For those curious this section is actually quoted from A Skeleton Key to Finnegans Wake by Joseph Campbell. However, Terrence has so many beautiful things to say about the Wake that I'm more than willing to give him all the credit for me be willing to put any time into it. Definitely helps to compare the text to experiences beyond the veil, too.
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Took me a year to read in 2011, ive restarted it again but with an audiobook simultaneously, thanks again Terence for showing my Joyce
For those curious this section is actually quoted from A Skeleton Key to Finnegans Wake by Joseph Campbell. However, Terrence has so many beautiful things to say about the Wake that I'm more than willing to give him all the credit for me be willing to put any time into it. Definitely helps to compare the text to experiences beyond the veil, too.
..a gracious example (from ‘beyond the veil’)..? x.
It’s true that the book is “subconsciously understandable”
Rather good!😮!