally make them feel humiliated,but it would be sensible and healthier psychologically to realize that the White people were also encountering a very different and strange people whose way of life seemed so very different. After all, Black people wore skins,slept on theground in primitive huts - even jusst little straw shelters while White people slept in beds - between sheets. If Black people had learned how to use a knife and fork or sit on chairs instead of on the ground, how would they have become somuch more like White people as they are now - with at least some education. Now they drive cars! The medical system for Black people was the best one could find on Earth -and it was free - but White people had to be responsible for their own health issues. Baragwanath was famous throughout the World -black people could get the most sophisticated treatment there. A heart transplant for two rand was available! That Government which was so vilified by the left wing press in the World, was especially concerned with education for Black people. One needs to be very honest and clear about such things. It is much healthier emotionally and psychologically to have a feeling a pleasure and gratitude rather than be resentful and envious and hateful Poor Malema is obviously sick with a horrible envy eating at him inside and he is constantly getting those crowds of poor people - who were much much better off materially during the White Government than they have been before or since - he is making them feel angrier and angrier by telling them how bad White people are - and they are obviously positively slavering to start killing them. He gets himself and the crowds he gathers (who is paying for all that I wonder?) and stomps and chants "Kill the Boer" . How insane he is. The Boer was always the best friend the African in SA ever had! And they knew it back then- they KNEW that it was the English who fooled them every which way! Poor Malema! He should try to grow up and be a man instead of trying so hard to be like a rich White man. Cannibalism is said to be re-emerging in South Africa. Which way does the country really want to go -forward and more andmore educated and civilized - or back to barbarism? The ANC Government KEPT the "Bantustans" - exactly as they were, where the various tribes were handed their own property.tribal property!.
Oh yeh you say the whites encountered strange people-but these strange people were on their own land--lets all pray for peaceful ways of correcting these historical wrongs
Then I wonder what the Afrikaner nation should feel or do regarding the concentration camps under British rule?? Should we seek restitution from the British??
Yes , I should sue myself because some of my ancestors were forced into concentration camps by some other ancestors of mine. I often wonder how a mixed race person is supposed to feel according to this identity politics narrative ?
@@montaguable Most whites in South Africa, are mixed, I myself are a mix of between Irish and German decent, although I am Afrikaans speaking, 70% of my immediate family are English speaking. Most of the blacks in SA think that all whites are of Dutch or British decent. And some of the blacks in SA are also mixed. My original comment were made to just make a point, because the blacks in SA think that they should get restitution from whites, because 400 years ago some Dutch people arrived in the Cape region, and since the 1800's wars were fought between white and some black tribes. But they don't want to recognise that in those days, every tribe and nation fought wars, the Zulu fought against the Xhosa, in fact the Zulu tribe were well known for completely wiping out black tribes. So most black tribes in SA should seek restitution from the Zulu tribe. So why is just the whites the guilty ones? Most black people think that they were peaceful amongst each other, which is not the case.
Those that are against EWC don't understand why it's necessary. I don't want to offend, insult or blame anyone but you must know this is not a revenge or hatred thing. It's about rectifying the dispossessed from colonial policies. In 1902 after the Anglo boer war, the Afrikaaners and the English decided to share the land with the exclusion of black people. That's the primary reason why the whites, 5% of the population, owns 80% of the land today. While majority of the population, your fellow countrymen, live in congested, unbearable conditions in informal settlements like Langrug, Alexandra, Khayelitsha and so many other townships across the country. This is present day 2018. More land is required for these citizens, for not just farming but residential and infrastructure development purposes too. There is a giant economical inequality in this country that you can't deny. Why be selfish with such an abundance of land? I don't vote for a political party, I vote for radical economical transformation of my country.
I'm totally confused. The interim Constitution specified a Bill of Rights Residence section(19) and Property Section (28) that the Constitution enacted as the Housing section (26) and Property section(25). The interim section (28) specified the government's right to expropriate land for public purposes. This allows the government to aquire land it needs to provide its services to the public. The constitution Property section (25) follows the interim mandate, but extends it to include 'redress past injustices'. Everyone agrees the restoration of expropriated land under Apartheid has to been done on a case by case basis. So, while I except the Apartheid government used expropriation to 'resettle' people, that mechanism is unneccessary under the current constitution because the Housing section (26) does that, and, nothing in the interim constitution suggests the government can use expropriation for any other purpose. My only conclusion is that some objections were raised and defeated regarding the property Bill of Rights. So we now have a dysfunctional constitution that is creating more problems than it is solving. Why aren't we objecting to expropriation as the mechanism for redress and not insisting it is a housing issue? We don't have to change the constitution, just append this to the RDP. I was under the impression the the Truth and Reconciliation was specifically designed to help find closure to past injustices and therefore enable all peoples to get over it and move forward. Is that achieving its goal? I'm also confused between occupation, territory, and ownership. The whites are the only group that understands ownership, so it is a moot point who arrived first and where they lived. Other groups have highjacked that idea and retro-applied it to their ancestors, in order to claim racial injustice. Only whites owned the land, the others used it, without the idea of owning it. What am I missing?
You can see how bitter these hosts are, and taking it out on their guest. Ernst, and every white person in SA, gets blamed for Apartheid and everything wrong in SA.
Some leader that represents White South Africans and their instititutions under Apartheid should come out and apologise for the pain caused the Non-White South Africans under Apartheid. Those who have been hurt need to be heard and receive an apology from the heart. Their pain has to be acknowledged so that they can realise that they are on the same team economically and ready to compete with the world. Right now South Africa's citizens sound like kindergarten kids fighting over pencils and erasers. Please convene something to make this happen.
Well done ENCA for being the first south african news agency to not be blatantly biased and to have a constructive conversation about these issues as south africans and not trying to make it blacks and whites and to actually create a platform where this can be engaged on in a mutually respective, racially unpolarized setting. And to Afriforum for always playing it cool and informing everyone about the correct history and stats , and always standing up for what is right ,while sometimes being verbally harassed on other news channels(ernst I wish I had your resilience and aptitude ). A lot of South Africans have been fed incorrect generalized propaganda by popular politicians that just isn’t true. And I respect you for being the voice for the voiceless. Laat geregtigheid geskied.
Ernst Roets is exactly why an example needs to be set. The is no democracy without justice.
6 років тому
This guy's outright ignorance and lying is utterly frustrating, luckily there is at least one brilliant man at the table calling him out on his false propaganda! Roets, you are brilliant
Two things needed to fix a dispute: 1. Dialogue 2. Consensus The recent consultations were not dialogue! The ANC want to extend these in order to "Hear what it wants to hear". As for consensus the ANC have resorted to majoritarianism rather than democracy!
The biggest barrier to the argument is the presupposition that there ought to be equality. Equality is held as an absolute indisputable results which simply has to be achieved. However, people can never truly be equal. All have their own choices to make and variably some will make good choices and excel in life, and others will make bad choices and have a miserable life. The issue, I feel, is with the definition of equality; it seems that society holds that everyone has to have the same standard of living for equality to be achieved, and expects that whenever one person has more or less than others it must be the fault of either the economic system, or apartheid, or discrimination, or someone else who took advantage of them. Thus, the government must legislate and force equality upon everyone so that we can all have the same standard of living. They try to enforce a cure which is misaligned: the sickness is not necessarily oppression, or discrimination, sometimes its purely bad choices and peoples' innate lack of innovation, drive, or vigour, and you can't legislate that equality on them. Equality, in its truest sense, according to me, is giving the people of this country the same opportunity to make something of themselves, and if they fail its not governments job to pick them up and give them whatsoever it is that the rest managed to achieve. That's simply unfair.
Marcelle Nel "That's simply unfair." Yes, that's communism - Equity of Outcome: all members of a group receive the same benefit, regardless of individual effort. Postmodernism doctrine states that there is no truth, facts, morals, values, or purpose; only an imbalance of power between oppressor and oppressed, which must be resolved, by force if neccessary. This was done because Marxism failed and so they decided to deny the facts and wage a social, artistic, and academic war on Western culture. This why we see insane claims and accusations about 'past injustices', science, gender, and race. This explains how the presenters can say something historically inaccurate, be corrected, and immediately continue their false narrative. It is a social war to shame you into accepting their Marxist idealogy. You can't talk facts, logic or reason, to these people because it means nothing to them. Communism's goal is the destruction of Western culture, but ultimately the destruction of the White Male - who was instrumental in abolitioning slavery, human trafficing, mutilation, canabalism, infant murder, pediophile, and ... the list goes on. All non-white cultures are, or want to, practice one or more of these things, today. The only equality is under the law - all are judged equally based on our action. (Well we know that doesn't happen)
yes . It seems like everyone want to be the the president. Were in fact not all persons have the capacity to be the president. When will people realise that not all people have the same goals in life . Some prefer order, discipline, rules , values etc . Some prefer , chaos, murder , corruption etc.
Well done to the panel, a respectful discussion, asking the hard questions , trying to be fare, making perceptions clear, and giving time to Ernst to try his best to explain. Wish other media and parliament could hold decent discussions like this. I think it is time for Afriforum to get their best minds together to propose solutions in a bankable plan. They and some of their members have good plans already, just need to get it in presentable form for the public to see. Because we know this is up to the citizens and not government to agree upon because the current government is a) too corrupt and b) too set in their own ways and ego’s to implement solutions that comes from outside their own club.
The black population is not poor because they didn't have land, but because they only for a bit participated in a European built civilization, while they were standing with one and a half foot, or with both feet in a stone or iron age culture. Every culture that is still there is, when compared with European cultures, poor. And now the people who created the European culture in South Africa, who created the wealth are pushed out, and this will seriously further damage the economy. So the measures they take to get the poor blacks richer, will only make them more poor. With the exception of those who were able to adapt and function on the level of European culture and seized their opportunities.
Dankie Ernst vir jou passie en tyd wat jy insit om regverdigheid teweeg te bring. Ek respekteer jou in jou manier van optrede en kalmte wat jy projekteer al kook dit soms binne jou. Wat kan ons as SA burgers doen om te help buiten finansiële bydraes wat ons alreeds doen?
True, you cannot compare one person's pain to another. You can simply accept it and help grow past it. I feel like we as South Africa, coming from the perspective of a white British descendant, born and raised in South Africa, after the fall of Apartheid, that we as a people still focus on the injury that was Apartheid, instead of the blessings we were left with. We will never forget the injury, but that doesn't mean it must consume us. I feel that is partly that some people who say "just get over it" are trying to convey. To draw a comparison, it would be like losing a leg, focussing on the fact that you'll never walk again, instead of accepting that your leg is now gone, and moving past it, growing from it. Focussing on learning to walk with one left and a prosthetic. Growing to be stronger. No amount of finger pointing and name calling is going to bring your leg back. But you can do everything in your capability to continue, becoming better, despite the pain you've suffered. Nobody, Black, White or Coloured will ever forget the pain that Apartheid brought, we all suffered one way or another, and though I didn't suffer under Apartheid, I have suffered in the years since. Our country and governments have helped make me feel like I don't belong, like because of the colour of my skin, that I shouldn't deserve all the things that I have worked so hard to achieve. Making me doubt my value and worth, because of atrocities committed by people who look like me. One way or another, to varying degrees, every South African today has been hurt by Apartheid. But it is the fault of the ANC that we haven't learned to grow from it yet. It was their job to unite us and grow us and create a better life for all that live here and they failed us, the people. The ANC especially failed the people that needed the most healing. So to summarize, I can never feel the pain of a black man oppressed in Apartheid, but that black man cannot continue to focus on his loss and not try to help himself. Most South Africans have been trying so so hard to help themselves, but the government has failed them. The country is now being led by the few people who were not willing to help themselves, and that is why they want to take from others, because it is easier to call names and throw stones than it is to look inward and grow and take responsibility for your own life.
Our farm was expropriated by the National Party to be incoprated into the Ciskei. The farm was in the Seymore area. Three other family farms were also expropriated in the Elands River valley. I went to see what things looked like. What a disaster. Nothing was happening on all the farms.
Jes , my grandfather was farming in Seymore , Alice area(Makazana) and the land was taken away from him. Sadly there is nothing left . Should we put in a lands claim?
To the male presenter, your argument of the cost of black families not being able to own land is a very emotional one. What you want is for Ernst to hear your emotional pain. When you debate with Ernst, your argument is blurred by your emotion around the issue. Ernst is a cerebral guy who cannot hear your pain, besides what could he do other than to acknowledge that he was not in your shoes and that he was sorry for your pain. Ernst wins the debate because he has mastered facts and has the evidence. Accept the fact that those who never suffered under apartheid, may not understand your pain. Once you realise that you can move to the facts and arrive at a solution. In that respect both you and Ernst were saying the same thing in terms of resolving the land issue. To the female presenter Communism/Marxism(I think the ANC is more of a socialist organisation, while the EFF are Marxists) has killed 100 of millions of people under Mao Tse Tung, Paul Pot, Kim Jong Un, Josef Stalin, Lenin, Castro, South American nations, etc. and yet Marxism continues to be promoted by the EFF in terms of the state owning the land and really should be banned as an ideology, just an Apartheid has. Both are incongruent with the aspirations of the human spirit.
Ernst please inform the dutch media about the situation in south Africa . According to me they are misinformed or for some reason they deliberately mis inform the dutch people
This sounds like "civil asset forfeiture" in America. That is when the badged highway robbers (police, state patrols) steal your money under some flimsy excuse, and you cannot get it back.
Why not just say that race-based dispossession is wrong, period. Whether it is done by the ANC or Apartheid. The fact that there are stated reasons for said dispossession is irrelevant and can only serve to partially justify the evil, never negate it.
So, we try and fix the past, and destroy our future? Problem is that we don't even know exactly what happened in the past. . . but we know what is happening right now, and we can influence what is going to happen tomorrow. Be kind, be respectful - even if it is hard - be fair. Good interview, with Mainstream media showing some restraint! Ernst great work.
Ernst demeanor and evident deft and intelligence was manifest having said that ... responses about so called 'low IQ " regarding any of the three shows nothing less than malice
It is clear as daylight, 25 years later this country is in the worst financial crisis in its entire existence. We had enough Investments from the West, in the last 20 years, to build this country's economy into a worldwide Economic Giant. Isn't this just a way, to draw attention away from the real problem at hand, which is, the Country is bankrupt due to mismanagement by the ruling party since it came into power in 1994. The ' ownership of land' was never such a big issue before (last 22 years) why is CR pressing for this, so aggressively this a way to compensate(console) their poorer voters, because they are well aware, of the uprising by their voters, demanding to fulfill what was promised to them...
Mr Presenter, please also understand that owning land is NOT all that's it cracked up to be. It is a myth that it creates wealth. If I buy a piece of land and use a loan from the bank, to finance the purchase, remember, the bank is the owner of the land, until I pay off the loan. Land is zoned, some for residences, some for business. The municipality will generally not allow residences and businesses on the same property. The municipality will also not allow 17 restaurants, or hairdressing salons, one next to the other. As you know businesses and residences have to pay for the water and electricity on the property. There is also rates charged depending on the property's use.....and if you don't pay your rates, the municipality takes your property away and evicts you. So while you may have a property, the key is to having the money to service the debt and all the other expenses associated with ownership. Having and maintaining a job becomes critical. Also.....and this is a big one......since 1955, property prices, around the world, have increased dramatically, over the past 60 years, with banks thriving in make loans and making many property owners very wealthy......THAT PHENOMENA HAS NOW CHANGED.....mostly because we have enjoyed interest rates at their lowest in 5000 years.....yes, 5000 years, allowing real estate to go through a massive boom.....but with the pension crisis around the world and collapsing currencies (first the Turkish lira and other emerging markets including the South African rand, then the Chinese yuan, the Japanese yen and then the Euro), interest rates will rise very quickly make it very challenging for those who have debt associated with owning their properties and may have you sell, possibly taking the price down for all the properties in the same area. Property prices will NO LONGER appreciate in price as it has done for the last 60 years. In fact, property prices, worldwide, will decline back to 1955 levels, where it first started. In a rising interest environment, banks are unwilling to make loans, because of the increasing risk of rising interest be careful what you wish for....not everyone will be sufficiently responsible when having a property in their name.
I wonder what Expropriation of Land Without Compensation in the "PUBLIC INTEREST" really means!... I guess there will be a problem with the definition of... "PUBLIC"!!! Are Ministers, MPs, Police chiefs, Army officials, Billionaires & friends of all these people included as "PUBLIC" ? Who knows ?...
owners who have land should be compensated to take ones land is out right theft especially if you have paid for it and you have a title deed to prove it you paid for it
Ernst was ready for every question and answered each one of them with truth and confidence. We need people like him in our government, but sadly he is white...
Gods word says it is written the government is not allowed to take the people land away from them and we have the rite to protect ourselfs and our belongings God will deal with them if they do
Ernst stop arguing with the people, how can you come to Africa and want to have that attitude no man, you need to unlearn what you think you know and open your mind, start making arrangements for the farmers to give half their land to the workers, that`s the only way Ernst.thats` a message from God, Amen.
I watched a lot of his interviews and in comparison I really feel this was the least unreasonable. Some points pushed without merate but break time was good idee and got civilised again.
On the issue of where black (The Bantu)people come from: I have been reading and noting over the past couple weeks a narrative being aggressively pushed that black people ( The bantu) migrated from central Afrika and later "settled" in South Africa. I would like to state that this narrative is false and it's a great distortion of history. There are many permeating myths that are doing the rounds that we need to dispell and correct. Myth 1: Black people came from central Afrika. This myth is false. In South Africa just outside Johannesburg there is a place called The Cradle of Mankind. It is supposedly an area where scientists believe man evolved from being ape like to becoming Homosepiens (Human). It is common knowledge that the first people on this earth were black and all other races came from black people. So if the first people started out in outside Johannesburg who were those people who migrated from central Afrika? Furthermore there is also archaeological evidence of a kingdom called Mapungubwe that existed north of Pretoria around 900 AD. This kingdom was inhabited by Bantu people. Now tell me again how the Bantu migrated from central Afrika. There is more evidence of Bantu people living in Southern Afrika, when you go into Zimbabwe you will find ruins of a city that existed in the 11th century called Great Zimbabwe. That city too was inhabited by Bantu people. Myth 2: The Khoi are the original inhabitants of the whole of South Africa. This narrative is also false. The Khoi and the San are in fact the original inhabitants of the Cape regions of South Africa. They were nomadic hunter gatherer people who lived from Cape Town all the way up to the Namib desert and inland into the Drakensburg mountains. There is no evidence of the Khoi ever inhabiting any parts of KwaZulu Natal, Limpopo, North West, the north of the Eastern Cape and West Free State. There is also no archiological evidence of any war ever occurring between the Bantu and the Khoi over land. There is however evidence of the Khoi trading medicines with the Bantu. We know the famous story of how the future King Dingiswayo was nursed back to health by the Khoi when an assassination attempt was made on him. The story goes that the young Dingiswayo was stabbed by assassins who were sent to kill him as they did not want him to ascend to the thrown of the Mthethwa tribe. It is said Dingiswayo fled to the Drakensburg mountains where he was found by the Khoi and they nursed him back to health. Myth 3: All Coloured people are descendants of the Khoi. This is also false, not all Coloured people can trace their genealogy back to the Khoi. Coloured people came about when white men had babies with the Malay slaves they brought from Asia, some Coloured people came about when white men had babies with the black people they found here and some coloured people came about when white men had babies with the Khoi. When white people landed in South Africa in 1652 they had already colonised vast parts of Asia so when they came here they brought with them slaves and servants from these regions. It is these slaves that also make up some of the geneology of coloured people. Some Dutch settlers did have children with the Khoi women they found in the Cape, as is evident with the story of Krotoa, a young Khoi woman who was taken in by Jan Van Reebeck as a translator. She later married a Dutch soldier and had children with him. Other instances of the emergence of Coloured people include the stories of Henry Fynn and Henry Ogle who settled in KwaZulu Natal. They went on to assimilate into the Zulu culture of polygamy and they took many black wives. Even to this day you still find a lot of Coloured people in KwaZulu Natal who have the surname Fynn and Ogle. When discussing about the land it is easy to fall into the trap of judging things with the mordern eye. But if you take time to study our history you find that it is complex and dark. The mistake we also make is to judge things using measures like borders. In Afrika there were no borders. Borders came with colonisation. Before borders the inhabitants of Afrika moved about all over as nomads who would move according to where there were green pastures and animals to hunt. So it possible that some tribes of the Bantu might have moved north in pursuit of greener pastures. But the fact remains that the Khoi and the Bantu have coexisted in Southern Africa for centuries without conflict. Let's hope that we can resolve the land question and share the land. #IzweLethu References
Apartheid is identical to communism. There isn’t a single thing that was special about Apartheid & I find it very amusing how the Boers are shaking in their boots at the prospect of a communist model that doesn’t have them as beneficiaries at its centre 🤣🤣🤣
Yes, you're right, that's what I always tell people. During apartheid, 95% of corporations were government-owned, and after Anc took power, Sasol and Iscor were privatized.
Fat belly presenter is out if his league. Feels he is owed because his poor and suffered. I'm white and also suffered under apartheid as we had to relocate to make way for blacks. Now I'm suffering again to make way for BEE and all the rest of their communist ideology. Wake up pot belly presenter nobody owes you shit.!! Stop blaming apartheid and stop being a parasite and get off your fat ass and go buy your land like everyone else did. No man. You can't have a Ferrari for free. Dumb nuts. Everything free. Yea right. Perlemoen for free. Take a look at every single state owned enterprise. Fuckup. Every single thing that this ANC touch is a Fuck up. Now they want to touch my land.? Over my dead body. Come meet my hail of lead.!
Does any body know the correct number of blacks that was killed during appartheid? Because i really cant remember any "mass killings " taking place There surely must be recorded history like land sale deeds and and and of where they were disposesed? If i remember correctly they were moved from one place to another and were not just kicked of property I might be wrong so if anybody can send some links please do
The ongoing legacy of what Apartheid has caused is something consistently in denial among the white community. What is your solution to address the injustices of the past when it comes to ownership of land? You talk about fixing the education system etc, sure that makes sense, but does it address the imbalances of ownership of land? Once again I ask: What is your solution to address the injustices of the past when it comes to ownership of land? Answer directly concerning 'the land'.
all white people need to take their asses back where ever the fuck they come from. Don't concern yourself with what happens to SA after you're gone. A's far as compensation , you didn't pay compensation when you came to SA, so you shouldn't get shit
"Its going so bad right now that Apartheid look like a pre-school gathering. People are longing back to Apartheid because right now its a disaster in South Africa" - a BLACK Dr in medicine visiting me
I believe people want white rule back because they believe whites know how to run a country better but I dont think(well most) want apartheid itself back.
Very narrow minded. Political discussions are suppose to be on the platforms where your opposition watches. Defensive wars end in defeat in most cases. As stupid as the majority of this country are, there's no way you can get to them except through their channels. As tedious as it might be...
15:46 he lost the argument and boom... "We are out of time"
soooooooooo true. "Have you read the Native Land Act?"......tjoep stil.
This was a fantastic interview. Based on fact on both sides. Well done all. After this interview I feel government really should be listening and stop with populist politics.
Something just occured to me, the SA mainstream media in general, make Ernst Roets out to be like a white Al Sharpton, yet Ernst is so calm, collective, and KNOWS the facts. They refer to Afriforum as trouble makers and racists just because Afriforum wants to help their people survive. We owe a lot of gratitude to Afriforum, because they are the brains behind this fight. White South Africans need to stand united even more so than ever.
Does Afriforum have a youth league? Like the American Boy Scouts. Where are the big movements? What is happening to white South African youth? Are they still asleep? Are they brainwashed with white guilt and awaiting their next smash and grab? Or is the rugby game distracting everyone?. This is a fight for the future of your children for heaven sake! May God bless Ernst Roets and may he continue to strengthen Afriforum.
How can we bring back Commandos? Without law and order and no control over this crime issue, you and your future generations will never survive and you are sitting ducks. I hope Afriforum not only advocates on behalf of stopping this land expropriation but also demands a way to restore law and order. The rate that white South Africans are affected by crime is unheard of in the west. It absolutly disgusts me how bad the crime is in SA, and yes, most violent attacks on white people are from black strangers, so this is all hate crime in my opinion.
I would like to see more videos made by Afriforum several times a week in English as much as possible for the world to see. You need to have a much bigger youtube presence. Where are all your young interns? They need to be producing much more media.
You ask where are the young people? We are at work earning money which we donate to AfriForum :)
The white people won't do anything because the white youth are too busy doing drugs.
Its true.. white people were also dispossessed of their land during apartheid. The white side of my family was forced to move away from us in Kat river.
Where is that Lee?
@@leonk6592 Kat River is close to Fort Beaufort... you can Google it. My Grandma was one of the "Considered whites" that refused to move and reclassified herself as "Coloured" to keep her land... the rest of her family had to move to King Williams Town. Susan Blackbeard wrote a book about my family's struggle there with the land. It's called Kat River Conversations. My Great Grandfather was the military leader for the Khoi people of Kat River. Commandant Christian Groepe.
@@darkmagnis2902 I wish people could start acknowledging your history as the first nation.
Me too... so much to learn.. so little time
I'd love to know more, but cannot find much except for the book launch on FB
Generations of poverty because they don't have land. What a silly notion, are they suggesting that every black person who lives in a shack is in fact a "master farmer" who if only had land can change their fortunes? Are they then saying that as soon as the land is expropriated that the unemployment stats would significantly decrease because now they will all be commercial farmers? I don't think so, none of this is done in good faith and it is in their own interest to exaggerate how bad apartheid was so that they can play the victim card. Self reflection and honesty is to much to ask of these people because it would blow their narrative right out of the water. You don't need to own property to be able to do well for yourself, I don't own any property and I do just fine for myself with over 100 affirmative action laws trying to stop me.
How much land does the average Japanese own? Or person living in Monaco, or Singapore?
@wernher korff Dude, I'm black and I'm against this policy. Not because its unjust for the lack of compensation but also because it's a terrible economic policy. Now apartheid played a role (eviction of 3.5 millions and land grabbing) BUT we shouldn't follow the Zimbabwe route. Two wrongs will not make a right.
Since group IQ theory (doesn't explain interracial differences) and obviously doesn't reflect on individuals. let me give more sounding reason. Blacks in SA make majority of population so its normal to see higher poverty rate among them. That in of it self should stop the ANC, not prop-up their advocacy. One big hurdle on acheivmet is some of the old tribal customs like early marriages and expectations of creating a family despite the lack of means.
Those that are against EWC don't understand why it's necessary. I don't want to offend, insult or blame anyone but you must know this is not a revenge or hatred thing. It's about rectifying the dispossessed from colonial policies. In 1902 after the Anglo boer war, the Afrikaaners and the English decided to share the land with the exclusion of black people. That's the primary reason why the whites, 5% of the population, owns 80% of the land today. While majority of the population, your fellow countrymen, live in congested, unbearable conditions in informal settlements like Langrug, Alexandra, Khayelitsha and so many other townships across the country. This is present day 2018. More land is required for these citizens, for not just farming but residential and infrastructure development purposes too. There is a giant economical inequality in this country that you can't deny. Why be selfish with such an abundance of land? I don't vote for a political party, I vote for radical economical transformation of my country.
Apartheid is the root of all evil. It has destroyed everybody who were not white in this country. Altered their course of destiny having a rippling psychological effect on Black children born at that time and still has today. Those memories are still bitter and stories of its cruel oppression is being told as bedtime stories to the children of today by their parents, grandparents and great grandparents. This hatred of white supremacy will never ever go away. It will continue as bedtime stories for generations to come. There has been too much suffering by Blacks under the white rule in this country to be just forgotten. They don't care of the consequences by stripping the Afrikaner of his land. In many ways it is a form of revenge and not about anything else. It's like every German must have some Hitler in him and every Black in this country is a product of Nelson Mandela. Who do you think the international community is sympathizing with. Forget about the economics for a moment. They just want their land back and really don't care what happens after that. It can rot for all they care. Sad but true. Smell the coffee. Time to give in or get out. Either way you lose. So I got my bags packed because you won't do either of the two.
@wernher korff in 1800 black tribes namely the hlubis owned their own land and fed themselves and where competitive then in the 1860 got dispossessed by whites and were forced to sell their labour and earn a wage its this social engineering that created black poverty which is the same one that makes you think that white people is superior.. u not.. a logical person would recognise that a state is not a Goverment its you and me and therefore if its own by the state its owned by us.. black white green orange. but an idiot like yourself is okay with earning a salary and risk your future generations been just as useless and landless like you are because you to arrogant to imagine a future where all can be equal
of all the interviews Ernst has done, this has by far been the most decent. Even thow they have no facts or believe the narrative in sa
Totally agree, most decent interviewers.
In all the interviews I've seen with Ernst Roets, he's consistent. He backs up his arguments with facts, reports and stats. Keep winning Ernst!
Facts based on who's history?
History is written by the victors and that alone leads those with common sense in the direction of, history is subjective and one sided. Why do Afrikaaners have less history about their homeland but have tons on the land they conquered. Is it because there was no need for propaganda in the land they had no prospects on.
Steve stop talking shit you poo picker. Go back to europe where you have athiests and 6 foot trannys running around. If you dont like africa you know what to do.
Please seek out and desire to have more conversations and interviews like this with media, Very civil and respectful on both sides. This is the kind of South Africa we want to be a part of.
Unfortunately someone has to confront them or they will believe that what they are doing since none oppose it. However, Ernst Roets is a far better person than I am, I would have resorted to physically knocking sense into some heads long ago.
@Icicle I don't know how long, but I know that someone has to try for as long as possible, in order to provide all the possible chances to a peaceful process. The alternative is unfortunately, war.
That was GOOD! Thank you all - all three of you. Ernst Roets is brilliant.
I think that the biggest problem in SA is that Black people feel, resentful mostly because they feel they were they were treated like some sort of inferior human under apartheid - that their dignity was was hurt. It must be quite difficult to deal with, but it seems to me that they need to remember that the Black people were quite primitive in many ways compared to and when first exposed to and when they first encountered Western civilization. They are very different from what their forebears were like. Perhaps it would help all round if hey could remember that they have benefited enormously from their relationship with Western Christian Civilization. Thinking t#about such things as benches marked "Whites Only" will naturally make them feel humiliated,but it would be sensible and healthier psychologically to realize that the White people were also encountering a very different and strange people whose way of life seemed so very different. After all, Black people wore skins,slept on theground in primitive huts - even jusst little straw shelters while White people slept in beds - between sheets.
If Black people had learned how to use a knife and fork or sit on chairs instead of on the ground, how would they have become somuch more like White people as they are now - with at least some education.
Now they drive cars!
The medical system for Black people was the best one could find on Earth -and it was free - but White people had to be responsible for their own health issues. Baragwanath was famous throughout the World -black people could get the most sophisticated treatment there. A heart transplant for two rand was available!
That Government which was so vilified by the left wing press in the World, was especially concerned with education for Black people.
One needs to be very honest and clear about such things.
It is much healthier emotionally and psychologically to have a feeling a pleasure and gratitude rather than be resentful and envious and hateful
Poor Malema is obviously sick with a horrible envy eating at him inside and he is constantly getting those crowds of poor people - who were much much better off materially during the White Government than they have been before or since - he is making them feel angrier and angrier by telling them how bad White people are - and they are obviously positively slavering to start killing them.
He gets himself and the crowds he gathers (who is paying for all that I wonder?) and stomps and chants "Kill the Boer" . How insane he is. The Boer was always the best friend the African in SA ever had! And they knew it back then- they KNEW that it was the English who fooled them every which way!
Poor Malema! He should try to grow up and be a man instead of trying so hard to be like a rich White man.
Cannibalism is said to be re-emerging in South Africa. Which way does the country really want to go -forward and more andmore educated and civilized - or back to barbarism?
The ANC Government KEPT the "Bantustans" - exactly as they were, where the various tribes were handed their own property.tribal property!.
Oh yeh you say the whites encountered strange people-but these strange people were on their own land--lets all pray for peaceful ways of correcting these historical wrongs
Well said
That would be amazing hey!
Hahaha hahaha yeah right
who will vote for him
Maybe the president of orania
Boitumelo Tshwenyego It will be the return of intelligence
Then I wonder what the Afrikaner nation should feel or do regarding the concentration camps under British rule?? Should we seek restitution from the British??
Yes , I should sue myself because some of my ancestors were forced into concentration camps by some other ancestors of mine.
I often wonder how a mixed race person is supposed to feel according to this identity politics narrative ?
@@montaguable Most whites in South Africa, are mixed, I myself are a mix of between Irish and German decent, although I am Afrikaans speaking, 70% of my immediate family are English speaking. Most of the blacks in SA think that all whites are of Dutch or British decent. And some of the blacks in SA are also mixed. My original comment were made to just make a point, because the blacks in SA think that they should get restitution from whites, because 400 years ago some Dutch people arrived in the Cape region, and since the 1800's wars were fought between white and some black tribes. But they don't want to recognise that in those days, every tribe and nation fought wars, the Zulu fought against the Xhosa, in fact the Zulu tribe were well known for completely wiping out black tribes. So most black tribes in SA should seek restitution from the Zulu tribe. So why is just the whites the guilty ones? Most black people think that they were peaceful amongst each other, which is not the case.
I take my hat off to Ernst.You are a brave man,always stating the facts while surrounded by hostile racists!
In this case a racist is one who wants one group to continue living large at the expense of the other period
Who is racist here
Why racism n not south kings own masses of land
Those that are against EWC don't understand why it's necessary. I don't want to offend, insult or blame anyone but you must know this is not a revenge or hatred thing. It's about rectifying the dispossessed from colonial policies. In 1902 after the Anglo boer war, the Afrikaaners and the English decided to share the land with the exclusion of black people. That's the primary reason why the whites, 5% of the population, owns 80% of the land today. While majority of the population, your fellow countrymen, live in congested, unbearable conditions in informal settlements like Langrug, Alexandra, Khayelitsha and so many other townships across the country. This is present day 2018. More land is required for these citizens, for not just farming but residential and infrastructure development purposes too. There is a giant economical inequality in this country that you can't deny. Why be selfish with such an abundance of land? I don't vote for a political party, I vote for radical economical transformation of my country.
Ashley Davhie...please be my president
This was a really great interview. So glad to see robust debate with a view to finding solutions for ALL people of South Africa.
I'm totally confused. The interim Constitution specified a Bill of Rights Residence section(19) and Property Section (28) that the Constitution enacted as the Housing section (26) and Property section(25). The interim section (28) specified the government's right to expropriate land for public purposes. This allows the government to aquire land it needs to provide its services to the public. The constitution Property section (25) follows the interim mandate, but extends it to include 'redress past injustices'.
Everyone agrees the restoration of expropriated land under Apartheid has to been done on a case by case basis. So, while I except the Apartheid government used expropriation to 'resettle' people, that mechanism is unneccessary under the current constitution because the Housing section (26) does that, and, nothing in the interim constitution suggests the government can use expropriation for any other purpose.
My only conclusion is that some objections were raised and defeated regarding the property Bill of Rights. So we now have a dysfunctional constitution that is creating more problems than it is solving.
Why aren't we objecting to expropriation as the mechanism for redress and not insisting it is a housing issue? We don't have to change the constitution, just append this to the RDP.
I was under the impression the the Truth and Reconciliation was specifically designed to help find closure to past injustices and therefore enable all peoples to get over it and move forward. Is that achieving its goal?
I'm also confused between occupation, territory, and ownership. The whites are the only group that understands ownership, so it is a moot point who arrived first and where they lived. Other groups have highjacked that idea and retro-applied it to their ancestors, in order to claim racial injustice. Only whites owned the land, the others used it, without the idea of owning it.
What am I missing?
You can see how bitter these hosts are, and taking it out on their guest. Ernst, and every white person in SA, gets blamed for Apartheid and everything wrong in SA.
Some leader that represents White South Africans and their instititutions under Apartheid should come out and apologise for the pain caused the Non-White South Africans under Apartheid. Those who have been hurt need to be heard and receive an apology from the heart. Their pain has to be acknowledged so that they can realise that they are on the same team economically and ready to compete with the world. Right now South Africa's citizens sound like kindergarten kids fighting over pencils and erasers. Please convene something to make this happen.
Well done ENCA for being the first south african news agency to not be blatantly biased and to have a constructive conversation about these issues as south africans and not trying to make it blacks and whites and to actually create a platform where this can be engaged on in a mutually respective, racially unpolarized setting. And to Afriforum for always playing it cool and informing everyone about the correct history and stats , and always standing up for what is right ,while sometimes being verbally harassed on other news channels(ernst I wish I had your resilience and aptitude ). A lot of South Africans have been fed incorrect generalized propaganda by popular politicians that just isn’t true. And I respect you for being the voice for the voiceless. Laat geregtigheid geskied.
Black dude got schooled....The real crime here is him supporting the springboks and that womans afro jack hairstyle.
Ernst Roets is exactly why an example needs to be set. The is no democracy without justice.
This guy's outright ignorance and lying is utterly frustrating, luckily there is at least one brilliant man at the table calling him out on his false propaganda! Roets, you are brilliant
Two things needed to fix a dispute:
1. Dialogue
2. Consensus
The recent consultations were not dialogue! The ANC want to extend these in order to "Hear what it wants to hear".
As for consensus the ANC have resorted to majoritarianism rather than democracy!
Thanks Ernst for being our voice when we need it the most! I don't know you personally but, I would like to.
The biggest barrier to the argument is the presupposition that there ought to be equality. Equality is held as an absolute indisputable results which simply has to be achieved. However, people can never truly be equal. All have their own choices to make and variably some will make good choices and excel in life, and others will make bad choices and have a miserable life. The issue, I feel, is with the definition of equality; it seems that society holds that everyone has to have the same standard of living for equality to be achieved, and expects that whenever one person has more or less than others it must be the fault of either the economic system, or apartheid, or discrimination, or someone else who took advantage of them. Thus, the government must legislate and force equality upon everyone so that we can all have the same standard of living. They try to enforce a cure which is misaligned: the sickness is not necessarily oppression, or discrimination, sometimes its purely bad choices and peoples' innate lack of innovation, drive, or vigour, and you can't legislate that equality on them. Equality, in its truest sense, according to me, is giving the people of this country the same opportunity to make something of themselves, and if they fail its not governments job to pick them up and give them whatsoever it is that the rest managed to achieve. That's simply unfair.
Marcelle Nel "That's simply unfair."
Yes, that's communism - Equity of Outcome: all members of a group receive the same benefit, regardless of individual effort.
Postmodernism doctrine states that there is no truth, facts, morals, values, or purpose; only an imbalance of power between oppressor and oppressed, which must be resolved, by force if neccessary. This was done because Marxism failed and so they decided to deny the facts and wage a social, artistic, and academic war on Western culture. This why we see insane claims and accusations about 'past injustices', science, gender, and race.
This explains how the presenters can say something historically inaccurate, be corrected, and immediately continue their false narrative.
It is a social war to shame you into accepting their Marxist idealogy. You can't talk facts, logic or reason, to these people because it means nothing to them. Communism's goal is the destruction of Western culture, but ultimately the destruction of the White Male - who was instrumental in abolitioning slavery, human trafficing, mutilation, canabalism, infant murder, pediophile, and ... the list goes on. All non-white cultures are, or want to, practice one or more of these things, today.
The only equality is under the law - all are judged equally based on our action. (Well we know that doesn't happen)
yes . It seems like everyone want to be the the president. Were in fact not all persons have the capacity to be the president. When will people realise that not all people have the same goals in life . Some prefer order, discipline, rules , values etc . Some prefer , chaos, murder , corruption etc.
Well done to the panel, a respectful discussion, asking the hard questions , trying to be fare, making perceptions clear, and giving time to Ernst to try his best to explain. Wish other media and parliament could hold decent discussions like this. I think it is time for Afriforum to get their best minds together to propose solutions in a bankable plan. They and some of their members have good plans already, just need to get it in presentable form for the public to see. Because we know this is up to the citizens and not government to agree upon because the current government is a) too corrupt and b) too set in their own ways and ego’s to implement solutions that comes from outside their own club.
Great interview!
Kudos to all involved! 👍
The black population is not poor because they didn't have land, but because they only for a bit participated in a European built civilization, while they were standing with one and a half foot, or with both feet in a stone or iron age culture. Every culture that is still there is, when compared with European cultures, poor. And now the people who created the European culture in South Africa, who created the wealth are pushed out, and this will seriously further damage the economy. So the measures they take to get the poor blacks richer, will only make them more poor. With the exception of those who were able to adapt and function on the level of European culture and seized their opportunities.
Dankie Ernst vir jou passie en tyd wat jy insit om regverdigheid teweeg te bring. Ek respekteer jou in jou manier van optrede en kalmte wat jy projekteer al kook dit soms binne jou. Wat kan ons as SA burgers doen om te help buiten finansiële bydraes wat ons alreeds doen?
True, you cannot compare one person's pain to another.
You can simply accept it and help grow past it.
I feel like we as South Africa, coming from the perspective of a white British descendant, born and raised in South Africa, after the fall of Apartheid, that we as a people still focus on the injury that was Apartheid, instead of the blessings we were left with.
We will never forget the injury, but that doesn't mean it must consume us.
I feel that is partly that some people who say "just get over it" are trying to convey.
To draw a comparison, it would be like losing a leg, focussing on the fact that you'll never walk again, instead of accepting that your leg is now gone, and moving past it, growing from it. Focussing on learning to walk with one left and a prosthetic. Growing to be stronger. No amount of finger pointing and name calling is going to bring your leg back. But you can do everything in your capability to continue, becoming better, despite the pain you've suffered.
Nobody, Black, White or Coloured will ever forget the pain that Apartheid brought, we all suffered one way or another, and though I didn't suffer under Apartheid, I have suffered in the years since. Our country and governments have helped make me feel like I don't belong, like because of the colour of my skin, that I shouldn't deserve all the things that I have worked so hard to achieve. Making me doubt my value and worth, because of atrocities committed by people who look like me.
One way or another, to varying degrees, every South African today has been hurt by Apartheid. But it is the fault of the ANC that we haven't learned to grow from it yet.
It was their job to unite us and grow us and create a better life for all that live here and they failed us, the people.
The ANC especially failed the people that needed the most healing.
So to summarize, I can never feel the pain of a black man oppressed in Apartheid, but that black man cannot continue to focus on his loss and not try to help himself.
Most South Africans have been trying so so hard to help themselves, but the government has failed them.
The country is now being led by the few people who were not willing to help themselves, and that is why they want to take from others, because it is easier to call names and throw stones than it is to look inward and grow and take responsibility for your own life.
Does anybody know what happened to the farms on this list?
Our farm was expropriated by the National Party to be incoprated into the Ciskei. The farm was in the Seymore area. Three other family farms were also expropriated in the Elands River valley. I went to see what things looked like. What a disaster. Nothing was happening on all the farms.
Jes , my grandfather was farming in Seymore , Alice area(Makazana) and the land was taken away from him. Sadly there is nothing left . Should we put in a lands claim?
It is not right to have the government just take a persons land without paying for that land!!!
#BIGUP Mr Ernst
Let them put their money where their mouth is.
It would ease the burden.
Sadly Legal recourse did not work in Zimbabwe, it was overridden by actions of authorities
I don't understand how time was up and then they continued???
Cursed are those who vandalize ancient statues and who invade a farmers land.
To the male presenter, your argument of the cost of black families not being able to own land is a very emotional one. What you want is for Ernst to hear your emotional pain. When you debate with Ernst, your argument is blurred by your emotion around the issue. Ernst is a cerebral guy who cannot hear your pain, besides what could he do other than to acknowledge that he was not in your shoes and that he was sorry for your pain. Ernst wins the debate because he has mastered facts and has the evidence. Accept the fact that those who never suffered under apartheid, may not understand your pain. Once you realise that you can move to the facts and arrive at a solution. In that respect both you and Ernst were saying the same thing in terms of resolving the land issue. To the female presenter Communism/Marxism(I think the ANC is more of a socialist organisation, while the EFF are Marxists) has killed 100 of millions of people under Mao Tse Tung, Paul Pot, Kim Jong Un, Josef Stalin, Lenin, Castro, South American nations, etc. and yet Marxism continues to be promoted by the EFF in terms of the state owning the land and really should be banned as an ideology, just an Apartheid has. Both are incongruent with the aspirations of the human spirit.
Ernst please inform the dutch media about the situation in south Africa . According to me they are misinformed or for some reason they deliberately mis inform the dutch people
This sounds like "civil asset forfeiture" in America. That is when the badged highway robbers (police, state patrols) steal your money under some flimsy excuse, and you cannot get it back.
Why not just say that race-based dispossession is wrong, period. Whether it is done by the ANC or Apartheid. The fact that there are stated reasons for said dispossession is irrelevant and can only serve to partially justify the evil, never negate it.
So, we try and fix the past, and destroy our future? Problem is that we don't even know exactly what happened in the past. . . but we know what is happening right now, and we can influence what is going to happen tomorrow. Be kind, be respectful - even if it is hard - be fair.
Good interview, with Mainstream media showing some restraint! Ernst great work.
Then Marikana was also a mass killing! During ANC rule and all ernst is saying is that apartheid was bad and so is what they are doing now!!!
Ernst demeanor and evident deft and intelligence was manifest
having said that ... responses about so called 'low IQ " regarding any of the three shows nothing less than malice
It is clear as daylight, 25 years later this country is in the worst financial crisis in its entire existence. We had enough Investments from the West, in the last 20 years, to build this country's economy into a worldwide Economic Giant. Isn't this just a way, to draw attention away from the real problem at hand, which is, the Country is bankrupt due to mismanagement by the ruling party since it came into power in 1994. The ' ownership of land' was never such a big issue before (last 22 years) why is CR pressing for this, so aggressively this a way to compensate(console) their poorer voters, because they are well aware, of the uprising by their voters, demanding to fulfill what was promised to them...
Mr Presenter, please also understand that owning land is NOT all that's it cracked up to be. It is a myth that it creates wealth. If I buy a piece of land and use a loan from the bank, to finance the purchase, remember, the bank is the owner of the land, until I pay off the loan. Land is zoned, some for residences, some for business. The municipality will generally not allow residences and businesses on the same property. The municipality will also not allow 17 restaurants, or hairdressing salons, one next to the other. As you know businesses and residences have to pay for the water and electricity on the property. There is also rates charged depending on the property's use.....and if you don't pay your rates, the municipality takes your property away and evicts you. So while you may have a property, the key is to having the money to service the debt and all the other expenses associated with ownership. Having and maintaining a job becomes critical. Also.....and this is a big one......since 1955, property prices, around the world, have increased dramatically, over the past 60 years, with banks thriving in make loans and making many property owners very wealthy......THAT PHENOMENA HAS NOW CHANGED.....mostly because we have enjoyed interest rates at their lowest in 5000 years.....yes, 5000 years, allowing real estate to go through a massive boom.....but with the pension crisis around the world and collapsing currencies (first the Turkish lira and other emerging markets including the South African rand, then the Chinese yuan, the Japanese yen and then the Euro), interest rates will rise very quickly make it very challenging for those who have debt associated with owning their properties and may have you sell, possibly taking the price down for all the properties in the same area. Property prices will NO LONGER appreciate in price as it has done for the last 60 years. In fact, property prices, worldwide, will decline back to 1955 levels, where it first started. In a rising interest environment, banks are unwilling to make loans, because of the increasing risk of rising interest be careful what you wish for....not everyone will be sufficiently responsible when having a property in their name.
Why does the state not give their land instead of taking others land
I wonder what Expropriation of Land Without Compensation in the "PUBLIC INTEREST" really means!... I guess there will be a problem with the definition of... "PUBLIC"!!! Are Ministers, MPs, Police chiefs, Army officials, Billionaires & friends of all these people included as "PUBLIC" ? Who knows ?...
Indians were moved out of edendale n moved to northdale compensation ...back in apartheid
owners who have land should be compensated to take ones land is out right theft especially if you have paid for it and you have a title deed to prove it you paid for it
Thank you Ernst! The truth is all you need!
It is impossible to negotiate or to reason with fools and idiots.
This guy is sick he is defending evil
Ernst was ready for every question and answered each one of them with truth and confidence.
We need people like him in our government, but sadly he is white...
Is this Netflix dude?
Is this about all property or just farmland? Potentially they (ANC and EFF) could try redistribute all property. What a screw up
Haha! Ernst nailed it. Emotions are running high and that's why some bad things of apartheid are being made up.
Gods word says it is written the government is not allowed to take the people land away from them and we have the rite to protect ourselfs and our belongings God will deal with them if they do
Don't these camera people know how to focus their lenses? This is truly pathetic.
🤣🤣🤣A Stuijt, do you fancy a glass of wine with me one day? Nothing black and white..just u for making my day
Ernst stop arguing with the people, how can you come to Africa and want to have that attitude no man, you need to unlearn what you think you know and open your mind, start making arrangements for the farmers to give half their land to the workers, that`s the only way Ernst.thats` a message from God, Amen.
why does goverment not build a cruise ship for SA call it Nelson Mandela
a lot of people were paid out they wanted the money and now they want the land not rite
Afriforum didn't have to give an alternative. That is the states job!
Ernst Roets would fix this country as its president right quick!
No white man will ever again be the president of SA
Ernst is a gem.
I watched a lot of his interviews and in comparison I really feel this was the least unreasonable. Some points pushed without merate but break time was good idee and got civilised again.
Would be nice if the argument was based in fact not emotion…
Biased, irrational and unfair debaters
We are reading your comments & taking note of your insults.
On the issue of where black (The Bantu)people come from:
I have been reading and noting over the past couple weeks a narrative being aggressively pushed that black people ( The bantu) migrated from central Afrika and later "settled" in South Africa. I would like to state that this narrative is false and it's a great distortion of history. There are many permeating myths that
are doing the rounds that we need to dispell and correct.
Myth 1: Black people came from central Afrika.
This myth is false. In South Africa just outside Johannesburg there is a place called The Cradle of Mankind. It is supposedly an area where scientists believe man evolved from being ape like to becoming Homosepiens (Human). It is common knowledge that the first people on this earth were black and all other races came from black people. So if the first people started out in outside Johannesburg who were those people who migrated from central Afrika?
Furthermore there is also archaeological evidence of a kingdom called Mapungubwe that existed north of Pretoria around 900 AD. This kingdom was inhabited by Bantu people. Now tell me again how the Bantu migrated from central Afrika.
There is more evidence of Bantu people living in Southern Afrika, when you go into Zimbabwe you will find ruins of a city that existed in the 11th century called Great Zimbabwe. That city too was inhabited by Bantu people.
Myth 2: The Khoi are the original inhabitants of the whole of South Africa.
This narrative is also false. The Khoi and the San are in fact the original inhabitants of the Cape regions of South Africa. They were nomadic hunter gatherer people who lived from Cape Town all the way up to the Namib desert and inland into the Drakensburg mountains. There is no evidence of the Khoi ever inhabiting any parts of KwaZulu Natal, Limpopo, North West, the north of the Eastern Cape and West Free State. There is also no archiological evidence of any war ever occurring between the Bantu and the Khoi over land. There is however evidence of the Khoi trading medicines with the Bantu. We know the famous story of how the future King Dingiswayo was nursed back to health by the Khoi when an assassination attempt was made on him.
The story goes that the young Dingiswayo was stabbed by assassins who were sent to kill him as they did not want him to ascend to the thrown of the Mthethwa tribe. It is said Dingiswayo fled to the Drakensburg mountains where he was found by the Khoi and they nursed him back to health.
Myth 3: All Coloured people are descendants of the Khoi.
This is also false, not all Coloured people can trace their genealogy back to the Khoi. Coloured people came about when white men had babies with the Malay slaves they brought from Asia, some Coloured people came about when white men had babies with the black people they found here and some coloured people came about when white men had babies with the Khoi.
When white people landed in South Africa in 1652 they had already colonised vast parts of Asia so when they came here they brought with them slaves and servants from these regions. It is these slaves that also make up some of the geneology of coloured people. Some Dutch settlers did have children with the Khoi women they found in the Cape, as is evident with the story of Krotoa, a young Khoi woman who was taken in by Jan Van Reebeck as a translator. She later married a Dutch soldier and had children with him. Other instances of the emergence of Coloured people include the stories of Henry Fynn and Henry Ogle who settled in KwaZulu Natal. They went on to assimilate into the Zulu culture of polygamy and they took many black wives. Even to this day you still find a lot of Coloured people in KwaZulu Natal who have the surname Fynn and Ogle.
When discussing about the land it is easy to fall into the trap of judging things with the mordern eye. But if you take time to study our history you find that it is complex and dark. The mistake we also make is to judge things using measures like borders. In Afrika there were no borders. Borders came with colonisation. Before borders the inhabitants of Afrika moved about all over as nomads who would move according to where there were green pastures and animals to hunt. So it possible that some tribes of the Bantu might have moved north in pursuit of greener pastures. But the fact remains that the Khoi and the Bantu have coexisted in Southern Africa for centuries without conflict.
Let's hope that we can resolve the land question and share the land.
Non of this matters since nowhere in history did land belong to the person who was there first. Neil Armstrong did not own the moon
You can drag this debate as long as you like, just know that if you don’t lead a proper solution, Zimbabwe will happen and everyone loses
If you want to debate, debate the facts not populist politics. Apartheid was wrong, but do not try to make it out as something it never was.
it can create jobs the skilled help the unskilled once the cruise ship is built whoever works in the ship gets a pension like a share for life
Apartheid is identical to communism. There isn’t a single thing that was special about Apartheid & I find it very amusing how the Boers are shaking in their boots at the prospect of a communist model that doesn’t have them as beneficiaries at its centre 🤣🤣🤣
Yes, you're right, that's what I always tell people. During apartheid, 95% of corporations were government-owned, and after Anc took power, Sasol and Iscor were privatized.
This is massive theft,
Fat belly presenter is out if his league. Feels he is owed because his poor and suffered. I'm white and also suffered under apartheid as we had to relocate to make way for blacks. Now I'm suffering again to make way for BEE and all the rest of their communist ideology. Wake up pot belly presenter nobody owes you shit.!! Stop blaming apartheid and stop being a parasite and get off your fat ass and go buy your land like everyone else did. No man. You can't have a Ferrari for free. Dumb nuts. Everything free. Yea right. Perlemoen for free. Take a look at every single state owned enterprise. Fuckup. Every single thing that this ANC touch is a Fuck up. Now they want to touch my land.? Over my dead body. Come meet my hail of lead.!
Bravo Ernst, Bravo!
Very cordial discussion
Jive man, total jive out of your ANC.
If so , two wrongs don't make a right.
To all the white people here: ok'salayo uzobuya umhlaba wethu! thina sizowulwela.
oh yes africans owned land even in Rhodesia but the poor parts with no commercial value at all
Plz africa do not thing on just one thing do not trust this man.
Does any body know the correct number of blacks that was killed during appartheid? Because i really cant remember any "mass killings " taking place
There surely must be recorded history like land sale deeds and and and of where they were disposesed?
If i remember correctly they were moved from one place to another and were not just kicked of property
I might be wrong so if anybody can send some links please do
The ongoing legacy of what Apartheid has caused is something consistently in denial among the white community. What is your solution to address the injustices of the past when it comes to ownership of land? You talk about fixing the education system etc, sure that makes sense, but does it address the imbalances of ownership of land?
Once again I ask: What is your solution to address the injustices of the past when it comes to ownership of land? Answer directly concerning 'the land'.
all white people need to take their asses back where ever the fuck they come from. Don't concern yourself with what happens to SA after you're gone. A's far as compensation , you didn't pay compensation when you came to SA, so you shouldn't get shit
Thou shall not steal
"Its going so bad right now that Apartheid look like a pre-school gathering. People are longing back to Apartheid because right now its a disaster in South Africa" - a BLACK Dr in medicine visiting me
I believe people want white rule back because they believe whites know how to run a country better but I dont think(well most) want apartheid itself back.
can you hear that afriforum, the sound of inevitability..the sound of our land..loading
'n doos, is 'n doos, is 'n doos...
Why don't this guy gett a real job?
#voteEFF2019!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AFRICAN LAND 4 AFRICANS!
oksalayo we are taking the land back
You already did we are talking about taking all the farms without consent
weak journalists!!
Gee hulle hel Ernst
Shame man it's too late now Mr Roets we expropriating anyway..
And your economy is failing and gdp declining. Ag shame, don't expect refugee status when you all lose your jobs.
Very narrow minded. Political discussions are suppose to be on the platforms where your opposition watches. Defensive wars end in defeat in most cases. As stupid as the majority of this country are, there's no way you can get to them except through their channels. As tedious as it might be...