Oh man, that’s crazy. Good for me, bad for the learning community at large. A lot of Basques make the letter S into a harder “shh” sound, too, so it is often confused with X, and even in written words you might see S replaced with X. 😵💫😄
Eskerrak eman behar dizkizut Shanna egiten duzun lanagatik! Suposatzen dut ez dela erreza izango euskara bezalako hizkuntza gutxitu bat youtuben aurkeztea. Hala ere, uste dut oso ondo egiten duzula.Zure bideoak benetan oso ondo daude. Horrela segi. Besarkada bat Euskal Herritik!😀
Mila mila esker zuri. Euskarari buruzko bideoak sortzea asko gustatzen zait, beraz ez da hain zaila. ☺️ bakarrik espero dut hobetuko naizela. Besarkada handi bat, eta jarraitu zure hizkuntza maitearekin. 💪
Ts has a bit more “tsh” sound to it, though not so hard. But with tz, the tongue is more forward towards the teeth and air flows more freely over it, if that makes any sense. 😅
@@1234smileface I'm glad! It can be difficult though, because I've heard some Basques pronounce 'ts' similar to 'tx' and 'tz' similar to 'ts', so sometimes it depends on speaker or dialect. It's helpful to just listen to some audio that has text along with it (though I know that can be difficult to find, so let me know if you'd like some help finding something!).
That's the first time when I got a proper explanation how s is pronounced!
Oh man, that’s crazy. Good for me, bad for the learning community at large.
A lot of Basques make the letter S into a harder “shh” sound, too, so it is often confused with X, and even in written words you might see S replaced with X. 😵💫😄
Thank you. Very rare it's possible to find such info about Basque. But could you expose written words for a bit longer time?
@@Владимир-о4ъ4ю Yes of course! Thank you for the kind words and suggestion 😊
Eskerrak eman behar dizkizut Shanna egiten duzun lanagatik! Suposatzen dut ez dela erreza izango euskara bezalako hizkuntza gutxitu bat youtuben aurkeztea. Hala ere, uste dut oso ondo egiten duzula.Zure bideoak benetan oso ondo daude. Horrela segi. Besarkada bat Euskal Herritik!😀
Mila mila esker zuri. Euskarari buruzko bideoak sortzea asko gustatzen zait, beraz ez da hain zaila. ☺️ bakarrik espero dut hobetuko naizela. Besarkada handi bat, eta jarraitu zure hizkuntza maitearekin. 💪
What's the difference between ts and tz so?
Ts has a bit more “tsh” sound to it, though not so hard. But with tz, the tongue is more forward towards the teeth and air flows more freely over it, if that makes any sense. 😅
@@basqueberserk That made a lot of sense. Thank you!
@@1234smileface I'm glad! It can be difficult though, because I've heard some Basques pronounce 'ts' similar to 'tx' and 'tz' similar to 'ts', so sometimes it depends on speaker or dialect. It's helpful to just listen to some audio that has text along with it (though I know that can be difficult to find, so let me know if you'd like some help finding something!).
Para mi personalmente la pronunciación de los diftongos ts tx tz parece igual no puedo pillar la diferencia
Some Basques do say them in a similar way! I've heard tz like ts, and ts like tx. A veces son un poco difíciles de diferenciar!
Eskerrik asko🌺🌷🌸
Kurdua naiz, euskara ikastea gustatzen zait. Gure patuak antzekoak dira. Agur Kurdistanetik Euskaldun guztiei. Egia izatea espero dut. 🤣
Eskerrik asko eta ongi etorri! Pozik nago kurdu bat begiratzen ari dela! 😊
@@basqueberserk Eskerrik asko, Zure helburuak lortzea espero dut.