• @negativenetworth
    @negativenetworth 9 років тому +6

    This short documentary doesn't cover all of this event, if you really want to know more about this ship, then watch the ABC documentary. They completely ignored Loretta, who was the cruise director and also was a huge help to the rescue mission. She deserves just as much credit as the other guys.

  • @esophie3457
    @esophie3457 4 роки тому +2

    Mose hill..worked with him on silversea..a very humble person..

  • @jenniferclark9842
    @jenniferclark9842 3 роки тому +1

    I’ve seen it said before, but the band on the Titanic would be proud of this band.

  • @Batben01
    @Batben01 6 років тому +3

    Captain: If some people like to stay, they can stay.
    Me: Hey, the captain of the Costa Concordia called, he says you're a waste of humanity.

  • @SuperDHIMITRI
    @SuperDHIMITRI 14 років тому

    You people dont know what your talking about, I know someone who worked on the ship and they save all the lifes, the crew were the last to come out of the boat. This is the true story, the guitarist and magicman did this only for money and to be famous. Its not fair what they are talking about becuase everyone survived nobody died. Respect Mitch

  • @alucard1931
    @alucard1931 13 років тому

    Julian Butler and Moss Hills deserve fucking medals.

  • @gaylestephen
    @gaylestephen 13 років тому +1

    @kubanit0 not sure whether the captain & crew went to jail but i remember the captain was charged with something like professional misconduct or criminal negligence

  • @kino6111
    @kino6111 12 років тому +1

    that guy does'nt deserve the privilage of being a Capt. at all

  • @thweepz
    @thweepz 15 років тому

    the captain is supposed to go down with the ship but if all of the passengers are safely off the ship the captain is allowed to get off to safety himself.

  • @battousaiblade
    @battousaiblade 11 років тому

    and what really makes me smile is that EVERY SINGLE PASSENGER SURVIVED!!!!

  • @MikeKollin
    @MikeKollin 15 років тому

    Yeah I agree! They could have helped the people load onto the life boats with plenty of time! Instead, they loaded their bags and literally snuck off! What a coward! Did the captain and crew go to jail? Did the cruise line company get sued?

  • @thefantasticfour54
    @thefantasticfour54 11 років тому

    REALY.... The Captain says whoever wants to stay on board stay on board.This is exactly what happens to the titanic.

    • @boataxe4605
      @boataxe4605 4 роки тому

      How? The Titanic didn’t have enough lifeboats for everyone, this ship did. The Titanic’s Captain loaded every lifeboat that he could then went down with his ship,this “Captain” abandoned ship without bothering to load any lifeboats at all.

  • @DorvellTStewart
    @DorvellTStewart 14 років тому

    This World's Most Amazing Videos episode was some sort of countdown, right? Something like "The Top 10 Most Amazing Videos" or something like that? Does anyone know what other clips were featured in this episode?

  • @gaylestephen
    @gaylestephen 13 років тому

    @homersimpson2800 there was no bomb of any kind on the ship, but the storm was a contributing factor. the chief cause of the sinking was a fault in the sewer piping system caused by outdated construction. the ship was over 30 years old, being launched in 1959. there were persistent problems with the sewage system from the very beginning but the ships manufacturing company never bothered to modify the system.

  • @voidforpurpose
    @voidforpurpose 15 років тому

    Cowardly Greek Captain: "Abandon passengers~!"

  • @creaturelover
    @creaturelover 12 років тому

    "If some people like to stay, they can stay"... because the passengers definitely want to stay on the sinking ship -.-

  • @leiumhoma
    @leiumhoma 13 років тому +1

    Im not a rank, im a guitarrist

  • @wenso647
    @wenso647 14 років тому

    i am going on a cruise tommorow why did i watch this? =(
    i am sooooooo scared

  • @homersimpson2800
    @homersimpson2800 13 років тому

    Sorry I had to remove this comment, but I had to rearrange this question. Did the Oceanos sink from being damaged by a bomb threat or a severe storm?

  • @MileyCyrus700
    @MileyCyrus700 15 років тому

    God bless those people who stayed and risked their lives to save people. And, going off subject for a second, I have 22 videos but does anyone know how to upload videos from Windows movie maker? I'd really appreciate if you let me know. I want to make a tribute to the Oceanos. And what a dumbass of a captain. A good captain goes down with his ship.

  • @MikeKollin
    @MikeKollin 15 років тому

    Yes, I would like to know if the crew and captain went to jail also, and did the company get the shit sued out of them.... THis is horrible! I can't believe this? Unbelievable... Horrible!

  • @Kromgar1337
    @Kromgar1337 12 років тому

    I see it the Tortanic

  • @citizen23606
    @citizen23606 6 років тому

    Look up datline nbc the wild coast. much more informative

  • @MikeBarty
    @MikeBarty 12 років тому

    the captain - what a ****

  • @MikeKollin
    @MikeKollin 15 років тому

    Jesus christ! I just saw this on TV... what the f'n hell? What is wrong with this captain and the entire crew? All they had to do was load the people on the life boats, and then could have left with plenty of time to go... He just left them there to die... the passengers didn't know how to drop those boats down! Lucky those guys knew what to do... Did this captain and his crew go to jail for at least 10 years??? Shit!!!!

  • @MikeKollin
    @MikeKollin 15 років тому

    IF the captain and crew would have loaded the people up right away on the life boats, they wouldn't have lost the life boats by the time the ship tipped over! And it wouldn't have been so close to them all dying... I just can't believe this cowardly bastard and crew! They should get the shit kicked out of them, then thrown in prison for a long long time!!! Did these people sue the shit out of the cruise line???

  • @Mexulify
    @Mexulify 14 років тому

    @SuperDHIMITRI You said you only knew somebody that worked on the ship

  • @stnicholas54
    @stnicholas54 14 років тому

    Choose your battles.

  • @SuperDHIMITRI
    @SuperDHIMITRI 14 років тому

    I was there m8!!
    You wasn`t there body so u dont know what u talking about brother...

  • @SuperDHIMITRI
    @SuperDHIMITRI 13 років тому

    ok then guys,this`s what you thing that im a liar..ok,,no prob,,good luck in your lifes..

  • @BVictor21
    @BVictor21 12 років тому

    The captain and crew were cowardly assholes.
    "When I order to abandon ship that's for everyone; if some people want to stay they can stay."
    I certainly hope they were prosecuted or at least lost their license for dereliction of duty.

  • @melting_grrl
    @melting_grrl 12 років тому


  • @lawladinlawlaw
    @lawladinlawlaw 12 років тому
