***** It's fun to think about, but I actually honestly cannot see a remake of this movie coming out as nicely as the original. These days the studios just take stuff that is already out there and they either adapt it or remake it into something that fans of the original end up hating and might only get new fans if they're lucky like Resident Evil or Mission Impossible. A Breakfast Club remake would mean having to come up with a new soundtrack and maybe even new songs. Also it could end up being a joke or a parody which and what if all the awesome tense and serious material gets turned down. I have to agree. This movie is a classic and it has and it will continue to stand the test of time. It has even influenced the characters of my comic.
Please for the love of all that is holy DO NOT make a re-make of Breakfast Club... Don't ruin a Classic Masterpiece that has NOTHING to do with these times now.
Please and thank you! 1:40 Thank GOD this brainwashed "opinion" didn't affect this film and, namely, the many other GREAT movies that predated this psychobabble that has poisoned today's media.
This film just couldnt be remade now. It wouldnt work - it captured a time when that idea was original and new, and no netflix, cgi, terrorism, and internet. But leave this alone - films often are labelled classics - all too often. This is a classic. Leave it alone. Its a white character film - its not racist - if we had black people in it - then the wannabe racists police would say "hey, you have black people in detention. thats racist and creating a sterotype". Simply - its not relevant no blacks in it - what so ever. Its just white kids in a school which millions of people can identify with and for those where about there age back then - like myself - connect with it powerfully. Rant over - dont even dare try to remake this.
@@pjaybasmaignee Exactly!… but 35 years later, it’s all of the sudden “problematic” that there weren’t enough ethnic characters in the movie. The last time I checked, the “ethnic” makeup of suburban Chicago, especially the area they based the movie on, was about 98% white, so they’d gladly sacrifice authenticity for political correctness? I’m sorry, but I didn’t protest when they remade Shaft with Samuel L. Jackson instead of Sylvester Stallone, or that the gangsters in the film weren’t a bunch of skinheads… BECAUSE IT WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN AN ACCURATE REPRESENTATION OF THE FILM. This revisionist, woke bullshit has to stop.
@@michaelshaffer8451 sarcasm much? And it isn’t that serious all these comments are old here. But clearly this is an issue for you, so I wish you the best in life. 💙
There's nothing wrong with an all White cast. There's nothing wrong with an all Black cast (Friday is one of my favorite all-time comedies). I'm tired of forced diversity. Can't we have all possible permutations?
cqtaylor So what's your point? There were FIVE detention students...not half the school. Statistics allow it. Nevertheless, the typical detention student is definitely NOT as interesting as the cast. My point is that this is a great movie and I'm tired of forced diversity.
cqtaylor You must be very young or very naive. Try the YT video "Cannibal warlords of Liberia." 100% Black. Go have a taste of that 'diversity' and tell me what you think ;-) After that, go Google search how post-apartheid is working out in South Africa. (Hint - it's not good). You obviously have a chip on your shoulder.
No, there's nothing wrong with an all white cast, but there's nothing wrong with a diverse class either. My high school was all over the place with white, Mexican, Asian, black, honor Society/college prep, regular ed., remedial ed., special ed., special day class students. Heck, my Algebra I I teacher had an accent so thick it took two weeks before I understood a word he said
You know, it just occurred to me, that the real message in the movie is stated in the theme song, "Don't You Forget About Me." It is about diversity in that the message is that we're really not so different from that other guy after all.
This is a movie that still holds up today pretty much, it's a movie that still speaks to every new generation.... there is honestly no need for a remake.
when this movie came out whites were 80% of the population. now that they only account for 60% of the population and america's much more diverse a remake makes sense. but nothing can replace the oringal.
Saying the casting of Breakfast Club wasn't "Diverse Enough" is a slap in the face of the actors who made that movie with you, Molly. Who in the cast do you think should have been replaced? Whose performance was so simple that "anyone" could have done it just as well and still made that film a classic. A film is the sum of it's performances, change one and you change your film.
Like most of hollyweird, they've been indoctrinated. 1:40 Thank GOD this brainwashed "opinion" didn't affect this film and, namely, the many other GREAT movies that predated this psychobabble that has poisoned today's media miscreants.
Racial diversity? Not for the sake of it. If you're watching a show or movie and appreciating racial diversity, you're watching it for the wrong reasons.
If the characters had been of mixed races, the conflict would have taken on the tones of a race war. This movie was about teenage angst, not the civil rights movement or school integration. That being said, it still sucked. The school was big enough for these five students not to know each other, yet ONLY five students were sentenced to a (highly improbable!] Saturday detention? Show me a public high school, anywhere, any decade, where that happened.
the high-school I graduated at had Saturday detention and it was a shitty enough punishment that most people figured out how not to get caught. I think for the time 5 people was a perfect number because it showed the major stereotypes of students in the 80's. No need to get so angry over a movie, so what if it's a little improbable, it's for your entertainment and not to be seriously analysed like you're doing.
+Orion Xavier are you worried that you may find that other races may at their core be just like you and want the same things in life? why does diversity scare you?
which is why they said not a remake but something inspired by would be better. But it seems you then are afraid to find that you may find that you and a "transgender, queer, or lesbian" may turn out to be at their core be just as good as you. If it doesn't you may want to stop calling people queer, since it's considered a negative slur. Gay males are usually fine with gay. While there are a few gays that are outspoken on that word, it's not how most would take it.
Molly should have passed on the script in 1985. Why didn't she tell John Hughes that a black actress should be cast instead of her. OHHH...She worried about it being racist now. I get it.
Why does a movie have to incorporate diversity? Why can't someone just tell a story without having to tac on some unecessary diversity? Imagine a boyz in the hood remake where Cuba has a white transgender best friend who together they overcome the societal pressures of gang life and gender equality.
Great point u have there, SJWs only complains on movies where predominate white ppl, but i don't hear a fucking thing about all black ppl movies, justo think about a remake of menace 2 society, a white trans no binary tomboy as O-dog and a gay vegan asian as Caine
@Mr. Pickles diversity is reality and people want to see realistic movies dumbass. When's the last time you walked through a mall and only seen one race of people? You've got to be a Trumpian. Do you think there's only one race in America? America is the most Diverse country in the world. Actually I don't even think there's any countries left in the world that's just one race. If there is I hope you and Trump go there and stay.
Good for them for not wanting to support a remake. There are way to many cash grab remakes now. If its done right though it could work but I highly doubt it.
Library never exsisted. They utilized a run down schools (to be demo'd) Gym and built the Library from scatch. To this day - I think would be the most killer library ever!!! HUGE John Huges fan here!!!
@@lisadiconti They weren't being political correct, they were basically saying the movie was good but wasn't realistic because there weren't that many black people in it. BUT I disagree with them about not making a reboot.
Molly is a phenomenal actress, really, the way she projects micro expressions with the least of dialogue is just a rare thing to witness, people should pay more attention to the details and how well-made and executed these films are both dramatically and technically as teen films.
Notice how they want to remake "white" movies to include diversity, but no one calls for films like "Boyz N the Hood" to be remade to include diversity. I'd call it "Fellows in the Suburbs". What's good on one side is good on the other side. Squid pro quo.
How come Hollywood never remakes horrible movies? I mean they keep fucking up with remakes of good ones, why not remake the shit out of a bad one and see if it turns into a better movie? What do you got to loose? A horrible remake of a horrible movie? I cannot see that being possible.
I watched the movie for the first time a few days ago because I heard it was an american classic and I did not know about the movie before because I'm French. Not a single time while watching it was I thinking about how "white" the movie was. American people are really strange nowadays.
if they had a remake it would never work..you would need a token black person and an Asian and the teacher would have to be gay and there would be some pretentious pop star in it like Miley Cyrus or Taylor Swift and then the kids would have smart phones in the library and it would be a complete disaster especially for the suckers who paid $14.00 and another 8 for popcorn to see it
+Helium Road Yeah you me and millions of others, She had really "Nice software" in Short Circuit too. NO REMAKE of the breakfast club please, it will be SH*T
I went to an all white school, it happens. There are a lot of shows on TLC and BET that are all black cast. I have seen Indian movies and all people are Indian. Everyone wants to be diverse but there are places where things aren’t and do not have to be. It’s ok to keep one culture or nationality as a whole. It’s not racist just because we didn’t add this type of person to make the audience feel “comfortable”.
Why would anyone call out black shows/movies, they make up a faction of the amount of white shows/movies. If you're only comfortable seeing white people on screen then just own up to it. The Breakfast Club is a classic, and people of other races enjoyed it and also wanna see themselves on screen as well. White people will NEVER run out of movies to be cast in, lol
Most Hated so you feel white people need MORE acting roles than they already have? You feel that the few amount of black films out there for black actors need to have less black actors and more white actors? Please tell me you aren't that stupid.
You should remake something because you can either execute it differently or better. Remaking something for the sake of making it more diverse is just as pointless as remaking something so you can make the special effects better. If you can't do what really matters better ( things that matter being character, story, tone and meaning ) just don't bother. I always thought a semi-sequel to The Breakfast Club would be cool to tackle other cliques that weren't addressed in the first one. But nowadays it would be the gay kid, the transgendered kid, the white girl that accepts them (and probably has anxiety disorder and depression), the black kid, the white cis-gendered male shitlord bully, you get my point. Doing that isn't being diverse, it's pandering.
They recently brought back saved by the bell and made it woke, and it's ruined. Same with the jay and silent bob reboot, again, ruined because of woke crap rammed down out throats. Surely we should be able to make a film about whatever we want without having to worry if it's "diverse" enough. It ceases to become an art form then, and that's just pandering.
I think a remake would be more like to modernise the period to something that could happen in 2023 as opposed to late 1970s(which is the period i think the original story was written for ).
I am a person from third world country and I can relate to these white people too, it's about character and story. It's always good to have diversity but that doesn't mean the movie is bad
Color doesn’t matter. I watch foreign movies all the time. I don’t watch Korean movies and think “I’m not represented in Korean Movies. Tears. Sadness. Violin music!” I identify with the characters and value them no matter what language they’re speaking or what they look like.
@@victorvien Are you friggin' for real!? Your so "prejudice and a racist" Yet you snow-birdies have the audacity to call others racist etc.. You people and your Hypocritical ways show the Ignorant fruit you's bare. Your probably White yourself too..lol.. and if not than your very "prejudice and a racist"... You'll know them/people by the fruit they bare...
@Kevin Lopez most people I've met or even listened to throughout much of my life are lying bullshitters most of the time and selfish douches and braggers etc and guess what they have had different political belief's..lol..... It's why I prefer hanging out with my animals more.. lol So Your actually saying Democrats don't bullshit . lol.. Funny because almost everything that has come out of their(especially Political Dem leaders)mouths , and especially the last 4 yrs, is full of vile, hateful, hypocritical, aggressive and so sneaky and conniving, I'm not saying other Political groups haven't done some bullshitting etc.. But as an outsider who sat back watching and observing everything from the beginning who watched ALL the debates, speeches etc.. of all the candidates and WOW after Trump won they became a disrespectful bunch of haters and it was the democrats that started all the hatred, violence, ex-stream separation getting (by bullshitting) dems against repub or conservatives and visa versa, Everything went crazy.. lol, I was shocked and felt bad for everyone being so bitter and hateful to each other. Anyways that was just my and many others way up here's observation . I always considered myself a pretty liberal person throughout my life but definatly changed my opinion while listening to all those debates and speeches etc back 4 yrs ago ..lol.. Hope we can just agree to disagree or just converse instead of being mean or hateful to one another. :) Cheers!
Of course they shouldn't make a remake. If they did one now, it'd be nauseatingly p.c. They'd have to have every skin color in there (or the snowflakes would freak), and the dialogue would be as lame as a Kanye song. Leave the 80s alone, Hollywood.
Diversity needs to be original and casual, not forced and fake. Diversity is important but not just for the show of it and as a copy of a beautiful original.
This movie means everything for me. I think I can watch it over and over and over and over again. Weird Science remains a huge pleasure for me too. Anthony Michael Hall was such a young talented boy.
Dissapointed with their answers; skin color does not and should never dictate a route of a director. Will making an all brown or black cast for the Breakfast Club improve the original in anyway; is it necesarry to remake past films to include ethnic/racial diversity ...why not hire the actor best suited for the role and not look at his or her skin color or gender !?
Okay, so if you were going to add "diversity" to a possible remake, which stereotypes would the black, hispanic & asian characters be? You can't make Bender or Andrew black or hispanic because that's racist. And you can't make Brian or Allison asian because that's also racist. Claire can't be anything but white unless you made the entire movie a full black cast like Soul Plane or something. Geez, weren't times better when people didn't get offended so easily? Or felt like films needed to include every race, sex, and belief to unrealistically "diversify" such a small cast just so nobody feels left out? Funny how you only hear this "diversity" nonsense by Hollywood and the media. I've worked in many places, attended many schools, and lived in many communities where whites outnumber blacks by like 30:1 and I still have yet to hear anyone cry about there not being enough diversity. I've even walked freely in predominately black areas many times as the only white guy and never felt or heard one thing about racism. Hollywood keeps people stirred up with their make believe controversies.
The Left is racist af they only think about skin color and gender. All she could think about is the movie is white? They are a bunch of Elites pandering wanting people to praise them. They are the Richest most powerful people in the World. They own Amazon,Microsoft,Facebook,Google,CNN,NBC,ABC,CBS,Twitter,UA-cam,Hollywood,the Richest people almost all the Billionaires, the Universities. They cant fix everything they complain about? Why cant they open a Healthcare fund equal out Pay? Yet they raise gas prices to faze out fossil fuels?
It's funny to hear them both talk about IF there was a re-do, it should be more "diverse." When they did "boyz in the hood," they didn't put a bunch of white guys in it. John Hughes wrote stories about kids from the Chicago burbs... those kids are white.
No remake. Much of its appeal is that it stands alone in being of its time. That is why the "it's too white" refernce [1:44] is, in my view, nonsensical. Of course, if it were being made to day, a greater effort would rightly be made to adopt and reflect a more inclusive approach. However, to remake the film with the mores of today would detract from the film's essential character.
Agreed. Virtual Signaling self-hating dopes. They could move to South Africa where white farmers are murdered daily. Maybe Molly can explain things there.
Fendernirvana I'm with you. God forbid we have an all white cast in a movie made in a majority white country. Other races have their own stuff 100% but we as whites are not allowed
Vhs Vcr oh really. Do you not know what majority means ?? Right now whites make up almost 70% of this country. Last I heard 70 out of 100 is a MAJORITY and back in the 80s we were about 80% of the population. Low IQ much
The way things are going they will make a move called "politically correct club" about every single race/gender in one classroom which just happens to be a "safe space" lololol
They would all be sitting in their safe space whining about how hard & unfair life is bashing all white people while eating lunches, using smartphones & wearing clothing provided by their parents who told them how special they are.
Oh jeez. Just because it doesn't have an ethnically diverse cast doesn't mean it doesn't speak to everyone who ever went to school. We all experienced the same social and family situations described in this movie. That kind of comment just asks for more tokenism in movies. The same script could be made with an ethnically diverse cast; we're not just sitting around talking about race all the time and aren't so narrowminded that we feel we need to see someone "like us" to relate.
@@mgeek1 what a load of bollox! Lol. No one asks you to do sh!t bro. You're free to be whoever you want to be, and do whatever you want to do. What you just said is a cop out. Whty don't understand, my ass. 🤦♂️😂
Yes and amen. 1:40 Thank GOD this brainwashed "opinion" didn't affect this film and, namely, the many other GREAT movies that predated this psychobabble that has poisoned today's media nutcakes.
If you were raised in the 80s ,you could totally remember getting detention after school or going to Saturday detention til noon. I hated it. Then just because of this movie we'll leave outta the class room and cut up. GOD Those years are gone. Is it me ,or when that movie goes off with Judd Nelson pumping his fist up in the air, it feels like that time is saying goodbye. The movie, the memories, and the song by Simple Minds brings tears to your eyes. The joy of the 80s are gone but never forgotten
Back in the 80s n 90s in England a detention would be staying behind an extra hour after school finished (that was middle school) And in high school it was an all day detention sat in an isolation booth in school hours. Not even the uk was cruel enough to make kids come back to school on a weekend. 😂
I was in high school in the 80’s and never got detention, I did however get caught ditching by my Sunday school teacher, who was an LAPD officer at the time. 😬 That was my detention.
NO REMAKE of the movie PLEASE! For following reasons 1) Kids of this decade will realise their parents may then have *More Fun at school 30 years ago* as kids. 2) The only concealed weapon in school then was a switchblade (as carried by John Bender), Not a handgun. 3) Girls then wear Long skirts, Button up blouses and Boots (by Claire and Allison)and yet can still look sexy. 4)Jennifer Beals (Flashdance) was then the "IT" girl. Flashdance was then the coolest movie 5) Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, smartphones and internet were then *All Non Existent*. Microsoft was then still a start-up 6) It's still OK to be a Basket Case (Allison Reynolds) at that time. 7)Wearing white panties (by Claire) was then fashionable. 8)Your vice principal indeed raids Barry Manilow's wardrobe 9) Nike singlets (as worn by Andrew) were cool 30 years ago and still is cool today 10) Your parents' issues with Their Parents *were the Same* as what kids 30 years later with their parents.
Load of nonsense, except for the online social media part. And this is THE part which makes a remake impossible. Kids today would be chatting to their friends on Facebook or Tweet endlessly so they'd have no reason to talk to the others.
They remade Ghostbusters with an all female cast except the gay guy who replaced the female receptionist. That movie flopped at the box ofgice. Thank God I never watch remakes of classics even when they are shown for free on regular t.v. I hate anything that pushes P.C. madness.
I was 16 [same age as two of the actors] when is was released in '85. It is a classic coming of age film. The whole diversity thing resonates as fake P.C. to me. Sure FFW to 2017 and lets have every possible teen social niche represented in every possible color and sexual preference variation possible...the cast would need to be about 40 kids, fun story line that would be. There have been countless TV/motion pictures inspired by this and other films that were 'more' diverse. One that comes to mind was DeGrassi High that ran for about two seasons in the early 90's and saw syndication for some time after that...You have to understand the single focus of the film was not about race but social standing; that actually transcends many of the other parts of a teens life of nearly every/any era. That seemingly five 'white' kids who outwardly appear similar could not me more different. You could cast an all black, brown or Asian cast and nearly the same message would resonate. Being a teen is not an easy journey.
Yes, human emotions are not based on race. To say someone who's not white can't relate to this movie is like saying that white people shouldn't try to relate to Do the Right Thing. What a sad commentary on people's ability to have empathy that would be.
Fun facts for those who don’t know much about the movie’s background. Ronald Reagan was the first choice to play Vernon, but a meeting with Mikhail Gorbachev conflicted with the shooting schedule and he could not accept the role. In Reagan’s autobiography, An American Life, he calls this “The biggest regret of my life.” Harvey Keitel was the next pick, but after reading the script he told John Hughes that he’d only play the role if he could dress in the same clothes he wore in “Taxi Driver.” So Paul Gleason, son of Jackie Gleason, won the role. During shooting he improvised the movie’s most famous line, “Yo Sal, how come there ain’t no brothers up on the wall?” The role Anthony Michael Hall played was originally written for a chimpanzee. Eric Stolz was originally cast as Bender, then halfway through filming John Hughes realized he wasn’t menacing enough and fired him. But you can still see glimpses of Stolz in the movie. That is his head between Molly Ringwald’s knees. And Hughes wanted Justine Bateman as the Claire character, but Gary David Goldberg would not give her the time off needed to film the movie. Filming was delayed for six months because of a typhoon. Emilio Estevez suffered a heart attack right before shooting began, also delaying the shooting schedule. The five students were originally supposed to serve their detention in the school cafeteria, locked into the walk-in refrigerator, but then producers were worried that children would try to copy the movie and lock themselves into their refrigerators at home, then suffocate. The exterior scenes were shot at a suburban high school right outside of Chicago, but the library scenes were filmed at the Princeton University library, which is mostly underground and that’s why you see no windows in the movie’s library. Harvard University refused permission to film the dance scene there, so it was done at Oxford in England. Judd Nelson went undercover as a high school student at a local high school because seven years after graduating from a high school in Maine he had no memory of what high school was like, and found he liked it so much that he stayed at that high school after filming and four years later graduated as their Valedictorian. No one at that school ever realized he was an actor and not a student, even though he had been in three movies before “The Breakfast Club.”
Last night i watched Breakfast Club, probably for the 100th time in my life, lol.......i made the Mistake of seeking out the Cast ....and watching this....I should have known they would be Zionist programmed like half the country.
I can’t help it if all the actors that have been chosen for the Breakfast Club were all white. At least Breakfast Club isn’t RACIST, like SIXTEEN CANDLES 🤮
I loved that the cast was all white, all working-class (except one) and were typical kids-bullshit teenagers. Why?? Because that WAS highschool in the 80s for me. Thats the kind of people I hanged out with, and their problems were very similar as in Breakfast Club. Forced "blackification" would be terrible. Like portraying a lot of pastry white kids in a movie about ghettos. Misplaced deluxe. The youth and the 80s-culture I grew up in was partially mirrored in movies like "Ferris Buelers day off", "Pretty in Pink" and "Footlose". They already destroyed Footlose by making it "diverse", so why destroy the rest? Let it be.
you do realize that tons of non white people relate a lot to this movie right? I keep seeing people say how the whiteness is essential in this movie, but I just don't seem to get it. There is nothing in this movie that is particularly white . While I do think a remake would be a bad idea it might be cool for poc to be able to identify a little more with this movie just as you have. Is that such a horrible concept?
Yup. because I've never watched the movie and said, "it's too white". I don't watch movies in this bizarre racial lens. I watched Bad Boys and didn't think I needed WIll Smith to be a white guy (besides, that'd just be Lethal Weapon). Or Friday, or Boyz in the Hood, or a whole host of movies... I (a white guy) don't need to be in them, I don't need to see myself racially to connect with a character. Hell, am I not allowed to enjoy great Japanese or Korean films because they don't have white people in them? ...Nope. And yet amazingly, I still find common ground with the CHARACTERS because they're more than just their race. Seven Samurai? WHERE'S THE WHITE PEOPLE AT!? ... Idiocy.
@@MST3Killa & Jon San - I agree 100%. I love both their acting skills, but what a ridiculous remark. A “bizarre racial lens” is an excellent description. It shouldn’t matter one bit if the cast is all one race or mixed. The whole point is that kids feel pressure and/or are bullied no matter what walk of life they come from. If you didn’t take that message away from this movie, you missed the whole lesson. We already had people in Breakfast Club who were less privileged than the others. There would still be complaints if they decided to cast a minority in the role of the criminal. Or, as the rich princess. I can just hear it….One scenario is racist. And the other scenario is not realistic and doesn’t address “white privilege.” You can’t win with these people either way.
Best..movie..ever. No remakes. Leave it as the legend that it is.
Yup :)
***** ditto
Dave is cool but....nar.
***** It will probably get remade in the future.
***** It's fun to think about, but I actually honestly cannot see a remake of this movie coming out as nicely as the original. These days the studios just take stuff that is already out there and they either adapt it or remake it into something that fans of the original end up hating and might only get new fans if they're lucky like Resident Evil or Mission Impossible. A Breakfast Club remake would mean having to come up with a new soundtrack and maybe even new songs. Also it could end up being a joke or a parody which and what if all the awesome tense and serious material gets turned down. I have to agree. This movie is a classic and it has and it will continue to stand the test of time. It has even influenced the characters of my comic.
Please for the love of all that is holy DO NOT make a re-make of Breakfast Club... Don't ruin a Classic Masterpiece that has NOTHING to do with these times now.
I don't want a remake but how can you say it has nothing to do with modern times? The themes are timeless and universal
How would a remake "ruin" the original? The remake would be about modern times and nothing to do with the original.
Instead of producing remakes of classic movies. Hollywood should take inspiration from these classics and to start making new original films.
Not a remake...a sequel.
A breakfast club remake today would just be 2 hours of kids staring at their cell phones.
why do people say this they probs wouldn't be allowed there phones.....
Done! ua-cam.com/video/PU8by2d6jPU/v-deo.html
hahahahh tolol
@@fliown5413 i second this
The original was perfect, and it should never be touched.
Please and thank you! 1:40 Thank GOD this brainwashed "opinion" didn't affect this film and, namely, the many other GREAT movies that predated this psychobabble that has poisoned today's media.
just like the goonies shouldn't be remade either
Judd Nelson can only play Bender, they can't do a remake.
Haha ^^ I totally agree but I love the acting thing and I would be enchanted to play Bender... in my dreams
Green Power Ranger lmao fuck off
This film just couldnt be remade now. It wouldnt work - it captured a time when that idea was original and new, and no netflix, cgi, terrorism, and internet. But leave this alone - films often are labelled classics - all too often. This is a classic. Leave it alone. Its a white character film - its not racist - if we had black people in it - then the wannabe racists police would say "hey, you have black people in detention. thats racist and creating a sterotype". Simply - its not relevant no blacks in it - what so ever. Its just white kids in a school which millions of people can identify with and for those where about there age back then - like myself - connect with it powerfully. Rant over - dont even dare try to remake this.
Right. That "It's too white" remark was racism in reverse and totally irrelevant. What else could you expect from a flaming lib?
No way, Taylor Lautner can play Bender
When I saw the movie back in '85,it wasn't their skin color it was their characteristics. I was the rebel.
I was the basket case.
Back in ‘85 race wasn’t an issue. It’s a forefront now from all those that want to supposedly end racism.
@@seandavenport504 lol race wasn’t an issue back in the 80’s lol. Said every non-person of color ever.😅
@@pjaybasmaignee Exactly!… but 35 years later, it’s all of the sudden “problematic” that there weren’t enough ethnic characters in the movie. The last time I checked, the “ethnic” makeup of suburban Chicago, especially the area they based the movie on, was about 98% white, so they’d gladly sacrifice authenticity for political correctness? I’m sorry, but I didn’t protest when they remade Shaft with Samuel L. Jackson instead of Sylvester Stallone, or that the gangsters in the film weren’t a bunch of skinheads… BECAUSE IT WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN AN ACCURATE REPRESENTATION OF THE FILM.
This revisionist, woke bullshit has to stop.
@@michaelshaffer8451 sarcasm much? And it isn’t that serious all these comments are old here. But clearly this is an issue for you, so I wish you the best in life. 💙
There's nothing wrong with an all White cast. There's nothing wrong with an all Black cast (Friday is one of my favorite all-time comedies). I'm tired of forced diversity. Can't we have all possible permutations?
cqtaylor So what's your point? There were FIVE detention students...not half the school. Statistics allow it. Nevertheless, the typical detention student is definitely NOT as interesting as the cast. My point is that this is a great movie and I'm tired of forced diversity.
cqtaylor You must be very young or very naive. Try the YT video "Cannibal warlords of Liberia." 100% Black. Go have a taste of that 'diversity' and tell me what you think ;-) After that, go Google search how post-apartheid is working out in South Africa. (Hint - it's not good).
You obviously have a chip on your shoulder.
cqtaylor I suggest you reread my OP. You are way off track...and yes...you do have a chip on your shoulder ;-) Good luck.
No, there's nothing wrong with an all white cast, but there's nothing wrong with a diverse class either. My high school was all over the place with white, Mexican, Asian, black, honor Society/college prep, regular ed., remedial ed., special ed., special day class students. Heck, my Algebra I I teacher had an accent so thick it took two weeks before I understood a word he said
You know, it just occurred to me, that the real message in the movie is stated in the theme song, "Don't You Forget About Me." It is about diversity in that the message is that we're really not so different from that other guy after all.
They should make “The Dinner Club” - an update on where they’re at as adults
Now that's a movie I'd pay to see!!
That could actually work. A high school reunion is the obvious premise.
They kind of did.... "St. Elmo's Fire".
dif: Family Vlog. That is not a bad idea. lots of interesting places to go with that.
dif: Family Vlog too bad the brains of the film is dead, would be a good flick tho, I'd pay to see it.
This is a movie that still holds up today pretty much, it's a movie that still speaks to every new generation.... there is honestly no need for a remake.
Nelekets www.ebay.com/itm/Chantilly-Lace-VHS-Very-Rare-Tested-Works-Great-Talia-Shire-Great-Movie-/312905500462
how many generations has it been to conclude that it speaks to every new one? 3? I am assuming you dont know a lot of different cultures, huh?
when this movie came out whites were 80% of the population. now that they only account for 60% of the population and america's much more diverse a remake makes sense. but nothing can replace the oringal.
Saying the casting of Breakfast Club wasn't "Diverse Enough" is a slap in the face of the actors who made that movie with you, Molly. Who in the cast do you think should have been replaced? Whose performance was so simple that "anyone" could have done it just as well and still made that film a classic. A film is the sum of it's performances, change one and you change your film.
Like most of hollyweird, they've been indoctrinated. 1:40 Thank GOD this brainwashed "opinion" didn't affect this film and, namely, the many other GREAT movies that predated this psychobabble that has poisoned today's media miscreants.
A shame they just reflexively go for the race/diversity card.
Racial diversity? Not for the sake of it. If you're watching a show or movie and appreciating racial diversity, you're watching it for the wrong reasons.
That's stupid
If the characters had been of mixed races, the conflict would have taken on the tones of a race war. This movie was about teenage angst, not the civil rights movement or school integration. That being said, it still sucked. The school was big enough for these five students not to know each other, yet ONLY five students were sentenced to a (highly improbable!] Saturday detention? Show me a public high school, anywhere, any decade, where that happened.
the high-school I graduated at had Saturday detention and it was a shitty enough punishment that most people figured out how not to get caught. I think for the time 5 people was a perfect number because it showed the major stereotypes of students in the 80's. No need to get so angry over a movie, so what if it's a little improbable, it's for your entertainment and not to be seriously analysed like you're doing.
+Orion Xavier are you worried that you may find that other races may at their core be just like you and want the same things in life? why does diversity scare you?
which is why they said not a remake but something inspired by would be better.
But it seems you then are afraid to find that you may find that you and a "transgender, queer, or lesbian" may turn out to be at their core be just as good as you.
If it doesn't you may want to stop calling people queer, since it's considered a negative slur. Gay males are usually fine with gay. While there are a few gays that are outspoken on that word, it's not how most would take it.
there is absoutely nothing wrong ever with making a film about white people with white people.
@@truthhurts7742 I hope you're being sarcastic.
Paul Allen why? You don’t think it’s okay to be a straight white male...?
No one said there is anything wrong with it. They said the new film should be more diverse to show minority's experiences.
J.J. Why?
Molly should have passed on the script in 1985. Why didn't she tell John Hughes that a black actress should be cast instead of her. OHHH...She worried about it being racist now. I get it.
Why does a movie have to incorporate diversity? Why can't someone just tell a story without having to tac on some unecessary diversity? Imagine a boyz in the hood remake where Cuba has a white transgender best friend who together they overcome the societal pressures of gang life and gender equality.
Great point u have there, SJWs only complains on movies where predominate white ppl, but i don't hear a fucking thing about all black ppl movies, justo think about a remake of menace 2 society, a white trans no binary tomboy as O-dog and a gay vegan asian as Caine
Imagine “The Wood,” except it’s three white boys at a prep school.
Jewish Agenda
😂😂😂 I’m literally pissing myself
@Mr. Pickles diversity is reality and people want to see realistic movies dumbass. When's the last time you walked through a mall and only seen one race of people? You've got to be a Trumpian. Do you think there's only one race in America? America is the most Diverse country in the world. Actually I don't even think there's any countries left in the world that's just one race. If there is I hope you and Trump go there and stay.
Good for them for not wanting to support a remake. There are way to many cash grab remakes now. If its done right though it could work but I highly doubt it.
Jman Rising if they make a remake it would be bad like mean girls 2
Library never exsisted. They utilized a run down schools (to be demo'd) Gym and built the Library from scatch. To this day - I think would be the most killer library ever!!! HUGE John Huges fan here!!!
If Hollywood steals this one from Gen X, the response is gonna be ugly. Real ugly.
wow...they feel ashamed that its all white. incredible. great movie and they feel ashamed.
There not ashamed they just darnt say anything other cus yano hw it is nowadays,fuck they'd b slated
I agree. We must always be politically correct these days.
@@lisadiconti They weren't being political correct, they were basically saying the movie was good but wasn't realistic because there weren't that many black people in it. BUT I disagree with them about not making a reboot.
They are not ashamed! LOL
Did it hurt you little white privilege sense to hear this? Poor you!
Molly DOES NOT age. It's astounding.
As an African American I like this movie left alone. It represents a time and Era. Leave it alone.
Molly is a phenomenal actress, really, the way she projects micro expressions with the least of dialogue is just a rare thing to witness, people should pay more attention to the details and how well-made and executed these films are both dramatically and technically as teen films.
Molly was really one of the best young actresses I've ever seen, she's just so good and captures that time period perfectly.
Girl next door, in every sense
Ugh! Molly Ringwald being racist against white people, and demanding "diversity" in a remake. Such a turn off!
Notice how they want to remake "white" movies to include diversity, but no one calls for films like "Boyz N the Hood" to be remade to include diversity. I'd call it "Fellows in the Suburbs". What's good on one side is good on the other side. Squid pro quo.
White Men Can't Jump was recently remade; I did not watch it...the original is still the best in my opinion.
😂 fellows in the suburbs 😂
There could never be another cast for that movie!
You said it----most beautifully.
Funny how in their interviews from that time they seem so natural and open about their parts and now it's just typical catchphrases.
How come Hollywood never remakes horrible movies? I mean they keep fucking up with remakes of good ones, why not remake the shit out of a bad one and see if it turns into a better movie? What do you got to loose? A horrible remake of a horrible movie? I cannot see that being possible.
They remade Dirty Dancing and that movie sucked.
That's true. I never thought of it that that way.
These 2 went woke before woke was even a thing.
I watched the movie for the first time a few days ago because I heard it was an american classic and I did not know about the movie before because I'm French.
Not a single time while watching it was I thinking about how "white" the movie was.
American people are really strange nowadays.
No we're not..... We're still the same.... It's just the Media and the Government that have gotten weird Sam. ;)
let me guess. youre white
@@shorx9199 100% algerian, sorry. Seems like your racist beliefs are not 100% accurate after all...
The internet pretty much destroyed the world , the 80s was the last decade of real life ! I miss it!
if they had a remake it would never work..you would need a token black person and an Asian and the teacher would have to be gay and there would be some pretentious pop star in it like Miley Cyrus or Taylor Swift and then the kids would have smart phones in the library and it would be a complete disaster especially for the suckers who paid $14.00 and another 8 for popcorn to see it
You feeling okay dude?
Okay boomer
T R U E! It would be trash! Nothing can beat a classic.
Remakes suck already. The new Overboard was an insult to Goldie and Kurt. Keep PC culture away from classics. End of story.
@@ilovecoffeev No it's true
"It's so incredibly white" - really?
Being from that era I had a huge crush for Ally. She was so dark and mysterious.
"It's so white" And there is what is wrong with the world today.
would you mind if it was all black?
Imagine saying that "Boyz n the Hood" is too black and need more diversity.
Huge crush on Ally Sheedy back in the day.
me too, just sumting about d dark look
+Helium Road Yeah you me and millions of others, She had really "Nice software" in Short Circuit too. NO REMAKE of the breakfast club please, it will be SH*T
No Remake of "Dirty Dancing" movie too!!
Just "no remakes" of anything. Just make it stop.
me2 ;)
I went to an all white school, it happens. There are a lot of shows on TLC and BET that are all black cast. I have seen Indian movies and all people are Indian. Everyone wants to be diverse but there are places where things aren’t and do not have to be. It’s ok to keep one culture or nationality as a whole. It’s not racist just because we didn’t add this type of person to make the audience feel “comfortable”.
Michael Anderson k
Why would anyone call out black shows/movies, they make up a faction of the amount of white shows/movies. If you're only comfortable seeing white people on screen then just own up to it. The Breakfast Club is a classic, and people of other races enjoyed it and also wanna see themselves on screen as well. White people will NEVER run out of movies to be cast in, lol
_"Why would anyone call out black shows/movies"_
Because they don't have white people in them, dumbass. Are you paying attention?
Most Hated so you feel white people need MORE acting roles than they already have? You feel that the few amount of black films out there for black actors need to have less black actors and more white actors? Please tell me you aren't that stupid.
I'll tell you who's stupid: YOU.
Because you clearly have a hard time grasping the point of anybody's comments. Fuck off, fake Kareem.
You should remake something because you can either execute it differently or better. Remaking something for the sake of making it more diverse is just as pointless as remaking something so you can make the special effects better. If you can't do what really matters better ( things that matter being character, story, tone and meaning ) just don't bother. I always thought a semi-sequel to The Breakfast Club would be cool to tackle other cliques that weren't addressed in the first one. But nowadays it would be the gay kid, the transgendered kid, the white girl that accepts them (and probably has anxiety disorder and depression), the black kid, the white cis-gendered male shitlord bully, you get my point.
Doing that isn't being diverse, it's pandering.
totally right about that robert.
Good points, Robert.
They recently brought back saved by the bell and made it woke, and it's ruined.
Same with the jay and silent bob reboot, again, ruined because of woke crap rammed down out throats.
Surely we should be able to make a film about whatever we want without having to worry if it's "diverse" enough. It ceases to become an art form then, and that's just pandering.
Six years later and this comment is ON POINT more than ever.
I think a remake would be more like to modernise the period to something that could happen in 2023 as opposed to late 1970s(which is the period i think the original story was written for ).
I agree ...no remake, but if they want diversity how about bring Long Duk Dong in? BONZAAIIIIIIII
" What the hell are you bitching about,........I have to sleep under some Chinaman named after a duck's dork" lol
Yeah,bring him back,you don't got to have a black in EVERY movie.
lol that was such a fucking stupid comment. thanks, needed that chuckle
Anthony Emanuel You do not need a white in every movie either
Oh sexy girrrrllllfrienddd!
This movie is timeless
And the song from the movie. Classic in every way. No remake please.
I am a person from third world country and I can relate to these white people too, it's about character and story. It's always good to have diversity but that doesn't mean the movie is bad
Color doesn’t matter. I watch foreign movies all the time. I don’t watch Korean movies and think “I’m not represented in Korean Movies. Tears. Sadness. Violin music!” I identify with the characters and value them no matter what language they’re speaking or what they look like.
I love Korean, Indian, and Spanish movies. French and Russian ones. It just doesn’t matter to me color or anything else.
I watched this until they had to bring up the diversity crap. What's wrong with a all white movie?
B Lowell all white movies is like all white bread. bad for your health
B Lowell Apparently the same reason it is bad to have an all black movie...
@@victorvien Are you friggin' for real!? Your so "prejudice and a racist" Yet you snow-birdies have the audacity to call others racist etc.. You people and your Hypocritical ways show the Ignorant fruit you's bare. Your probably White yourself too..lol.. and if not than your very "prejudice and a racist"... You'll know them/people by the fruit they bare...
@Kevin Lopez most people I've met or even listened to throughout much of my life are lying bullshitters most of the time and selfish douches and braggers etc and guess what they have had different political belief's..lol..... It's why I prefer hanging out with my animals more.. lol
So Your actually saying Democrats don't bullshit . lol.. Funny because almost everything that has come out of their(especially Political Dem leaders)mouths , and especially the last 4 yrs, is full of vile, hateful, hypocritical, aggressive and so sneaky and conniving, I'm not saying other Political groups haven't done some bullshitting etc..
But as an outsider who sat back watching and observing everything from the beginning who watched ALL the debates, speeches etc.. of all the candidates and WOW after Trump won they became a disrespectful bunch of haters and it was the democrats that started all the hatred, violence, ex-stream separation getting (by bullshitting) dems against repub or conservatives and visa versa, Everything went crazy.. lol, I was shocked and felt bad for everyone being so bitter and hateful to each other. Anyways that was just my and many others way up here's observation . I always considered myself a pretty liberal person throughout my life but definatly changed my opinion while listening to all those debates and speeches etc back 4 yrs ago ..lol.. Hope we can just agree to disagree or just converse instead of being mean or hateful to one another. :) Cheers!
victorvien in what world is white bread bad for you health? You fucking incompetent dumbass
Of course they shouldn't make a remake. If they did one now, it'd be nauseatingly p.c. They'd have to have every skin color in there (or the snowflakes would freak), and the dialogue would be as lame as a Kanye song. Leave the 80s alone, Hollywood.
Nothing is more lame than Kanye
The entire cast would be complete degenerates and the movie would be centered around social media shit
Those were the days. I wish I could go back.
Millions of us are with you on this topic. Living today feels like Mars vs Venus.
If they made a remake today it would be 90 minutes of 5 kids on their cellphones,
U can't fuck with a classic. Leave that masterpiece alone. 1 of the best movies ever!!!!!!!!!
Diversity needs to be original and casual, not forced and fake. Diversity is important but not just for the show of it and as a copy of a beautiful original.
Why should it include racial diversity. Leave it alone already.
I saw it on the big screen for the first time recently and I was in tears when the movie started.
This movie means everything for me. I think I can watch it over and over and over and over again. Weird Science remains a huge pleasure for me too. Anthony Michael Hall was such a young talented boy.
Dissapointed with their answers; skin color does not and should never dictate a route of a director. Will making an all brown or black cast for the Breakfast Club improve the original in anyway; is it necesarry to remake past films to include ethnic/racial diversity ...why not hire the actor best suited for the role and not look at his or her skin color or gender !?
It seems like only yesterday.
okrajoe It sure does! I remember seeing the trailer for it on our T.V. with rabbit ears! Lol great memories.
Had a huge crush on Molly Ringwald in all her movies and just her as a person all thru the 80's. Okay, the crush is still there in 2024.
I want a remake with an all European American cast!
Me too
These two really turned into beautiful women.
Hollywood really does need to stop trying to remake everything
Next time I have to come in here, I'm crackin skulls 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼😂
Okay, so if you were going to add "diversity" to a possible remake, which stereotypes would the black, hispanic & asian characters be? You can't make Bender or Andrew black or hispanic because that's racist. And you can't make Brian or Allison asian because that's also racist. Claire can't be anything but white unless you made the entire movie a full black cast like Soul Plane or something. Geez, weren't times better when people didn't get offended so easily? Or felt like films needed to include every race, sex, and belief to unrealistically "diversify" such a small cast just so nobody feels left out?
Funny how you only hear this "diversity" nonsense by Hollywood and the media. I've worked in many places, attended many schools, and lived in many communities where whites outnumber blacks by like 30:1 and I still have yet to hear anyone cry about there not being enough diversity. I've even walked freely in predominately black areas many times as the only white guy and never felt or heard one thing about racism. Hollywood keeps people stirred up with their make believe controversies.
The Left is racist af they only think about skin color and gender. All she could think about is the movie is white? They are a bunch of Elites pandering wanting people to praise them. They are the Richest most powerful people in the World. They own Amazon,Microsoft,Facebook,Google,CNN,NBC,ABC,CBS,Twitter,UA-cam,Hollywood,the Richest people almost all the Billionaires, the Universities. They cant fix everything they complain about? Why cant they open a Healthcare fund equal out Pay? Yet they raise gas prices to faze out fossil fuels?
The message is that nerds cannot get a girlfriend, and that weird chicks cannot get a boyfriend unless they put on makeup and dress like rich chicks.
It's funny to hear them both talk about IF there was a re-do, it should be more "diverse." When they did "boyz in the hood," they didn't put a bunch of white guys in it. John Hughes wrote stories about kids from the Chicago burbs... those kids are white.
And that's how it should be.
No Remake Where's the petition ?....... I'll sign .
Every new movie doesn't have to have racial diversity. There are many white suburban schools, and why try to hide that reality?
No remake. Much of its appeal is that it stands alone in being of its time. That is why the "it's too white" refernce [1:44] is, in my view, nonsensical. Of course, if it were being made to day, a greater effort would rightly be made to adopt and reflect a more inclusive approach. However, to remake the film with the mores of today would detract from the film's essential character.
Used to love Molly Rinwald but after that anti white SJW BS, forget about it..
Agreed. Virtual Signaling self-hating dopes. They could move to South Africa where white farmers are murdered daily. Maybe Molly can explain things there.
citation please
Fendernirvana I'm with you. God forbid we have an all white cast in a movie made in a majority white country. Other races have their own stuff 100% but we as whites are not allowed
this is not a majority white country.
Vhs Vcr oh really. Do you not know what majority means ?? Right now whites make up almost 70% of this country. Last I heard 70 out of 100 is a MAJORITY and back in the 80s we were about 80% of the population. Low IQ much
Do not mess with perfection or John Hughes movies. He's a genius. His movies are iconic and should not be remade. Plus a remake will flop.
And I agree with them... No remake.
@TheRapper10000 That's why there should be no remake.
The only thing that should happen is the full cut of it with all the deleted scenes
The way things are going they will make a move called "politically correct club" about every single race/gender in one classroom which just happens to be a "safe space" lololol
Video Master www.ebay.com/itm/Chantilly-Lace-VHS-Very-Rare-Tested-Works-Great-Talia-Shire-Great-Movie-/312905500462
They would all be sitting in their safe space whining about how hard & unfair life is bashing all white people while eating lunches, using smartphones & wearing clothing provided by their parents who told them how special they are.
@@Han9emA11 That sounds like a HORROR FILM! Please God no. Enough with the selected "woke" BULLS**T these days.
@@Han9emA11 and after detention they were all given a participation trophy. 🤦♂️😂
No remake. Movie is a classic, untouched.
They are so gorgeous.
nah, Molly had aged ....
Doesn't matter.
The bad boy John Bender is now an old Gramp
There can't be another Breakfast Club or Ferris Bueller's Day Off...
36 years later and they still look beautiful.
Claire's actress yeah. Allison's... not so much.
@@bennemann Yeah Allison's actress isn't that bad looking.
There can only be one Breakfast Club.
Oh jeez. Just because it doesn't have an ethnically diverse cast doesn't mean it doesn't speak to everyone who ever went to school. We all experienced the same social and family situations described in this movie. That kind of comment just asks for more tokenism in movies. The same script could be made with an ethnically diverse cast; we're not just sitting around talking about race all the time and aren't so narrowminded that we feel we need to see someone "like us" to relate.
The problem is, every other ethnicity is always asked to look at the world through white people's eyes. But of course, you don't understand that.
@@mgeek1 what a load of bollox! Lol. No one asks you to do sh!t bro. You're free to be whoever you want to be, and do whatever you want to do.
What you just said is a cop out.
Whty don't understand, my ass. 🤦♂️😂
@@TheRetroManRandySavage amen
The past called these two. It wants its integrity back.
Love many of John Hughes movies because they came along when I was an actual teenager. His movies aren't diverse but the themes here are universal.
skin pigment is not diverse. His movies are all kinds of diverse!
No need at all for a remake. Even the time period is perfect. Simple story of kids in the 80s. Don't need to update or "Reimagine" anything.
This classic dosen't need a remake, its a brilliant film "AS IS"
Yes and amen. 1:40 Thank GOD this brainwashed "opinion" didn't affect this film and, namely, the many other GREAT movies that predated this psychobabble that has poisoned today's media nutcakes.
Why do they all want to ruin things with DIVERSITY!
I agree that doing a remake of "The Breakfast Club" would be a bad idea.
Anyway while Molly Ringwald has aged well Ally Sheedy hasn't.
Blimey! She looks wasted. lol
how you going to look in 30+ years??
Ally is almost ten years older than Molly.
Levtones She’s only 6 years older
Ally Sheedy looks damn fine - she's 53 there.
If you wanna talk about ageing, lets drag Lohan out onto the stage - she just passed 31!
Hear that Hollywood? Don’t ever think about remaking John Hughes classics or there will be consequences.
If you were raised in the 80s ,you could totally remember getting detention after school or going to Saturday detention til noon.
I hated it.
Then just because of this movie we'll leave outta the class room and cut up.
GOD Those years are gone.
Is it me ,or when that movie goes off with Judd Nelson pumping his fist up in the air, it feels like that time is saying goodbye.
The movie, the memories, and the song by Simple Minds brings tears to your eyes.
The joy of the 80s are gone but never forgotten
Back in the 80s n 90s in England a detention would be staying behind an extra hour after school finished (that was middle school)
And in high school it was an all day detention sat in an isolation booth in school hours. Not even the uk was cruel enough to make kids come back to school on a weekend. 😂
I was in high school in the 80’s and never got detention, I did however get caught ditching by my Sunday school teacher, who was an LAPD officer at the time. 😬 That was my detention.
i like the idea of adding diversity. But do schools still punish kids in this way with Saturday detention in a school library?
NO REMAKE of the movie PLEASE! For following reasons
1) Kids of this decade will realise their parents may then have *More Fun at school 30 years ago* as kids.
2) The only concealed weapon in school then was a switchblade (as carried by John Bender), Not a handgun.
3) Girls then wear Long skirts, Button up blouses and Boots (by Claire and Allison)and
yet can still look sexy.
4)Jennifer Beals (Flashdance) was then the "IT" girl. Flashdance was then the coolest movie
5) Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, smartphones and internet were then *All Non Existent*. Microsoft was then still a start-up
6) It's still OK to be a Basket Case (Allison Reynolds) at that time.
7)Wearing white panties (by Claire) was then fashionable.
8)Your vice principal indeed raids Barry Manilow's wardrobe
9) Nike singlets (as worn by Andrew) were cool 30 years ago and still is cool today
10) Your parents' issues with Their Parents *were the Same* as what kids 30 years later with their parents.
Load of nonsense, except for the online social media part. And this is THE part which makes a remake impossible. Kids today would be chatting to their friends on Facebook or Tweet endlessly so they'd have no reason to talk to the others.
Oh geez... Molly played the race card
You know there gonna remake the film to be all PC and ruin what was perfect about the film!
They won’t ruin it cause any remake couldn’t compare. Look at the red dawn remake! Sucked!
They remade Ghostbusters with an all female cast except the gay guy who replaced the female receptionist. That movie flopped at the box ofgice. Thank God I never watch remakes of classics even when they are shown for free on regular t.v. I hate anything that pushes P.C. madness.
Both of these washed ups in lock step with the PC police. Way to ruin a good memory.
I was 16 [same age as two of the actors] when is was released in '85. It is a classic coming of age film. The whole diversity thing resonates as fake P.C. to me. Sure FFW to 2017 and lets have every possible teen social niche represented in every possible color and sexual preference variation possible...the cast would need to be about 40 kids, fun story line that would be. There have been countless TV/motion pictures inspired by this and other films that were 'more' diverse. One that comes to mind was DeGrassi High that ran for about two seasons in the early 90's and saw syndication for some time after that...You have to understand the single focus of the film was not about race but social standing; that actually transcends many of the other parts of a teens life of nearly every/any era. That seemingly five 'white' kids who outwardly appear similar could not me more different. You could cast an all black, brown or Asian cast and nearly the same message would resonate. Being a teen is not an easy journey.
Yes, human emotions are not based on race. To say someone who's not white can't relate to this movie is like saying that white people shouldn't try to relate to Do the Right Thing. What a sad commentary on people's ability to have empathy that would be.
I agree 100% Leave this film alone!!!
growing old sucks.
Every movie needs a token Black, Hispanic, Oriental, Eskimo, and Redskin, because that what real life is like.
is it? or is that what real movies are like?
Molly and Ally , huge crush ! Awesome movie !
Fun facts for those who don’t know much about the movie’s background. Ronald Reagan was the first choice to play Vernon, but a meeting with Mikhail Gorbachev conflicted with the shooting schedule and he could not accept the role. In Reagan’s autobiography, An American Life, he calls this “The biggest regret of my life.” Harvey Keitel was the next pick, but after reading the script he told John Hughes that he’d only play the role if he could dress in the same clothes he wore in “Taxi Driver.” So Paul Gleason, son of Jackie Gleason, won the role. During shooting he improvised the movie’s most famous line, “Yo Sal, how come there ain’t no brothers up on the wall?” The role Anthony Michael Hall played was originally written for a chimpanzee. Eric Stolz was originally cast as Bender, then halfway through filming John Hughes realized he wasn’t menacing enough and fired him. But you can still see glimpses of Stolz in the movie. That is his head between Molly Ringwald’s knees. And Hughes wanted Justine Bateman as the Claire character, but Gary David Goldberg would not give her the time off needed to film the movie. Filming was delayed for six months because of a typhoon. Emilio Estevez suffered a heart attack right before shooting began, also delaying the shooting schedule. The five students were originally supposed to serve their detention in the school cafeteria, locked into the walk-in refrigerator, but then producers were worried that children would try to copy the movie and lock themselves into their refrigerators at home, then suffocate. The exterior scenes were shot at a suburban high school right outside of Chicago, but the library scenes were filmed at the Princeton University library, which is mostly underground and that’s why you see no windows in the movie’s library. Harvard University refused permission to film the dance scene there, so it was done at Oxford in England. Judd Nelson went undercover as a high school student at a local high school because seven years after graduating from a high school in Maine he had no memory of what high school was like, and found he liked it so much that he stayed at that high school after filming and four years later graduated as their Valedictorian. No one at that school ever realized he was an actor and not a student, even though he had been in three movies before “The Breakfast Club.”
Thumbs down because of the unnecessary PC bull****. So tired of that crap.
Typical libtard thinking.
Last night i watched Breakfast Club, probably for the 100th time in my life, lol.......i made the Mistake of seeking out the Cast ....and watching this....I should have known they would be Zionist programmed like half the country.
No remake! It would be all woke and stupid
I can’t help it if all the actors that have been chosen for the Breakfast Club were all white. At least Breakfast Club isn’t RACIST, like SIXTEEN CANDLES 🤮
I loved that the cast was all white, all working-class (except one) and were typical kids-bullshit teenagers. Why?? Because that WAS highschool in the 80s for me. Thats the kind of people I hanged out with, and their problems were very similar as in Breakfast Club. Forced "blackification" would be terrible. Like portraying a lot of pastry white kids in a movie about ghettos. Misplaced deluxe. The youth and the 80s-culture I grew up in was partially mirrored in movies like "Ferris Buelers day off", "Pretty in Pink" and "Footlose". They already destroyed Footlose by making it "diverse", so why destroy the rest? Let it be.
you do realize that tons of non white people relate a lot to this movie right? I keep seeing people say how the whiteness is essential in this movie, but I just don't seem to get it. There is nothing in this movie that is particularly white . While I do think a remake would be a bad idea it might be cool for poc to be able to identify a little more with this movie just as you have. Is that such a horrible concept?
I thimk you meant to say those were the types of kids that you hung out with
No one ever says a movie like Roots is too black and it needs more diversity
I never once watched something and said “wow there needs to be more racial diversity” there’s BET and Telumundo for that
Yup. because I've never watched the movie and said, "it's too white". I don't watch movies in this bizarre racial lens. I watched Bad Boys and didn't think I needed WIll Smith to be a white guy (besides, that'd just be Lethal Weapon). Or Friday, or Boyz in the Hood, or a whole host of movies... I (a white guy) don't need to be in them, I don't need to see myself racially to connect with a character. Hell, am I not allowed to enjoy great Japanese or Korean films because they don't have white people in them? ...Nope. And yet amazingly, I still find common ground with the CHARACTERS because they're more than just their race. Seven Samurai? WHERE'S THE WHITE PEOPLE AT!? ... Idiocy.
@@MST3Killa & Jon San - I agree 100%. I love both their acting skills, but what a ridiculous remark. A “bizarre racial lens” is an excellent description. It shouldn’t matter one bit if the cast is all one race or mixed. The whole point is that kids feel pressure and/or are bullied no matter what walk of life they come from. If you didn’t take that message away from this movie, you missed the whole lesson. We already had people in Breakfast Club who were less privileged than the others. There would still be complaints if they decided to cast a minority in the role of the criminal. Or, as the rich princess. I can just hear it….One scenario is racist. And the other scenario is not realistic and doesn’t address “white privilege.” You can’t win with these people either way.
A woke Breakfast Club, that would be a great idea. Note the sarcasm.