I love the whole scene where Fiona watches Loid's expressions and body language. At first, she's complimenting him mentally on faking being the happy family man so well, but she stops when she realizes that what she's looking at isn't fake. Twilight has found the kind of happiness that she wanted to be the one to give him, and she had to run out into the rain to hide her tears at that realization. A very poignant, very human scene for a character that was first introduced as being so coldly perfect that she initially came off as almost robotic.
I agree, Loid is slowly starting to care more about Anya and Yor. In episode 1 Loid talks about how he gave up any chance of having a family when he became a spy. It is implied from what we’ve seen that the war caused the death of Loid’s family, and I think deep down, he’s always wanted to have a family again. So when he’s tasked with making a fake one, it makes sense that he would start to care more about them over time. To me, every instance where Loid tells himself “it’s just for the mission” it’s slowly becoming more of an excuse.
Oh yeah 110% on that last part you said, he's obsessively trying to reassure himself constantly saying it for that very purpose, and yet every time he says it it's less and less concrete.
Honestly this series as a whole is profound. I'd advise every parents and teachers to watch this series, it has profound messages about parenting, teaching, and what it means to have a family.
I do feel bad for Fiona. She has known and loved Loid for so long yet could never reveal it because of their work. And then seeing him actually happy with a family, a family she could have been a part of would hit like a truck. Also Fiona and Yor are like the opposite sides of Beautiful which also corresponds with their names (Briar and Frost). Yor is like a warm garden with cold breeze. Comforting, soft and pretty. Where as Fiona is a perfect sculpture of ice, sharp and cold to the touch but when you look at it, you get lost it's perfection.
I loved this episode reaction, sooo much. I've always loved your content for so long now. Spy x Family really is a core show for me that's impacted me alot in a negative time in my life. I'm so happy you chose to do what you do now, you bring smiles, laughs and a peace of mind to many like me especially in dark times.
I love the way everything is measured out in this show, with subtle and beautiful touches, it takes you from smiling to crying, from deep reflection to a touching moment. In the end you always feel warm in your heart. And your reactions are perfect, have no doubts my dear Jay that you are as beautiful as nice.
Nightfall is amazing and so funny. I think she was trained by Twilight especially with that flashback where he told her that a spy doesn't show their emotions and she decided to not show ANY emotions lol 😂😂😂😂 I'm also very curious about Loid's past, especially why he joined WISE in the first place and why he has the mission to not see children cried. I hope you can react to the OPs and EDs translations because they are beautiful and if you loved them now, you will love them even more after knowing what they say.
Nightfall: "Suuuuuuuuuuuuki💕". That scene killed me😂 and it's also just the way Anya reads her mind as well, she couldn't believe what truly lied in her heart's ambition. The arc with Fiona is my favorite in Spy x Family.
so if we have twilight, nightfall and daybreak there are left: High Noon, Dusk, eventide, nocturne, sundown, morninglight, morn, witchching (witching hour), midnight. aso.
Yor Briar's code-name is Thorn Princess which is also pretty cool. Most of the last names also reflect the characters in some way. Yor Briar, a briar is a thorny plant. Loid Forger, forger being someone who makes imitations. Fiona Frost, frost reflecting the very emotionless/cold vibe she gives off externally.
There’s a theory that Handler deliberately planned this mission in order to give Loid a happy family life, and she deliberately sent Nightfall on an assignment because she knew that nightfall would not be a good wife or mother, and it was better if Loid found his own wife. Probably never be proven, but it is an interesting theory!
The voice actress for "Nightfall" is Ayane Sakura, who also voices Aira, the pink-haired high school girl who appears in episode 5 of DanDaDan. Her cute voice is great, but I also think she's great for cool characters, as her voice is clear and powerful!
Senpai is also used among co-workers, to either refer to people of the same level, but with more time in the company, or people slightly above them in rank. Not like boss and subordinate, but more like shift manager and regular workers.
You're really spot ON with your thoughts about Loid and whenever he always stated "for the mission" in his thoughts! I would also say though, that Fiona is really in love with Twilight the spy and not him fully as a person. Like if he lost all of that spy stuff I am betting 110% she at the very least wouldn't be as "in-love" with him as she is shown to be.
This was one of my favorite episodes so far! I also feel so bad for Fiona. I know there's no way both her and Yor end up happy at the end of all this but part of me wants that for the both of them.
I will always want Yor and Loid to end up together, but I also really love Fiona. I love how even joke characters like her and Franky get very human moments in the show. They're still gag characters, but they also feel pretty real in some regard too. The scene of her crying in the rain makes her seem a lot more human and tragic. Sometimes you work for something with all your might and it still doesn't happen, that's life. It's relatable.
As to what you said in the discussion: Twilight became Twilight because he wanted a world where children didn't cry. When he comes to wrestle with his feelings my guess is he might start to empathize with how Anya might feel when he discards her, as he is supposed to do when she's no longer useful. What'll happen then?
Spy x Family is one of the best animes in Japan cause everyone there wished for a functional Family xD .. (no joke, its probably most of the answers why this anime comes well) Anyas Face when the Camera moves out xDD 09:03 Nightfall know well that isn't a fake smile.
That scene of Anya's Maximum Cuteness in front of Nightfall is reminding me of the jokes that SxF was made as propaganda to promote having children. She's just too cute!!!
For Fiona, did she really knew/know Twilight? No. Twilight is still a next mask that protect him from himself (if that make sanse). And she is almost a female version of Twilight but with extra pride and ambition+ she out of the blue was coming for Yor AND with that risked mission (but yeah! she is just girl in love, I guess). So no, to those people who think that if Yor hadn't shown up, he would have been with Nightfall- that isn't just true.
loid is not the real twlight either. twilight hardly knows himself. his life is a constant rotation of identities. neither yor or fiona know the "real" him, because he hardly knows the real him. though you're right, even if yor hadn't shown up, he probably wouldn't have ended up with nightfall. im sure he cannot imagine himself with a family or love ever, until he was "forced" into one by operation strix
I always thought that Fiona and Yuri will eventually end up together. They literally have the same obsession with the opposite sex member of the Forger family ahahahha (Is that enough to think something like that? Absolutely not, but it's damn funny ahahaha)
Actually, I feel bad for Nightfall because she loves him a long time. And then she saw him he like another woman. I love Yor she is my baby. But pls I want Nightfall to be happy
You'll definitely get to see Yor and Nightfall vie against each other, which is easy to predict. But there's no way you'll guess the circumstances, unless you've already seen it by this point.
Fiona was really unlucky to not be at the agency when Loid needed to create a family, if she was available she would've been obviously chosen over a random wife to make the mission more optimal, which is probably why she is even more pissed. I love her btw, i usually don't like when there is somewhat of a disturbance in the main couple, but Fiona is actually way too funny :D
Fortunately, even her being the 'obvious' choice wouldn't have been enough reason for Loid, had that actually happened :P ^He doesn't know her feelings, but he's got his own reasons to not want a cold person like her looking after a child
@@Omegafire17 well that's the thing, she's not cold at all, she is acting cold because that's what Loid told her when she trained under him. Also Loid wouldn't have had any issue with her even if she was cold, good spies can act whenever needed.
@@Omegafire17 I mean if handler had assigned Nightfall, Twilight wouldn’t have argued. Plus, Nightfall also loves Twilight’s capacity to be “weak” and kind to Anya, so I think he could have brought her around. I’d love to see that AU
twilight, nightfall, daybreak, and dont forget that yor's real name is YORU, which means 'night' in Japanese. but somehow it's 'yor' in English version. edit: probably the same happen to loid's real name too. probably his real name is "Lloyd". but "loid" sounds unique. so they use loid in English version. maybe like that edit2; keep it in mind that 'fiona' is not her real name. and nightfall is her codename. same like twilight aka loid. fiona frost is the equivalent of loid forger. alias name.
There's also Starlight Anya. edit: in the manga, the initial translations of Loid's name was "Lloyd" but they changed it later. Same with Yor who used to be "Yoru" in several earlier chapters. And Forgers was once translated as "Folgers" on the first chapter. Anya's name was shown as "Ania" on her room's nameplate in earlier episodes of the anime.
It’s not good to be obsessed with someone like that. Unless of course you find someone who is just as obsessed with you. We all deserve to have relationships like that.
There's a reason why Fiona was unavailable from the beginning to be Loid's fake wife. Speaking of codenames, I'd default to the one from the series Azumanga Daioh: "Team Sea Slug". 😅
To be fair, I don't care if you are a man, a woman, straight or homosexual, who wouldn't want to take the part of the dad or mom? We all know that we would be ok with either part...
The amazing thing is that the anime never even comes close to showing how badass Nightfall is or how deep her feelings for Loid actually are. And when you think about what they do show that gap is truly astonishing.
In the manga, although not yet in the anime, Frankie and Fiona meet. They actually work well together once they get past their personalities. As unlikely as it is, I think they’d make a better pair than Yuri and Fiona would make. Or maybe get together with people who aren’t spies or informers. 😂
Honestly, at this point nightfall deserves Loid more. She has a more meaningful link to him. Yor just thinks he is nice, responsible, and has accepted her. It's pretty superficial in comparison to someone that understands his spy stuggles and struggles with them herself (particularly the stuggles of having no one you can trust and being lonely). Yor could bond with Loid about similar things, but at this point they have only bonded based on pretty surface-level fake things. She has bonded to his fake persona and she has only shown him half of her persona.
13:40 this scene reminds me. We don't see physical affection from the parents to Anya pretty much ever. It's pretty weird. Why is she not lying on one of her parents lap when she is watching her spy show? Why don't we ever see any hugs/kisses goodbye? There is plenty of pretty flippant nonsense included in episodes. I would imagine they could include a few scenes to show their affection and comfortability with eachother. The way it is now, it does feel like a robotic family that could have members replaced.
I love the whole scene where Fiona watches Loid's expressions and body language. At first, she's complimenting him mentally on faking being the happy family man so well, but she stops when she realizes that what she's looking at isn't fake. Twilight has found the kind of happiness that she wanted to be the one to give him, and she had to run out into the rain to hide her tears at that realization. A very poignant, very human scene for a character that was first introduced as being so coldly perfect that she initially came off as almost robotic.
3:17 Twilight, Nightfall, Daybreak,
and of course, Anya is Starlight
Yoru is also night even if the author didn't intend for it.
Thorn Princess*
Nightfall and Yuri in the same room together would be a total chaos, Twilight's biggest fan vs Loid's biggest hater 😂
"my dad can beat up your dad" kind of moment 😂
Yuri is a generational hater for Loid
You mean Lotti 😂
Also..Yor's biggest hater(eh i mean not the biggest) vs Yor's biggest fan
I agree, Loid is slowly starting to care more about Anya and Yor. In episode 1 Loid talks about how he gave up any chance of having a family when he became a spy. It is implied from what we’ve seen that the war caused the death of Loid’s family, and I think deep down, he’s always wanted to have a family again. So when he’s tasked with making a fake one, it makes sense that he would start to care more about them over time. To me, every instance where Loid tells himself “it’s just for the mission” it’s slowly becoming more of an excuse.
Oh yeah 110% on that last part you said, he's obsessively trying to reassure himself constantly saying it for that very purpose, and yet every time he says it it's less and less concrete.
Honestly this series as a whole is profound.
I'd advise every parents and teachers to watch this series, it has profound messages about parenting, teaching, and what it means to have a family.
I do feel bad for Fiona. She has known and loved Loid for so long yet could never reveal it because of their work. And then seeing him actually happy with a family, a family she could have been a part of would hit like a truck.
Also Fiona and Yor are like the opposite sides of Beautiful which also corresponds with their names (Briar and Frost). Yor is like a warm garden with cold breeze. Comforting, soft and pretty.
Where as Fiona is a perfect sculpture of ice, sharp and cold to the touch but when you look at it, you get lost it's perfection.
Yor is like a warm summer day with a cool breeze. Fiona is like a being curled up in a warm cabin in the middle of a snowy night.
Becky's rival is here!
I loved this episode reaction, sooo much. I've always loved your content for so long now. Spy x Family really is a core show for me that's impacted me alot in a negative time in my life. I'm so happy you chose to do what you do now, you bring smiles, laughs and a peace of mind to many like me especially in dark times.
I love the way everything is measured out in this show, with subtle and beautiful touches, it takes you from smiling to crying, from deep reflection to a touching moment. In the end you always feel warm in your heart. And your reactions are perfect, have no doubts my dear Jay that you are as beautiful as nice.
Love your love for these characters. I can totally relate to crying out of happiness for them. 🥹
Nightfall is amazing and so funny. I think she was trained by Twilight especially with that flashback where he told her that a spy doesn't show their emotions and she decided to not show ANY emotions lol 😂😂😂😂
I'm also very curious about Loid's past, especially why he joined WISE in the first place and why he has the mission to not see children cried.
I hope you can react to the OPs and EDs translations because they are beautiful and if you loved them now, you will love them even more after knowing what they say.
Nightfall: "Suuuuuuuuuuuuki💕".
That scene killed me😂 and it's also just the way Anya reads her mind as well, she couldn't believe what truly lied in her heart's ambition. The arc with Fiona is my favorite in Spy x Family.
"Take Yor out? First off, I don't think you'd be able to..." Nailed it. Yor isn't human anymore. Remember dodgeball training?
so if we have twilight, nightfall and daybreak there are left: High Noon, Dusk, eventide, nocturne, sundown, morninglight, morn, witchching (witching hour), midnight. aso.
Aw, I loved this episode and your reaction Flexie ❤
I’m in love with all this characters too
Yor Briar's code-name is Thorn Princess which is also pretty cool. Most of the last names also reflect the characters in some way. Yor Briar, a briar is a thorny plant. Loid Forger, forger being someone who makes imitations. Fiona Frost, frost reflecting the very emotionless/cold vibe she gives off externally.
There’s a theory that Handler deliberately planned this mission in order to give Loid a happy family life, and she deliberately sent Nightfall on an assignment because she knew that nightfall would not be a good wife or mother, and it was better if Loid found his own wife.
Probably never be proven, but it is an interesting theory!
The voice actress for "Nightfall" is Ayane Sakura, who also voices Aira, the pink-haired high school girl who appears in episode 5 of DanDaDan.
Her cute voice is great, but I also think she's great for cool characters, as her voice is clear and powerful!
Senpai is also used among co-workers, to either refer to people of the same level, but with more time in the company, or people slightly above them in rank. Not like boss and subordinate, but more like shift manager and regular workers.
Fun fact, the word "Tasogare" Twilight can be littely translated to "who the hell are you" which is a fitting name for the man with 1000 faces
You're really spot ON with your thoughts about Loid and whenever he always stated "for the mission" in his thoughts! I would also say though, that Fiona is really in love with Twilight the spy and not him fully as a person. Like if he lost all of that spy stuff I am betting 110% she at the very least wouldn't be as "in-love" with him as she is shown to be.
Also there WILL be a 1v1 with both ladies, just not a legit fight lol
Loid and Yor forever 🫣😎🫶🏻🥳🥳🥳, thanks for you reactions 🎉
I really hope Yuri and Nightfall get together. That would be funny and intense.
I absolutely agree with your theory about Loid's feeling
This was one of my favorite episodes so far! I also feel so bad for Fiona. I know there's no way both her and Yor end up happy at the end of all this but part of me wants that for the both of them.
It's been said quite a bit in the fandom that Fiona would've been a great wife for Twilight, but not for Loid.
flexies the frieren is back yesss
Been waiting for you to meet Nightfall.
that lonely scene of noghtfall under the rain always hitme...
I will always want Yor and Loid to end up together, but I also really love Fiona. I love how even joke characters like her and Franky get very human moments in the show. They're still gag characters, but they also feel pretty real in some regard too. The scene of her crying in the rain makes her seem a lot more human and tragic. Sometimes you work for something with all your might and it still doesn't happen, that's life. It's relatable.
Fun fact, Nightfall is voiced by Uraraka's VA from My Hero. Love your videos. Take care.
Japanese voice acing is insane!
I love that Loid is paying attention to her show that he's even quoting it. Lol
He even reads all the comic books for it too 😂
As to what you said in the discussion: Twilight became Twilight because he wanted a world where children didn't cry. When he comes to wrestle with his feelings my guess is he might start to empathize with how Anya might feel when he discards her, as he is supposed to do when she's no longer useful. What'll happen then?
Even though shes "Yor's romantic rival", I still like Fiona and want her to be happy. Just find someone who's not Loid.
According to the manga, she might end up with Franky as their interaction is like CC and Niles from "The Nanny"...
@@anaemiliaalmeida7238 ewwwww no
@@anaemiliaalmeida7238 aint no way lmao, they dont fit as a couple at all
@@anaemiliaalmeida7238 my gosh I hope not lmfao
@@catsouplover7745 How about Yuri, then?
20:07 Clannad After Story moment right there.... I'm not cryin'.... I AM NOT :'(...
The world would indeed be a better place if the world worked like how it would in a child's world. 22:03
Spy x Family is one of the best animes in Japan cause everyone there wished for a functional Family xD .. (no joke, its probably most of the answers why this anime comes well) Anyas Face when the Camera moves out xDD 09:03 Nightfall know well that isn't a fake smile.
Your first reaction when Nightfall's true thoughts were revealed was very similar to Anya's :D
That scene of Anya's Maximum Cuteness in front of Nightfall is reminding me of the jokes that SxF was made as propaganda to promote having children. She's just too cute!!!
Soory Fiona. Even if you're a fking badass and cute, this Loid x Yor ship is unbreakable. Step aside.
I’m only gonna say this once because it’s never gonna happen but
Dark horse ship entry: TwiNightYor throuple supremacy
@@quegs that honestly sounds stupidly weird and makes no amount of sense
@@PrinceAli628 Ah, but counter-argument: everyone could have their cake and eat it too. 😂
Your code name will be “Eclipse “
Ooooooh that’s cool 👀
Nightfall is just really REALLY DEVOTED!
Nightfall my favorite character in the entire series
I F-ING LOVE NIGHTFALL! Best character in SpyxFamily, no cap.
nightfall is such an awesome character
i love nightfall 😭
suki suki suki suki suki suki
For Fiona, did she really knew/know Twilight?
No. Twilight is still a next mask that protect him from himself (if that make sanse). And she is almost a female version of Twilight but with extra pride and ambition+ she out of the blue was coming for Yor AND with that risked mission (but yeah! she is just girl in love, I guess).
So no, to those people who think that if Yor hadn't shown up, he would have been with Nightfall- that isn't just true.
That is EXACTLY it.
loid is not the real twlight either. twilight hardly knows himself. his life is a constant rotation of identities. neither yor or fiona know the "real" him, because he hardly knows the real him. though you're right, even if yor hadn't shown up, he probably wouldn't have ended up with nightfall. im sure he cannot imagine himself with a family or love ever, until he was "forced" into one by operation strix
I always thought that Fiona and Yuri will eventually end up together. They literally have the same obsession with the opposite sex member of the Forger family ahahahha
(Is that enough to think something like that? Absolutely not, but it's damn funny ahahaha)
That's literally what I always thought, and I hope there's some sort of arc in the future that might do at least something with it.
You can use the codename: Sunshine
Actually, I feel bad for Nightfall because she loves him a long time. And then she saw him he like another woman. I love Yor she is my baby. But pls I want Nightfall to be happy
what makes you think she's not gonna be fine?
You'll definitely get to see Yor and Nightfall vie against each other, which is easy to predict. But there's no way you'll guess the circumstances, unless you've already seen it by this point.
Twilight is slowly becoming Loid
I would love Nightfall to recruit Yuri in some over-complicated scheme to break up the family
Best react!
Oh yeah. Nightfall’s not crazy. She’s CWAAAAAZY.
You think Spy x Family doesn't have a story arc? Well, here you go 😂
Fiona was really unlucky to not be at the agency when Loid needed to create a family, if she was available she would've been obviously chosen over a random wife to make the mission more optimal, which is probably why she is even more pissed.
I love her btw, i usually don't like when there is somewhat of a disturbance in the main couple, but Fiona is actually way too funny :D
Fortunately, even her being the 'obvious' choice wouldn't have been enough reason for Loid, had that actually happened :P
^He doesn't know her feelings, but he's got his own reasons to not want a cold person like her looking after a child
@@Omegafire17 well that's the thing, she's not cold at all, she is acting cold because that's what Loid told her when she trained under him.
Also Loid wouldn't have had any issue with her even if she was cold, good spies can act whenever needed.
@@Omegafire17 I mean if handler had assigned Nightfall, Twilight wouldn’t have argued.
Plus, Nightfall also loves Twilight’s capacity to be “weak” and kind to Anya, so I think he could have brought her around. I’d love to see that AU
When it rains in Nightfall.
The Assassin vs The Homewrecker... that's pay per view right there
3:13 Flexie code name: WhiteSnake.
Flexie loves so much orochimaru that she train so much the ways of the snakes
Hah has Metal Gear Solid vibes.
I heard someone say this that Fiona is the wife he needed for the mission but Yor is the wife needs to be happy and loving something like that
Go say "yes, senpai" to Yoshi the next time he asks for something.
The Best is still to come xD
twilight, nightfall, daybreak, and dont forget that yor's real name is YORU, which means 'night' in Japanese. but somehow it's 'yor' in English version.
edit: probably the same happen to loid's real name too. probably his real name is "Lloyd". but "loid" sounds unique. so they use loid in English version. maybe like that
edit2; keep it in mind that 'fiona' is not her real name. and nightfall is her codename. same like twilight aka loid. fiona frost is the equivalent of loid forger. alias name.
No! He is called Loidy by Yuri xD..
and anya's is Starlight :D
There's also Starlight Anya.
edit: in the manga, the initial translations of Loid's name was "Lloyd" but they changed it later. Same with Yor who used to be "Yoru" in several earlier chapters. And Forgers was once translated as "Folgers" on the first chapter. Anya's name was shown as "Ania" on her room's nameplate in earlier episodes of the anime.
Her name is Yor in both versions; it's just pronounced "Yoru" in Japanese
Your spy codename shall be Stratosphere!
Code name: Sunshine
🥹 awh
She was crying 😢
It’s not good to be obsessed with someone like that. Unless of course you find someone who is just as obsessed with you. We all deserve to have relationships like that.
Kind of associated with Lucifer, but hear me out...codename Morningstar.
lets be real.. most fangirl of spyfamily are like fiona, they wish to replace yor XDD
There's a reason why Fiona was unavailable from the beginning to be Loid's fake wife. Speaking of codenames, I'd default to the one from the series Azumanga Daioh: "Team Sea Slug". 😅
To be fair, I don't care if you are a man, a woman, straight or homosexual, who wouldn't want to take the part of the dad or mom? We all know that we would be ok with either part...
I honestly feel kinda bad for Loid because he has no idea what the source of any of this drama is.
nighfall has her priorities haha
The episode where Loid and Frost complete their joint mission, be sure to watch the After Credits Scene.
Poor Bond 😆
Nightfall deserves better.
Giving you the code name Midnight
Flexie Dawnlight or Daystar. Hmmm, Sunrise?
NightfallxTwilight mission next episode 🤩🤩
I want you to watch Kamisama Kiss so bad, it's such a beautiful anime you'll love it
Thorn Princess > Nightfall
yuri and nightfall are meant to be with each other...
Yes!!!!! ❤🎉
I genuinely hope the author does an arc in the future, that does something with them in some way
@@PrinceAli628 that would be amazing 🥰
You could be codename: Moonlight
I love this lol
because anya va is, frieren va. thats why they smug
The amazing thing is that the anime never even comes close to showing how badass Nightfall is or how deep her feelings for Loid actually are. And when you think about what they do show that gap is truly astonishing.
Fiona va is uraraka va
fiona:loid SUKI❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
In the manga, although not yet in the anime, Frankie and Fiona meet. They actually work well together once they get past their personalities. As unlikely as it is, I think they’d make a better pair than Yuri and Fiona would make.
Or maybe get together with people who aren’t spies or informers. 😂
Honestly, at this point nightfall deserves Loid more. She has a more meaningful link to him. Yor just thinks he is nice, responsible, and has accepted her. It's pretty superficial in comparison to someone that understands his spy stuggles and struggles with them herself (particularly the stuggles of having no one you can trust and being lonely).
Yor could bond with Loid about similar things, but at this point they have only bonded based on pretty surface-level fake things. She has bonded to his fake persona and she has only shown him half of her persona.
I ship Nightfall and Yuri. Don't @ me
lots of people do, nobody's gonna @ you buddy :)
Carrot 🥕
13:40 this scene reminds me. We don't see physical affection from the parents to Anya pretty much ever. It's pretty weird.
Why is she not lying on one of her parents lap when she is watching her spy show? Why don't we ever see any hugs/kisses goodbye? There is plenty of pretty flippant nonsense included in episodes. I would imagine they could include a few scenes to show their affection and comfortability with eachother.
The way it is now, it does feel like a robotic family that could have members replaced.
Hilarious watching her analyze all his expressions and movements only to realize he does care about Yor and Anya. Get cooked bozo 😂
Nightfall 🤍💓💗💖💝💘😻❤🔥❣💟🤎🖤💕💞💜💙💚💛🧡❤