So is this van 405 or 625 line? Given the '60s date I would have assumed it was 405 line - but I'm not sure if LCDs would be compatible with that, which would be a problem if you wanted to display a live camera feed on them.
The van was designed to work in both 405 and 625 line standards since both were in use at the time it came into service. BBC2 launched in 625 lines in 1964 but BBC1 remained 405 for some years. There are two sync pulse generators on board which could either be both set to the same standard to give a main and spare or one of each for a quick turn around. Swapping standards required board swapping, not just the flick of a switch !
A great resource. UA-cam recommended it to me. I hope it will drive more viewers to your content that is, in my opinion, is unique. Thanks!
I don,t understand much but it is fascinating to see ,Thank you
It's very good to see you back age. I don't understand all that you say, but I truly enjoy seeing all your hard work.
So is this van 405 or 625 line? Given the '60s date I would have assumed it was 405 line - but I'm not sure if LCDs would be compatible with that, which would be a problem if you wanted to display a live camera feed on them.
The van was designed to work in both 405 and 625 line standards since both were in use at the time it came into service. BBC2 launched in 625 lines in 1964 but BBC1 remained 405 for some years. There are two sync pulse generators on board which could either be both set to the same standard to give a main and spare or one of each for a quick turn around. Swapping standards required board swapping, not just the flick of a switch !
Superb work and extremely interesting 👍🏾