I can totally relate to this video! Except growing up in boarding school was so hard! Kinda lost my identity coz I am not too Asian to be British and too British in HK. However, the cultural dynamics definately broaden my horizon and I learned to be so idenpendent and quick to adapt in new environments. Although I still feel like an outsider even with my own family due to growing up without them, I am still so grateful to my mum for sending me off to boarding school in UK.
I lost my identity too I think im a mix of everything. I went to UK boarding school and I ended up studying uni in Australia. I live in Australia now. I feel like I’m Hong konger British Australian, I can’t just be one or the other.
其實用大人嘅眼光看待每個個體真係好重要,我嘅中學(雖然喺香港)老師通常都係稱呼我哋ladies(女校),好多活動亦都係俾學生由頭到尾自己搞,老師只係喺同學尋求幫助嘅時候先俾出提點,學業上都唔會特登俾太大壓力,功課唔算太多(雖然有test),俾學生自己安排溫書時間,學習壓力幾乎淨係嚟自於peer pressure,有唔少自由。當然呢d都係出於老師對學生嘅信任,但咁樣真係會俾學生更大嘅發展空間,I LOVE my school 😅
Ooh they're so cute. treasure every second with your boys . My Boy is now 23 years old and finished his master's degree. I wish the clock turn back, so I can spend more time with him.
Not all boarding schools are the same. The child’s personality, his/her adaptability all play a role in the boarding school experience. Some children need a lot of family’s support and parents being around, some are very independent and ready to explore the world. So all kids are different
I am with Laurence. Kids grow up so quickly and you don't want to miss their childhood. That precious time will never come back. You will have your empty nest time at the end of the day so why hurry?
actually, 其實now I'm a teenager, I want the life that you was talking about in boarding school, but since I and my family are in Uk now,I think it won't happen to me😅
Hi Gladys! May I ask where did you get your sweater from? It looks really cute on you! Thank You! Btw I really found it relatable in your experience talking about UK boarding school! I was also sent overseas (to U.S) when I was 14 and I’m there since! Thank you for doing this video! ❤
Lmao I can relate to that people spoke English to me when I went back to HK😂 they were surprised when I told them I can speak Cantonese. My fashion and makeup style were definitely influenced. I’m very western now
I’m currently studying in a boarding school in HK and I can tell you it’s a living hell💀我唔知道我上世人做錯左啲咩事先會apply寄宿學校 喺我最需要屋企人嘅時候我只可以自己靜靜雞喺自己corner到喊 仲要有Wi-Fi cut 你想聽歌都因為unstable connection聽唔到 it also comes with a lot of drama and scandals 如果有得揀我寧願讀DSE成績差啲都唔轉去間boarding school… can’t imagine how gladys survived boarding school in a new country 😭🫂
I’m studying in boarding school in uk right now,moved to uk 2 and a half year ago.I want to say uk boarding school is hell.We need to hand in our phones every night and there’s fight and bullying and drama in my school everyday.I think maybe boarding school life in the 1990s-2000s were still good but I want to say boarders nowadays are so mean and there’s a lot of racism.I feel homesick and lonely sometimes because most of my friends are day students. My roommates screams and being so noisy everynight,i just want to sleep.I regret going boarding school now and I want to go home(Not UK,My real home is HK)but I still need to finish my gcse course which still have 2 years to go.I really want to die now.I miss my Hong Kong friends more and more but seeing them having new friendship groups make me feel even worse.And British people are so rude and not what everyone expected. Uk is not as nice as people thought.
大家好,我喺Gladys 嘅媽咪。我都分享吓英國寄宿學校的多面體。Gladys 嘅哥哥讀男校,我感覺哥哥嘅學校非常嚴格。學生的生活作息,讀書考試,課外活動都非常有系統。哥哥入學後一星期內巳完全適應寄宿生活,忙碌而又充實嘅生活中根本冇時間掛住屋企😂👍🏼
至於Gladys嘅學校則較注重個別學生的培養。學業上有一定的要求,但學業以外學校會盡量鼓勵、支持和配合學生發展個人的興趣。因為學校較注重個人化的培養,咁相對就好似無咁有系統,無咁嚴格,亦較適合Gladys 那種率性自我,天馬行空的性格。
多謝 Gladys 媽媽嘅補充同分享!你真係培育咗一個好好,充滿愛對生活有熱誠嘅女兒👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
我都係year 9去英國寄宿學校讀書,我超級感激我屋企人送我去英國寄宿,實在改變我一生!未去英國之前,我喺香港讀書極度挫敗,感到一無是處,同屋企人當時嘅關係唔好,返學簡直令我想死(當時真係有自殺念頭)。去咗英國之後,啲老師好encouraging 學校比好多機會我,喺嗰度建立咗自信心,由香港最bottom 嘅學生,過到去變咗最top。因為多咗成功感建立返自信,同埋嗰度嘅教學模式好活潑,令我好努力咁讀書,最後gcse 有5A* 4A 考返入HKU. 寄宿嘅生活好開心,啲英國同學全部都好nice, 對亞洲人好好奇,成日邀請我去佢哋屋企sleep over. 我亦都遇到好好嘅guardian, 到而家過咗20年我哋都保持聯絡,好似屋企人咁。係teenage years 係好critical 嘅period 塑造一個人嘅性格同價值觀,我非常感恩我爸爸媽媽當年嘅決定,令我成為今日嘅我❤️
Love Finley's ending. He's so cute. Guess he's like Gladys would not mind going to boarding school and Noah is more like Laurence 😊
香港教育好多都都係只關心成績好嘅學生,我同我細佬係香港都係讀Band 1學校,佢仲要名校,因為其實有啲靠關係入,所以都係成績最尾嗰班,其實真係好辛苦個人都容易燥啲,之後都去咗外國我去英國佢唔係去咗其他國家,但大家都開心咗好多,外國雖然都有小部份係會睇成績既老師,但大部份都係公平對待你⋯我仲有個家姐佢就本身已經成績好好所以可能咁佢去外國就反而分別不大係話,不過一開始提議去外國讀書係我家姐,但因為我成績最差所以送我去先睇下點😂所以屋企如果有能力喺香港大壓力其實去外國讀書真係好需要,因為香港教育灌輸你要成績好先可以有出路,所以根本唔太容納我哋呢班成績麻麻嘅學生
我覺你同你既仔(如果而家)既分別係...你入寄宿學校嗰陣係踏入青春期, 開始想識多d出面既朋友, 但仔仔而家重未, 所以唔會想去,
對於寄宿學校, 如果無同輩欺凌既問題出現, 成個寄宿校園生涯應該會好開心, 反之, 就會變成一個持續成年既惡夢, 陰影
I can totally relate to this video! Except growing up in boarding school was so hard! Kinda lost my identity coz I am not too Asian to be British and too British in HK. However, the cultural dynamics definately broaden my horizon and I learned to be so idenpendent and quick to adapt in new environments. Although I still feel like an outsider even with my own family due to growing up without them, I am still so grateful to my mum for sending me off to boarding school in UK.
Glad to hear that you had a good time in UK
I lost my identity too I think im a mix of everything. I went to UK boarding school and I ended up studying uni in Australia. I live in Australia now. I feel like I’m Hong konger British Australian, I can’t just be one or the other.
Having watched so many UA-camrs doing their vlogs / videos, i was so captivated by urs. So different from d rest. Way to go
一個青少年的成長,朋輩的影響至為重要。對於寄宿學校的學生,朋輩的影響會比其他青少年大,父母也較難察覺到兒女在成長路上所遇到的困難,害怕兒女交了朋友,培養了壞習慣,又或被欺凌。不過如果幸運的話,遇上一個盡責任有能力的housemaster, 對宿生有好的觀察和輔導,父母可能就比較放心。
11:36 Gladys 好靚❤
I liked my boarding school days a lot! 尤其是上到中六中七老師當我地大人
其實用大人嘅眼光看待每個個體真係好重要,我嘅中學(雖然喺香港)老師通常都係稱呼我哋ladies(女校),好多活動亦都係俾學生由頭到尾自己搞,老師只係喺同學尋求幫助嘅時候先俾出提點,學業上都唔會特登俾太大壓力,功課唔算太多(雖然有test),俾學生自己安排溫書時間,學習壓力幾乎淨係嚟自於peer pressure,有唔少自由。當然呢d都係出於老師對學生嘅信任,但咁樣真係會俾學生更大嘅發展空間,I LOVE my school 😅
Ooh they're so cute. treasure every second with your boys . My Boy is now 23 years old and finished his master's degree. I wish the clock turn back, so I can spend more time with him.
雖然我沒去喎寄宿學校但我想講吓我以前係香港時候,成績係唔好以後我爸媽搬咗去英國讀書,我在聾人學校(我係天生聾人)以後呢我入Secondary school(專門收聾人)我Y7 但係呢我數學真聰明到連Y11-Y8完全唔識😅所以呢我成為全校數學最聰明嘅人😅😅
哈哈,我都估到Finny會想走😅😂 boarding school.
When will you visit your house mother? ❤ I love your videos, keep it up. 🎉😊
Thanks for your sharing, your experience can be a good reference for those who are planning for boarding school.
Not all boarding schools are the same. The child’s personality, his/her adaptability all play a role in the boarding school experience. Some children need a lot of family’s support and parents being around, some are very independent and ready to explore the world. So all kids are different
I related to this so much! I was born and raised in Hong Kong but moved to the States when i was 18 for undergrad and grad school lol
Reynold’s Family 🇬🇧Christmas Time is the time Thank yiou God for your salvation. 😇
I am with Laurence. Kids grow up so quickly and you don't want to miss their childhood. That precious time will never come back. You will have your empty nest time at the end of the day so why hurry?
Hello! 之前你有介紹喺曼徹斯特睇牙齒,醫生係香港人,可唔可以比資料我?🙏😊
我也感欣十一歲就去boarding school.
我個女原本由好looking forward to 寄宿,初初兩個月好鐘意學校好空曠、又養咗好多羊,夜晚黑媽媽天空好多星星,然後兩個月後開始悶,啲伙食永遠係chips,凍嘅pizza,乾嘅肉,對於亞洲人嚟講,係地獄廚房!然而個女有本地同學話學校嘅食物已經好食自己媽咪整嘅嘢😂
actually, 其實now I'm a teenager, I want the life that you was talking about in boarding school, but since I and my family are in Uk now,I think it won't happen to me😅
Hi Gladys! May I ask where did you get your sweater from? It looks really cute on you! Thank You! Btw I really found it relatable in your experience talking about UK boarding school! I was also sent overseas (to U.S) when I was 14 and I’m there since! Thank you for doing this video! ❤
其實Laurence係咪識聽廣東話?😂 12:51
Lmao I can relate to that people spoke English to me when I went back to HK😂 they were surprised when I told them I can speak Cantonese. My fashion and makeup style were definitely influenced. I’m very western now
Trash talk, merit to yourself
一係就好似bob叔間boarding sch 咁 根本無同你分咩人 就係打交學校一間
Can Lawrence comment about the recent performance of Man United?
你媽咪係為你著想 選對學校 你要感激佢啲你唔知啦 你父母真係好痛愛你 我成日會睇你嘅視頻㗎餵你個鬼佬丈夫不錯人品都不差兩個小朋友好聰明伶俐🎉🎉🎉🎉
真係祇有媽媽先聽到個仔噏乜野,唔打字幕完全唔知Finly 噏乜😂😂😂😂
哈哈 好似Peppa Pig 裡面個George, so qq
What made you going back to HK for university? I am always curious about it🤔
first ❤
When Band five wants HK, Band one of course would give to them.
I have proved they can’t increase in Band numbers. XDDD
幾好吖 你媽媽同你安排得好好 點都好過你就咁係香港讀完個中學
I’m currently studying in a boarding school in HK and I can tell you it’s a living hell💀我唔知道我上世人做錯左啲咩事先會apply寄宿學校 喺我最需要屋企人嘅時候我只可以自己靜靜雞喺自己corner到喊 仲要有Wi-Fi cut 你想聽歌都因為unstable connection聽唔到 it also comes with a lot of drama and scandals 如果有得揀我寧願讀DSE成績差啲都唔轉去間boarding school… can’t imagine how gladys survived boarding school in a new country 😭🫂
Talk to your parents or any persons you trust, could non-boarder be an option?
I’m studying in boarding school in uk right now,moved to uk 2 and a half year ago.I want to say uk boarding school is hell.We need to hand in our phones every night and there’s fight and bullying and drama in my school everyday.I think maybe boarding school life in the 1990s-2000s were still good but I want to say boarders nowadays are so mean and there’s a lot of racism.I feel homesick and lonely sometimes because most of my friends are day students. My roommates screams and being so noisy everynight,i just want to sleep.I regret going boarding school now and I want to go home(Not UK,My real home is HK)but I still need to finish my gcse course which still have 2 years to go.I really want to die now.I miss my Hong Kong friends more and more but seeing them having new friendship groups make me feel even worse.And British people are so rude and not what everyone expected. Uk is not as nice as people thought.
@@oliviawonghkukTell your parents. Be strong.
一年around 50!
@@twinky2845 包零用書簿衫褲錢?
Noah個樣好可憐,睇得出真系吾想去boarding school😂
細佬 好明顯 吾知乜係 寄宿學校😂😅
I am intrigued
因為自己英文差 好驚自己一個去生存唔到
+1 我都放棄咗去加拿大讀 後悔莫及 不過而家出嚟做嘢再翻去校園
@@TopicContemporary 加油阿!唔容易架!我都係中學完就做野做左1年先番去再讀書
祇要有一位外國朋友一定要用英語溝通 , 呢種叫做禮貌 , 你都唔想別人係你面前講啲你唔識嘅語言 !
But what your mum expect you speak great English for a Husband family purpose?
唔係咁點有做topic 做vlog
@@betsyc8042 其實我睇佢d宣傳,佢同其他香港移英UA-camrs無分別,都係搵啅頭博高收視率😂🤭佢既優勢只不過係佢老公係鬼佬同生咗兩件Kings咁大把!🤪
@@meili9991 係呀
@@betsyc8042 😂😆我要返工無咁有閑情🙏同埋我唔太鍾意d人口不對心,要咁樣博出位同收視率🤣
@@meili9991 咁佢工作係UA-camr 自然就要出賣自己野黎搏收視唔係點賺錢
What are bologna?
I'm glad you're not my wife/friend/family member, you drive people crazy.👎👎😭😭😱😱
Why is that so?
When will you visit your house mother? ❤ I love your videos, keep it up. 🎉😊