texture paste techniques and recipe

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @SashasRevenge
    @SashasRevenge Рік тому +1

    I love that you actually gave amounts to use, so many are just using this or that with no amounts. Thanks!

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  Рік тому

      oh, that makes sense to have a recipe bc i make it over and over and forget it myself lol I have an updated recipe as well without the water ua-cam.com/video/Afb4WL2QtXI/v-deo.html

  • @lammilee1
    @lammilee1 2 роки тому +3

    Thank you so much for this recipe. This also makes me feel hopeful that even though money is tight right now, I can whip up something with things I already have on hand. You are a blessing! Thank you!

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  2 роки тому +1

      hey Lammilee it's always good to find something you know works, I have made a new updated video if you want to watch it, it has no water added ua-cam.com/video/Afb4WL2QtXI/v-deo.html

    • @lammilee1
      @lammilee1 2 роки тому +1

      @@JunkJournalideas Thank you! 💞

  • @celestialstorybooks
    @celestialstorybooks Рік тому +2

    Thank you so much for showing us that this paste is good as a primer and for texture! Excellent recipe. It's a lot like making royal icing for cookies, where consistency can be changed for different uses. Thanks again for a great video., this is a keeper!

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  Рік тому +1

      My pleasure 😊I've made an updated video of this recipe bc the powder i used here has changed there ingredience from talc to cornstarch, you're right on about concistency!! btw I love royal icing lol TᕼᗩᑎKᔕ ᗩ ᒪOT ♥︎♡☆🦋 hugs Donna

  • @danijelac3511
    @danijelac3511 2 роки тому +2

    Yeeeeeeeees! This is the best presentation I have ever seen! Thank you so much!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  2 роки тому +1

      Wow, TᕼᗩᑎKᔕ ᗩ ᒪOT Danijela you made my day (night) lol ♥︎♡☆🦋 hugs

    • @danijelac3511
      @danijelac3511 2 роки тому +2

      @@JunkJournalideas You are so welcome!

  • @roosmarie1961
    @roosmarie1961 2 роки тому +1

    great Donna now I have the right ratio. I still have a jar that I bought. there's still a little bit in it. I will definitely do this. I have everything in house. thank you so much for your good explanation.

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  2 роки тому

      awesome Marthy, it's a good recipe and just so you know the old vintage style talcum powder works better than the new one, apparently they have changed the recipe since I have done this video (❁´◡`❁) 🦋 hugs Donna

  • @thiscraftycounsellor5898
    @thiscraftycounsellor5898 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you Donna, I'll be trying this recipe for sure.

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  2 роки тому +1

      TᕼᗩᑎKᔕ ᗩ ᒪOT This crafty Counsellor!! if you have the old baby powder with the talc in it, it's best. it still works with cornflour (in baby powder) but i've heard it cracks? ♥︎♡☆🦋 hugs Donna

  • @charlenemock333
    @charlenemock333 3 роки тому +13

    Homemade mod podge only consists of two ingredients. One bottle of white school glue to one half a bottle of water. Mixed together and you have mod podge. My mama did cross my whole life and she found out that that's all it is is white school blue and water. Just wanted to give you the heads up so that you can save a lot of money this way.

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  3 роки тому +2

      thanks for the tip Charlene, this is a recipe for texture paste not to be confused with mod podge cheers Donna

    • @charlenemock333
      @charlenemock333 3 роки тому +3

      Yeah I understand. I was just trying to give you a tip. 👍

    • @christinecloutier4015
      @christinecloutier4015 2 роки тому +3

      I appreciate the mod podge recipe

    • @charlenemock333
      @charlenemock333 2 роки тому

      @@christinecloutier4015 you are so welcome.

    • @thatswhatisaid8908
      @thatswhatisaid8908 2 роки тому

      I wonder why modge podge costs so much, then?

  • @joeycardmaker
    @joeycardmaker 4 місяці тому +1

    Fantastic ❤❤

  • @mickeymulder9741
    @mickeymulder9741 2 роки тому +1

    You are so flippin' awesome!!!

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  2 роки тому

      Oh thank you Mickey! (❁´◡`❁) 🦋 hugs Donna

  • @lollabells6121
    @lollabells6121 5 років тому +8

    WOW! Thanks so much! I am a painter, and use molding paste ALL the time - i personally love using molding pastes like gesso - but that is my personal preference! I am also a photographer & paint what I photograph which is a lot of outdoor, landscapes scenes so using a molding paste is great for the textures! I also LOVE using molding pastes for projects just like this. So finding this your channel & this trick is like Christmas morning!!
    I am not sure why I haven’t ever seen this before!! Molding paste can be expensive - you just got a new subscriber! Thank you very much, looking forward to watching your other content!

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  5 років тому +2

      !! hey Lolla !! It's unreal when you find something that can save time and money!! you have a lot goin on girl, love your various talents. I used talcom powder for this recipe but i want to give the baking soda (bi-carb soda) a go as well. apparently the powder is'nt as flighty. Ive just ran out of my last batch so im up for it. thanks again i loved reading your lovely message, cheers Donna

  • @creativeminds185
    @creativeminds185 3 роки тому +1

    Thanks for the idea dear 😘

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  3 роки тому

      Any time Sony, check the ingredients on the package of the baby powder because the companies have now changed from talc to cornflour. Some creatives have said that it can crack when it’s dry. I have not tested the cornflour substitute cheers Donna

  • @angiecantu2747
    @angiecantu2747 3 роки тому +1


    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  3 роки тому

      you're welcome Angie, just so you know the powder makers have changed their contents from talc to corn flour, if you can find some of the old packaging with the talcum powder it works best, you can use the new baby powder i have had feed back it cracks when dry that could be the mix is too dry when mixed up, or dried too fast with a heat gun? hugs Donna

  • @HiSheri
    @HiSheri 3 роки тому +3

    Thanks for sharing. This was very helpful!

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  3 роки тому

      Glad it was helpful! Sheri, it makes up really good. I have since learnt that the makers have taken talcum out and replaced it with cornstarch, and some have said it makes the paste crack when dry. I havent tested this bc i still have the talcum baby powder left, cheers Donna

  • @mayrakopjansen2814
    @mayrakopjansen2814 4 роки тому +1

    Thanks for sharing

  • @janeenrodgers5993
    @janeenrodgers5993 2 роки тому +1


    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  2 роки тому

      thanks a lot Janeen (❁´◡`❁) 🦋 hugs Donna

  • @mayrakopjansen2814
    @mayrakopjansen2814 4 роки тому +2

    Thanks for sharing this

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  4 роки тому

      No worries Mayra, it makes up really well and its great to use thx!♡ for tuning in and happy crafting 🦋 cheers Donna

  • @bellnorton1691
    @bellnorton1691 2 роки тому +1

    Very nice I love it.

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  2 роки тому

      TᕼᗩᑎKᔕ ᗩ ᒪOT Bell ♥︎♡☆🦋 hugs Donna

  • @christinenaylor4912
    @christinenaylor4912 Рік тому +1

    Hi, thanks for this recipe, I didn't realise how simple it was!...can I just ask, if I wanted to make some for a relief effect eg; 'drawing' leaves/flowers etc, that would be squeezed out through a 'cone' within the pattern, how would I make that please?

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  Рік тому +1

      hey Christine, yes it is an easy recipe for sure. do you mean like piping icing sugar when you say through a cone? I guess you could pipe it if you get the consistency right, if its too runny what ever you squeeze out will collapse, if its too thick it won't push out easy, so you need it (goldilocks) just right, to hold it's shape when it's laid out how you want it. hope i got what you mean ♥︎♡☆🦋 hugs Donna

    • @christinenaylor4912
      @christinenaylor4912 Рік тому +1

      @@JunkJournalideas Yes that's exactly right....thank you for the help :)

  • @sandrasimard1808
    @sandrasimard1808 3 роки тому +1

    Do you need to put a protector over

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  3 роки тому +1

      hi Sandra it's the same as any other texture paste, I don't put protective over any them, no :-) cheers Donna

  • @devikscreation5741
    @devikscreation5741 3 роки тому +1

    Thanks for sharing can I use this on fabric

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  3 роки тому

      I haven't experimented with it on fabric? If you are going to have the fabric glued down permanently it might work because it has glue in it it may hold and work, you have started me thinking lol it's worth a try ☆🦋 cheers Donna

  • @Cyrilmc222004
    @Cyrilmc222004 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you so much Donna, I really really appreciate this, it’s really really helpful and useful too. I really need to make some for mixed media. Please stay safe and well too xxx Mags

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  3 роки тому

      anytime Mags, it's a beaut little recipe, I used the old baby powder with talc powder too, apparently the new product has replace the talc with cornstarch ♥︎♡☆🦋 hugs Donna

  • @mandydoodlehands4998
    @mandydoodlehands4998 4 роки тому +1

    Brand new to all crafts maybe a silly question but if u want a different colour one do u just use a different colour paint or do u use white still and add a little different colour when u need it thanks

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  4 роки тому +1

      Hi Mandy, this is meant to be a texture paste that used for texture, once it's dry you can then paint it to what ever colour you like, it will also take sprays. If you use a different colour in the recipe it will be diluted bc of the other additives diluting the main colour. thanks for tuning in Donna

  • @natasjabillet9960
    @natasjabillet9960 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you for the recipe! Is white glue the same as PVA glue?

  • @lisastaub3368
    @lisastaub3368 3 роки тому +1


    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  3 роки тому

      No worries! thanks for tuning in Lisa ♥︎♡☆🦋 hugs Donna

  • @louisepeyton4089
    @louisepeyton4089 2 роки тому +1

    Can I use cornflour instead? How do you stop it cracking when dry?

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  2 роки тому +2

      hello Louise, yes you can! the baby powder I have is the old stock so it has talcum powder in it. the new powder has cornflower in it instead, I have had peeps say it cracks. I haven't used cornflour, but if i did i wouldn't try speeding up the drying process, dry it slowly to reduce cracks. let me know if this works for you, i might try it as well (❁´◡`❁) 🦋 hugs Donna

  • @angelcaulfield6545
    @angelcaulfield6545 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  4 роки тому

      no probs Angel thx!♡ for tuning in and happy crafting 🦋 cheers Donna

  • @bibimariumlovely7987
    @bibimariumlovely7987 3 роки тому +1

    Can I exclude white acrylic paint??... Plz reply...

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  3 роки тому +1

      I will start by asking why would you want to exlude the paint? It's not crossed my mind to try it without the paint, it would be a bit thick and you would have to alter the recipe to add more of a wet additive, i dont know should it be water or glue, if you try it let me know how it works out, cheers Donna

  • @davidmarsh959
    @davidmarsh959 5 років тому +1

    that is brilliant thanks very much Debbie xxxxxxx

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  5 років тому +1

      !! hi David !! and thanks right back at ya, it's a great recipe 🦋 cheers Donna

  • @midorishimiz
    @midorishimiz 3 роки тому +1

    thanks for the tips! can you colour on it?

  • @ceciletou4957
    @ceciletou4957 6 років тому +4

    Wow so...nice.I will try it.Thank you so much.

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  6 років тому

      !! hi Cecile !! thank you :-) I have finished this now and will be putting the video up soon, It's such a fun project because anything goes with mixed media, cheers Donna

  • @shawnasomers9127
    @shawnasomers9127 4 роки тому +1

    THank you for the recipe!! Can you mix it with acrylic paint and if so does it dilute the colour?

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  4 роки тому +1

      I havent tried to mix this recipe as a colour, I would think you would need a pretty decent pigment to get a good colour instead of using the white, and suspect as you said if you use normal acrylic it would be a lighter colour. I usually paint &/or spray over top of the texture paste once it's dry ♥︎♡☆🦋 hugs Donna

  • @louisewalker783
    @louisewalker783 6 років тому +2

    what an easy recipe tfs

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  5 років тому

      !! hi Louise !! no probs UA-cam had lost this comment i didn't see this until now 🦋 cheers Donna

  • @cadoo5591
    @cadoo5591 4 роки тому +1

    Can you add any color latex paint to this mixture? I couldn't make out what you called the glass-type stirrer that you used - would love to get one.

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  4 роки тому +1

      Hi Barb, im not familiar with latex paints so i'm not able to offer advise. I used an old bone folder for my stirrer, i used in my leather crafting projects 40 years ago, it's a beauty thanks for noticing it TᕼᗩᑎKᔕ for tuning in Donna

  • @daphanemcconnell5662
    @daphanemcconnell5662 5 років тому +2

    Love it 😻 Thanks a bunch

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  5 років тому

      !! hi Daphane !! it's great, just so you know look out for the baby powder brands with talcum powder in the ingredients because they have changed the talcum powder for cornstarch now. It works best with talcum powder 🦋 cheers Donna

  • @jcwhimzie
    @jcwhimzie 3 роки тому +1

    Great demonstration! I think I'll try using cornstarch instead of baby powder like you suggested in one of the comments.

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  3 роки тому

      great J let me know how that goes, 🦋 cheers Donna

  • @vel0811
    @vel0811 5 місяців тому +1

    I've heard that adding water changes the chemical makeup. Has anyone had issues with adding dabs of water to this mixture?
    Thanks for the great tutorial!

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  5 місяців тому +1

      @@vel0811 I add water in this recipe and I have made an updated recipe where I don't add water. it makes no difference to the texture paste bc it's just water. however I stopped adding water bc it made the paper wrinkle, hope this explains from my experience anyway 🙂

    • @vel0811
      @vel0811 5 місяців тому +1

      Thanks for respray quickly. I can't wait to try this.

  • @GCProjects
    @GCProjects 4 роки тому +1

    May I asking... what is the white acrylic paint function beside to make the texture color become more white? And for water.. is that 2 teaspoon? So the composition is 2 table spoon of powder, 1 table spoon of white glue, 1 table spoon of acrylic paint, and 2 teaspoon of water.. is that correct?

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  4 роки тому +1

      Gday GC I can't tell you the science side of why the white paint forms part of the mix, but what you said its probably so you can see it on the paper? yeh start with 2 tea spoons so its not to thin, like i show in the demo if it's too thin you lose definition, you need it to hold it's shape so add a little at a time. the recipe is correct how you've written it. also look for the baby powder old style that has talcum powder ingredient, now they have changed it out for cornflower, talcum powder is what i use, i haven't tested the corn flower...thanks for tuning in and happy crafting 🦋 cheers Donna

    • @justtubingby129
      @justtubingby129 4 роки тому

      The acrylic paint acts, also, as a binder. It is plastic after all.

  • @celestialstorybooks
    @celestialstorybooks Рік тому +1

    Sorry, one question: Do you know why my texture paste dries with an unwanted crackle effect? I can't seem to get this right. Thanks in advance!

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  Рік тому

      I have had a few comment that theirs has also cracked, did you air dry slowly? did you use a hair dryer? did you put it in the sun? have you moved your artwork around? did you use it on a stencil single layer? or thicker more than one layer, if so did you let it dry perfectly 100% between layers? I always air dry mine slowly and never use heat or put it in the sun to speed up drying this can cause cracking as can some of the questions ive asked above, hope this helps 🦋 hugs Donna

  • @lattep9613
    @lattep9613 4 роки тому +1

    I have used corn starch.

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  4 роки тому

      hi Terry do you have troubles with it cracking at all? 😊 ♥︎♡☆🦋 hugs Donna

  • @sharadaskitchencorner211
    @sharadaskitchencorner211 3 роки тому +1

    For how long can we store it?

  • @naynathakkar5103
    @naynathakkar5103 6 років тому +1

    Very good

  • @minakshisinha4571
    @minakshisinha4571 4 роки тому +2

    Plzz tell me...is this waterproof??

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  4 роки тому +2

      Gday minakshi I havent tested it for waterproof because i didn't make it up with waterproof to be a waterproof medium. I made it for indoor use on artboards, containers and book covers that type of thing. You didn't say what you were putting it on or indoor outdoor? If you want it to be a waterproof finish you could try and seal it with a sealer of your choice, thanks for watching cheers Donna

  • @Myartgallery200
    @Myartgallery200 5 років тому +1

    This paste is used for baby hand n foot casting. Or no

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  5 років тому

      !! hi Lalitha !! no this is not casting plaster, you need a known baby safe product for that 🦋 cheers Donna

  • @gigipaints1302
    @gigipaints1302 5 років тому +1

    You can't find baby Powder with talc anymore. It has cornstarch in it. It didn't work when I tried. Mayb baking powder?

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  5 років тому

      !! hi GiGi !! really, I didnt know that? I just checked my packaging and i have 2 containers, the one I used in this video has the talc in it and it works a treat! and the new one has cornstarch. Well it's back to the scientists lab for me!! I will try the baking powder/ & or soda and see if it works? I know there's another product that works it's called Calcium Carbonate (chalk) check it out I havent tried it because i can't buy it in my small country town (and the talc powder works fine for me) 🦋 cheers Donna

    • @sanawajahat2773
      @sanawajahat2773 5 років тому +1

      @@JunkJournalideas plz tell me about chalk, is it mix with glue or not???

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  5 років тому

      @@sanawajahat2773 I dont know if you can or not because I have never tried chalk 🦋 cheers Donna

  • @kimberlyfox5175
    @kimberlyfox5175 4 роки тому +1

    I made some and used it. It cracked. It looks like crackle paint. Why would it crack like that?

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  4 роки тому

      Hi Kimberly, its hard to say why because mine didn't crack it was great to work with. I know that I used the original talcum powder i know that they don't use that anymore they use cornstarch instead as an ingredient. but a friend of mine has used cornstarch and she had no troubles that she mentioned? cheers Donna

  • @LilY-xu5tg
    @LilY-xu5tg 4 роки тому +2

    How can you avoid cracking? I tried the recipe with less or more glue, and it still cracked

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  4 роки тому +1

      Hi Lil, hmm mine does not crack, it could be the climate or the talcum powder. I have heard the company no longer use talcum in their product they changed it out for cornstarch. let it air dry also I never added heat to speed up my drying it may cause cracking as well cheers Donna

    • @LilY-xu5tg
      @LilY-xu5tg 4 роки тому +1

      @@JunkJournalideas thanks for your reply. Yes, I looked at the baby powder, it is cornstarch, maybe that was why. I only air dried it

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  4 роки тому

      @@LilY-xu5tg I also have seen it made with 100% cornstarch, i haven't tried it myself, i have plenty of the other recipe. :-)

    • @naima6606
      @naima6606 4 роки тому +1

      @@JunkJournalideas so what else should I buy instead of that baby powder? Please reply

  • @medusavc172
    @medusavc172 4 роки тому +1

    Can I use this on wall plssss tell me

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  4 роки тому +1

      Hello Mahi, If you own your own home you could use this on a wall. I would make it very thick because it will run down the wall if it is too thin a mix. the containers i used this on have lasted very well you could try it on the wall a little test area first cheers Donna

  • @tammygregg8265
    @tammygregg8265 4 роки тому +1

    Hi! I just subscribed! I’m wondering what the new recipe is and where to find it? Here in USA, baby powder has been replaced with corn starch in it because Johnson & Johnson baby powder caused ovarian cancer. Is that a measuring 1 teaspoon water? I can’t tell from video. Can you mix any color paint (for a specific project) or does it need to be white? I’m working on a piece now (a mirror) and can’t wait to try this! Thank you so much!!!! Tammy

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  4 роки тому

      Gday Tammy I don't have a new recipe, i've heard about the talc being replaced with cornstarch in their baby powder range. What you can do is replace the baby talcum powder with cornstarch in my recipe here. i used an unmarked spoon and didn't actually measure the water, at a guess it was about 1/2 teaspoon maybe. and i put 2 in which was too much. I like it a bit thicker. I have only made white and you could definitely change that to a colour, but it will be washed out looking. If you have some pigment you could vamp it up a bit or use the white, tape off the mirror and and paint it your colour when it's dry. cheers Donna

  • @TheNovemberblut
    @TheNovemberblut 5 років тому +1

    Ηοw much time does it last in the vase without drying?

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  5 років тому

      !! hey TheNovemberblut !! I kept mine for a good 8 to 10 weeks but i used it too 🦋 cheers Donna

    • @TheNovemberblut
      @TheNovemberblut 5 років тому

      @@JunkJournalideas Τhank you very much!

  • @JunkJournalideas
    @JunkJournalideas  2 роки тому

    updated video N.E.W R.E.C.I.P.E! ua-cam.com/video/Afb4WL2QtXI/v-deo.html

  • @paoladimarco8131
    @paoladimarco8131 Рік тому +1

    Scusate ma in italiano, neanche i sottotitolSarebbe utile grazie

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  Рік тому +1

      Sì, so solo che ho la possibilità di cc in inglese, questo cambierà una volta che UA-cam introdurrà i nuovi strumenti che stanno arrivando in modo da poter realizzare i nostri video (voce) in più lingue, sono in lista d'attesa. poi sarà una questione di quale lingua scegliere...|
      ecco la ricetta...
      1/4 tazza di polvere per bambini (o amido di mais)
      1 cucchiaio colmo di colla bianca
      1 cucchiaio colmo di vernice acrilica bianca
      se troppo denso aggiungi più vernice

  • @ivfchic3316
    @ivfchic3316 5 років тому +2

    Thank you so much this is amazing! Do you need to seal it before painting?

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  5 років тому +2

      !! Hi ivfchic !! No you dont have to seal it just let it dry. Make sure you get the powder that has talc in it, they have changed their recipe, and use cornstarch now apparently 🦋 cheers donna

    • @ivfchic3316
      @ivfchic3316 5 років тому

      @@JunkJournalideas thank you! 🙏 Can't wait to try it! X

  • @Mx.Pickle
    @Mx.Pickle 6 років тому +2

    Would cornstarch work? I'm worried that it's gonna make mold on my project.

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  6 років тому +1

      !! hi Cynthia !! i haven't used cornstarch, so I don't know if it works or not? you're finished project will not get mold on it using the recipe I share, cheers Donna

    • @Mx.Pickle
      @Mx.Pickle 6 років тому +2

      ArtCraftCrazy, Thanks!

  • @Megalyssa007
    @Megalyssa007 4 роки тому +1

    I just made a batch, mine looks like cottage cheese. I used foot powder containing talc. It just doesn't mix well. looks full of tiny bubbles and cottage cheese matter. Not smooth at all. By the way all body / baby powders have corn starch in them, not talc

    • @Megalyssa007
      @Megalyssa007 4 роки тому +1

      I added a bit of water and it bubbles - I will wait until tomorrow to see if it will stop reacting. There's something in powder that's interfering

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  4 роки тому

      Gday, you used foot powder, im not familiar with what that is. At the time i made my recipe and video the baby powder definitely used talc, i checked and make sure i give correct information. I still have it. I think theres a substitute for the talc try a search, the cottage cheese sounds bad lol

    • @Megalyssa007
      @Megalyssa007 4 роки тому +2

      @@JunkJournalideas First ingredient is talc, found in Mexican store. Tgeres also zink, boric acid etc. Now an update, made second batch with no water. This time used teaspoon each of paint and glue. Added powder little by little. It turned into a rubbery slimy mass immediately. Went to trash.
      I ended up making a paste with the powder by adding mid podge and gesso. Better consistency, but I'm ordering pure talc online. The powder goes into trash as well

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  4 роки тому +3

      @@Megalyssa007 that's the way never give up, the talc will work. Also this recipe is slow drying so dont make it too wet keep it reasonably thick

    • @Megalyssa007
      @Megalyssa007 4 роки тому +4

      @@JunkJournalideas Ok gave up and bought 4lbs of plaster of paris for $11. That's it!

  • @sandywiseman1061
    @sandywiseman1061 6 років тому +1

    Will that work on a outdoor pot?

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  6 років тому +1

      !! hi Sandra !! It depends on your conditions? is it totally under cover? will it ever be near water? is it for art on a wall? so many questions I could ask. I doubt it would because it's ideal for paper, plastic that's protected from the elements. I'd recommend plaster of paris instead, and use a protective sealer on it afterwards, it's hard to answer because I don't know what you are wanting to use it on? let me know cheers Donna

  • @ajitsinghajitsingh4634
    @ajitsinghajitsingh4634 4 роки тому +1

    Hlo you r nice🤩

  • @peterduffield9154
    @peterduffield9154 5 років тому +1

    Anna Duffield

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  5 років тому

      !! hi Peter !! Gesso is used as a primer and texture paste is used for a raised effect #D through stenciling etc. The recipe is similar add more water and you could use it as gesso, cheers Donna

    • @peterduffield9154
      @peterduffield9154 5 років тому +1

      Thank, don't know why it come up Peter that's mu hubby lol. I am Anna

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  5 років тому

      @@peterduffield9154 ha ha thats Ok Anna :) if you look up at the blue-ish green circle (that's peters profile pic) GO up to the top right hand corner of of YT where the you see it in a row of little icons, and click on it. Theres a drop down that says switch accounts, and you can change to yours when you use YT and he can change to his when he does. Cheers Donna

    • @peterduffield9154
      @peterduffield9154 5 років тому +1


  • @MuyaMih
    @MuyaMih 3 роки тому +1


  • @AliBaba-ke5jn
    @AliBaba-ke5jn 10 місяців тому +1

    Waste of talcum powder.

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  10 місяців тому

      for you maybe, but it's really great for single projects and turns out fantastic for us home crafters

  • @naima6606
    @naima6606 4 роки тому +1

    Is there anyone who tried this

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  4 роки тому

      yes me and i can say it works I used the old style baby powder tho the original one with talc in it cheers Donna

    • @naima6606
      @naima6606 4 роки тому

      @@JunkJournalideas well I tried that was cool 💜

  • @vesna2604
    @vesna2604 Рік тому +1

    Are You a oi.oi.oi.!?!?😊

  • @jdemaestri4300
    @jdemaestri4300 4 роки тому +1

    I thank you for the effort but this stuff is crap,don’t waste your time.

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  4 роки тому

      it's like any recipe, it works i've used it myself, its a home made recipe i wouldn't compare it to a a high end commercially made texture paste, i also wouldn't share anything that doesn't work. thanks for tuning in even though it didnt work for you? cheers Donna

    • @missysunshine2660
      @missysunshine2660 3 роки тому

      @@JunkJournalideas I have made this before and was very happy with it. Getting ready to make more. Thank you. Xx

  • @KELA59
    @KELA59 Рік тому +1

    Please can you tell me if I can use corn starch instead of the baby powder??

    • @JunkJournalideas
      @JunkJournalideas  Рік тому

      im pretty sure you can Kela, I havent but others have and they have also said it can crack, so i would recommend that you dry it slowly and maybe not use a heat gun just air dry, give it a try hugs Donna

    • @KELA59
      @KELA59 Рік тому +1

      @@JunkJournalideas I'll give it a go then thanks 😊