Over all fantastic job! It’s just I found that some times it is quite chaos when there are sky notes coming with a bunch of black guide lines blocking views.
There're are a lot of unpolished elements and unjustified use of gimmicks here The traces and arc design, and the judgement on where the gimmicks are placed simply don't look like a high-quality work, or even a finished one in that matter. Might want to work on these details.
Agreed. I think they were just trying to emulate the Phigros chart, without considering how that would actually work in Arcaea (and, as you can see, it doesn't).
Those high density arcs look like a hell of a pain to hit, but this does reflect the song very well :D
0:24 Player: Not sync with this arc
Arcaea: Track Lost
That went from 100 to 0 real fast
Over all fantastic job! It’s just I found that some times it is quite chaos when there are sky notes coming with a bunch of black guide lines blocking views.
tbis is why you pull an aki moment and get rid of sky notes altogether
11Lv patterns exist
There're are a lot of unpolished elements and unjustified use of gimmicks here
The traces and arc design, and the judgement on where the gimmicks are placed simply don't look like a high-quality work, or even a finished one in that matter.
Might want to work on these details.
Agreed. I think they were just trying to emulate the Phigros chart, without considering how that would actually work in Arcaea (and, as you can see, it doesn't).
we should do a collab sometime, i love ur chart style
absolutely beautiful
really fun patterns
Wow, you came back =D
the last arc burst seems hard lmao you need to alternate
why is this not an 11
I see some of the patterns depicts phigros