Dr. Ben Carson: America, Unite Under God

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • Author of, “One Nation,” Dr. Ben Carson stresses the importance of approaching critical issues with a calm and respectful tone.


  • @sunlightloo9554
    @sunlightloo9554 10 років тому +6

    Americans should be thankful to have Ben Carson.

  • @TheThoridian
    @TheThoridian 10 років тому +24

    This man gives me hope.

  • @josephp4790
    @josephp4790 9 років тому +8

    I absolutely adore Dr, Ben Carson! He just seems so genuine and trustworthy. I would literally trust him with my life. Whether he is elected the republican candidate or not this election cycle I think he has a bright future in politics.

  • @morganmay1
    @morganmay1 10 років тому +14

    I'm not a Republican but I would vote for Ben Carson because he stands for 'truth and equality and morality', I know that many disagree with the last one but he is a man of wisdom and principals.

    • @rkyobo
      @rkyobo 9 років тому +2

      +Morgan May Why would someone say he isn't moral?? He has strong morality standards!!!

  • @mattiasn310
    @mattiasn310 9 років тому +9

    God bless Ben Carson.

  • @erick17190
    @erick17190 10 років тому +10

    GOD bless and protect you from the devil. Amen!

    • @UNbowed62
      @UNbowed62 10 років тому

      I believe he has already been touched by the devil~despite our prayers. LOL

  • @kirticuskirticus5777
    @kirticuskirticus5777 9 років тому +2

    Ben Carson for president!!!! What this man is saying is truth, it's a gift for us we need to wake up and unite all races and get our country back!!!!

  • @danieleoduro3829
    @danieleoduro3829 8 років тому +1

    Your wisdom come from GOD its supernatural... u are my mentor.... Go Ben

  • @raybroussard
    @raybroussard 9 років тому +2

    Ben Carson is so easy to understand and clear with his intentions, I have no doubt that Mr. Trump is nervous about this guy!

  • @carolLDickinson
    @carolLDickinson 9 років тому +2

    I am very impressed by Dr. Ben Carson.

    • @BarbaraManor
      @BarbaraManor 8 років тому

      +Carol Dickinson His stupidity or what?

  • @victoryalta9170
    @victoryalta9170 9 років тому +9

    RUN...BEN.....RUN, and you will get the latino vote, we need intelligence man in the white house. ONE NATION...DR BEN CARSON PRESIDENT 2016.

    • @mo1240
      @mo1240 9 років тому +1

      +Victor Yalta Yes - morality is the basis of law and government (duh) or else there is chaos....quest for morality in life forces us to choose wiser leaders!

    • @mo1240
      @mo1240 9 років тому +3

      +Victor Yalta Yes ! Amoral leaders have simple motivations - fame, power, money, and/or worst of all CONTROL of others. Only moral leaders do what is best for their land.

  • @sethmagee843
    @sethmagee843 8 років тому +1

    Love this. Praise God!!! God bless you all. :)

  • @sunnyjohn215
    @sunnyjohn215 8 років тому +3

    He will be the next president..... period.

  • @mickeygrace4345
    @mickeygrace4345 9 років тому +1


  • @777Cobretti
    @777Cobretti 8 років тому

    Ben I hope you become Pres. if not please come and be our PM in Canada God Bless you

  • @theghostman2489
    @theghostman2489 10 років тому +2

    i will vote for ben carson if he runs for the presidency :) please run dr. ben carson please do!!.

  • @hidjob6472
    @hidjob6472 9 років тому

    May YESHUA rescue Carson from SDA CULT

  • @katherinewilliams3984
    @katherinewilliams3984 9 років тому +1


    • @5winder
      @5winder 8 років тому

      +Katherine Williams SDA is a cult that denies eternal damnation in hell fire... to their own peril.

  • @18sydeways
    @18sydeways 10 років тому +1

    Super Black Woman is a troll. I've seen her on nearly every Ben Carson interview attempting to slander this good man's name.

    • @morganmay1
      @morganmay1 10 років тому

      That was obvious from the first couple of sentences; wonder how much he/she is getting paid?

  • @vdjsd123
    @vdjsd123 10 років тому

    I wonder what he thinks about the following bible verse:
    Deuteronomy 22:28-29 NLT)
    If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her.
    Just wondering

  • @UNbowed62
    @UNbowed62 9 років тому


  • @AmazingJayB51
    @AmazingJayB51 9 років тому

    He seems to be to soft spoken. He needs some Oomph in his voice.

  • @alexojideagu
    @alexojideagu 8 років тому

    10:05 he's been watching the movie LUCY too much, it's not true.

  • @islandboy1088
    @islandboy1088 8 років тому

    I thought he was an Adventist and follow the teachings of Ms White as the only source of biblical interpretation, why the Christian Network didnt ask him about that crazy believe

  • @dianemorris-hill7509
    @dianemorris-hill7509 6 років тому

    A gift?

  • @RadarKat73080
    @RadarKat73080 9 років тому +1

    That's why the Founders mentioned God in the Constitution. Oh yeah, right, they didn't!

    • @RadarKat73080
      @RadarKat73080 9 років тому

      "Read it with understanding" translation: "Agree with me." FU

  • @kazueshigedo4027
    @kazueshigedo4027 10 років тому

    Black is beautiful! See Japanese women's Black Hair, (not me though, I have gold inside)

    @2FINE4YOUBABYGIRL 9 років тому

    Let me start off by saying I am NOT a ben carson supporter. In fact I only go on these videos to see how much of a religious crackpot he is, but I do agree with some of the things he says particularly mid way in the video. Americans are more concerned with pop culture than politics, government and world affairs. Go on the street and ask 15 strangers who was the first president of the u.s at least 10 will get it wrong.

  • @florentinamcleod4159
    @florentinamcleod4159 5 років тому

    No! Please don't do this to 🇺🇸 keep saving brains!! Or messing brains

  • @hatmap
    @hatmap 8 років тому

    Tsk tsk, what would Pat's daddy, segregationist Dixiecrat Willis Robertson, think of Pat going lovey-dovey over a black guy?XD

  • @BLacknesmonstaz
    @BLacknesmonstaz 10 років тому

    lets make history, lets get another black man in the white house after another black man!! hahaa

    • @UNbowed62
      @UNbowed62 10 років тому

      LOL! They will treat him worse than they've treated President Obama. IF he ever would be so lucky to get in the white house and really experience the hate and would speak against it, it will be "Impeach Benny!" and they will find his DNA Tribe all the way back to Africa and brainwash minions that "he's not like us, he's not one of us, he's a ..." Look how Herman (you gotta be kiddin' me) Cain was treated!

    • @gwen9340
      @gwen9340 9 років тому

      UNbowed62 Poor President Obama... people only hate him because he's black. It doesn't have to do with him being a poor leader or anything. The secret is out. All white people are racist and will forever hate blacks.

    • @UNbowed62
      @UNbowed62 9 років тому +1

      Blue Eyed American Girl Little girl, go somewhere and UNLEARN the crap. President Obama is a magnificent President.
      It was decided by the racistass Republican party on Obama's first inauguration, BEFORE he started any Presidential tasks (Newt Geinghrich, ring leader) that Republicans would NOT work WITH the President AT ALL. How unfkn patriotic. Stop listening to Fox FAUX Cable News. Check this out, if you can read, Paul Krugman interview, how Obama is a great President, despite his nievete in dealing with those racist Repubs in Congress:

    • @gwen9340
      @gwen9340 9 років тому +1

      What do you think of Obama's signing of EO 13603 which is putting every American into slavery?
      Why does Obama have connections with Bill Ayers, a known terrorist and communist?

    • @UNbowed62
      @UNbowed62 9 років тому

      "this person" is very aware that racist bigots will ALWAYS try to label others who have courage to SPEAK OUT AGAINST racism as being "EVIL RACIST". This means that whoever possess the authentic racial bigotry mentality, without a doubt, is a projectionist~allaying said characteristics about himself onto others.
      **Paul Krugman is a Nobel Peace Prize Economist, (FAR more credible than Foxx FAUX Cable News) who first distanced himself and criticized the President, initiallly, (because the President was nieve, initially, that he could work with a bunch of racistasses in Congress). Now since the success of the ACA and the reprival of the US economy, under the President and his pressing on with his agenda as he was elected TWICE to do so, Krugman has since applauded his efforts, despite the wacky Republican obstructionism in the do-nothing Congress.

  • @UNbowed62
    @UNbowed62 10 років тому

    He gave us hope when he was a world renown surgeon of neurology; breaking history. Full accolades to him then; filled us with pride~back then. I am baffled at his becoming a mouthpiece for the very people who mock and disrespect his own race. Characteristics of a sellout. Preach to the haters in your party~about uniting and becoming ANTI-racist... tho I wonder how many will be listening once you bring up the "racist" word. LOL NO, I would never vote for a sellout.
    He now points his "immoral", condescending finger at his own race, as if EVERYONE is on welfare. He's disrespected President Obama. This panders to those in the White race who've historically and presently stereotype people of color and who hates the President.
    NOT a word about the wealthy, the greedy corporations & executives, foreign countries like already-wealthy Isreal, BIG OIL, etc., who rely on U.S.Government Funds ~yet the idiots are anti-government~and all of the other races who need welfare subsistance, INCLUDING Whites. Is this what you call "God-like" or is it just plain hypocritical?

    • @rkyobo
      @rkyobo 9 років тому

      UNbowed62 So you don't give Dr. Carson the American right to have his own opinions?? I really detest the way liberals think they OWN all minority groups and women! I am a white woman and I am a conservative. I have voted for conservative democrats as well as republicans. I'm a Christian and love everyone because the Bible teaches me to love everyone. But I'm against name-calling and criticizing those with whom I disagree. Your remarks about Dr. Carson, a great man and role model for young people are very disrespectful. Because he disagrees with your thought processes, you call him a sell-out?? How arrogant is that?!

    • @UNbowed62
      @UNbowed62 9 років тому

      +rkyobo I'll tell you what arrogance is: the audacity of many Americans to applaud the VILE, hateful & disrespectful
      venom coming from wacky extremists for last 7 yrs, directed at the POTUS, then you EXPECT these detractors to be shown respect by those who criticize these wacky detractors. Carson is NOT the POTUS. He & all your other fake "christians" on the extreme right are just using the "christian" card--after they do & say their dirt. King of the name callers can't stand the heat.

    • @rkyobo
      @rkyobo 9 років тому

      +UNbowed62 You seem to me to be the racist one!!! Have you read Dr. Carson's books - any of them??? Please read "One Nation" and "You Have a Brain". I double-dog dare you to!!!

  • @freein2339
    @freein2339 9 років тому

    Ben Carson and Pat Robertson....two nut cases....

  • @vdjsd123
    @vdjsd123 10 років тому

    Hahaha, "always monitor what goes into your brain". A religious fanatic saying that. I wonder if he does that with the bible stories