Dudes. Those stabs come in at 3, 3, 3, and then 2 to close out the 4 bar loop. And the bass line jams on 3 pulses and a than cheeky one two one. Not to mention the chimes, strings vocal sample echoing out. Beat is sick. One of my favourites. Lord finesse, Primo, Madlib. Real craft. Just imagining battle rappers tearing each other apart to this one. Hip Hop.
Dudes. Those stabs come in at 3, 3, 3, and then 2 to close out the 4 bar loop. And the bass line jams on 3 pulses and a than cheeky one two one. Not to mention the chimes, strings vocal sample echoing out. Beat is sick. One of my favourites. Lord finesse, Primo, Madlib. Real craft. Just imagining battle rappers tearing each other apart to this one. Hip Hop.
Alchemist connected to the soul of Preemo to make this heat! 🔥🔥🔥
я не могу поверить что этот минус и трэк в 2000 записаны, уж слишком офигенно
если сравнить россию и сша 2000 года, то сша будет на много современнее в то время.
Got that Premo feel
DOPEEE!! Love the album
lewis hace suya esta base
Heridas de bala no se van ni con Fairy...
A mi me gusta es una mierda asi