100% agree. The only pitcher in modern times i can think of that evey batter knew what was coming was Mariano Rivera and he was 1st ballot hall of famer if memory serves
Those numbers seem to argue against "waiting for your pitch"... if you lay off two borderline strikes looking for something in your wheelhouse, you're doomed
No because those numbers are misleading. When a pitcher throws a strike with 0 or 1 strike it doesn't ding your batting average. With 2 strikes it does. It's comparing apples and oranges
In my opinion it’s each team’s responsibility to prevent their signs from being stolen. It’s against the rules to use technology, but everything else in my opinion is fair game.
Stealing signs has been part of the game since signs were invented. If the other team wants to be lazy about it, then I say they are asking for it. That said, stealing signs outside of the natural means within the game is simply not acceptable. Yes, it may seem like semantics, but there really is a big difference when there are no countermeasures. There is a BIG difference between Fernando sneaking a peek and Altuve wearing a buzzer.
Pitchers hitting Batters are also part of the game since the beginning and most of us agree that we should have less of that. There is no protection against sign stealing by batters except for 500 time outs every inning. It is best to just don't steal sign as a batter.
When I played in high school my coach was very old school. I stole signs from coaches, catchers and even tried to read pitchers. It's part of the game and as long as it's between players there should never be an issue. I was also taught that if I got caught peeking while at the plate I better watch out for a heater heading at my ear hole
Getting thrown at was also part of the game. Completely agree. I can neither confirm or deny throwing "inside" when I noticed someone sitting on a pitch of mine.
Bro, complacency makes the signs vulnerable. What’s wrong if you’re only looking to see where catch set up? ( using technology seems cheatish tho for sure)I would work with my pitchers and catchers to work that out. I definitely think hitters should use every legal advantage they can add. Pitcher catcher job to hide it. Intentional plunks would be ok with me too if the rules were similar to hockey. I think you’d have a lot less tough guys on the mound . Just saying
I agree. Either the Padres or Tatis have had to have already stolen the signs for him to know what to look for in that AB. It's been part of the game since the beginning. As long as a player or team aren't using anything other than their naked eyes.......no issue with it.
I don’t know Matt, I think that you can set up late or mix signs up by inning if you see them looking back. Also on the catcher for not checking him right when he did it. Definitely agree you can’t get mad if pitcher decides to throw at him but it is defendable
It’s defensible, but do we really want the pitcher to have to give 7 signs every pitch of a 130 pitch game and have to call time and change sign systems every single time he thinks the hitter has the signs? ⏰
I agree with every word Mr Matt. Its like doing an exam but before it starts the teacher says `here are all the questions in the exam, have a look and do some prep`.
It’s happened multiple times with the Rockies this year and across the league more often because teams are implementing more coded signs. And sometimes the pitcher doesn’t read the correct sign.
Even high school teams rotate signs so the batter or runner on 2nd can't steal. MLB players are SOOO whiny. Use 9 rotations...by the time opposing team catches on to the pattern it is the next inning.
I played baseball in high school, college, and in amateur leagues for ~10 years after college. The farthest ball I ever hit in a game happened the 1 time that I knew what pitch was coming. In a high school playoff game, our first base coach was able to see the catcher's signals and relayed the pitch to the batter by simply saying his first (fast ball) or last (curve ball) name. Knowing what pitch is coming will add at least 100 points to the batting average of just about any batter at any level.
As an uninformed baseball almost fan, this video only made me want to eleminate the batter not knowing the pitch even more. Like you said it is still very hard to hit a ball, and still even harder to actually get on base. So it seems like actually giving the batter more ability to hit would actually make the game more exciting.
I always wondered why pitchers/catchers don’t just have their own combination for signs. “1” equals slider, “3” equals fast ball and then switch them throughout the game. Maybe a dumb question but seems like an easy fix
I honestly can’t believe a baseball fan would legitimately believe that stealing signs doesn’t matter. I have to think that’s something fans would say to justify bad behaviour by their favourite teams or players.
Just as proof of this. I'm a 13u pitcher and the opposing team was really out front with my curve. For two innings, they couldn't hit off of me well at all. But in the third inning, I would throw it, and they would just sit back and destroy it. Later in the inning I find out that they were stealing signs. It really does make a difference. I have never seen such a huge hitting adjustment in my life. And this is in 13u. Imagine the majors.
I've seen Baurer and Grenkie also completely throw the opposite pitch they told them was coming. It's just a further head games from those two. They understand what the hitters are thinking and go how can I fuck with their heads even more
Trevor Bauer was telling batters what he was going to throw with the motion of his glove. This all started after the Houston Astros scam. I thought it was cool because Trevor was still getting them out.
Effective strategy for high school and below. Watch what the pitcher throws on the first pitch. Most will favor the one pitch (usually a fastball) and use it 90+% of the time. Sit on that pitch at whatever location you like. If you get it, put the bat on it. If not, just take it. Pitchers at this level have poor control and it will often be a ball anyway. At worst, you are at 0-1.
"Kaden's 54 mph hammer" had me rolling. Only ever played up to legion ball, but yeah, it absolutely matters if you know what pitch is coming. Can't even imagine the difference it would make when these guys are throwing 100 mph fastballs, 90 mph sliders and 80 mph curves with ridiculous movement. Just like if I knew what punches someone were throwing at me in the ring beforehand...it matters lol.
Yeah. I play in a league that goes from little league to a seniors division and there were times we got told by the coach to watch the opposite pitcher while we're the batting team. Hell even i would sometimes look directly behind where that curved gate is to to watch. Though for years i haven't been confident with swinging the bat so it didn't help me but i would do it.
The only pitcher that I can recall who could tell the batter what pitch was coming and still make the batter look foolish was Mariano Rivera from the Yankees. "Hey batter, here comes the cutter... good luck." BTW, he was the last player to wear #42 as his regular number.
so what you're saying is, if i look at the catcher's signs, i will get 100% on base percentage? sounds good to me. I dont even need to know the pitch or hit the ball at that point
Stealing a catcher’s signs!! Got it. That’s different, but I’m still of the mind of “if you’re going to use signs, it’s the opponent’s JOB to steal them”.
I put this on the catcher. My viewpoint is the same as a defensive back crying when a receiver celebrates. Don’t want him to celebrate then don’t let him score on you. This isn’t a case of someone uses illegal means to steal the sign. He peaked back and the catcher was not thinking about protecting the sign. I’ll never blame a hitter for looking for an advantage as long as it’s not by illegal means
When I was a kid, we had coaches stealing signs. We started putting a coach in the stands who'd rub his eye or scratch his nose and the coach on the field would just give fake stuff.
If you watch more than a few MLB games a year, it should be obvious that even mediocre pitchers at that level have pitches with the late movement of a wiffle ball at speeds over 85-90. And they are in or near the zone, in contrast to AAA (we have that here in Albuquerque- I know, Bugs Bunny, heard it) where walks are plentiful because the pitchers are still learning. So Matt, you are so right, signs are necessary and make baseball what it is. And yes, it’s human nature to try and game the system, and stealing attempts have been going on ever since the first baserunner stood on second and realized he could see the catcher’s fingers.
The people that say it doesn't matter are probably astro fans. Or maybe trevor bauer fans since he sometimes tips pitches. Or people that just got into baseball this year
As long as there is no technology in the relay or decoding process I don’t see a problem. If a team has skill to decode the sign and relay it to the batter then more power to them.
What I don't get is that if its so important that the hitter not see the signs, then why not just make it a written rule? Have it be like the hitter equivalent of a balk. If the ump catches the hitter looking, then its an automatic strike.
Lol my thing is matt and I've Never thought about this before but If the catcher gets to look at where the hitter is setting up why can't the hitter see where the catcher is setting up? Lol
I totally get it matters a lot to know what pitch is coming but since a ton of pitchers use substance to get inhuman spin rates I’m thinking let the hitters steal signs
The solution to this is to make it legal to use technology to relay signs. Do away with catcher hand-signs altogether so that it doesn't matter if the batter peeks. Give the catchers and pitchers a wearable device that they can use to relay signs. They are already using visual aids in their armbands and caps to reference for the sequences, so why not just go all the way. Embrace technology, don't run from it. It would also improve the pace of play because of fewer breaks where they have to get on the same page again, and no need for super-long sequences when runners are on base. It would also reduce or eliminate cross-ups, which are dangerous for the catcher.
Question: Can players really see the spin on the ball, or are they actually seeing the pitcher's arm motion and believing they see spin? My eyes are corrected to 20/10 and I can't see spin unless its in slo mo
Now I ain't an expert on Baseball but it seems like the self enforcing unwritten rules are counter productive. The batters goal is to get on base...if they can insure a way they get to trot to first every at bat...wouldn't the correct play be to take the HBP? This goes double for all those Mendoza line hitters with speed. Heck if you end up anywhere near the top of the line up you can get the opposing pitcher tossed by the 4th inning.
I agree! How about we have NFL coaches also get together before every play and say what offense scheme so the other coach can tell them their defense scheme. Its not like pitches train for years to be able to master different physics of a baseball with the aim to strike the guy out or anything.
I have been looking for hours for the verbiage of the rules that spell out what methods are and are not acceptable when regarding "sign stealing." The best I found was a policy letter from the commissioner. Is it in the MLB Rulebook? If so, what is the verbiage? What are the spelled out penalties? Was the MLBPA consulted? Easy way to hide signs. Let the pitcher, manager and hitters have encrypted radios like in football where the coach and QB can talk. That could work.
How come no one's talking about the Dodger catcher who made the mistake by not hiding the signs. Simply by covering the signs with his glove hand? Catching 101?
Baseball history here... batters used to get to tell the pitcher how to throw the ball, so it's not THAT crazy. As for sign stealing? I LOVE it. Tatis hitting a jack on a 3-0 count? Good! If pitchers don't like it, they can toss it at his hip or if REALLY mad his ribs (NEVER the head). If you can get away with something in a sport where there's millions on the line, then do it! Heck, they do it in little league so why not do it in the MLB? It would be pretty crazy if someone DIDNT try to steal signs or try to get any advantage they could.
I agree man People to me Complaining about pitches is like football “fans” complaining about routes if the catcher should tell the hitter what is coming why not just have receivers in football run straight to the end zone every snap. The sports would be so boring..a catcher pitch call is part of the excitement for defense and offense.
Question, isn't it legal and written that only a 3rd base coach, 1st base coach and possibly runner on 2nd base. Technically are the only 3 that can fairly so steal signs??? This is what I found and I copied and pasted it ⬇️ Expansion #1. "Legality. According to the unwritten rules of baseball, stealing the signs that are given by the third base coach, or those of the catcher by a baserunner on second base, is acceptable, and it is up to the team giving the signs to protect them so they are not stolen". Explanation #2 "The one exception to the sign-stealing rule is what players have always done to acquire a competitive edge: If a baserunner or coach identifies an opposing team's signs or pitch information through his own unaided observation of the pitcher, catcher or opposing team's dugout, that person may communicate that ...Jul 30, 2020".
This is a totally random question but I'd love to know if you like or dislike the shift? I've heard a lot of the old timers talk about not liking it and I personally feel like the "analytics" have went a little over the top.
The chart of batting average vs pitch count is somewhat misleading. You can't strike out with 0 or 1 strikes in the count, so all of these rows are artificially inflated. A more interesting chart for this argument would be wiff% based on count, or something like that.
They way I looked at it was that they looked at each count and checked if there was a hit, so that would be a succes. Then, if there was no hit (taking pitch, fly ball, etc) that counts as a failure. So even if the batter isn't out from a 1-0 count, the fact that he didn't get a hit on that count is a failure. So, to me, it shows how likely you are to get a hit on different counts on average
The argument isnt whether it gives the batter an advantage. The argument is why the hell is it wrong to get an advantage such as this when 1. Its not against the rules, 2. Both teams can steal each others signs. Now I do not agree with using tech to steal signs, but everyone should be allowed to steal signs by using your eyeballs. If the sign is that simple to steal then thats on the catcher and pitcher.
So... Sandy Koufax... every hitter he faced in the early 1960s knew exactly what he was going to throw. But... it made no difference because they still couldn't hit it.
I like the aspect of the game, as long as it doesn’t involve tech. (Fuck the astros). A good code won’t be cracked in a single game, so I don’t see why it matters
Good video but you missed another one. If there was no advantage to knowing what is coming then why would the pitcher and catcher even try to keep that information from you.
While I agree with your premise complete, you're BA by count is misleading. BA's are lower with 2 strike counts primarily because if it's a strike you're out, where as if it's a strike on the other counts the pitch is ignored on the data. 3-2 is a 'better' count than 0-1 but it has a lower BA for this reason.
Apple watches with an app for the pitcher and catcher to communicate would REALLY speed the game up. Pitcher presses 2 buttons, one for the pitch, one for the location. Impossible for anyone else to see.
100% agree. The only pitcher in modern times i can think of that evey batter knew what was coming was Mariano Rivera and he was 1st ballot hall of famer if memory serves
And Nolan Ryan
Those numbers seem to argue against "waiting for your pitch"... if you lay off two borderline strikes looking for something in your wheelhouse, you're doomed
No because those numbers are misleading. When a pitcher throws a strike with 0 or 1 strike it doesn't ding your batting average. With 2 strikes it does. It's comparing apples and oranges
In my opinion it’s each team’s responsibility to prevent their signs from being stolen. It’s against the rules to use technology, but everything else in my opinion is fair game.
Stealing signs has been part of the game since signs were invented. If the other team wants to be lazy about it, then I say they are asking for it. That said, stealing signs outside of the natural means within the game is simply not acceptable. Yes, it may seem like semantics, but there really is a big difference when there are no countermeasures. There is a BIG difference between Fernando sneaking a peek and Altuve wearing a buzzer.
Pitchers hitting Batters are also part of the game since the beginning and most of us agree that we should have less of that. There is no protection against sign stealing by batters except for 500 time outs every inning.
It is best to just don't steal sign as a batter.
@@ru40342 There is protection..........be safer with your signs.
The best is reading the pitch from the pitchers forearm muscles and which ones are bulging prior to the pitch.
Ha ha ha ha...
When I played in high school my coach was very old school. I stole signs from coaches, catchers and even tried to read pitchers. It's part of the game and as long as it's between players there should never be an issue. I was also taught that if I got caught peeking while at the plate I better watch out for a heater heading at my ear hole
Getting thrown at was also part of the game. Completely agree. I can neither confirm or deny throwing "inside" when I noticed someone sitting on a pitch of mine.
Bro, complacency makes the signs vulnerable. What’s wrong if you’re only looking to see where catch set up? ( using technology seems cheatish tho for sure)I would work with my pitchers and catchers to work that out. I definitely think hitters should use every legal advantage they can add. Pitcher catcher job to hide it. Intentional plunks would be ok with me too if the rules were similar to hockey. I think you’d have a lot less tough guys on the mound . Just saying
I agree. Either the Padres or Tatis have had to have already stolen the signs for him to know what to look for in that AB. It's been part of the game since the beginning. As long as a player or team aren't using anything other than their naked eyes.......no issue with it.
"Charlie? Here comes the deuce. And when you speak of me, speak well."
-Crash Davis
“This son of a bitch is throwing a two-hit shutout and he’s shaking me too. You believe that shit?”
“Anything travels that far oughta have a damn stewardess on it, don't you think?”
“Nah nah.....serve it up”
He announced his presence with authority.
Loved it, crystal clear
I don’t know Matt, I think that you can set up late or mix signs up by inning if you see them looking back. Also on the catcher for not checking him right when he did it. Definitely agree you can’t get mad if pitcher decides to throw at him but it is defendable
It’s defensible, but do we really want the pitcher to have to give 7 signs every pitch of a 130 pitch game and have to call time and change sign systems every single time he thinks the hitter has the signs? ⏰
I agree with every word Mr Matt. Its like doing an exam but before it starts the teacher says `here are all the questions in the exam, have a look and do some prep`.
Even the catcher needs to know what's coming to catch the ball.
Underrated comment right here
It’s happened multiple times with the Rockies this year and across the league more often because teams are implementing more coded signs. And sometimes the pitcher doesn’t read the correct sign.
@@jasonwilliams4159 Compilations of pitchers not throwing the pitch the catcher called are hilarious
Can you do a video talking about how crazy Nick Madrigal's two strike hitting ability is? He almost exclusively gets hits in disadvantaged counts.
I think there's just alot of fans that haven't played so they just don't realize things like this
Even high school teams rotate signs so the batter or runner on 2nd can't steal. MLB players are SOOO whiny. Use 9 rotations...by the time opposing team catches on to the pattern it is the next inning.
I played baseball in high school, college, and in amateur leagues for ~10 years after college. The farthest ball I ever hit in a game happened the 1 time that I knew what pitch was coming. In a high school playoff game, our first base coach was able to see the catcher's signals and relayed the pitch to the batter by simply saying his first (fast ball) or last (curve ball) name. Knowing what pitch is coming will add at least 100 points to the batting average of just about any batter at any level.
Rant Matt is Gold .
Knowing what pitch is coming really helps hitters, just ask Kevin Costner.
And when you speak of me, speak well.
Nobody gets woolly
“Son of a b*tch teed off on that like he knew what was coming”
“He did know”
“I told him”
Or you could ask the Astros...
Look at that, he hit the fucking bull.
Preach it 🙌🏻
I like all your videos, but I liked this one the most.
As an uninformed baseball almost fan, this video only made me want to eleminate the batter not knowing the pitch even more. Like you said it is still very hard to hit a ball, and still even harder to actually get on base. So it seems like actually giving the batter more ability to hit would actually make the game more exciting.
Best rant, Matt.
I always wondered why pitchers/catchers don’t just have their own combination for signs. “1” equals slider, “3” equals fast ball and then switch them throughout the game. Maybe a dumb question but seems like an easy fix
I honestly can’t believe a baseball fan would legitimately believe that stealing signs doesn’t matter. I have to think that’s something fans would say to justify bad behaviour by their favourite teams or players.
They must be Astros fans that say it doesn't matter
@@briangarrett3668 no they must be Yankees fans
@@williambrennan1658 Found the Asterisks fan
Stealing signs obviously matters, but it’s part of the game, so the outrage is overblown
Just as proof of this. I'm a 13u pitcher and the opposing team was really out front with my curve. For two innings, they couldn't hit off of me well at all. But in the third inning, I would throw it, and they would just sit back and destroy it. Later in the inning I find out that they were stealing signs. It really does make a difference. I have never seen such a huge hitting adjustment in my life. And this is in 13u. Imagine the majors.
Best baseball on UA-cam, right here.
I mean you could argue that knowing what pitch is coming is only half the battle, but thats still half the battle you dont have to worry about.
I loved stealing signs as a player. I was really good at it and would yell out their signs during play. Hitting was still incredibly hard.
As a college outfielder I agree pitchers should tell me and only me what pitch is coming
Bauer said he didn’t have a problem telling hitter what pitch is coming.
I would love a channel that posts videos of experts debunking idiotic common misconceptions.
Can't believe this needed to be said, but glad you said it.
I've seen Baurer and Grenkie also completely throw the opposite pitch they told them was coming. It's just a further head games from those two. They understand what the hitters are thinking and go how can I fuck with their heads even more
I thought about buying a ticket in CF with binoculars and a cell phone to my ear and see if an employee comes up to me.
Trevor Bauer was telling batters what he was going to throw with the motion of his glove. This all started after the Houston Astros scam. I thought it was cool because Trevor was still getting them out.
"Now I ain't no mathemagician..." My LOL moment of the morning. I can always count on you, Matt.
Thanks for this Matt. Gonna totally use this...
Effective strategy for high school and below. Watch what the pitcher throws on the first pitch. Most will favor the one pitch (usually a fastball) and use it 90+% of the time. Sit on that pitch at whatever location you like. If you get it, put the bat on it. If not, just take it. Pitchers at this level have poor control and it will often be a ball anyway. At worst, you are at 0-1.
"Kaden's 54 mph hammer" had me rolling. Only ever played up to legion ball, but yeah, it absolutely matters if you know what pitch is coming. Can't even imagine the difference it would make when these guys are throwing 100 mph fastballs, 90 mph sliders and 80 mph curves with ridiculous movement. Just like if I knew what punches someone were throwing at me in the ring beforehand...it matters lol.
Yeah. I play in a league that goes from little league to a seniors division and there were times we got told by the coach to watch the opposite pitcher while we're the batting team. Hell even i would sometimes look directly behind where that curved gate is to to watch. Though for years i haven't been confident with swinging the bat so it didn't help me but i would do it.
Your best ever !
The only pitcher that I can recall who could tell the batter what pitch was coming and still make the batter look foolish was Mariano Rivera from the Yankees. "Hey batter, here comes the cutter... good luck." BTW, he was the last player to wear #42 as his regular number.
so what you're saying is, if i look at the catcher's signs, i will get 100% on base percentage? sounds good to me. I dont even need to know the pitch or hit the ball at that point
Stealing a catcher’s signs!! Got it.
That’s different, but I’m still of the mind of “if you’re going to use signs, it’s the opponent’s JOB to steal them”.
I put this on the catcher. My viewpoint is the same as a defensive back crying when a receiver celebrates. Don’t want him to celebrate then don’t let him score on you. This isn’t a case of someone uses illegal means to steal the sign. He peaked back and the catcher was not thinking about protecting the sign. I’ll never blame a hitter for looking for an advantage as long as it’s not by illegal means
You could always change your signs if you think they're being stolen
Why not use in ear coms?
When I was a kid, we had coaches stealing signs. We started putting a coach in the stands who'd rub his eye or scratch his nose and the coach on the field would just give fake stuff.
If you watch more than a few MLB games a year, it should be obvious that even mediocre pitchers at that level have pitches with the late movement of a wiffle ball at speeds over 85-90. And they are in or near the zone, in contrast to AAA (we have that here in Albuquerque- I know, Bugs Bunny, heard it) where walks are plentiful because the pitchers are still learning. So Matt, you are so right, signs are necessary and make baseball what it is. And yes, it’s human nature to try and game the system, and stealing attempts have been going on ever since the first baserunner stood on second and realized he could see the catcher’s fingers.
The people that say it doesn't matter are probably astro fans.
Or maybe trevor bauer fans since he sometimes tips pitches.
Or people that just got into baseball this year
If you want to know the advantage of stealing signs, just look at the Astros home vs away stats.
Yea I don’t get why people don’t get it. It’s pretty clear that it promotes an advantage.
As long as there is no technology in the relay or decoding process I don’t see a problem. If a team has skill to decode the sign and relay it to the batter then more power to them.
Even if the batter knows “what” type of pitch it does not mean he will be able to actually hit the ball
This was the most sarcastic and hilarious I’ve ever seen him😂
What I don't get is that if its so important that the hitter not see the signs, then why not just make it a written rule? Have it be like the hitter equivalent of a balk. If the ump catches the hitter looking, then its an automatic strike.
Well said
Lol my thing is matt and I've Never thought about this before but If the catcher gets to look at where the hitter is setting up why can't the hitter see where the catcher is setting up? Lol
I totally get it matters a lot to know what pitch is coming but since a ton of pitchers use substance to get inhuman spin rates I’m thinking let the hitters steal signs
I thought all he saw was the catcher setting up on the outside
That is all he saw, but that's worse than what pitch is coming
Can you do a video on the unwritten rules?
I have a few of them
Thanks I'll take a look for them. Keep up the great work.
why not give the pitcher and catcher a buzzer system. no chance to intercept signals.
The solution to this is to make it legal to use technology to relay signs. Do away with catcher hand-signs altogether so that it doesn't matter if the batter peeks. Give the catchers and pitchers a wearable device that they can use to relay signs. They are already using visual aids in their armbands and caps to reference for the sequences, so why not just go all the way. Embrace technology, don't run from it. It would also improve the pace of play because of fewer breaks where they have to get on the same page again, and no need for super-long sequences when runners are on base. It would also reduce or eliminate cross-ups, which are dangerous for the catcher.
Matt- This might be the best video you've ever done. You are quietly becoming one of the best baseball voices on UA-cam. Thank you!
Question: Can players really see the spin on the ball, or are they actually seeing the pitcher's arm motion and believing they see spin? My eyes are corrected to 20/10 and I can't see spin unless its in slo mo
Now I ain't an expert on Baseball but it seems like the self enforcing unwritten rules are counter productive. The batters goal is to get on base...if they can insure a way they get to trot to first every at bat...wouldn't the correct play be to take the HBP? This goes double for all those Mendoza line hitters with speed. Heck if you end up anywhere near the top of the line up you can get the opposing pitcher tossed by the 4th inning.
Your right don't ruin the game I love
I agree! How about we have NFL coaches also get together before every play and say what offense scheme so the other coach can tell them their defense scheme. Its not like pitches train for years to be able to master different physics of a baseball with the aim to strike the guy out or anything.
Have you ever met greinke? Based on his personality I think he'd probably take you up on your offer to call every pitch if this was a 10 years ago
I have been looking for hours for the verbiage of the rules that spell out what methods are and are not acceptable when regarding "sign stealing." The best I found was a policy letter from the commissioner. Is it in the MLB Rulebook? If so, what is the verbiage? What are the spelled out penalties? Was the MLBPA consulted?
Easy way to hide signs. Let the pitcher, manager and hitters have encrypted radios like in football where the coach and QB can talk. That could work.
Matt woke up today and chose to speak facts... btw love the California Penal League Reference 😂
Imagine if you were playing MADDEN on defense and could see the play art of the offense. Same thing as knowing every pitch.
6:28 California Penal League? Never heard of it. How'd you end up there?
How come no one's talking about the Dodger catcher who made the mistake by not hiding the signs. Simply by covering the signs with his glove hand?
Catching 101?
What are people's thoughts on letting players wear wristbands with playcalls like they're doing in college baseball now?
Take it easy Matt
Stealing signs also gets other people on your team hit as well
Here's my thought on stealing signs why can't players just were earpieces?
Baseball history here... batters used to get to tell the pitcher how to throw the ball, so it's not THAT crazy.
As for sign stealing? I LOVE it. Tatis hitting a jack on a 3-0 count? Good! If pitchers don't like it, they can toss it at his hip or if REALLY mad his ribs (NEVER the head).
If you can get away with something in a sport where there's millions on the line, then do it! Heck, they do it in little league so why not do it in the MLB? It would be pretty crazy if someone DIDNT try to steal signs or try to get any advantage they could.
Jordan in space jam was getting the pitches and still batted 0-4
I agree man People to me Complaining about pitches is like football “fans” complaining about routes if the catcher should tell the hitter what is coming why not just have receivers in football run straight to the end zone every snap. The sports would be so boring..a catcher pitch call is part of the excitement for defense and offense.
Why not use an excripted bluetooth? Pitcher can just tell the catcher what's coming
Sheeeit I like this Matt
Question, isn't it legal and written that only a 3rd base coach, 1st base coach and possibly runner on 2nd base. Technically are the only 3 that can fairly so steal signs??? This is what I found and I copied and pasted it ⬇️
Expansion #1. "Legality. According to the unwritten rules of baseball, stealing the signs that are given by the third base coach, or those of the catcher by a baserunner on second base, is acceptable, and it is up to the team giving the signs to protect them so they are not stolen".
Explanation #2 "The one exception to the sign-stealing rule is what players have always done to acquire a competitive edge: If a baserunner or coach identifies an opposing team's signs or pitch information through his own unaided observation of the pitcher, catcher or opposing team's dugout, that person may communicate that ...Jul 30, 2020".
This is a totally random question but I'd love to know if you like or dislike the shift? I've heard a lot of the old timers talk about not liking it and I personally feel like the "analytics" have went a little over the top.
It matters, but if you want to keep it a better secret come up with better signs
What team in the 60's used a team in C.F. with binocs, radios and lip readers? Yogi as Mets manager? Not sure, but it was a big deal.
Have you done a video about the unwritten rules of baseball?
Why didn’t they change the sign ? Isn’t that what the patch on on Smith’s left forearm is for?
How do I get into the California penal league?
Steal a car
The chart of batting average vs pitch count is somewhat misleading. You can't strike out with 0 or 1 strikes in the count, so all of these rows are artificially inflated. A more interesting chart for this argument would be wiff% based on count, or something like that.
Very true!
They way I looked at it was that they looked at each count and checked if there was a hit, so that would be a succes. Then, if there was no hit (taking pitch, fly ball, etc) that counts as a failure. So even if the batter isn't out from a 1-0 count, the fact that he didn't get a hit on that count is a failure. So, to me, it shows how likely you are to get a hit on different counts on average
The argument isnt whether it gives the batter an advantage. The argument is why the hell is it wrong to get an advantage such as this when 1. Its not against the rules, 2. Both teams can steal each others signs.
Now I do not agree with using tech to steal signs, but everyone should be allowed to steal signs by using your eyeballs. If the sign is that simple to steal then thats on the catcher and pitcher.
Two stike hitting... unless you're Nick Madrigal
Wait...There's a whole league of penal in California?
So... Sandy Koufax... every hitter he faced in the early 1960s knew exactly what he was going to throw. But... it made no difference because they still couldn't hit it.
Why let the catcher flash the signs if the batter is allowed look? Just let the pitcher flash the sign to the catcher
The people saying it doesn’t matter must be Astros fans.
not really
-naively said while not realizing every team is guilty of sign stealing.
I think the only “fans” that don’t care about sign stealing are the ones that never played
I like the aspect of the game, as long as it doesn’t involve tech. (Fuck the astros). A good code won’t be cracked in a single game, so I don’t see why it matters
Good video but you missed another one. If there was no advantage to knowing what is coming then why would the pitcher and catcher even try to keep that information from you.
While I agree with your premise complete, you're BA by count is misleading. BA's are lower with 2 strike counts primarily because if it's a strike you're out, where as if it's a strike on the other counts the pitch is ignored on the data. 3-2 is a 'better' count than 0-1 but it has a lower BA for this reason.
Apple watches with an app for the pitcher and catcher to communicate would REALLY speed the game up. Pitcher presses 2 buttons, one for the pitch, one for the location. Impossible for anyone else to see.