Day 1: Rescuing the girl in the closet

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • Lauren Kavanaugh is rescued from the Atkinson trailer closet. To see the entire package visit

КОМЕНТАРІ • 2,6 тис.

  • @siphy9335
    @siphy9335 4 роки тому +12167

    She was abused sexually, physically, likely verbally, starved and kept from seeing the light of day, but she still was able to smile when she was rescued?
    That poor girl, I'm glad this didn't kill her

    • @Doyamn
      @Doyamn 4 роки тому +149

      Siphy these words just hit me like a shoe to the face . That poor baby

    • @lady-adalyn
      @lady-adalyn 4 роки тому +174

      Someone finally taking you out, and you get to be outside. You can eat too. Its the greatest feeling. Its not sad. It's the best day of your life. Your friends become real and they can pick you up and clean you and feed you and the light under the door with all the hours of shadows going by isn't all you watch anymore. I know it's odd to see that smile, but I swear to you it's very real how happy she was being set free.

    • @teippio5613
      @teippio5613 4 роки тому +16

      That poor thing :(

    • @siphy9335
      @siphy9335 4 роки тому +51

      I know, it's just the ability to be able to make that expression.
      Unfortunately though, the abuse was too much for her mentally. She has been convicted of sexual assault recently.

    • @teippio5613
      @teippio5613 4 роки тому +46

      @@siphy9335 hurt people hurt people

  • @taylerh7328
    @taylerh7328 4 роки тому +2592

    did this just show up in anyone else’s recommended out of no where. i’m scared.

    • @S1ND0600Z1
      @S1ND0600Z1 4 роки тому +23

      Yeah This video did show up as recommended. Pretty random. Poor lil girl n disgusting parents,I might add.

    • @theskyisonfire
      @theskyisonfire 4 роки тому +1


    • @annie4029
      @annie4029 4 роки тому +12

      I have been watching dogs and this shows up? I’m spooked

    • @untitled6296
      @untitled6296 4 роки тому +6

      It’s gaining traction because of dr phill

    • @sarahboldman4815
      @sarahboldman4815 4 роки тому +3

      Yes it did, and I hate it!Makes me sick.Thank goodness she was rescued.

  • @llyg4848
    @llyg4848 4 роки тому +235

    A child’s innocence is the most sacred thing on earth...

  • @annebell2181
    @annebell2181 7 років тому +27534

    I hate how people refer to horrible acts as animalistic... an animal would never do these awful things, only humans would

    • @greatdanelegend7001
      @greatdanelegend7001 7 років тому +105

      Anne Bell true

    • @sharongrewal3363
      @sharongrewal3363 6 років тому +198


    • @_Christina_n
      @_Christina_n 6 років тому +100


    • @memecitycentralpark.2289
      @memecitycentralpark.2289 6 років тому +405

      Anne Bell
      They mean that wild animals don't have remorse for things that they do.

    • @rosehan7067
      @rosehan7067 5 років тому +234

      @@memecitycentralpark.2289 But I'm sure animals don't keep their young locked in a small space in their own homes only to never let them out and to starve them.

  • @cherrypath1702
    @cherrypath1702 8 років тому +7513

    I can't understand how people can do this. This is sickening . 😢

    • @logicalanalyzer5326
      @logicalanalyzer5326 8 років тому +35

      Hi Cherry you can never understand them, those Cruel Sadistic EVIL MONSTERS like Barbie, because you're a decent, moral, gentle, loving, compassionate human being. I have researched these Vile EVIL MONSTERS(Sociopaths, Psychopaths) for over 15 yrs. Through numerous interviews these EVIL MONSTERS described their feelings as "the Ultimate High", " feeling like Superman, God", "feeling Great Pleasure, Joy, Ecstasy, Euphoria" when they severely tortured, raped, murdered babies/children, and women. All of them feel no guilt, remorse, shame or empathy for the tremendous pain and sufferings they inflicted on the innocent victims-children and women. Now don't you agree that these are EVIL DEMONS in human bodies or EVIL MONSTERS?

    • @GoodWillPrevail
      @GoodWillPrevail 8 років тому +10

      +Logical1 Analyze There are evil, sadistic people in this world and I believe they are possessed and under the control of Satan himself. I agree with you that they are demons in human bodies. It is happening today just like Bible times. Satan never changes! Fortunately we have a God of love who is willing to transform the human heart and bring kindness, compassion, mercy and self sacrificial love into a human life. This is the epic battle between good and evil and each one of us have to decide whom we will stand with.....Jesus or Satan.

    • @emerald3952
      @emerald3952 8 років тому +16

      +Logical1 Analyze Apparently you should do more research, because not all sociopaths/psychopaths are like that. And besides that, people without diagnosed mental condition are also capable to do this. It sounds like your "research" is watching Criminal Minds.

    • @Phil1stalk
      @Phil1stalk 8 років тому +5

      +cherry Path -- They are mentally ill. It's mental disease. I have an older brother and sister who are mentally ill with this same unrepentant attitude. Getting their diseased minds to even admit that, 2+2=4, if it works against them, they will not agree with your math no matter how true and clear it is to everyone else.
      I understand why people do this and why people cannot see their wrong. No matter how large the wrong to a death. That has happened in my family. And they still do not see their wrongs. They will not see, admit, or understand the truth. It is impossible for them.
      There are many symptomatic behaviors such as a lack of empathy and others that prevent their diseased minds from understanding their wrong.
      This is no excuse. This is just the reality of mental illness.

    • @cherrypath1702
      @cherrypath1702 8 років тому +3

      Philthe Stalker all mental illness is different and it's truly awful that innocent kids suffer, my husband has a bad mental illness and I pray this could never be possible for him

  • @suicide5441
    @suicide5441 8 років тому +11118

    All I can say is thank God she escaped that hellish torture.

    • @muhammadameermirza510
      @muhammadameermirza510 7 років тому +7

      Sui Cide IKR

    • @Choumi123
      @Choumi123 7 років тому +163

      Only God was a little bit late don't you think?

    • @Choumi123
      @Choumi123 7 років тому +136

      I don't know if she is saved consider the nightmares she still has. I just can't imagine why God, who sees everything, can watch such a abuse and don't react. And that for six years long.
      That is not pessimistic, that is a logical question, don't you agree?

    • @PokyHighKid
      @PokyHighKid 7 років тому +96

      ayy lmao 6 years is way too long as it is. If god is an all knowing all powerful being he's a complete asshole for letting this happen to a completely innocent and defenseless child.

    • @poke089
      @poke089 7 років тому +26

      Three reasons come to mind:
      (1) When we understand that God is gathering sufficient evidence to convict us [or acquit us], lawfully and fairly, you'd understand why He allows suffering. Cops don't jail a murderer just because they have a feeling that one day the person _might_ commit a crime depending on how they _might_ choose that day and in that moment, but only after the individual unlawfully kills somebody (and thus, there was a victim and sufficient witnesses-ample physical evidence of the crime). Without the option for suffering being allowed, you wouldn't be able to fairly/lawfully separate the malignant one from the blameless rest [they would protest, “but I wasn't even given the chance to commit the crime; this isn't fair”]. The suffering that mankind is allowed to inflict upon themselves and each other provides the evidence to fairly prosecute, jail, and/or put criminal people to death, thus separate the law-breaker from the rest.
      Likewise, for someone to be proven a sinner (a breaker of God's Law/a criminal), by definition there will be victims, even innocent casualties (who suffer at the hands [or by the mouth] of the sinner). And we will be judged for this on the ultimate judgment day, when both the righteous and wicked are raised from the dead, at the end of time (and before that, God sends judgments on earth, feeling the consequences of our own behavior, or our own behavior being returned on our own heads i.e. you starved someone, now you get starved) aside from earthly judgment rendered by governments/man's courts:
      • _Acts __24:15__ (NIV)_
      15 _and I have the same hope in God as these men themselves have,_ _that there will be a resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked._
      • _John __5:28__-29 (NIV)_
      28 _“Do not be amazed at this,_ _for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice_ 29 _and come out-those who have done what is good will rise to live,_ _and those who have done what is evil will rise to be condemned._
      • _2 Corinthians __5:10__ (NIV)_
      10 _For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ,_ _so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body,_ _whether good or bad._
      • _Matthew __12:36__-38 (NIV)_
      36 _But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken._ 37 _For by your words you will be acquitted,_ _and by your words you will be condemned.”_
      • _Obadiah __1:15__ (NIV)_
      15 _“The day of the Lord is near_
      _for all nations._
      _As you have done,_ _it will be done to you;_
      _your deeds will return upon your own head._
      • _Romans 13:4 (NIV)_
      4 _For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good._ _But if you do wrong,_ _be afraid,_ _for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason._ _They are God’s servants,_ _agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer._
      So, the suffering He allows has a purpose: fair acquisition of evidence. Lawful judgment.
      (2) Secondly, He's interested in molding creatures (us, His creations) to be loyal to Him, trusting in Him, even during times of suffering, when it's not easy to, just as much as when it is easy-in times of gladness, boredom, and even when it hurts. He wants us to learn that all kinds of circumstances (when endured with the right attitude and behavior) work towards the good of those who obey His Instructions, despite momentary pain in this life. He's molding creatures who do not resort to sin (e.g. who do not steal, kidnap, unlawfully kill, or be greedy, or any other sin), to alleviate themselves or anyone else of pain, but continue acting correctly / lawfully as He said to, trusting this will result in the greater good.
      • _John __14:15__ (NIV)_
      15 _“If you love me,_ _keep my commands._
      • _Romans __8:28__ (NIV)_
      28 _And we know that in_ *all* _things God works for the good of those who love him,_ _who[a]_ _have been called according to his purpose._
      Romans 8:28 Or _that all things work together for good to those who love God,_ _who;_ or _that in all things God works together with those who love him to bring about what is good-with those who_
      Our fulfillment and joy comes from: our relationship with Him, walking in ways that He finds pleasing, thus walking in His Commands (even in the midst of suffering),
      • _Job __6:10__ (NIV)_
      10 _Then I would still have this consolation-_
      _my joy in unrelenting pain-_
      _that I had not denied the words of the Holy One._
      ...and in trusting Him and caring for His creation the way He said-not in doing things our own way (which, if it contradicts His Way, will only cause harm in the long run, even if there is some immediate “benefit”/pleasure. His instructions, when heeded, would guard us from the natural negative consequences that are inflicted, both short term and spanning generations upon generations, that we do not have the foresight to see.
      • _Deuteronomy __4:40__ (NIV)_
      40 _Keep his decrees and commands,_ _which I am giving you today,_ _so that it may go well with you and your children after you and that you may live long in the land the Lord your God gives you for all time._
      • _Joshua 1:8 (NIV)_
      8 _Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips;_ _meditate on it day and night,_ _so that you may be careful to do everything written in it._ _Then you will be prosperous and successful._
      At the end of the day, whether we're the perpetrator of sin or the blameless victim (or half victim / half accomplice), we choose how we will react to the situation (while in it and after it [if we survive]); and we're all being tested to see whether we trust in our Creator and His instructions, as who and what we value most, or whether we trust more in rebellious creation [a deviant suggestion in ourselves or outside of ourselves spoken by others] in place of our Creator. We're tested to see whether we will resort to breaking Commands for some perceived, momentary pleasure or comfort, that in reality is to our own detriment and that of others, thus why YHWH Commanded against it.
      And lastly,
      [3] God proves His warnings and instructions true (thus trustworthy): when one breaks YHWH's Commands for how to properly interact with His creation, someone suffers, in the immediate and/or in the long run, just like He said-e.g. Adam and Eve sinned by interacting with creation in an improper manner; consequently, they invited death into all of creation, just like He warned them. The consequences are real (whether the act is adultery, bearing false witness, stealing [taking without legitimate permission], greed, unlawful killing, eating things you were never meant to eat, etc); creation will get hurt, yourself included (physically and/or emotionally wounded), sooner or later, often both.
      We will learn to trust in the Creator's instructions in one of two ways: the easy way (which is through our obedience, simply trusting what He said, and then as we go through life, learning of the danger we avoided) or the hard way (which is through our disobedience, suffering the negative consequences first hand or seeing how we affected the other, and then realizing, “ah that's why He said not to do that, or to go do that instead”). YHWH proves Himself true.
      So, in a nutshell some of the reasons why He allows suffering:
      [1] He's allowing us to be tested to reveal what is in us with fairly gathered evidence, thus providing just grounds for lawful judgment, to condemn us or acquit us, by how we react to the situation that He allowed. (Do we trust Him and what He said? Or do we not? Do we care for His creations in the way He said or do we not?) whatever we live through, and whatever crosses our paths, will test that.
      [2] even when we don't deserve the suffering, it is used to mold us into creatures who trust Him, regardless of the circumstances, good or bad, looking to Him and His way as our source of joy and safety, even when enduring unmerited, hurtful reactions from others. He's molding us into souls who trust in His way of thinking, speaking, and acting as safest and most beneficial even if the immediate reaction from the rebellious creation is pain.
      [3] YHWH proving Himself true and His warnings reliable; things happen as He said they would.
      Ultimately, those who are victorious through these trials and testings, who choose righteousness and guard a clean conscience in how they relate towards God and creation, according to YHWH's Commands, will live with Him forever, a place where there is no sin.
      • _2 Peter __3:13__-14 (NIV)_
      13 _But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth,_ _where righteousness dwells._
      14 _So then,_ _dear friends,_ _since you are looking forward to this,_ _make every effort to be found spotless,_ _blameless and at peace with him._
      • _Romans __8:13__ (NIV)_
      13 _For if you live according to the flesh,_ _you will die;_ _but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body,_ _you will live._
      • _Colossians 3:5-10 (NIV)_
      5 _Put to death,_ _therefore,_ _whatever belongs to your earthly nature:_ _sexual immorality,_ _impurity,_ _lust,_ _evil desires and greed,_ _which is idolatry._ 6 _Because of these,_ _the wrath of God is coming.[a]_ 7 _You used to walk in these ways,_ _in the life you once lived._ 8 _But now you must also rid yourselves of all such things as these:_ _anger,_ _rage,_ _malice,_ _slander,_ _and filthy language from your lips._ 9 _Do not lie to each other,_ _since you have taken off your old self with its practices_ 10 _and have put on the new self,_ _which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator._
      a. Colossians 3:6 Some early manuscripts _coming on those who are disobedient_
      He will live with those who were proven righteous and put on Christ's nature.
      That said,
      Shalom / Peace be with you, in Jesus' Name. ♡

  • @JJ-xo3er
    @JJ-xo3er 7 років тому +3971

    Damn... I wish I could just give her a hug. I hope she's doing well today. I know she will grow to be an awesome and successful person.

    • @samantha-nf3ei
      @samantha-nf3ei 7 років тому +88

      Babiii Jeffery Thuugie Sr. she was on dr. phil. you can watch clips of the episode here on youtube

    • @Gamecockinnc1
      @Gamecockinnc1 7 років тому +424

      Jason Atkins Wtf is wrong with you? Seriously! This girl was subjected to and survived things no person let alone a child should have to endure. And have you considered that medications for depression and PTSD may have led to her weight. Or maybe the freedom to eat after being starved for 8 years of her life by the 2 people in the world who were suppose to take care of her.

    • @jasonatkins6111
      @jasonatkins6111 7 років тому +1

      +Carolina Girl Isnt that exactly what I said? Why do you argue with facts just to have an loosing argument?

    • @Gamecockinnc1
      @Gamecockinnc1 7 років тому +207

      Jason Atkins Again you are calling this girl fat. And again what the fuck is wrong with you. Fact or not it is still wrong in the sense that it is rude. She's endured enough in her 23 years. Does she really have to endure people calling her fat? Just because she may be overweight doesn't mean you aren't a asshole for saying it.

    • @jasonatkins6111
      @jasonatkins6111 7 років тому +2

      +Carolina Girl So is she fat or not?

  • @vivianedorsey6570
    @vivianedorsey6570 7 років тому +1402

    poor baby girl 😢 I pray 🙏 that her life is better for her now.

    • @kraortlag1548
      @kraortlag1548 7 років тому +3

      Vivi Dorsey Thank God that it is then.

    • @boseit28
      @boseit28 7 років тому +76

      Vivi Dorsey sadly she suffers from extreme PTSD :(

    • @vivianedorsey6570
      @vivianedorsey6570 7 років тому +8

      I believe that. :(

    • @briannavonoflorio9935
      @briannavonoflorio9935 7 років тому +32

      Vivi Dorsey She's physically fine but not really mentally fine, she has nightmares and flashbacks which cause her to break. On the doctor Phil show her spoke out

    • @miisu
      @miisu 7 років тому +17

      Your prayers won't do shit.

  • @sukibenson2372
    @sukibenson2372 8 років тому +1474

    How can parents do this to their children ?

    • @thefracturedbutwhole5475
      @thefracturedbutwhole5475 8 років тому +118

      they are Psychopaths plain and simple they clearly had no feelings of affection towards their daughter

    • @sojournerrose7787
      @sojournerrose7787 7 років тому +21

      Suki Benson they probably were influenced by their own parents, or the people they hung around.

    • @justanedit001
      @justanedit001 6 років тому +15

      They did it for the simple act of being sociopathic, they saw her as an odd child and felt the need to change her, they said how she was different and always quiet and that ticked them to cause harm to her, they're not psychotic but sociopathic under these terms

    • @aallieen9119
      @aallieen9119 6 років тому +17

      They are not parents. They’re monsters.

    • @knewtknight1890
      @knewtknight1890 5 років тому +1


  • @lilyaurora7078
    @lilyaurora7078 4 роки тому +11

    I’m seeing a lot of comments here about how good and strong she is for smiling after all this abuse. I’d like to point out that while she is INCREDIBLY strong, smiling is not always a sign of happiness or being “okay”. It’s a way to cope with everything that has happened. Prayers to this brave little girl. I hope she finds healing. - a girl who was abused

  • @lisaroxyploddy8245
    @lisaroxyploddy8245 10 років тому +332

    Bless you Lauren. You're amazingly strong and have survivied the unimaginable..I'm so sorry you're mother failed you on so many levels and the system failed you..Love, blessings, and happiness will be your future..Those that tortured you as an innocent baby, will pay for their crimes against you.Love from Australia x

    • @remyo4487
      @remyo4487 4 роки тому +9

      Lisa RoxyPloddy as it turns out she’s admitted too sexually assaulting a girl she met on a fan page for herself.

    • @christinefitz77
      @christinefitz77 4 роки тому

      Remy O who the child jesus christ why? is it becus thats all she knows but surely she would have learned from the media and society by now what is right and what is rong and why would she admit it?

    • @HomesteadAtLast
      @HomesteadAtLast 4 роки тому +6

      You’re right the system did fail her. How many counseling sessions do you think they gave her before the system through her in some random foster home? Poor child

  • @ginababiesbabies4668
    @ginababiesbabies4668 8 років тому +26

    My heart is breaking and Im in tears. How any one could treat a child like this derserves to be put in that closet just the way it is w no food no water lock the door n walk away n let them suffer n die for this. Im so happy SHE is found and look how happy.she was when she was found they said huge smile..Very BEAUTIFUL little girl she will definitely be with awesome loving family who will spoil her n love her..I would love to adopt her..It's a miracle ending. She will never have to live like that again...

  • @Ladieboogie527
    @Ladieboogie527 3 роки тому +417

    Lauren, the victim in this case, was arrested in 2018 and indicted in February 2019 on the three counts of sexual assault of a child and could face up to 20 years in prison on each charge if she is convicted. She’s been deemed incompetent to stand trial but they haven’t yet transferred her a psychiatric facility. imagine if this poor girl hadn’t suffered this abuse, maybe she wouldn’t have produced victims of her own

    • @catsom9618
      @catsom9618 3 роки тому +121

      That’s so sad and disappointing to hear. I wish the system didn’t fail her. They should have provided rehabilitation that most individuals that suffer abuse need post-trauma. It’s a terrible but eye-opening update, thanks for that.

    • @jennymoore2083
      @jennymoore2083 3 роки тому +62

      Ohhh that's so sad. We can't help but imagine an abused child will grow up to beat the trauma and become a beautiful person inside and out. Thanks for the update

    • @nellieshoals
      @nellieshoals 3 роки тому +48

      @@catsom9618 It's nobody's fault, because it's not that simple. Even frequent, good, RESIDENTIAL treatment cannot undo years of neglect. We aim to improve the outcome, but there is only so much that people can do when the brain is so limited in development.

    • @kaitlynamira3916
      @kaitlynamira3916 3 роки тому +4


    • @lizalphonse5416
      @lizalphonse5416 3 роки тому +18

      Its truly sad but that is all she knew for the beginning of her life and its sad that she did what was done to her

  • @DiamondCatMC-ib4qf
    @DiamondCatMC-ib4qf 5 років тому +7

    I keep thinking to myself how anyone could stand being in a filthy closet with no food for 8 years straight & come out sane but then I remember that’s literally what she was born into, it’s ALL she knew. She never knew a life outside of it & had no hope of a better life at only 8 years old, and then she was saved. She’s a strong woman.

  • @lemonademouth247
    @lemonademouth247 9 років тому +44

    Stay strong my beautiful princess❤️

  • @jennhawkins8614
    @jennhawkins8614 4 роки тому +3

    Praying this little girl keeps smiling and growing strong.

  • @danielem0007
    @danielem0007 6 років тому +2

    Poor precious little angel... Thank God she was rescued...

  • @jessphillips4483
    @jessphillips4483 4 роки тому +89

    I can’t imagine even putting a little in a closet for a time-out. Like just that to me is disgusting. Then to even think about what this little girl went through... I can’t even fathom it tbh.

    • @ashleym5696
      @ashleym5696 3 роки тому +2

      I feel the same. She should of been taken care of and loved, not forced to live in that closet in her own waste.... 😢

  • @LaShandaRTatum
    @LaShandaRTatum 4 роки тому +54

    I just don’t understand why anyone would hurt children in this way. My God

  • @ocsrc
    @ocsrc 3 роки тому +2

    I hope this girl has a beautiful home and someone who loves her more than anything else and makes her feel happy every day.

  • @jessielynnd13
    @jessielynnd13 7 років тому +23

    The story behind the tub of butter is more sad then you would think... according to laurens oldest sister on the Doctor Phil show, she snuck the tub of butter into the closet so her sister could eat..

    • @nellieshoals
      @nellieshoals 3 роки тому

      I fucking hate this. Sorry, this is just so sad and rage-inducing. Like, imagine. It's not bad enough that they torture one child, they scare the other children who fear for her well-being so bad that they would risk something like that... And were legitimately fucking terrified for her sister's hunger. 😡😡😡

  • @maureenchurchill2689
    @maureenchurchill2689 6 років тому +2

    OMG this is terrible, I'm so sorry baby girl. these wonderful people who found you love you. go well sweetheart.

  • @sakia3962
    @sakia3962 4 роки тому +1

    No no no why had she have to live in this way for eight years!!! im a mum of two year old girl and I can’t even stay calm without bursting into tears by this popped out clip all of a sudden.
    I live in Japan and most modern house are small and locate close to each other so once kids crying and screaming you’ll notice and if you keep hearing it more than a hour, you call the police or rescue for children

  • @xei4547
    @xei4547 2 роки тому +5

    unfortunately many people who were abused as children will abuse others later on if they don't get proper help. She did, but I assume she was so badly abused that they couldn't help her. It's really sad. I hope she changes as a person once she's out of the mental institution and can move on to live a somewhat normal life

  • @bbqueenyourobots5253
    @bbqueenyourobots5253 7 років тому +9

    I feel so bad for Lauren. I will keep looking out for you.

  • @truthbetold1366
    @truthbetold1366 3 роки тому +1

    I pray she has the most beautiful life of freedom and happiness and peace......bless her

  • @elizabethsalvatore1633
    @elizabethsalvatore1633 2 роки тому +1

    Omgsh! I’m soooo glad she is as rescued, EVENTUALLY!!😢

  • @kuroichan101
    @kuroichan101 7 років тому +17

    Thats horrible. Im glad she survived but wow. She was 8 and 25 pounds. I cant believe she didnt die. When I was 8 I was probably about 80 to 90 pound. Thats seriously insane.

  • @woolypuffin392
    @woolypuffin392 4 роки тому +111

    Stop with calling such things animalistic. Its human nature, no animal does this to their young!

    • @kaitlynclark4039
      @kaitlynclark4039 4 роки тому +5

      xs_ fox can’t stand when people do this. They say it like it’s what dogs should be treated like too. No animal should be treated in any situation near her condition. They treated her “like a dog”. Honestly no human or animal should be treated in this way. To say it like it’s okay to treat a dog like hat away is horrifying. I agree 100 percent with you. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

    • @bethh0225
      @bethh0225 4 роки тому +1

      xs_ fox animals can be pretty savage tbf

    • @bethkrager6529
      @bethkrager6529 3 роки тому +1

      Ummm.... Clearly you don't know how many animals are spawn killers.

    • @VeeSeven700
      @VeeSeven700 3 роки тому +2

      It's very animalistic in the sense of base instinct. Without emotion or care.
      Plenty of animals kill their young for no observable, obvious reason. It happens all day, every day. All species.
      We aren't separate from animals. We are animals.

    • @anythingelse3677
      @anythingelse3677 3 роки тому

      Don’t call it, ”human nature” either.

  • @gina4196
    @gina4196 4 роки тому

    Jesus!! Thank God she was discovered!! All My Prayers For This Beautiful Baby Girl!!! 🎀

  • @bodypumpable
    @bodypumpable 5 років тому +1

    These police officers and CPS people are amazing and thank god for them

  • @Guruton10
    @Guruton10 7 років тому +4

    I am lost for words!!!!Please God help this little Girl.heal,recover and find her way.

  • @potatochild9600
    @potatochild9600 4 роки тому +17

    I just saw the moms apology video
    She is not sorry she is only sorry now because she's in jail
    It is disgusting I cannot even explain how disgusted I am

  • @jamesmoriarty3962
    @jamesmoriarty3962 4 роки тому +1

    What an amazing child to still be able to smile , I’m a 35 year old bloke and sadly witnessed some horrificthings and I still had a tear in my eye watching this

  • @gato.2645
    @gato.2645 3 роки тому +5

    She abused a girl a while ago, it's sad to see what it all did to her mind, she didn't deserve it

  • @pie3mcray
    @pie3mcray 7 років тому +14

    i hope they get locked up for a long time...this is disgusting what that beautiful little girl had to endure. ..

  • @milagrosgranados1316
    @milagrosgranados1316 7 років тому +4

    Wow this is crazy. Poor girl this is truly heart breaking .

  • @tracytabb2882
    @tracytabb2882 3 роки тому +1

    stories like this just make me hold and love my 2 daughters more. how cud anyone ever treat a child like that its heartbreakin

  • @kimberlystage308
    @kimberlystage308 5 років тому +1

    Omg poor babygirl thank god she was found and saved

  • @cdript
    @cdript 4 роки тому +10

    what blows my mind the most is how the poor girl is grown now and has charges for sexually assaulting minors.

    • @jasonatkins6111
      @jasonatkins6111 4 роки тому

      Yea, I think her parents tried to stop this and failed

    • @lady-adalyn
      @lady-adalyn 4 роки тому +4

      This kind of thing happens with children of sexual abuse.... they reenact their abuse onto others when they don't get the right help. Its never okay. But sexual offending is far more likely in cases of childhood sexual abuse

  • @adelinaarriaga
    @adelinaarriaga 4 роки тому

    All that pain, torment, and agony that child went through :( yet she smiled...her innocence stolen yet she smiled...God bless her always and give her strength to overcome this horrible past 🙏

  • @gemmaattenborough8286
    @gemmaattenborough8286 4 роки тому

    Oh my god poor little baby girl I want to give her the biggest hug you’re such a special little baby keep smiling xxxx

  • @Jesusismyfriend2006
    @Jesusismyfriend2006 10 років тому +71

    Actually, my half uncle just passed. He was in a facility for severe Schizophrenia for life. He was abused the same way this girl was. This was in my family. Happenned to my uncle.

    • @hareemsyed22
      @hareemsyed22 6 років тому +3

      maybe one of her parents half-sibling?

    • @sophhaugh6329
      @sophhaugh6329 6 років тому +2

      Jesusismyfriend2006 don’t try to get attention online in a comment section. this is about her, not your fake made up uncle.

    • @LilLeanCuisine
      @LilLeanCuisine 5 років тому

      Sophie W well dayum

    • @saharamoon7700
      @saharamoon7700 4 роки тому +2

      @@sophhaugh6329 ?? you're one of the reasons why no one comes out about what they go through

  • @rachelw821
    @rachelw821 3 роки тому

    God bless that precious, beautiful, STRONG survivor!!!!! She is now and forever in my prayers. Unspeakable abuses and cruelty to a perfectly innocent child... I am fighting back tears as I type this. I pray that Lauren is safe and happy and that she is able to heal from them and grow up in a good environment. I am unbelievably saddened that this type of evil exists in the world.

  • @coralrain6332
    @coralrain6332 6 років тому +1

    Incredibly strong lady

  • @girlunderu
    @girlunderu 4 роки тому

    You are so so lucky to have the gift of a child. I don't understand how people refuse to see that or why you would conceive a child, birth them, and choose to keep them just to do such terrible things to them. Nobody made you have them and you really don't deserve such a precious gift if you won't care for and cherish it.

  • @deanna3069
    @deanna3069 4 роки тому

    Look at that beautiful little girl...💔😞😓

  • @jerrybeauchamp761
    @jerrybeauchamp761 4 роки тому +4

    I believe cruel and unusual punishment should be expectable is cases like this!

  • @k.m.3286
    @k.m.3286 4 роки тому

    Im so sorry for this baby im so sorry. My heart is breaking to pieces. How can anyone do this? Tears are rolling down. I wish i could hug her and protect her for the rest of her life

  • @gabriellemadden3889
    @gabriellemadden3889 2 роки тому

    Bless her ill pray for u baby girl. I hope shes free and happy and thrives

  • @litledevel15
    @litledevel15 7 років тому +15

    I seriously want to make a change for this. What do I have to do to be a case worker like this. I know I can't save everyone, but I want to make a little bit of a change because this all too wrong... THESE ARE CHILDREN!!!!! As a 22 year old male, this breaks my heart to no end.

    • @ER-nh9ss
      @ER-nh9ss 4 роки тому +3

      Education, with an attitude like that you would go very far! I think in the UK we need more male social workers especially... I dont know the process for becoming a social worker in the USA but please look into it:)

    • @Frostops6
      @Frostops6 4 роки тому

      Social worker, also known as child takers. Sure go ahead 😂😂😂 they place kids in places like this

  • @veronicajackson1674
    @veronicajackson1674 4 роки тому +1

    course she smiled shes safe now! so happy shes safe.... beautiful little girl... glad she was rescued omg the closet!!!!! animals get taken care of better! so happy she is safe from this abuse!

  • @wendellhackley512
    @wendellhackley512 4 роки тому

    Some people need to stop having kids because they really don't want them, but they are the most beautiful ones on earth and so special. I hope they give them maximum sentence.

  • @swizzleproxi4810
    @swizzleproxi4810 7 років тому +13

    Evil just pure Evil.

  • @carollothian4583
    @carollothian4583 6 років тому

    Such a resilient strong little girl ❤

  • @302Notary-fingerprintboss
    @302Notary-fingerprintboss 4 роки тому

    I pray this child fully healed

  • @stacey7637
    @stacey7637 4 роки тому

    Thank God this poor little girl got rescued.

  • @jessica_7744
    @jessica_7744 3 роки тому +1

    God I wish I could get help too. This little girl must be so happy that she had got help. Hope she doesn’t get PTSD or anything. Shes an angel 😇

    • @danimarie2156
      @danimarie2156 3 роки тому +1

      I hate to be the one to say it, but look up her name on google. I’m not saying it’s because of her trauma, but she definitely needs mental help

    • @jessica_7744
      @jessica_7744 3 роки тому

      @@danimarie2156 WHAT THE.. what happen?? Is she like her parents now????

    • @gato.2645
      @gato.2645 3 роки тому

      @@jessica_7744 No, she's not, she's been abused countless times, she hasn't received treatment at the right time and has been neglected for a long time, it's not her fault

  • @010587impala
    @010587impala 4 роки тому +5

    Whomever did that is done when they get locked up

  • @laylasadventures4829
    @laylasadventures4829 5 років тому

    This is beyond heartbreaking. I hope she's coping as best she can possibly can now.

  • @foxycat8751
    @foxycat8751 3 роки тому

    This is absolutely horrendous! Poor baby…… I hope she found a loving family. 🙏🏽

  • @mashalsharjeel5955
    @mashalsharjeel5955 3 роки тому

    'She just smiled' 🥺

  • @peacemaker1502
    @peacemaker1502 2 роки тому

    Hope she was able to live and get over these horrific beginning of her life! Poor little girl, may she of become a strong woman, pray she found peace and love in her life!!! 🌹

  • @Desaree1
    @Desaree1 7 років тому +27

    what are the names of the animals that did this to her

    • @audrat6066
      @audrat6066 7 років тому +14

      des fessler Barbie and Kenneth

    • @SAbr-tk4xi
      @SAbr-tk4xi 7 років тому +23

      des fessler no, not animals.
      ...animals would never do shit like that...only humans can be so sick

    • @egyptgirl12345
      @egyptgirl12345 7 років тому +1

      Barbie and ken

    • @saraparra5809
      @saraparra5809 7 років тому

      Desaree scraps Devil incarnate and Devil incarnate 2

    • @judywhitear
      @judywhitear 6 років тому +3

      Desaree Counts please don't call them animals that is an insult to animals that care so much for there babies and put there life on the line to protect there young

  • @karenp7601
    @karenp7601 3 роки тому +1

    Hope she is doing well and is happy

  • @ems8717
    @ems8717 5 років тому

    Children are so precious. I dont understand how people can hurt them. Sick fucking bastards

  • @meows_and_woof
    @meows_and_woof 4 роки тому +3

    And I can’t even say No to my son asking me for a pizza or a toy
    How can parents be so cruel to their own children

  • @jennymarie2217
    @jennymarie2217 2 роки тому

    May God bless that innocent child

  • @cocoabeans8636
    @cocoabeans8636 4 роки тому

    That is so very awful.
    Very saddening.
    I'm glad to hear she is now free of it, but to have to go thru that is absolutely horrible.

  • @alexandermckenzie1165
    @alexandermckenzie1165 8 років тому +15

    I literally puked watching this

  • @nairdad257
    @nairdad257 3 роки тому

    I pray that this young girl will find peace.

  • @mariaagel8764
    @mariaagel8764 3 роки тому +1

    So SHOCKED CPS in Dallas County did anything?!? Cause they sure as HELL Failed my grandsons!!! For YEARS!!!!
    THANK GOD this Lil' Angel was saved! 💯

  • @Muskateering
    @Muskateering 10 років тому +8

    Why, WHY? :'(

  • @melloyellow8875
    @melloyellow8875 3 роки тому

    Poor child 😔😔😔 glad she got rescued 🙏🙏🙏

  • @Black-ez7ep
    @Black-ez7ep 4 роки тому +2

    Imagine how many of these kids are going through this during this pandemic with no outlets

    • @NeiveVeve
      @NeiveVeve 4 роки тому

      I think about this, so sad. Some parents at our schools aren't even online schooling their kids. They are just falling through the cracks. A big increase of the high school kids are on Xanax and wax. This should be considered a pandemic in our county also! Not just the virus. So sad 😥 what's going on right now with the children.

  • @misstownsend8732
    @misstownsend8732 5 років тому

    My daughter works with the police and has to file cases... she can't tell me what's on her mind only that it was a bad day. Her strength is amazing. I can't imagine the strength it takes to be an officer to find innocent children hurt by pure evil. These people are AMAZING and EARTHLY ANGELS.

  • @artisticalex1206
    @artisticalex1206 10 місяців тому +1

    I don’t really ever cry reading true crime cases but this case had me bawling. I found out about it through Dr Phil. How can people be so evil?

  • @bari2883
    @bari2883 3 роки тому

    Wow. I have no words.

  • @camrynupshaw5052
    @camrynupshaw5052 3 роки тому

    Just fills me with rage..

  • @nova4472
    @nova4472 4 роки тому +10

    Why is this in my recommendations? It’s almost 2020?

  • @emobo9840
    @emobo9840 7 років тому +6

    definition of pure evil.

  • @reacew7624
    @reacew7624 3 роки тому

    That makes me sick, that poor little girl man. Can't wait to get off work and hug my little ladys

  • @OutlawQueen127
    @OutlawQueen127 3 роки тому

    I think of this story often. It has haunted me for years

  • @Sourpatch28
    @Sourpatch28 5 років тому +3

    And now she’s arrested for sexually abusing a 14 year old 🤦🏻‍♀️

    • @DropShotTho_t
      @DropShotTho_t 4 роки тому

      Not that serious, sis. It was consensual and emotionally/mentally they are about the same age. The 14 yr old parents didn't consent and that's why lauren got charged. Fucking read

  • @Captainofkittens
    @Captainofkittens 3 роки тому +1

    Poor baby, I hope she's going okay today. I really do

    • @gato.2645
      @gato.2645 3 роки тому

      She was arrested for having a relationship with an underage girl, she is in a psychiatric clinic

  • @ShoJ369
    @ShoJ369 3 роки тому

    7 years later you tube shows me this. Horrific how this little girl was treated, yet she still smiles and shows trust. Can anyone point me in the direction of a follow up please ?

    • @kittymaid420
      @kittymaid420 3 роки тому

      She was arrested for sexually assaulting a minor in 2019 :/

  • @honeypots8787
    @honeypots8787 4 роки тому +1

    My mother used to tell me that all children choose their parents. Every time I did something she didn't like she'd say "You chose to be here". She posted quotes in pretty fonts all over her Facebook.
    As I got older I realised how fucking stupid that was. I would tell her what about children in abusive homes, did they choose to be there? She said " Apparently yes."
    I showed her this case and she kept it up. She kept it up.

  • @Ydce1891
    @Ydce1891 4 роки тому

    Oh lord I hope that girl is thriving and her life is only filled with pleasant moments and happiness after what has been done to her. I’ve never had kids and I would do anything to have a little daughter to love. I can’t understand how sick you must be to not only take that for granted but to torture and abuse your child. It’s makes me sick.

  • @collettewhosthatgirl1330
    @collettewhosthatgirl1330 4 роки тому

    Sick bastards!!! That poor little girl, I can't even imagine! I'm just glad she was found and rescued before it was to late. I hope the monsters who did that to her burn in hell!

  • @foxyrhi7398
    @foxyrhi7398 5 років тому

    Thank you for saving this baby girl i through similar i now suffer from cptsd for sure she will have the same

  • @jerrypie
    @jerrypie 4 роки тому +2

    For anyone who's curious, the abused child, now an adult, went on Dr. Phil pretty recently.

    • @jerrypie
      @jerrypie 4 роки тому

      @@lesliesoto7559 if you look up "Dr. Phil Lauren" you should find clips, I only watch dr. Phil on UA-cam so I don't know the name of the full episode sorry

  • @susiesmith7694
    @susiesmith7694 3 роки тому +1

    Update 2021 on Laura: Folks she’s not doing well. She’s 27 yrs old already been in jail they are or she already has by this time put her in a mental institution. She was arrested for sexually abuse of a child. She needs lots of help and prayers. This child went through things no one should ever think about doing.

    • @mr.mediocregamer9653
      @mr.mediocregamer9653 3 роки тому +1

      Hope the parents burn in hell for an appropriate amount of time for what they did... They scarred a soul.

  • @charusharma3827
    @charusharma3827 3 роки тому +1

    oh my god poor child I wish she recover from that experience

  • @bree-arnaharris2437
    @bree-arnaharris2437 6 років тому

    For whatever reason he chose to share what he did with that neighbour, I am so grateful that Lauren did not become a statistic. God knows she was so close to being one and that is the only thing I can think of that would make me feel sicker and more broken for this girl, because no one would ever have known she existed, she would never have been able to know that she mattered or that she was loved and the idea of that little girl dying alone in that closet believing that is more than I can bear. Lauren I will gladly be your friend.

  • @celestialcircledance
    @celestialcircledance 6 років тому

    Its amazing that she survived this ...

  • @lesliesmith5797
    @lesliesmith5797 5 років тому

    Poor bitty little girl. I hope she will recover.

  • @Starmadien2019
    @Starmadien2019 6 років тому

    Even the kids who were allowed to be in the house faced cruelty and abuse. This was a most disturbing and disgusting case.

  • @xemmafx2012
    @xemmafx2012 3 роки тому

    Omg this has totally
    Broke me, in years watching, that poor little girl

  • @kathydavenport4422
    @kathydavenport4422 3 роки тому

    Lord above. What a horrible evil monsters that was there. Thank you guys for saving this little girl. She deserves so much better. Bless her heart. Be brave and strong be bless abundantly little one. Much love sent to you from all over the world

  • @MRB1199
    @MRB1199 4 роки тому

    That little girl walks with angels....god was with her in that closet