A NEW GREAT MOVIE! I Thought You Would Last Forever. Russian Movie, Melodrama. English dubbing

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • Subscribe! The best movies and TV series are here: / @movie_lounge
    A proud and conceited husband only realizes that his wife was the most important person in his life after she dies. He travels back in time to tell her how much he loves her and to find out why her dying wish was to be buried next to the grave of an unknown man.
    Type: film
    Genre: melodrama
    Duration: 90 minutes
    Directed by: Oleg Filipenko
    Written by: Evgeniy Podgaevskiy
    Production designer: Aleksandr Yakimov
    Director of photography: Sergey Boyko
    Composers: Vladimir Kripak, Vyacheslav Nazarov
    Producers: Aleksey Terentiev, Vlad Ryashin
    Cast: Irina Tarannik, Konstantin Milovanov, Andrey Debrin, Irina Mel'nik, Valentina Pugachiova, Pavel Aldoshin, Mikhail Krishtal'


  • @movie_lounge
    @movie_lounge  2 роки тому +38

    We will be very grateful if you "like" our videos and if you subscribe to our channel. This is very important for our channel and for us!

    • @АндрейГорбоносов-й2у
      @АндрейГорбоносов-й2у 2 роки тому +3

      4цп ца уц3а́цыыыыыццыц2цц2цццццц222ц22ццццццццццццццц2ццццццц2ц2ццццццццццццц2ццццццццццццццццццц22ццццццццц22ццццц2цц2ццц2ццццццццццццц2цццццццццццццццццццц2ц2цццццццц2ц2цп2ццццц2цц22цццц2цц22цц2цццйццццацццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццц2цццццццццццццццццццццццц222цццццццццццццццццццйццц22ццц2222цц2ц22222ц22222ц2цццпцц2цццц2пппп22ццц2222аа́1й122цц2ц2а2ццц2ааа1йааац2ц2а́па́а2а́а́аа22ц2а2а́22а́12аца́а́ выйду ц2а́ц2цца́2цц2цццц2а́ццццып2ц22йацц2цййцццццццй1а1й1а́йййайййаццаа́аа́ц222цц22цц222цц2цца2ц1аццц2ац2а́а́аааааацайва́а́ааааааааааааа2ааацааайцй2аацццц2апааааацй2йццпацц2йааацацццццццц2аапаццццйцццыц22цйцй2аааацццйц2паццйццййццццаа22ццццццццйцййпппцццпаааццццйцйцццаца2ццццйцайаа2ццаацййцыййцы2а́ййпаапйапппааааааааааапаппааааааццаацпацааааа́аа́а2а́а́аа́а́аа́а́а́ц2ацццццццйаайа́а́аа́а́а́а́а́ааа́ваццццца́а́а́аа́йыс

    • @landang7906
      @landang7906 Рік тому +5

      I do like your movies, and I am subscribed, but I prefer hearing Russian and reading English subtitles. This english dubbing in parallel with russian makes it difficult to hear what is being said.

    • @ИгорьМой-ь7ф
      @ИгорьМой-ь7ф Рік тому +1


    • @Darthfermer00
      @Darthfermer00 Рік тому +2

      It isn't dubbing. It's voice-over

    • @mmurungi
      @mmurungi 6 місяців тому +1

      can you mute the russian and let us listen to the english translation. its hard to watch movies with voice overs and the orignal sound

  • @rajeevmoothedath8392
    @rajeevmoothedath8392 Рік тому +21

    The original audio should be muted or go in for subtitles. Having both the dubbed and original sound is very distracting.

  • @mo2marie
    @mo2marie Рік тому +6

    Can’t understand fully the story because of the double dubbing. Subtitle in English is the cure. Thanks.

  • @lukei6255
    @lukei6255 Рік тому +13

    Please do not dub the Russian movies. Subtitles are good enough!

  • @lissalives1
    @lissalives1 Рік тому +11

    Voiceover is so bad, I cannot watch this. SUBTITLES please. 🙏🏻

  • @happy010111
    @happy010111 2 роки тому +2

    Love the story, thank you so much. Love the production and the channel which uploads all good movies.

  • @AsifAli-kz1zt
    @AsifAli-kz1zt 8 місяців тому +3

    Please upload the series in Russian with English subtitles

  • @raphaelkibinda
    @raphaelkibinda 2 роки тому +3

    Great movie.Nice story and good actors as well.

  • @AsifAli-kz1zt
    @AsifAli-kz1zt 8 місяців тому +2

    I used to learn Russian with the help of subtitles but now I don't like to watch the dubbed series. They are no longer interesting 😔😔😔

  • @debbieserrano13
    @debbieserrano13 Рік тому +2

    hear both Russian n English at same time

  • @tatahsantiago69
    @tatahsantiago69 Рік тому +1

    as a russian series fanatic i need to focus and listen very carefully plus reading subtitles plus the dubbed is very distracting

  • @brendalohrke2402
    @brendalohrke2402 2 місяці тому

    IM WATCHING FOR THE 3rd time trying to understand this movie

  • @rebcol4926
    @rebcol4926 2 роки тому +9

    The voice over is horrible. Can't watch.

  • @pamelahermano9298
    @pamelahermano9298 6 місяців тому

    Oh good lord, what is this?! Where is the Russian audio track???

  • @voskehatarshakyan9699
    @voskehatarshakyan9699 3 місяці тому

    I like your video but please review translation.Russian is my second l🎉language but please remove Russian voice.

  • @elenalyednik2095
    @elenalyednik2095 5 місяців тому


  • @hectorfleed7
    @hectorfleed7 3 місяці тому

    Why this Voice-over?

  • @paolasimonetti2152
    @paolasimonetti2152 7 місяців тому

    Whoever dubbed this movie did a horrible job they were better dubbing movies 70 years ago than this person

  • @ИринаКлимова-я8ч


  • @seaofroses8888
    @seaofroses8888 2 роки тому +1


  • @anti_western_eugenicists
    @anti_western_eugenicists 2 роки тому +1

    I though the same about my grand mother. She died in 1986 and looks was yesterday, sometimes even today.

  • @samuelchinyama1260
    @samuelchinyama1260 2 роки тому +42

    subtitles are better.....I repeat, subtitles are better. Now repeat after me, subtitles are better!

  • @robinccc
    @robinccc 2 роки тому +7

    Subtitles are fine. Voiceover is horrendous.

  • @febritiamaphoto5959
    @febritiamaphoto5959 2 роки тому +16

    Why not subtitles?
    So weird 😕

    • @sandraobrien8705
      @sandraobrien8705 2 роки тому +4

      I know. It is horrible dubbed. So much better in Russian with subtitles.

    • @ThePenthes
      @ThePenthes 2 роки тому +4

      true i'm here for learning russian not english sad ! :ss

    • @sandraobrien8705
      @sandraobrien8705 2 роки тому +1

      @@ThePenthes Yes, me too.

    • @AsifAli-kz1zt
      @AsifAli-kz1zt 8 місяців тому

      Me too

  • @lynevoss4106
    @lynevoss4106 3 дні тому

    It’s not good dubbing. Sorry, I can’t even watch it for 5 mins because of it.

  • @agneshouessou9765
    @agneshouessou9765 6 місяців тому +1

    🤷‍♀️🙏Bizarre. I'm almost as confused now as I was the first time I saw this movie several years ago. Time travel...
    Still, it's sweet that the souls of the man and his wife and daughter were reunited, and that the little girl and her grandma were saved. He did a very brave thing! "No greater love has a man than this: to lay down his life for his friend," said our Saviour Jesus. ❤✝️
    🤔Fr. Chris Alar gave a talk (youtube) on how God is able to save even some souls of people who committed suicide by applying our future prayers for their souls retrospectively! Even as far back as ten years after they died!😮 So go ahead, keep praying for the repose of the souls of everyone. 🕯🌹 "Eternal rest grant to them O Lord..."
    🛐"Merciful Jesus, I trust in You." Amen.

  • @pamfrank3962
    @pamfrank3962 2 роки тому +3

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful movie 🎥❤

  • @shikhasinha9516
    @shikhasinha9516 2 місяці тому

    Please dubb this movie in hindi.

  • @qualquan
    @qualquan Рік тому +1

    Sorry but it left me confused

  • @sadigahmed55
    @sadigahmed55 4 місяці тому

    Russian English pronunciation is so clear isn't it??

  • @shashisingh4543
    @shashisingh4543 4 місяці тому

    English Subtitles are missing. Please. There should be continuity in the English Subtitles

  • @lenarddurand9833
    @lenarddurand9833 Рік тому +1


  • @EfridahMatchangwa
    @EfridahMatchangwa 5 місяців тому

    I don't understand the move..

  • @treeham1795
    @treeham1795 Рік тому

    Sorry…what’s up with the dubbing??

  • @lollalsondra2823
    @lollalsondra2823 Рік тому

    Text English please...

  • @nathalie9678
    @nathalie9678 2 роки тому +2

    Dub is so bad 👎 😫 impossible to listen

    • @lenarddurand9833
      @lenarddurand9833 Рік тому +1

      Nonsense, really! I followed it fully and was nice to hear the real Russian voices occasionally.