Plan with me | July 2018 Bullet Journal Setup | Vintage Storybook

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @NaomiBenatar
    @NaomiBenatar 6 років тому +80

    This was truly so beautiful. I know that you have spoken many times about your goal to write a children's book. This was it. I can absolutely picture myself as a little kid (especially toward the end of elementary school and definitely during middle school) relating to this message so much and being encouraged and inspired by the illustrations. If I were a parent, I would buy that book in a heart beat and as a babysitter, that would be the one I chose every time.

  • @BerryandtheBeast
    @BerryandtheBeast 6 років тому +29

    I wish you would write and illustrate your own children's stories. I love each adventure you create with each new month, they are full of magic and beauty, but also real feelings and fears. You always tie it off with positivity, something I think the world needs much more of 💕

    • @LaughingInTiny
      @LaughingInTiny 6 років тому

      Exactly what I was going to say! The illustrations are gorgeous!

  • @bmellow2462
    @bmellow2462 6 років тому +31

    Thank you for another beautiful story/ illustration. Please write the book. Your work is worth it.

    • @christinemylinh
      @christinemylinh  6 років тому

      Yes!! Thank you so much for the encouragement!! Sending you a huge hug! 💕

    • @oliviamc4723
      @oliviamc4723 6 років тому

      Maybe a podcast, you have a lovely voice and an awesome story💚

  • @siniandersen3728
    @siniandersen3728 6 років тому +15

    That was a beautiful story. You could make your drawings as a book and write the things with your pictures. I would buy your books and read them with my children.

    • @christinemylinh
      @christinemylinh  6 років тому +1

      Yes! I have the same thought and a plan for how to do this too! Thank you so much for the lovely comment! 💕

  • @sonipitts
    @sonipitts 6 років тому

    If there are stories like this out there, it just proves there's a need for them...

  • @AudreyStanley
    @AudreyStanley 6 років тому

    Who knew a Plan With Me video could make you cry?! I always love your illustrations but I keep watching because of your storytelling. Thank you for sharing with us!

  • @Mairshappiness
    @Mairshappiness 6 років тому

    Brought me to tears. True peace is found in self acceptance and appreciation... a life long journey for most. You must turn the story of the Bunny and the Bear into a children's story... learning of self love should be taught as soon as possible and no better way than with a beautiful whimsical story and beautiful illustration. Truly wonderful video... thank you.

  • @brionyrose6849
    @brionyrose6849 6 років тому

    I may or may not have cried a little. You seem so peaceful and I hope and pray you find that peace within yourself to relax into who you are and be confident with yourself xxx

  • @vikivegh
    @vikivegh 6 років тому +6

    This was a beautiful story. Why am I crying right now... I want to hug the bunny.

    • @christinemylinh
      @christinemylinh  6 років тому

      Aw, I cried too as I was writing it! Sending you a huge hug and lots of love! 💕

  • @AnnaLMakeup
    @AnnaLMakeup 6 років тому +37

    I got so emotional while watching this. I'm really hard on myself as well and hate not doing something as well as I wanted. And usually that is the level of perfection which is just unrealistic. I hope you can find peace and happiness and learn to appreciate your amazing talent and achievements. You are enough and beyond just the way you are! I'm going to dedicate the month of july for self-improvent, self-love and the things I want to make happen the most as well. And I can be easier on myself on other aspects of my life. Because in the end of the day, time is so valuable and I want to spend it for reaching my personal goals and shaping my future as I want it to be.
    Good luck for the brighter chapter on your life! ^^

  • @clairevandenbroek5786
    @clairevandenbroek5786 6 років тому

    Wow...who else agrees this would make a great childrens book? It is such an important lesson for everyone to learn

  • @joybaybay8816
    @joybaybay8816 6 років тому

    Anyone else teared up while watching this? This was just beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing this, you’re truly wonderful.

  • @lindacurtis589
    @lindacurtis589 6 років тому

    Christine, thank you so much for deciding to share your inspirational story. It truly was special. These stories that you tell need to be put into audible books as you tell the stories so well! Your voice is soothing! I really appreciate being able to follow your story.

  • @imit1989
    @imit1989 6 років тому +38

    You have the most beautiful style of drawing! Simple and so gorgeous, I adore it!

  • @natashathomas3810
    @natashathomas3810 6 років тому

    Please please please continue your dream of creating a book - your stories are always so inspiring and always timely! At any age these stories resonate with us all. Thank you for always sharing and always inspiring!

    @MMGARC 6 років тому

    You are so magical in your stories and in your art. They go hand in hand and I'm mesmerized sitting here listening and watching you. Your stories would not only touch the children, but all of us adults as well. Please keep doing what you're doing - and I would write those books for children as they would love them as all of us do.

  • @annemiedingemans386
    @annemiedingemans386 6 років тому

    It doesn't matter if the story has been told before, it is a story that can't be told enough ... by many people, everyone in it's own unique way, with their own unique voice, words, drawings, ... It's a message we want our kids to grow up with, but there are very very much older kids, teenagers, young adults and yes even adults and older people who need to hear, see and read this message also. Such kind of a story is not new to me, but what is new to me and very refreshing and absolutely beautiful, is the way you tell it ✨ I would love to see and read your work as a book. Much love ❤️

  • @francineh.7825
    @francineh.7825 6 років тому +2

    Once again your narrating and illustrations have brought a tear to my eye. So lovely! Even if there is a book similar to your ideas that should not stop you from writing a book. The story of the bunny and the bear is something the world needs (would be awesome if you did an audio book as well). Some ideas create their own existence, it seems the bunny and the bear have done that.

  • @mdinunzio7610
    @mdinunzio7610 6 років тому

    your drawings are so lovely. I love the simplicity and elegance to them. The one with the elephant holding the bunny in his trunk is so precious

  • @suegoodread6293
    @suegoodread6293 6 років тому

    Wow. Through tears I write this comment to you. I just found your channel today and chose to watch during difficult times of my own. New job high expectations from myself, low self worth. Your bunny story reminded me of bunny stories I used to make up at story time with my daughter 20 years ago. Thank you for sharing this with us. You reminded me of my greatest achievement. My daughter is the most beautiful person able to stand on her own two feet with confidence. " You are the strength, it is in you already, let it out slowly and enjoy the journey". Sue Goodread xx

  • @labluegypsy
    @labluegypsy 6 років тому

    Such an enchanting story and the illustrations are perfection! I too hope and pray that you write and sell more beautiful stories such as these. We need your magic now more than ever. Please take the leap!

  • @elizabethwilson952
    @elizabethwilson952 6 років тому

    The ostriches, elephant, cheetah, and another bunny is the perfect addition to the story about the bunny and the bear! i love watching your videos!

  • @meredithbrown681
    @meredithbrown681 6 років тому

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - your videos are like a meditation for me! You’re storytelling, your openness, your editing and artistry - it is all so beautiful, introspective and calming. I click the moment I see a new video! Thank you for opening your soul to us - you are beautiful inside and out!

  • @iocoloro
    @iocoloro 6 років тому

    This was an emotional and beautiful story, I can recognize myself in the little bunny's struggles. I'm so happy you shared it with us. I find that you might write a book or something similar with your stories. I'm sure they could teach so much to everyone. I love so much the kindness and love that you spread, so thank you.

  • @thomasm123
    @thomasm123 6 років тому

    I love your videos and your art, and every so often you say something that really speaks to me. "I am everything that I need to be," is one of those times.

  • @mariaamundsen1488
    @mariaamundsen1488 6 років тому +8

    Such a lovely story. We need to be reminded of our self worth, especially when life beats you down. Thanks for the reminder:) ☺️

    • @christinemylinh
      @christinemylinh  6 років тому

      Yes, that's exactly true!! Thank you so much for such a sincere comment! 💕

  • @naomimanley6151
    @naomimanley6151 6 років тому

    This story was so beautiful and speaks a message to the depths of many souls. Please continue to share your light with us. It’s so touching and have you a wonderful gift meant to shared and enjoyed by all.

  • @ciara1452
    @ciara1452 6 років тому +2

    I love this story 💗 I was wondering if you could do more animals tutorials and do a tree frog and a walrus

    • @christinemylinh
      @christinemylinh  6 років тому +1

      Yes! I'll add them to the list, right now I'm a bit tied up with my shop but hopefully later I'll have some time to do more tutorials! 💕 Have a wonderful day!

  • @jessicapermadi6340
    @jessicapermadi6340 6 років тому +4

    CRYING over your narration, i feel the rabbit so much

    • @christinemylinh
      @christinemylinh  6 років тому

      Aw I cried too! Sending you lots of love a huge hug! 💕💕💕

  • @Foolish_huan
    @Foolish_huan 5 років тому

    Your setup is so clean and beautiful! There’s even a sense of minimalism among the complex details..

  • @xfranczeskax
    @xfranczeskax 6 років тому

    I don't think you need to worry about whether such a story exists. I actually am sure there are variations of this theme around. But your version is beautiful and your illustrations absolutely lovely. It screams to be made into a little book!

  • @randommlynn9184
    @randommlynn9184 6 років тому

    I love watching your plan with me videos because I find them so peaceful. I look to forward to each and every month to hear the stories that you have woven in with your videos.

  • @lisabullock5864
    @lisabullock5864 6 років тому

    I'm loving hearing your story. The pops of colour on your gorgeous drawings make them something really special

  • @crissyc2490
    @crissyc2490 6 років тому

    Ohhh i nearly cried. I love love love this spread. And even more the gorgeous elephant. She is stunning. Thank you so much for sharing. You are just gorgeous xx

  • @linusdays
    @linusdays 6 років тому +7

    I love the illustration/story of the bunny. It was very touching and I can relate so much. I'm still working with myself, self-love and not being too hard on myself. Thank you! I also love your spread! ❤

  • @Tb-ew8li
    @Tb-ew8li 6 років тому +1

    Your bullet journal should be in an exhibit. It is stunning 😍

  • @torihui
    @torihui 6 років тому

    OMG. You can totally write a book and illustrate by yourself. The ones for kids or something like that. Great video !

  • @non-binarydiary2365
    @non-binarydiary2365 6 років тому

    This layout is beyond beautiful and your narrative also made me tear up. I always love watching you inking and colouring your spreads

  • @originalrugrat4358
    @originalrugrat4358 6 років тому

    As someone struggling with self love at the moment and struggling with what I want and what I can achieve, this months spread is amazing! I teared up just listening and watching you draw this! I believe we all could do more self love practice and we often feel like the bunny, it was just so perfect! Thank you for sharing this!!! I’m dedicating my July to self love, thank you! Also your drawings are as stunning as always! Xx

  • @LifeDIYJosie
    @LifeDIYJosie 6 років тому

    At over 50 years old, I have been through a lot in life! I struggled with a lot of things earlier on. Often, with self-esteem. In my journey to maturity, I’ve learned to embrace my flaws and be thankful for what I have. Thanks for reminding and inspiring everyone to stay true to oneself, accept and flourish with what you have! I would love to enter your giveaway because I really love your work! 😍😘🤗❤️

  • @melissawalcott3946
    @melissawalcott3946 6 років тому

    This is probably one of my favorite spreads you have done thus’s absolutely incredible

  • @ameliavicente3493
    @ameliavicente3493 6 років тому

    I never thought I needed a bullet journal video in my life as much as I did. This is what I needed to hear. Thank you for the knowledge of self love and self improvement. I will be growing with you in July with self love

  • @klaudittha96
    @klaudittha96 6 років тому

    I loved the story you did. Sometimes we forget to pause to really realize that we have enormous value. It's good to have things like your story to remember these things in daily life

  • @theayesha147
    @theayesha147 6 років тому

    I teared up listening to you narrate the story. I needed to hear this right now. & its so fitting that July is my birth month.
    Thank you for this. I really wish you can publish story books because these stories are amazing.

  • @bujobyah7695
    @bujobyah7695 6 років тому

    Your stories and videos are so beautiful! I love how you make a little story with animals to explain what you may be struggling with yourself. It’s so inspiring and eye opening. You’re so brave for telling the story to all of us. You inspire me to be a better human being, and really think about my actions. You make me want to be the human being I want to be, and not the human being everybody else wants me to be. Love and appreciate you so much! Keep up the good work! You’re doing absolutely amazing.

  • @rachaelstoll9197
    @rachaelstoll9197 6 років тому

    I love how you incorporated a story and illustrations into your bullet journal 💛

  • @nonMuggle
    @nonMuggle 6 років тому

    I loved meeting the elephant, the ostriches, and the rest! You do such a wonderful job making your bullet journaling meaningful. Even if I can't draw like you, I can be inspired to make my own bullet journal personal and special. I'm so glad you're making these videos!

  • @victoriaanneemslie2642
    @victoriaanneemslie2642 6 років тому

    My son is so excited to see your book finished. He loves the story, it deeply touches his spirit - he is 9 years old. I, too, love it and we cannot wait to read it all

  • @sherrygraham8650
    @sherrygraham8650 6 років тому

    I’m sure I will watch this over and over just to hear your sweet story.

  • @staceydeller2881
    @staceydeller2881 6 років тому

    You are such a beautiful woman. I broke down as this story was so close to my own and the pain was felt in more than a few tears. Be strong and know you are worth more than you truely can or ever will imagine. Gentle hugs, Stacey

  • @edeline1313
    @edeline1313 6 років тому

    Amazed (like every month) but this time the story touch me even more since I struggle too with missing self love. Thank you for this sweet way to say difficult things !!!

  • @SewWhittle
    @SewWhittle 6 років тому

    This actually brought tears to my eyes. Another beautiful job! Thanks for sharing.

  • @always_cornelia
    @always_cornelia 6 років тому

    I love the elephant's smiling eyes, thank you for sharing such a beautiful story Christine..♥

  • @tatiellentarzo5455
    @tatiellentarzo5455 6 років тому

    Girl, you're pure gold. Just thank you so much for showing your art. ❤

  • @ephinys8169
    @ephinys8169 6 років тому

    The beauty of this video is how personal it is, and this is very valuable! Your work is very inspiring and many times I have found comfort in your words and art. In a way we all accompany each other in our own difficulties, even if they are different. I'm a teacher and while I watched it with my daughter we spoke about how talented you are and that you could easily become a writer or an illustrator for children's literature. Your narrative is just beautiful and really meaningful in aspects that matter. We were deeply touched! Thank you for opening up :)

  • @julianaesezobor6240
    @julianaesezobor6240 6 років тому

    Your bunny reminds me of myself how I want to be perfect but but it also reminds me that perfection means to love yourself

    • @christinemylinh
      @christinemylinh  6 років тому

      Yes! That's exactly true! Thank you so much for leaving me a lovely message! 💕

  • @girrrllllll
    @girrrllllll 6 років тому

    I am honestly crying. Such a great story and such beautiful, MEANINGFUL illustrations. So much love for you. Thank you for being so open and such an inspiration ❤️

  • @karenjohnson391
    @karenjohnson391 6 років тому

    Your voice is so soothing, your story so amazing, your art so beautiful. Bless all you do in your journey!

  • @mariep-MAPAT
    @mariep-MAPAT 6 років тому

    Just Wow! the story, the drawings, ... everything!!

  • @StudioKarah
    @StudioKarah 6 років тому

    Love love LOVE the ostriches you drew and your story was so touching. Really amazing to see how you word your story along side your drawings. So in love with everything of this setup! ❤

  • @RobinT346
    @RobinT346 6 років тому

    This story has so much meaning to me. It's beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing your experience and art

  • @pianofinqers4068
    @pianofinqers4068 6 років тому

    Your voice is so lovely and soothing! I could listen to your stories all day.

  • @MelRos29
    @MelRos29 6 років тому

    I love you so much Christine! Not only are you an incredible artist but your heart is so beautiful and true! I get so, so much from your videos. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!

  • @JaniLewisPaperCompulsions
    @JaniLewisPaperCompulsions 6 років тому

    Lovely story and wonderful artwork. I used to be an elementary teacher and have read tons of children's books. I think this would make a wonderful book.

  • @musictoliveby08
    @musictoliveby08 6 років тому

    I totally sympathize with your story and love your self-love goals. Thank you for being transparent and blessing us with your beautiful story and illustrations. It doesn't matter if there is a similar story; it would not have been told in the unique way yours has been. I would love to have a copy of yours. Listening to you tell your story, with your calming and beautiful voice, just brings such peace and thoughtfulness to my day. Thank you for being you and sharing Christine. Richest of blessings and happy blessed birthday to you! Have an AMAZING year with many more to come. :) ~ Suzanne xoxo

  • @cassandraearly4854
    @cassandraearly4854 6 років тому

    Thank you for sharing your story! I always love the stories of the bunny and the bear! As to this month's theme- God made you with just the talents and gifts, shape and size that He wanted you. He calls you beautiful and His opinion is what matters- not anyone else's. He loves you and wants to celebrate over who you are with you! A similar story is the Flutterby story in the Serendipity collection. You would probably love that entire collection. It is beautiful.

  • @maysoonkheir5274
    @maysoonkheir5274 6 років тому

    Thank you very much for sharing, you are amazing and your work is soooo pretty. Your story reminds me of a children story of a fish who wanted to turn into other animals because she wasn’t happy with her life. After turning into a bird, a mouse and a bear she chooses to go back and be a fish because being who you are is the best.
    Love from Jerusalem- Plestine

  • @DanzienStudio
    @DanzienStudio 6 років тому

    I love the way you tell a story while doing the plan with me. It makes this video unique and moving. Keep it up!

  • @ngoosje
    @ngoosje 6 років тому

    I absolutely love your stories that go with your bulletjournal, every time! but this one... it made me cry a little bit, since I'm struggeling with exactly this. Loving me for me, I will try just that! THANK YOU, I needed this

  • @XWhoaXAngieX
    @XWhoaXAngieX 6 років тому

    This spread is so beautiful. I love following your journey and that of the bunnies so far this year. I'm wishing you well and sending you love as you aim to focus on self-care this month and the many months to come. 🖤

  • @elfincrafter
    @elfincrafter 6 років тому

    Beautiful new chapter to the story with so many new creatures. I ❤ it so much ❤. I have finally learned to love myself it is life changing.

  • @minzerellaminzi2651
    @minzerellaminzi2651 6 років тому

    Oh I got goosebumps. What a nice voice, story and drawing 😍

  • @bangtanpotato2163
    @bangtanpotato2163 5 років тому

    This is so beautiful and pleasing. Your voice is soothing and the minimalist design was one of the best!

  • @SheLovesToColor
    @SheLovesToColor 6 років тому

    I love this month's theme of self-love 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

  • @angelinajauch4120
    @angelinajauch4120 6 років тому

    This story was so beautiful 😍. It actually made me cry, because I know those feelings so well, but I always keep them to myself because I don’t want other persons to think that I’m weak. This video reminded me that I‘m beautiful the way I am, even with all those flaws and that there are enough people who love me. I‘m really thankful to all of them and that you shared this wonderful story with us even tough it’s so personal to you. That was really brave!
    Thank you ❤️✨

  • @mariekeh874
    @mariekeh874 5 років тому +1


  • @temoe8578
    @temoe8578 6 років тому

    July is also my birthday month and this story suddenly felt really relatable, so thank you so much for sharing it with us. It just touched me personally.

  • @silkyyoonie
    @silkyyoonie 6 років тому

    Your videos are so inspiring and beautiful, and so calming. As July is also my birth month, I will try to love myself instead of hating, although that is extremely difficult for me. Since I have and keep a bullet journal I'm in awe of your drawings and stories, and every video I wish to draw and plan better, mine is often just lined as I'm terrible at drawing, and I often consider just giving up on BJing, yet your videos keep me from stopping. Thank you so much

  • @patriciashanahan8017
    @patriciashanahan8017 6 років тому

    Elegant, heartfelt narrative with such love and exquisite designs.😊😊love your bunny narratives always so thoughtful warm and touching. May God bless you !

  • @JennieJoy.Journals
    @JennieJoy.Journals 6 років тому

    This video bumped you to the TOP of my favorite bujo creator 😍

  • @ashema1234
    @ashema1234 6 років тому

    I love this video! The inspiration, the drawings with the mandala accents. I can relate so much to this video and self-love is something that so much of us struggle with and this video is what I needed. 💕

  • @ciitlaliic
    @ciitlaliic 6 років тому +1

    Y’all I’m about to cry, this is beautiful.

  • @amelliceb6960
    @amelliceb6960 6 років тому +9

    This was so inspiring and beautiful to watch 😭. Love your art and this story 💕💕

  • @lo0segrip
    @lo0segrip 6 років тому

    Thank you so much for sharing this story!! It made me tear as you told it because I resonate with the bunny so much. I have always felt I don't have as much of a presence as others because I am short and small physically. And I have always wished I was taller so I could have a more powerful presence.. but I have learned through your story to embrace what God/the Universe has blessed me with and my confidence will shine through that. I will refer back to this when I am doubtful so thank you so much for posting and sharing this story with the world

  • @clairescribner4102
    @clairescribner4102 6 років тому

    Aww! I love your stories. And your illustrations. So much heart and goodness. 💕💕💕

  • @zoebonham6063
    @zoebonham6063 6 років тому

    You are an incredible, humble, talented writer. I cannot express how beautifully written and spoken this story was, it truly brought a tear to my eye too. Published or unpublished, this may now be my favourite story ever. You are so talented, you are so worthy. Keep pushing for your dreams, I can't wait to read your first book!

  • @MrsArchiver
    @MrsArchiver 6 років тому

    I love your stories and look forward to them every month. It fills my heart with joy and inspiration. Thank you 🐰💖

  • @EverlastingDreamshop
    @EverlastingDreamshop 6 років тому

    Happy birthday month!! You’re journal is beautiful, the story is beautiful too. You’re voice and words are captivating. I can’t recall that short, you should definitely write it. Thanks for sharing with us!

  • @michellehoang576
    @michellehoang576 6 років тому

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful story. Its very soft and touching. I like the meaning behind this and everyone has a life lesson to learn. Good luck! The drawings are so detailed and pretty.

  • @talislyre
    @talislyre 6 років тому

    To paraphrase Elizabeth Gilbert, “When somebody cries to me ‘It’s all been done,’ I respond, ‘But not by you.’”
    Please never apologize for or refrain from sharing your personal take on things due to the worry that a similar item exists. You are the one who moved me, inspired me and opened my mind with your courage in making and sharing this spread.
    You bring beauty to the world that didn’t exist before you created it. Nothing anyone else makes diminishes that.
    I hope your fears always push you forward if the result is growth and sharing with us. :)

  • @sudharsana.r4130
    @sudharsana.r4130 6 років тому +1

    I loved all those animals you drew.... Your voice is so warming..And it feels good haring you tell a wonderful story...I always admire you...
    Thanks for sharing ...

  • @Inprintxyz
    @Inprintxyz 6 років тому +81

    This was a beautiful story! And I feel your pain with the high expectations thing, it has been a problem of mine for years! GOOD LUCK WITH ALL YOU GOALS!! 🤗🤗🤗 Also the rabbit is too cute! 😍

  • @deandabbles
    @deandabbles 6 років тому

    Such as amazing story and spread. You are so talented and amazing. A great inspiration and role model. I don't even truly know you but feel you shared such a valuable piece of yourself, and I thank you for opening up like that. This would make an amazing book and fully support it, it needs to come something real. Just remember how much you mean to people even the ones you've never met. Your story and insight reminds me of my favorite book, the little prince. The way you take your struggles and shape them into a lesson that we can all learn from is why I love the little prince. To see the world around us a new. It's so easy to take what we have and are, for granted. Thank you for the great video. I actually stumbled across it while trying to find some inspiration for my own planner/ journal, which I'd love to share with you if that is okay. Thank you again.

  • @aushiaworthen8124
    @aushiaworthen8124 6 років тому

    I love the stories that goes along with your bullet journal. You are inspiration!

  • @brocochocili
    @brocochocili 6 років тому

    your spreads are always so beautiful, and your stories always cut deep-- this one even more. I literally started crying while watching this.. I think I still have a ways to go in self-love too, but maybe today I can get one step closer :'') thank you for this

  • @teddiematteson
    @teddiematteson 6 років тому

    Oh, gosh, I’m on the same journey as the bunny. There are so many serendipitous messages in this video for me, Christine. I love all of your art and videos and messages; this one I especially take to heart. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

  • @arianahill5953
    @arianahill5953 2 роки тому

    This was 3 years ago and still so impactful maybe even more impactful now! I love this story. I would love to read books like this to my children one day

    • @christinemylinh
      @christinemylinh  2 роки тому

      Thank you, Ariana!! I will make my dream come true!! 💪☺️💕 Sending you big hugs!

  • @FullMoonHime08
    @FullMoonHime08 6 років тому

    Your videos and the stories accompanying them always inspire and make me feel so much. Thank you 💝

  • @KelseyDawn
    @KelseyDawn 6 років тому +6

    This was beautiful! And probably the most calming thing I’ve watched here on UA-cam. 💕

    • @christinemylinh
      @christinemylinh  6 років тому

      Aw that is such an honor, thank you so much and I hope you have a wonderful day! 💕

  • @sofiaamoroso8868
    @sofiaamoroso8868 6 років тому

    This is such a beautiful and inspiring spread. I watch your videos every month and each one is amazing!!