Restoration of the Melchizedek Priesthood

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @COJC1830
    @COJC1830 Рік тому +2

    This information is needed! The background music is not adding to the message. The message can stand on its own.

  • @jonathanbrown2320
    @jonathanbrown2320 3 роки тому +1

    On the same topic, Truman G Madsen shares an interesting story, at 32:30 of this video -
    Not sure where the info for the story comes from, or its basis. Would love to know if anyone knows anything about it!

    • @cuauti2
      @cuauti2 3 роки тому

      @Jonathan Brown - that account comes from a letter Addison Everett wrote to Joseph F. Smith, upon his request to find out more info about the restoration of the Melchizedek Priesthood. Letter written January 16, 1882.
      Hope this info helps.

  • @fayelewis5476
    @fayelewis5476 3 роки тому +21

    The Melchizedek priesthood belongs exclusively to Jesus Christ forever.
    Read Hebrews 7-10

    • @bobicusrex
      @bobicusrex 2 місяці тому

      And it does belong to Christ forever in the LDS Church. The real question is who was Melchizedek. Interestingly enough I suspect I know exactly who it was because when ever I ponder 🤔 on that question and wonder who Abraham paid tithes to which king it would be. I feel the same spirit I do when I think of Christ. It was the first great king of recorded history. One who spoke to and was blessed by Noah.😊 Yet no one knows his name because like Jacob is called Israel. Melchizedek had a different earthly name.😊. What I think is hilarious is having grown up Mormon their prophet and apostles don't know who Melchizedek was despite the fact that his earthly name has been found and we know of him 😁

    • @A_Christian11119
      @A_Christian11119 18 днів тому

      ​@@bobicusrexDo you mean to say that Melchizedek was actually Jesus?

  • @jamesmorgan2064
    @jamesmorgan2064 7 днів тому

    Read Hebrews in your KJV. Christ's work was completed on the cross .