I'm gonna start off by saying that I generally DESPISE 'tier' discussions, I think they're almost always a waste of time and brings nothing interesting to the table and never leads to any healthy or interesting discussion. And I still stand by that. But I still want to comment as a lot of the argument here makes absolutely no sense; in particular about how you bring up a lot of points against Manic Eraser, despite it can also be said the same about Cyberpunk, and vice versa. The worst offense is the lack of methodology on what's "better". 3:15 In Multiversal Studios for example, why is that you consider Normal Eraser to be the 'worst' one? I would consider normal eraser to be better than M.Eraser here if they both are at an appropriate level due to normal eraser's slow speed allowing you to not push as much, as you are discouraged to push too hard since that will trigger the Doge Base. Not to mention due the slow speed allows the thicker meatshielding density which also allows you to stall in 2 fronts better. When the main zombie peons unburrows, the stack of slow normal erasers will stall Musashi for a longer amount of time compared to M.Eraser which would immediately stack up and die. So what is the methodology on who's "better"? 3:40 In Jagando, Bellydancer from my experience is ABSURDLY expensive to use. It's very much possible to make the argument that M.Eraser is even a better choice than Cactus, as a 2s meatshield when timed properly can permastall Fallen Bear no matter if they oneshot them or not. Cone maybe destroys the stage idk I never tried him here because it feels silly to get Cone before beating Jagando when Jagando's expected progression is generally easier than getting Cone when M.Eraser is much more obtainable. You even mention this about Jetpack at 3:55 but still shows Cone anyways. So, what's the methodolody on who's "better"? 3:48 "The truth is you can beat nearly any stages with or without him" OK? You can say this to any units in the game, including Cyberpunk, so why does that dock M.Eraser's points but not Cyberpunk's? 4:04 "For many traits or genre of enemies M.Eraser just becomes filler" Most stages in the game are not mono-target enemies. Nearly every stages in the game are mixed traits. That's why Nekokhamen, Future or worse Bellydancer are not used as much - because they instantly melt when literally any other enemies hit it. Also putting Roe as a ''main meatshield'' for red stage is also crazy as most Red enemies hits incredibly hard and Roe is used almost exclusively for Prof.A. 4:08 "Most of the time being the least useful unit in the loadout" Again what's the methodology here??? What even is this stage being featured here, lord of the abyss?? Why exactly are seafarer pizza and dragons above M.Eraser when Ururun already deals most of the damage? Why is Sanzo so high when Ramen already tanks Boraphim anyways? Why is MUSHROOM first?? Why is Ururun less than BW.Legs?? Are you just ranking by DPS??? 4:15 "You cant beat an angel stage without ramen" you can you're just using a bad loadout 4:29 "Do you use it on advent stages" yes, on like almost all of the stages you showed. I used him on Relic B when your Roe and Islands aren't as strong as it can soak hits from Relic Doge to not curse Roe. I used him on March to Death because, well why wouldn't you use it? Future is good here too but SMH's knockback effect can be hellish if you dont use spammable meatshield, plus due to Future's longer cooldown, if Daboo hits your Future from farthest range, you lose a lot of ground and M.Eraser can secure those grounds I used him on NPA for just, general meatshield? Okay tbf this one don't really matter if you do the rush strat you can just bring like 5 units. Admittedly I didn't use him on Kawano as I relied more on Cactus, but frankly he'd be a better choice than Jiangshi here as Kawano has strict money limit and M.Eraser can tank out the sirrels which is one of the main pushers in the stage. 4:31 "Gimmicky stages such as floor 30" Yes??? M.Eraser is one of the best choice of meatshield you can bring here??? It's like tied with Riceball and M.Mohawk in usages???? This is not even a weird pick in the slightest??????? Also is that False Ressurection? I don't see why M.Eraser is a bad pick here, you generally want something to stall the Bunbun? No comments on Luza as I've yet to actually play it but I also don't see why not? You know what I don't use on any of these stages though? Cyberpunk lol. Only F50 maybe but, advent stages and F30? So why did you dock points off of M.Eraser but not Cyberpunk? 4:34 "There's moments where he's recommended but he doesnt go by himself" So does cyberpunk???? Why did you dock points off of M.Eraser but not Cyberpunk???? 4:45 >You can replace M.Eraser with other units and you can win You can say the same to cyberpunk. So again why did you dock points off of M.Eraser but not Cyberpunk??? Ok i've written a whole page of notepad already I don't wanna type anymore I'm tired. For the love of god if you wanna tier something you need to relay a METHODOLOGY FIRST AND FOREMOST. I actually watched maybe like 1 minute of your 'all uber tierlist' video and I knew it's going to be completely pointless the moment you started tiering without even saying HOW the units are tiered. A tierlist without methodology is no difference than randomized unit orders. You're just yapping without thinking bro. This is why tiering discussion are the worst. Nothing good comes out of it. Only people getting heated over absolutely nothing interesting. Good editing on the video tho
“and brings nothing interesting “ idk man these points lowkey interesting 👀👀👀though a lot of the things you said here are over exaggerated (like Manic Eraser Ties with Manic Mohawk and Riceball in floor 30 though realistically did you actually use him? and that Normal eraser bit to name a few😭). if you want we can discus more but as for me im done explaining since this was just a silly explainage on my ranking. Take care & get some sleep dawg
Cyberpunk heavily relies on meatshielding due to his gargantuan blindspot, to use him effectively, especially if the enemy stage is a swedish table of traits (multi traited stages), you're pretty forced to use M. Eraser, as out of all the generalist meatshields, he's the tankiest one (Rock is a bit too niche and specific). You *can* beat stages without M. Eraser but that's kind of putting yourself at a disadvantage. It's kind of like beating Learned to Love without A. Bahamut or Courier cheese, it's possible, but you're actively restricting yourself out of the easiest path, while Cyberpunk is rarely, if ever, a requirement. While I believe Cyberpunk to be incredibly strong, I don't use him that often, because oftentimes the strategy has to warp around to fit him into the loadout, he requires more effort to use effectively, and he excels at it, sure, but he's not exactly the win condition, unless you Cyberstack, but I promise you, it's the least fun strategy out of the entire game. I'm sorry, but waiting for a while just to get your stack going, even though with many strategies you can beat the stage in an equa amount of timel, or faster. Cyberstacking works great, but it's my last resort because it's a borderline snorefest of a strategy. Also CanCan objectively better than Cyberpunk, I'm sorry but it's true.
@@theodorech20 Exactly my point. Cyberpunk CAN work without M. Eraser, but you'd have to play way more carefully in order to not mess up. Even then, Cyberstacking isn't effective everywhere and isn't always a reliable or the dominant strategy, it has a wide range of applications, but M. Eraser does so too, and is solid throughout the entire playthrough. He does fall off later on as enemies get stupidly strong, but he's still a pretty cheap rusher meat shield that doesn't get knockbacked whenever it takes 3 damage (I love dissing M. Mohawk), which is a niche not really fulfilled by many other units (I'm sorry but using Riceball for double the cost is never worth it unless it's 4 stars)
@@thebattle7000 I definitively agree also there are some enemies that can pierce to cyberpunk(not much tho) with wave you can say use octo or another wave blocker but sometimes stage disign dosn't let use octo block because he dies and rest of wave blockers are ubers and they can easily die by enemy support like croakley ,dolphina or loris so also there are some wave stages that are money management stages (only give small amount of money so its hard to use ubers)
Imagine being at an amusement park. Imagine you want to go on two different rides. The first ride is this little teacup ride that you can enjoy for about a minute or two, but once it's over, you can quickly get back in line and be on it again soon because the line is always short and the ride ends quickly enough for new people to get on after the first group starts. The second one is this super long rollercoaster that's the park's main attraction, but the line is always incredibly long and once the ride starts, it takes several minutes for it to go around its course. You're standing in line for upwards of half an hour hyping yourself up, hearing the screams of the people on the ride around you and watching the line slowly, gradually get shorter every few minutes, and then you finally get to go on the ride, but you black out midway through and the ride is over before you realize it and you barely got to experience what you've been waiting for this entire time. The rollercoaster is objectively the better ride according to most people you talk to, but others say that they like the teacups more. They both do different things but the endgoal is the same: to engage and entertain you. Which one do you find to be more fun?
Nah not even that lol cus in this case both rides are meant to entertain you, while cyber and meraser have fundementally different roles, its more like comparing a spoon to a printer
This is not just incorrect, it's also stupid. Manic Eraser and Cyberpunk has DIFFERENT roles. Manic Eraser is a cheap 150c meatshield that has 18,995 HP at 30 and 25,545 HP at 50. Meanwhile Cyberpunk... HP doesn't really matter to him he's just a superbackliner with guaranteed 2 seconds (2.4 seconds for treasure traits) slow to non-metals without talents... With talents this 2 - 2.4 second slow doubles to 4 - 4.8 seconds. Crazy how you actually made a take so bad that I had more enjoyment watching Despicable Me 4.
I am more confused on what criteria he’s going for, also, he says stages can be beaten without M. Eraser, and that M. Erased can’t function well with units supporting him. Yeah, so does Cyberpunk, blud is going to get one-shotted if another unit ain’t protecting him.
@@Whispasta64 oh boy I wonder what unit protects cyberpunk... That's right meatshields! Stuff like Ramen, Cone and of course... *Manic Eraser* too. Yeah this video was just why MEraser is good then why Cyber is good and why Cyber is better.
I sorta disagree with this. While yes cyberpunk is an amazing unit that is really good at cc. I believe that manic eraser is still the better unit. First of all, dependency. Manic eraser, like mentioned in the video, can be thrown into any load out and isn’t dependent on anything to function as a Meat shield. Cyberpunk on the other hand requires a lot of meat shielding for him to work and any strong pusher or long piercing enemy will render cyberpunk useless. Cyberpunk is a very fragile unit that requires careful planning. One counter argument brought up in the video is that specialist usage is better than generalist usage is the case of cyberpunk and manic eraser. I also disagree with this. One example that can be used is can can and swimmer cat. Can can is an amazing generalist who does a lot of damage to a single enemy and is used as a nuker. Swimmer cat is similar to can can where it’s used as a nuker but for floating. You could argue that swimmer is better because he is a better specialist and he is faster. This is not true because can can is better of his generalist usages. Many stages are mixed and have multiple traits. There are some stages where floating is the main threat but a majority of stages are mixed. Another example is dasli and specialist. Dasli is the best Uber in the game because of her insane damage and good survivability (and the immunities). You could also argue the she isn’t the best Uber because there are specialist that do much more damage than her. Like Aphrodite against aliens. Aphrodite has much more range and much dps against aliens. Same with any other specialist. While this isn’t exactly the same as cyberpunk and manic, I still believe it’s important to mention. Another point that isn’t as important but I would still like to mention is how easy and low investment manic tank is but this doesn’t matter in an end game perspective. While there are some flaws in my opinion I still personally believe that manic tank is the better super rare. If you have any questions or would like to argue against my point feel free to reply and I’ll try my best to reply back.
Listen nio, I’m trying so hard to respect your opinion here, but I can’t when you are so hypocritical and even downright wrong at times. Every single point you make against manic eraser is either incorrect or can be applied to cyberpunk as well. 1. When there is a trait pushing hard on a mixed stage, that does not mean the specialist meatshield you used against that trait was more useful. Think about it; you would have been much more successful had you only used manic eraser than the only used the specialist, because had you only used the specialist every other trait would have wrecked it, while manic eraser would have been effective against all of them. Therefore the specialist meatshield was not more important here. Pure stages don’t count, they are rare when looking at battle cats as a whole. 2. You can easily beat an angel stage without ramen. Im in zero legends and i forget to bring ramen all the time, but guess what? Dual erasers ends up stalling just fine. 3. I literally used manic eraser against single advent except kappy and his dad lol. He’s even used against the newest boss in the game because he can take two hits before dying. I don’t know why you brought up floor 30 when manic eraser works great there. You’re objectively wrong here. 3. Being able to beat a stage without a unit does not mean that unit was not effective against the stage. It just means it wasn’t required. The exact same thing can be said for cyberpunk. I’ve had a no Gacha save for a few years and I’m in humanity catified. You know what that means, right? It means I don’t even have cyberpunk. Just because his role is irreplaceable doesn’t mean you actually need him. His uniqueness does not increase his importance as much as you seem to believe. 4. Now we get to your cyberpunk argument, which is certainly something. First of all, you seem to believe that if your current cc units aren’t working, you can just use cyberpunk instead. That is just so wrong. There are so many examples where cyberpunk is straight up invalid. Ever heard of a wave enemy? Yes I know about octo, but with harder stages octo has downtime. If even a single wave slips by it can easily one shot cyber because of how low his health is. What about a surge enemy? If a surge reaches far enough, he’s cooked. Death surges cause this to happen all the time. How about we think about zombies for a single second? Holy blast can only do so much, and if a zombie burrows anywhere near him he is useless against it. What about stages where major threats spawn on a timer instead of base hit? Typically you won’t have enough time to save up for cyberpunk, let alone stack. What about stages that are just generally cash tight? There are tons of stages when you can’t spare 3000c for him, let alone 3750c without cost down maxed. How about units that straight up outrange him? You’d be surprised how many enemies do, or have long enough pierce to hit him. What about metal enemies? Cyberpunk sure helps against those. There’s even plenty of enemies straight up immune to slow, too. Last but certainly not least, what about stages where enemies generally tend to push pretty hard? Look at cyberpunk. No health, one knockback, 800 blindspot. If the main threat of a stage is able to push into that blind spot whatsoever, then cyberpunk becomes quite literally useless against it and won’t help at all. You may bring up cyberstacking, but remember that all of the examples I brought up can overlap. Its extremely common that the main threat spawns on a timer so you don’t have enough time, or the stage is low on cash and you can’t afford multiple cyberpunks. When you look at all these examples, you should realize cyberpunk doesn’t actually work as a last resort in the majority of cases. Manic eraser > cyberpunk.
Your point is good but comparing cyber with m. Eraser is like comparing a pencil with an eraser, both have super different uses, same thing happens with m. Eraser and cyber - m. Eraser's job in the game is to be a cheap, spammable, unit to tank damage while cyber is to stall and support other units from faraway with the slow + another thing to keep in mind is that BOTH require support of other units after all its not like you can spam m. Eraser and beat late game levels, same with cyber, both units require each other to work well If i had to choose who to put on number 1 it would be can can and have m. Eraser in 2nd (more usage overall) and in 3rd cyber.
yk what, i was about to say i lost all respect for you, but after actually watching the video you have some decent points. however, the reason he is so good is BECAUSE he is a perfect generalist for everything. if a stage has a huge mix of enemies, are you going to bring the specialist meatshield for every trait? no, youre going to bring dual erasers. also, most specialist units (eg. sushi, jetpack, ramen, shigong, cone, bellydancer, etc.) basically need a research combo like biobone or chasing hearts to match to usefulness of dual eraser, so they take up way more slots, and they are more expensive, so they drain your wallet. this is why manic eraser is so good, his versatility. sure, if a stage has all zombie, take shigong only because he works phenomenal there. but if there is more than like 2 or 3 traits in the level, that kind of meatshield picking and choosing simply wont work. and yes, i get that cyberpunk is basically in his own class and has his own abilities that make him able to do stuff no one else can do like cyberstacking, but there are still ubers and other rares that can at least get the job done without him. i respect your arguments, but i just cant agree with them.
I agree with the top comment, yes people make rankings but this is a comparison between two completely different units, he’s conparing a meatshield to a support back liner debuffer
Oh yeah. Keep it mind that manic eraser's very weak attack power is exactly why it's good and actually synergizes well with Cyberpunk. Low attack power is the reason why Cyberstack can be initiated in the first place. since you want to stall the enemy on place not killing them.
4:38 might be the worst argument to why cyberpunk is better, wow a unit made for tanking and does 100 damage cant solo a stage 😂, maybe cyberpunk and his 800 blindspot could soli some stages with no meatshields. Also specialized meatshields are not very effective due to the fact minimal stages are 1 trait only and if its not 1 trait youre using eraser spam. If the stage is 1 trait WHY ARE YOU USING CYBERPUNK THERES SPECIALISTS 🙏
7:43 somehow NOW it's convineint that it's a multi trained stage but during the meatshielding section it wasent? You also said it yourself you're not bringing cyberpunk to every stage or even 25% most stages don't support him.
Bro its a meat shields vs a crowd controller they are completely different unit its a cat with long distance and a close ranger the only similar feature is they are a super rare
@@Biscuitiscute he made this video because people said Manic Eraser is better when in reality it's just a meatshield you will bring because it's just good to have, it wasn't him comparing the two it was the loud majority saying how a freaking meatshield is somehow better than a crowd controller, you always bring a meatshield but it doesn't mean you will automatically lose if you don't bring that one meatshield that everyone else has so it makes sense why Cyberpunk could be considered better because you just can't replace him
@@lombrqdo1868 Man I've already passed Sol, Aku realm and the few times I've used Cyberpunkzzz are counted with my hands. It was only useful to me with the insane, but I have hardly used it because of how late it is to make that "Stack" that makes it a decent unit. On the other hand at least manic Eraser is a cat that AL least will serve you in practically 99% of the stages that don't have restriction. Is it replaceable? Nah, definitely. You can use other meatshields that specialize in a certain trait, but it's never replaceable lol
“He’s the emergency crowd controller, and none can take that role” Sniper the deadeye who doesn’t require talents,knockbacks and slows enemies,has no blindspot has the EXACT same CD, attacks slightly faster and costs less then 1/3rd of a cyberpunk: [edit]:while yes, cyberpunk has area. But for advents or UL stages that don’t have enemy spam, he could easily replace cyberpunk(also cyberpunk does the absolute worst when it comes to emergencies)
Cyberpunk still needs meatsgields tho, and the low damage of Meraser is the reason Cyberdtack is possible, since speciailized Meatshields like ramen push too hard.
i would say the tricky thing about classifying anything as the "best" in anything is, you need to specify "best at what?" based off the ending of the video it seems the criteria of "best at what" is "best non uber at getting you un-stuck at particularly tricky stages when trying to progress"
I originally thought your opinion of Cyberpunk being stronger was just the ramblings of a madman, but this explanation for it is actually incredibly convincing!
As a person who did berserk today, C. Tank was very helpful on stalling the crazed axe due to his ability to take a bunch of hits from him, making it much easier to save up for units pre red-face guy, and while you CAN PROBABLY beat him without c. Tank, he helped a lot especially for me because my tank wasn’t eraser yet (although this is kinda just me being underleveled) But tbh I’m just an early game idiot so I wouldn’t know much
@@TeaCupToast I mean he has a point tho, what’s the point of doing something in a game if you don’t find it fun? Unless it’s necessary like xp or catfruit grinding
Yall need to chill 😭 Tierlists can't be 100% perfect and all blud did was telling his opinion. Disagree or agree with him, but I don't think Nio or anyone in the Battle-Cat community should get that amount of hate over this.
If you're really saying Seafarer and Catellite are much better than M. Eraser, you may be right, but those units literally rely on M. Eraser to work well. These units have very good usage but not much health. For example, A. Bahamut. He has absolutely broken stats, but his low health balances him, requiring meatshields, and M. Eraser can get in there quickly because of its high speed. Also, CYBERPUNK. Because of his incredibly high range and large blindspot, meatshields need to go in front of him so that he can operate properly. And the meatshield that is best for mixed stages (nearly all stages) is M. ERASER! Dasli, Seafarer, Benkei, and just about any other mid-ranger, backliner/super backliner, and nuker you can think of needs M. Eraser to compensate their low health. Including Cyberpunk! Also, you say M. Eraser is easily replaced, but doesn't that also apply to Cyberpunk? Why are you taking off points on M. Eraser but not on Cyberpunk???? That goes for many other things in this video! To put it short, manic eraser is better than cyberpunk (and so is can can).
They're talking about the attack up combo, although that only makes a bit more sense since Neneko is competing more with Cutter and Diabolosa for a 2nd atk up slot than LKD
This video is somebody who cant actually build a lineup trying to explain how a super backliner that is either a chip ccer with glaring weaknesses/last resort on aids stages is better than the best meatshield (meatshields are the most important class of unit). Lmfao.
The gall to hint that people who automatically class M.eraser as the best unit are idiots while making the points that you list in this video is insane
You used no methodology to explain your points so I can’t really agree or disagree with any of it because there is nothing meaningful you used to actually compare the 2 units. Maybe this says a lot about how there is really no need for comparison between 2 completely different units when they are both really good at what they are used for and easily obtainable.
if you do the cyber stack at the start and legit waste like 20 minutes just use seed tracker and get mitama or other fast and mitama completely outscales him in every single stage almost since shes so tanky even if you get into her blind spot she will get knocked back and keep slowing while cyberpunk will probably just die or something and what you said about m eraser is completely dumb since 80% of the game is mixed stages you cant bring 3 specialist meatshield for every category cause its too expensive, you probably the kind of guy to say "hm actually im no uber player im such a pro! i just spam cyberpunk stack at almost every single stage!" this strat is worse then using dasli, double phono, and balrog at the same team atleast these players have fun using their overpowered ubers to beat hard stages you just reusing the same boring trick and play just to say "yeah i completed the game no ubers"
5:50 Yes, Seafarer and Cyberpunk did their job, but so did your meatshield(s). M.Eraser as a meatshield is meant to buy time while absorbing damage along with any other unit considered to be a meashield, that's their purpose. Hes a nieche generalist that does his job well, and as a meatshield allows other units such as seafarer or cyberpunk TO do their job. Of course there are replacements or other ways to get the job done, but that doesnt invalidate the value that unit brings to the table when present. Both units could work well with another but without the other (just the two of them in this case) they wouldnt accomplish much if anything at all. This comparison doesnt make sense 😭
I got cyberpunk as my 2nd super rare tf and I use him all the time he’s just the best at giving me the advantage,tho since I started 2 weeks ago I don’t t’inonda how to properly use him but he still is my best unit because I don’t have any ubers
My thoughts: i think manic eraser is a very fast and tanky meatshield that you can use anywhere, tho he's usually pair with other meatshields, and specialist meatshields not by himself, he's not some sort of, "deploy him instant win" Rather he's just that one side character that can help you along the way and is the reason why manic eraser is not the best super rare nor the best cat, he's just the best generalist meatshield that can give you a ton of help in almost all the stages, further more, his cost to tankyness ratio is nuts, so manic eraser is always good but not the best cat, that's just my thoughts
I mean but this neglects other options like can can. Do I think Manic Eraser is the best? No, but manic erasers place in a lineup is very difficult to replace. Cyberpunk is very good, but the main role that Cyberpunk sees is stacking. Why use strategy when you could cyberstack for 5 minutes and clobber this otherwise uneventful stage? It’s also so easy for cyberpunk to be completely unusable in a stage because the main threats come on a timer. It’s almost like claiming Icat is better than courier on all red stages because the permafreeze can make the stage free. When looking at the best super rare you want a unit that can bring value everytime it hits the field; when you spawn it there is a chance it could change the tide of the battle. Can manic eraser do that? Yes but rarely but that is true of cyberpunk too. Moral of the story it’s can can and it’s not even close.
I’d say a near universally usable, spammable as hell unit who holds off enemies for even just a second each and is the best at his role is better than a unit who can break stages, but can be very hard to throw in at times, often requires lengthy ass setup and/or a lineup to work around his weaknesses, can just be straight up unusable on some stages(ones too fast, too dry on cash, or have enemies who can snipe him somehow), and often isn’t even strictly necessary(he *is* a big help when he works, but you usually don’t *need* him outside 3-Crown UL).
I can kind of understand Nio's point, since his main point is cyberpunks role cannot be replaced by another unit, but my issue is his point on how you don't need M eraser to win a stage, which is true, but you could make the exact same argument for cyberpunk and that's just kind of dumb to do since your basically making the stage harder on yourself. To even use cyberpunk your probably going to use m eraser anyways since m eraser is already such a good meat shield.
Idk why bro decided to call cyberpunk better than M.eraser but yeah tbh some stages require cyberpuck because he is a superbackliner but you can always pair both M.eraser and cyberpunk in stages.
Idk manic cats is kinda different from the rest of the super rare and also comparing a meatshield/tank unit to a cc is kinda weird. Also I still think manic eraser is better than cyperpunk.
"You didn’t beat a whole new world because of manic erasers meatshielding" he don’t realize without the meatshielding the units that "carried" were carried by meatshielding
to be honest theyre just different units with different roles. theyre both very popular, strong and usable in a lot of scenarios. its kinda hard to compare em
Yooo I’m in the vid??? awesome video, I can definitely understand what you’re saying, but kitty of liberty is still the best super rare (im definitely not biased at all)
Overral, this video is pretty well made with some good arguments here and there, as for me, im just right in the middle since I believe that both units are good in their own right and just depends what you value, if you value general usage more then go for manic eraser, if you value especialist usage more, then go for cyberpunk. What I don’t like is that this man is getting flamed back to back like damm…..it’s just his opinion about cat game lol. He might have made some questionable arguments but it’s still his subjective opinion since he did say why HE believes that cyberpunk is better and not just say that cyberpunk is objectively the better unit. In the end, nice try in taking Manic eraser’s crown since no one else has ever disagreed in it, and it really takes some balls to post a video in why manic eraser is not the best cat. I still think cats shouldn’t be judged by their rank on a tier list since every cat has their time to shine in one way or another…….except thief since he is just bad lol
Personally I think that CP is worse than manic eraser due to manic eraser being basically necessary in mid and late game while cyberpunk acts kind of a uber good in stages but never necessary
Honestly I would say they were on the same level, maniac eraser is an insane meatsheild, that can last for a long time against powerful enemies at a high enough level, tho cyber punk IS Insanely good unit, with very high reach and good damage, even tho I dont even have cyber, or maniac eraser, I have seen tons of people use them and their stats, I think if their was a way to be 1st for both, it would fit them.
id rather die in the hill alone than agree with the majority
nice to see you nio
Why did u delete hr live streams
Hi nio where you been
To be fair according to his description manic eraser is only strong enough to move a small rock
But tanky enough to survive a lot of enemies' attacks though
2 small rocks*
If he can move rock cat hes insane
@@caoinhnamkhanh2795and rock cat has 360k hp
@@yellowwolfpajamas2870but rock is too fast and will die before
"Hey guys it's me Nio, today we will talk about how Manic Mohawk is useless because Kasli the Bane exists"
Outclassed by Papaluga
Outclasses by me
Outclassed by sanzo
Outclassed by air
Good one, almost fell out of a chair
I'm gonna start off by saying that I generally DESPISE 'tier' discussions, I think they're almost always a waste of time and brings nothing interesting to the table and never leads to any healthy or interesting discussion. And I still stand by that.
But I still want to comment as a lot of the argument here makes absolutely no sense; in particular about how you bring up a lot of points against Manic Eraser, despite it can also be said the same about Cyberpunk, and vice versa.
The worst offense is the lack of methodology on what's "better".
3:15 In Multiversal Studios for example, why is that you consider Normal Eraser to be the 'worst' one? I would consider normal eraser to be better than M.Eraser here if they both are at an appropriate level due to normal eraser's slow speed allowing you to not push as much, as you are discouraged to push too hard since that will trigger the Doge Base. Not to mention due the slow speed allows the thicker meatshielding density which also allows you to stall in 2 fronts better. When the main zombie peons unburrows, the stack of slow normal erasers will stall Musashi for a longer amount of time compared to M.Eraser which would immediately stack up and die. So what is the methodology on who's "better"?
3:40 In Jagando, Bellydancer from my experience is ABSURDLY expensive to use. It's very much possible to make the argument that M.Eraser is even a better choice than Cactus, as a 2s meatshield when timed properly can permastall Fallen Bear no matter if they oneshot them or not. Cone maybe destroys the stage idk I never tried him here because it feels silly to get Cone before beating Jagando when Jagando's expected progression is generally easier than getting Cone when M.Eraser is much more obtainable. You even mention this about Jetpack at 3:55 but still shows Cone anyways. So, what's the methodolody on who's "better"?
3:48 "The truth is you can beat nearly any stages with or without him" OK? You can say this to any units in the game, including Cyberpunk, so why does that dock M.Eraser's points but not Cyberpunk's?
4:04 "For many traits or genre of enemies M.Eraser just becomes filler" Most stages in the game are not mono-target enemies. Nearly every stages in the game are mixed traits. That's why Nekokhamen, Future or worse Bellydancer are not used as much - because they instantly melt when literally any other enemies hit it.
Also putting Roe as a ''main meatshield'' for red stage is also crazy as most Red enemies hits incredibly hard and Roe is used almost exclusively for Prof.A.
4:08 "Most of the time being the least useful unit in the loadout" Again what's the methodology here??? What even is this stage being featured here, lord of the abyss?? Why exactly are seafarer pizza and dragons above M.Eraser when Ururun already deals most of the damage? Why is Sanzo so high when Ramen already tanks Boraphim anyways? Why is MUSHROOM first?? Why is Ururun less than BW.Legs?? Are you just ranking by DPS???
4:15 "You cant beat an angel stage without ramen" you can you're just using a bad loadout
4:29 "Do you use it on advent stages" yes, on like almost all of the stages you showed.
I used him on Relic B when your Roe and Islands aren't as strong as it can soak hits from Relic Doge to not curse Roe.
I used him on March to Death because, well why wouldn't you use it? Future is good here too but SMH's knockback effect can be hellish if you dont use spammable meatshield, plus due to Future's longer cooldown, if Daboo hits your Future from farthest range, you lose a lot of ground and M.Eraser can secure those grounds
I used him on NPA for just, general meatshield? Okay tbf this one don't really matter if you do the rush strat you can just bring like 5 units.
Admittedly I didn't use him on Kawano as I relied more on Cactus, but frankly he'd be a better choice than Jiangshi here as Kawano has strict money limit and M.Eraser can tank out the sirrels which is one of the main pushers in the stage.
4:31 "Gimmicky stages such as floor 30" Yes??? M.Eraser is one of the best choice of meatshield you can bring here??? It's like tied with Riceball and M.Mohawk in usages???? This is not even a weird pick in the slightest???????
Also is that False Ressurection? I don't see why M.Eraser is a bad pick here, you generally want something to stall the Bunbun?
No comments on Luza as I've yet to actually play it but I also don't see why not?
You know what I don't use on any of these stages though? Cyberpunk lol. Only F50 maybe but, advent stages and F30?
So why did you dock points off of M.Eraser but not Cyberpunk?
4:34 "There's moments where he's recommended but he doesnt go by himself" So does cyberpunk????
Why did you dock points off of M.Eraser but not Cyberpunk????
4:45 >You can replace M.Eraser with other units and you can win
You can say the same to cyberpunk.
So again why did you dock points off of M.Eraser but not Cyberpunk???
Ok i've written a whole page of notepad already I don't wanna type anymore I'm tired.
For the love of god if you wanna tier something you need to relay a METHODOLOGY FIRST AND FOREMOST.
I actually watched maybe like 1 minute of your 'all uber tierlist' video and I knew it's going to be completely pointless the moment you started tiering without even saying HOW the units are tiered. A tierlist without methodology is no difference than randomized unit orders. You're just yapping without thinking bro.
This is why tiering discussion are the worst. Nothing good comes out of it. Only people getting heated over absolutely nothing interesting.
Good editing on the video tho
Jesus you literally have nothing to do man go get some sleep lucas 😭
Absolutely murdered Nio with this one gdamn
tldr, i like when u yap tho
“and brings nothing interesting “ idk man these points lowkey interesting 👀👀👀though a lot of the things you said here are over exaggerated (like Manic Eraser Ties with Manic Mohawk and Riceball in floor 30 though realistically did you actually use him? and that Normal eraser bit to name a few😭). if you want we can discus more but as for me im done explaining since this was just a silly explainage on my ranking. Take care & get some sleep dawg
Nio was later found dead in a random alleyway.
Cyberpunk heavily relies on meatshielding due to his gargantuan blindspot, to use him effectively, especially if the enemy stage is a swedish table of traits (multi traited stages), you're pretty forced to use M. Eraser, as out of all the generalist meatshields, he's the tankiest one (Rock is a bit too niche and specific). You *can* beat stages without M. Eraser but that's kind of putting yourself at a disadvantage. It's kind of like beating Learned to Love without A. Bahamut or Courier cheese, it's possible, but you're actively restricting yourself out of the easiest path, while Cyberpunk is rarely, if ever, a requirement. While I believe Cyberpunk to be incredibly strong, I don't use him that often, because oftentimes the strategy has to warp around to fit him into the loadout, he requires more effort to use effectively, and he excels at it, sure, but he's not exactly the win condition, unless you Cyberstack, but I promise you, it's the least fun strategy out of the entire game. I'm sorry, but waiting for a while just to get your stack going, even though with many strategies you can beat the stage in an equa amount of timel, or faster. Cyberstacking works great, but it's my last resort because it's a borderline snorefest of a strategy.
Also CanCan objectively better than Cyberpunk, I'm sorry but it's true.
Cyberstack by itself relies Manic Eraser to work, and one of the most effective units doing so.
cancan is 2nd best, nobody can change my mind (in my opinion)
@@theodorech20 Exactly my point. Cyberpunk CAN work without M. Eraser, but you'd have to play way more carefully in order to not mess up. Even then, Cyberstacking isn't effective everywhere and isn't always a reliable or the dominant strategy, it has a wide range of applications, but M. Eraser does so too, and is solid throughout the entire playthrough. He does fall off later on as enemies get stupidly strong, but he's still a pretty cheap rusher meat shield that doesn't get knockbacked whenever it takes 3 damage (I love dissing M. Mohawk), which is a niche not really fulfilled by many other units (I'm sorry but using Riceball for double the cost is never worth it unless it's 4 stars)
@@thebattle7000 I definitively agree also there are some enemies that can pierce to cyberpunk(not much tho) with wave you can say use octo or another wave blocker but sometimes stage disign dosn't let use octo block because he dies and rest of wave blockers are ubers and they can easily die by enemy support like croakley ,dolphina or loris so also there are some wave stages that are money management stages (only give small amount of money so its hard to use ubers)
this might actually be the biggest reach of 2024
Imagine being at an amusement park. Imagine you want to go on two different rides. The first ride is this little teacup ride that you can enjoy for about a minute or two, but once it's over, you can quickly get back in line and be on it again soon because the line is always short and the ride ends quickly enough for new people to get on after the first group starts. The second one is this super long rollercoaster that's the park's main attraction, but the line is always incredibly long and once the ride starts, it takes several minutes for it to go around its course. You're standing in line for upwards of half an hour hyping yourself up, hearing the screams of the people on the ride around you and watching the line slowly, gradually get shorter every few minutes, and then you finally get to go on the ride, but you black out midway through and the ride is over before you realize it and you barely got to experience what you've been waiting for this entire time. The rollercoaster is objectively the better ride according to most people you talk to, but others say that they like the teacups more. They both do different things but the endgoal is the same: to engage and entertain you. Which one do you find to be more fun?
Nah not even that lol cus in this case both rides are meant to entertain you, while cyber and meraser have fundementally different roles, its more like comparing a spoon to a printer
I’d go for a different ride, if an amusement park has only 2 decent rides it can barely be considered an amusement park in the first place
Nuclear baby vs coughing bomb
PURPLE SMILEY FACE a year is crazy broskie I’m jealous
i hope you didnt donate much during the stream :meditating business man emoji:
@potatoking7780 "1945 Hiroshima survivor vs non-self-destructive explosive"
Edit: no seriously, I laughed 2much at this
0:33 why did i think that he will say a sponser
He was sponsered by cyberpunk to make this video
This is not just incorrect, it's also stupid.
Manic Eraser and Cyberpunk has DIFFERENT roles.
Manic Eraser is a cheap 150c meatshield that has 18,995 HP at 30 and 25,545 HP at 50.
Meanwhile Cyberpunk... HP doesn't really matter to him he's just a superbackliner with guaranteed 2 seconds (2.4 seconds for treasure traits) slow to non-metals without talents... With talents this 2 - 2.4 second slow doubles to 4 - 4.8 seconds.
Crazy how you actually made a take so bad that I had more enjoyment watching Despicable Me 4.
I am more confused on what criteria he’s going for, also, he says stages can be beaten without M. Eraser, and that M. Erased can’t function well with units supporting him.
Yeah, so does Cyberpunk, blud is going to get one-shotted if another unit ain’t protecting him.
@@Whispasta64 oh boy I wonder what unit protects cyberpunk... That's right meatshields! Stuff like Ramen, Cone and of course... *Manic Eraser* too. Yeah this video was just why MEraser is good then why Cyber is good and why Cyber is better.
i hope this is actually a late april fools video
@@SmugBora I mean it IS supposed to be based off last video where he ranked super rares and put nerd 1st over manic raser
I'll be honest i've never used cyberpunk in the second half of UL
only used him on p cycloneand he fumbeled hard
octo had to jard carry cuz he kept missing
Exactly I've only used him on a handful of stages
why are you comparing a meatshield to a backline unit
Low iq issues
@@the_commenter_2 cuz he made a tier list and Said cyberpunk is better than eraser manic and people disagreed
I sorta disagree with this. While yes cyberpunk is an amazing unit that is really good at cc. I believe that manic eraser is still the better unit. First of all, dependency. Manic eraser, like mentioned in the video, can be thrown into any load out and isn’t dependent on anything to function as a Meat shield. Cyberpunk on the other hand requires a lot of meat shielding for him to work and any strong pusher or long piercing enemy will render cyberpunk useless. Cyberpunk is a very fragile unit that requires careful planning. One counter argument brought up in the video is that specialist usage is better than generalist usage is the case of cyberpunk and manic eraser. I also disagree with this. One example that can be used is can can and swimmer cat. Can can is an amazing generalist who does a lot of damage to a single enemy and is used as a nuker. Swimmer cat is similar to can can where it’s used as a nuker but for floating. You could argue that swimmer is better because he is a better specialist and he is faster. This is not true because can can is better of his generalist usages. Many stages are mixed and have multiple traits. There are some stages where floating is the main threat but a majority of stages are mixed. Another example is dasli and specialist. Dasli is the best Uber in the game because of her insane damage and good survivability (and the immunities). You could also argue the she isn’t the best Uber because there are specialist that do much more damage than her. Like Aphrodite against aliens. Aphrodite has much more range and much dps against aliens. Same with any other specialist. While this isn’t exactly the same as cyberpunk and manic, I still believe it’s important to mention. Another point that isn’t as important but I would still like to mention is how easy and low investment manic tank is but this doesn’t matter in an end game perspective. While there are some flaws in my opinion I still personally believe that manic tank is the better super rare. If you have any questions or would like to argue against my point feel free to reply and I’ll try my best to reply back.
this is like saying why sleeping is better than drawing
they have basically no similarity whatsoever 💀
"Cyberpunk couldn't have done it without me"
-Manic 'Saul' Eraser
Listen nio, I’m trying so hard to respect your opinion here, but I can’t when you are so hypocritical and even downright wrong at times. Every single point you make against manic eraser is either incorrect or can be applied to cyberpunk as well.
1. When there is a trait pushing hard on a mixed stage, that does not mean the specialist meatshield you used against that trait was more useful. Think about it; you would have been much more successful had you only used manic eraser than the only used the specialist, because had you only used the specialist every other trait would have wrecked it, while manic eraser would have been effective against all of them. Therefore the specialist meatshield was not more important here. Pure stages don’t count, they are rare when looking at battle cats as a whole.
2. You can easily beat an angel stage without ramen. Im in zero legends and i forget to bring ramen all the time, but guess what? Dual erasers ends up stalling just fine.
3. I literally used manic eraser against single advent except kappy and his dad lol. He’s even used against the newest boss in the game because he can take two hits before dying. I don’t know why you brought up floor 30 when manic eraser works great there. You’re objectively wrong here.
3. Being able to beat a stage without a unit does not mean that unit was not effective against the stage. It just means it wasn’t required. The exact same thing can be said for cyberpunk. I’ve had a no Gacha save for a few years and I’m in humanity catified. You know what that means, right? It means I don’t even have cyberpunk. Just because his role is irreplaceable doesn’t mean you actually need him. His uniqueness does not increase his importance as much as you seem to believe.
4. Now we get to your cyberpunk argument, which is certainly something. First of all, you seem to believe that if your current cc units aren’t working, you can just use cyberpunk instead. That is just so wrong. There are so many examples where cyberpunk is straight up invalid. Ever heard of a wave enemy? Yes I know about octo, but with harder stages octo has downtime. If even a single wave slips by it can easily one shot cyber because of how low his health is. What about a surge enemy? If a surge reaches far enough, he’s cooked. Death surges cause this to happen all the time. How about we think about zombies for a single second? Holy blast can only do so much, and if a zombie burrows anywhere near him he is useless against it. What about stages where major threats spawn on a timer instead of base hit? Typically you won’t have enough time to save up for cyberpunk, let alone stack. What about stages that are just generally cash tight? There are tons of stages when you can’t spare 3000c for him, let alone 3750c without cost down maxed. How about units that straight up outrange him? You’d be surprised how many enemies do, or have long enough pierce to hit him. What about metal enemies? Cyberpunk sure helps against those. There’s even plenty of enemies straight up immune to slow, too. Last but certainly not least, what about stages where enemies generally tend to push pretty hard? Look at cyberpunk. No health, one knockback, 800 blindspot. If the main threat of a stage is able to push into that blind spot whatsoever, then cyberpunk becomes quite literally useless against it and won’t help at all. You may bring up cyberstacking, but remember that all of the examples I brought up can overlap. Its extremely common that the main threat spawns on a timer so you don’t have enough time, or the stage is low on cash and you can’t afford multiple cyberpunks. When you look at all these examples, you should realize cyberpunk doesn’t actually work as a last resort in the majority of cases.
Manic eraser > cyberpunk.
Exactly!!! And I'm no funny cat game expert but... I think people use manic eraser more than cyberpunk
As a funny cat game player, I can confirm I use manic eraser on every stage and rarely use cyberpunk
Your point is good but comparing cyber with m. Eraser is like comparing a pencil with an eraser, both have super different uses, same thing happens with m. Eraser and cyber - m. Eraser's job in the game is to be a cheap, spammable, unit to tank damage while cyber is to stall and support other units from faraway with the slow + another thing to keep in mind is that BOTH require support of other units after all its not like you can spam m. Eraser and beat late game levels, same with cyber, both units require each other to work well
If i had to choose who to put on number 1 it would be can can and have m. Eraser in 2nd (more usage overall) and in 3rd cyber.
this isn’t comparing apples to oranges, it’s comparing apples to a house’s foundation
yk what, i was about to say i lost all respect for you, but after actually watching the video you have some decent points. however, the reason he is so good is BECAUSE he is a perfect generalist for everything. if a stage has a huge mix of enemies, are you going to bring the specialist meatshield for every trait? no, youre going to bring dual erasers. also, most specialist units (eg. sushi, jetpack, ramen, shigong, cone, bellydancer, etc.) basically need a research combo like biobone or chasing hearts to match to usefulness of dual eraser, so they take up way more slots, and they are more expensive, so they drain your wallet. this is why manic eraser is so good, his versatility. sure, if a stage has all zombie, take shigong only because he works phenomenal there. but if there is more than like 2 or 3 traits in the level, that kind of meatshield picking and choosing simply wont work. and yes, i get that cyberpunk is basically in his own class and has his own abilities that make him able to do stuff no one else can do like cyberstacking, but there are still ubers and other rares that can at least get the job done without him. i respect your arguments, but i just cant agree with them.
I agree with the top comment, yes people make rankings but this is a comparison between two completely different units, he’s conparing a meatshield to a support back liner debuffer
This legit makes no sense they’re 2 completely different units
Yeah but how else do you make rankings?
You can still compare different units by how well they do their job
that’s like saying tier lists should be made because all the units are unique😭
Bro invalidated every single ranking and tierlist in existence LoL
Oh yeah. Keep it mind that manic eraser's very weak attack power is exactly why it's good and actually synergizes well with Cyberpunk.
Low attack power is the reason why Cyberstack can be initiated in the first place. since you want to stall the enemy on place not killing them.
4:38 might be the worst argument to why cyberpunk is better, wow a unit made for tanking and does 100 damage cant solo a stage 😂, maybe cyberpunk and his 800 blindspot could soli some stages with no meatshields. Also specialized meatshields are not very effective due to the fact minimal stages are 1 trait only and if its not 1 trait youre using eraser spam. If the stage is 1 trait WHY ARE YOU USING CYBERPUNK THERES SPECIALISTS 🙏
7:43 somehow NOW it's convineint that it's a multi trained stage but during the meatshielding section it wasent? You also said it yourself you're not bringing cyberpunk to every stage or even 25% most stages don't support him.
Hi can you please make more animations I LOVE them especially the video “How courier cat was made” thanks
when he said but hey at the end of the video my brain said 'THATS JUST A THEORY'
You're not the only one 💀
At this point it's really just:
Win rate booster vs 600~ second cooldown win button
Everybody knows that Can Can is the best cat in the game
The battle cats youtubers spread propaganda toaster cat is better trust this random person on the internet
Cheetah cat better
Thank you
Weird seeing someone agree with me
Got flamed more than in the original sr ranking lmao
Virgin cyberpunk vs sigma Manic eraser who can move a peble.
@@hafid1778 both cat man
People stupidly comparing unit doesn't justify you standing on opposite side
Bro its a meat shields vs a crowd controller they are completely different unit its a cat with long distance and a close ranger the only similar feature is they are a super rare
@@Biscuitiscute he made this video because people said Manic Eraser is better when in reality it's just a meatshield you will bring because it's just good to have, it wasn't him comparing the two it was the loud majority saying how a freaking meatshield is somehow better than a crowd controller, you always bring a meatshield but it doesn't mean you will automatically lose if you don't bring that one meatshield that everyone else has so it makes sense why Cyberpunk could be considered better because you just can't replace him
They literally aren't comparable what?
Manic eraser > Cyberstack
Also they have SO differents roles, wym man
Your making no sense?
the ranking was made according to how good the units are at their job, manic eraser is just a generalist meatshield, nothing special, super replacable
@@lombrqdo1868 exactly I agree
@@lombrqdo1868 Man I've already passed Sol, Aku realm and the few times I've used Cyberpunkzzz are counted with my hands.
It was only useful to me with the insane, but I have hardly used it because of how late it is to make that "Stack" that makes it a decent unit.
On the other hand at least manic Eraser is a cat that AL least will serve you in practically 99% of the stages that don't have restriction.
Is it replaceable? Nah, definitely.
You can use other meatshields that specialize in a certain trait, but it's never replaceable lol
Are the two units comparable or not? You're clearly contradicting yourself.
“He’s the emergency crowd controller, and none can take that role”
Sniper the deadeye who doesn’t require talents,knockbacks and slows enemies,has no blindspot has the EXACT same CD, attacks slightly faster and costs less then 1/3rd of a cyberpunk:
[edit]:while yes, cyberpunk has area. But for advents or UL stages that don’t have enemy spam, he could easily replace cyberpunk(also cyberpunk does the absolute worst when it comes to emergencies)
Me when single target:
Cyberpunk is objectively better than sniper but you could make an argument for assissilan pasalan
@@Trout-likeAppearancei mean... he's a uber soooo
@@MasterGooner26 true
@@CoffeeHype7356 cyberpunk when push:
Your editing in this vid is incredible! Specifically the graphic at 4:06 is unreasonably satisfying.
3:15 Nah I won’t get out
Cyberpunk still needs meatsgields tho, and the low damage of Meraser is the reason Cyberdtack is possible, since speciailized Meatshields like ramen push too hard.
banger video, keep it up dude!!
i would say the tricky thing about classifying anything as the "best" in anything
is, you need to specify "best at what?"
based off the ending of the video
it seems the criteria of "best at what"
is "best non uber at getting you un-stuck at particularly tricky stages when trying to progress"
nio goes insane for the 449593th time
This is guys Nuclear baby vs coughing bomb
The edits in this video are fantastic 😂. Made me an instant fan, keep up the good work. Just got back into battlecats after 5 year gap.
Your level of crazy is-10000000
Comparing a fuckin' meatshield to a Longrange Crowd controller is crazy💀
I originally thought your opinion of Cyberpunk being stronger was just the ramblings of a madman, but this explanation for it is actually incredibly convincing!
I was pretty ready to dispute you most of the video but I can't argue against those points you made for Cyberpunk
Solid logic
5:47 why is bro being condescending to us what 😂
A new video yippie!
A way to solve this debate: just make a team with both lol
Fr just shut up and enjoy both of them
First of all, did my guy have a stroke while writing the channel guidelines? Also, 2:58 you ain’t slick 💀
You know he's cooked when LUCASIV comes here to add to the slander
As a person who did berserk today, C. Tank was very helpful on stalling the crazed axe due to his ability to take a bunch of hits from him, making it much easier to save up for units pre red-face guy, and while you CAN PROBABLY beat him without c. Tank, he helped a lot especially for me because my tank wasn’t eraser yet (although this is kinda just me being underleveled)
But tbh I’m just an early game idiot so I wouldn’t know much
This is equivalent of comparing a truck to a ps5
I agree with the one on the right 0:19
Bro 💀
Make the battle cats fans rage speedrun any%
I refuse to say cyberpunk is the best super rare because cyberstacking is so tremendously unfun
@@loganreidy7055 we aren’t talking about fun, we’re talking about how hood the unit is
so you're saying anything not fun to do is not good?
@@TeaCupToast I mean he has a point tho, what’s the point of doing something in a game if you don’t find it fun? Unless it’s necessary like xp or catfruit grinding
cybersniper is a more fun strategy imo cuz it's a much easier set up which works without needing to stall (though it's effectiveness isnt as good)
@@kykhang6064 Please don't strawman.
You know it’s a good day when nio uploads
Yall need to chill 😭 Tierlists can't be 100% perfect and all blud did was telling his opinion. Disagree or agree with him, but I don't think Nio or anyone in the Battle-Cat community should get that amount of hate over this.
You shouldn’t compare apples to oranges like this
If you're really saying Seafarer and Catellite are much better than M. Eraser, you may be right, but those units literally rely on M. Eraser to work well. These units have very good usage but not much health. For example, A. Bahamut. He has absolutely broken stats, but his low health balances him, requiring meatshields, and M. Eraser can get in there quickly because of its high speed. Also, CYBERPUNK. Because of his incredibly high range and large blindspot, meatshields need to go in front of him so that he can operate properly. And the meatshield that is best for mixed stages (nearly all stages) is M. ERASER! Dasli, Seafarer, Benkei, and just about any other mid-ranger, backliner/super backliner, and nuker you can think of needs M. Eraser to compensate their low health. Including Cyberpunk! Also, you say M. Eraser is easily replaced, but doesn't that also apply to Cyberpunk? Why are you taking off points on M. Eraser but not on Cyberpunk???? That goes for many other things in this video! To put it short,
manic eraser is better than cyberpunk (and so is can can).
At 4:06, the wave icon uses the old asset instead of the new one. Literally unwatchable.
"Best Non-Uber Crowd Controller" Nah he is the best controller
Well ok but I like having fun
the bc community getting more heated over this then the minecraft community got heated over 'I... AM STEVE' and that says something lol
0:11 this last comment can't be real 💀
He was right for all the wrong reasons(also lil dragon takes like +30 or +40 to be good lol)
They're talking about the attack up combo, although that only makes a bit more sense since Neneko is competing more with Cutter and Diabolosa for a 2nd atk up slot than LKD
You can watch a add every day
@@MylesB-e1q please be satire😭
I’m almost convinced people just do not watch the entire video first before speaking their mind lol
This video is somebody who cant actually build a lineup trying to explain how a super backliner that is either a chip ccer with glaring weaknesses/last resort on aids stages is better than the best meatshield (meatshields are the most important class of unit). Lmfao.
brainwashed sexy legs cat is a super good emergency crowd controler
Dude, this is like saying a plant is better at living then a wall
I can't keep protecting bro🙏
The gall to hint that people who automatically class M.eraser as the best unit are idiots while making the points that you list in this video is insane
0:22 the guy on the right is in the war of drugs, ON THE SIDE OF ZE DRUGS
You used no methodology to explain your points so I can’t really agree or disagree with any of it because there is nothing meaningful you used to actually compare the 2 units. Maybe this says a lot about how there is really no need for comparison between 2 completely different units when they are both really good at what they are used for and easily obtainable.
The kanye unreleased building in the background at the start
and aso i was playing The Battle Cats
if you do the cyber stack at the start and legit waste like 20 minutes just use seed tracker and get mitama or other fast and mitama completely outscales him in every single stage almost since shes so tanky even if you get into her blind spot she will get knocked back and keep slowing while cyberpunk will probably just die or something and what you said about m eraser is completely dumb since 80% of the game is mixed stages you cant bring 3 specialist meatshield for every category cause its too expensive, you probably the kind of guy to say "hm actually im no uber player im such a pro! i just spam cyberpunk stack at almost every single stage!" this strat is worse then using dasli, double phono, and balrog at the same team atleast these players have fun using their overpowered ubers to beat hard stages you just reusing the same boring trick and play just to say "yeah i completed the game no ubers"
5:50 Yes, Seafarer and Cyberpunk did their job, but so did your meatshield(s). M.Eraser as a meatshield is meant to buy time while absorbing damage along with any other unit considered to be a meashield, that's their purpose. Hes a nieche generalist that does his job well, and as a meatshield allows other units such as seafarer or cyberpunk TO do their job. Of course there are replacements or other ways to get the job done, but that doesnt invalidate the value that unit brings to the table when present. Both units could work well with another but without the other (just the two of them in this case) they wouldnt accomplish much if anything at all. This comparison doesnt make sense 😭
I got cyberpunk as my 2nd super rare tf and I use him all the time he’s just the best at giving me the advantage,tho since I started 2 weeks ago I don’t t’inonda how to properly use him but he still is my best unit because I don’t have any ubers
My thoughts: i think manic eraser is a very fast and tanky meatshield that you can use anywhere, tho he's usually pair with other meatshields, and specialist meatshields not by himself, he's not some sort of, "deploy him instant win" Rather he's just that one side character that can help you along the way and is the reason why manic eraser is not the best super rare nor the best cat, he's just the best generalist meatshield that can give you a ton of help in almost all the stages, further more, his cost to tankyness ratio is nuts, so manic eraser is always good but not the best cat, that's just my thoughts
most random comparison
I mean but this neglects other options like can can. Do I think Manic Eraser is the best? No, but manic erasers place in a lineup is very difficult to replace. Cyberpunk is very good, but the main role that Cyberpunk sees is stacking. Why use strategy when you could cyberstack for 5 minutes and clobber this otherwise uneventful stage? It’s also so easy for cyberpunk to be completely unusable in a stage because the main threats come on a timer. It’s almost like claiming Icat is better than courier on all red stages because the permafreeze can make the stage free. When looking at the best super rare you want a unit that can bring value everytime it hits the field; when you spawn it there is a chance it could change the tide of the battle. Can manic eraser do that? Yes but rarely but that is true of cyberpunk too. Moral of the story it’s can can and it’s not even close.
I’d say a near universally usable, spammable as hell unit who holds off enemies for even just a second each and is the best at his role is better than a unit who can break stages, but can be very hard to throw in at times, often requires lengthy ass setup and/or a lineup to work around his weaknesses, can just be straight up unusable on some stages(ones too fast, too dry on cash, or have enemies who can snipe him somehow), and often isn’t even strictly necessary(he *is* a big help when he works, but you usually don’t *need* him outside 3-Crown UL).
I can kind of understand Nio's point, since his main point is cyberpunks role cannot be replaced by another unit, but my issue is his point on how you don't need M eraser to win a stage, which is true, but you could make the exact same argument for cyberpunk and that's just kind of dumb to do since your basically making the stage harder on yourself. To even use cyberpunk your probably going to use m eraser anyways since m eraser is already such a good meat shield.
Idk why bro decided to call cyberpunk better than M.eraser but yeah tbh some stages require cyberpuck because he is a superbackliner but you can always pair both M.eraser and cyberpunk in stages.
Its all over the SCREEN nio
Cyberpunk is the best but counterpoint: cyberpunk is boring af. Thats why i never use cyberpunk
just wanna say, i got cyberpunk after 300 hours in the game. i had +10 cancan before i finally rolled that stupid rat. thats why i hate him
no cyberpunk: death
no manic eraser: also death
I stopped using cyberpunk because i thought he's way too strong, everytime I brought him into a stage it wasn't even a challange
Idk manic cats is kinda different from the rest of the super rare and also comparing a meatshield/tank unit to a cc is kinda weird. Also I still think manic eraser is better than cyperpunk.
Manic Eraser is the most Reliable. Super rare
Who let this guy cook 🗣️🗣️🗣️
Nio, I'm just gonna come up and say it
All of your takes are horrible
I'm sorry
Also comparing Manic Eraser to Cyberpunk is like comparing a brick to a toaster, they have completely different fucking purposes
@@teh_manexactly!!! And also manic eraser doesn't need cyberpunk, but cyberpunk needs manic eraser
"You didn’t beat a whole new world because of manic erasers meatshielding" he don’t realize without the meatshielding the units that "carried" were carried by meatshielding
to be honest theyre just different units with different roles. theyre both very popular, strong and usable in a lot of scenarios. its kinda hard to compare em
Yooo I’m in the vid??? awesome video, I can definitely understand what you’re saying, but kitty of liberty is still the best super rare (im definitely not biased at all)
Overral, this video is pretty well made with some good arguments here and there, as for me, im just right in the middle since I believe that both units are good in their own right and just depends what you value, if you value general usage more then go for manic eraser, if you value especialist usage more, then go for cyberpunk. What I don’t like is that this man is getting flamed back to back like damm…..it’s just his opinion about cat game lol. He might have made some questionable arguments but it’s still his subjective opinion since he did say why HE believes that cyberpunk is better and not just say that cyberpunk is objectively the better unit.
In the end, nice try in taking Manic eraser’s crown since no one else has ever disagreed in it, and it really takes some balls to post a video in why manic eraser is not the best cat.
I still think cats shouldn’t be judged by their rank on a tier list since every cat has their time to shine in one way or another…….except thief since he is just bad lol
Doesn't matter uncle Ben, both work well together
Personally I think that CP is worse than manic eraser due to manic eraser being basically necessary in mid and late game while cyberpunk acts kind of a uber good in stages but never necessary
Honestly I would say they were on the same level, maniac eraser is an insane meatsheild, that can last for a long time against powerful enemies at a high enough level, tho cyber punk IS Insanely good unit, with very high reach and good damage, even tho I dont even have cyber, or maniac eraser, I have seen tons of people use them and their stats, I think if their was a way to be 1st for both, it would fit them.
yaey I’ve been waiting for u to make this vid