TWITCH STREAMERS but they rage harder than we do w/

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @ingle1990
    @ingle1990 2 роки тому +908

    The emotional damage meme has never been more appropriate

    • @DJJourdan
      @DJJourdan 2 роки тому +6

      420 likes no comments I gotchu my mans

    • @lukebarrientes903
      @lukebarrientes903 2 роки тому +5

      I’m here so I don’t get fined

    • @SeanMadeAScene
      @SeanMadeAScene 2 роки тому +3

      that’s why i have it on my soundboard for when i’m playing golf it

  • @AliMarley
    @AliMarley 2 роки тому +932

    The “XYZ” joke absolutely killed me🤣

    • @oefa12892
      @oefa12892 2 роки тому +7

      I don't get it?

    • @iperson4800
      @iperson4800 2 роки тому +32

      @@oefa12892 its because the guy looked like xqc

    • @Da_Fel
      @Da_Fel 2 роки тому +21


    • @oefa12892
      @oefa12892 2 роки тому +5

      @@iperson4800 i got that, but how is that funny? It just sounds similar to xqc?

    • @iperson4800
      @iperson4800 2 роки тому +1

      @@oefa12892 thats the point, its like this

  • @Mayfired
    @Mayfired 2 роки тому +57

    6:58 When Anthony said "Oh, thats xYz my bad" i was dying LMAO

  • @kingcodester1112
    @kingcodester1112 2 роки тому +609

    That guy pulling his pants up flexing his ass had me in tears.

    • @Tom-me3vn
      @Tom-me3vn 2 роки тому +63

      Bro SAME. That shit made me laugh so hard I’m actually crying. Why is that his reaction of all things? 😂😂😂

    • @itzkraande5099
      @itzkraande5099 2 роки тому +48

      @@Tom-me3vn he does that alot his name is odablock hes an old skool runescape streamer. not really my cup of tea but he can be pretty funny

    • @DCompani13
      @DCompani13 2 роки тому +17

      I fucking died when I saw that !

    • @MakeBreezyCringe
      @MakeBreezyCringe 2 роки тому +11

      It seems that almost Everyone Agrees with you since it's the most replayed part of the Video

    • @shroomjak200
      @shroomjak200 2 роки тому +7

      He's very entertaining

  • @beatchange162
    @beatchange162 2 роки тому +76

    9:20 straight up donkey kong slamming his desk 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @jamiewilson2772
      @jamiewilson2772 2 роки тому +1

      I was thinking the same thing!

    • @Cloningmaster55
      @Cloningmaster55 2 роки тому +4

      And then Scotty's laugh sounds like he's honking a Car Horn and is just as funny

  • @lobsterjake
    @lobsterjake 2 роки тому +65

    8:08 Favorite part. This man bashed his face into his keyboard, flung off his headset, and ran away all in the course of one second.

    • @laferrierenicolet
      @laferrierenicolet Рік тому +3

      He does that a lot 😂😂😂

    • @gabrielbevis1961
      @gabrielbevis1961 6 місяців тому +1

      ​@@laferrierenicoletWhat's his name?

    • @laferrierenicolet
      @laferrierenicolet 6 місяців тому +2

      @@gabrielbevis1961 lyndonfps

    • @gabrielbevis1961
      @gabrielbevis1961 6 місяців тому +1

      ​@@laferrierenicolet That's the same guy at 9:30? He looks so much different. Anyways, thanks 👍

  • @n17r03
    @n17r03 2 роки тому +122

    10:32 My god that one caught me off guard so much

  • @thalloLia
    @thalloLia 2 роки тому +263

    Beautiful intro y’all! Beautiful singing followed by a sudden escalation of pure rage and breaking of gaming material that only costs more money to replace than seeing the therapist for the anger that comes with playing the game. Loved this video. It brings me life!

    • @variaxi935
      @variaxi935 2 роки тому +2

      Underrated comment LOL

    • @dood9191
      @dood9191 2 роки тому +3

      100th like

  • @Onefanguy
    @Onefanguy 2 роки тому +179

    5:55 My favorite rage moment forever 😂

  • @kangaroosmash6608
    @kangaroosmash6608 2 роки тому +36

    8:19 Anthony’s reaction just had me in tears 🤣

  • @Nfbay96
    @Nfbay96 2 роки тому +42

    7:40 his keyboard bursted like those confetti cannons 🤣

    • @jamiewilson2772
      @jamiewilson2772 2 роки тому +2


    • @Nfbay96
      @Nfbay96 2 роки тому +3

      @@jamiewilson2772 thanks bro. Off by a second 🤦‍♂️ I'm so dumb

  • @Sh4dowgale
    @Sh4dowgale 2 роки тому +43

    13:47 That caught me off guard lmao

  • @GetDougDimmadomed
    @GetDougDimmadomed 2 роки тому +118

    12:19 As a main Siege player, I feel this on a spiritual level. The amount of random bullshit that'll kill you is insane. The teamkilling, the cheaters, sometimes I wonder why I still play. And then I log back on.

    • @moxxie_yt.
      @moxxie_yt. 2 роки тому +3

      Bro same though LOL

    • @koreancowboy42
      @koreancowboy42 2 роки тому

      I sometimes wonder why the game is still even active xD.

    • @drphilsbillz2680
      @drphilsbillz2680 2 роки тому

      That is literally me but on overwatch

  • @Minextube
    @Minextube 2 роки тому +186

    Watching Scotty and panda laugh at mizkif and erobb made my day 😆

    • @neil7248
      @neil7248 2 роки тому +4

      they need to react to Lamont's L compilation

    • @grubbstopper24
      @grubbstopper24 2 роки тому +3

      I hope they see faze jevs

  • @SHSscorp82
    @SHSscorp82 2 роки тому +114

    Anthony really knows how to do a video intro…😂 10:33 This dude had me laughing my ass off!

    • @smackingjack425awesome3
      @smackingjack425awesome3 Рік тому +2

      That man had some IShowSpeed energy going on here. Just the way he flexes his butt is something that IShowSpeed would do. 😂

  • @cyberdemonic260
    @cyberdemonic260 2 роки тому +52

    5:58-6:04 we've all felt like this at some point

  • @LuciferBeelzebubSatan
    @LuciferBeelzebubSatan 2 роки тому +16

    Also Mizkifs "I HATE THIS GAME" sprint out is top tier🤣 same with E-Robb & his falling monitors every time he smacks his desk 🤣🤣🤣

  • @The_Remster
    @The_Remster 2 роки тому +20

    "That's xyz" XD 7:05

  • @teaganwalsh7011
    @teaganwalsh7011 2 роки тому +27

    5:56 don't blame him, that level made me rage so hard when the game was new.

  • @DeadSpacedOut
    @DeadSpacedOut 2 роки тому +143

    You n Jiggly are always fun to watch, keep em coming Scott

  • @Blurain1225
    @Blurain1225 2 роки тому +59

    3:45 my absolute favorite! This caught me off guard so hard!

    • @KingSlayer147
      @KingSlayer147 2 роки тому +3

      That sounds like a gun or something

  • @DeadSpacedOut
    @DeadSpacedOut 2 роки тому +19

    the "nope, i'm still FUCKIN ASS" guy at 14:15 is pretty relatable sometimes, let's be honest.

  • @bmaannn
    @bmaannn 2 роки тому +69

    I hope Anthony knows how we feel when we watch him do that now lmao

  • @screwstonetexas4110
    @screwstonetexas4110 2 роки тому +17

    “U are the father”

  • @Creedium
    @Creedium 2 роки тому +7

    9:22 the orangutan stance certainly has some power to it

  • @Juansolous
    @Juansolous 2 роки тому +37

    Yay more reactions videos with panda. 2:40 dude had a axe, 7:39 just the sound of that, I hate to admit I enjoyed watching this.

  • @xenomorph2056
    @xenomorph2056 2 роки тому +11

    9:04 I can't believe I've never seen that one before 😂😂 that is my favorite Pchooly rage of all time!

  • @XavierShade
    @XavierShade 2 роки тому +24

    10:35 Dude heard Hasan was throwing that rage cake around and had to step up his game.

  • @gaarasuri
    @gaarasuri 2 роки тому +52

    You and Panda always come through when I need something to watch. :D

  • @dutch_and_dimes
    @dutch_and_dimes 2 роки тому +10

    12:25 No joke, if you look at the Pixels, you can clearly see this dude *Broke his Hand* off of his desk

  • @ets3859
    @ets3859 2 роки тому +23

    4:17 he kermitted suicide

  • @360Xgamers3
    @360Xgamers3 2 роки тому +10

    It makes me happy that Daltoosh made it in here. He doesn't rage often but when he does its always quality

  • @boltthunder2061
    @boltthunder2061 Рік тому +3

    1:05 that guy was like " I just-no no, it's fine, it's fine. it doesn't bother me, it doesn't bother me, it bothers me, it bothers me a lot"

  • @SIlentZedrikMusic
    @SIlentZedrikMusic 2 роки тому +11

    Panda: Was that XQZ?
    Scotty: No that's not him but kinda looks like him.
    Panda: Maybe he's XYZ HAHAHAHA
    Scotty: HahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahHAHAHAHA

  • @thedeviouspanda
    @thedeviouspanda 2 роки тому +8

    Already dying at the first clip. He tore that in half like a sheet of paper.

  • @Midnightflame2791
    @Midnightflame2791 2 роки тому +13

    3:50 is why you don’t buy a glass desk

    • @mikeygoesnumber2
      @mikeygoesnumber2 Рік тому

      I know the guy and i guarantee that it was a cup. He breaks them all the time.

  • @StreetFighterFan777
    @StreetFighterFan777 2 роки тому +14

    It’s good to see that you have been introduced to the majesty of Lyndon and Pchooly - two of the best ragers ever.

    • @StreetFighterFan777
      @StreetFighterFan777 2 роки тому +2

      EL1TEDEATH TOO!! As a connoisseur of rage compilations, those three are my absolute favorites.

  • @KennethDavis11
    @KennethDavis11 2 роки тому +2

    3:44 sounded like a whole-ass silverware drawer falling out

  • @cXspXr
    @cXspXr 10 місяців тому +2

    2:40 i would NOT want to be that controller. will neff is an actual monster i stg

  • @X3H3X
    @X3H3X 7 місяців тому +1

    9:53 man went full L4D2 Hunter there

  • @natashaunfiltered
    @natashaunfiltered 2 роки тому +24

    This video has me sounding like a broken squeaky toy. It was down hill after the man with the axe lol.

    • @Mr_Original
      @Mr_Original 2 роки тому +6

      For me, it was the guy who "broke" his neck. More so Scott's reaction to it.

  • @blackbunnybomb1044
    @blackbunnybomb1044 2 роки тому +7

    Two of our best ragers watching other ragers….great!

  • @cheeboeatsbread1975
    @cheeboeatsbread1975 2 роки тому +23

    the guy playing destiny 2 at 10:02 is actually a well known rager in the destiny community and i love watching him 1v1 the top streamers
    Edit: he doesn't mald, he loses his goddamn mind. Literally bonkers mate.

    • @ghanjagang3682
      @ghanjagang3682 2 роки тому +1

      That guy is trash at the game from the clips I saw

  • @bradlawonn9042
    @bradlawonn9042 2 роки тому +14

    The streamer at 14:25 should title his stream, after the rage, to be, "Not A Very Merry Christmas After All!!"

  • @captain_starg
    @captain_starg 8 місяців тому +1

    9:51 Elotrix is a true german gem regarding gamer rage

  • @Awesomite100
    @Awesomite100 2 роки тому +9

    9:47 noot noot type beat

  • @Nax_uthala
    @Nax_uthala 2 роки тому +5

    Being angry has never been so expensive

  • @vexshinji8369
    @vexshinji8369 2 роки тому +8

    At 9:42 right side of that face is going to give a nightmare from that

  • @schurerest7661
    @schurerest7661 2 роки тому +5

    Please more rage videos PLEASE!!! That was the highlight of my night!!!!

  • @CeleryLips
    @CeleryLips 2 роки тому +7

    Please keep making these!! I love watching you and Jiggles react to stuff! :D

  • @ItsYogurtPH
    @ItsYogurtPH 2 роки тому +5

    14:20 it's like the other Anthony saying the word "f*cking *ss" hahahahahaha

  • @msobczix5610
    @msobczix5610 2 роки тому +6

    8:36 The most interesting thing is that he's professional tennis player

  • @nathanyelcampbell1638
    @nathanyelcampbell1638 Місяць тому +2

    12:18 I didn’t know someone could sound like a Wario jump scare from fnaw

  • @ElverGalarga-rz4cu
    @ElverGalarga-rz4cu 2 роки тому +7

    I hate that I enjoyed every second of these gamers being completely miserable but I am totally looking forward to the next one🤣😂🤣😂

  • @funkii4
    @funkii4 2 роки тому +24

    I felt 3:44, I’m not a heavy rager but I have played Smite a lot and definitely had that one enemy Bakasura barely get away one too many times
    Edit: also in arena mode when the enemy kills you a single frame before you get in your team’s safe zone, THAT is the ultimate Smite dick move (that clip is from conquest mode but assassin players are annoying as hell all the same)

    • @mikeygoesnumber2
      @mikeygoesnumber2 Рік тому +1

      I know him personally and he rages A LOT. Was playing for honor with him and a few other friends and we were goofing off in a private match against our friend who is super good. Dude got his ass beat like the rest of us but broke atleast 3 cups and left. We were pissing ourselves.

    • @iiFUR10US
      @iiFUR10US Рік тому

      ​​@@mikeygoesnumber2wow wow good fight, why you have to be mad Mike? Iz just a game!

  • @AceOfSpades9939
    @AceOfSpades9939 5 місяців тому +1

    The first one, he must have smashed that keyboard before to the point where it was too weak to withstand another one, lol. I was also drinking gingerale when the guy got up and got his controller only to throw it again. I choked so hard.

  • @Lauren-zx3gx
    @Lauren-zx3gx 2 роки тому +6

    My two favorite ragers reacting to rage compilations… yes. Thank you.

  • @jakeferreira1211
    @jakeferreira1211 2 роки тому +4

    You know it's a good rage when the keys fly above the person's head

  • @davidactylus9990
    @davidactylus9990 2 роки тому +11

    Look at Anthony's Reaction at 3:44-3:49 is like, "Holy Shoot!"🤣
    Pause at 3:47! Did glass break? Something BROKE and I need to Know What!!! 😬

    • @Midnightflame2791
      @Midnightflame2791 2 роки тому

      Glass desk sounds like

    • @davidactylus9990
      @davidactylus9990 2 роки тому

      @@Midnightflame2791I know right?

    • @mikeygoesnumber2
      @mikeygoesnumber2 Рік тому

      I know the guy personally and he breaks cups constantly. Smite and for honor really set him off. Ive caused him to break two in the time that ive known him.

    • @davidactylus9990
      @davidactylus9990 Рік тому

      @@mikeygoesnumber2 DAMN BRO! SHIT!😬

    • @mikeatlantis351
      @mikeatlantis351 5 місяців тому +1

      Hey its me the guy who got mad in that clip, i know im a bit late but i can explain what happend
      I was just slamming my desk really hard and a bunch of silverware and cups were bouncing around and falling off my desk, some liquid got into my pc on my backplate of the GPU,
      Because of that, This rage clip was the last heavy rage i had and i started taking games a bit less serious

  • @rebeckymo
    @rebeckymo 2 роки тому +9

    Yeah, I'm glad Jiggles doesn't rage to these levels anymore. Happy Jiggles is much better.

  • @dennisbube
    @dennisbube 2 роки тому +3

    I Love both of your Videos and this one in particular, bc the clip at 9:50 ist actually from a german streamer who is known for his raging in CoD and other Multiplayer PvP games.

  • @deino5594
    @deino5594 2 роки тому +4

    I just love Scotty’s laugh

  • @BrockusObama
    @BrockusObama 2 роки тому +2

    It's great to laugh with these two most people been there. Still good to watch others do it more.

  • @rammassist998
    @rammassist998 Рік тому

    9:38 My man is fighting back the demons 😂😆

  • @CoolKidThe22nd
    @CoolKidThe22nd 2 роки тому +5

    4:50 thats funny because thats literally the first thing i did yesterday when my nunchuk didn’t work on my wii

  • @emilymcclaugherty498
    @emilymcclaugherty498 2 роки тому +1

    I love how every video is panda so happy and so very stoned.

  • @andrewthomasprism9388
    @andrewthomasprism9388 2 роки тому +9

    7:57 ooh, that guy was on one BEFORE he smashed shit. Look at how twitchy he is and how fast he's talking.

  • @BeneneTheBanana
    @BeneneTheBanana 2 роки тому +5

    I would love to see yall react to more of these it makes it so much better 😭

  • @jameskarg3240
    @jameskarg3240 2 роки тому +8

    Half the reasons for rage:
    EVERYONE that kills you literally HAS to be either
    A: Actually omnicient
    B: Wall-sight hacking
    You CANNOT predict the future. AT ALL
    You just CANNOT.
    NOBODY should even TRY

  • @treymiller9005
    @treymiller9005 Рік тому +2

    3:39 im just glad one of yall even knows what smite is honestly

  • @dj_mcfuggernugs507
    @dj_mcfuggernugs507 2 роки тому +10

    So at 10:17 thats Elite Death
    He's playing destiny and in Destiny controller aim assist is very very strong
    Like it looks like an aimbot sometimes

  • @gdtobyvegito5059
    @gdtobyvegito5059 2 роки тому +2

    That Game at 13:55 is Geometry Dash! I mostly play it and understand that rage. But the way he died at that part was super clumsy and that rage was funny! All of them were and it's always funny to see you 2 react to such kind of videos

  • @Slurp_Durp
    @Slurp_Durp 2 роки тому +1

    Perfect timing just got out of work and I get to watch this, awesome thanks scotty

  • @LoneWolf-ty4oj
    @LoneWolf-ty4oj 2 роки тому +2

    That guy twerkin' got me wheezing 😂

  • @midnightwolf333
    @midnightwolf333 2 роки тому +6

    I love you two doing stuff together. Your laughs are great to hear. Honestly I feel like I’d be a eager to punch or kick something. Hopefully I never do. 😂

  • @DingoOverlord
    @DingoOverlord Рік тому

    7:58 “I’m gonna calm down from an online shooting game by playing another online shooting game!”

  • @itzzzdionec
    @itzzzdionec 2 роки тому +10

    Absolutely Hilarious video, this made my night holy moly thank you Scott thank you Anthony can't wait to see more of these Comps

  • @drewboy4569
    @drewboy4569 2 роки тому +11

    As the saying goes: A streamer's suffering is the viewer's content!

  • @ademoss80
    @ademoss80 Рік тому

    This is a video my old man & I didn't know we needed. We are rolling.

  • @samueljacobson470
    @samueljacobson470 Рік тому

    I forgot how much I love Oda rages, haven't watched him in a while

  • @coryyoung7544
    @coryyoung7544 2 роки тому +2

    When the keyboard turns into that pop up game where you turn the timer and try to put all the pieces in you know its real rage.

  • @demiraptor718
    @demiraptor718 2 роки тому

    Not being able to afford replacements, is the best form of anger management.

  • @MyNameIsRow01
    @MyNameIsRow01 2 роки тому

    I love the fact that most of the guys in the "Vanoss Crew" either know all the currently popular UA-camrs and Twitch Streamers, or have 0 idea who anyone is, no inbetween

  • @samuslightsuit
    @samuslightsuit 2 роки тому +6

    Dedicated with Jiggly and some twitch streamers being broken. Got my coffee ready!

  • @lukas1392
    @lukas1392 2 роки тому +3

    8:30 that guy is Jerzy Janowicz. Professional Tenis player. I know he's into gaming but didn't kniw that he rage like that. Good to see that even a millionaire aren't save from shit like that

  • @erickawalker5228
    @erickawalker5228 2 роки тому +1

    That was an interesting reaction with that man squatting 😂

  • @inferno3293
    @inferno3293 2 роки тому +2

    e1itedeath's rage moments are a different breed of rage, it's hilarious.

  • @authenticasra
    @authenticasra 2 роки тому +1

    3:45 that man broke an entire plate set

  • @koreancowboy42
    @koreancowboy42 2 роки тому

    Lol when you understand the rage so much and things it makes it funny but painfully

  • @kryptico2240
    @kryptico2240 Рік тому +2

    XQC is unironically extremely funny. Any clip of him is absolute comedy gold. I just can’t understand him💀

  • @OfficialBabyboii
    @OfficialBabyboii 2 роки тому +4

    10:32 This guy seems so hilarious!

  • @CNoteZzz
    @CNoteZzz 2 роки тому

    "Allahuakbar where you're shooting me from"

  • @OfficialBabyboii
    @OfficialBabyboii 2 роки тому

    10:35 It’s the RuneScape dude who twisted his own neck! 🤣

  • @PoketronPokey404
    @PoketronPokey404 9 місяців тому

    THE HELECOPTER IM SO DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🤣 9:15

  • @oozlydip
    @oozlydip Рік тому

    Guy at 9:40 is possessed XD. Someone get him a pastor😂😂😂

  • @blacktemplarchaplainmarius42
    @blacktemplarchaplainmarius42 2 роки тому

    10:36 dis guy right here got so mad he went full cake mode

  • @kuttzgamez9654
    @kuttzgamez9654 2 роки тому +2

    I’d love if you guys reacted to more of twitch gems,it’s too funny.🤣

  • @xd_cyrus8350
    @xd_cyrus8350 2 роки тому

    12:34 he moves his water bottle LMFAO

  • @plspeekme
    @plspeekme 2 роки тому +10

    Dude jynxzi is the best rager on siege 12:12

  • @camimaxey8032
    @camimaxey8032 2 роки тому

    I am more of a soft rager XD. I have never thrown anything or broken anything raging and I find it crazy other people do but it does make sense. Thanks for the laugh guys, enjoyed every second of it.