Brutally Honest CFA Salary Discussion | Ask FinTree #5

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @namitarya1285
    @namitarya1285 3 місяці тому +24


  • @aditya1934
    @aditya1934 3 місяці тому +7

    Pro tip: add time stamps for all the questions asked.

  • @danush-03
    @danush-03 3 місяці тому +9

    Sir for cfa level 2 there is a practical skill module for equity research and I didn't watched it yet. Can I learn all the necessary things for equity research from there and is it worth from learn there?

  • @krishnaagarwal1205
    @krishnaagarwal1205 3 місяці тому +1

    "I've cleared my CS Executive (Inter) first group and am preparing for the CFA Level 1 exam in November. I’m considering combining these qualifications to open my own firm. While I feel this combination might not give an extra edge in a job profile, how would having both CS and CFA certifications benefit me if I start my own firm? What specific advantages could this combination offer in terms of services, client attraction, and overall business growth?" Also im a second year bcom student

  • @mohitprasad3352
    @mohitprasad3352 3 місяці тому

    I Watched entirely 30 min, big fans of sir. @ 33:55

  • @Bhargav_avgj-oe
    @Bhargav_avgj-oe 3 місяці тому +1

    Apologies for the lengthy message, Sir. I have cleared CMA Inter and am planning to take the CFA exam in May 2025. To qualify for the final exam, I need to complete a mandatory 15-month internship. I'm considering a finance-related internship, such as in equity research, and have identified some investment firms where I could apply. I have also learned financial modeling. I would greatly appreciate your advice on this. Additionally, what are your thoughts on Saregama's now it is planning to acquire a 50% stake in Dharma Productions? also in a recent interview karan johar said that he is not making any profits in last few years and incurring huge losses on them .

  • @Ak_thereader
    @Ak_thereader 3 місяці тому +1

    I am a Consultant Risk analyst in Property and Casualty insurance with 3.5 years of experience. I took a 6 year career break when I was day trading. I was doing relatively well growing at 20-22% CAGR, but the isolation and loneliness of post market hours got to me and I got a job back. It pays okish compared to what I was earning as a trader(~12 lpa comapred to ~20 LPA from trading) but I don't like the industry as it is sluggish and offers very slow growth.
    Would it be prudent to pivot into the finance industry at my age (~32). I'm willing to do what it takes- my current plan is qualifying CFA L-1, taking an internal Job posting within my current organisation, proceeding with L2& L3 while working before finally doing an executive MBA from IIM/ international Universities as soon as I hit the 5 year experience mark. Please share your thoughts on this.I know the Financial markets are my calling but will my age be a hindrance in getting into Finance roles?

  • @DiamondKumarr
    @DiamondKumarr 3 місяці тому +1

    What's ur view on US CMA course?
    I am working in Equity Research Domain for last 2 Years I didn't want to pursue CFA (Because of Maths) so I ended up choosing US CMA.
    Do You think it'll help in Equity Research profile ahead?
    Which all profiles can I switch to, with this much experience and CMA qualification?

  • @pp7848
    @pp7848 3 місяці тому +1

    How is F,P&A domain? And what are the entry and exit opportunities 😮

  • @nitin_maxxx
    @nitin_maxxx 3 місяці тому

    Got my answers sir, thank you so much

  • @SaieSinkar
    @SaieSinkar 3 місяці тому +2

    hello sir, I am a L1 student at fintree- May 2025. I am in my second year of bcom, studying in Pune. I do not have to go to college everyday and thus i can give majority of my time for Cfa studies; however, I sometimes really struggle to sit at home the whole day and study.
    1.Do you know any good libraries in/near aundh/baner area or a quiet study place.
    2. I have not found out exactly what i like yet or narrowed down a sector that i want to wok in(Loved quants) , but i would definitely want to start working/interning after my level 1. Do you think i should take up the financial modelling course offered by Fintree along with level1/ Equity research course offered by the valuation school?
    3. If i have reasonable skills/ cleared level 1 with a good score will fintree placements help me secure an internship/find network?
    Thank you so much!

    • @shubhamraut7911
      @shubhamraut7911 3 місяці тому

      Hii shubham this side..I also lives in pune ( Baner) . I am also preparing for cfa level 1 and I have got scholarship for level 1. If u don't mind can we be in touch with each other for futher studies.

  • @Meta-morphosis
    @Meta-morphosis 3 місяці тому

    Hi Utkarsh,
    Wanted to check if we get any support on the 3 practical skillsets required on L2... Some/any support would be really appreciated...

  • @elonmusk7192
    @elonmusk7192 3 місяці тому

    Hello Sir, I currently work at crisil and was thinking about pursuing cfa/frm but I am confused between these 2 certifications. Which certification would be best for my work place in your opinion.

    • @normalone6970
      @normalone6970 3 місяці тому

      You focus on car manufacturing only buddy

    • @elonmusk7192
      @elonmusk7192 3 місяці тому

      @@normalone6970 car manufacturing? What are you talking about

    • @normalone6970
      @normalone6970 3 місяці тому

      @@elonmusk7192 kidding buddy.. Told you according to your username 😂

  • @DivyaSharma-v6z
    @DivyaSharma-v6z 3 місяці тому

    Hi Sir, Good Morning, I am working with one of the Big 4s in Indirect Tax Domain with more than 12 years of experience. I had done my and MBA from Tier 2 College and passed CFA Level I Exam..I am currently Preparing for CFA Level 2 Exam for next year
    Would like to build my remaining career either in investment banking or private equity domain.
    1. How I can get into these domains? Request you to please throw some light on this. Also, please suggest some strategies
    2. What skill sets are required to get into investment banking and private equity

  • @sumanlaha2928
    @sumanlaha2928 3 місяці тому

    sir how to be updated with the market like which sites to watch or whom should i follow for regular updates?

  • @sanathudyavar3267
    @sanathudyavar3267 3 місяці тому

    Hello Utkarsh, I have been working in finance ops for about a year. Wanted to transition to corporate finance/ treasury? Is that a sound move?

  • @hiteshmundhra8503
    @hiteshmundhra8503 3 місяці тому

    Will Crash Course for CFA level III be available before Feb-25 term? And also whether will you release seperate course for specialised pathway?

  • @IshitaChawla79
    @IshitaChawla79 3 місяці тому

    I'm 25 years old having an experience of around 3.5 years in operations. I'm preparing for CFA Level 1. Considering the automations and firing should I change my finance domain? What would be best suited field in finance. Currently in reconciliation department.
    Could you please also speak about CFA Scholarships.

    • @Rishibhattt
      @Rishibhattt 3 місяці тому

      what other degrees do u have

  • @sushil6509
    @sushil6509 3 місяці тому

    Hey utkarsh im a L2 candidate and a recent bcom grad
    As you mentioned in your last to last stream that recipe for success is meeting point of two disciplines
    I am following developments in international relations from 4 years now and i genuinely love reading about it
    What intersection do you think can happen between these two fields (finance and IR)
    And how to go about it , i wanna move abroad eventually in few years and open to persue masters[ideally IR] there

  • @hamzaasif3140
    @hamzaasif3140 3 місяці тому

    Hello sir , Can you please guide how does the live school program work for international students ? ( Students outside India) , Planning for cfa level 1 August 2025 .

  • @Sanchayxm
    @Sanchayxm 3 місяці тому

    Hello Sir, what skills do I need to learn to land my first job as an equity analyst?

  • @akshayagrawal2357
    @akshayagrawal2357 3 місяці тому

    hello sir
    i am 23 years old
    left CA after Inter group 1
    Passed CFA L1 in Nov 2022
    Appearing for L2 in Nov 2024
    From two years i was involved with my father in business
    now i am stuck what to do in my career
    getting anxiety
    will able to complete my fintree lectures by 20TH sept

    • @Rishibhattt
      @Rishibhattt 3 місяці тому


  • @mrmnj27
    @mrmnj27 3 місяці тому

    Today is My CFA 😁🕉️

  • @yashdeshmukh7272
    @yashdeshmukh7272 3 місяці тому

    Which is better ETF VS Mutual fund?

  • @harshjain7815
    @harshjain7815 3 місяці тому

    Hello Sir,
    Waiting for my CFA L3 results.. I am working in equity research since the past 1 year ( Us markets ) i reside in mumbai. While studying for L3 i was thinking about private wealth as a career as well. Should i switch just to explore that side? Any recommendations which role should i apply for? Or if I don't like it can i switch back to equity research? Would that be a problem.

  • @HarshKumarJain-bu1dg
    @HarshKumarJain-bu1dg 3 місяці тому

    Hi sir, I have completed you Level zero and looking to enroll for Level 1 CFA classes of yours starting this AUgust 31st. It would be helpful if you can answer this one:
    I have completed my engineering this year in June 2024. I am a software developer but I am interested in finance and looking forward to build a career in it. What opportunities will a CFA charter open for me and does having a technical background helps?
    If I start from September batch , should I target May attempt or August attempt, given I have no prior experience or learnings in finance?

  • @tkr12
    @tkr12 3 місяці тому

    Does CFA with an engineering degree(non-it) helps in getting a break into finance jobs?

  • @RajShah0511
    @RajShah0511 3 місяці тому

    Hi sir,
    I am 21 year old fresher and Bcom graduate
    I have cleared CFA level 1 and did 6 months internship as financial analyst intern
    Currently giving CFA level 2 in 4 days
    After my exam how should I find job as a fresher and what salary can I expect??

    • @Abhisheksharma-uo6ig
      @Abhisheksharma-uo6ig 3 місяці тому

      Bank bharti shuru ho rhe h, bhar do 6lpa

    • @Abhisheksharma-uo6ig
      @Abhisheksharma-uo6ig 3 місяці тому

      Bank bharti shuru ho rhe h, bhar do 6lpa

    • @RajShah0511
      @RajShah0511 3 місяці тому +1

      @@Abhisheksharma-uo6ig how to apply
      Can you explain

    • @Rishibhattt
      @Rishibhattt 3 місяці тому

      how to apply for interniship bro

  • @varunsanthosh2756
    @varunsanthosh2756 3 місяці тому

    Hi sir, I completed my degree last year and I started to prepare for CFA L1 from june this year. I'm a full time student so, should I aim for may 2025 for August 2025 attempt? On youtube I came across so many influencers telling that, 6 months is more than enough for CFA L1 is it true?
    Also sir, should I look for any job or internship now or after clearing L1 because now I don't have a decent resume so i dont think i will be able to get any finance related job with my current profile. Also I think job can distract my preparation.

  • @sumangowda8896
    @sumangowda8896 3 місяці тому

    Thank you sir 🫡

  • @laviutube
    @laviutube 3 місяці тому


  • @parthmundhara5032
    @parthmundhara5032 3 місяці тому

    Hello sir,
    1) I always have this question that how to make studying more enjoyable and how do you approach studying practically rather than just understanding it theocratically..
    2) Also, what are the skills I should focus side by side along with my cfa journey.
    3) Also suggest some cources I should do along side CFA. Like - Cipm , cib , cira ,etc and are these even worth the time, effort and the money. Given I am at last year of graduation
    4) Is CFA losing its value lately?
    Give pass rates are going up and more people are entering the cource.
    5) Can you plz make a video on exemptions you get for different cources after doing CFA
    Thanks a lot!

  • @DiamondKumarr
    @DiamondKumarr 3 місяці тому +1

    What's ur view on US CMA course?
    I am working in Equity Research Domain for last 2 Years I didn't want to pursue CFA (Because of Maths) so I ended up choosing US CMA.
    Do You think it'll help in Equity Research profile ahead?
    Which all profiles can I switch to, with this much experience and CMA qualification?