Luke Thompson & Yerin Ha Take the Lead | Shondaland

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @asniartirtarani6427
    @asniartirtarani6427 2 місяці тому +6219

    i think i gotta apologize for the kind of person i'll become once the teaser come out

    • @Kraken_1098
      @Kraken_1098 2 місяці тому +90

      Ooof I laughed louder at this than I should have 😂😂😂😂

    • @vanessaigot7196
      @vanessaigot7196 2 місяці тому +19

      Same 😅😅😅

    • @rachybaby72
      @rachybaby72 2 місяці тому +8


    • @rocco3605
      @rocco3605 2 місяці тому +51

      you could have just said the season itself but you said the teaser and you are so real for that

    • @chanwooslegendarynananana
      @chanwooslegendarynananana 2 місяці тому +6

      What kind of person you'd be?

  • @eternalvsunshine
    @eternalvsunshine 2 місяці тому +3787

    it’s so sweet how you can tell she’s nervous but he’s making sure to keep her laughing and relaxed. he also just looks so happy for her when she speaks, i know they are going to do amazing together ☺️

    • @ozedr3283
      @ozedr3283 2 місяці тому +79

      And he also looks nervous 😊 cute

    • @dloregonlin31
      @dloregonlin31 2 місяці тому +83

      She cannot make eye contact for too long, and I get it, I mean Luke has huge charisma ❤

    • @amandavitoriadasilvamaciel4179
      @amandavitoriadasilvamaciel4179 2 місяці тому +12

      Benophie ❤️

    • @Veda98480
      @Veda98480 2 місяці тому +46

      Ikr, I like how he was assertive when he said "it's yours now" as if reaffirming it to her that she is part of the Bridgerton family now ❤❤

    • @Veda98480
      @Veda98480 2 місяці тому +9

      Ikr, I like how he was so assertive when he said "it's yours now" as if reaffirming that she is part of the Bridgerton family now too ❤❤

  • @Theob538
    @Theob538 2 місяці тому +3094

    Her voice is so soothing to hear. ❤

  • @emoben3393
    @emoben3393 2 місяці тому +3188

    Luke didn't need a glow up but DAMN THOSE ARMS😂❤ And Yerin is just so gorgeous and her voice 😍😍

    • @RossiSenn
      @RossiSenn 2 місяці тому +32

      Damn that smile! Lols

    • @judiciousjayel
      @judiciousjayel 2 місяці тому +24

      If I was Yerin, I would fall in love instanly!

    • @ruthnoronha8206
      @ruthnoronha8206 2 місяці тому +3

      Ahh what you must be having eye sight issues.

    • @Veda98480
      @Veda98480 2 місяці тому +11

      Yeah I think he was already very well built and his beautiful eyes

    • @kamearisyndrome
      @kamearisyndrome 2 місяці тому +21

      man need to bulk up... after all THE LAKE IS INCOMING :D

  • @snowsmile7113
    @snowsmile7113 2 місяці тому +2055

    MY HEART 3:36 🥺❤
    "And it's yours now."

  • @emoben3393
    @emoben3393 2 місяці тому +1728

    "That's so much better than mine"
    "That's not trueee🥰🥰"

    • @selenarodgers5667
      @selenarodgers5667 2 місяці тому +25

      I can feel the chemistry 😊❤️

    • @jstar4207
      @jstar4207 2 місяці тому +12

      OMG Ppl are never gonna stop talking abt this 😂😂

    • @Aa-el6dd
      @Aa-el6dd 2 місяці тому +15

      Giggling and kicking my feet

  • @kabochamannequin1922
    @kabochamannequin1922 2 місяці тому +531

    Lmao I love how when Yerin says “prismatic” at first Luke’s like nodding “Nice, great, that’s a good one……. What does prismatic mean?”😂

    • @sya5598
      @sya5598 2 місяці тому +28

      men😂they’ll pretend to understand you when they really don’t

    • @fancytwice4729
      @fancytwice4729 2 місяці тому +12

      His curiosity is cute 😊😊

  • @user-vw1qg1ko8n
    @user-vw1qg1ko8n 2 місяці тому +804

    his arms luke are u insane omg

    • @judiciousjayel
      @judiciousjayel 2 місяці тому +6

      He can destroy me with those.

    • @katarmy1351
      @katarmy1351 2 місяці тому +14

      Right? How dare he lol

    • @MissSyntha
      @MissSyntha 2 місяці тому +4

      He can pull me with those😂

  • @sya5598
    @sya5598 2 місяці тому +1230

    u can just FEEL the chemistry between them in this short video imagine the actual scenes in the show!!! I’m so ready for their press tour and season

    • @anakindonissa
      @anakindonissa 2 місяці тому +12

      Really? I dont see the chemistry yet.

    • @iamlinda100
      @iamlinda100 2 місяці тому +25

      I agree their chemistry and dynamic is so cute and sweet, I love them!

    • @ykook7000
      @ykook7000 2 місяці тому +7

      Aussies and Brits automatically have chemistry anyway

    • @fancytwice4729
      @fancytwice4729 2 місяці тому +8

      Yes, you can feel the chemistry 😊

    • @vishakhachaudhary9546
      @vishakhachaudhary9546 2 місяці тому +2


  • @omrilianswan
    @omrilianswan 5 днів тому +6

    the chemistry is insaneeee

  • @Michele18164
    @Michele18164 2 місяці тому +732

    2:10 "I never saw myself in Regency clothes... I never saw myself in those dramas." Representation MATTERS! I'm so happy that Bridgerton brings today's diverse sensibility to period drama and shows us all that everyone existed in these time periods.

    • @hotteoki4498
      @hotteoki4498 2 місяці тому +34

      I agree people existed.. but how many (East) Asian women would have been over there in Regency times... 🤔 I think it's completely awesome that we get to see it.. but think about it..we are 💯 never ever going to get the opposite. Korea is never NEVER going to make a period drama with a white/black/SEA woman wearing a I think when you beat the drum about representation and time need to think a little.

    • @definitelynotawitch
      @definitelynotawitch 2 місяці тому +4

      ​@hotteoki4498 One hundred percent!

    • @Cameratanuit
      @Cameratanuit 2 місяці тому +27

      ​@@hotteoki4498well, this is bridgerton right? It's basically fantasy... (Even when not considering the diverse casting and storylines, it's so incredibly historically inaccurate. The costumes, music, general storylines and dialogue are so inaccurate to the point that it's distracting... I personally weigh those to be more egregious than the diverse casting. I hope no one is watching Bridgerton for historical accuracy! It's fantasy! So I personally think the casting works!

    • @fancytwice4729
      @fancytwice4729 2 місяці тому +2

      ​@@Cameratanuit Totally agree 😊

    • @Imokayluv
      @Imokayluv 2 місяці тому +16

      @@hotteoki4498how can you state NEVER like that when Korea has already produced a drama with an African American man from atl as one of the leading stories like already 5 years ago now ,. (Itaewon class) That’s saying a lot with how homogenous SK is, it’s made progress a lot faster than most western countries where even in the US, East Asian heroines, East Asian celebrities are super rare and have only kind of become mainstream due to literally the Korean wave ., Korea has made their own path for acceptance and other Asian ethnicities benefit from it yet the people who I see spreading the most hatred and racism towards Koreans are typically other Asians SMH

  • @kalfn95
    @kalfn95 2 місяці тому +821

    Yerin has a way with words. The way she describes her character, feels like she knew and understood Sophie and became her already!!! CANNOT WAIT TO SEE THEIR ON SCREEN CHEMISTRY!!

  • @lunatiger
    @lunatiger 2 місяці тому +707

    Her sweet demeanor matches Benedict’s sweet and romantic personality. Im looking forward to watching them together. Give us all the poetry and romance and angst so I can watch them ready with tissues next to me.
    Oh and please don’t shove 6 different subplots that take up their Benophies run time. People are here for their romance!!! 🥰 ❤

    • @RossiSenn
      @RossiSenn 2 місяці тому +32

      Absolutely! Their sweet personalities match so well. Their sweetness go so well together.

    • @lattecreamsoda
      @lattecreamsoda 2 місяці тому +12

      I know!! That’s the issue with last season, trying to fit so many different plot lines in so few episodes.

  • @pochernyai
    @pochernyai Місяць тому +40

    they have such a unique chemistry - it feels light, tranquil and yet intense. can't wait to see the new season!

  • @pallavi0
    @pallavi0 2 місяці тому +159

    I like the fact that whenever Luke is speaking Yerin is looking at him with such attention

    • @nonamename7256
      @nonamename7256 2 місяці тому +15

      And that's very good because it indicates that they are communicating well in the season's filming.

  • @taylormullen2815
    @taylormullen2815 2 місяці тому +164

    Yerin is gorgeous! Her skin is like porcelain. And Luke looks good, per usual. I can't wait to see their on-screen chemistry! They're so comfortable with each other, and she's an eloquent speaker.

    • @ozedr3283
      @ozedr3283 2 місяці тому +6

      Indeed! ❤🫠

  • @shannonardo
    @shannonardo 2 місяці тому +126

    Whoever is their chemistry-test team for Bridgerton must be the BEST in all of Hollywood.

  • @bloobearsheesh
    @bloobearsheesh 2 місяці тому +1749

    im sorry but i could feel the chemistry bursting out of my laptop screen nfjnjfjdfd RAAHHHH they're so cute fndjfjd like, that's our sophie!! and benedict!! 😭😭🥺💕💖💕aaaaa can 2026 come already,,,,,i need to inject benophie into my blood djfnjdfj ;-;

    • @d43imoet
      @d43imoet 2 місяці тому +45

      No way we have to wait til 2026 for these two to grace our tvs 😭😭

    • @frozenfan1850
      @frozenfan1850 2 місяці тому +12


    • @cinemqs
      @cinemqs 2 місяці тому +13

      i was fr kicking my feet and giggling i already love them 😭

    • @amandavitoriadasilvamaciel4179
      @amandavitoriadasilvamaciel4179 2 місяці тому +9

      Benophie ❤️

    • @ahuman8725
      @ahuman8725 2 місяці тому +7

      2026???? 😮 cant wait! I might aswell go reread the book beforehand for another million times 😂 its my fav book of the series!

  • @ssohyn.k
    @ssohyn.k 2 місяці тому +187

    They really pamper my ears with their british and aussie accents 🫠🫠🫠

  • @tidakterdeteksi8931
    @tidakterdeteksi8931 12 днів тому +5

    How Luke look at Yerin, it's like full of love!!!!!

  • @akirebara
    @akirebara 2 місяці тому +84

    i get the prism metaphor. we have those moments when we're like "you made me see colors i never knew existed" whenever we meet someone special in our lives that makes us better people.

  • @satzu3417
    @satzu3417 2 місяці тому +341

    They are so Benedict and Sophie coded ❤

    • @sutimomoo
      @sutimomoo 2 місяці тому +8

      yes! I read the book and feels like Benedict and Sophie are exactly like that 🥹

  • @shina5724
    @shina5724 2 місяці тому +118

    As a bookish Asian American, Yerin is living my dream to be a female lead in a regency love story and wear those period costumes 💗

  • @jamboldycaico7799
    @jamboldycaico7799 2 місяці тому +102

    The way he looks at her 🥹

  • @jesslovesbangs
    @jesslovesbangs 2 місяці тому +114

    1:09 when he asked her what does prismatic means I MEAN THE WAY HE LOOKED AT HER AHH I CAN ALREADY FEEL THE CHEMISTRY

    • @CloudesSkyxx
      @CloudesSkyxx 2 місяці тому +8

      I already love them together

    • @emoben3393
      @emoben3393 2 місяці тому +14

      He's like, " If I ask her, I'll look stupid, but if I don't, I'll never know wtf "prismatic" means!" 😂😂

    • @ozedr3283
      @ozedr3283 2 місяці тому +5

      ​@@emoben3393 lol😂😂😂 exzectly

  • @ashleyt5362
    @ashleyt5362 2 місяці тому +29

    Yerin could be my favorite Bridgerton love interest. Love her voice and the poise she possesses. She already sounds regal and intelligent.

  • @cherishdyo
    @cherishdyo Місяць тому +29

    Just looking at Luke Thompson looking at Yerin makes me happy ! Please post more Shondaland Benophie videos Right now!!

  • @nunui.00
    @nunui.00 2 місяці тому +212

    them talking about the bridgerton family: Luke to Yerin: 🗣 "and it's yours now... OURS!!" 🤭

  • @mosunsofficialcookinglifes5990
    @mosunsofficialcookinglifes5990 2 місяці тому +81

    Literally can't stop smiling. The way he looks at her and the way he is amazed by her is so beautiful. She is so shy and he reassures her. And the way he tells her that 'it is yours now' while she says 'it is ours' is so heartfelt. There is already chemistry there

  • @kikis2686
    @kikis2686 2 місяці тому +41

    I must say this soft spoken is how I picture Sophie in the books and I am super excited on Yerin Ha casting. I bet as time goes by we will see more of their chemistry.

  • @eeuunniiccee
    @eeuunniiccee 2 місяці тому +345

    metaphor of the prism reminds us of facing the diverse challenges in our lives which can lead to unexpected growth and clarity. I'm beginning to like Yerin. :-)

  • @sarahhamdy2647
    @sarahhamdy2647 2 місяці тому +37

    She's literally GLOWING✨️ I need her skincare routine fr she's like a porcelain doll 😂❤❤

  • @zhanelzhasulanova6236
    @zhanelzhasulanova6236 2 місяці тому +66

    Aww, Luke is still shy around her, she's so gentle, calming, mesmerising, I see myself and Luke catching ourselves looking at her hypnotized, she's also so well-spoken! Perfect lady, can't wait to see the progression of their chemistry and her blending into the show

  • @RenHRbooklover
    @RenHRbooklover 2 місяці тому +374

    3:43 excuse me sir! Please don’t look at her like that! 😭 also they are so playful already so Benedict & Sophie mode ahhh waited years for this moment

    • @aracelibelen6476
      @aracelibelen6476 2 місяці тому +3

      The intent to play the same así Luke and Nic doesn't get the same effect. Although I'm a huge fan of the serie and I hope to be watching it soon.

    • @fancytwice4729
      @fancytwice4729 2 місяці тому +17

      ​@@aracelibelen6476 Again this is not a competition.

    • @Mehnaz64-t5d
      @Mehnaz64-t5d 2 місяці тому +7

      ​@@aracelibelen6476luke N and nicola were overdoing everything as a PR strategy to sell their season .. These two on the other hand completely natural organic chemistry.. Not faking overdoing anything...

    • @ozedr3283
      @ozedr3283 2 місяці тому +3

      ​@@Mehnaz64-t5d Indeed!!

  • @KisuhaKaravaeva
    @KisuhaKaravaeva Місяць тому +11

    They both are so calm yet the chemistry is FLOWING ❤❤❤ Can't wait for the new season!

  • @eldzhra
    @eldzhra 2 місяці тому +21

    their chemistry is impeccable ✨

  • @monicta8
    @monicta8 2 місяці тому +41

    I just love how he is validating everything she says

  • @Mrs.C3
    @Mrs.C3 2 місяці тому +67

    He's so fascinated by her. He can't take his eyes off her.

    • @JaneDoe-jk9zc
      @JaneDoe-jk9zc 2 місяці тому +6

      especially when she say something about prismatic! Yerin Ha the woman that you are ❤

    • @ozedr3283
      @ozedr3283 2 місяці тому +6

      Indeed 😊

  • @pomelocider
    @pomelocider 2 місяці тому +38


  • @casey-leesmith2205
    @casey-leesmith2205 2 місяці тому +25

    she’s ABSOLUTELY breath taking!!!!

  • @ellaprk
    @ellaprk 2 місяці тому +31

    the way they stare at each other omg!!! the chemistry is about to be insane, im so excited. hope the writers wont f it up for benedict's season

  • @Chibi_haku_
    @Chibi_haku_ 2 місяці тому +22

    She’s adorable and I love her already!

  • @reddotdiva
    @reddotdiva 2 місяці тому +18

    Oh! they have such a sweet chemistry on screen. I can't wait for the next season. Her voice is warm and lovely too. Ahhhh!!

  • @GerelOrgil
    @GerelOrgil 2 місяці тому +37

    I can see why she was chosen. She warms the heart.

  • @crochet-and-coffee
    @crochet-and-coffee 2 місяці тому +16

    Beautiful pair. Just the way imagined. Even the colour choice of the clothing for this interview is perfect.

  • @zoningout03
    @zoningout03 Місяць тому +22

    I absolutely love Ben and now I'm already falling for her too...awwwwww they're going to give us such a good time. WOOOH I CANT WAIT

  • @JErocksmysocks
    @JErocksmysocks Місяць тому +23

    I AM LOSING MY MIND. i think we just witnessed Luke falling for Yerin here.

  • @Raealwaysreads
    @Raealwaysreads 2 місяці тому +60

    Aw the smile on Luke Thompson’s face when Yerin talks about how she found out she got the part is so sweet ☺️

  • @mariafranciscabertoglio6759
    @mariafranciscabertoglio6759 2 місяці тому +37

    The chemistry... the way Luke invades Yerin's personal space with hot glares and his newly acquired biceps and his sweet mischievious smile!!! WOW. It left me hot and bothered with a new appreciation for Luke Thompson.

    • @sya5598
      @sya5598 2 місяці тому +2

      he’s had the biceps since s3 promo!

  • @jiamik7879
    @jiamik7879 2 місяці тому +46

    why is she the cutest human ever?😭💘

  • @ceegee8306
    @ceegee8306 2 місяці тому +19

    Omg the chemistry is 🔥🔥🔥

  • @cherishdyo
    @cherishdyo 2 місяці тому +26

    I watch this video several times a day. How can there be so much chemistry? Please give me more Luke Thompson and Yerin's talk video

    • @fancytwice4729
      @fancytwice4729 2 місяці тому +6

      By the looks of it, they have edited parts, so it is not the complete interview. It's what I believe.

    • @cherishdyo
      @cherishdyo 2 місяці тому +2

      @@fancytwice4729 I agree 👏

  • @user-vw1qg1ko8n
    @user-vw1qg1ko8n 2 місяці тому +102

    "how many times are you gonna rewatch this ?"
    me: yes

  • @sephoras75
    @sephoras75 2 місяці тому +13

    I gonna love watching their moments together in the series. They're lovely.

  • @user-rw5fu8zt1v
    @user-rw5fu8zt1v Місяць тому +13

    I am so excited😊. I can feel the tension between them who do not know each other yet, but at the same time, I can feel the irresistible attraction from each other. So expectant !!!

  • @arimartinez7818
    @arimartinez7818 Місяць тому +10

    aaahhhhhhhhh theyre perfect

  • @user-ss1jn9rs4c
    @user-ss1jn9rs4c 2 місяці тому +28

    Yerin is so eloquent! Such calm and composed demeanour. And her voice is so soothing to hear! Welcome to the Bridgerton Family!!!❤❤❤

  • @fearlesssfcappuccino
    @fearlesssfcappuccino 2 місяці тому +10

    OMG I love them already - individually and together

  • @nickyqwerty7378
    @nickyqwerty7378 2 місяці тому +31

    they surely have that ✨CHEMISTRY✨ this season is going to be my all time favorite DAMN how he just so attentive towards her and her word choice 💖💖

  • @srishtiverma7745
    @srishtiverma7745 4 дні тому +4

    The Fact he is so BENEDICT in real life too❤

  • @marcelinawang
    @marcelinawang 2 місяці тому +20

    Gonna watch this video repeatedly for the next 2 years 🥹 Luke and Yerin is perfect for Benophie

  • @Jin88m
    @Jin88m 2 місяці тому +69

    26년 언제 와🥲 내년에 보여줘ㅜ

  • @mimirants7935
    @mimirants7935 2 місяці тому +18

    Just from this interview, they seem like they have great chemistry. Also they both seem very calm and gentle.

  • @mariabarretto1245
    @mariabarretto1245 2 місяці тому +22

    NGL at the end of the interview I teared up, Benedict is finally going to be happy 🥹 They’re gorgeous together

  • @elenak288
    @elenak288 2 місяці тому +14

    I already love them together 🥹

  • @Mnxeu
    @Mnxeu 2 місяці тому +58

    “And it’s yours now.”
    Luke Thompson, you sweetheart. 🥺 I’m so excited for Benedict & Sophie’s story!!!

  • @너도멸종되지않게조심
    @너도멸종되지않게조심 2 місяці тому +42

    하 씨... 빨리 보고 싶다 ㅠㅠ
    지금 당장 시즌4 내놔

  • @HooksPatronus
    @HooksPatronus 2 місяці тому +33

    Luke is such a child sometimes 😂😂😂 "Yours is better than mine." with that little face and the arms crossed 😂😂😂 And Yerin is adorable 🥰 We're gonna have fun with these two!

    • @ozedr3283
      @ozedr3283 2 місяці тому +4

      Indeed! 😁

  • @lilbrownbear
    @lilbrownbear 2 місяці тому +25

    no but the IMMEDIATE BLAST of chemistry i got one second into the video. this is top notch casting y'all they look so good together!!!!! this season is about to be the best one hands down!!

  • @prismanic24
    @prismanic24 2 місяці тому +56

    The fact that we're going to have to wait almost 2 years until we see these two on screen together 😭

  • @khushibhatnagar6682
    @khushibhatnagar6682 2 місяці тому +170

    They are soooo good together!! THE CHEMISTRY AND THE LOOKS OH MY GOD!! How am I supposed to wait till 2026 😢😢

  • @Thatgirlhacks
    @Thatgirlhacks 2 місяці тому +13

    Yess i can see the chemistry cant wait for the show to release!!!!!!❤❤❤❤

  • @kamearisyndrome
    @kamearisyndrome 2 місяці тому +57

    3:42 Yerin grinned because she noticed the intense look and try to challenge him but to no avail MY HEART

  • @pitylemonups
    @pitylemonups Місяць тому +22

    i’m so excited to see yerin in s4. i think she’s so stunning and sweet and i also am so excited for the east asian representation 🥹🥹 as an east asian girlie it made me really happy when i found out that yerin was playing sophie

  • @sheralbee
    @sheralbee 2 місяці тому +22

    I'm already obsessed with their chemistry ❤❤❤

    • @fancytwice4729
      @fancytwice4729 2 місяці тому +4

      Same 😊

    • @iamlinda100
      @iamlinda100 2 місяці тому +4

      me too! I can't get enough of them, they're so cute and sweet together!

  • @eternalvsunshine
    @eternalvsunshine 2 місяці тому +32

    i know y’all have more interviews of them locked away somewhere WE WANT THEMMM

  • @angievr3820
    @angievr3820 2 місяці тому +10

    I'm smiling all throughout their interview. They're so cute. Such a great pair. 🤍

  • @swttuth0329
    @swttuth0329 2 місяці тому +81

    She’s so elegant. Wow she is mesmerizing

  • @sophieisyerin
    @sophieisyerin 2 місяці тому +15

    such beautiful leads and the chemistry is ALREADY THERE

  • @stressedsimp
    @stressedsimp 2 місяці тому +13


  • @White-s7i
    @White-s7i 2 місяці тому +11

    I just can't every time they look into each other's eyes. Its not even about love...but rather how they acknowledge and appreciate each other's presence and compliment each other's sentences. I'm honestly bursting out of excitement🤭

  • @dwynapotter6121
    @dwynapotter6121 2 місяці тому +13

    Yerin and Luke looks beautiful together ☺️ I am so excited to see them in Bridgeton.👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🥰

  • @shaira_moa
    @shaira_moa 2 місяці тому +38

    Oh dear, the way he looks at her when she answers...
    Yerin is surely made of tough stuff cause I would have stuttered in her place if Luke looked at me like that.

  • @XCVII.97
    @XCVII.97 2 місяці тому +13

    *Their love felt like a fairytale, enchanting and surreal. Yet every moment was an emotional tug of war, with their hearts caught between longing and doubt, pulling them apart just as fate seemed to bring them together… ~ s&b*

  • @IsabelS_Fuyu
    @IsabelS_Fuyu 2 місяці тому +49

    I don't want to be biased but i feel like this is gonna be my fave Bridgerton Couple i just have a really good feeling about them for some reason! Also Benedict Bridgerton is my favourite of the Bridgerton Brothers 🥰

  • @Alex_Tribe
    @Alex_Tribe 2 місяці тому +13

    Oh she's adorable, they're lovely together...when I was thinking I couldn't wait 2 years and maybe was losing interest, this casting choice was superb and I feel like this could be my favourite season yet.❤

  • @Michelle-e1v3y
    @Michelle-e1v3y 2 місяці тому +17

    She is going to be perfect. The casting choice is so spot on.

  • @Ivanna051198
    @Ivanna051198 2 місяці тому +34

    Omg the visuals, the eye contact, their voices, THE BODY LANGUAGE! I’m already loosing it and the teaser hasn’t even come out.

  • @constancep7632
    @constancep7632 2 місяці тому +8

    They're so lovely and giddy, the chemistry is off the charts, I love them so much!!

  • @eternalvsunshine
    @eternalvsunshine 2 місяці тому +25

    happy one week of them changing everyone’s lives with this 3 minutes 56 seconds interview

  • @tenkoto335
    @tenkoto335 2 місяці тому +108

    ive watched this an unhealthy amount of times

  • @gabifgt
    @gabifgt 2 місяці тому +20

    she is so beautiful and so adorable her voice is so pretty and soothing omg 😭 i need season 4 immediately i can't wait too long to see them together i need it now!!!!

  • @Michelle-gj7em
    @Michelle-gj7em 2 місяці тому +23

    They are so lovely together. Very gentle and kind ✨energy✨ lol. Also I loved when she said prismatic, such an apt description of how love changes one’s world. And of course how it feels when you lose it

  • @admsoyadm4244
    @admsoyadm4244 2 місяці тому +12

    together they became the most polite couple in the world and i loved her voice✨

  • @keyanap00p40
    @keyanap00p40 2 місяці тому +980

    The lake scene is about to go crazy….LOOK AT THEM 😆

    • @Qee.yaaa123
      @Qee.yaaa123 2 місяці тому +91

      the bathtub scene either 😭

    • @eternalvsunshine
      @eternalvsunshine 2 місяці тому +74

      the love confession !!! 😭😭😭

    • @keienn7259
      @keienn7259 2 місяці тому +24

      Him shirtless and sick in bed scene

    • @keyanap00p40
      @keyanap00p40 2 місяці тому +36

      @@Qee.yaaa123 OMG I’m about to pass out just thinking about it 😭

    • @emoben3393
      @emoben3393 2 місяці тому +40

      ​@keienn7259 NEED THAT SCENE. Luke bulked up for a reason cmon now😂

  • @emoben3393
    @emoben3393 2 місяці тому +87

    Luke's leaning way too hard like chill bro she's not going anywhere 😂❤❤

  • @Artemis-cu8pt
    @Artemis-cu8pt 2 місяці тому +17

    I love Yerin's eye smileeeee

  • @laurenv1426
    @laurenv1426 2 місяці тому +8

    I'm literally obsessed. I NEED more of them now!

  • @mikaylalindsay
    @mikaylalindsay 2 місяці тому +71


  • @SaraLedID4d
    @SaraLedID4d 2 місяці тому +14

    She’s got a such a unique voice! True Aussie Pride. Didn’t think an Aussie would be part of the groundbreaking show but here we are! Plus her stepfamily/half siblings are none other than Katie Leung from Harry Potter and Isabella Wei from 1899. Can’t wait to see maybe the actresses who played the Patil sisters make an appearance in The Bridgerton Universe!