Banyak yg bilang seharysnya yg juara putri filipina,,, in sya Allah juri lbh tau kualitas para peserta yak,,, putri diana trlihat bnyk gerak,,, tp secara variasi, menurut sy; makhroj n ketepatan mad lbh jelas Indonesia,,,
even other indonrsians said.. the true winner is the philipines.. we have noticed since then 1980s to date that no matter how good is our contestant, still it could not land for top 1, but if the venue of the competion is in other country, sometime filipino made it to top one... why... why... we accept, we are just fruit of your works, yoj made us what we are now, we are not your compititor.. yoj should be proud of us...
@abdul bashed By right the winner should go to Philippines not Indonesia..I don't know how those juri choose indonesia.maybe thereis a mistake somewhere.. Many of us said Philippines should be the winner
Yes, even me as Indonesian, i really love the recitation of Philippines, but also I don't have rights to precede the jury's decision.. let's see the next international competition in another country and do better.. the closest one of international competition is in Iraq.
Sebaiknya, seperti lomba di timur tengah ya.. yang juara betul2 juara.. bikin bangga... kalau asean, sebaik apapun dari luar negara, kalau gak mutlak nilainya, twtap gak bisa juara.m
i think never happened in the history of Quran reading competition in your country that a Filipino/ Filipina is the first place... since 1970s.. but if the venue of competition is in other country, sometimes filipino is the first place.. you are supposed to be proud of us, because historically, we become muslim becuase of you, Indonesia and Malaysia.. Filipino Muslims are just fruit of your works... we are not your competitor...
Tahniah dari Malaysia utk Indonesia..setlh 10thn berjaya mmonopoli keseluruhan juara MTQ international
Masya Allah Tabarakallah juara di borong Indonesia, Semoga Idonesia Sllu dlm lindungan Allah Aamiin Ya Robb alamin 🤲🤲🤲
Indnesia kren👍👍
Alhamdulillah pemenang dari Indonesia
juaranya di borong Indonesia, he he heeeeee.
Padahal gaya bacaan sama aja gaya2 itu2 aja tapi dari Sabah luar biasa bacaannya
Banyak yg bilang seharysnya yg juara putri filipina,,, in sya Allah juri lbh tau kualitas para peserta yak,,, putri diana trlihat bnyk gerak,,, tp secara variasi, menurut sy; makhroj n ketepatan mad lbh jelas Indonesia,,,
Alhamdulillah 3 ya Allah ya Rahman ya Rahim, Qori dan Qoriah Indonesia sebagai juara telah mengharumkan nama negara Indonesia.
Juara nya di borong,
Qari' qari'ah
Hafiz, hafizah.
Tapi apapun keputusan dewan juri adalah muktamad
Tidak bisa di ganggu gugat oleh siapapun.
Bisa gitu yaa di borong sama indo semua 🤣🤣
Karna juara 1 skrng dr indonesian..bnyak cctnya..dari suar jg bgsan dari plipina
even other indonrsians said.. the true winner is the philipines..
we have noticed since then 1980s to date that no matter how good is our contestant, still it could not land for top 1, but if the venue of the competion is in other country, sometime filipino made it to top one... why... why... we accept, we are just fruit of your works, yoj made us what we are now, we are not your compititor.. yoj should be proud of us...
@abdul bashed
By right the winner should go to Philippines not Indonesia..I don't know how those juri choose indonesia.maybe thereis a mistake somewhere..
Many of us said Philippines should be the winner
Yes, even me as Indonesian, i really love the recitation of Philippines, but also I don't have rights to precede the jury's decision.. let's see the next international competition in another country and do better.. the closest one of international competition is in Iraq.
Seharusnya Qoriah filipina juara 1
you are right the true winner is Filipino.. but that is your culture..
Masyaalloh kayaknya antum lebih bijak dari dewan hakim ya
Philipina bacaannya ada tawallud,,, kayak ngerti aja lu
Indon patut non3 .. Philipine non1
Wkwkwk GK faham dia tawalud² kaya ny😂😂@@sulyadialvin-nt8xm
jurinya dari negara mana aja om,,, ?? biar gk ada curiga di antara kita...!!😊😊
Sebaiknya, seperti lomba di timur tengah ya.. yang juara betul2 juara.. bikin bangga... kalau asean, sebaik apapun dari luar negara, kalau gak mutlak nilainya, twtap gak bisa juara.m
Kalau penilaian sy mestinya..juara 1 dari plipina sbgai koriah..juara 1
Ada yg jali ka di ayat 3 sama berhenti di waqof lam
i think never happened in the history of Quran reading competition in your country that a Filipino/ Filipina is the first place... since 1970s..
but if the venue of competition is in other country, sometimes filipino is the first place..
you are supposed to be proud of us, because historically, we become muslim becuase of you, Indonesia and Malaysia.. Filipino Muslims are just fruit of your works... we are not your competitor...
sorry for us because we are not indonesian...
Yang dari Philipina seharusnya dapat 1 terbaik kok gak dapat ya padahal bacaannya bagus
Seharusnya yg menang Philipine bukan Indonesia..
Uang juara Nya Masih lebih besar juara koruptor
Yg jelaa juri indonesia..kurang per dan adil
Hadiahnya sedikit sekali padahal klw lomba lain sampai 1 M
mungkin bonusnya yg banyak, mungkin...
Kok sedikit nilai uangnya internasional,kenapa kalau untuk nyanyi atau olah raga lebih duharagai...wkwwkw😢